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so I want to start off this stream by saying this is just for fun okay we have a small disclaimer here I'm going to go over a few designs and I'm breaking down a certain pattern I've noticed in a lot of YouTuber designs and a lot of successful vtuber designs I'm not claiming my YouTuber design is successful okay I I have myself in the slides as well because I don't feel comfortable just like breaking other people's designs apart like I did with my own so that's just a small disclaimer I'm not patting myself on the back here um ow if you're going to follow these steps it's not guaranteed that you'll have a very successful vtuber design and if you are not following the steps it can still happen that you're going to pop off big and you know please don't take this the wrong way please don't twist my words please don't say I like claim to like okay have a set of rules you have to follow but I feel like this can be like an interesting thing to go over and keep in mind cuz I've noticed a bunch of times that not everybody is like they they they sometimes don't know where to start or what to keep in mind when they want to design a YouTuber design I've seen people just doing I don't know a Persona and um then they're like confused why nobody you know wants uh to draw their design and it's like listen I get it because I also have a bad design example done by myself at the end of the slide and I'm going to break down why this design is bad for beber but not necessarily bad designing in itself okay so design can be good but it's just not the right medium so let's begin number one please keep the medium in in mind and in order for me to break down how to keep the medium in mind okay we're going to break down game characters we have these characters and don't get me wrong they are amazing character designs they have a lot of detail a lot of culture detail in there but it doesn't mean that they necessarily work for streaming okay GHIN has something in their characters that is intended for gameplay and you notice that with the back of the design every character's back has a very detailed design or something going on that is important for the character to be viewed you know because most you see from them is from the backside cuz you're running as them and then you only see the character's backside that's why you also have sometimes hair from a long-haired GHIN character that is split in the middle only so you can see the um what's it called The Vision but but yeah um this design is very detailed but also his colors fall very flat which is something we'll notice when we go over the color palette thingy later um so it works for you know gaming but it doesn't really work for streaming cuz you have so much [ __ ] going on you don't know where to look and same goes for jongi like he has so much going on down here with his like pattern and everything but if he were to be a vtuber everything would be cut off and he doesn't really have a very recognizable silhouette as well like it's just a dude with some hair so that's why I'm saying keep the medium in mind your design isn't necessarily bad just because it's quote unquote bad for streaming if you get what I'm saying okay because these character designs are very good these are good character designs but but I just don't think they would work as good um for streaming and uh let's move on okay so let's break down why this character works for streaming first of all she has a cent color palette okay we have the white and the black as base colors and then we have puppy colors like um the pink and the yellow that give some sort of recognition Okay then we have iconic Thunderbolts I think that's what they're called you know but basically her character works fine for uh streaming because you have a theme going on she's following sad theme and even if you cut off this part here you still see stuff that's going on for streaming without having to rely on the design in the bottom you have her twin tails that work very well for streaming um you have these little bows that are also very recognizable yeah we we love Leah here okay um recently she also got more hair cuts uh like she she got like toggles but I didn't get the pictures for that so I'm very sorry and each of them are working very much fine for streaming like she's not overloading her design with too much detail because the thing is you also have to keep riggers in mind okay is that easy to rig I'm not a rigger but it's more so doable than doing all the things on Delux uniform before cuz she doesn't have too many cluttered things on there the design is Flowing the open shoulders break it up a little bit and it just it it seems balanced is what I'm saying okay anyways this uh first part will make more sense later on but I'm going to go over the silhouette test now so what is the silhouette test basically who's vtuber are these oh wait I'm in the way um can you recognize these vtubers type in chat type in chat if you can recognize them one in here is like very cute anyways why do these Silhouettes work why can you recognize these characters based on their Silhouettes alone you do not see any colors you don't see any um details you only see the shape these vtubers this one very unintentionally work with shapes to generate a design that will be recognizable so if you want to work on a vtuber and you have no idea where to start maybe start by just drawing a blackout silhouette just like you know go in zoom out of the canvas and just work with shapes shapes that you think will be recognizable and then later fill fill in the details okay I feel like not