Wahaj Tarin - The Lessons of the Battle of Badr

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because of the sacrifices that they had to give so that you could be able to say it because understand when the Prophet came to that declaration it was a revolutionary statement imagine the Kaaba an Arab population and 360 idols 360 gods surrounding the Kaaba and inside the Kaaba and they worshipped him and they were devout to them like Khalid ib'n Alwaleed or the ilaha and who says my father sacrificed a hundred camels on one instant for one Idol I want you to understand I swear this to you there's not a person here who has sacrificed the hundred goats for Allah on one occasion forget about camels he sacrificed i has any one sacrificed the ever been in the butchery of a cow it's a tough job a hundred camels on one occasion for one Idol what does it show devotion commitment love respect adoration admiration they had at all and how many of them 360 and yet the rasul comes to these people and says wah hah hulu la ilaha illallah say all of this is false none of this deserves worship save one mighty Allah you still don't understand you see Lord he'll help you you see the Arabs of those days were a sensitive breed I'll give you example they say there was a person by the name of I'm rabbinical zoom he was the chief of a tribe you know in Arab history chief of a tribe so there was another one called a MRIB Mahinda i'ma rip nahin was a chief and the other Chiefs had agreed that he is king you see very hard in a tribal system for someone to become king cuz no one is half everyone says what how are you better than me and democracy is you know you vote hollow someone becomes king in a tribal system good luck so the some rapini hint had become a king by the consensus of the Chiefs this big man so I'm reaping a hint invited I'm revenue consumed to come with your family so he can - I'm ribbing him to the king so I'm ribbing a cool stume is sitting in front of the king and there's a partition and his mother is on the other side sitting with the women and there the mother of the king is day so the mother of amber blue consume is sitting in front of the mother of the king I want you to see sensitivities you see so the mother of the king asked her can you pass me that pot you know the thing that carries water so she considered this unbefitting for her the mother of a chief to go and serve this person who's the mother of the king so she says and I language befitting the people of that time she said the owner of the pot has more right to it than me like as in it is yours reach out get it yourself sensitive creatures so she insisted the mother of the king insisted please pass me that so this lady shouted or the dishonor of our tribe from way from the other side of the tent behind the partition the son heard the wailing of the mother now when the King used to sit you guys have been watching this turkish series you know the earth the good and stuff there's a sword hanging behind you know as a symbol of authority so they're used to be a sword hanging behind him behind the King so amber got up took the sword cut off the king's head do you see cause what cause how dare your mom tell my mom to get a pot of water sensitive creatures and no rule of law does no governments simple people swords by their sides tribal to come to that population and say your gods are false or required courage it required oomph you know and then when they said what and our forefathers what about them so the Quran said laqad kun tomb and tomb whatever oaken field what a Lima Bean you are wrong your forefathers before you were wrong - what population an Arab population in that time so the natural reaction was you know feathers were ruffled people got upset abuse started insult started torture started imprisonment started assassination started execution started and you read the stories of what happened to belong in our modern yes sir and so Maya you know you saw what happened so the Muslims the early community who believed in the Prophet bore the brunt of this for some 13 long years thirteen years they bore this and although Hitler has been allowed for them and some started to migrate the Rasool hasn't been given permission to migrate can I teach a few lessons huh Habibi you need to say yes so I can teach the lesson Vania cream come here up so lesson number one courage they say whatever you want is on the other side of fear you know sometimes a person is very talented has got great ideas great skill he can really go make something become something yet because of fear he's stuck in a job he doesn't want in a work he doesn't want in an employment isn't one if he had the courage to go take the first step take an entrepreneurial step he could become the next very big thing but what holds him back is fear do you understand and sometimes a person wants to get married to someone and it takes a lot of his headspace yet all he has to do was to go proposal would have been done do you understand me fear holds us back from a lot from this learn that courage is a component of the nature of this Deen you have to have heart and yet when I say that I don't want the young to misunderstand me I'm not saying how stupidity I'm saying have courage because I don't want a young person walking out of here you know outside someone tells him something now I have courage the chef said have courage you know come here Habib let me share a stupidity courage to be able to overstep your fears and do what is right in the situation that's in front of so sometimes there's a degree you want to pursue yet fear is holding you back sometimes you're in an ugly degree that's not going