VRC Water Gun Spray 3.0 Tutorial

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hello this is a tutorial on how to install my water gun particle particle effect uh onto your uh avatar uh first of all i need to find the folder that it's saved in it's effects by swami water gun and i'm gonna drag this plane on here we're going to need it that way the particles have something to collide onto okay from here i'm going to drag the high pressure prefab into the scene i already have my gun set up where i want it to be so now i'm just going to line up my particle effect to be pretty close to the tip of the gun i'm going to press f right here to zoom in i'm going to need to zoom out just a little bit you know i am going to line this up as best as i can to the tip of the gun okay that looks pretty good to me i could bring it a little bit closer oh that's not square i'm gonna hit f2 getting closer and bam that looks good right here i'm going to unpack this prefab right here in the heart key so right click unpack prefab and you may have to do this for your gun as well so now that i get everything where i want it to be i'm going to drag it into my into my avatar so what i'm going to do is open up the armature open the hips spine right shoulder right arm right elbow right wrist i'm going to click and drag my gun into the wrist and it should bring it down to the bottom i am then going to click and drag my prefab my uh particle system prefab into my avatar it should bring it down here at the bottom i'm not going to click my right wrist because that's where the gun is located i'm going to create a rigid body i'll delete this rigid body that way we can go through the same steps so right wrist is selected add component up here type in rigidbody rigi and bam click the second one and it should bring this up the settings you want are masses at zero drag is that zero drag is at zero angular drag i mean gravity is turned off uh then unchecked none and discrete like under constraints right here uh you wanna have these turned off i'm gonna turn on you want them to be checked cool so now we're gonna click back onto our prefab and click and drag our right wrist into this parent constraint slot right here boom and that connects uh that connects the particle system to our wrist this next part is very important so make sure to follow it in this order we're gonna click is active first we're gonna open up the constraint settings and then click lock what this will do is whenever we enter play mode the particle system is now locked to whichever direction the wrist is facing so i can click the wrist right here i'm going to press e i'm going to rotate the wrist up the particles now then uh go up sorry i just sent this out to oblivion okay so okay uh i'm just gonna turn this back on and off so i can have my particles back okay so yeah you can test to see if it's working by rotating your wrist around um i'm gonna press e no w and i'm gonna play with it as well make sure it's connected and yeah it's connected so i'm gonna get out of play mode now what we need to do is create a toggle for um to turn the water gun on and then to turn on the safety which is the toggle option so i'm going to close this up and i'm going to duplicate my avatar i'm actually going to drag this out to the side a little bit i'm going to create an animation if you don't have an animation window the way you would open it is uh click on window hover over animation and then click animation it's going to cr bring this up i like to bring it down here so i'm now going to click on my duplicated avatar i'm just going to rename it animation animations okay i'm going to open up the animation window hit create i'm going to call this water gun on cool i'm going to open up my duplicated avatar i'm going to find where i put the gun spine chest right shoulder right arm right elbow right wrist boom found a gun if you notice if you click at the gun it takes us out of the animation clip that we just made so the way that you would click on it is by holding ctrl and hit and click left click so i'm going to hit record i'm going to turn i'm going to double click this check button on and it should make the first keyframe right here i'm also going to open up the my prefab i'm going to click on toggle and i'm going to double click this check button at the very top top right so off on and bam so we got our first keyframe make sure this white line is hovering over the first row of diamonds we want to select these diamonds by left clicking it hit ctrl c click up here in the timeline and drag over one frame and we're going to press ctrl v and so now if i click and drag i can see that this is both these are both turned on i'm going to do the same thing too but with the water gun off and with the gun off and the safety off okay so i now have my new animation clip i'm gonna hit record i'm gonna turn this off right here the toggle i'm gonna control click the pew and i'm just gonna click it one time i turned it on and i click it one more time and now they're both turned off i'm gonna copy paste this over to the next keyframe just like i did before i'm gonna double check to make sure these are both off by clicking and dragging in the timeline and looks like the buffed off so our toggle is set ready to go uh we just got to make one more animation and uh that's to uh turn on the emission effect so i'm gonna go into the animation window click up here create new clip and we're gonna actually no no what we need to do is uh click on it doesn't matter duplicated or the original we need to go to the effects layer i'm going to click in project over here so i'm going to click on fx my effects layer if i double click it and brings it straight up i'm gonna since the gun is on my right hand i'm