WAIT THE KIDS?! Psychologist Reacts to Arcane Episode 3

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foreign oh my [ __ ] God yeah they wouldn't [ __ ] kill any of these kids right it's Netflix they wouldn't [ __ ] do that [ __ ] oh no [Applause] hi YouTube how are you doing I hope you're doing well I hope you're genuinely practicing that self-care okay it has been what we watched it on Wednesday or Tuesday it's been a couple of days since we watched episode two of Arcane and let me start off by saying this hi in case you guys don't know me my name is Ed I'm a psychologist I tend to go to an analyze anime uh video games and everything in between I don't know what else to say I this this whole everything is unmonetized this whole thing is strictly to go ahead and analyze the behaviors uh the character Dynamics power dynamics attachments everything in between but let me start off by saying any predictions I do make does not make me a psychologist or a psychologist a wizard uh I'm not a wizard I'm just a psychologist that tends to go ahead and analyze everything that is my number one thing I'm throwing out there guys with that being said let's talk about this show for a second I know right let's talk about this show for a second what have you guys done to me what like I'm not I'm not even I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna say it what have you guys done to me legitimately it has been two days and I've been craving on this show in like quite literally at work thinking about powder thinking about me thinking about or by thinking about all of these [ __ ] characters and how this show might go and all I can think about is how much therapy could do well in any [ __ ] uh in any in any fictional world that we've talked about like therapy could really do a lot of Wonders and a lot of these musicai worlds whether it's moshko tensei whether it's re-zero whether it's arcade right whether it's oshinoko like I I don't know what else it says we can legitimately look at this also highlights how you doing hi I hope you're doing well we can legitimately look at these worlds and be like huh if therapy or mental health was allowed in here maybe maybe stuff wouldn't have been so bad for a lot of these these people you know maybe they wouldn't be taking in a lot of this trauma extra loaded you know but no no Ed said some shop in the league lobbies Kyle's are you gonna teach me League oh God anyways with that being said why don't we going to jump into it also what is Arcane episode one going up on YouTube I don't know by the time you guys see this we're already a couple episodes and come and join us um I guess this is gonna solidify Arcane Fridays I guess I guess this vote today solidifies Arcane Fridays well come on in because Arcane has been kicking everyone's ass like all the other shows asses so anyway well I will teach you just do please don't join oh God anyway let's jump into it shall we I know I'm going to hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I don't care about that logo interesting okay okay wait what do you mean oh you guys can't hear it oh yeah if you guys can't hear it why do you why are you guys saying deaf interesting it's not like you guys are missing much do any of you guys find anything anything like this interesting or is it just me [ __ ] cooking already is it just me already like losing my [ __ ] mind here okay let me I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna just go back just a little bit what I find really interesting about this right or what I find really really interesting about this opening is they don't have to show this right I know it's a it's an opening logo for Netflix but they could have put this any other way it could have just been a small spec something baby sized on the corner of the screen where it's at a Netflix series but yeah it decides not to do that in fact it decides to go ahead and show us something else right which in in psychodynamics pretty much every single thing that is presented uh even unconsciously is important to the conscious mind so I'm looking at this right and immediately what comes to mind is just how upside down everything is right look at this right you would think that for a record player or something like this it would be flipped downward right where this machine grabs something and places it down but in fact no it bases it up with the with the record facing down and I know what you guys must be saying like Ed you're you're you're you're you're you're being ridiculous right now but for me this is sort of an establishment that we are quite literally like everything's about to flip on its head quite literally in that sense and that like you know it's already showing that distinction between the lanes and the higher ground right inside of that because what do you do when you look up you see it probably a cleaner City a cleaner everything going off of this off of this whole just opening this whole little just three second uh thing here it makes me wonder oh there's a difference between the way that something is like promoted like you can have a yeah yeah we're looking for up from the bottom exactly exactly crazy I'm about to mute you we're looking from the bottom up which is an interesting perspective because it's giving us already the feel that we are the lanes that we are looking up that this story is quite literally being fabricated and told in a perspective and it even makes me wonder and it actually even makes it even makes me wonder if these characters that we're about to see are about to get tainted in that view by the higher up position because clearly they could have done this opening little segment this two second three seconds in any other form any other way this could have been done but they decided to go ahead and show us from as though we are looking up that is blowing my mind because psychologically guess what this happens at the theater you're going to a movie theater right and in order to get to get you ready for the movies what do they do get what do they do to get you ready for the movies ladies and gentlemen you're at the movie theater what happens no some of you guys must be like what the [ __ ] we're I don't I don't even have to go that far I they've already started typing it right there for you we are primed in a way to get ready to see something in a way to get ready to see a narrative Netflix in this particular show did not just decide to go ahead and jump into it they did not just decide hey you know what we're just jumping into we're not putting this opening sequence in yet they put this opening sequence in every single time to Prime us as the audience that is sitting down to look up and see the narrative that they're presenting right which is psychologically [ __ ] amazing when we look at the psychology of like uh media and the psychology of ads and how all of that works we're talking about Cinema ads but this is also related to the show because all of a sudden how is this narrative gonna present are we about to see a break in between these individuals because we're already seeing them at such a high place that we must see them like you know in terms of just a record in itself calm down where all of a sudden they're not the perfect record that they seem to be in here and I wonder if this has any meaning or no meaning at all [ __ ] going forward I'm just going off of the immediacy that is this that is the priming effect that this has on our brains that is quite literally the priming effect that this has for us as the viewers to sit here watch this every single time the show starts you know it's about to start you hear the the Netflix logo you know and then you hear this and by this time you're already watching this happen and I would have had it would have had more meaning if you had Don the chef have no no no I don't need the chef hat for this because I'm not cooking just yet I'm just summarying the pan I'm just simmering the pan right now I ain't cooking just yet I'm just I'm just meal prepping at the moment you know I'm getting ready I'm getting heating up heating up my my uh my pans at the moment yeah so I I'm looking at this and immediately it comes into mind it's also the roles of responsibilities that are placed on this is so beautifully allocated that I don't even know I don't even know what the [ __ ] to do dude my pants not my pants dude [Laughter] uh but that's why I'm like this is an interesting opening uh make me think it's stuck here in a circle right it also makes us think that we're stuck in a confine that we can't really escape this story is a record player a record player whose needle can never escape this record unless it scratches off unless there's an outside force that comes in and a lot makes it scratch off and I wonder if that's what's gonna happen here anyway why did I okay I'm gonna shut the [ __ ] up I question myself sometimes Chad that was 15 seconds this was 15 [ __ ] seconds less than 15 seconds because we skipped the opening what the [ __ ] am I doing oh no okay I'ma stop always oh hmm ever wonder what it's like to drown yes the story of opposites there's peace and water that is holding you whispering in low tones to let it in every problem in the world will fade away but then there's this thing in your head and it's raging letting every nerve with Madness to survive and all the while is questioning us before you Sonny you could pass a lifetime with it while facing a choice like that but it changes you forever for that I thank you old friend what a [ __ ] opening what a [ __ ] opening this and of itself this is actually something that I find beautiful about water stoves like this and and I'll open it up this way I want you if you guys can be honest if you guys want to be if you guys want to be vulnerable and stuff hold on I don't even know if there's subtitles I don't see no subtitle option sadly uh let me go ahead and open this up to you guys how many of you are my own series how many of you genuinely feel like you're drowning how many of you have ever felt alone and have felt like your closest support networks are people that you've trusted have left you at some point let me try and find some subtitles in here hold on uh uh how many of you have ever felt that way I've ever felt as though you've tried it you really really tried to go ahead and get along with others or do something but yet you felt isolated or you've attempted to do certain things and you were left alone you were left uncared for yeah I don't think they have them sadly oh well it is what it is I'll go ahead and bring this back up though how many of you have genuinely struggled through something like that where you you find you found some meaning of Peace in that silence at times I've been there I think all of like at some point in your life you will experience this as well because it is a sort of a developmental milestone that a lot of people go through right A lot of people go through like imlon says in instances like that where we go through periods of time when we're alone or periods of time where our support structure is shaky periods of time where we're trying and we're reaching out for help and no one's listening periods of time where sometimes we we're rather left off to our own Solace and deep inside of us something is fighting something is telling us hey get up go do something go like fighting keep fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting and you're like no I can't not now not now and this this is why I tend to bring this up and this is why I always bring it up um I always bring it up when I have the time which is if you're watching this stream and if you're alone and these are characters that impact you even if it [ __ ] sounds silly and I did this a lot during oceanico but it's because I genuinely mean it like I'm proud of you I'm proud of you for even seeing through and watching something like someone as dorky silly as me analyzing the show something allows us to take in shows reactions formats whatever to either feel an emotion to think logically or go through something you know try to go through a self-analysis Journey or self-reflection Journey and no one can take that away from you heal at your own pace if you're hurt take that time for you to like extend out to your support networks and reach out to professionals if you really do need them like I'm not gonna lie to you like it would break my heart to hear like some of you guys no longer like are struggling you know struggling to to be alive and that is exactly why I'm saying guys if you guys are going through a rough time if you guys feel like you don't have any support networks if you guys feel as though you are lost or you're drowning or you're in this big dark deep pit hey Reach Out reach out to someone I not to [ __ ] self promo or anything like that I think we have a wonderful Discord and if if you feel like you want to make new friends or you want you want a place where you can go ahead and talk about stuff and not really feel judged and be open to venting and support networks we have that there for you and if you're in school dude hey I'm gonna be straight up with you if you're in uni and you're in college or high school or anything like that reach out talk talk often times I'm gonna throw this out there a lot of us get so stuck in our research gets so stuck in the everyday grind guess what school is school can be a full-time job for people we all start at different points in our life and I'm seeing this man right here and I'm seeing sort of what was done to him and I feel like he was betrayed down to the corn that betrayal leads to something that in Psychology we we usually say hurt people hurt people people that have been hurt and betrayed will try and hurt and betray others they might yeah like and it's it's a woof oh it can be a little rough and that's that's why I'm bringing this up like guys this is your story this is your narrative this is whatever you wish it to be but you don't have to go through this journey in life alone wow I I'm I'm I'm kind of scared for him I I am scared for him because seeing that like the animosity and everything that that comes through with his just voice acting and what this presentation in here I do wonder if is this the guy that has the red eye then first off that's because that's the thing that comes to mind but or yellow red eye you know what I'm talking about but the second thing that comes to mind is yeah hurt people hurt people and more than likely what we're about to see is literally him yeah him heard a bunch of others woof all right let's let's see this one more time [ __ ] but then there's this thing in your head and it's raging hiding excuse me to survive and all the while is questioning is before you you had enough it's funny you could pass a lifetime without ever facing a choice like that yeah but it changes you forever for that I thank you old friend he's absolutely right near life experiences and Trauma do changes to our very poor in fact it changes our neurons and it changes our ways of thinking a lot of people don't seem to think that oh yeah you got you got in a car accident you had a drama oh wow I hurt my leg and you know so and so forth people try and downplay Trauma often people try and downplay different forms of trauma without realizing the actual effect that trauma has in her brain that the fact that it can go ahead and and impact our neurotransmitters it can impact the way that like we process events and feelings and so on so forth this is why I'm I'm I'm sort of taking a step back and I'll I'll go ahead and I'll go ahead and do something like this right which is like if we were to look at a system of healing and a system of like a journey appealing of what is what is possible for people to heal and what is probably it's significantly harder for people to view we're all going to start off at the same time we're gonna play a numbers game right I'm gonna say plus or minus okay whoever gets the most plus is more than likely like closer to 10 is more than likely going to be a winner okay you guys ready you guys ready oh thanks so much hi my conception I hope you're doing well a gift oh five gears you're wonderful okay we're all at this we're all at the starting starting line if you were if you had two caring loving caregivers at the time that you were born add one if you didn't if you had one stay where you are if you had none minus one if you had access to a private tutor add one if you didn't stay where you are if you had if your parents had access to put you into I don't just mean access but could put you into a private school add one if they didn't stay where