VRChat without VR (or Chat)

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hey guys today I'm going to show you a cool tip to play VR chat without VR so the first thing you're going to want to do is download VR chat on Steam that's it you just play the game you did it okay all jokes aside I wanted to make this video cuz I thought it was always very interesting that despite the title VR chat you don't need VR and you don't need to chat so you might be wondering Nova what the are you talking about isn't that like the whole point of the game well I mean I mean kind of so to go over the first part the VR let's go over the different ways to play VR chat now you might have heard the term questy before quties are people who use just the Oculus Quest 2 three whatever on the Standalone version in the Oculus store from their headset this is a severely nerfed version of the game which runs on Android technology yes just like your phone and there are a lot of limitations when playing as a quest only this includes not being able to see certain avatars and seeing certain worlds it's like VR chat light you're only experiencing a little bit of it I mentioned it's on Android technology VR chat is also on mobile you can play it on your mobile device I've not done it myself so I can't speak to it of how good or bad it is I can't speak to how it plays or anything but it is an option now the way I play personally is I play with an Oculus Quest 2 and a Link cable to my computer this makes me a pcvr user there are other headsets you can use as well which are pcvr by default however if you have a Quest 2 and a decent enough computer get a Link cable hook it to your computer guess what you can check out PC worlds and and stuff so that's all fine in Dandy and I would say pcvr is the definitive way to experience the game but what if I told you you don't need to use VR there is another option which is keyboard and mouse just like any PC game we refer to these players as deskys and you'll notice them running around if you're playing VR chat they have their hands to their side and they move very uh rigidly and can't really do much that's because they're playing on a desktop computer and it's super easy you just like I said in the beginning of the video jokingly but seriously you just go to steam look up VR chat download the game uh boot it up there you go and you just hop right in now playing as a Desy has its limitations obviously you won't have hands you can't do this you know you can't move around in VR space another one I'd like to bring up is you only have one hand now I just said you don't have hands so what do I mean that you have one hand so when you go to pick up items in VR you obviously you have two hands you reach out to something you grab it other hand you grab it you're carrying two things in desktop you can look at things and click them and your character holds it and you carry it around so you are still able to interact with the worlds however you are very limited you can only use one item at a time and even when you're holding things certain worlds you can't interact with other things while you're holding an item so some worlds just straight up won't work for desktop users however I will say that I don't run into that very often it's not too often then that becomes an issue even as a desktop user you can still do a lot of the things you can do on VR even things like hand gestures you know doing different hand gestures your hands will be at your side but a lot of people have facial toggles linked to you know their hand gestures on desktop you just hold the shift key and press one of the F Keys F1 through 12 each of these links to a different hand gesture and a different hand you want to open up your Expressions menu press the r key a man you picked up an item and it's in the wrong position just press the buttons like i o p l like that kind of area of keys you can turn it you can spin it you can rotate it you can do all sorts of things or if you're playing on a mouse click in your mouse wheel move your mouse around that thing is freaking turning that's right you're not limited you have abilities you're powerful don't let anyone stop you now the biggest benefit of being a Desy versus being a questy is you get the the PC experience you get all the worlds the avatars and more so even if you don't have the money to dish out for a VR headset hop into VR chat it's totally free and there's so many worlds to explore and so many things to see in G gam to play and stories to experience and people to meet and it's such a great experience and you shouldn't be missing out on it Heck if you're a questy and you've never experienced PC worlds or avatars in VR chat before if you have a decent enough computer boot it up and go check out some PC worlds and check out what you're missing it's not as immersive because you're not like in the world looking around and like like I always like to say you tilt your head back to look up at something above you like that's the immersive thing for me but it's just like playing a PC game you still get to see see the beautiful sites the things that creators have put in their worlds it's still a worthwhile experience if you're not sure how to do something in desktop mode I've left a list of the key binds and controls Down Below in the description to help you out and if you're questing and you end up liking what you see all you need is just a cord that's it that's all you need now a little Tech lingo for you to help you understand what you're looking for the the plug that hooks up into your headset that is USB C and your typical USB slot on the back of a computer is a USB a now if you get any USBC to usba cord that's all you need that'll hook you up however it will not charge as you play if you do that so you have about in my experience anywhere from like 2 to 5 hours what I would recommend is if your computer has it is get a USBC to USBC all you need to look for if you're not techsavvy is look at look at what your plug plugs into on your headset and see if that kind of out like that kind of Outlet thing is on your computer on the back of your computer I personally use a kuek cord they're a company that I like a lot this is not sponsored by kek but hey k I love your product doing great stuff in fact I'll even leave a link to the cord that I'm using down in the description so if you not sure what to get and you have USBC to see capability try it out it's cheap it's good it works well so then I've very briefly gone over what it's like to be a desktop user now you might be wondering about the second part chat you don't have to chat in VR I mean it's called VR chat isn't the whole point to go meet people yes and no now if you've been following my channel for a while you'll know that I cover a lot of cool VR chat worlds my whole thing on VR chat is World hopping and World hopping is so much fun now what is World