gonna open up my right hand gestures effects and i'm gonna find fists because for me i want to be if i want the gun to shoot i want to be holding a fist okay so i have this selected and and inside the inspector tab if i click on the animation fist it's going to take me straight to where the animation is in my project i'm going to drag this fist into my animations um avatar okay so now i can click on my animations avatar click on animation and select the water gun on in this case and i'm going to select fist from here i'm going to hit record and i'm going to click on the toggle in my prefab open up the emissions tab what i'm going to do is type in 725 come down here to radio of a distance type in 100 and then i'm going to open up the muzzle flash and type in 10. cool cool here i had already done this in another tutorial and i've found out 10 minutes in that i wasn't recording my voice so that's why it was already there but that's why these were already here but what i'm going to do to bring this over to the next keyframe is i'm gonna select one diamond or i can just but no i'm just gonna select this diamond down here control click the second diamond and the third diamond it should be uh these three the toggle uh water gun sprays i'm gonna have this uh this little marker hovering over the first frame control c bring it over to the next one control v bam it's there so now our animations are made all we have to do now is crea is bring the toggle into our parameters and that's it oh no no no i'm actually skipping a step okay so i'm going to open up our original avatar i'm going to go to click on the toggles water gun spray inside my prefab open up emissions i'm going to set these to zero the rate over time and distance over time i'm gonna set that to zero come scroll down to muzzle flash open the emissions tab i'm gonna set this to zero we do this because once we turn on uh once we toggle on the water gun in game it's not just going to immediately start shooting our particles okay i'm going to click over here on scene so now we need to create our parameters i'm going to click on the avatar scroll down to expressions i click on parameters i can double click it and it's going to take me straight right here i'm going to click on add and we're going to add our water gun right here make sure to have bowls selected and um this is unchecked and the the box to the right is checked cool cool now we need to um go into our effects layer i'm going to double click this i'm going to click on parameters first click this plus sign bull and i'm just oh i'm going to type in water gun it's important that it's spelled the exact same way i'm just going to double check it real fast um double click see yeah i would have messed up so i'm going to take water gun i'm going to actually copy paste it come back over to our parameters and paste it over here i'm going to click on layers hit the plus sign i'm going to rename this by clicking on it one time ctrl v click the cog wheel down here and set it to one uh now i'm going to search for the animations that we just made [Music] so water gun on right that's what we called it water gun there it is right there so i'm going to click on it and water going on i'm going to click hit the x and it's going to take us straight to where we save the uh our animations i'm first going to dragon off in here first and just going to rearrange this just a little bit i'm going to drag in on into here i'm going to right click on any state and make a transition i'm going to connect to waterfall off and i'm going to do the same for water uh water gun on i just noticed i call this water fun anyway okay click on the transition on the white arrow open up these settings i'm going to turn off fixed duration i don't really know if this really matters too much but i'm just going to do it anyway because it's what i'm used to doing under conditions i'm going to hit plus and i'm going to click it where it says gesture left scroll down to my water gun and change this true to false i'm going to do click on the transition from any state to water gun on i'm going to do the same as before and under conditions gesture left water gun and i'm going to leave this as true so now i'll talk toggle is working and since we did the animation change up here in fist the once we make a fist with the water gun in our hand like toggled in the game it should shoot shoot out the particles um the way that you can test this out actually before i do that i need to put this into my mini so i'm going to click my avatar double click the menu go into my toggles in this case i have a sub menu which i'm going to open up i'm going to add a new control open it i'm going to rename it water gun okay i'm going to change this to a toggle the parameter i'm going to select water gun bull and we should be set up and ready to go you can test this out by downloading vr labs um their emulator i'll provide a link inside of this description on how to uh how to get that so to open it i'm gonna enable avatar emulator tools go into play mode all right i'm going to play mode i'm going to click on my avatar and with this emulator we can test out our toggles i'm just gonna go and turn that off all right so i'm gonna click toggles and turn our water gun on sweet our water gun's uh working in hand and it's not shooting which is good i'm gonna scroll down to where it says gesture right index and i'm going to bring this over to fists and bam it's shooting and and now you're ready to upload your avatar into vr chat
Channel: TwamyVFX
Views: 7,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VRChat, VRC, 3.0, Tutorial, water gun, water, gun
Id: OQEdvNydPR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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