you are if you had to transfer into say a boarding school or another school being homeschooled or whatnot you can take away one if you had to move around from time to time as a kid more than once to a different location take away one if you've been at the same place for majority of your young years add one if yeah I know I know that's I I'm I'm doing this if you've experienced some sort of major trauma take away one if right oh all of a sudden all of a sudden we're moved we're moving through this everyone's going through aspects like this right okay here's my next one if you got into a university right with with uh you know with everything paid for add one if you didn't take away one I'm gonna ask one more and be I'm not asking all ten but I'm just asking some genuine questions right if you had genuine caring support networks people that you people that you could genuinely consider friends people that loved you and cherished you and were there with you along the journey and I don't just mean friends that came and went I meant like a good chunk a good sizable like friend group two three four four people that you could genuinely consider friends not Discord people but people that you interacted with them in real life add one if you didn't take away one outside of family okay for those of you that are that that got anywhere in the positive look back and look at some of the individuals in the negative there I can't even imagine for silco in here this is this is exactly and I'm related to Arcane because this is exactly what I'm doing we all have different starting lines in life some of us have a little bit more access to things available to us whether it's support networks whether it's two caring parents or caregivers uh that are there for us whether it's you know having access to an actual private tutor whether it's so on so forth some of us already have a lot of tools for resilience and success in life some of us have to crawl out of this like you know Negative Zone for example and try and get get ourselves up there try and get ourselves even to an equal ground to where the starting line is before we can make attempts to try and better ourselves in aspects like that when we're looking at something like this and this is so that we can look at it with an emotional intelligence with an eye of emotional intelligence it takes a lot to just exactly five years it takes a lot to just be okay and this is by no means way shape or form to downplay others or anything around us but it's a way for us to be conscientiously aware that hey everyone has a different starting line and for those of us and for the individuals that you know have those in the negative numbers for example for Selco I can only imagine like he's been traumatized he's been going through so many things so more than likely he's going to be in the negative side and it's going to be significantly harder uh for individual individuals in that line to Finish Line like the race if we're to be of race to finish first so he'd more than likely pent up with a lot of resentment he's more than likely pent up with a lot of different emotions that are going through this this is this is very can be very very tiresome this can be very very it takes a lot to just be okay I hope that like if you if you guys were in chat and if you guys were doing this on YouTube and you guys were looking at a lot of the numbers coming in on chat that it made you realize that as well like man I had a five I had an eight and I saw someone with a negative three with a negative four like whoa right like that is that is a big big leap of like you know different starting lines here and that's a big leap of support for silco this is something that I'm wondering is if this is the case with all the trauma with everything happening with the Betrayal of his friend or betrayal whoever this is what does this mean for resilience does this mean that this is a man that can easily bounce back or does this mean that this is more than likely a man that's gonna Harbor revenge and sentiments of like [ __ ] You [ __ ] this I'm gonna fight I have to fight life is hard life is hard sorry if that is a reality check for some of y'all sorry if that hit us as a reality check for some of y'all but like I love introducing Concepts like this because it gets us to think it gets us to think about how each one of these characters if we were to do powder if we were to do VI if we were to do cell code so on so forth they would all end up differently with the same answers like questions being asked oof oof anyway sorry guys interesting that there's purple running in this it's like the grainy film of someone's mind like like you know the old cameras that like that you would roll and they'd have like a little grainy thing like going through yes you guys are going in blind this is what in case you guys are wondering this is what I'm talking about I I I didn't I didn't even put up the the the the the like I don't have the music on because I'm this caught my attention this is the grainy film that we're looking at but yet it has purple remember every color in every frame can be manipulated like it is manipulated I.E someone had to have approved a bit so I'm looking at this and I'm like why is it purple does this mean that this is just a shadow of a reflection of a kid playing with their toys imagine imagining what it is and what what isn't like we're going through this right and look Vai is sort of put on a pedestal VI is short of the the Chica over here right just like oh on one side but on the back side of that we have powder but powder doesn't get revealed and so the camera comes around but the light starts off on chica so what do people see what do people admire what do people even care about who has the role of power who has the role of importance who has the role of anything if the only thing you can see in here is Chica and her Shadow is Albedo what does that mean like that's a View and powder as Albedo don't give Chad any ideas oh God but but what does that mean like because clearly even in this shot even in this Frame if you look at it it looks like almost her back is completely draped and you cannot see powder in this at all and I know I know that this is a texturing tour or something in here for like texture or whatnot right or like or it's a 2d model of texture 2D model or something right but or a model or whatever the heck it is but the way that they highlight this the way that this that this comes to be her looking down with the spotlight placed on her oh and so the camera swoops around and reveals powder with powder looking up the same way with the Innocence the same in like innocence that a child would I wonder if their communication is broken at some point like this because for me that like it and even the the Shadow on her moves right look look look look it's not just me [ __ ] losing my mind right so she's looking down but it looks like her head just keeps twisting along right so if we look at it her her face tilts over and all of a sudden she's in Shadow like her face is in Shadow while powder is looking up for me this makes me wonder if there's some sort of resentment or Com or miscommunication that's going to happen between both of them yeah yeah I'm doing this without sound Aslam because I don't want to I don't want copyrights or the clean track whatever to come in and completely take out my voice and and then and then I'll play the the whole music video or the whole music for this but like this is this is one of what this is this is episode three next-gen gamer also how you doing I hope you're doing well but this is sort of what I'm looking at is all of this Shadow while she's in the light and it also freaks me out it freaks me out for one main reason what is powder looking at this might sound silly because you guys are you guys might just say oh no it's it's just a model you know it's it's just it's just REM it's just a model they can't be looking at something but if I if I highlight this right right if I highlight this like she's looking off somewhere it's for a reason right we don't just create we don't just put important characters on there for no reason they're placed ram my bad Ram I said say Ram we don't just put we just we don't just put characters for no reason so I'm afraid that the person that powder is looking up at is either going to be someone that should be on a pedestal or someone that's completely shouldn't because that light is completely covering Vice face and darkness terrifying terrifying also hello hello welcome on in Starlight Bureau I hope you're doing well and then interesting how this just proceeds like the lapse of time is there going to be like wait wait is there gonna be a time Jump in this show hold on hold on I hope that you never oh thanks door light beer appreciate it looking looking at uh you know the magic that they're trying to go and research Starlight thanks so much for the sub but looking at the way that like you know other characters are just introduced by like an unveiling but yet for some it's like it takes time look at the way that the look boom boom it takes time to work down a person's core normal passing by sure boom boom took many strides to go ahead and break this person down to this yeah please please don't confirm or deny anything of course my dude yes um hold on hold on if the council is here that they keep studying this like typically keep studying these things right say that they're like you know like like five heading papega had this like this thing if it genuinely does good would the council adopt such a thing or would they go against it my mind rushes to this because it for me it automatically strikes a moment of fear it strikes a moment that if this see that I'm like I'm like oh I can make some technology out of this what if it goes wrong what point can that bring down a civilization or a momentous impact like this can people use their positions of power I.E the way that we see this to influence others and I don't just mean influence some others by playing politics but by also you can do 101 things but you I think you gotta know what I'm talking like you're in a position of power you can get people to do what you want and what a better position of power to be in than if someone creates something magical with this little little thingy and all of a sudden you're you're falling in lines with this uh for Eddie to wizard I suppose why wouldn't they approve it what's the risk of reward well here's the thing a sudden shift into when you take new technological aspects sociologically speaking yeah it's great don't get me wrong like technology has advanced so [ __ ] quickly what happens the moment that technology stopped working let's say the internet is down let's say that the internet were to just go down completely even though I know I know for us in chat that's sort of a [ __ ] joke because my internet's crap but let's just assume let's just assume that the internet went completely down for everyone forever what does that do I bet you anything a lot of sociological destruction and of itself we're talking about uh people not being able to go ahead and approve like Loans pay off bills um seals off knowledge it stops advancements in certain areas you're talking about even aspects of getting help and whatnot it's like I don't mean Market grass Speed Run no but realistically speaking it sets it has it makes a setback and sets us back quite a bit so this is the same aspect of the wonders of introducing technology but at the same time the the aspect of what happens when that technology is taken from us or the moment that that technology becomes a danger to us in and of itself coffee I'm just hearing the pan I don't even think I'm cooking dude I'm just talking about like like General technology aspects brother oh man what happens if I were to eat this would I explode or would I gain its power I'm brother um [Music] [Music] by trying to protect these kids by solely focusing sorry that took a lot out of me by solely focusing on these kids let's say I had Alice right let's say I had Alice and Nick in my hand right and I'm protecting them and they're they're like anything they do on like the world might be going on fire but I'm over here like or or even chica [ __ ] it we'll use chica here right uh like I'm just protecting chica no matter what right I like the world's on fire everything's going on here but I'm just protecting chica what happens what happens if my soul focus is this and everything's on fire what happens by me protecting chica this much by me trying to make chica have a safe World a safe environment an aspect for her to thrive in right an aspect for her to not be messed around by what the president and actually have a good high school would that make me a demon would that make me a monster to prioritize chica over everything else bad that's happening in the world and not preparing chica for what's really out there ladies and gentlemen what do you what do you think because that is a deep question and that's sort of the way that I'm seeing this is we have him literally holding up a little safe zone for powder and VI and and through that I I think one of the one of the big aspects one of the big elements that comes through is is this a safe space for them or has he prepared them enough for the world that is out there I've seen in the Easter car with the isakai person messed up the MC's progression yeah it's absolutely true you take away from a person's growth if you do that from a person's resilience and ability to deal with trauma to deal with pain because let's say hold on hold on hold on can I get a yes chef can I get a chef ladies and gentlemen all right hold on oh wait wait we're gonna cook we're gonna cook today we it's seared for long enough ladies and gentlemen it's seared for long enough let's say I have mommy Albedo here right I protected mommy Albedo for her whole life she's super duper innocent super duper pure all of a sudden life goes to [ __ ] life just absolutely gets destroyed uh you know the world outside is just an absolute Menace an absolute wreck um I can't really protect her from the reality that's out there she's over here scared out of her mind she's over here not knowing what to do her ecological theory is completely scared I've tried to protect her like this the entire time but what happens when that's taken away when all of a sudden for whatever reason I can't be there for her what happens what happens if all of a sudden well done you hold on hold on hold on what happens if all of a sudden like you know she's over here struggling with the world and then comes French you know like [ __ ] trying to strike up a deal be like I'll protect you I'll be okay I'll be what's good what happens in an environment like this this is why I yell at parents this is why I get in discussions with parents this is this is why I legitimately have full-on discussions with parents about being overprotective being way too overprotective in trying to keep the outside world from from them from harm from aspects like this I'm looking at the way that he's holding on to them and he's holding on to them yes with care but also while holding on to this light and this perception as to what he can protect how he can make sure that they are safe how this world can go out and keep them safe but the truth is the world out there is not a safe one truth is also hi Aqua how are you doing I hope you're doing well Aqua I sent you some gifts on stream I hope you enjoy them I sent you like yeah I sent you some on Steam not stream on Steam but also I like that that's my number one thing is like making sure that a child that a person is able to go ahead and handle like the problems that are presented by the outside world if Albedo Falls it has a lot of trauma and she's anxious or whatever I want Albedo to be able to go ahead and properly work through that anxiety to use her coping skills to use her uh social skills what I don't want is the world is burning I have to attend to something Albedo Falls and next thing you know she's in a crisis event she's having a psyche break she's over here not knowing what you do because there are no Mental Health Resources available for Albedo and next thing you know I come back in Albedo Albedo's completely changed Albedo's attention style is Chiefs Albedo's protection of the world she no longer wants me I I I showed her the wrong world and so on so forth you know that is exactly what I'm bringing up by this is if you are a parent yes be protective care for your children so on so forth but do not shelter them from the world that is outside prep them for the world that is