anyway but your parents have pushed you to it you know my son you will become this I know people who have become engineers and whatever because their parents told them and Allah knows there's not a bone in his body that knows anything about engineering you know miss keen went because mom and dad said he still needs help trying a screwdriver you know tying a knot on a screw oh la la we have something miss keen has no talent for it no no Liam but someone pushed him had he were to have the courage to say I'm doing this I like art he would have become the artist of his time I I know but fear holds you back so have courage to do what is right and what needs to be done and have courage to pursue your dreams and have courage to take that initial step tower : and a lot other first one second one notice another thing do you want the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam preaches for how many years in Makkah now in McKoy I said the number 13 years so when you have courage and you start a new business so you pursue a new career or you go to another country whatever it is don't do it accidentally but when you do it don't give up quickly because the Prophet relented for 13 years so that's my second store lesson I'm gonna ask at the end of this how all the lessons know if you don't understand that why the end of this what was the first lesson courage second lesson persistence don't give up too quick you know you start a new a new training exercise so you start the new martial arts you know you really like say Wing Chun and you go start this after a while and then you do one month of it Alice I'm not going anywhere or you start hips love the kitab of allah you know I have I I know a dear brother back home and Perth he wanted to become a half so he started set there one day and it didn't happen at the end of the day he wasn't a hostel they shut it down he goes this can't be done you know but do you understand me don't give up too quick persevere persist it will happen are you with me so the prophesy Lam preached for 13 years at the end of the 13 years the Quraysh had had it we have to get rid of this problem so they decided to assassinate the prophets of the Lahani he wasn't only then the Prophet is given the permission to migrate tonight is not the hijra so I want to focus on this so the Prophet migrated to Medina almunawara now our calendar mine in your calendar starts from this day from the Hedra of the prophet sallallaahu Lee he was enough at the time when America thought made this calendar there was the Jewish calendar there was the surest Rijn calendar there was the Roman calendar he could have followed the you know the Christian calendar horrible hot tub started a Hijri calendar to teach me in you a lesson he is the lesson Aslam came to be followed it has not come to follow I will say it again Aslam came to be followed it did not come to follow I will say that Islam came to be followed it didn't come to and Muslims need to be the same you know you go to a university our sisters and our brothers and you look around and you see people dressed a certain way remember you haven't come to follow you can to be followed have a strong sense of confidence in yourself in your new identity you don't need to wash everything away just because the environment around you decides that there this way get a chunk of gold put it in water gold as gold take the gold out put it an asset gold is gold take it out put it in mud gold is gold gold doesn't change get iron take it out put it an asset at goals put it in mud at the rusts do you understand because gold and the rest need to be very distinct from one another so understand be gold don't become raggedy rag so whichever environment you decide to go add value to it make sure it accepts and understands the values you give to it and don't swallow hook line and sinker whatever else everyone else seems to be throwing about so the Prophet migrated went to Medina almunawara the first year passed second year after hijra second year after hijra is the first time the trauma bond becomes compulsory fasting became compulsory which year of hijra after hijra second year the general ramadan became compulsory in the same time new scam that a caravan of the Quraysh the same people who had tortured them and killed them and imprisoned them and usurped their wealth and kicked them out of the home and family now a caravan of the Quraysh was going towards sham you know the land of the Levant Syria in that place and Muslims decided that they will go and intercept the caravan so you see the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam very wise people so they used to be scouts around you know what Scouts information gatherers and the Rasul had relationships with the local tribes that used to inform him that listen this is what's happening these people are going these people are coming so the scouts brought information that the caravan of the Quraysh is going towards Shan so the Muslims marched out by the time they marched out the caravan had gone can I stop here again for another lesson notice that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam used to act on information you with me information is power knowledge is power whatever you do get informed first if you want to start a new business for the love of God do a feasibility study you know have a look make sure that the thing is cashflow positive make sure there's enough people that can actually survive the business you know enough people in your care do you understand me collect your normal information it is the requirement of Dean elasto bill as Bobby sooner the using the means available to you as then