WAIT... Remember Tutenstein?

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wait remember tuttenstein it was the mummified  Delight of your recessed memories on Discovery   Kids that ran from November 1st 2003  to October 11 2008 when it comes down   to tuttenstein I feel like this show was made  just for me I've always had a massive interest   and love for both Egyptian history and Egyptian  mythology and maybe one day I'll make a Channel   all about that but for now tuttenstein will do  coming from Jay Stevens who we've talked about   extensively back in My Secret Saturdays video  his past with Comics his animation career and   the really awesome stuff he is currently  working on so nothing but love for Jay he   created the character of tuttenstein in the mid  to late 1990s through his comic work and other   Comics involving this character even continued  during the show's run this image you're seeing   right now is real where is tuttenstein in the  MCU I look forward to the tuttenstein X Moon   Knight crossover on Disney plus so growing up  this show was definitely one of the properties   along with Yu-Gi-Oh that truly got me into  everything Egyptian history also Brendan   Fraser's The Mummy so today let's crack open  the sarcophagus and unwrap this show I am I am like I mentioned tuttenstein was first  conceptualized in a comic book in the   90s called The Land of Nod clearly seeing how  this character would turn into this character   cut to the early 2000s and the kids entertainment  block known as Discovery Kids was interested in   bringing some animated programming to it one of  the two main cartoons that would come out were   tuttenstein and Kenny the Shark tuttenstein would  leave a nice little But Mighty Legacy spanning   three seasons and even a movie which closed out  the series in 2008 the character himself is based   on real life Pharaoh Totten Comet here being  named tudak and sedimun with his name being a   play on the beginning of that name and how some  people know this Pharaoh by Tut and combining   the themes of bringing him back from the dead in  a pseudo-zombie-like state like Frankenstein's   monster thus getting the show's name tuttenstein  because of Jay's detailed work while some things   are clearly fiction like him coming back to life  being the main example tuttenstein in the show   itself has a cleft palate altering the look  of his upper lip just like the real Pharaoh   the main difference however cover is with the  age of being 10 years old in the show when in   real life he passed away around the age of 19.  for the show Tut's life ended short when he was   crushed by rocks in a collapsing Temple while  saving a friend who was doomed for the same   fate the real King Tut has a bunch of theories  on how he dies at such a young age from a Blow   To The Head sickle cell anemia a fracture to  his leg or even a severe malarial infection   now Tut is probably the most well-known Pharaoh  at least to the modern world as when his tomb   was discovered and recovered it was completely  intact and the only Royal tomb not raided by   tomb robbers giving a lot of Aid in understanding  the process of mummification to egyptologists all   that was found can be seen on display in Cairo  at the Egyptian Museum a place that I surely want   to visit someday in the show we see this complete  tomb brought to the international Museum of world   history to be put on display there along with  tut in the show and the sole item that brings   him back from the dead is the staff he wields  the was scepter a real Egyptian Relic that can   be seen depicted through hieroglyphs along  with Egyptian deities like Anubis and set   as well as being associated with pharaohs in  real life it is a symbol of power or control more   specifically allowing for control over the chaos  that the deity set represented however in the show   the scepter of Waz is presented as being more of  a magical staff but is used in aiding Tut against   the chaos forces of set who is the main antagonist  of the show so as you can see there was a lot of   nice detailing within making the show fit in the  line with the real history behind a lot of what   the show would be based on while of course bending  the truth to present a fun light-hearted concept   for a show photos on request my heart's Scarab  and hope to die Discovery Kids we'll be back Discovery Kids is back our story in the show follows Cleo a 12 year  old girl who spends her time at the Museum who   is pretty fascinated about the new exhibit of  Tut going on display one night her cat Luxor   ends up running off to the museum as she follows  him only to find out that when she catches up to   him at the exhibit he can now miraculously  speak being a shocker for both of them but   upon noticing that the scepter of Waz not being  displayed properly in the right spot earlier   which could affect Tut in the afterlife she now  moves it to the sarcophagus which like magic   pulls down a bolt of lightning during a storm  that links together the artifacts in the room   around the sarcophagus Reawakening the deceased  young Pharaoh Tut who immediately needs to use   the bathroom which I guess he instinctively  knows what a modern restroom looks like and   knows how to use it or it's a complete mess in  there from here we begin this Fish Out of Water   story or mummy out of time story as tuttenstein  now has come to terms with living in a new world   with his long forgotten and only history books and  artifacts telling what's left for those around him   as a character has this blend of a superiority  complex over others because as he died he was   technically the true king of the world or at  least the known world to him but mixing that   in with him still being a kid and having the  attitude and wonder that one would have at   that young age results in him always trying  to act older than he is and present himself   as a higher being than others his Reawakening  however doesn't go unnoticed specifically by   the Egyptian deity set the god of chaos who here  resides in a representation of the underworld he   is specifically after the scepter as him having  it will allow him to travel to the surface world   and become ruler of both the underworld and the  surface World him not