outside allow them to make mistakes people make mistakes show them what's right if they're getting older move from uh super duper parenting world to a counselor or role to be able to guide your child to be able to be successful in the future that's why I'm like that's why I'm [ __ ] you also let me know let me know if those were if those were okay Aqua I hope they were I hope they were oh no no problem no problem appreciate you Uncle I hope you play them someday oh man how are we how are we doing guys how are we doing are we doing okay we're in our end roughly how are we doing okay but we're not done yet hold on I I do have something I want to touch on so we're going to go back in a bit see this for me I I still look at this and I still see it as though he thinks he has wings but yet it's actually the Menace of someone higher and he vanishes that's that's awesome we're doing good um picking up the hammer man this is [ __ ] hype this is this is just too [ __ ] hype I do wonder about this hold on we I I'll turn on the sound well I'll do one last thing and then I'll turn on the sound right I'll do one last thing and then I'll turn on the sound my body feels the height bro I'm I'm so [ __ ] hyped I didn't think the show was gonna get me the way it has but like let's talk about this for a second right in this show so far what has happened what has happened in the show so far let's go ahead and do this in the show so far powder has had how many things powder has a trauma flag powder has the role of a kid to play in this environment so that's two it's already two she has strawman she has the role of a kid to play powder has the role to survive in the society right with all the other kids powder has the role of a sister and this goes for any character I'm just using powder as an example powder has the role of a tinkerer right powder has the role of an adopted daughter I guess if you want to put it that way she's been powder is also given the role of messing things up for the entire group who is powder these are so many [ __ ] roles and hats that are on just one character these are so many roles and that is not the definition of a paretoxic distortion at all these are these are so many roles that are assigned to an individual what happens when all of a sudden you wear all of these rolls just the way that you do like what you you guys that are watching this what happens the moment that all of a sudden these roles stop functioning these roles no longer applied oh yeah you were this role but only when you were loved oh that's right that's right you were this for all only only when we decided that you were this role otherwise you were okay what does that cause I know we went over Eric's developmental theories last episode role confusion identity confusion and this goes for any character living in the lanes so far that has been introduced this is why I'm excited to see how the kids uh and powder and all of them you know work through their struggles and how they're able to go out and get along because that is a lot of roles for these kids to have and that's why I'm so happy that like I don't know like these kids like genuinely are [ __ ] amazing and they get along and you know the fact that like the fact that we're watching a Netflix show I know that they won't [ __ ] die I think I think everything's gonna be [ __ ] fantastic ladies and gentlemen and we're about to just see an elevation of what it means for us to just carry on these roles and hopefully one or two more and hopefully it doesn't just so on so forth that's exactly why I'm going through all of that that's Baseline Ed when Ed grabs the party hat so you know it's about to get serious well I don't know I don't know just about just yet about that we're gonna like food Wars anyways I hope you guys are enjoying it so far anyways let's watch the intro I'm putting on the music just in case something pops up I have these on backwards and ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen after the music ends I am quickly gonna run to the restroom [Music] I'm gonna misery I swear I'm so [ __ ] hyped for this episode hi YouTube Welcome on in we're an hour in and we just got done with the opening welcome to psychulturist [ __ ] let's go welcome to sign culture and hell yeah baby let's go hey YouTube hola YouTube anyways guys I appreciate you appreciate you where is Muchachos I appreciate you expectations for the episode I don't know I don't know where this is gonna go I honestly don't know I'm just really [ __ ] thrilled I'm really excited to be here kiss you guys don't know I do curse it's part of my my vocabulary it's part of my uh vernacular to curse just just who I am this is the environment that I'm in you know and that's how we get along with that being said ladies and gentlemen I want to take a quick little break I got to go to the restroom as soon as I'm back we're getting started with the actual full-on episode of Arcane all right ladies and gentlemen I'll be right back appreciate you and I'll back it up I know y'all can't hear it I know y'all can't hear it so I'm gonna go and back it up there you guys foreign I'm sorry right this is the only way to protect the others Honda you've got it all dogs no no matter how the world tries to break you take the family thank you no no no no my bro just oh no okay okay guys if in the chat for Vander please if in the chat uh the flags you said this would be I didn't no no I didn't know I didn't know what comes off of this almost immediately I'm sorry but if you're trying to rectify your actions right get some sort of punishment for whatever may have happened that's one thing you can go ahead and negotiate talk about whatever right because the enforcers are clearly coming another aspect of this is by protecting her let's say something happens to Vander you've now heard her but she's more than likely gonna get salty and get some sort of annoyance or something and in transference I.E A coping mechanism accidentally or hurt powder like what dude you got to be careful with what you do like I know you're trying to protect her and I know like a lot of parents would do almost anything for their kid but like you have to get out of there you would do yeah it's ugly all around this is I'm guessing that's for me oh no can I say something let's look at the facial expressions here look at how beautiful this is look at vander's facial expressions right just the small shifts in his face in the animation of his face [ __ ] beautiful like legitimately beautiful the way that his shape like his face like just a subtle like thinking pattern that his face goes into you can genuinely feel like my man is conflicted my man is going through a lot of different thought patterns right there and then he knows what he has to do it or what he wants to do as a parent versus as a leader and I think this is a situation where a lot of people get trapped in sometimes right which is for example say that your brother your sibling whatever has issues with the friend of yours right and they're like they want you to choose between your relationship with your friend or your relationship with them what do you choose what do you choose we're often in a tough scenario when multiple roles that are placed on us both as the brother and both as a friend of the other individual or like we're between a rock and a hard place you know but wow looks all happy I know I know I know this is blowing my mind are you gonna let us make the arrest or not you'll oblige a doomed man one last smoke it is 3D animation I'm not putting you away Amanda the council needs its pound of Flesh without you down here to all falls apart this is so [ __ ] beautifully done this is so beautifully done the fact that that this enforcer rape has clearly communicated with Vander even though they have different power dynamics right power positions that should be at play and even though we see different enforcers in this world treat them like literal trash this one respects Vander and understands his role and his importance in the community I play Let's talk about that for a second because this is genuine care this is not just an enforcer dressed up in a made outfit with bunny girl ears and whatnot and everyone's just being like Oh you know it's nothing like that this is quite literally an enforcer or an individual character that we can go ahead and place into any environment that they are emotionally intelligent enough to be able to understand what is happening disenforcer clearly understands the dynamic that Vander plays in this world this enforcer yeah it's not just a definition of a good cop it's a definition of someone that is trying to go ahead and like you know knows that by taking Vander out of the situation everything might come down there is a there was a well two two ways number one it's a rally it's a rally cry for people they have taken Vander away for what reason right it can be a rally query for people number two what does that mean all of a sudden this position is empty of someone that's supposed to be a leader now you have a lot of people racing for that position of power if someone gets there now they can they can lead a Revolt now they can do certain things because now they are in charge Vander isn't a critical [ __ ] position without him everything goes to [ __ ] with him things slowly deteriorate which is why he needs to improve as a leader as a father as an individual so on so forth this power vacuum yeah exactly five gears that is created is insane and this enforcer understands this and this is why you can tell that this enforcer actually gets what's happening down here in the lanes compared to all the other enforcers which come down here in here like uh like a big dick in the locker room you know just swinging it everywhere to like I'm an enforcerer you know this enforcer is like no like with guys you know like you have to understand like life is not just all simple and easy like there's [ __ ] that's happening down here we have to take it seriously beautiful beautifully written characters beautifully written like just Dynamics at play exactly wow Enzo will handle things I might not have my devilish charm but he runs a Time ship oh no open the damn door what's happening oh no what the [ __ ] wait a minute hold on yeah I did not tell me a hurricane was sword wait a minute I thought this was like a happy-go-lucky League of Legends we're gonna get in here mold so what the [ __ ] no wait the good enforcer is dead to [ __ ] me dude oh no oh no no it's Daddy Silko terrified what's up oh no oh what what a way to make an engine Stone like legitimately let's talk about this right who's best for it the very first episode what did we see people struggling with the enforcers we saw just people legitimately struggling and taking down some of the enforcers that were around the blood field the battlefield and everything talk about opening this up to a true horror to estate a True Villain and see the power dynamics that are present this isn't just someone that struggles with with enforcers nah he decimates them I can't believe she's dead no interesting how he looks like a kid it looks like the shadow of a kid like that is so like for me this is hi hello can't think of me welcome on in I appreciate you being here welcome to the stream guys shop some Doritos or can't think of name they look pretty cool but like interesting how how quite literally like it looks like a kid and then he gets closer and closer and it's that reveal of course it's because he's further away it's distant stuff but what the [ __ ] you never did know when to walk away wait [Music] stubborn to the end what the [ __ ] Las Vegas Las Vegas oh [ __ ] get away coven man 2023 oh [ __ ] whoa hahaha this is [ __ ] terrifying Leon help oh no oh double kill to walk away oh [Music] stubborn to the end guys guys can I get a chef we're about to do a little bit of where we're about to do a little bit of a cooking we're about to do a little bit of a cooking here guys guys can I get a little bit of a yes chef yes chef you guys ready to cook all right let's go this is what I find interesting what was Vander being here over here what was Vander being by literally all the introductions that people have given him he's stubborn Vander is stubborn now let's look at this right you never did know when to walk away wait while he is talking to him for me this feels like it's a double meaning oh no no not oshinoko we're not watching oshidoco oh no no no I don't know why okay there we go Steve stay back you never did know when to walk away and this is something that I that I find interesting as well his eye directly in front his other eye I'm not sure if it was front it would be more towards this it's more like looking at Vander ocean always comes back I know I know so who is he talking to go crawl back in your whatever oh you came out of then just stay back you never did know when to walk away notice it's not he's not saying benzo you you know how to walk away he's saying you never did know when to walk away yes he is approaching him it makes sense but could this also be geared at the Ender here stay back you never did know when to walk away this side's looking at benzo this side is looking at Vander this is [ __ ] wild dude I'm looking at this and my mind is like so hold on hold on because that's already hit number one that I got my brain automatically processes wait [Music] stubborn to the end stubborn till the end is our boy Vander is is this a reflection of what may come if he continues down the path that he is going to the end is this a reflection of the path that may come and and I mean this because narratively speaking right we don't just say words for no reason yes this could have been a direct allusion to benzo right but usually when they're like to say that you really hate like your worst enemies across the street right for whatever reason and with him as his friend or you know very popular leader or whatever are you talking to the friend of the leader are you talking to the leader himself you know that's sort of that's sort of where my mind uh comes through that's where I'm like um bruh this wasn't the deal the deal oh enforcer's making shitty ass deals bro bro what the [ __ ] did you expect Source I've made it the [ __ ] up to silco laughs it's the art of the deal that's [ __ ] so good oh man I'm [ __ ] sweating oh this is deals changed oh oh and you're dragging him the disrespect the disrespect my dude's not even like dragging him by like the shoulders or anything just by like the head the disrespect here is insane the power dynamics have been set we thought it was the lanes that people living up top no no it's Silko over here it's the Mage on top of the Selco and then silco riding the high place and then the high place you know with the enforcers riding the lane like this is insane dude so I mean the Mage might be on top if we're gonna be realistic right thanks so much for following a thirsty fish how you doing foreign so let's talk about the double guilt that must be happening here for why let's talk about that for a second VI is probably going through multiple forms of guilt right like quite literally a form of survivor's guilt in in that case she's the one that sent out this message this is the reason why this happened Vine must have so much on her plate at the moment Vice psychology at the moment she must be really anxious she must be feeling really really guilty she must be traumatized from witnessing such a thing all of a sudden your parental figure is dragged away from you when he was self-sacrificing himself for you wow does this change by 98 97 I would say yeah absolutely it does considering the fact that she doesn't have a lot of like other support networks and or structures and or whatever would this change a person would this change you yeah that would change me I'm not gonna lie I would become a very vindictive person in fact I would become really really cold uh towards a lot of people because at that point who can I trust I tried to do something I [ __ ] it up it wasn't powder's fault it wasn't anybody near me it was my fault because I am the one that made the situation to happen I'm the one that called in these enforcers all of a sudden this self-blame game starts coming in I would love to be like a fly on the wall and be able to hear Vice uh self-talk what does that self-talk look like that's how you get evil Ed but that's also like for example say that things were to resolve a little bit VI would need to distance herself from this environment if I would need some time for herself to heal and that is the appropriate way to get her back into a halty coping