many people keep that in mind or many people Overlook that you should work with shapes in order to you know get a recognizable design going okay so let's move on the 40% rule the 40% rule essentially ties in with the medium of streaming keep in mind like what are you seeing of me right now you do not see my legs you don't even see my torso really um you only see at best 30 to 40% of me okay so you see this YouTuber here she has a very recognizable silhouette um she would definitely pass the silhouette test as as well because not only does she have these uh cyber bunny ear thingies and the rings on her hair she also has the cables so that definitely works very well um as a recognizable silhouette and she also has these things that are coming off from her jacket which makes her overall silhouette very recognizable but the focus of the design definitely lays here that doesn't mean that this part of her design is boring cuz no she put also a lot of thought into this uh part of her design but the most important part of her design this here is already very recognizable she has a good balanced like cut here with the with the jacket and then it breaks open to uh reveal like a little bit of titty cuz titty is very important basically you have to focus the important and or the very interesting parts of your design on this part the part that will people see the most often I have one more example just because I like showing more than one example but here we have the same thing he would definitely pass the solow test cuz um this like the bunny ears and the the piercings and the earring he's got going on very recognizable and again he also has this um demon tail thingy also very recognizable he doesn't have too much going on on the like Department which is fine because you don't always see the legs all the action is playing here your legs can still be fancy okay but nobody's going to look at your legs when you stream I'm sorry so now let's go over to color pallets color pallets is a little bit bit of a tricky one because this is not necessarily a rule you have to follow okay like all the others you don't have to do anything I say but basically it's hard to find the sweet spot so I just figured I'll go over stuff I've noticed a lot of YouTubers a lot of popular and successful YouTubers do that is inami Yoki she's very cute she recently had a red with this design before that she had a different design but the important part about her new design is that she still kept the same color palette more or less she never really stayed straight away from the C and the orange that was like always part of her design and she also always had like white in her design um so that's like very interesting to note that if you do have a color palette it's best if you should you know kind of stick to it throughout your variations of designs obviously you can do a 180 if you want to but you don't need to but basically I broke down some of the color palette things I noticed as some beers do so we have like two neutral colors which is the brown and the white these uh work as a base as a neutral base then you have the accent color which is the gold cuz she has a lot of gold accents in her design and then you have the two to three poppy colors that work to bring out um the life in the design because I normally really dislike orange as a color okay but I cannot imagine her design without the orange and I feel like she made it work she made me like the color this is how good she was with the color palette guys can you imagine the power this YouTuber holds if they can make you like a color that that's the importance of color palettes okay I'm not I'm not trying to Pat myself on the back here okay but I follow a similar um pattern of having two neutral colors as a base I have the white as a neutral color my design is mostly white and then I have the red the pinkish red and the blue as a poppy color working for itself cuz I have a lot of red in my design um even though this is my hair color it's still more of an accent to the whole design okay it works as an accent color more so as a poppy color and this one also has the same eye color as my uh same color as my eye okay so we have a very balanced design but let me tell you my design wasn't always as balance and we're going to go over how I improved my design cuz it wasn't always that good okay I really like my design okay let let me have that I found out it's the best thing to limit yourself to Max six colors as main colors obviously your um small thingies uh your small uh details can have different colors but your main colors the one you always see should be kind of limited to at least six because if you have a bunch of colors going on you're going to throw you entire design off balance and here we have a good design example of somebody who doesn't have a lot of color variations going on but it's still very balanced she's not overdoing it she doesn't even use a lot of different colors on different parts of the design like we saw before with Yoki cuz she has a brown and orange in the middle and then blue on top and she doesn't even have that but it still works very well and again her design is like very balanced cuz all the action is like going on here she has those little octopus ear thingies then she has that bow here that uh has like a special pattern on it that's very cute she could make merch out of this okay if she wanted to like it it's very marketable she has the black B then she has that blue here that pops up and breaks up the design a little bit and then she just has very neutral legs because nobody cares about your legs and then we have nimu she's a very