Voyage of the USS Razzia - Beyond the Earth War

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in a joint venture between the u.s military and grant industries the uss razia embarked on a voyage to the planet known as the xenomorph hive world the mission to attain the precious royal jelly substance notable among the missions members were major alexandra lee after ellen ripley's defeat of the alien queen mother and a large portion of her brood lee was among the alien occupation eradication units sent to earth to remove the remaining hives in order to clear mankind's re-entry to the planet over those years lee rose from the rank of captain and with each mission her pure hatred for the alien creature continued to grow lee was the youngest holder of the congressional medal of honor and clear choice to command such a potentially dangerous mission she accepted the call without hesitation not for glory or accolades but for the opportunity to kill more bugs in her initial meeting lee stated that the idea of going to this hive world and killing bugs and stealing their life stuff is rather appealing dr amos begali daniel grant's described bug experts originally hired onto the grand corporation after being bribed away from his position at a rival company medtech grant felt the acquisition to be worth every penny thought by his peers to not only have the best handle on the genetic makeup of the alien creature but unparalleled field experience in their behavior he was among the batch of scientists who immediately investigated the biochemical reasons for xenozip's harsh side effects begali theorized the reason that some people have been reacting to the drug in such a fashion is that their biochemistries are sensitive to the unique properties of the synthesized regular alien jelly the key to solving this problem could be in a yet identified recessive gene there's so much we do not understand so much to learn he told grant at the moment our understanding of the genetic makeup of the aliens is not sufficiently advanced to clone either we need to go to the source i have reason to believe that the dna avenues i have been exploring could result in drug breakthroughs far beyond mere xenozip at the very least we could obtain a source of the active ingredient in the cornerstone of your drug empire that could allow you to manufacture safe batches for a long long time and i have the feeling that the answer to my questions could lie at the source of what we need corporal lars henriksen there was an intimidating presence to corporal henriksen daniel grant had met him before takeoff and referred to him as the big fella henriksen spoke to the ceo for some time and expressed how he felt about his role aboard the razia this is a special mission he said i can feel it in my bones nine times out of ten a group of marines head out into space all they come back with are handfuls of boredom i've had some of that out there let me tell you as soon as i got wind of this mission though special duty entailing a beachhead of the alien hive world well i just jumped at the chance jumped i've killed some bugs europe mostly special services that's probably why i got this gig the experience no that's not it though sir you see i've got this feeling that the human race is destined for great things in this universe destined and i'd like to do my bit to make that possible and i guess i'm vain enough to think i'm a talented enough guy to deal with the kind of situation we've got lined up for us i've had people tell me that men are just accidents in the scheme of things i don't think so why because we're men we stand for something god damn it we've got values and order and hell purpose to bring what amounts to a lot of godless space and there was daniel grant himself initially the neofarm ceo had no intentions of joining the mission but problems back on earth caused him to re-evaluate his role during this uneasy financial period for grant industries certain loaners were getting impatient grant owed money all over including to some very dangerous people one morton fisk in particular was now out for grant's blood in the scrabble for solidity and power after the alien earth war not all the fortresses of fiduciary control were entirely legal and often is not to get the leverage you needed for truly inspired buyouts you had to go to these underground people for liquid assets unfortunately they were criminals violent criminals self-confidence was always the anti-grav stuff for daniel grant the buyer bootstraps talent that hoisted him above the rest unfortunately self-confidence could also be a blindfold he well knew that he personally owed millions to fisk and company but since for daniel grant manana was always golden well he'd pay the menana when he had the money of course he had a few months to get the opportunity to highlife it again by then hopefully the money due to neofarm and thus grant industries and thus grant himself the financial entity in the direst need would have arrived in the meantime he'd be safe out in space on the uss razia he made the arrangements with his military partners and his explanation was hardly to be questioned this mission is far too important to my companies to me to allow i mean not to contribute my presence he told major lee the matter was settled the crew entered their hypersleep chambers and voyage began four months in suspension began daniel grant was left in the darkness darkness and dreams dream logic tangled in its own shreds and chips of reality and magic for weeks daniel grant dreamed or