wait…CHRIS HEMSWORTH is in Star Trek?! 😱 First time watching reaction review

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it's a horror a horror name i was  going to make up a just a horror   hello everybody and welcome back to my channel  if you're new here my name is mary and today   we are starting the star trek trilogy the 2009  version this first film is directed by jj abrams   who directed two of the star wars sequels mind  you regardless i've heard great things about   this trilogy there is one guy in my comments  that comments on every single video of mine to   give star trek a chance and it's always been  on my list so i was never not giving it a   chance it was just about getting to it and i'm  finally getting to it so i'm really excited i   don't actually know too much about this film or  this trilogy or even the franchise what it's about   some people say it's a less good version of star  wars which isn't really the greatest pitch but   it has a great cast chris pine renault  no ryder eric banner oh anton yelchin   actually rest in peace i think he passed away a  few years ago so cool he's in this film as well   also zoe saldana so really excited to see her not  in green makeup this film is an action adventure   sci-fi and i'm really excited to get into  it before we do though i want to remind you   guys about the uncut version that is going to be  available on my patreon the link for that is in   the description bar and in the pin comments below  where you can also find me on all of the social   media handles instagram twitter discord twitch i  also have two other channels my new gaming channel   which i actually recently just posted on that  channel uh just yesterday well by the time you   see this hopefully there'll be more than just  one full gameplay video up and my vlog channel   of course very cherry where the content may vary  but it's still the same old mary jerry so with   all of that said guys i think we're ready to jump  into this reaction so without further ado let's   get watching transmission did you receive it looks  like a lightning storm that's crazy out in space oh my god that looks like they're being  attacked by lightning and it's claws   or it's giant mouth i have no idea what the hell  that is giant ship emerging from the lightning   maybe oh my gosh is that the  sun in the background by the way   good god instant chaos instant and then  pure silence that's always alarming my commander requests the presence of your  captain whoa in order to negotiate a ceasefire   that's an aide that's an alien dude oh wait  there's there's an alien on this ship as well okay   so it's not that big a deal yeah that's definitely  an alien next to that like that's chris hemsworth   what the hell no one told me chris hemsworth  was in this film why didn't i see it on in the   in the cars castles you're captain  now mr kirk oh he's mr kirk bro what   i had no what i looked at the imdb surely  let me just have another [ __ ] look sorry   chris pine on imdb it says chris  pine what is going on i'm so confused   i'm so freaking confused but also delighted i'm  gonna take a screenshot of the imdb so you guys   know that i'm not lying because this is tripping  me out that's a [ __ ] man that's a crazy looking   ship is he okay he's just [ __ ] scared whoa  check out that makeup and that tech i was captain here is scary dude those eyes oh my god   i'm unfamiliar with ambassador spock maybe  he's lying 22-33 that's super in the future oh no is he gonna die just like that holy [ __ ] dude they just lost their captain he  wasn't lying when he said you're a captain now   takara it's like he knew now he wasn't  walking out of that alive oh my gosh it's really way to level up the stress why is the  male nurse in the subtitles just say nurse   not gonna be there oh this is the only way you'll  survive please don't oh maybe will he die too   is that why i didn't see him on  the imdb but his name is kirk oh this music is beautiful though i hope he makes it doesn't look promising  just non-diegetic sound heightening the drama   oh here we go baby crying his baby's born  congratulations a boy a boy he's beautiful   we can name him after your father tiberius this is a long name name after your dad let's  call him jim jim that's just a regular name   i love you so much oh man oh man   oh [ __ ] he does die how no how is he gonna  survive that no man i'm so sorry that sucks so bad what an introduction like 11 minutes into the  movie and a lot a lot of [ __ ] has gone down   trek iowa on earth now that gym why is he driving  he's way too young don't like his step dad what a rebel oh my god dude kid dude  you shouldn't have done that that's he's living his best life oh and he's got a mate  oh watch the road i don't think johnny's his mate   police are after you kid that is a  cool ship not ship but motorbike ship oh [ __ ] lucky's a miner what are you doing  kid what are you doing you could kill yourself   oh [ __ ] dude no no kid  turn around no way no what oh oh dude are you joking okay this kid is a  menace that's not cool no is there a problem   officer yeah my name is james tiberius kirk james  tiberius kirk so they did give the middle name   tiberius james tiberius kirk okay so then this  kid must be chris pine when he grows up this is so   cool is this school i feel like i would focus so  well if this is how i was taught this is perfect   for my adhd everybody looks so weird though spock  that's the name from affirmative that eric banner   was asking about affirmative your 35th attempt to  elicit an emotional response from me neither human   