great artist by the way check her out she recently started streaming as well well her design also very balanced cuz you have the blue as the middle color and this one is like an accent and then she has the poppy color being her red cuz it like breaks up design again and just gives a splash of color CX have mainly white stockings going on with uh a small pattern in it I'm very sorry I couldn't show it here but it's like very balanced um and again it's another neutral color to put pull the entire design together okay um so yeah about color palette long story short limit yourself to neutral based color one or two poppy colors maybe even three if you want to go that far and an accent color don't go overboard with the colors okay um cuz it can throw your design off balance very quick next part you theme aesthetic on Niche if you going to become a vtuber you know you want to go for something some people want to go for a theme in my in my case it was mentally ill SL nerd jokes aside Jokes Aside okay um My overall parking theme is uh nurse okay so there we have it uh Mana nurse two things okay let's just show the examples so we have Dell uh 029 and we have ra up so what we can discuss about them the theme you see here it's tamagi uh she has the tamagi ears she has the egg thingies in her hair she has a belt full of Tamagotchis a tamagi wrist rat wrist watch I cannot speak so her theme basically Y2K tamagi very recognizable for her easy zombie nurse she's not just a nurse okay she has uh Missing body parts that were stitched together she has ripped up clothes missing eye zombie nurse easy two things and for her plague doctor very easy to recognize okay plague and Doctor The Mask even without the mask I feel like you can see that she has a medical theme going on which is medevil because of the sleeves the sleeves are very medieval themed um and you have that hairstyle I don't know how it's called also ties in very well um you can just recognize it immediately because also her B here has that plague doct the thingy so you know she she has some Gothic [ __ ] going on okay but um to call back to other vtubers you probably know Yash her uh vtuber Onie easy you recognize she's an oi uh then we have P Bells from earlier you know she's a chaotic rat okay you you see her um design is chaotic and she's red you know she has to do with chaos and you know rats is like two things um cuz sometimes I've seen people being like Oh I'm an evil Overlord demon queen cat alien Idol uh but also a gamer and like you have too many themes going on if you go for that try to limit yourself to like two or three themes Max um don't go overboard I saw another YouTuber her her thingy is being a bat and she chose a specific breed of bats I guess I forgot the name but basically if you want to be a cat girl you can be a normal ass catg girl or you can choose a specific breed of cat that has a specific pattern on their back and then you can be this specific breed of cat okay this is how you can uh choose a niche inside a very broad design so you don't always have to combine it with something if you don't want to but I would uh recommend you to at least go for two things so you switch it up a little limit yourself do not go overboard sometimes less is more okay you can still have a niche even if your design is Broad cuz you may have seen a lot of nurse YouTubers out there but how many of them are also zombies or you may have seen a lot of zombie YouTubers out there but how many of them are also nurses you know okay also very important please please please please please please keep fan artists in mind okay you need to keep fan artists in mind is your design good to be fan arted yes or no obviously don't sacrifice your design for fan artists but fan artists are the backbone of YouTubers how do you easily get recognition by seeing the [ __ ] design floating around the internet okay so if everybody's drawing you okay everybody will at least recognize you even if they don't watch you okay they they know okay I've seen this [ __ ] before you know so yeah fan art is very important but let's go over it together okay let's go over it a little bit how beginner friendly is your design is it too complex for people to draw and will it resonate with people okay I'm going to take FES as an example here please don't hate me but basically if you going to become a fur vtuber you have to keep in mind that furry is not for everybody and you'll lose a large chunk of people who would maybe find you interesting just because of how your model looks and that's just a sad reality okay you can have the most interesting personality but if people are not into furry and you have a furry design chances are they're not even going to give you the time to check you out and I'm not saying you have to like become a humanoid vtuber do whatever you want okay but keep in mind that maybe some designs resonate more with people than others okay for example I'm a fanboy YouTuber not everybody's into Fanboys I'm very aware of that that I cannot uh uh score points with titties because I have no titties okay it's the same kind of thing also another thing if something about your design is forgotten or if somebody doesn't draw it will it still be recognizable that is very important cuz imagine your entire design is based off only um with the outfit and if you then change the outfit nobody will recognize you anymore that would be [ __ ] sucky okay so keep in mind that even if somebody draws you in a different outfit or if something is forgotten about your outfit that it will still be recognizable I have okay so listen I've received over 300 fan arts in my time