Wait, what? Only 2 seconds to open a safe?

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okay so i must warn you that after watching this video you probably won't trust safes like you used to and you definitely won't trust hotel safes in this example i've got a hotel safe this is a rottner which i'm probably not pronouncing correctly safe it's a premium hotel security safe we're told that it's safe for hotels homes you can store documents jewelry it provides valuable security it's burglary proof it's fireproof it's an electronic safe so this is a safe that you may find in a hotel now it's not just the safe that has this problem many safes have this problem which i'm going to demonstrate right now let's see how long it takes me to open this safe so we supposed to store our valuables in a safe like this when we're traveling and staying in a hotel as an example so here i've got some money i've got some dollars i've got some euros i've got some rams i've got some crooners so let's put that in the safe i've already got my wallet in the safe i'll put my passports in the safe so i've got two passports of mine here so let's put that in the safe hopefully this will secure my stuff when i'm traveling now typically would put in a better password than this but let's assume i've put in a password of one two three four that will open the safe now you could use an angle grind or something else to try and open a safe like this but that's a lot of work it's very messy there are much easier methods than trying to break open a safe using brute force now i've got a huck lock tool set here you can buy a tool set like this from amazon prices vary but as an example in the uk i can get this for 26 pounds you can get it cheaper elsewhere but i purchased this from amazon so huck tool set now i'll reset this tool all i need to do is press this down press it on a surface as an example and make sure that all the pins are aligned and on most safe you would open this and that have a place to put in a key on this one it's a bit different all i need to do is take that off and notice there's a place to put in a key so we have all this fancy security but let's see how long this takes me i'll put this in okay so it's in now let's see how long it takes to open the safe that took me like two seconds and there you go i could take some of the cash and then just close the safe so let's lock it again when you come back you put your code in safe opens you don't realize that i've taken some of your money it's as simple as that to open one of these safes so i'll lock the safe again okay so it's locked let's do that again so i'll reset this tool once again press this right down you could do it like this but i'm doing this on a hard surface to make sure that all the pins are aligned literally all i'm going to do is take this and put it in takes me longer to get the key in notice it's in and now i'm going to try and turn it there you go simple as that because what this key does is it replicates the master key or the built-in key that comes with the safe this is really a joke i mean why bother having all the security where you put in passwords when you can simply open it with a tool like this and again this is just an example of one type of hotel safe there are many others that can be open with a tool like this very very easily it's really a joke now another reason i got the safe is if you brave and i wouldn't say i'm brave perhaps a bit foolish i can use a card like this to lock the safe so there you go i've simply used a tesco club card but you could use your credit card if you're very brave tesco is a shop in the uk and this is sort of a rewards card so i've locked the safe but once again i could simply open it with a key or if i got close enough to you i could use a tool like this to copy your rfid card so this is using rfid but i could simply scan the rfid here and i've been able to get the card number okay she speaks quite loudly but let's do that again hopefully you can see that so i'll scan it again and then i could simply write it so so it's as simple as that to create an rfid clone of this card so this fob is a clone of that and notice there you go i've been able to open the safe don't about you but this is probably more work than simply using a key like this safe is locked once again i'll just reset this to prove the point so reset that it's got to make sure i put it in right and then there you go opened locked be careful about security don't trust what people tell you you may have believed that hotel safes are safe but this is not safe this is a joke really with a simple tool like this i can open up a safe and take out your valuables now there's another method to opening safes like this and that's entering the default master code under this safe the master code is a whole bunch of eights and notice the safe opens up now the code used will vary depending on the safe that you encounter so you could try a whole bunch of zeros as an example that doesn't work here you could try a whole bunch of nines that doesn't work but once again putting in a whole bunch of eights opens the safe not very secure personally i don't think i'll trust a hotel safe for my valuables um i'd rather store my money somewhere else take it with me or do something else it's probably safer just putting it in my bag and locking my travel bag then putting it into a safe like this if it's so easy to open there are lots of examples like this on youtube where people open up safes very easily by simply hitting them as an example so if you tap some saves they'll simply open up but a key like this makes it dead easy it's honestly a joke really [Music] you
Channel: David Bombal
Views: 58,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rfid, hotel safe, hotel safety tips, lock picking, lock picking 101, rfid cloner, rfid door lock, rfid scanner, rfid safe, rfid technology, hotel safe hack, comptia security+, comptia, comptia it fundamentals, rfid chips, what is rfid, tesco, lock picking for beginners, lockpickinglawyer, lock picking lawyer, what is rfid?, how does rfid work, rfid implants, rfid cards, rfid tags, read and write rfid tags, comptia network+, security+, cybersecurity, comptia certifications
Id: X990ZNA2Tog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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