Wack on 42 Dugg Denying Offset Ran His Pockets! Offset Confirms It Happened

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[Music] what is going on with 42 doging you he he clapped back you said offset R's pockets in the studio that's not what I said what' you say I said you tried to leave the dice game offset one going for it he went outside he was walking away I he I hear sharp say some more dumbass [ __ ] what sharp say some about tapping Pockets he didn't know what that was maybe it is I don't know what a bunch of little Pimp [ __ ] he talk about so tap in pockets is like I'mma rob you but it's like metaphorically I'm like figuring out if you have anything to steal 42 Doug had a bunch of money in both his pockets you know he got skinny jeans on so both out his pockets offset didn't take too kind of him walking away from the dice game when it was offset dice he was in him 20 15 20,000 so you can't just walk away from the dice game that's a violation if we're shooting dice see when we got there this is the last day of the little baby tour and I seen offset pull up to the show I'm like NE let's get a song in with you and blue face like get Pete open the studio we do it tonight when was this this was 2019 oh okay so things went bad after that with blue face me Doug B blueface Doug little baby young Miami 2019 42 dogs like not even famous yet right not at all he's just on the run with us right uh young Miami and Marlo rest in peace that was the lineup um we're doing venues like three to 5,000 ceders mhm so when I get there I warn blueface don't go with them dudes on no dice game these these professionals with this [ __ ] blue F go over there 45 seconds he lose 5,000 they betting a th a row thousand side bet blueface com to me h give me 10,000 negative let's we here to get in the studio and work let offset do what he doing by the time he's done he come in here and lay your verse did you have $10,000 cash on you we had like we had a whole bunch of money we we on the road a couple hundred on us I just wasn't going to give it to him yeah right cuz I knew it wouldn't stopped there know he comes in he's laying his verse he's doing what he do I believe yachty they might have been there that night it was a full house but when we got there um offset was like 20 25,000 in the Doug's Pockets by the time I come back 30 45 minutes later Doug is 20 25,000 in offset's Pockets now it's offsets dice you never been a dice shooter you never got into this I don't [ __ ] with that okay we ain't doing that so now it's off says dice right and he say FU the thousand and shot 5,000 Doug here running off said hit seven [ __ ] let's go another five he hit again 11 he 10 back he only got about 10 15 his money on the ground Doug picks his money up and walks away if it's offset dice you can't walk away from the dice game oh so like his turn at that moment okay cuz when you was into him he didn't walk away so I'm watching offset offset is in disbelief that he would take off like that yeah he picked up it was like three or four of them and they went out the back door but there's not really turns it's just people take turns on who's throwing the dice no it's two people they shooting it's offet dice until he crap out it's his dice crap out means what in this case so if he roll a dice he hit eight his point is eight okay right he going to keep rolling till he hit eight but the whole time they side bet thousand out 68 he may roll the dice H the six right or whatever the he he went it on his side bets right the minute he crap out before hitting that eight then this it's Doug's dice as long as he hitting his point or he hitting seven or 11 on the first row it's offset dice so offset was caught in disbelief that he was kind of still down with the dice he looking around like did this mother just grab the money off the floor and 42 Ducks basically a random person to you guys at this point it's not like oh this is a big celebrity 42 Doug is 42 Doug you know everybody always knew who Doug was he had his respect going on in the streets he was 42 Doug okay I don't I don't think I know about him in 2019 but so um he walks out the back door walks out I see it was like three or four people with him he walk out the back door he's in the back parking lot side of the building he's walking towards the gate now QC Studios that gate don't open on motion you got open from inside the building offset jump coms up and trails behind him I come behind him I got a few of the schoolyards with me cuz we on tour right you're looking out for Doug I'm looking out for Q Studios I'm looking out for offset I'm looking out for everybody cuz the studio is open okay because of me right offset walks right up and Doug's walking away from him grabs his left pocket it's money bulging out of it he didn't take the money out of his pocket right I don't know if he was attempting to take it or he was just trying to turn him around or what it was nevertheless Doug ends up turning around when he turned around offset five in the face right in the face I give it to five count 1 1,000 2 1000 3 1000 4 1,000 5 1,000 you're counting what no reaction from Doug if y'all going to get out y'all going to get out [ __ ] fire you get off when I seen was no reaction now I get [ __ ] is pulling out right I grab Doug and see Doug I don't know why he doing this didn't know Ry robbed me and stri me [ __ ] you at home you signed a little baby little baby QC but nobody there to Rob or strip you [ __ ] it's one thing about robbing and stripping you you at home [ __ ] you at QC Studios it ain't that type of party so I grabb Doug and my right arm I got three four Doug homies right here in front of me the gate behind them I got two cats with offset here another two on the right of me and I got offset kind of right on the side of me I tell offset go to Studio his homeboy is like that we in the a woopy wooty woop I say set PE not here uhuh I'm calling the dog it's on me it's going to be held to pay in the morning go in the studio m said think about it and you got to remember this ain't no it's a respect thing you know the Amigos used to be in my Rolls-Royce wanting to go to Taco Bell running the Taco Bell up to $200 I've never seen nothing like it these [ __ ] know the whole Taco Bell menu like the back of the hand $200 like fills the car at Taco Bell yo the [ __ ] Migos was Taco Bell ban it's a fact it was nephew them so you got to remember I go back with the Migos before the Migos of the day so it's just a simple spe thing right let me hold no no no no we going to finish it I'll hold it up so off said says n Unk is right I got to respect what he's saying they go back in the building I tell them open the mothering that's from offset see the date scroll down Wednesday that's Doug doing his rant what the [ __ ] did offset say to me why this nword lying oh see one thing about wack I got the content read I recited everything that happened right this is a fact right oh man so Doug and I was going to say it's very telling that offset hasn't reacted to this but now I see his reaction yeah right you see it rightly [ __ ] okay so I my right arm Doug's not in my arm under pressure he's in my arm because if I got his people in front of me and they like that I fig they not going to fire because he's in my arm and offset them out of respect to me ain't going to fire because I'm there so offset them respect my wishes and go in the building I tell them open the [ __ ] gate they open the gate I ask Doug's people to go to the car they hesitant right I say all right Doug ain't fighting and struggling we ain't got no issues I'm doing what I supposed to do to keep this building right to keep offset right to keep in these young black here from getting killed tonight right cuz everybody was what neither side no punk if I got to call it the only [ __ ] punked out was Doug when he didn't respond to getting fired on right but maybe the [ __ ] ain't a fighter he a little dude I can respect that he got a reputation that's cool right so they walked out I walk dug to the gate let him go and they closed the gate and from there it was a domino of other things that happened but that ain't got nothing to do with what actually happened that night was offset predisposed to not have respect for 42 because he's looking at him as signed to an OP because of am Amigo's famous beef with little baby that tore QC apart here you go with some dumb [ __ ] and ain't nothing tore QC apart cuz QC Still Standing together firm and Tall right QC is fine I'm just saying their biggest artist at one point had beef with each other and 42 Doug clearly had a side that was not offet side right miss the point see you sound like a dumbass I'm just wondering if that predisposed him told I just told you that Doug that Doug is at QC Studios and they're all shooting dice right but he might have had an issue with him in the back of his mind nothing to do with see what you don't understand is I'm asking a question I'm not telling you that's how it is the problems all started from that event that's how everything started that's how everything started wow was it no mothering issues okay that's how it started from that Doug them got get back whatever and then something else happened and then it led to the offset situation at the club it started with that event this is the Nexus of all this [ __ ] wow now you got to ask yourself if Doug you didn't get robbed which he didn't uhhuh nobody took your jury which they didn't you got to ask yourself why did you retaliate why were you retaliating your jury wasn't touched they didn't take the money from you got punched Bingo but he's saying it never happened see what the [ __ ] is it to retaliate that's what happened you were retaliating from the goddamn punch cuz your jury wasn't touched I wasn't going to allow that what made you want to bring this to the table no somebody just asked me a body see you go the thing bro check this out the truth can never be considered disrespect if a motherucker ask me a question I'm answer the question long as it doesn't incriminate or send a [ __ ] to jail no [ __ ] like that it's just a [ __ ] uh it's a me answering the question some [ __ ] may be my opinion on the situation which we all have one or some [ __ ] may be because I know but you're not no dummy it's only one reason why you would want to be I just read those offset text so I'm I'm sold you know hey sometimes I don't know when you're trolling but reading those texts yeah you want to read them all I mean sure yo send me send me the whole archive send me every conversation you've ever had with offset I'll go through it and I'll make a YouTube video let me show you how real this is let me show you how real this is right somebody need to steal your phone no let me make a YouTube videos for years listen I can show you just prior to that offset cussing me out for what cuz of the blue fake [ __ ] cussing me the out going crazy on me but no love lost cuz when the Doug thing came up he was no but it's going to lead to this what does he say you my what you my uncle these text is crazy get me out okay then now when this occurs and he hears it so this ain't no see my relationships with people be authentic I you you looking at it he going crazy on you guys just arguing all day arguing like a motherucker what the fck [ __ ] you [ __ ] you br cuz I'm getting mad cuz he blaming me for some [ __ ] ain't got nothing to do with me you said N word please kill all the super gangster talk he goes stop hitting me OG all love what was that about cuz he was talking crazy like you keep reading he was talking crazy but he was mad he was emotional he a know what to do I'm in the middle of some [ __ ] he felt like I get him that's blue face that's you I can't [ __ ] I can't I woke up to some [ __ ] wow oh yeah it's [ __ ] up when you tell people it be really that [ __ ] in my fold I just don't say nothing right so at the end of the day this ain't no he ain't been talking to me for a bu but when he seen it he like why is this [ __ ] lying blowing up his kids I'll admit that you just ended the podcast on a high note for me personally cuz I thought that we weren't going to do any better than the first 20 30 minutes of this but that was you fact checked it it's a lot of [ __ ] I just don't say nothing but for the people if I'm speaking it's because I can now I could have been [ __ ] up but I'm My Brother's Keeper yeah there's a lot you didn't say about that story but yeah important details you but I'm my brother's keeper because this cameras all around that studio but I I'll never reach to my brother to involve himself in something uhhuh it's cameras at that studio right they were reviewed the next day knowing wack 100 I'm assuming you have the footage on your phone listen man listen no because I didn't request that for my brother to send me that knowing w 100 you have some other dude who has it on his phone and you could hit him up for my brother just went and reviewed it to really see what went what what what happened so he can see like you know I did what I was supposed to do to diffuse the [ __ ] but like I would never put my brother in the middle of that cuz you got other people little baby I got nothing but respect for nephew you know Q see and little babies like brothers so I would never say hey send me this cuz it ain't that serious you know Doug want to run around Doug got home boys y'all know who y'all are I ran into y'all 3 four y'all Prime 112 South Beach Miami I'm on the curve for valet they walked up they said whack what up bro Doug told us what you did for him we just want to shake your hand good looking out so at the end of the mothering day y'all know who y'all be like I don't know what he on maybe he need me for some uh what I don't know
Channel: No Jumper Clips
Views: 446,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No Jumper podcast, No jumper interview, No jumper Adam22, Adam22 interview, no jumper clips, no jumper tiktok, viral clips, no jumper reacts, no jumper beef, no jumper news, new music reaction, akademiks, flakko akademiks, adam22 lush
Id: 32jbJtFaw2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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