didn't dream but in the overpowering darkness the dreams were all he knew mobius strips of dreams jump cuts swirls of victory and laughter and glory the depths of the past into secret and overpowering fears mostly though it seemed like a short sleep for the dreams were only brief releases of hypersleep to allow brain function and rem in the glass case cubicle embedded like a fly in amber when the mechanism and gas mix slowly began to gently pry him from his slumber daniel grant only vaguely sensed the springing of the lock mechanism of his case he clung to his dreams clung to the darkness a sleeper drunk on sleep daniel a gentle female voice whose it was sweet and kind and understanding the kind of voice his ex-wife used to use in their early love when he gave himself only to her mr grant sir it's time to wake up mr grant wake up where was he we've got a lot to do grant realized that he was cold he felt quite naked shivering he raised himself he pried open his eyes peripherally he saw the overhanging cables and cold metal of the hypersleep chamber in front of him crouching was a good eight feet worth of talons bony notched spars and open angry jaws an alien he screamed he cringed then he scrabbled back instinctively throwing up his arms in a helpless gesture to protect him from this the deadliest creature in the known universe even as he squirmed trying to grapple over the side of his hypersleep cubicle what shreds of his rational mind that still operated realized something the thing wasn't moving it was just hovering there from the left a woman stepped holding a modular control unit major lee the beast before him was just a hologram she laughed i knew that would get you up and around she tapped control and moved the hologram away welcome to the uss razia phase two god damn you major she raised a dark eyebrow you want to be part of the gang don't you grant just consider this a very mild hazing you're a member of the fraternity now he hopped out of his cubicle one of ten spiraled around a central control and supply center oh don't worry mr grant it's just a training hologram see sorry but your military jokes don't quite cut it with a civilian miss lee she grabbed him by the shoulder that's major lee they had obviously let him snooze a while longer than normal all the other cubicles were empty why am i the last awake he said getting up and out of the thing steadying himself on the side you seemed real tired when we left grant we all thought you could use a little extra sleep how far are we from our destination the gravatonic engines are cut off we've got to use regular impulse engines to cruise among the planets we'll be in orbit around the hive world in four days she smiled are you ready for some action mr grant it would appear i've already gotten some major what from black fang here she smiled just a training hologram no reason to be embarrassed some younger recruits have soiled their skivvies because of black fang looks like you pretty much did okay grant snorted you have quite a warped sense of humor lee i guess we're gonna have to talk about that and some other things in a few hours right now i'd like to get some pants on he took a deep breath got his bearings and headed off in the direction of the locker room where he'd left his clothing the locker room was down a narrow corridor showers toilets benches it looked smelled tasted like something out of his high school sports hero days funky but somehow homey oddly comforting a tall blonde man was in the corner buckling the belt of his pants oddly enough he was wearing dark glasses they made him look more like the macarthur school of officer than a corporal the big fella henriksen you just got out of cold sleep too buddy the corporal turned and looked at him early this morning just finished exercising sir just kicked my butt out of bed now wonder why they kept me down so long maybe they just wanted things [ __ ] and span for you sir you know said the corporal times like these make me wish i could pop a tab or two of that xeno zip you make unfortunately tests have determined that chances are pretty good that i'd go berserk even on the regular stuff damned skittish metabolism oh well grant said paternally i'm sure you're a damn fine soldier without it he grew thoughtful i'll tell you hendrickson you must be pretty sick of that major of yours major lee our commanding officer she had a bug hollow waiting for me when i woke up no kidding she must like you then like me scared the hell out of me said it was some sort of hazing tough she's pretty tough all right the major is grant was surprised come on we're friends you don't have to pull that loyalty crap with me tell me the truth you've hated her for months right henriksen's face was immobile behind those shades his eyes were unreadable she's tough but i think that's good i've only served under the major since she called me from the ranks to be on this mission she's earned my respect there are codes and games just like everything in life you learn the ropes maybe these little attitude snits well i guess you've pulled a few in your time at grant industries grant considered i suppose i have in my own charming way good point the major is totally in command and she treats everyone as an equal there aren't many people you can say that about and if she chooses to dump a little extra [ __ ] on your ears he shrugged well then like i said she must like you see you at the briefing update sir the big man was gone grant sighed he velcroed his ship shoes and made a pit stop at the head the briefing