is the sunnah of the prophet sallallaahu leave us alone and everyone understands the power of information except for the poor Muslim do you want to see how important different information is you see the Chancellor of Germany at the Angelina Merkel her phone is bugged by another country why because information is power what they actually found that BBC news out in a few years ago the Chancellor her phone is bugged why because the other country under stands at knowledge is power I need to understand what is happening do you understand me now I'm not talking about spying level for me in you but I am saying in a normal venture of life collect information get the expertise make sure you know what you're doing before you do it so anyway so as the caravans gone and they've missed it they figured when it comes back we will intercept it you know cause what goes around has to come around so it's gone they'll come back so new scam that the caravan of Abu Sufyan is coming back this is now the month of ramadhan what day huh 12th of Ramadan on the 12th of ramadan the rasul marched out the first time everyone's fasting because you know the month of first rama bandits compulsory so they march 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th one the 17th is the confrontation how many days did they march 5 12 13 14 15 16 17 the actual confrontation happened how many kilometres a hundred and fifty kilometers a hundred and fifty kilometers the narration state they had 70 camels you see it's easy to say sirrah feel zero feel the stories a hundred and fifty kilometers seventy camels 313 men so every camel was shared between three or four people the rasul was sharing it with ali IBN abu talib in another sahabi at this stage how old is the prophets allah wa sallam so 40 became a prophet 40:53 he left Makkah two years later 55 55 years old how long is he gonna march 450 kilometers shared between three people so how much is he walking and how much is he riding so three people riding one camel a hundred and fifty kilometers so this person will ride 450 another person will ride 450 another person will ride 450 yeah so each person gets to ride 450 how much will they have to walk a hundred kilometres you see do this for me Lilla lilla like on a weekend go for a twenty kilometer walk you know you'll come back my sister will be at home do your wife and you'll be like don't talk you know f twenty kilometres have worked you know you expect a normal happy man after twenty twenty kilometres you will you will have issues a hundred kilometres walk 50 kilometres ride and even if I make you ride a camel for 50 kilometres you won't be able to walk after that so ali radiyaallahu anhu is a younger man the other sahabis a younger man tells the prophet sallallaahu they talk to one another says listen the rasool is older 55 so me and you will walk we will let him ride so when it came time to swap so they say ah rasul allah we have decided you continue and we will walk they say his face turned red and anger b'av who owned me he says you are not stronger than me no are you or in more need of other than me like I need the rewards as much as you need it and don't think you're any stronger than we're either can I stop for another lesson health and fitness dear ones you are required to be healthy and you're required to be fit so at 55 set this as a good gauge see if you can walk a hundred kilometres see if you can walk five days you know pretty much non-stop when and not with your shoes cuz you've got Nikes and added s and that they say our toenails fell off when we reached butter and the terrain is not because you know you you daydream like nice rolling sands like the Sahara Desert now rocky volcanic terrain so they walked a hundred and fifty kilometres and my plea to you dear ones is make live lives that ensures that you're fit and healthy and not only for the brothers we have evidence from the Serie that our mother Hadid of the allaha la rocca italiana used to climb up the mountain with the prophet sallallaahu leo salaam a vertical climb some three hours crime and she was by consensus older than the rasul so some say 15 years older and some say three years older irrespective older than the Prophet yet fit enough to climb a mountain and mal as officially today the only exercise we really excel in as this one we do a lot of that but you need you need to be fit and you need to be healthy next lesson resilience you know that to have the backbone to do the hard work so we live in a time where people are very soft you know does a little bit of discomfort Hollis is done for that day you know the aircon temperatures not right he's finished he can't work the next day he needs a day off a little you need to have resilience to be able to show the difficulty and walk through it because at the end of 150 kilometers they didn't check into a hotel you know they faced an army it takes em it takes guts it takes courage it takes physical ability it takes psychological resilience it takes emotional all these strengths you need to develop and develop it in your young don't bring up your children as little Emperor's and princesses and at the same time I don't you know cause what I in this position where you teach people take as each person here will take a whole different idea of what I say back home you know so someone will go and do really strange things like become tougher tough tough I'm not I'm not saying that and others will do other things but I'm not so the aim is to get your children used to a degree of discomfort I'll make certain suggestions for you take them camping once in a while you know so they go outside of the comfort and the you know