nor vulcan and therefore have no place in this  universe oh for marrying her that human [ __ ] whoa so he does get emotional when  it comes to his mom damn kid spock oh you can't take it overboard emotions run deep  within our race in many ways more deeply than   in humans logic offers a serenity human seldom  experience control of feelings so that they do   not control you they're a logical species marrying  your mother was logical really is that one owner   rider no if you play such a good mother whatever  you choose to be you will have a proud mother   oh she's nice love to have her in my family very  supportive what disadvantage are you referring   your human mother they really don't have a lot of  regard for humans just because they have emotions   counsel no vulcan has ever declined admission to  this academy i am half human your record remains   untarnished he's acting on emotions live long  and prosper damn damn okay spock i respect that iowa looks so desolate is this zoe salzano maybe  no yeah yeah that is her kardashian sunrises   kardashian oh chris spawn jack you are fine it's  jim jim kirk oh it is it's a horror a horror oh alien languages morphology technology  syntax impressions i'm impressed   for a moment there i thought you were just a dumb  hick who only has sex with farm animals not only   he could handle me that's an invitation  oh my god better mind your manners   oh my gosh lay off there are  four of us and one of you   so get some more guys and then it'll be an  even fire oh [ __ ] he's confident oh my god jimmy damn he's popping a beat oh shh not smooth not smooth not impressive either that's  not attractive yo all these people are wearing red   well not all of them but a lot of them oh [ __ ]  he looks [ __ ] up you can whistle really loud   you know you can be an officer in four years you  can have your own ship in eight that sounds pretty   cool join the federation join starfleet shipyard  he saved 800 lives including your mother's chills wow that's definitely on a light screen  inspirational music four years do it in   three he likes a challenge i hope zoe ahura i hope  her character comes back somewhere along the line   i think she must be a part of this  ship because they're all wearing red   did he not have a chance to change clean up  oh there she is i suffer from aetheophobia   it means fear of dying for your own safety sit  down or else i'll make you sit down oh my gosh   why is he in the ship then he has this fear  that's brave of him i may throw up on you huh   i think these things are pretty safe a tiny crack  in the hole and our blood boils in 13 seconds soul   flair by crop up love love this guy see if you're  still so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding   spaces disease and danger after darkness and  silence starfleet operates in space yeah what are   you doing here to go the ex-wife to the whole damn  planet in the divorce planet who is he leonard   leonard mccoy jim kirk i have to say their names  i have to repeat them otherwise i'm afraid i'll   forget i'm not good i'm not good with names as  you guys probably have guessed three years later   let's see his progress oh that ship again nero  right nero yes i remember the romulan woman the   romulans are the bad people and they take their  revenge plot real serious i'm gonna make him watch   jesus what kind of [ __ ] is that it kind  of looks like a droid doing its own thing   welcome back spock oh it's sparked why do you  want spock so much this planet's beautiful   oh my whoa that is so weird she's  green she looks like gamora's sister   she's got like reddish hair let's stop  bringing you guys back to the tree guys transmission oh my gosh hang on prison planet  hang on our [ __ ] oh he's watching her she's   having ships oh she knows kayla where is he  you can hear me breathing you if i pass me no   yeah like she's going to want to sleep with  you now distress signal from the uss kobayashi   and how do you expect us to rescue  them and we're surrounded by klingons   captain alert medical okay he's  he's doing this on purpose why   no oh of course not so immature jim is very  obnoxious and self-centered so john's prepared   to fire on the klingon warbirds jim their shields  are still up are they oh my gosh no they're not   nice skip's destroyed captain begin rescue of the  strainer group so you actually don't was injured   steal your attitude's [ __ ] mate so you you  might want to fix it how the hell did that kid   beat your test spock accusing him of cheating  oh and his eyebrows are on fleek you cheated   the captain cannot cheat death oh my god he's  really going to talk about his dad he seemed   pretty in control of his emotions in fact he  seemed completely apathetic it was that point   of your bastard i don't know but i like him you're  on academic suspension that means you're grounded   to the academy board what's he gonna do what's  he gonna do that's unsafe she's gonna stay here   that's not safe just to be with  everybody or if something goes wrong here   maybe something will go wrong here and then  he'll get to prove himself come with me a [ __ ] i'm assigned to the enterprise i love  her ambition okay four i'll give you the symptoms   you're talking about you're gonna start to lose  vision in your left eye oh yeah you owe me one   unconventional doctor question of his attending  physician which is me nice i'm taking mr kirk   aboard why the enterprise warped into a crisis  without one of its senior medical officers as you nice i like him i like him a lot it's so  beautiful the set and these shots as well oh   my god he's not