room felt like the interior of a metal egg suddenly lit in curved corners all the soldiers assigned for plan to fall satin rows of comfortable slanted chairs as though in some military theater they sat at a kind of alert attention professionals damned good people all of them and lee should know she had helped to select every single one of them okay listen up people i promise you right now this is going to be no party but we didn't come all these light years to party did we we came to help make this galaxy safe for peaceful sentient life as long as these things infest any of our planets or ships or space colonies anywhere in an uncontrolled and above all misunderstood fashion the future of humanity is threatened these killers these reprehensible aliens have just got their claws and their blood and their teeth in their incredible powers of survival as weapons she paused for impact our ignorance is their primary weapon and i hope to diffuse a little more of that with you today the soldiers all looked entranced hanging on her words these people had been briefed on xenos before but now they greedily lapped up the information she was presenting she began with parameters of the mission quite simply people as much as i'd like to say all this is perfect and noble in our mission it's not we're going to a planet which is the origin of the xenos in this sector of the galaxy we'll be using a specially fitted lander people we've got the latest in technology at our disposal basically we're going in to do a robbery now ultimately i have no doubt this will be in humanity's best interest so take whatever nobility you can from your participation here however what we're up to here is the biggest heist of queen mother jelly in history we are on a glorified drug run take my word for it though i'm personally assured that it will make someone a great deal of money and maybe even help the human cause as well in any case be assured we're taking the alien earth war to the source and will most certainly kill lots of xenos in the process call it hardcore vengeance if you like call it just another job in any event we're here together so i can provide you with some information and equipment designed to preserve your sorry lives quickly she rattle off some of the basics about the xenos their behavior their attack patterns individually and in groups she summarized what was known about the hive world and what the main hive itself looked like from the information provided by the previous expedition it was all like a mantra and she ticked off the info point by point now then as for the interior of the hive she thumbed the projectors to a prepared setting kicking in the holotank in the corner like some magician she conjured up a vision from the depths of hades here was the familiar bowel-like tomb ropey with intestoid projections and rigid with tubing bumps and alien growths organic in the very worst and most frightening scents in central portion of this chili site squatted a huge bulb-like protrubance like a half-planted flower bulb however instead of bright and colorful plumage its pustule-like side sprouted tubings that connected to other slightly smaller bulbs and from its top like mephistopheles happily squatted atop a pile of his own excrement rose a gently swaying royal giantess an alien queen mother this is where we'll find that royal jelly that mr daniel grant has sent us after she said the material we want is in the large central sac but these smaller pods are what we must keep our eyes on in fact any one of those smaller pods may contain an incredibly vicious creature more dangerous than any you or i have encountered to date a call from the group of soldiers except my mother-in-law laughter followed we allowed a slight smile anyway she said this is all secondhand info and i can't guarantee it's accuracy so let's move on to something i know a little more about she keyed the hologram program controls black fang appeared almost like an old friend isn't he the overlay highlighted the midsection of the beast i want to tell you why you should avoid these targets while a shot to the chest will certainly stop the creature it will also create a very bloody wound the same can be said for the head and the spatter potential is even greater there as many of you have already discovered a shot to the knee will not only hamper the alien's mobility but such a wound also minimizes bleeding and spatter potential she turned to the audience most of whom were on the edge of their seats with suspense lee turned quite serious i know the blood issue is of great concern to all of you so i'm happy to present an innovation that should all but do away with your fears for more on that i turn you over to dr zado the man waltzed into the room like a stand-up comedian just called on to do his act he was a toady little guy who blinked as though the light was too much receding hairline iq dandruff ladies and gentlemen he said in a high munchkin voice i give you your next best friend the assistant walked into the room slowly clearly a little weighted down by what he wore but not uncomfortably so armor here it is folks the z110 acid neutralizing combat wardrobe the assistant wore a streamlined snazzy looking jumble of plates silver and blue and hue a combination of insect and tortoise shell on the back was a compact storage unit a narrow visored helmet fitting snugly over the head an antenna angled out of the back lee had seen it before but the sight of it still impressed her and if it could do what doc z claimed well all the better efforts