VueJS & CodeIgniter 4 Web App - #1 - Overview & Project Setup
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Channel: Alex Lancer
Views: 20,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: codeigniter 4, php framework, codeigniter 4 overview, codeigntier restapi, codeigniter vuejs, vuejs codeigniter restapi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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Hey, guys, here is an interesting tutorial on how to use CodeIgniter 4 RESTapi Server with VueJS framework. It is a tutorial of 5 videos that will help you to overcome some of the difficulties that you might face in your current or future projects, such as Authorization process, Firing up a RESTapi server on CI4, setting up Axios and so on. Check it out and leave your comments bellow.
I really dislike watching videos, especially when the instructions could be written out so I can reference them when I'm doing the work, instead of stopping the video, moving the slider on the video to the important part, redoing it, etc. Text is so much easier to deal with.
Have you considered also releasing text instructions with screenshots (from the video, no need to rework it) so that people like me who don't learn off of videos (honestly, I get bored and stop watching) could gain access to the tutorial's info?
This Vuejs and CI4 is something I've been toying with, so it grabbed my interest enough to ask.
I like the video... Very interesting...