doing well he's doing better  with his fear of flying olmate next to him   got his name already mccoy sorry mccoy wow  that's [ __ ] cool like a spaceship planet noise i feel like i'm leaking 20  year bastard is he peeing himself hyper speed i had a hyperdrive in there  for sure oh wow hyperspeed where are we   i'm going to give you a mild sedative oh no no  oh my god dude does he have to be so intrusive remember was he told about his  father's death oh my god what's that   oh my god he's like [ __ ]  off i'm running away sorry   we gotta stop the ship jim i'm not kidding we  need to keep your heart rate down oh no lucky   he's here since med school oh i haven't seen  a reaction this year since med school stop it stop shoving vaccines into me god damn it consent  matters oh my god what's wrong with your hands oh my god bro stop fixing him  you're making him worse romulon yes oh no he's mama he's freaking out because  he knows he's been told the stories   mr cook is not going to be born based on what  facts trauma that same anomaly a lightning storm   in space that we saw today also occurred  on the day of my birth before a romulan   that ship which had formidable and advanced  weaponry was never seen or heard from again   [ __ ] telling us in 2 300 hours last night there  was an attack he's been obsessing over it sir i   intercepted and translated the message myself  kirk's report is accurate at least they can take   her word logic is sound because we would be wise  to accept her conclusion and vulcan space because   i can distinguish the roman language no  that's more transmission of any kind of   the area because they're very exact oh oh that's  good the romulans are being attacked red alert yeah shit's going down the vulcan at least they're  more prepared for it it's happening again but this   time amanda spock is in this ship the romulans  were a little too early in their first attack like that yeah what the hell are they doing  they can't even talk to the vulcans wait   wait in cc that means something to him hello  oh god okay i do not speak for the empire   we stand apart oh no how does  he know him you have no choice come on board for negotiations negotiations  literally the same thing happened   to kirk's captain kirk you too  you're not supposed to be here anyway   check off youtube not supposed to be  here so you could die i don't care that's weird what the heck was that sample of  his blood such a tiny little droplet what for   will space jump from the shuttles i love the way spock talks it's mccoy dr puri was  on deck six he's dead oh [ __ ] i wouldn't employ   this guy to be the chief he doesn't know what  he's doing i can't wait to kick some romulan   ass right we'll see what kind of combat training  do you have fancy oh my god are you serious i did   doubt when he said i have combat experience i  was like okay i'm shocked one opportunity one   remember oh my god no thanks to space jumping  absolutely no way in hell not for me nope   oh have they even ever done this before i would  never oh my gosh that's this is the longest sky   jump i have ever witnessed sky jumping should  never last that long oh my gosh they're burning up   right is that what's happening oh [ __ ] dude oh my god hurry hurry oh you're an idiot dude you're a [ __ ] idiot holy [ __ ] what an absolute [ __ ] idiot he was   oh no what's happened to him too  you gotta ditch your parachute yes oh my god that was so close   oh my and he's doing this on his own as well  on top of a very very dangerous platform   is this guy gonna be okay now good good oh no not  good not good oh can they stop with the fire nice oh sh wow nice jumping hey the  fencing is coming into great use throwing punches oh my gosh this has happened to  him before as a kid get back up oh my god oh oh   yes what just happened oh yes  yes fancy dude came through   i forgot his name i'm sorry uh also i  don't want to mispronounce it i have a   small idea it's gonna blast it it's  an idea transport abilities yes what a successful mission minus olson but he  was an idiot red mother that doesn't sound   very good consumes a planet what the they're  creating a black hole at the center of vulcan   whoa everyone has to evacuate what what alert  white evacuation he needs to get to his mom   how could they destroy an entire planet like that just keep jumping i would oh run run run run he's so  cute he's so cute oh my god   they don't have line hold on  now come on come on come on nice wow wow wow nice saved that was so cool  he just has to save his mom   and dad that is so cool i haven't seen that  happen in a star wars movie so good job star trek quickly now beam everybody get beams save winona rider whatever else happens  safe winona ryder why can't they just   beam from the spot right there  come on come on come on wow yes   yes is it working please please work  please work oh i'm losing oh [ __ ] oh no his mom didn't make it through and they all just witnessed  a core trauma of spocks far out at least you saved your dad but [ __ ] our  winona ryder she had to die i wanted more scenes   with her oh my lord that's brutal absolutely  brutal i have never seen a weapon like that   that's crazy that is the craziest weapon i have  ever seen nero who has destroyed my home planet   and most of its six billion inhabitants [ __ ]  that was genocide the essence of our culture has   been saved i am now a member of an endangered  species that's brutal and i'm sure he's feeling   all sorts of things it's okay it's okay to  feel does she like him she does she does   oh i'm so confused she's into her teacher amanda  captain