niceness of home and they can live outside and try to survive outside in a nice tent and this and that but get them used to the discomfort once every few days once every few weeks or months sleep on the floor like all of you together say listen we're gonna sleep on the floor and see how this is cause the proper slept on the floor and you know it made them resilient and strong these days let's see how we can do it so these were little little exercises will develop subconsciously in the mind of your child the skills that they need for life I read the story of one of the scholars of the past he had a son for whom he had big dreams he wanted him to become a big learn at man I'll him and this and that but he knew that life is tough so he used to go on long walks and he used to give two rocks to his son one rock on one hand one rock on another the little man used to walk behind the dad and when the dad used to notice is lagging behind which means the rocks have become heavy so he used to say drop one of the rocks just to drop one of the rocks and then he used to hold one rock and carry that not big you know to carry that and then he used to see the son lagging behind because of unit is gone tied with the one rock so you should say drop that rock now walk so used to walk without the rock till he gets tired and he's lagging behind and then the father used to pick him up on his shoulder and take him the rest of the way through that he taught him to be able to persevere and persist and keep going and he became one of the great scholars who went and collected the hadith from around the world because you know resilience was built into him so the prophet sallallaahu solemn marched out on the 12th of Ramadan now Abu Sufyan is coming and the scouts the Prophet sent Scouts ahead near the Wells of Badr or Iran on the way there's another water place there the process alum sent the scouts day to come and inform us let us know if Abu Sufyan has passed this place or not now Abu Sufyan is being very cautious cuz he knows the Muslim lands on nearby so the scouts of the but arrived at this water well saw two women there two women two ladies what getting water from the well and the scouts heard them talk so they said one of them all the other some money so she said listen in a couple of days the caravans gonna come I will go work for the caravan or look after the animals I'll prepare food or cooking clean I'll get some money and I'll pay you back so the scouts realized what that Abu Sufyan hasn't crossed he's gonna come here any day so they rushed to the process Allah if they had waited a little longer they would have seen a lone rider coming from the horizon and this is Abu Sufian himself solution came to the same place ahead of the caravan to make sure a caravans gonna be safe so when he arrived here he saw the same two ladies in he asked them how are things has any strangers come they said no just normal and there was a couple of people that had come they took some water and went so he said where he goes they were they so Bisutti on went and so animal droppings you know cause the horse of the camel so he touched it and he goes oh the father of Medina like this is the food that the people of Medina give the animals so he realized that they know I'm coming here and I have to change director he rushed back rushed back and hired a man called one them told him you will ride to Makkah you'll tell the people that the caravans getting attacked and he paid him handsomely a good amount so this man went on super speed towards Makkah riding relentlessly Abu Sufian instead of coming here to the water well went that way towards the ocean and started to ride along the coast the Muslims from here are walking down domdom has rushed towards Mecca so Muslims are sure they're gonna come and we will intercept Abu Sufyan has gone that way away from this water and bomb bomb has gone towards Mecca now as he's on his way they inside Makkah so this is Medina Makkah inside Makkah the aunty of the Prophet had a dream she had a dream that someone's coming into the city and the man is shouting and people gather around him and then he climbs up on top of the car behind people have gathered around him and then he comes down and climbs up a mountain and people go after him and then on top of the mountain there's a big rock and he pushes the rock off and the rock rolls down the mountain and shatters in every house gets a splinter of the rock so shocked by this dream she woke up and told her brother a bus even Abdul Muttalib this is the no a bus uncle of the problem now Abdul Muttalib so a bus rodeo rodeo Lohan told some other of the Quraysh so they went and set in the circle of the you know elders of decoration they said moisten our buses sister had this dream so Abu jahil is day so Buju hell said o sons of Abdul Mutallab isn't it sufficient that a man amidst you has already claimed to be a prophet now your women also claim to be prophet you know now your women are seeing dreams too and just as he's finished the next day vandamm came in and bomb them came in with full drama so damn them cut the nose of his camel mock slitted so blood could wash down you know dramatic effect shows panic and he himself sets upside down on a camel to show bewilderment in screaming he comes the Quraysh of Quraysh your Caravan your Caravan and is riding around your Caravan your Caravan and very reminiscent of the dream so the fever of war became pitch high in the Quraish gathered soldiers as quickly as they could and a thousand men fully clad and wore and horses and stuff ready to go and they marched out towards butter so now the Quraysh have come the profit solo