being able to travel there   now without it has him sending his minions ancient  beasts and other various monsters through a portal   to try and retrieve it for him setting up the  overarching plot for the series Cleo and Luxor   essentially become the protectors and guides  for tuttenstein for him to safely navigate this   new world for him see he's not as Brave and  courageous as the stories about him foretell   so they do their best to help him in these  run-ins with the creatures sent after him for   the scepter despite all of this the relationship  between Clio and tuttenstein is very much that of   bickering siblings where Clio being extremely  smart and level-headed and tuttenstein being   more so the opposite but during the course  of the show they do end up building a nice   bond that is truly wholesome and a joy to watch  being dead he can easily lose a limb but just   as easily reattach it and after a long day  of exploring the new world and fighting back   against underworld demons he crawls back for a  rest in his sarcophagus although while avoiding   the Museum's security guard who is anything but  the definition of brave or a good security guard   foreign the aspect of the show that I truly  appreciated when I was younger and even now   revisiting it is the fact that while the show does  a good job of entertaining you it does a great job   of informing you teaching you a lot about Egyptian  culture mythology and more without feeling like   it was created to spoon feed you a history lesson  this form of infotainment can be hit or miss a lot   of the times but the way this show ties in some  really cool facts informations and myths through   the story action moments and everything in between  comes off extremely natural and is a genuine fun   way of learning the show will introduce you to  Egyptian gods and deities and explore some major   aspects that are crucial to Egyptian culture  specifically how the show teaches you about   death in the afterlife from the facts that we  know for sure as well as the mythology aspect of   it as well it becomes informative and engaging  like this stuff to me as a kid was completely   fascinating and was crucial in how I personally  retained information even mentions of how one of   pharaoh is mummified that the organs and insides  of the deceased are harvested out and placed into   separate jars that they are then buried with Jay  Stevens is similar to myself with these interests   even being quoted as saying I'm a nerd I like  reading about history and mythology and the past   is full of surprises during an interview for The  Secret Saturdays with animation World Network he   worked tirelessly for years coming up with the  look setting and characters of the show while   character designer Phil Barlow fully put together  the look of the series working with his longtime   working partner Helen Mayer Who was doing the  color design for that show this was until after   20 episodes when their contract ended where now  Thomas Perkins would be taking over which Phil   originally mentored him as they worked together  on Extreme Ghostbusters and of course Thomas   would then go on to work on Ben 10. funny as I  just deep dove into Phil Helen and Thomas a bit   more in my Spectros video recently on my Jordan  Fringe gaming channel make sure to go check that   video out Jay was able to craft a great look into  the history and mythology of Egypt in a way that   is understandable and entertaining to both younger  audiences and an older audience if something like   this captures your interest learning can can  truly be fun but even if you aren't as into it   like myself there was still enough substance  here for those who just enjoy the fun antics   of a pharaoh brought back to life in modern  day well modern day of the early to mid 2000s Discovery Kids we'll be back Discovery Kids is back the show is very stylistic in the choice of  its color palette keeping it very muted and   vibrant to match the Lush dark tones of ancient  Egyptian artifacts that help push out the more   vibrant colors that scarcely detail stuff  like the artifacts and even the magic of   the staff the show itself looks pretty great  even though the quality available out there to   watch it may not be the best even on YouTube  coming from the official tuttenstein Channel   he was even nominated for three Daytime Emmy  Awards over the years winning two out of the   three of them after three full seasons a movie  titled clash of the Pharaohs would be released   to finish up the series by taking Cleo and Luxor  back to ancient Egypt with tuttenstein after he   still is struggling with dealing with the fact of  his death and wonders if there's a way to go back   and stop it from happening in the first place  but when they go back Cleo gets mistaken for   Cleopatra by this kind of shady figure so this  means she gets put in charge and having Tutt be   her servant thus kind of switching their roles  and attitudes but that earlier strange fella   may have some ulterior motives and getting  rid of Clio through the conclusion of this   movie we see the relationship between Cleo and  Tut hit both a boiling point as well as become   closer with understanding one another than ever  before as well as tuttenstein learning about how   he died it truly was a fun Journey from start to  finish seeing what this show had to offer on both   the entertainment side and the historical and  mythological side it surprised me just how well   the show ended up holding up after all of these  years delivering an action-packed character-driven   historical romp that I think anyone can enjoy  but what about you did you ever get a chance to   watch tuttenstein if so did it impact you the same  way it did for myself let me know in the comments   below thanks so much for watching make sure to hit  the like button and subscribe with notifications   on for more content like this click the join  button to become a member and help support the   channel follow me on Twitter and I'll be back with  another video soon but until then later foreign
Channel: Jordan Fringe
Views: 235,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1IW_0E6LT7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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