to continue performing oh my god he   does not have a romantic bone in his body does  he i think he's kind of kissing her back like   but it's very light i prevent genocide what  and spark he didn't help us he betrayed us he's from a different time i don't know what  he's talking about but this is not matching up   two wrongs don't make her right we have nothing  left to discuss he's accepting his death oh   victorian slugs that's a torture device oh my  god i would i would i would honestly mr oh gross   gross oh poor christopher to assume every  federation planet's a target out of the chair   well damn it man i'm a doctor not a  physicist are you actually suggesting   they're from the future if you eliminate the  impossible whatever remains must be the truth   how poetic then what would be beautifully  said indications without there's got to   be some way starfleet we must gather shuts  down every suggestion zero's very presence   has altered the flow of history an  alternate reality the multiverse every second we waste nero's getting closer  to his next heart is correct that's why i'm   instructing you to accept the fact that his  mom is here he's thinking about his mom he's   thinking about his friends his people why does  he always have to start a fight go to sleep   get him off this ship oh my god where did  they send him unsafe oh my god where the hell   so cold as well 14 kilometers is a very long way  away if you're walking gonna take like two three   hours how does he even know where north west is  he's a compass and it's freaking cold how could   they do this to him i just heard a wolf i don't  know about you guys uh oh it's running towards   him go back to your pond go back to your oh my  god it's not a wolf i don't know what that is   uh why did you dude the computer said that it was  dangerous remain in your pod and you get out of   your pot what do you expect is going to happen  oh whoa what just ate what the hell was that bro   where is he uh get away from that thing too um  an alien dinosaur that's what it looks like an   alien dinosaur this is messed this is horrific  this is horror oh my god i'm sure you'll fall   into something also dangerous oh my gosh  the thing is coming after you oh my lord oh where is he now oh who the hell who's this um  who the hell are you are you a jedi excuse me   how did you find me i wasn't looking  for you how do you know my name   i have been and always shall be your friend  why is his eyebrows like spock i am spock huh what oh [ __ ] um sir i i appreciate what you  did for me today but if you were supposed to know   we're not friends spock sent him to vega  and then here's old spock you're the captain   pike was taken hostage i guess things are  different nero in this alternate universe   he is a particularly troubled  romulan please that's a nice one okay i promised the romulans  that i would save their planet   why would you promise that so that's how  they have the supernova destroyed romulus   that's in 129 years so that's where nero is also  from oh that's the red matter it wasn't blood   that makes more sense both of us were pulled  into the black hole oh and now he's lost   mural went through first oh that this is the  point where his dad died soon after he captured my   vessel and spared my life so that i would know his  pain oh yeah yeah leave me here right be helpless   just save mine right right that's a that's a crazy  revenge plot nero is a psycho most people just   do fear kill this is such god's lives maybe he's  responsible for his dad's death as well did i   know my father yes well you often spoke of him  as being your inspiration for joining starfleet never knew his dad but loves him so dearly chekhov  is amazing he's very talented a gravitational pull   are you out of your vulcan mind focus are you  making the logical choice sending kirk away my   god man you could at least act like it was a hard  decision that's true though however if crew morale   is better served by my roaming the hall's weeping  i will gladly defer to your medical expertise oh my gosh he's so quick-witted  i absolutely love it his comebacks are just so hilarious oh the stuff whoa that curious looking dude  could you not come a wee bit sooner   six months i've been here you are montgomery scott you can eat like a bean and you're done i'm  talking about food real food he's a very   important life fan so he's a very important is  it an admiration what happened to it i'll tell   you when it reappears i don't know i do feel  guilty about that what if i told you because   you haven't discovered it yet he becomes a very  important man are you from the future well i love   you all in this movie it's just like are you from  the future yes no okay i believe you straight away   oh his mind is blowing imagine that under those  circumstances can he be made aware of my existence   you must promise me this you're telling me i was  emotionally compromised by the mission at hand hmm   must resign said command and spock is emotional  i just lost my planet and his mom i can tell you   i am emotionally compromised um what  you must do is get me to show it   it's up to you jim you can't come with me  i love this guy's accent i'm back in time   changing history it's cheating yeah  trick i learned from an old friend live long hey i can't i can't  do that i can only do like this   i can't do it i would be a bad falcon how did he end up in  there how can we take it what the heck man   he's gonna die oh my gosh he's going up now oh  [ __ ] he's not gonna survive that last one though   he's gonna get spliced okay you need to do  something