asalaam obvious one take a few days to come these people a few days to go ahead and as they're marching forward they realized that caravan hasn't come a news comes that an army has come from the Quraysh you see the dilemma Muslims went out 313 not to fight to intercept the caravan they're not equipped for war now they're not dressed for war yet now it looks like an army is coming against them think about this if they run away cuz they could just say now let this be we gotta go who's gonna fight an army islam will become a very soft target you know once you have an image of weakness everyone will come and slap you you know and the Prophet is away and if he goes to fight there's only 313 ill-equipped people against the full army so the rasul sets down a layer of below salah to automata slim and the Sahaba have gathered around him some are immigrants who came from makkah sama Ansar who lived in Medina so he says a sheer rural a yeah you Hanna's or people give me your verdict give me an input give me your opinions can I stop here for a sec who is asking for an opinion huh the Prophet sallallahu wasallam who was guided by divine junction at every step of his life what do you understand me he couldn't migrate without allah order now this man whose knowledge supersedes the knowledge of humanity he is sitting and saying please give me some input not cuz he doesn't know what to do she rural a a Johannes give me some opinions or people do you see dear ones the result could have easily said this is what we're doing but to teach me and you how to lead he taught us get take the input of the people that are around you so through that capacity builds let me give you something to do next time you want to do something at home imagine you have some money you want to go on a holiday or you want to buy something or do something get your children and your wife and everyone together and say listen I am planning to do this what do you think they will give you some crazy input that will probably annoy you cause you used to doing things your own little way but if you have the maturity to listen to them and give them that respect what will happen instead of becoming entitled receivers they will become your partners in thinking and that will develop the ability to lead families themselves later on they will not say the greatest ideas but bear it recognize I'm training the little ones I am building capacity because the Prophet knows at some stage I will move on my Ummah must be trained to be able to lead successfully so the first stand up was a man of the Muhajiroun and Allah and Allah Allah will some say it's Abu Bakr Siddiq so he says or prophet of Allah march out and meet them we are with you so the Prophet my dua for him he sat down the result says again she rural a you Honus give me some input or people another Sahabi gets up machan from makkah you know they have migrated to the again he said o prophet move forward oliver ocotilla we are with you the third person ìmake stood up or prophet we will not tell you as the children of Israel told musa that go you and your Lord fight we will stand here we will tell you go fight we will fight with you so evening misil says the prophet's face you know became radiant hearing this but he says again as usually a you Honus give me some opinions cause notice the ones that have talked of the Muhajiroun are the immigrants but the immigrants are not the hosts the immigrants are the guests the hosts are the people of Medina or the Ansar and answered haven't said anything you see they can to Mecca the Ansar and they saw an allegiance to the Prophet that we will protect you as we will protect our women and children when you come to medina meaning what if you're in medina you're under our protection what is the problem ha the outside of medina they're no longer obligated by the condition and the rasul could have or people of the ansar tell me are you with me or but layali the majesty of a prophet to be like that and no for the majesty of the companions to be asked like that so the prophet be adept just hints give me an opinion o people give me so sad or the ala Han who stands it goes or prophet it appears that you want to hear from us as in the Ansar so the Prophet said yes so he said we believed in you and swore to protect you from what we will protect our wives and children so go forth declare war on whoever you wish to declare war make peace with whoever you wish to make peace like who you like choose to dislike who you like take from our wealth what you like leave for us what you like what Allah he what you take is more dearer to us than what you leave and if you were to walk into the ocean we will walk along with you and not a single person will stand behind and then he said we amend Hardy and walkers they had been fighting for a long time and go forth that might be that Allah will show you through our prowess and battle what will please your heart and cool your eyes so the Prophet said then Al Abbar ocotilla move to the Wells of Badr here's another point so they camped down the bottom so the wells are here the Muslims camped on this side the Quraysh on the other side of the hill on this side so as the prophets of lava Holly was a luminous Harbor setting camp one of the Companions came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam listen dear ones so he says o prophet o God have you camped here because of Revelation or is it an calculation of man and a strategy of war and are such open to discussion like if it is divine junction then no one will speak but if it is calculation of war and open for discussion then I have an opinion so the Prophet said no calculation and