mechanism or healthy coping Baseline for her to be able to go in an advance and heal and be who she needs to be that is exactly why I will always say hey if you're really really stressed out take some time for you you are important you are worth something even though you might not hear it and even though you might solidify the thought I am worthless uh nobody loves me whatever dude just know that even if I don't [ __ ] know you even if you just stumbled on this on Twitch or on YouTube at some random Point dude like I genuinely love you and I appreciate you and I'm [ __ ] proud of you because these words carry weight and I genuinely mean them like these words carry so much weight for people and our self-talk can often cement these these thoughts these thought patterns I hope that this is like the darkest that we get in this episode because oof man that's oh I'm trying to find Senor pinguino he's somewhere I put him somewhere when I where I cleaned earlier so wow this entire time I thought I needed to dampen the oscillations this foot will only stabilize it you have to crank it started watching the channel for the re-zero reactions but was shocked and you're able to predict a lot of the things by looking at this they call it ah well thanks can't think of a name appreciate it yeah man I mean some of you guys have been around for a long time and y'all have been through like everyone voting through stuff appreciate you you're an absolute goat yes yes you have to it works on paper I tested if we had access to my equipment which is being destroyed tomorrow like what oh yeah I I meant to tell you that research is everything my my whole life maybe if we showed them the equations they let us we need more than promises we need proof I have not crystals the enforcers took them all they're gone yeah look the way in heimandinga's lab no no no no no such a cool Dean like a yo I have the keys I wish I wish I had a professor that was that [ __ ] chill dude that was just like all right let's go let's do it let's do it we're wrong got to be right then why why would you risk this do you think that was my life's ambition to be an assistant scientists seek discoveries ways to make the world a better place this right next dream of yours has the potential to do that [Music] our hex tech dream oh oh no oh no oh no isn't this the kid that's always in this oh oh little man oh little man dude this hurts can you imagine walking home like you're out with a couple of friends and you come home and you see this whoo oh what does that do okay hold on because now that I'm thinking about it I'm like love how the show is contrasting the lanes of depression with pullovers of Hope yes and it's powerful man this is a powerful powerful stuff but let's talk about this right and this is why I'm bringing the sub because it's a this show was so good to go ahead and like analyze and talk about little man come home sees what home is is destroyed family destroyed these enforcers laying around completely destroyed finds VI literally in the system locked away what what happened to someone like this ladies and gentlemen what does that mean for someone what does that mean ladies and gentlemen he might share the guilt and he might Harbor resentment he might Harbor resentment towards enforcers he might Harbor resent because but we don't know what the [ __ ] happened if I walked home and I saw like a bunch of stuff I'd be confused as [ __ ] but I see a bunch of enforcers that we know are no good and I see like you know like you know the body of who I would think his family laying there I would Harbor resentment I would be in shock this would be traumatic this would be a moment of true pain this would be a moment where all of a sudden your ecological system is at Play Because guess what this is God a lot of your immediate family right your neighborhood is still there sure right but like uh what you would consider home and or family is no longer safe if we're looking at Maslow's hierarchy of needs this just broke let me pull that up since we're at it let me just bring this up if we're looking at Maslow's hierarchy of needs this just broke where's he at where's he at he just came home he might have been out with friends he might have been out doing whatever they might he might have been having some issues here he might have been like right here working with friendship family esteemed by others so on he's a kid he comes home this is gone this is gone where's the family that's broken right what about the security would he feel comfortable and or safe staying the night there saying all of these bodies lined up right there probably not so he is quite literally threatened he's in a situation where this is solidifying in his memory and how is this solidifying well we have all of this we have all of this at play which means that more than likely is going to fundamentally change him and I wonder if this is going to change him from the happy-go-lucky person to a more jaded kid I wonder if this is going to get him to go ahead and like Harbor all of these emotions all of these feelings all of this resentment towards maybe the maybe the length of itself maybe enforcers maybe or others I wonder how this is going to go for him growing up close yeah it could be a psyche break it could it could absolutely be a psyche break this that's a lot for a kid to handle man that is a lot to for a kid to go and and just take apart just take in he he looks really really young he looks really really young and if we're looking at this I would say what he's somewhere around here how can I be good success leads to a sense of confidence while failure leads to a feeling of inferiority he's somewhere around here my biggest thing my biggest aspect in all of this is considering that this is a big dramatic moment considering that this is a big traumatic moment a moment of uh it's only saving grace was that his father was well respected so I expect people to pick him in same age as powder yeah all of a sudden there's guilt surrounding this there is am I good or bad how can I be good initiative guilt industry and priority you have so many things at play here I am scared for this kid and for Vi and for everyone this shows solidifying [ __ ] fear everything that makes things worse oh this is big screen ah I'm gonna back it up I'm just gonna back it up he saw everything [Music] that big screen oh my god dude oh trauma in full screen I know I know oh [Music] for me it's I had uh recently I'll bring this up as an example I've been doing a lot of individual sessions group sessions you guys know I do that we were going over traumatic past traumatic childhoods and someone brought up a childhood where you know something very not similar in this regard but like you know they lost people that they cared about and an aspect that I talked about was time was specifically like if you could go back in time and be there in that moment with the unit who you are today what would change there Comes A Time and aspect where all of a sudden we start talking about like you know our own ability to change circumstances could we have changed to anything or was this something outside of our Locust of control was this something outside of our immediate form of control is this something that immediately like in in the immediacy from this is taken from us we can't control this we were just kids when aspects like this happened and when you solidify the concept of time and age and aspects like that all of a sudden we get a further understanding of who we are as an individual and how sometimes these big events that we have no control shape us in the future as adults when we're trying to fight for control when we're trying to fight for samblances of control whether that's attention whether that's uh trying to go ahead and be the best at work or the best somewhere and it causes some forms of Despair at times yeah oh what about Vander they took them where bruh Liberia hello mods can we give a shout out to viperia please uh blizzard please and mom to give a shout out to viperia please also there's one one really really uh rough thing that I see happening here why I know Vai is labeling her areas of importance and it's it's it's uh it's super duper important but as a psychologist or as a therapist I'm going to label this out there yes I know we all have we all have a list of priority right her priority list in which we go down in however remember to empathize not sympathize empathize with people because at that point in time your words cement in people's heads when someone's being like when someone's gone through a traumatic event it's immense in a person's mind and it can make situations even more difficult oh yeah remember that time when my when my father figure died yeah you only cared about Vander yeah you you didn't you just hugged me and you you're just asking questions about Vander yeah empathize super duper important also how you doing my period I hope you're doing well uh how's your Friday going I hope you're having a good Friday so far I saw see this is amazing very caring but [Music] not even I'm sorry I'm sorry you know so give him give him a second to take it in it's like chica had a day off so I've been working on stuff let's go chica's over here having a full-on meltdown crying and whatnot and like I'm like what about Albedo is Albedo okay where where'd Albedo go oh that's yeah I I'm two hours into nine out nine minutes or close to two hours into nine minutes of episode three it's pretty good in my period it's pretty pretty good uh Vander stole a live kid lives friend free in the mind it really does Arcane is so [ __ ] good I did not expect the show to be this like analyze worthy or is like you know to to come in and like fully analyze this show I didn't expect it to be this heavy but it is it really really really is like damn they took them I love the expressions oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no oh no the base violence necessary for change but we both know topside won't listen to anything else even with your monsters you won't win a war against pilsover I don't have to I just need to scare them they won't dare said foot in the underground again you get people killed if I wanted to [ __ ] with silco how would I do it but I wanted to [ __ ] with Soko I would go aside from putting a bullet in him how would I finally do it my man seems to have an issue with with the mage clearly off of that flashback in the beginning I would go ahead and bring it up like this wow to think you're still traumatized by a Mage and yet you still can't take over a city yet my man was over there teleporting across Nations across everything he can go ahead and do things out of your wildest imagination too here you are injecting stuff into your eye and trying to go ahead and get a revolution or a Revolt or something happening you're down here in the microsphere while the Mage is over there in the [ __ ] arcano's fear chronosphere type [ __ ] can you even touch him Channel my aunt well no because sometimes in situations like this like here's the thing this is gonna sound really [ __ ] up individuals like silco I met a lot of individuals who can be very manipulative who have been very hurt by a trump like dramatic past or whatever does it sound weird they get along with kids pretty well I know I know I know it sounds [ __ ] weird but not because they're great parents but because they often try and teach them their ways often times like uh you would find individuals like this who attach themselves to dogs cats pets kids who attach themselves to individuals whose minds are malleable because that way they can leave us some lots of their legacy onto others or have assemblance of themselves onto their pets and that's exactly why when it comes to a situation like this oh I don't want to save 83 off early bird special McAfee 2549 and minus 149 83 savings and hell no I got a random pop-up ad sorry it popped up on the side of my screen but the this is why I'm bringing this up is it but it's a good deal the reason the reason why I bring this up though is when it comes to aspects like this silco even though he might seem like this big tough bad guy can actually also have a soft side and as an individual we all have our soft sides as a therapist as a psychologist and so on and so forth we tend to look for moments like this openings to allow people to open up and share about their traumas this is what I'm paying attention to if we were to have sessions together I would go ahead and introduce or something like that and at first he might flicks in your penguin and be like get that away from me but guess what session after session after session becomes a vital part in his life becomes super duper important in case you guys don't know it's a big penguin plushie that I have or a little penguin plushie that I have with us part of the channel part of the Legacy here which I need to go and find I don't know where he is but he's somewhere but the point that I'm getting at is we as individuals connect with others we live off of connections and this is why it's super duper important I fear for Vander he ran I fear for Vander because Vander is in a position where he does not wish to be Vander is in a position where like yeah yeah this is he can literally just like the whole power structure can go up in flames in a second for what Pride for respect opportunity yeah everything they've denied us you had my respect the lanes respect for that that was never enough for you we shared a vision Vander a dream of freedom not just for the lanes but the whole of the underground United as one the nation of Saul do you even remember I trusted you bruh and you betrayed me oh that was him I thought that was the Mage oh [ __ ] hey yo that's even worse well this is awkward I thought that was the mage well there was no wizard no that's fine because at the end of the day my big my big concept of this is why did he bring you here he could have had this conversation with you anywhere anyplace anytime yeah he decided to have to first off beat you up second off bring you here in an environment where you have no control in an environment where everything I say it's Allah I once again take control Soco seems to be a master of this a master of enabling himself in a position of power how okay immediately when he went in this episode at least what did he do what did he do ladies and gentlemen immediately when silco first came on stream how did he establish control my yeah this is he arranged the meeting yeah yeah I mean he he had already like since the enforcers even got there before the enforcers even got there because more than likely already had that deal set he was already in control the moment he appears he appears without fear because he's in control the moment that he takes founder and he puts him in this position guess what Vander can't fight back Vander is now in his control he has nothing to lose Vander has everything to lose therefore Vander must listen in this process though Vander has to be careful to not lose sight of himself by killing the enforcers by everything yes this is why I'm saying silco is such an interesting character just because of the way that he's been introduced it's yeah he's captivating he is so [ __ ] captivating what I did to you I've never forgiven myself you are my brother oh too late I still don't understand it's like but mixes with whatever River toxins eat through your nerves oh [ __ ] okay so did my hate I keep forgetting that the river is not clean I keep forgetting that the river is not clean oh dude dude oh ah trauma dumping but at the same time like can you imagine literally getting beat up and you're like bleeding and stuff and you're being put in a non-clean water supply with unclean water filled uh which is enough with an understanding the only way to defeat the superior enemy is to stop at nothing to become what they fear I hated you but you kept my respect oh until you made peace with them played lap dog after everything we suffered uh I had no choice ax now you do Shimmer we have the power we can finally realize our dream brother we are you in a way Vander might be honest by calling him brother but in Psychology we often use this as a pinging tactic right um oftentimes by especially in a situation like this right in a power down to up situation you have to try and find anything to relate because the moment that I can relate to my story with you or I can go ahead and connect with you right or get you to like simply identify with something becomes a lot harder for you to go through with the torture tactic or something like that seeing him call out call out to