to produce an armor resistant to the intense acidity of the alien blood have proved impractical before the suits that worked were too heavy therefore what we have here is a self-contained osmotic demi atmospheric suit that does not resist but it extrapolates the moment alien blood touches this wardrobe the thread is eliminated altogether it's a form of plastic and it can be cut but it's even better than skin it naturally reforms its previous mode within seconds and chemically rebonds itself a healing process if you will in all details the interior the articulation and the booster servos of the suits are identical to what you have been trained to use the other aspects are self-regulating maintenance will be needed of course but only after an encounter with the enemy i should emphasize that this armor isn't perfect it will wear out though it should stand up during battle nonetheless try to avoid any alien blood if you can don't go waiting in it he nodded to his assistant go ahead let them have a close look the man strode around the room the soldiers poked and prodded the model grant approached major lee taking her aside this is all old news to you major would you please come with me i have something very important to show you corporal henriksen waited for them at the turbolift lee was taken aback henriksen what are you doing here henriksen remained stoic mr grant called he asked me to meet him here i'm here grant punched the button for the lift the door slid open and they all stepped inside where of lights compression off for another level i'm not an elitist i want to show you what we've got here to give you a better understanding of what's going on that knowledge on your part may come in handy later on helps us a lot it also gives you a better idea of what we're going to need down on the hive world one little condition said grant as they walked along the catwalk on deck e approaching doors that looked like an entrance to a bank vault what i'm about to show you is strictly hush hush i don't want anyone to know about this especially not the other men or women that's why i'm just showing it to you too i feel as though you can handle it without further explanation grant cycled open the door and led them through the lights were more muted here it had almost a submarine quality lee immediately noticed the equipment banks of it spread along the ways tubing and bulking computers and flanges cables and glass and blinking lights a number of men were clustered at the far end in front of a window that looked like something out of an aquarium grand scientists doing their geeky scientist thing mystery wrapped in machinery and mundanity it smelled in here acidic oil electricity coffee and something more something that made lee's hackles rise she recognized it faint but there bugs what happened here isn't this supposed to be a storage chamber she said lamely trying to get grant to talk trying to get the creepy feeling out of the pit of her stomach oh yes said grant leading them down some stairs and in a way it still is but the cargo that's what's a little unusual the steps clanged and echoed so grant said henriksen why all the secrecy why just us they were walking forward and through the murky lights in the glass tank she was able to pick out a few details cables dangling equipment something bulky and organic in the very middle and buy it an egg sack and the discarded shell of a facehugger she walked up to the window in a haze astonished looking in upon the gruesome scene enclosed in metal and glass well corporal i know most marines have come to really hate the aliens said grant i'm afraid that what we've got down here would really hinder the morale necessary for the operation a thick said man with a boyish face and a cowlick in his massive blondish hair scuttled up a grant this is dr murray friel he's in charge of this project down here the science part anyway yes i've met the commander but not the corporal said the doctor lee remembered now there had been introductions and handshakes on earth and then the batch of docks including friel here had been swallowed up by these decks but it wasn't dr freel that preoccupied her now she was looking at something else it looked like a misshapen excuse for a body but with limbs and head cut off and lengths of esophagus and intestine connecting it with organic machines nearby liquids pulsed through these feeding it what is that thing said lee overcoming her initial horror friel care to do the honors suggested grant why it's a donor clone friel said proudly dna clamped so that it would grow simply the torso no brain limited nervous system a machine regulates it these things are usually produced for the purpose of organ and tissue donation i'll admit it isn't the most attractive creature but it's proved useful he tapped his arm i'm proud to say its cells of origination were retrieved from my wrist it's an interesting experience i must say lee shook her head she was finally allowing herself to assimilate the evidence presented to her here she turned to grant i've seen this before she said through clenched teeth you're breeding one of those damn things take it easy kiddo said grant first everything is quite secure here the torso is in special suspended animation it can't blow until the right switches are hit there are reinforced windows special alloy cages alarms and automatic laser latisse should something unforeseen happen but that thing in there it's living only in the crudest terms it doesn't feel any pain it doesn't think it's just basically a mass of