strategy of war open for discussion give me your opinion so the man said ya Rasul ryskamp move forward take over the wells of butter so that the wells are behind you so that when they come down tomorrow and the Sun starts to rise we will have water and they will not have water so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom made dua for him ryskamp moved forward i want to stop again who who listened to who the Rasul of Allah listens to an ordinary human being from the Sahaba without divine guidance you know the Sahaba doesn't get why the Prophet gets the revelation yet the Rasul listens to him not cuz he needs to cause his teaching cause the Prophet at every step teaches the Ummah so dear ones listen to me if you run a family or a business or an institution or an organization and you have failed to create an environment of safety in which ideas can be brought up to you cause you're too insecure then you have gone contradictory to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam like if with whether it's a government or an institution or organization or a mosque oh you must have the capacity to create an environment in which your your people feel safe enough to be able to voice opinions to you cuz aren't because two heads are better than one many ideas are better than one it's better to listen and take in and understand and then make the decision that you felis right and second point on the same issue a lot of times we hear what is right but our ego holds us back you know how could I do that she told me you know I I were in my line of work this I'm in a college in a school so a lot of my staff or female and so I listened to them sometimes and they say some of them they say at home they have to sell an idea to the husband so he thinks it's his idea and then he will do it but she knows it's her idea because his ego will not allow him to follow his idea it's an unfortunate place to be whilst where you want to be is in a place where you see the writers write and follow it and everyone will love you for it they'll say mashallah such a level of maturity that no ego like when he sees right Hallows he just follows that one are you with me very important lessons mile audible is the guide one and all Europe so the Prophet SAW Allah moved camp camp day the parasha behind the hill on the other side and as they hear climbing up towards this hill cause understand five long days of marching a lot of Buddhas I did a fair few things for them number one Allah sent a light drizzle a light drizzle now the land the Muslims were on coming from was sandy sandy land so when rain hits and it compacts you know it becomes harder then when there's no rain on it you see this gorgeous a thick a denser surface because when rain falls on clay it becomes muddy and sticky so allah sent down a drizzle beside the Muslims were coming on became hard the site the Quraysh will be coming on was clay it became muddy and sticky so they were becoming annoyed and the Muslims were being refreshed secondly Allah sent down a slumber upon them everyone fell asleep like a little sleep we fill them and that sleep with the rain washed away the rich soft shade on you know the the plaque of being lethargic and tiredness and schmuck of Shaitaan that falls upon you you can't be bothered you can't get motivated you can't get energized you can't blue so allah rabbul izza taught us a couple of lessons dear ones when you feel down and you can't be bothered and you think you're too tired go have a nice shower and preferably a little cool one you will feel energetic and alive straight away and if that doesn't fix it and at the right time of the day take a seven minute power nap you know lit a little dose I was in Sydney just last week and I was doing a course ten hours long it's not a lot of part of I wasn't teaching I was learning so one of the universities was running it and I because when I travel my sleep gets really strange so I couldn't sleep till twelve o'clock one o'clock in the morning and then 8:30 this class had started and I was I was feeling very sleepy by midday so I sat in an uber went to the hotel and I only got probably 7 to 10 minutes sleep just enough got up and I was fully refreshed so Allah teaches us you see Allah teaches so now the Muslims are here and they build a little shack for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam at the back and they say ah Rasul listen he is a little shack for you you stand here and if the battle turns against us there's a horse and a camel sit on this ride back to Medina because there are other Muslims who will protect you and take care of you they didn't know too come because there wasn't compulsory we just went to intercept the caravan so the profit might drive for them and then the results sits there and goes into that Shack and he starts to pray all night long the rasool is crying making dua the Arab protect this group he robbed supporters group he Arab if these people are annihilated you will not be worshipped on this land again your up support your religion you are up honor your prophet and the Prophet and is crying all night in Abu Bakr rhodiola hand the best friend of the Prophet as outside you know the bodyguard of the Rasul on this occasion can you imagine if your younger brother cries how hard fields now the Rasul of Allah scrying and how Abu Bakr's heart is feeling so eventually he just moved the curtain and he came in and he goes enough for profit Allah has heard you look so as the Prophet SAW solemn of the rubicam the prophet's face started to glow and he said he is gibreel and he says Allah will give you one of two things either the army or the caravan the caravan