him and be like brother a brother like it becomes a lot easier for silco to identify with Vander however silk goes past that silco is probably a man that's broken and a man that wants to break him like this is yeah [Music] um where's this gonna go are we about to see Vander turn into a monster are we about to see Vander turn into a monster that he turned silco into Vander turned circle into a monster maybe accidentally or whatever right he didn't know what the incidental outcome of his actions was right it's a punctuation too it is a punctuation but it's also a form of a form of trying to go and reach out and inform this connection that's what brother is whenever we're like dude oh yeah sis oh uh you know bruh uh brother it's trying to form a sense of connection trying to it's like it's like uh if I'm throwing out a rope every single time I throw out like a form like an identifying term it's trying to go ahead and like throw that out there you know but this is this is why I'm going into this which is are we about to see Silko turned Vander into the monster that banned like Vander turned him into accidentally or on purpose this is oh oh oh the what the [ __ ] is the show what is the show look at what you've done benzo these kids in fighting top side you'd sacrifice everything that we are it's not the way because it's not the way my brother kill me if you 'd but please spare the lanes die for the cause but you won't fight for one um I'm just in a big wave silco's right and and I'll I'll ask this if anybody Silko was right so cold right uh no no like silco actually does bring up a good point do you oh God silco did nothing wrong I'm not saying that I am not saying that if you stand for nothing what will you fall for and by this I don't just mean Vander but this is actually a really really good lesson that tulco's throwing out there whether it's reactors Emoji reactors content reactors analyzers whatever you guys want to throw out there say that we like we are watching Arcane right and I'm I'm genuinely into this before even the first episode is released on YouTube right because by the time this is out uh episode one still hasn't come out on YouTube or anything like that but let's say that episode one had come out let's just pretend and let's say that like or some stupid like anime show I'm not even sure if that's a real show I'm just throwing them out there right uh were to come out and it's super duper popular and I'm over here and we're like yeah episode one a super duper hype and then all of a sudden I'm like replacing Arcane is you know just because of its popularity you guys would be like dude what the [ __ ] happened to Arcane like what about like you trying to go in deep what about you trying to understand like the the zemlon says and it's like oh well we'll finish it later we'll we'll do whatever with it later am I really being there to try and go ahead and be here with the show right this is aside from the rules that we have for selecting shows but like or are we just trying to go ahead and like drop something and pick something up and then let's say Arcane were to blow up and like you know ice like well Arcane doesn't blow up you know I I as a content creator I'm like oh Arcane sucks blah blah blah blah blah and then all of a sudden our game blows up and there's a lot of popularity I'm like wow Arcane is amazing I've met a couple people like that I'm sure you guys have as well where they change soon depending on what's that what's happening but my question is if you stand for nothing what will you fall for because people get tired of stuff like that I know I do and as a leader seeing someone acquiesce right and trying to be a situational leader in case you guys don't know you guys can type this up you can you guys can type in situational leadership ncbi uh you guys will find hundreds if not thousands of papers uh psychology papers on situational leadership and why a good leader should be able to go out and adapt to different situations present right um through that though it also defines that stagnation in a situational leader will lead to dissent and this descent can often lead to individuals like you know essentially coming into uh can I won't die situation where are they still a leader or are they just managing have they fallen off the situational Trend to just being a great man oh Vander is a great man therefore uh he has a he's a leader instead of hey you know what Vander has continuously been here for this community and has led us to try and do something better Vander has acquiesced Banner has tried to keep the peace Vander is a great man he stood for something in the war big difference big difference anyway oof oof sorry guys not that man anymore you really are ncbi stands for like the national Center of something something something uh just look it up ncbi like you can type in situational leadership uh transformational transactional great man Theory and pretty much every single thing that I'm saying you guys can look it up on Google and that'll pop up for you especially on research paper peer review the research papers specifically I'm gonna back it up though not the way can you see that kill me if you have to but please spare the lanes of course wow you won't faithful one wow I'm just not that man anymore wow and no great damn no it's free wait a second wasn't this the girl that was fighting with him in the first like you know first episode or so isn't this the girl oh no dude oh dude this is what happens people literally betray you because all of a sudden you're not doing stuff and in a weird way she could have been so close hand all along his hands and ears and everything there oh [ __ ] dude this is rough this is rough viperia yo do you ever cosplay stuff fight period I'm kind of curious now like have you ever cosplayed any Arcane characters [Laughter] oh sorry I don't mean to make fun of it uh no I missed it you've cosplayed Misty and Monica dude we gotta see bro that's amazing oh but I can't yeah yeah face bro just crap the face bro sister bruh actually yeah if you're watching this hurricane I'll be doing a face reveal pretty soon I'll be revealing the tops you know my face on the stream pretty soon um followed by that I might be doing a hand reveal and then uh probably uh hold on probably a foot reveal you know I'll probably be doing some some of that getting ready for my debut here uh you know I wish for free yeah you guys know hey put those grippers away hey hey let me put on my grippy socks for a second oh so far so cool willing to risk exile for your Endeavor that's quite the conviction the counselor wait a minute we can prove that it works you couldn't do so earlier today how is tonight any different we figured out how to stabilize it how's tonight any different you see I got the ribs at night it only activates when the moon itself you couldn't do it during the day the sun was out but at night the risk Master is out the riswolf [Laughter] oh you guys are [ __ ] killing me you're the professor you got a break you gotta raise your standards bro at least do it for Subs what are you talking about brother what are you talking about brother oh man distance he's my new partner even if you managed to prove your theory the council would oh for foot reveal you want foot reveal hold on I gotta back it up because this one's kind of funny I don't mind doing a full review at some point willing to risk exile for your Endeavor I wonder how tiring that must be it must be like midnight and she's still fully decked out in this gear does this gold not weigh a lot like like that's I don't think Feats against TOS considering I can be in a in a hot tub oh hot tub Arcane stream next time unless we do episode four at some point oh God that's quite the conviction the counselor wait a minute my dude [Laughter] my dude wait a minute this isn't my bedroom no [ __ ] Sherlock oh dude Victor's great Victor's great counselor wait a minute twitch would be weird for sure no it's a joke it's a joke please we can prove that it works you couldn't do so earlier today how is tonight any different we figured out how to stabilize it you're the professor he's my new partner Jaime Dingle will recognize the potential he already does it scares them all what about you I recognize it any worthwhile Venture involves risk can I say Mommy and not get in trouble for this one can I say mommy without putting on the Hat yes okay okay I'm glad I'm glad I'm glad because mommy Bro [ __ ] ah like I'm about to just go [ __ ] fully hand man like Swiggity Swiggity I'm Coming For That Booty cause damn dude mommy's hard dude oh don't say horny jail brother don't say horny jail it's just yeah yeah I don't know there's don't block me either guys what the [ __ ] this technology it's real and no matter what happens here it's going to change our world we should be the ones to lead it built over the land of progress equality innovation I know it sounds impossible but when have we ever let that stop us please hi give us a chance Max Luth how you doing one night gentlemen impress me or I'd suggest you pack your bags oh yes ma'am yes ma'am hey yo she really scared me to death hey you another late night the work just doesn't end well I suppose they're to sign a good business yes welcome and we're analyzing our team well at the info same but let's let's talk about that let's legitimately take that in for a second she just agreed to let them do this for one night what does this mean one card has a Massachusetts the one the one old American Guard that got Ethan guide into arcade oh God she's an investor she's smart which at the same time for me it's this curiosity of hers I wonder if this is what's gonna draw a sense of attachment to to them a strong attachment of that it's also the power struggles among the council right because what if this gets accredited to her guess what she might be in a higher standing in the council thanks so much for the follow suits Burger appreciate it like that's one of the big aspects of like looking at it's like so she's positioning herself in a in a in a win-win situation if this doesn't come through no nothing costs right if this does come through though oh uh I was the one that allowed it to happen because you know Innovation is principle for the pilotova right you know and and this Creator is now these creators are not my daddies right like something like that right it's a win-win situation they're not they're they're I am now their Patron or something like that like you can legitimately use it towards your own advantage and I think that's it's very very strategic of her in that line of thinking counselor yeah right overpower her yeah I think dibs on the bat no no no I found it but I called it oh powder I had a feeling it had been so long since I've seen you all right where's the oh you're back oh oh my heart I can't powder uh you did observe nothing but love and protection uh guys dropped a readouts for powder please we have to protect the babies we have to protect the babies ah she deserves everything she does she really does but my thing is this also terrifies me because what if something had happened to my whoa whoa need to yeah yeah oh I found it look at that dude she's holding on to the doll as a form of like safety at that safety man what did I miss well we're in 15 minutes in and we're like two hours worthy of analysis so far of arcade episode number three which is pretty good uh I found it I like the immediacy they know something's wrong since the moment she opens the door and then she walks in amazing powerful [ __ ] it means you understand and you know your friends the moment that they walk in you're able to go in and tell whether they're having a good day or bad day solidifies the moment that they've been spending so much time together I'm scared powder I'm so scared I'm like my heart is is literally [ __ ] thumping around all over my chest I'm just slowly descending into my [ __ ] and it's not pretty it is not a pretty form of dumping my anxiety is getting higher and higher the more that I see her anxious attachment towards fine because Vander when she finds out about Vander we're looking at someone who's gonna go in and at least for powder take on another trauma hat what happens if I one day disappears what does that mean for powder running hug yeah I know I know that's why I'm like um [Music] oh no oh no no hey those are vendors slow down what's going on benzo's dead they took Vander oh I don't know what I need to help him we're going with you whatever killed benzo was like nothing I've ever seen it tore him apart you're not doing this alone bye he's our father too oh Echo followed them The Old Cannery next to the docks said I need you to sit this one out powder no yes but I'm coming I'm not afraid it's too dangerous but upset it yourself I know what I said I want to fight I can help you're not ready ah ah no like I understand don't get me wrong she's a child she has no way of fully conceptualizing aspects like this but what does this do you are not worthy you are not ready you will never be ready you in in a child's mind aspects like this especially growing up if powder suffers any form of severe trauma going on I am wondering how close this is gonna push her how close this pushes anyone to a psyche break in this group I'm not gonna lie to you I am not gonna lie to you like I am [ __ ] terrified like uh like I'm sweating that's how terrified I am as to what what this could potentially mean for powder yes Vai has seen stuff but at least she's conceptualizing it and she's acting on this right if we're looking at the polyvagal theory this has automatically activated her into the action mode right she gives him fight or flight fight is coming on she's saying I have to go and do this she might not be thinking clearly in terms of how to go ahead and respond emotionally to situations and I know she's trying to go out and lay down this boundary of like you're not coming with because I can't afford to lose another family member but she did not say that so what does that mean if I tell you no you're not coming you're not coming with you have to sit here you have to wait this what does that mean to you when you're like but you said we were family no don't matter you're staying here oh you're talking about a person all of a sudden starting to feel worthless person all of a sudden start to feel a sense of guilt sense of not being wanted since of not being loved I've had adults who've had childhood trauma similar in this regard where they had big arguments big fights with their siblings where this was reinforced accidentally maybe even and as an adult like that has gone through trauma and even psyche breaks and all of these things what you start finding is by psychic breaks it could be psychosis or identity disorders or or often aspects like this what do you find right you find them looking back at moments like this through filters you find them some some individuals with auditory hallucinations where they have their child like themselves telling them one thing and the adult version of their narrative that they presented for themselves because they need this narrative to be alive to feel the field things that they need to feel on the other side telling them something else and as an adult in therapy we're going over this and it's like so what side is you you have your voice you have you know your childlike voice telling you stuff you have the narrative that you want you want to fit into this life and you even have the different attachments inside of your head that often you're trying to go ahead and like navigate and stuff that can be a lot it can be a lot and this is why I'm saying your words matter the way you phrase things counts yeah exactly exactly so I'm looking at this and what if I just said can be a huge triggering Point especially if there's any old like any trauma that comorbids itself with it right because a lot of people think oh yeah you just have anxiety or like sure you might just have anxiety but usually you have it like you know you have a comorbidity you have anxiety with something else right A lot of people have uh you know they're like oh yeah you have uh say BPD or did or anything like that but that is also comorbid with other symptoms and other diagnoses as well a diagnosis does not make a person right a person that makes a person but through this it terrifies me because it's already laying the groundwork for these characters to potentially have future harm as adults oops I I'm flabbergasted I I'm Legit [ __ ] flabbergasted here guys let's back it up look look at look at powder's emotional intelligence here Anders I love the