hopping Nova you might be asking World hopping is the activity where you you just go to different VR chat worlds oh that's a cool world now you can go to this one oh that one's cool oh that you just just hop worlds and you look around and you see cool things if you're not sure where to start I do have a video on the channel covering how to find cool worlds in VR chat make sure to check that one out that one's pretty cool it's definitely more fun with friends it's fun to meet people and maybe I'll make a video in the future on how to meet people in VR chat I'm not good at it I don't I don't meet people I'm socially awkward but I can give it a shot for you guys but the point I'm trying to make here is you don't have to be social to play VR chat you can just see pretty things there are hundreds of thousands of worlds in VR chat waiting for you to find them so what are you doing get out of the Black Cat and go see some pretty now another side of this I do want to bring up as well is what if you want to meet people but you're anxious about your voice or you're shy and you don't want to talk you that's fine there's something called mutes in VR chat now mutes are exactly as they sound they don't sound that they're mute they don't talk however VR chat does have some functionality to help mutes meet people and talk and get to know them there is a prefab called QV pen there's other pens as well but this is the one I see most often if a world has this prefab you just grab a pen and you start writing you can write out a message you can draw pictures you can communicate with others just just by drawing and it's pretty rad it's pretty cool way to meet people without having to ever open your mouth and if you're worried about your handwriting guess what there's an ingame keyboard if you're on desktop press the Y button there it is on VR if you open your Expressions wheel and you go to options you'll see a chat box option up there and if you enter keyboard oh it's kind of taking up space but there you go you have a chat box and you can type click CLI click CLI CLI click click CLI click and it'll pop up above your head very useful tool me personally I have it set to a keybind for clicking in my right stick so anytime I need my chat box there it is now something to note and this is a Pro tip for everybody playing VR chat everybody should do this everybody should do this what we're going to do here is we're going to open up our menu we're going to go over to our settings right now what I want you to do at home follow along with me scroll down until you get to chat box you'll see local chat box visibility by default this is set to friends for whatever reason make sure that's set to everyone if there's a mute trying to communicate with you you're not going to know if you're not friends with them by default so turn that to everyone so you'll know when people are trying to talk to you there is a notification volume thing right over here turn that on set the volume to whatever you want I find 40% works well with my other audio settings but kind of play around with it and see what works if you have this on the chat box will make a little popping sound and you can turn your head to the source of the noise and see what the person has said now I have gone around as a mute occasionally due to you know anxiety autism going non-verbal whatever the reason is or I'm just not in the mood to talk or I have be quiet whatever I've tried being mute and one thing I will say for certainty it's not easy people tend to ignore you if you're not in their face saying hey how's it going and like I said the chat box visibility by default is set to friends only so not everyone's going to see it people won't take the time to stop and watch what you're drawing with a pen all the time but if you're patient and you find the right people there are people who will give you the time of day and sit down with you and chat and you can have some good conversations without ever turning on your microphone phone so if you want to meet people it's still possible be a mute have fun use the tools available to you hey everyone Nova of the future here and I think it is a great disservice that I also forgot to mention the de community in VR chat and the fact that they invented an entire sign language that's right a VR sign language based on American Sign Language completely possible to do with just your controllers now I am by no means an expert on this subject but I did want to point out that this is a thing that exists so if you like learn sign language not only can you communicate better with that people but it's another option for those who don't want to use their mic you can be a mute and use sign language now if you want to learn more about this there's a great resource called Helping Hands there is a website for it as well as a Discord I will leave both of them down in the description look into it learn a new skill and yeah have a great time all right pass Nova back to you so the final question we take away from this dear viewers is what is VR chat if you take away the VR and the chat it's nothing but it's something I don't have a punch line for this I didn't prepare a punchline but it's still playable it's still very fun and it's still very worthwhile so hopefully I've interested some of you in checking out VR chat for yourself if there's someone you know that is anxious about trying VR chat because oh I don't want to talk to people or oh I don't have VR send them this video let them know that they can still play it heck be a good friend and say I'll take you world hopping sometime I'll show you some of my favorite places you don't have to meet other people you don't need to use your mic you don't even need VR and with that being said my loyal viewers that'll do it for today more videos on the way I have a a little bit of a road map for the next like five or six videos we're going to be getting to that climbing Carnival soon so stay tuned and if you want to keep up to date with my stuff make sure you like the video comment subscribe all that stuff hit the Bell because that helps me but it also helps you know when new stuff comes out because I don't have a set schedule you can also join the Discord the Nova Redux Discord where I I post I stream on Twitch I I'm constantly trying to communicate with the community there you can give me video ideas that you have you can suggest games for me to stream you can even maybe take part in a video in the future if I have need for audience in like interaction so you know where to find me good luck out there to Brave Warriors and explorers I am going to go edit this video and upload it right now for you [Music] [Music] [Music] goodbye
Channel: NovaRedux
Views: 3,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vrchat
Id: GhUjE4qDKUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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