might have missed it but I see the army lying prostrate like it might be like this is it so in the morning the prophets of Salaam lines the ranks of the believers and the Quraysh start to get up and come from behind the hill on this side you know pomp and ceremony beating drums of war and ladies song tresses singing and poets proclaiming and a lot of arrogance and this group of 313 ill-equipped had these shoes on their feet on this side waiting to meet them so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says glad tidings muslims he is gibreel with the yellow turban dressed for war and the quran responds if the tester is una robbed become faster geobella come an emu Madhu come Elfi min and molarity murdafeen remember o muslims when you called out to your Lord and Allah accepted your plea and Allah sent down a thousand angels in formation after the formation for you so this is the Muslims on a hill nearby are a few non-muslims two friends have come there watching the battlefield hoping that when it's finished they will go collect some Souls you know take some coat of armour collect some wore boots and then one of them died on the hill so they asked him why did your friend die he said his heart burst because why did his heart burst goes out of fear what fear he said we heard the nying of the horses and saw the sparks on the hooves from the clouds above what do you know angels are coming as the quran signs and and once the battle started and muslim will chase said his opponent and before he could even reach him that thing's head flew off because angels were on battlefield and Subhan Allah and the Prophet tells them he is gibreel and he did you understand that I ain't Jose have come and Al Arabiya says well hardness or Okumura who be but didn't one to my villa remember when I helped you and bothering you were very weak and remember is the cool little movement in la fe oh come on you meet the kombucha metallicity LF Imanol malay yattaman zlín a la brasa tells the Prophet remember when you told them would it suffice you if Allah send you three thousand angels and if you are in Las Peru at otaku a new heaven if you are patient and have taqwa you need kombucha Muhammad e.l.f Imanol Malaya kitty Moussaoui mean Allah will send you five thousand angels on top of this and and they see glimpses of them on battlefield you know I am my my background comes from Afghanistan and and there the Russians came and you know in the 80s with a communist regime trying to annihilate the country and take its religion and heritage and local people stood up to resist local people simple farmers villages with the little things they had and I know people I know people who who have seen old men now I was a little kid at the time and in one place they came like the whole huge Red Army you know the Russian the the Communist Russian army of the time were tanks and this and that camp in through this area through this village this little city suburb if you want to call it and a few of the locals you know the local brothers the Eman and tuck was stood up and pretty soon this whole whole battalion surrendered to them so these brothers tied them up you know are marching them ahead so they go where's the rest of you they go what rest this is it good do you think we would surrender all this to you guys where are the riders and whites where are those that were riding the white riders where are those ones because they were annihilating us you see consistent in the Sunnah of the Prophet whenever the oppressed have no hope except for the master allah rabbul izza will send help so in whatever avenue of life you have here's your next lesson dear ones turn to allah rabbul izza turn to allah turn to allah turn to allah ask allah rabbul izza colorado Kumu darunia Stabler come ask I will respond allah rabbul izza will respond so if you're struggling financially turn to allah rabbul izza a lot of bellezza will open to those of goodness for you be evening heeta Baraka wa ta'ala do your effort exert yourself tire your body in the process but make sure your head and heart rely on a lot of bellezza that Allah will provide if you're going through family difficulties turn to allah rabbul izza if you're going through educational difficulties he's our chef hypnotize me or rahim allahu ta'ala used to say that every time i used to get stuck on a notion that i couldn't understand it wouldn't open for me I would fall down and sad you they and make us too far and continue doing it until Allah would open it for me do you see the solution for all your problems is the cause of allah rabbul izza an answer como la vella Valley Bella come and if Allah should decide to help you there is nothing that will overcome you and if Allah were to decide to dishonor and disgrace you there is none that will help you what time is your mother if so huh 6 o'clock so I will stop here we even heat a vodka without I just in case the brothers need to go Mike will do and get ready unfortunately time always runs a bit short but I think the lessons are very meaningful and very important the ones that have heard at my vlog if menu the capacity to be able to live meaningful lives in accordance to the Quran and the Sunnah my Allah guide you my Allah God you my Allah bless you my allah elevates you for your time and patience i thank you assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi ta'ala wa barakatuh
Channel: Preston Mosque
Views: 3,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HtQnwi7zxJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 54sec (3414 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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