way that powder is well well these are in the foreground right powder's in the background taking everything in it's as though like if she had a camera she would get these three only benzo's dead zoom in on her face Zoom dead whatever killed benzo it was like nothing look at her she automatically sees things I've ever seen she's automatically noticing all the body language that's happening here she's contextualizing that in her head and again if we look at Erickson's developmental theories this comes through with am I a good girl am I a bad girl do I belong here don't I belong am I truly worthless how can I be worth something how can I make Vai happy how can I it's a little kid mentality what can I do to be good what can I do to keep my family woof hyper awareness yeah yeah which comes from trauma it tore him apart you're not doing this alone bye he's our father too you know where they took him Echo followed them The Old Cannery next to the docks he said I need you to sit this one out powder oh powder I'm not afraid it's too dangerous but family stick together you said it yourself I know what I said I want to fight I can help you're not ready I can't lose you [Music] the tear coming down powder's face as well but also you're all I have left I know where she's coming from and I know that means the weight that that carries man the weight that that [ __ ] carries holy [ __ ] that carries so much weight you're all I have left I can't lose you too what happens if she does what happens if she does lose you bye what then what have you just done and I don't mean that in a bad way because it might just like what I'm saying is words have meaning in a situation like this we have to watch what we say in a big situation like this like oh oh and they're all like their options exactly exact and a lot of people like this happens everywhere right A lot of people try to insert themselves into a main character role be like if I were in their position I would have done this probably not because ecologically speaking if you grew up in the similar environment your thought process probably fits into very similar trains of thinking it's fight or flight it's Revival mode a lot of people realistic I know because people are like yeah well you're criticizing through like you're analyzing this through like uh you know like therapist perspective which yes I am right because what I'm saying is a lot of people struggle through daily daily things like this a lot of people have family events that happen like this a lot of people have oof so much happening like this in their life where they feel unworthy where they feel worthless of so many things and it's about being able to recognize moments like this in a show being able to talk about these mental health elements about the importance of Talking to Ourselves about the importance of boundary setting the importance of what it means to recognize this versus this and what's healthy and unhealthy and certain aspects because that allows us to be able to introspect it in our current self in the show though are you kidding me this would be the one hell of a ride really really tough to be in we are going to take a break really quickly ladies and gentlemen yeah I am feeling you oof that was a lot I want to take a quick fight like three minute four minute break I need to go pee another hour has passed ladies and gentlemen we are 16 minutes and 16 minutes into the show we are over two hours in ladies and gentlemen what the [ __ ] [Laughter] we are we are 16 minutes into this show ladies and gentlemen we are taking a quick little break ladies and gentlemen get a snack get something go to the restroom get do what you need to do we'll be right back ladies and gentlemen we'll be right back let's go not doing this alone Knock You Beautiful Beast how are you doing The Old Cannery next I hope you're doing well he said I need you to sit this one out powder what you're not coming I'm not afraid it's too dangerous but family sticks together you said it yourself I know what I said I want to fight I can help you're not ready such a big moment I I have to stop and talk about that how have you felt whenever someone's told you that how do you usually react when someone tells you that you're not ready you're not ready you know sorry guys you're not ready you're not ready how how do you guys usually feel when someone tells you that I'll be honest it's challenging rebellious you're not ready yet somehow I feel like I'm not ready I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of scared like we had a little bit of a break right because I hope for YouTube this all get turned it down we had a little bit of a break I still feel anxious it's rare it is rare for a show to make me anxious and this Show's making me anxious like that if that's not saying how good writing and how good of a show this is I don't know what the [ __ ] is it is really rare for a show to make me feel anxious right because usually at most characters figured out where it's going through and right now just based off the Dynamics being shown I am feeling anxious I am feeling very anxious for powder this is the first time I've ever seen this knock yeah I've like of course I've heard of like League of Legends and you know when this show came out everyone was like oh hurricane never saw it though I've never even played the game that's why I'm like oh man this is so [ __ ] good this is so good but I'm so anxious for powder like oh so good here if they come for you oh take this and run wherever you are light it up and I'll find you I promise oh bro oh why do I get a feeling of like powder being alone as a kid and no one's around her and she's like lighting it up and it runs out and no one's there for her oh oh I'm thinking of ways to destroy myself please oh oh I'm thinking of ways to destroy myself why I can totally see that happening though the powder just like losing all I have to stop I have to stop I have to stop I'm literally [ __ ] tearing myself apart here oh [Laughter] to be honest don't play the game it ain't worth the nerves arcane's pretty good though I well I kind of want to learn how to play the game though that's been my main thing I know some people have been offering so I'm like might take them up on that it's all here this time are you sure you know what you're doing bruh [Music] [Music] I don't think it's gonna hold look at the buildup will stabilize it trust me trust man oh yeah that's that's sort of what I thought would happen powder no no no no no [Music] thank you in a big way here's the thing it's not just a tantrum that is not just a tantrum a lot of people will look at a moment like this right a lot of you yeah a lot of people look at a moment like this and be like she's freaking out have you guys ever had an internal pain an internal pain where it comes out of you where you're like everything that you're trying to break the stigma that's in around you right the trauma that you've been holding you down it's not solidifying by people saying we can't like we love you but you can't be near us you don't know where Dad is your sister's gone off and you know what with with the others and they've told you to stay put because in your mind as they're off you're trouble every single time you're around them you bring them nothing but misfortune all of this anxiety all of this stress this is leading up to not just an anxiety attack not just a panic attack but probably a psyche break if we're not careful probably a psyche break if we're not careful what what what is what is what is terrifying me well not exactly that but a pain so huge yeah well exactly exactly but like if here's what scares me about this right usually yes kids have Tantrums kids we like you have to you guys have to remember kids haven't learned how to emotionally regulate properly a lot of kids don't know how to emotionally regulate properly they learn off of their parents they learn off of caregivers and whatnot in this world is there someone that's teaching them how to do that no not that I've seen they learn off of one another hold on let me blow my nose real quick yeah in this world in this world in particular like no one knows how to do anything like Vander doesn't even Vander is pretty headstrong Vander will probably try and talk to them and be there for them but maybe show them how to regulate their emotions it's a little bit more difficult so this is what's scaring me is for me I'm looking at the scene and I can see a lot of the self-talk I can see a lot of the cognitive distortions come in a lot of the self endangerment that comes in through this right so for example let's look at this right that cry and that slobber that's falling off of her is not just a oh no they left me this is a I am alone one of the biggest fears that people have I am worthless one of the biggest schemas in cognitive distortions that people have uh nobody loves me there's no one around me even though my sister left me like if we talk if we start going through this giant list of things what do we find Common Core themes that even as adults would break us much more a kid that could cause identity issues that can cause panic attacks to happen anxieties through the roof that can cause this Association probably even identity disassociation through that because who are you really the one hand you know people might love uh a semblance of you when when everything's calm people might love powder but when [ __ ] hits the fan oh no it's powder you know like what are you this is yeah this hurts this hurts when a kid does this this is quite literally uh emotional displacement in art therapy in group therapy which you'll often find is especially if you ever like have a chance to or if you ever have the chance to see any of the videos uh in group the rate is in group is specifically what do you do we love you but you're trash yeah we love you but you're trash what do you do in a situation like this like when a kid grabs a toy and rips it apart what do you do what signs does that give off not only that she removes the head off of this toy what symbols does that give you if you see a child doing this for me the stress for me emotional dysregulation for me I might even ask so I see that you took off the head why'd you go for the head what what does the head symbolize for you not to mention the toy is a grenade but through that it's like why why that if you were alone in this world do you feel like living in it or in so many more questions come into play here like I powder powder powder powder her hitting her head this little sign right here that internal frustration that frustration that you're seeing built up I'm terrified I am [ __ ] terrified I am so [ __ ] terrified I have to get a hold of myself there when doing Outreach work out in the community and stuff like this teen teens young kids whatnot that are from domestic abuse situations and or Worse extremely traumatized and or Worse out in the streets being groomed what do you often find a complete shutdown like this you find situations where even while they're in therapy and even while they're healing and stuff any form of emotional dysregulation or dysregulate like dysregulatory events it's that that self-soothing because this is soothing I'm feeling pain so I consumed myself a little bit what have I done wrong that type of a thing right and you'll see this often in situations where kids can't regulate themselves this is why I throw it out there whenever you see adults yelling at kids calm down well guess what that doesn't help that does not [ __ ] help in fact that makes the situation worse if you are acting this way towards a child what is a child understanding when the child does not even understand the basis of emotional regulation when the child's role model of emotional regulations are the adults this monk is just a warning clock it could be I mean the one but this this is why like the more that we go into this the more I'm like I feel so tell to calm down he just yelled backed it and you care to talk yeah because yeah it doesn't work but my main thing is we're human we mess up and as children is our most vulnerable years children's like literally developmental periods or some of their most vulnerable periods of time which is why they need the extra support oh I love how for a portion there for a small portion it felt like somebody else it feels like a monster coming out look the yelling that Primal version of powder the version of powder that's there's nothing left to lose the version of powder that's hurt this version of powder that's and even with all that's not and everything look at her go she stands up and she's ready to smash this and then powder comes back and if you look at the camera there's even a little bit of distortion letting us know that like she's not thinking straight the powder is not okay powder is struggling look at this the little bit of the little bit of like the zoom in and the shake on the camera it's noticeable oh for me like this is this is destroying me and I hate to be stopping every so often talking about it but what's destroyed me about this is there are so many kids out there who all they need is a good a good role model figure a good support structure a steady and stable support structure I've had kids similar to this where they just explode up in emotions and dysregulation and so on so forth and it hurts it hurts as a therapist as a case manager a counselor a psychologist if you're ever a part of like a direct support staff to hear kids say oh I wish you guys were my for my family I've had kids you know especially in like some of the groups be like I wish you were my dad because you because you're nice because you listen because you care and you know because even when I even when they try and throw stuff and snap stuff and you know emotionally like emotionally dysregulate I'm not yelling at them I'm not uh like you know spanking them or doing anything like that we're talk about it we sit down we're like okay was that appropriate how did you feel so on so forth and we're able to go on through that right and they're able to go and regulate and become much better along the way but it hurts hearing something like that right over two hours for the rest and I won't be able to watch it oh GG how those poor children must be treated at home in in their ecology in general and that's that's the aspect that I'm bringing out there is like we we never know what children are going through and what everyone's going through this is why empathy is so [ __ ] huge and for powder man my heart is breaking it is foreign look monkey's slowing down that rage internal Primal Rage is slowing down she's coming in is it from ventral to Dorsal or something one of the polyvagal say sages back down and look powder's back she went from powder to Primal to powder that Primal Rage cry the aspect out there that's oof oh no I can help them no your emotional mind is not a mind to be making decisions and your emotional mind repeat it after me my emotional mind I should not be making decisions with my emotional mind I should not be making decisions with repeat it with me repeat it with me my emotional mind I should not be making decisions with because no no Powder Senora powder por favor yeah yeah please please let that cement in because [ __ ] foreign let's get Vander and get out I told you it would work all yours wow it's never done that before all right here we go [Music] oh this is so [Music] incredible the sound design incredible the sound design in [ __ ] credible holy [ __ ] like that's just oh oh dude I could [ __ ] feel the vibrations in my ears man these new headphones like just felt it going like like just rolling around holy bananas like what the [ __ ] yeah yo like but also that moment where something works even for just a second is amazing like oh snake this is fox sound we've located cars oh that I would be terrified but also not seeing a lot of people in this environment terrifies me because that means that he is set up to be rescued so what happened to Vander thank you what happened to all the guards in the blacksmith and all of this unless they're down there and I'm just fine what are you doing here we're breaking you out Milo on it how did you get in there's guards everywhere okay we found an open window and oh God it's a trap it's a trap it's a trap ah you've just been oscillated you're pretty good it's a giraffe oh no oh burn them found an open window and you have to get out to the internet foreign light in this property because it's oh oh because it's a heavy [ __ ] guys oh oh dude his weight congratulations but I'm afraid this will be a very short reunion