360° TITANIC SINKING - Inside the Titanic In Real Time VR 360 Video

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transfer to the parallel universe is completed whoa is this the real titanic yes sir we are currently at april 14th 1912. okay no time to wait let's explore whoa look at this water is it cold don't worry you're safe in this space travel suit okay okay i'll just go upstairs oh man this interior is amazing look at this painting the space of this grand staircase is finished in natural wood the architect of this ship thomas andrews went down with his ship along with more than 1 500 others oh that's so sad titanic had eight decks keep walking upstairs and you'll reach the first class deck hey i'm confused what floor are we on now we are too low it's time to go upstairs sir the water is coming yeah you're right whoa i can't believe how fast the water's moving okay now what where should i go it depends on what you want to see very funny bro i'm trying to survive here we're on one of two grand staircases located on this ship wow this dome is so cool each grand staircase had a white glass dome i gotta take a picture or maybe next time i'm knee-deep in water i gotta get out of here the door on the left leads outside thanks bro oh there it is we are on the upper deck wow i've never seen an ocean so close before so where should we go now run to the bow of the ship oh hey bro i'm getting a little sick that was a bad idea wasn't it i am not equipped to have any personal opinions i know but i've changed my mind can we go home now this option is not possible wait what travel timeline was preset it cannot be changed oh my cat what should i do now hold on for 30 seconds oh who invented these stupid rules you did sir okay i haven't seen the third class deck you do not have enough time to go down there but i can jump yeah oh man what's going on here oh it's already pretty flooded the ship will soon break in half thanks for the warning whoa look the stern's already gone underwater you had benton moved to the bow now sir this is insane have you ever seen anything like this before no sir breathtaking get ready to say goodbye sir would you like to repeat your trip no let's go home bro i just want to hug my family
Views: 10,069,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: titanic vr, 360 video animation, virtual reality, vr 360 video, vr 360 video 4k, 360, 360 vr bright side, vr, bright side vr 360, videos 360, sea, underwater, depth, 1912, titanic bright side, TITANIC SANK, Titanic SINKING
Id: J-ILijsAB9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 41sec (161 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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