tissue that serves a purpose the golly was monitoring the computer readouts dr friel he said the clone's vital signs have gone irregular it's beginning in the tank the hanging torso began to jerk in the hanging torso the alien embryo already formed and at full term but previously kept dormant by electronic and biochemical means shivered into full life over a matter of mere minutes it shook it gasped sparked by the energies that had been shot through it and the instincts that had been ignited it flailed in its seating membranes tore muscles were yanked from their mooring still it was not yet free instinct activated here it comes beamed begali with the preternatural power it pushed up against a diaphragm up through the tangle of lungs and hearts and arteries up against the rib cage then with its heart equipment prepared for just this moment and every bit of its energy it plunged through the bones through the skin into the freedom of gaseous atmosphere the torso exploded blood spattered bronchial tissue splattered up like an eruption from a volcano bits of broken bones sponged against metal and glass like a worm with a head of all teeth the alien chestburster reared up above the carcass of its birth weaving in a sensory dance i've seen enough lee shouted and turned away she ordered henriksen to come with her grant seemed taken aback major alex you were there at the initial meeting i saw you there you heard everything you're aware of our ultimate goal you know what we're here for you've got it all wrong with that she turned and stalked the hell away from this charnel house in the belly of a starship when there are no cycles of the sun and moon to distinguish the days how does one mark the passing of time breakfast lunch and dinner everyone knew that the service chow sucked you didn't join the colonial marines for gourmet food that was for certain in a corner of the cafeteria private jastro was noodling on his saxophone the man didn't play well but he didn't play badly either at least if it wasn't exactly melodious it wasn't that grating either however his buddy who was sitting beside him as usual didn't seem to appreciate it could you give it a rest jastro what's wrong ellis i thought you liked music i like music fine but not blaring in my ear while i'm eating jastro stopped playing just a little anxious as all and who can blame you i mean we got some heavy stuff ahead of us he pulled out a bottle of grant's wonder drug xeno-zip so i'll let you have a little of my stash ellis waved the offering away i got plenty of mine left and you should save yours they're supposed to be for endurance remember and i doubt we'll get much sleep once we touch down at bug central jastro nodded in agreement and gestured over at corporal henriksen he had just come in walked through the cafeteria taking his food and was walking out again hey check it out said jastro henriksen's doing it again he's taking his food to his room oh man the bet's still on here i say he's a synthetic give me a break said ellis they make models that eat you know ain't just that he won't shower with us never seen him shave and as far as i can tell this is his first combat mission a guy that size on a planet crawling with crickets and he never saw any combat i'm telling you the bastard ain't human the next thing he knew henriksen was by the table jastro why don't you just say what you've got on your mind to my face he lifted the private off the chair the sacks banged onto the floor come on say to my face hendrickson demanded say it ellis attempted to intervene look man no one wants any trouble here take jastro's xeno zip he held out the bottle and offering that should make things even henrickson kept his grasp around jastro's throat hell you think you've got trouble now you should see what happens when i take one of those he knocked the xeno zip from his hand nice try ellis but i think i'll pass the bottle fell to the floor rolling just outside the entrance of the cafeteria it stopped at a pair of boots those belonging to grant who had been observing the confrontation he picked up the vial of his drug and calmly addressed the corporal you know corporal he said i admire a man who doesn't take any crap i honestly do he came up to them and his easy going arrogance seemed to cut through the tension but the truth is i need every last one of these troops for this operation henriksen released his grasp and jastrow gasped for air a faint smile from grant you don't have to kiss and make up but please don't mash his skull okay thanks henriksen nodded lee dismissed him he took his food and went off again toward his quarters lee turned to the others all right back to the chow i don't want any energy deficient troops when we get down to work as an example she went back to her own plate which had gone cold nonetheless she began to stuff it in her face grant came over to her major he said in a low voice can we talk a moment please alone she agreed to go with him to somewhere they couldn't be overheard look grant said i didn't know you'd react the way you did down there corporal henriksen took it well he's even volunteering to double check security i just want to make sure we're still getting the best out of you on our mission major there was never any doubt about that chum you asked for the best you got the best but i want to tell you i'm not real crazy about your methods what i'm doing is for the benefit of mankind she laughed in his face i don't think i want to hear this you don't have to try and pull that one on me you're doing this for the