Wack100 on Boosie Calling Him a Clown, Releasing BG's Paperwork on Xmas

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[Music] who broke the BG story was it 1090 Jake and and did you guys find some common ground through that bro called me I was sick 1090 called Remo Remo called had on threeway Remo I was already F to go with it right what kind of sickness I had like the flu or some right okay so um so when he called me I was sick I'm like yeah bro I got like 28 pages 1090 said I got like 100 200 pages I said I just got the the meats and potatoes up and taking the stand grandry W wo I said Remo Remo put us on the Text Blast I seent him when I had I said go do your thing my only request is to come out on Christmas day right that was my request why huh why I wanted to give him a gift cuz cuz did you see Hassan Campbell's video talking about this he really emphasized like I don't know what kind of sick person wants to put this out on Christmas and I hate the way these YouTubers just stretch their videos out just say the same thing 50 times so it came out right but this is like the most Grinch thing possible is to want to up his Christmas can we talk about that talk about what Christmas why' you want to Christmas up so bad can you do the day after Christmas ass how many Christmases of KRA washhington did he up oo out of here you just silenced me bow so this what trips me out head wack ain't said hate BG yeah wack ain't said don't stream BG don't support BG whack just expose cuz we got to do movement called the exposers I heard you right that you was a rat that you're trying to recruit big hit for now that's another conversation you invited him to join now what whoever chooses to do with it all we going to do is expose talk about it turn into content let it go up get your click get your views and laugh now I hope that if it was somebody out there who was planning to do business with anybody we expose that's Street business I bet you they appreciate us cuz they going to say oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] didn't got out we didn't know what about that what about that crowd now his fans bro continue to be his fans I want you to stream download all this music that's part of the Cash Money catalog Bird Man and slim make that money BG get whatever cut he got whatever it is we all this old man [ __ ] you hear these [ __ ] talking about and it's usually a rat saying it is is usually a rat saying it if you expose it [ __ ] you got to do something to them that's stopping [ __ ] from exposing [ __ ] so as soon as 1090 and you expose the BG stuff and start being vocal about it booy chimes in right away and basically lets you know so what booy did he a GNA say what's his thought process and I'm G be real I [ __ ] with booy you know I usually don't give a [ __ ] about getting into it with nobody yeah this one kind of bummed you out I don't give a [ __ ] straight up but I [ __ ] with booy like for real so I think what booy did cuz I did it on purpose I come on clubhouse BG a rat that's all I said two days I was trying to bait BG into denying it you know I work yeah then I dro the [ __ ] he never said nothing you put the me and 1090 on the phone to come out the way come out so when he just heard me saying it on clubhouse right he responded without knowing the backend story of he didn't know it cuz I had let it go yeah I got you I got DMS from booy after that so what booy thought on booy said show me where he a rat show me where rat send me to work I sent him to work he never responded and I think boot sitting back saying like I'm saying I'm GNA be a real [ __ ] damn I didn't got into it with whack booy been to the penitentiary streets to the streets if you ask booy to stay the the truth [ __ ] any man supposed to take that stand and mention any man name and point they finger at any man booy going to tell you hell [ __ ] no even if they got a fall gu it's in CS you never you a square [ __ ] so you know your mind at your age is not trained for it this is [ __ ] that been embedded in us we do not mention another man's name we don't point at another man's picture we don't know or we plead the fifth if a [ __ ] say he gonna take the beef you may sit in jail one day a year five years I got homies that been sit there five years only thing that man is guaranteeing me is I'm not going to catch that chain in the penitentiary right I got to let him put together his play let him move the pieces around how he going to move them my peace of mind is sitting in the county jail knowing I'mma walk from the county jail the homie said he going to take the beef let him set it up you may sit there year one of the cops may get go foul it could get thrown out a witness could disappear get sick that could be thrown out Anything Could Happen [ __ ] you got to sit there [ __ ] and I say a [ __ ] thing and let that man work his hand set up either beating this [ __ ] or setting himself up for a appeel while he's doing his time if I go take a