a year start have you heard the ruler Vander the coward fled and they were never seen again have you heard the rumor though that you let us go free because I heard that was a good rumor oh dude my my boy's so close something else he's so threatening at the same time he's so giving in that in that regard like he didn't have to go ahead and do this but he's so think about it this way why is silco doing this unless there's a bigger purpose at play like he might challenge them a little bit but I have a feeling that whatever whatever needed to be done to Vander already happened what would you say to make uh Vandal make you go free oh yeah yeah yeah Soco has that villain power down but it's so great also he has [ __ ] drip bro you have like out of everyone in this show he has like some of the best [ __ ] drip out there like I'm just saying I'm just saying my boy knows how to dress he has that red shirt with like you know the the Cuffs all the way up right a little bracelet or something to make himself stand out right A little I guess a little fluffy pattern up here like silico has drip and he knows how to [ __ ] like work it like my congratulations but I'm afraid this will be a very short oh have you heard the ruler Vander the coward fled down with his children and they were never seen again cracker see if you can find another way out of here okay don't have to do this yes I do fine bye please powder powder powder no senorita no oh no dude I'm seeing her just oh foreign boxing stance too bro she coming in also guys if some greatest advice anyone can ever give you someone pulls out a knife you run or or if they're like I'm sorry I hate to put it this way unless even if you're a CQC Master 9000 or whatever bro to better safe stay safe prioritize your own safety hey hey yeah hey I hate to go ahead and put it this way you know like be safe because a lot of times people will people think oh yeah I learned one more shorts I can do certain things but the boxing is you know yeah you never never win exactly exactly star man that's why I'm saying like [Music] oh good boy hold on that was a good kick too hold on look at that roundhouse kick it was really well placed but he's just completely open so he should have kicked and then gone with the sidekick if you really wanted to do any type of damage or pushed her off edge my dude literally just just thought one kick was gonna do it but like come on so nice nice under right that's a really nice stock opens up opens them up good swing good swing like they didn't [ __ ] learn where's his guard coming through according to science said knives hurt they do that would have probably uh dislocated that pretty easily love the fact that he threw a kick hate the fact that he didn't follow up or keep his guards up especially protecting this midsection here the real take a breath you can do this oh We're Gonna Get You Out foreign not looking at her and being like I want you in my theme how much I want you in my team I'm looking at her and I'm like hey yo hey yo that's that's a pretty good boxing like ready to rise to the surface thank you nice shot my thing with this though is all of these injections and stuff that they're taking what type of what type of an impact does that have on your like neurobiology specifically especially increasing your body like that don't get me wrong I know there's a lot of bodybuilders and stuff out there that aren't natural of course right but like if you were to switch like that what does that do to you because for me what I'm thinking is immediately I for some reason I'm thinking that the heart enlarges and by the time you try and bring it down death right enlarged heart probably leads to some type of like heart failure or something like he looked pretty broken already yeah yeah short-term game mental probably is it probably is and this is why I like oh man by the way Ed I know how that feels every day when I drink Mountain Dew Baja Blast Son bro bruh he it is particular I think he got smarter you know I mean you can get smarter but like I don't know man I don't know that's this is messing me up thank you [Music] hurry bye no way they wouldn't kill any of the kids come on no no [ __ ] way dude no [ __ ] way no right there's no way this is between you and me you had your thank you hold on I just saw it and me you had your chance the fact that she like oh my God powder Style powder you did good oh oh he pissed he appears little man oh he's so pissed oh look at his eyes look at his eyes no no oh God okay let's talk about this for a second shall we doggo so holy [ __ ] guys that's so much to even break down the tension of that Dynamics who are you fighting for powder only being able to go and observe from the outside if something happens to them who I can't even I don't even know where to begin with powder because for me it's like powder automatically means like we're talking layered trauma we're talking multiple layers of already formed trauma solidifying and adding a whole new thing on top of that like Vander seeing all of this happen as well the anxiety the stress the trauma everything that's happening bro this this is a wild [ __ ] show in the best way possible like I love it I [ __ ] love it like even in the b-ray backs when I'm like in the restroom or like you know getting a drink or something I'm like in my Discord I'm like holy [ __ ] like the the bathroom like this show is amazing [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just because it can't be done doesn't mean will you please stop hovering I'm not sure how to do that sir Victor Victor oh Victor I'm not sure how to do that sir Victor is like the epitome of love I love Victor dude Victor's like yeah best boy dude oh my God he's just very straight up about it oh but no through that realistically speaking something that's coming to to mind with this is okay say that you now that you have this as long as Society doesn't like become dependent on this stuff I think we'll be good I think we'll be good I hope we'll be good I I know we were talking about technology and opening quite literally like three hours ago that we were talking about like how societies can become very dependent in technology nowadays right and even certain standards right um whether it's graphic standards like video standards or music like voice standards or whatever and when has this ever happened what are you talking about what are you talking about brother X Tech time but it is it is a an an instance like this that all of a sudden because this happens it's Society becomes too dependent on it what happens the moment that's no longer there the moment that it gets siphoned out for whatever reason whether it's uh the internet with us or imagine this all of a sudden um all banks completely failed like for some reason they can't access the code or whatever to get money out what does that do to you what does that do to the entire ecosystem or all terrain stop working all buses or whatever right it it is it can be a lot this is not what piltover's future looks like my dear boys that's for the council to decide perhaps it's time for the era of magic a hextech for the era of hextech the era of hex heck let's go you get a hell yeah hell yeah you're gonna you get a puppy at the wizard hell yeah dude be still how do I get that my heart uh dude I'm so [ __ ] hyped my mind is over here like nah not wizard not Wizardry hextech branding [Music] oh much meaner looking monkey is that how you were feeling when you painted this oh [Applause] you have to work for me okay oh oh I can't I can't I can't foreign oh no that is so smart it's smacking the actual like all right but at the same time what if I just exploded off of the first smack there like hey yo thank you foreign powder powder what no no they wouldn't they [ __ ] wouldn't no they wouldn't no no they're wooded oh my [ __ ] God yeah they wouldn't [ __ ] kill any of these kids right it's Netflix they wouldn't [ __ ] do that [ __ ] oh no my oh [Music] [Music] do you know what this is gonna do to her if those kids are dead do you know what this is gonna do to powder we already have someone that was on the verge of a psyche break someone that literally his her anxiety was through the roof right her soothing part was literally through displacement through hitting herself her like all of this all of a sudden guess what dealing with the concept of death caused by you the survivor's guilt that's gonna come out of this the amount of personal guilt that's going to come out of this you are going to look at yourself like you are a monster and that is going to solidify Itself by literally everyone else around her if V by and you know Vander get out of there whatever are they going to look at powder the same are they going to go ahead and be like this is your fault you're the one that like you know where whenever you're around everything messes up right and like you literally like powder whenever you're around stuff gets Jinx and that's not cool and like through all of this if we're taking a good look a good perspective in this what does that do it solidifies all of that trauma all of those moments all of a sudden all of a sudden all of these hats that we were talking about earlier you know all of these hats that like that we were talking about earlier where it's like oh yeah but am I a good girl or not gets ripped am I this or not get ripped and ripped and ripped are they on the right way oh no they're not they're not it's fine though it gets ripped I'll fix it right now so every single roll starts getting displaced and starts getting [ __ ] up in some way shape or form is that what does that do to a person guess what the anthropomorphication can get worse if all of a sudden this structure of support that you have established as a form of safety as a form of understanding yourself in your environment is something that's supposed to be there for your own good right and you've done it at least to cope with the environment it gets shut down and all that trauma gets solidified oh you know I might be [ __ ] uh 40 years older right and she might be like oh wait but how Senora RAM and you should go ahead and do this and let me go ahead and like paint Ram all over the place and I'll talk to the RAM and traumatic moments might appear because with ptsdc specifically complex trauma you might start getting different Visions you might start getting uh hallucinations paranoia auditory hallucinations visual hallucinations literally disassociation identity crisis we're talking about literally from the the years I think it's zero to twelve or some of the most important developmentally milestones for some of for others as well you have 0 to 18 of course important but 0 to 12 being some of the most important for establishing identity important for so on so forth trauma that happens between those time periods can go ahead and cause yes psychosis right you also have like BPD but most importantly you have issues of identity disorders and this is something that I'm [ __ ] terrified that if this does come through and if Vander isn't going to be the supportive parent that he should be and at least take powder out of this and be and care for her this [ __ ] might get worse this [ __ ] might get worse what is it what is that Pokemon wait what Pokemon what Pokemon Pokemon a beer hope you got holy [ __ ] guys I'm I'm flabbergasted I am [ __ ] flabbergasted at this show Arcanine during arcade [ __ ] man like it was reading it oh but it also comes down to me it's not just powder let's flip the perspective I'm not focusing on Powder because powder is my favorite character I'm not gonna lie to you powder is a character that I'm empathizing with heavily because I see a lot of amazing I see a lot of amazing potential and capabilities in powder but I also see a lot of like uh but with with VI or V or whatever let's put it this way what happens after this she has two options fight or flight she can either fight his name maintain this family or she can fly and get away try and get away whether that's through the purpose of like you know self like trying to V for shirt yeah be Vie for violent okay bye for Violet there you go so she might try and go ahead and like you know excuse yourself from the situation or make train try and find some sort of self-isolation as a form to heal maybe knowingly or unknowingly she might try 101 other aspects but there's two roads for her the Rope or the sick will she throw out the Rope to powder and say hey I love you you're my sister it's fine we can get through this or will she get the stick let's say I don't know you anymore this happened because of you and worsen things their parents had a good uh naming sense oh God powder's full of a gay name is gunpowder can you guys believe we're [ __ ] ah we're like three hours hidden this Show's [ __ ] no no and it didn't do nothing to monster man holy sh he took that [ __ ] Point Blank and it did nothing to him kill them holy [ __ ] no oh yeah oh oh Commander oh you missed him off oh what is my this hurts man this [ __ ] hurts no I can't yeah and John Cena What the fu oh God that hurts dude I know I can't buy no I know oh I can't I don't want to [ __ ] cry by Imagine turning around and saying seeing the the creation of the one person you told to stay home and literally your siblings dead literally your [ __ ] sibling's dad dude imagine [ __ ] turning around right and your arm is [ __ ] and you're you're over here you're just like you're like what just happened you just exploded and whatnot you turn around and the one person who was supposed to stay home the one person who was supposed to stay home and you find her creation there and your siblings are dead and the person you call dad is out there fighting for his [ __ ] life and about to get destroyed and you're trapped under there and your arms messed up oh oh oh dude oh [ __ ] and they already had a way out yeah laughs no no so cool no what the [ __ ] still had it in you wait wait wait but that monster thing just fell on him that monster miasma just like I'm [ __ ] I'm throwing it I'm just throwing Hail Mary's man I just want him to be okay like this made me [ __ ] emotional about Mander what the [ __ ] I can't dude I can't you said this would be a happy show I'm [ __ ] tearing off my cat I can't do dude I'm coping so hard I'm wishing for something to happen dude oh this is oh man [Laughter] [ __ ] tearing up though that's not okay again I really [ __ ] can't I'm like laughs [ __ ] you guys oh why would you believe anything nobody in the history what are you talking about Nicki you guys said oh yeah watch hurricane it's a good show it's about League of Legends the happy show [ __ ] you guys you guys pulled out once for the ocean don't go I thought League of Legends yeah same show good [ __ ] good does not equal happy oh stop guys I plead the fifth oh I'm good [Music] the little piece of glass sticking out of his [ __ ] hand dude the little piece of glass just oh I know the fall and everything must have hurt but like damn you can really feel the pain you can really feel the pain like out of everything like wow no it was on stream Nick it was on stream like when we were first suggesting the shows and stuff oh my God oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hey yo I am not a wizard I am not a wizard I am not a wizard I am not a wizard [Laughter] I am a surgeon like earlier in the episode this was hinted at as well which was the whole like you know oh you're so stubborn you know that whole line of monsters and stuff like wow wow that's a that's some impactful [ __ ] guys like good storytelling foreign wow it's powder okay she just felt like three [ __ ] floors I'm like yeah I know this is all going down but like powder good like I I now we have Daddy Hulk uh take care of powder oh no way is he really dead or is this just like oh oh hold on hold on did he just consume a large amounts of it and just turned into like local jacked man in your area uh well trying to look for you like the less than two miles away like oh no oh no oh no oh [ __ ] dude no I can't I can't do a second vendor step I can't [ __ ] do this dude powder powder powder powder powder powder powder powder powder powder dog powder why don't do this oh no oh no oh no oh they wanted to help dude [Music] I told you to stay away [Music] why would you [ __ ] sing oh no I'm [ __ ] I'm like legit tearing up dude what the [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] dude this is not okay all she's asking for here because this is this oh oh I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] guys I felt like there was gonna be a miscommunication or something