quick thinking come on kirk yes   life saved christ is averted  otherwise i'm fine get this book   yeah of course security seal the engineering  are they surprised section three stun really   this young spock is not nice hey the bulk cupcake  was he in parks and rec you will answer me or the   need to stop at nothing to avenge the death  of the woman who gave birth to you back away   you feel nothing it must have not even compute  you never loved her oh damn dude goosebumps oh   bro spock spock take it take a chill kill spock  take a chill pill you're doing too much spock it's   your dad i'm telling you to stop his dad's like  what was that about that's weird step down damn   savage but necessary is she gonna try and comfort  him again i like the ship you know it's exciting he can do it what he can do mr spock is resigned  commission and advanced me to acting captain   that's such an l on spock's part it's  wartime kirk out that's your okay   kirk out i feel anger for the one who took  mother's life yes i married her because i   loved her oh wow he's finally admitting that he  loved his wife to his son after how many years checkup is so funny the magnetic  distortion from the planet's rings   will make us noise sensors from science why that  might work nice 17 17. wow that's young also my   mother was human which makes earth the only home i  have left nice save your home i'm coming with you   i would sight regulation but i  know you will simply ignore it we are getting to know each other this  is the beginning of their friendship   and such an unlikely friendship they're so  different from each other we are in position   above titan nice fine job mr silly well done  chris hemsworth and pine actually do look similar   what are they just like making out oh my gosh  wow that's this is frequency thank you yoda yeah that's so good that's like she's so funny what's our first  names neon i have no comment on the matter oh surprise [ __ ] oh dude how do they expect  two against all of these romulans like what   this is a very very very very risky job they  just need to get to where they need to be and   [ __ ] go nero was flipping out oh nice he really  did got get him yes get captain pike save earth   how terrifying you can't reverse  that [ __ ] too not a pretty ship   voice recognition analysis enabled uh-oh  welcome back ambassador spock welcome back   i'm gonna be able to fly this thing  right something tells me i already have   good luck it's a future chef spark  it'll work don't be so confident spock   like instantly knew that he's flown the  ship before that's pretty smart of him like   his older version was like don't  let my younger version know that   i exist and whatnot but spock is  smart enough and he figured it out   himself probably not that the oldest spock exists  right now but he has a sense of what's going on   oh oh my gosh he did not see that and he lost  his gun i know your face from earth's history   from earth's history in a weird sentence i killed  your dad this is your chance get revenge avenge   your dad oh it doesn't look like it's gonna happen  dude has copped so many beatens in this film james t kirk was considered to be a great man  he went on to captain the uss enterprise that   was another life life i will deprive  you of just like i did your father he's learning the truth i hope he can avenge his  dad i really do oh my gosh yes the drill's been   destroyed so you can destroy it bigger fish  to fry you got saved kirk how are you gonna   avoid this guy he's got a giant gun oh no now now  there's people after spark [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] that's why he was in that ship that  i said earlier looks like a droid   ouch oh he keeps hanging off things  and getting choked i got your gun oh oh   oh my god how he managed to hang on is a miracle  i reckon that shot would have even killed him too   just because of the impact there we go  there we go it's so satisfying so familiar it's just psychotic hero well we have  to make sure that the ship does not   get hit but hasn't he been poisoned unless they  can get that bug out of him however they do that   i do not want to see it come on  captain yes he's going right in whoa whoa whoa whoa then beamed out they they did it i've never beaten  three people from two targets onto one card before   go scotty sound like a hell it's good  captains this kid i love this kids oh and it destroyed the ship helia yeah [ __ ]  nero close to the singularity to survive   without assistance which we are willing to provide  really willing i would rather die in agony than   accept assistance from you hey you got it whatever  you wish he didn't even want to save his people he   made that choice on everyone's behalf he's a  terrible leader at least i think the villain   dies in this film i guess every film  will have a different villain maybe   riff get out of there well they're going through  the black hole and get us out of here scotty you whoop the entire ship away from that  black hole what the hell man oh my god   oh my god come on come on yes i think it's  working i think it's working yes yes nice and triumphant music to match the mood nice i am  not our father i am not our father what a sentence   oh this is and why did you sing kirk aboard  when you alone could have explained the truth   i could not deprive you of the revelation of all  that you could accomplish together of a friendship   that will define you both you lied oh so it was  a lie i implied in an act of faith i've already   located a suitable planet on which to establish  a vulcan colony oh good good luck