The BEST Hearthstone Game I Have EVER Played!

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all right deck intro time and this time we're on fire so for this combo we're first going to start by using a pyrotechnician to obtain a random copy of Blackrock n roll which we use to buff an in-deck King Krush and then we use a faithful companions for the otk now in standard right now there's only about 20 fire spells total and they're all pretty fun cards so I think that's pretty much it for the deck intro this time guys now in the game you're about to watch somehow nothing and yet everything went right remember to like and subscribe and thanks so much for watching okay that's a nice hand I'll take it need to find the Pyro Pyro um I think I'm gonna keep digging I could take the Lor'themar but okay well I'll play this to confuse him I think is that true yeah like I could play tracking this turn but I don't really have good follow-up afterwards so excellent I don't think I coin it I play that and wait probably pyro coin tracking nope jebaited didn't use it okay I think I take the Faithful over the Lor'themar well we have a backup plan now okay unfortunately you can kill the application but it's gonna come back it's fine I can play my monkeys now to try to protect it whoa random I could evolve one of the monkeys too I think they're only two Mana though I don't think they're three so a little bit less exciting well if I hit Finley I might just play this I will see okay yeah oh there are three nice uh five four or four five I guess the four five is better I'm in not not the cream of the crop there I gotta say that was uh not the best I'm gonna Mill here but it's okay I guess the double taunt is better but it's a priest he can have silence it's gonna feel really bad I don't know never mind okay oh um okay fine we may go up if he especially if he kills this I'm probably gonna Finley Lame all right good luck guys actually well I want an extra card in hand or do you want to play something I guess I could taunt up I Could Just Kill this too okay let's do this me watch him have steam cleaner because he would Malganis oh wow oh it probably won't work though those are some spicy ones though gotta say do I have any Undead I do oh that's not good might be a while before I can proc this thing too if ever I guess it'll work eventually whatever he stole from me from identity theft he can't play I haven't unfortunately have not summoned many totems I mean do we just like straight go malganus that feels kind of bad maybe just go Cairne first I could swing I'm gonna hold it I think it's gonna be my real cards anyway right I'd say I should have been paying attention I could have figured out what they are it was my rightmost cards whenever I played Finley I don't remember what they are I don't think anything too exciting oh I can steal that I see double bumps I guess I can just steal them back might double bump I mean you really shouldn't have done that that was stupid so I can just get another one that was a terrible play by him maybe he realizes it now that was the wrong one to buff too oh that's fun yeah those are mine thanks those are mine all mine no telling yourself at least you can only play one of them so Finley oh okay sure I don't really need the healing that badly I could just play this thing not bad right nice good oh they're demons too oh insane darn now they are dead well I had the primordial for this thing this is annoying it'll be full cost though so not the worst thing in the world I guess the doctor oh my God uh maybe we know much then okay this kind of counters um is uh zylag as well all right if he hasn't clear my board like I also can play this thing too just pretty nasty interesting that one instead of uh the doctor I wonder how far away I am for this working it can't be that far away actually because I shovel quite a few cards down right okay see where the boom Bots fall I guess not gonna clear my board though okay I was probably in location there whatever oh that's terrible I mean that is a totem synergy um do I bump first uh I'm gonna say no and a ghost space I guess the heel draw is probably fine you know what I've never played this card let's try it for now anyway okay quickly um all right also a demon by the way this has wind Fury this is actually really dangerous needs to kill this I'll do it oh that cost seven that's annoying well that's annoying so it doesn't work maybe I draw maybe that's blade and draw because I could play the totem alongside it okay I want my Countess oh I have rivendare oh my God okay and I got some armor there as well isn't this an undead too yeah I could actually pop it with the Elder too so I probably shouldn't play this then because I actually want my Countess to work and that will Shuffle three neutrals into my deck which would feel a real bad also this is a 7-7 Now isn't that weird there oh that's annoying that's annoying why is he using this location I don't get that why is he so anti-location oh it works I need to free my hand up I guess I just mill my next card that's probably fine right hopefully he doesn't have another identity theft okay oh nice these uh the invitations will also activate my uh Commander too not that it's that exciting but you know whoa one bad part though is if I play three of these I can't play in one of my five drops but I'll play okay he has to be dead right he's gotta be dead off these invitations these very spicy invitations I mean all those are really good but I don't have well I could buff it with this it's a little difficult to do that in one turn actually yeah but still the pick Giga Chad I could just play this right now also an undead do I need gigafin I feel like I don't since I have this let's start with that okay we're good I need like one of the Golems to be small so I can bump it off and then play the Elder to buff this right or for him to play a really big minion right although this is these are both uh undeads as well so I was probably actually really close to lethal there I may have actually had lethal I may have missed it no I couldn't play my Elder last turn yeah it was probably close though this may not work out but I'm gonna try it hopefully I can bounce oh perfect and I'm immune I am a turtle what a game now that was a Hearthstone game
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 41,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, hearthstone otk, fun hearthstone decks, hearthstone gameplay, markmckz, mark mckz, mark hearthstone, markmckz hearthstone, mark mckz hearthstone, Pyrotechnician hearthstone, spell hunter hearthstone, secret hunter hearthstone, blackrock 'n' roll, fires of zin-azshari, festival of legends decks, festival of legends hunter, hunter deck hearthstone, best festival of legends decks, best hearthstone decks, legend hearthstone decks, king krush
Id: 4ZIF76X5E4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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