happening but oh she has every right to fly off the handle here spiffy but the thing is in a safe environment yes in an environment like this it solidifies everything and for a child with everything that happened yes she messed up No One's Gonna Take that away from her but in an environment like this I I know VI is a child as well don't get me wrong I know everybody is a [ __ ] child as well considering there's still danger and what not out there oh you want to talk about cementing trauma they're both kids they both landed out very much the way kids would but if an adult does this man this is how you cement [ __ ] trauma I told you to stay away you'll hear me Milo was right wow wow I can't bro [Music] and she's begging for some type of security she's begging for some type of connection her whole thing is on attachment powder just needed somebody if somebody would have stayed behind with powder everything would have been [ __ ] golden powder just needed some type of emotional stability attachment security and no one has given that to her she as an adult if she becomes an adult she is going to be someone that literally her best friends are probably gonna be here no one probably the ghost in her past powder is in a situation where quite literally kids that are going through the situation people that need us an attachment a sense of security of parents caregivers something like that if they're not being given caregivers they become anxious they become avoidant and then in the future if they ever come in contact they might become really mistrustful they might become that the only people that they can trust is themselves because no one's ever ever been there for them how can they be there for somebody else if no one's been there for them if the whole time they've been told you're worthless you're a jinx nobody should be around you you are worthless in solidifying these concepts for them little man should have been yeah little man should ooh but the thing is and here's a reflection on this VI is a child as well this is where the adults Vander other other adults around Vander should have been like up up to up to doing stuff right this is where you have to remember Vai is a child as well and this is a situation I know we were talking about aspects of control earlier where sometimes things are out of our control they and and I talked about this uh at the very beginning as adults sometimes we reflect back and it's like if you could turn back time or if you had the power to control time and like go back in time and see the younger version of yourself and like aspects and Trauma that may have happened you might have noticed that like as a kid you had no control over something that happened the adults did though the adults if they did a better job they could have handled the situation differently for you your ecology your way of thinking was influenced heavily by your environment by the caregivers that you had and so on that's a lot to put on a 14 to 15 year old that's all we and this is this is why I'm saying they're both kids are they both right no are they both wrong no it's in a series of unfortunate events where both of them are dealing with insane amount of trauma and my heart breaks like I'm literally like I'm holding back tears and I've been holding back tears for a bit because this is [ __ ] dude the the amount of trauma that comes into this the amount of relatability and actual trauma that a lot of kids and people go through from this is wow she just lost her father and her brothers and yeah [Music] even worse her father's laying dead next to her and all she's caring about is revised attention and by is walking away her father's laying dead right here and if I just walked away and she's in the Middle with no one around her with that raining [ __ ] [ __ ] allowing her to take in the scene in the goggles of her brother dead the I need you please kills me holy [ __ ] dude oh oh my God I need you please the [ __ ] voice actor said please powder man oh I don't want to cry out I don't want to full on just put I'm like I can't cat dude everything that could go wrong did go wrong I'm like dude powder needs therapy I know how to give the [ __ ] free therapy at this point I don't [ __ ] care oh my God oh that hurts uh this is not pretty bad this is not pretty at all she was here's the danger here's the extreme danger here's the extreme [ __ ] Danger powder at this point in time I'm not going to lie to you I'm not going to [ __ ] sugarcoat it and this is why I talk about emotional regulation this is why I talk about being there for your for your kids or being there for others especially when they need them at this point in time when this pedestal is empty what happens you can easily this is where we're hyper dependency comes into play we heard or like throughout this whole entire thing we've been talking about dependency and attachment issues if anybody else comes around and fills that void what will happen if anybody else comes around and shows an ounce an ounce of [ __ ] empathy what happens this is why it's important this is why I love attachment Dynamics and studying attachments you become hyper fixated they are on the pedestal now they are individuals that you can trust if anybody comes around during this broken time and this is where you get toxic relationships between like uh you know even just Partners or siblings or whatever at moments like this when you are at your worst when you are at your down when you already have issues with dependency and someone comes along and shows just a shred of empathy this is why I I this is why I always talk to you guys about no matter what we should be showing empathy we should be showing some type of love and whatnot like um ah [Music] Soco no Soco I'll kill you if he is you bruh M4 sure that's uh powder powder foreign [Laughter] [Music] attachment trauma 101. it's so conflicted so conflicted this hurts oh new dad acquired oh this hurts oh everything you've been I feel like I understand everything that you've been saying now did for those of you guys that are watching it with me for the first time does it connect like I like I'm not a wizard dude I know I've been talking about [ __ ] like this for the past couple of episodes and stuff but does it make sense does it connect I hope it does because like this is all about behaviors and this show has done it so [ __ ] masterfully so [ __ ] masterfully this this show thought about the characters Dynamics their psychology what happens if this goes on like [Music] ah she is not my sister anymore no no no no oh same thing we were brothers you're not my bro like you know oh this is oh this is the cycle repeating this is literally generational trauma happening again this is generational drama trauma happening again what did they say when they when they first met right oh you were like you were like my brother or whatever and boom right the same thing just at a younger scale now and now the bonding is probably going to commence oh the the parallels right he found the trauma buddy not just that he might he might actually care for her I've talked about it individuals like this individuals that might have a bit of a manipulative personality or narcissistic personality try care for people don't get me wrong it's not that they can't care but oftentimes they bring him up with their own ideals and morals and that and it can be pretty rough oh oh Eddie Hogs are back Paul silco but at the same it's okay so go understood the assignment Circle understood the assignment that's all yes but no but yes but no but yes but no an ounce of empathy is all they needed to do silco having an evil end moment really like oh this hurts man I'm not gonna [ __ ] lie to you guys oh I I have it the slightest idea if this is the good or a bad development I'll tell you why this is good because it allows powder to get her needs met it's bad because it's not necessarily going to be the healthiest needs met but it will at least establish her hierarchy of needs being met at this point in time she wants to feel attached to someone she wants care for someone however does this mean that she truly attaches to him that's a real question like oh it's yeah some people thought powder's attitude towards uh here was too fast of a switch it's not it absolutely isn't this is how you get people that like like people attach it weird rates we all have different roots of which we attach kids with trauma anxious attachment specifically will attach to anyone that is there for them anyone that shows an ounce of empathy anyone that shows them something like oh man man and you're just looking for someone that cares about you don't matter who they are or what they are and that's why this this hurts this is so realistic it hurts needs to be protected in the monkey's paw answered and you know oh no wait did her eyes just change hold on hold on hold on did her eyes just [ __ ] her eyes just changed oh she left me yeah yeah it's like you've been rejected oh my God not my sister anymore and she has a new family now but will that replace her old family the guilt of what happened no she probably has to live with the adoption and again you want to talk about identity disorder this is and especially role disorder this is going to be a huge [ __ ] one because now there's all these people that she might start considering family going on in the future especially powder growing up and whatnot and then she might still have memories or flashbacks of her previous family how they don't mix how she might have one aspect of herself criticizing herself and every action she's ever done how she is Misfortune and the other one saying we have to go ahead and do certain things to prove ourselves she is literally now stuck in between a rock and a hard place because on one action accepting this means accepting that you are weak on the other option is accepting this might mean that you turn into the monsters that they are powder is in a [ __ ] situation and it hurts like she's in such a tough situation like wow wow wow wow I'ma [ __ ] up and I'll show you could be that mentality exactly exactly how would she feel about her sister probably like let's be honest probably the first time that they come back like if they come back or whatever it'd probably be like oh you left me how could you leave me so on so forth that's probably the mentality that's going to come out of it you know like there might be some gains of trust or reestablishments because it tends to happen we relapse in our relationships and we try and give people the benefit of the doubt but after a while let's say that there's an ounce of mistrust still there that [ __ ] explodes that should like unless you guys are meeting on equal grounds that [ __ ] will probably explode and the whole process of relapse and recovery and everything starts over again wow oh my god dude this Show's Wild it's okay yep exactly see them her eyes are purple her eyes are [ __ ] purple her eyes are oh my God powder who are you what are you where are you how are you why are you powder powder powder I can hear the sound of a heartbeat and he just keeps hugging her the one thing she's wanted and she's getting but from the wrong person I can't dude her old sister couldn't even knock her [ __ ] [ __ ] dude when all these trees lies [Music] [Music] I'm [ __ ] broken [ __ ] broken dude this is not pretty bad [Music] I think it's time to say goodbye this is something [ __ ] chills man I can't [Music] I can't man I I don't think I can handle episode 4 tonight I'm gonna be honest with you guys I don't think I can handle episode 4 tonight guys what the [ __ ] It's Time to Say Goodbye wow wow what the [ __ ] dude I have just been sent dude I've just literally been sent like I feel like I got a lot of points right in this show but I like you know in terms of like just some aspects of the character building and stuff like that but it's so low it hurts it doesn't stop the pain it does not stop the pain okay does anything else from that no it does not stop the pain holy [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen what a journey have we been on like I did not expect this I did not expect the Arcane is a masterpiece Arcane is a [ __ ] Masterpiece I I am putting off of these three episodes like these three episodes put Arcane in a UR category these three episodes put Arcane in an LR category my bad which for me like wow wow wow it is so [ __ ] legendary it is absolutely [ __ ] legendary I rarely put shows up in LR these three episodes have solidified what a lot of shows like there are some faults I mean even if they are it doesn't downplay the fact that this tells a good story this is told a [ __ ] solid story and solidified the character Dynamics it has literally thought up of like the way that people genuinely interact how kids are kids don't just stop and think and emotionally regulate and so on so forth it did that masterfully it made us feel with powder it made us feel with VI it made us feel with all of these characters each character had some depth to them and it wasn't just that they were two dimensional you know here you go bad guy no it's like hey these characters have some like they have they have faults but that's what makes them human or that's what makes them truly like for us to be able to connect with them this show has blown me the [ __ ] away this show is Peak this shows what I look for when I look for a [ __ ] show to analyze I look for like aspects shows that can go ahead and take us through a [ __ ] Journey make us feel literally break me down I have not thought like I I don't even have higher Praises because this show just [ __ ] knocked it out man like time and time again the build up in three episodes this show told a better story than most stories I've seen tell in three episodes the this story told more like a better storyline than uh most anime do in 24 episodes let's be real let's be real the animation on [ __ ] point the voice acting on point the sound production production on point like everything Peak absolutely Peak and I haven't broken down like that in a hot minute I've not broken down like that in the hot minute from the show so actually having a show impact me like this I I I can't I can only say Praises about it I can only [ __ ] say Praises about it with that being said yo if you're watching this on YouTube come and join us man we are trying we now have a specialized day for Hurricane which is on Fridays so come join us as we make our Arcane Fridays happen because holy [ __ ] dude what a masterpiece make sure to hit that like button and subscribe if you're on YouTube if you're here on Twitch yo hit that follow button and cost absolutely nothing join us on Discord man this is where we're probably gonna have like long discussions about everything like this is just wow wow I'm more than likely just gonna release three episodes like you know one episode after another the next day and then the other just to let people know that hey we're doing this [ __ ] because this is beautiful this is yeah I'm [ __ ] yeah okay wow I can't I can't like I can't I I really [ __ ] can't I'm looking back at this and I'm like like I feel like this was such a beautiful parallel in terms of like brothers fighting sisters fighting bigger threats at play the setup everything but with that being said YouTube I appreciate all of you guys who made it through all the way until the end I can't State this enough you are absolutely wonderful thank you so much for being here I appreciate you all come join us even throughout the week where we're doing like Heaven's uh Heavenly delusion I can't even forgot the name of the other anime that's how good this [ __ ] was heavily delusion is that Heavenly delusion something like that Stein's key uh something girls Senpai that one uh and then Sundays we have moshko Sensei and probably zom 100 or whatever other season I decide on um I yeah yeah I'm wow wow nothing but applauses highest praise this is some good [ __ ] this is this is some good [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen
Channel: Psyculturists
Views: 21,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Psyculturists, Anime, Reaction, Psychology, Discussion, Analysis, Breakdown, Review, WatchTogether, First Reactions, Blind Reaction, Arcane, League of Legends, Arcane Episode 3, Arcane Episode 3 Reaction, Powder, Vi, Arcane Analysis, Arcane Episode, Arcane Discussion, Arcane Psychology, Arcane Therapy, Powders Trauma
Id: F9uqg1ineRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 14sec (12314 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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