good luck no i still can't do it how cool meeting your  older self i would have so many questions   and reflect utmost credit to yourself  congrats my starfleet order you are   hereby directed to report to admiral pike  uss so glad admiral pike is still alive   so good i mean he's he's a bit injured but  he's okay your father would be proud no nice great character arc for  all quirky's on full maneuvering these two as you have yet to select a first  officer i would like to submit my candidacy oh yay   should you desire i can provide character  references for you to provide character references   first of all rest in peace anton yelchin he was  amazing as chekhov he was playing a 17 year old   i just loved that character he was so talented  so smart so capable and so young he played him   beautifully and rest in peace episode one was  freaking great it was fast paced there was so   much action there was plot twist left right and  bloom and center it was just so unexpected and   it was actually a lot better than i anticipated  i actually really really loved this movie i don't   want to compare it against star wars because i  think it's quite different yes it was based in   space but there was time travel going on and i  i actually love time travel movies this was done   in a very interesting way because at the beginning  obviously i had no idea that there was going to be   time travel of any sort in this film so it was a  little bit confusing to grasp but then things just   started not to make sense like what the  hell was nero talking about and why is he so   angry at spock because then we see spock and he's  quite young and he has no recollection of who   nero even is so then i start to wonder  like okay spock clearly is from another   place in time and i start to get really really  interested from that point on spock in himself   is such an interesting and unique character the  vulcans are really unique as well i love their   people they're just very very clinical that's  probably the best word to describe them clinical   logical i don't condone their emotionless lives  that they live but they're definitely entertaining   to watch i found some of the things that spock  was saying so funny the character kirk was also   really funny just such a plot twist that kirk  didn't end up with the girl and it was actually   spock who knew that spock would actually end up  being uhura's type i certainly couldn't predict   that i also completely missed chris hemsworth  being in this all i had to do was scroll down   one more time and there is chris hemsworth in  the cast i completely missed that george kirk   that's him because i saw chris pine as kirk and  it just said kirk so in the beginning of the film   when people kept calling george kirk well actually  i think i think he was only called kirk once and   then we kept hearing him being called george by  his wife which i was a little bit disappointed   we didn't get to see kirk's mother george's wife  in this film i thought maybe they'd go to earth   and we'd cut to george's wife and maybe kirk would  have a moment where he could save his mother but   it was more about spock but that's okay maybe  we'll get to see her in the future films who knows   i don't really know where they're going to go  with this because with star wars there's one   main villain and it's darth vader at least in the  luke skywalker saga in this the villain in this   film was killed so i don't know what to expect  in the future films but i'm still very excited   for it jj abrams did a great job in directing this  i didn't have the best experience with the films   that he's directed in the past sequels star wars  sequels i'm talking about the star wars sequels   but this was really great this was amazing and  i absolutely loved the beaming technology that   really impressed me and the red matter as well  crazy crazy weapon absolutely mind-blowing and so   scary can you imagine if something like that  existed in our world i mean the closest we have is   nuclear bombs and that's freaking terrifying this  thing this red matter can destroy an entire planet   and i can't imagine the amount of guilt that spock  has been harboring knowing that he was responsible   for six billion deaths and the endangerment  of his species luckily ten thousand vulcans   survive so hopefully they can rebuild but i think  it's going to be really slow and they'll probably   remain endangered for a long time i thought eric  banner did a great job as the villain as well i   hated him and i didn't think that his anger was  justified it was a mistake and two wrongs don't   make a right but he played a great villain and  i don't think i've ever seen eric banner play   a villain before so there was that too this was  just an entertaining all-round fun film to watch i   really enjoyed it let me know what you thought of  it in the comment section below do give this video   a thumbs up if you enjoyed it really helps my  channel out uncut version is over on patreon the   link for that is in the description bar and in the  pin comments down below where you can also find me   on instagram twitter discord twitch you can also  follow me on my gaming channel which i've recently   just launched and my vlog channel all that is  linked down below thank you so much for watching   this film along with me take care of yourselves  guys and i'll see you in the next one bye everyone oh
Channel: Mary Cherry
Views: 141,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 17sec (2897 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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