stand behind this [ __ ] back you notice BG didn't say dude told me to go get on the stand yeah right behind this man's back and give a statement saying everything is his boom boom boom boom boom right I didn't already killed his appeal gone the [ __ ] in the car saying it's yours right now look at what the man did he set it up to where he got his guilty plea with Drew and was going to fight it he didn't get it with Drew and point a finger at anybody and turn R he got to with Drew and was F to fight it when he went to fight it they said you know we got statements from these two dudes saying everything is yours they went to the grand jury behind your back sign Al for Davis and all that so do you think that that's right do you think booy now realiz you think that booy now realizes you were right booy know I was right I know you think that booy will say that real I don't like getting into it with booy cuz I know the man we been each other pres in the studio he didn't did favors for me all kind of [ __ ] like I generally [ __ ] with booy so if he comes to you and says I was wrong you will happily accept and be back on good terms with him right okay because I know the [ __ ] like booy a good [ __ ] like not only I'm a booy fan I respect the [ __ ] as a man but based on what you know of this situation if booy's opinion is he didn't snitch his behavior is acceptable that's unacceptable to you what Booty's going to do is not he's for whatever reason he you know him and BG is what it is but I've seen I've seen Vlad ask booy about a bunch of snitch and [ __ ] where booy kind of was like I'm not getting involved you know and it's like you also but you've also seen him jump off the [ __ ] diving board about relatively minor [ __ ] like the ti thing he canceled the [ __ ] album over TI which it was not like the best example of right he's a rat right Terence right uh Williams you know he spoke strongly about that [ __ ] right booy at the time didn't know I had the paperwork and he hadn't read it and I think he got mad cuz I said what I said but booy supposed to know and he got my number that's the part I didn't like whack what up what's up with this [ __ ] you call him my homie you know bro a rat I had to sent him to work right yeah he didn't know I had to work he thought I was just saying some [ __ ] because once I sent him to work on the DM when he said [ __ ] show me where it's at and I sent it he didn't respond if he had a read that and F what I said he wasn't right he' have told me [ __ ] this you capping this this that booy going to speak as mind this is real [ __ ] but you think with BG being from Louisiana he's still going to you know what I'm saying push that narrative I I think he going to fall back I just think I think the overall politics or whatever it is you know everybody has a person that they probably don't want to talk about it right they don't want to talk about it we've seen that with a lot of the Chicago guys they got like family they got their best friend from elementary school and he told and they' we've seen people have to kind of like formulate their response in order to say yes that person [ __ ] up but I can't deny that I still love them you know seems like a tough tough conversation for a lot of people so with me it's a little different it is what it is when you [ __ ] up I just ain't [ __ ] with you if you we talking some Street [ __ ] I ain't [ __ ] with you but you'll do business for [ __ ] who [ __ ] up yeah no problem hypothetically what about a couple days ago we Paparazzi po his dad was Alpo his dad was a snitch yeah I know I know all about Alpo would you be Alo told you say that was your dead would you be able to have love for him or or would it [ __ ] it up um I might have love for him as my father if he was a father say he's a father right but pops couldn't call me talking about no Street [ __ ] a son I need you [ __ ] you a rat [ __ ] is you talking about right and son and your dad reached me they reached out to me once he tells you can they reach out to me cuz they want to do an outpost story or something but I helped them do The Outpost story absolutely it's business yeah right but we going to call a spade a spade what if he was still alive and he had wanted to invest in the diaper business I talked to Alpo when he was alive but you would you wouldn't have done business with him as a r definitely I told him to do a story he was alive he was dragging his feet he was at a halfway house on the West Coast he was dragging his feet I said Do Your Story damn
Channel: No Jumper Clips
Views: 126,423
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Keywords: No Jumper podcast, No jumper interview, No jumper Adam22, Adam22 interview, no jumper clips, no jumper tiktok, viral clips, no jumper reacts, no jumper beef, no jumper news, new music reaction, akademiks, flakko akademiks, adam22 lush
Id: 3bQXH0byGdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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