of being um of having this design around okay I have so many fan arts and obviously people forgot some part of my design sometimes people forgot my heart H sometimes people even forget my hair dang okay um people can forget stuff sometimes people forget the colorful hair strands in my hair okay but my design is still recognizable because of other stuff I've included in that design um that's not a weird Flex it's not me flexing that's accumulating of many many years of having this design around okay this design exist since uh 2015 okay it's been oh my God sheesh so I have this one outfit okay look how [ __ ] detailed this is is it a cute ass outfit I think so yes um but it's it's not good for fan arts it's not good for V tubing um the artist and rigger who would have to do that would probably die of a stroke if they ever had to Ri so many [ __ ] physics on so many [ __ ] hair clips but yeah um there we have the the test am I still recognizable look at me no color still recognizable no outfit still recognizable different hairstyle I would say still recognizable this is basically what I've uh tried to teach you guys um your color palette is important but your B needs to work without it same for your outfit your outfit is important but your B has to work n as well okay or else it might be difficult a different hairstyle it still should be recognizable as you okay and then we have variations and again I take melat as example cuz this is original design okay and she has these very iconic bunnies in her hair and the thing with her is if you were to draw her just NY no bunny you would think okay that's like a normal blonde girl okay but the thing is she always keeps some sort of pink in her design she also um for this design um she has the bunny ears in every iteration of her design in every variation um she has that fand thingy on both of her designs it's not drawn on the ref for whatever reason but she has it on her design and the thing with this design which I personally thought was really really good the Obi and the Obi is literally mimicking that [ __ ] bunny the Obi do mimicking the the eyes of the Bunny and the Obie itself mimicking the bunny you can't see it in that angle but she still has that bunny is a hair clip and this right here is a notch to her fan base cuz this is the mask of her uh sensei but yeah variations of your design should also work so keep that in mind when you design your uh character that it can also work without the main outfit and then design aspects now we going to rip into my old design okay this is what you all have been waiting for so here we have my very old design that was 2016 um it was a nurse uniform I didn't have any good recognizable [ __ ] going on other than my hair um keep in mind the eye color is still the same very Bland and it's just white with a little bit of pink here it's it's it's very one color it's it's not very balanced at all you don't have any accent color you don't have anything that catches your eye and of course I overloaded my designs with a bunch of different hair clips hair clips that have nothing to do with my current like with being a nurse um the colors why why did I put orange and and purple and green in my design like it's it's just it doesn't fit it just doesn't fit not recognizable at all just not a good design but here we have a little bit better okay we we finally added some pop to the design we added some gers that made it a little bit better uh we added a weapon belt because of course I needed a weapon belt but is it good for be tubing no no it's not it's very like bottom heavy you have so much [ __ ] going on here very overloaded uh also have a different kind of blue that I have with my eyes it's just two different kinds of blue and we have a pink and pink again and then red it's it's not balanced at all so what changed there we go so this one was not bad but this is how we where we are now okay um we still have like we we we improved a lot first of all we unified the colors a little bit more uh went for more puppy color we got rid of all that [ __ ] um it's it's more minimalistic but it still has the same Vibes if you know what I mean so let's zoom in a little okay so first up we decluttered my hair we got rid of all that random [ __ ] cuz it was like literally so cluttered and we made it easy we have two main things it's one banded one cross very easy also look at my eyes uh that color was unified to be more in that color it's more harmonizing with my um hair the hair strands are also more balanced out we we just like this a little bit more okay also the aoga is way thicker um I guess that depends on the art style a little bit as well but this little tiny thing is just what is that that can be plugged out and removed and nobody would notice and this here if you plug it out I die um same with the arms okay you have like this stuff here that implies some stuff and we just made it a little bit more cohesive okay we even added a little bit of purple but it's not overwhelming in my design but yeah it still brings the same cross point across without being too cluttered and too full of [ __ ] okay another thing we did we uh because of all the details that were omitted we were able to make these things here um the the guard is thicker um they're like now wider and balance out the design more we also completely got rid of the buttons so that's also something cuz the buttons were just not needed if you think about it uh and same for the legs we unified the design a little bit instead of making these uh into Band-Aids we now have a bandage design going on we made it the same color as my eyes it's not a different Tye of blue anymore that comes out of literally nowhere we got rid of my weapon belt which it's okay I'm not allowed to have weapons on Twitch um um nobody needs to see where I stole my syringes okay I still have them and we just you know got rid of the pink and that here too we just replaced it with the red because why do we need two colors on the legs yeah we just decluttered my design it's now more harmonizing and now out now on to a bad design example so this is my art I can [ __ ] on it this is not a bad character design for the medium it's intended to be in but it would be a very bad character design for V tubing cuz the thing is her silhouette she she just simply fails the silhouette test she would not fail it if her hair hands were like out okay then she would not fail it but if her hair hands have to be permanently out for her to be recognizable she would not work for streaming cuz she would cover the entire [ __ ] stream with her hair hands that is like not good for V tubing um also a color palette is uninspired if it comes to V tubing it's literally just bluish black plus red nobody gives a [ __ ] about this nothing stands out about this like don't get me wrong I like the design okay and she works in the story she SE in cuz the thing is she's for my own story okay um she's intended to blend into the background she's not intended to stand out her abilities is what have her like make her stand out in the plot and they are revealed later so she has to fall under the ridar so in that sense she works for my uh story she works for the plot I've written she would not work for V tubing she's failing the silhouette test she's failing the the 40% rule because she has maybe 20% going on here and 0% going on here and if she has something going on here she's not good for streaming so she also fails the medium test she is easy to Fan Art I guess if you don't draw her hair hands so I guess she excels in that department but everything else basically not really good not really good for bbing so let's conclude this stream shall we keep in mind your character will be used for streaming as medium so don't design something that will hinder the stream from being seen AKA call back to the hair hands we just saw work with shapes okay to construct a silhouette that works and will be recognizable even without colors or characteristics shown try to incorporate shapes into design to make it stand out focus on the top half of your design don't make it bottom heavy while the top stays empty okay the top has something to have going on there that makes people want to look at it and remember to go for a balanced color palette try to incorporate a neutral base color let me just go in here so you guys can screenshot if you want so I'm going to come very tiny try to work with neutral base colors and decide I wanted two poppy colors um to help your design stand out a little bit and make it recognizable cuz if I were to show you a color palette the one of hako belts okay if I were to show the red with the yellow the white the C and the black people would probably associated with B so your color palette also helps you in be recognizable but don't only rely on colors to be recognizable okay make sure your theme is clear so try to limit yourself and don't make your character Comm ation of 50,000 themes at once okay remember you can always go for upgrades um later on with you know like redeb with different front lure um where you have some uh changes to your design you don't always have to incorporate everything you like in your first design you can decide on one to two things you like and then go for redut for the other stuff that maybe would Clash with your uh current theme make sure to balance uh the details of your design keep in mind more is not always better sometimes less is more and less details doesn't equal it has to be boring okay keep a fan artist in mind the vital point of your career the more fan out you receive the more viral you can actually go so yeah that was basically it um do what makes you happy in your design I just hope that this stuff um can help people keep some certain things in mind when they design cuz um many people don't really know where to start when it comes to like a VB design they don't know what to look out for and the design design I don't know a Persona that is like um not really having the the medium of youbing in mind and then they get disappointed that it doesn't really resonate with a lot of people because it's something very personal to them um my design actually got a lot of backlash uh in the beginning because some people told me they are totally not a fan of the theme uh they love me but they don't really like my design and it was really crushing for me to hear at first I was like man but but it me you know um you should also try to not take this stuff too hard because in the end you have to like your own design okay um you have to make sure you are comfortable with your design because in the end it'll kind of represent you going forward as a vtuber so don't really listen to other people when they say oh I don't really like your design blah blah blah blah blah and you're like oh but but I like it okay cuz you will find the people who like you design okay you'll find you people it's just what I wanted to say so yeah basically ignore everything I said do whatever you want go I [ __ ] have [Music] fun
Channel: Yume Kuzukawa Ch. 夢クズかわ
Views: 41,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #yumekuzukawa, #yuyukawart, #kuzukawALIVE
Id: Z6EshGvc3s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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