money believe it or not i'm trying to save lives lee was in disbelief what are you talking about you're risking good marine lives for this freaking jelly for profit you ruthless bastard as well as my own life i'll have to do it again as soon as i run out of the stuff unless i can bring a source home with me lee knew where he was going with this no way mister if you want to kidnap that queen mother thing you're not using my people that's not what i meant just hear me out my researchers tell me that if we feed that infant creature down below on this jelly if it matures to queenhood surrounded by the goop it will become a queen mother itself yes ultimately my goal is to make money you call it ruthless i call it survival so i've had you all wrong is that it you're not an opportunist at all you're the best kind of humanitarian all right that's enough no i mean it i'm seeing you in a new light what's your next move saint dan i've got it what about world peace i'm sorry major i thought a full explanation might improve our shaky relationship but if you insist on keeping a barrier between us and to hell with you the clacson began blaring all throughout the razia cutting their conversation short grant looked around stunned he reached to the intercom grant here what are those sirens for a response from the other side it's engine room sea mr grant some sort of acid has violated the cooling system the sense of urgency overtook major league she grabbed grant damn it grant's engine room sea is right below that incubation chamber when they reached the cargo bay of deck d they found the cause of the alarm waiting for them bathed in emergency lights hovered over the dead infant alien wearing their acid suits were the science team daniel grant paced beyond the reach of any acid punching the air and cursing god damn it god damn it what the hell went wrong i'm looking at a multi-million dollar loss here minimum dr freel knelt closest to the wreckage tears were streaming from his eyes he had gathered the bits and pieces of the alien baby and cradled them in his arms acid neutralizing liquid had automatically been splashed but there were still pocks and holes in the floor who would do such a thing sob dr freel so young so very young she didn't even get to see me the stricken scientist spun on the assemblage he swung an ark with an accusing finger which one of you monsters was it tears runned down his cheeks which one of you killed my baby the fingers stopped on lee was it you major you despised it the moment you saw what was going on here i could tell no it wasn't me you fool she spat back would someone get a shot of something for this hysteric something strong and maybe a straight jacket she motioned to the wreckage and doused this stuff in some more acid neutralizer fast in case the blood wants to eat through the deck anymore i trust you'll help me establish better security here for the return trip said grant of course she said major can you account for this rifle it doesn't belong to any of my people if that's what you're implying there's a gun and some ammo missing from the surplus locker below and everyone on the ship has equal access to that grant paused and thought but not everyone on the ship knew about the creature did they the uss razia has locked into orbit around its destination ten hours from now a landing party will descend to the planet's surface the members of the crew do their best to get some rest most of them daniel grant sat alone drinking the meeting room was secured peripheral sound dampers down communication's off major lee appeared before him mind if i join you he looked up i wish you would the two sat across from one another lee poured herself a libation so said lee breaking the grim silence who do you think it is an emissary of the organized crime boys you owe money to or one of your drug company rivals like medtech i don't get it said grant shaking his head i can't believe i overlooked this possibility everyone knows that if this mission fails i'm history if you ask me it's better this way said lee something tells me you would have gotten more than you bargained for with dr freel at the helm grant sighed you're probably right but that isn't the point the sabotage will continue and a lot more than money could be lost next time lee shrugged it's hard for me to be frightened of a corporate spy when we've been fighting drooling monsters for years yes but how often have you run into infiltration don't you see you and your soldiers have always been united against an obvious threat take it from someone who knows nothing is deadlier than the enemy within the uss razia locked into orbit around the planet dubbed hive world hive world of course was not its official name that would be g-435 for obscure classification purposes it was the fourth of ten planets orbiting achilles ii a geostar it was a class m planet with a great deal of seismic activity that rendered it generally flat and comparatively barren huge banks of clouds obscured the surface but analysis sensors had already scouted out the geographic area that was known to be the location of the alien high visited previously zero hour approached the mothership naturally would not descend powerful thrusters roar in silence ripping the 70-ton lander from its moorings but against the vast black void it's a tiny vessel that gracefully steals away from the mothership the uss anteater descended they were still well above the clouds but the atmosphere started buffeting the lander shaking it like a toy turbulence called fitzwilliam up in the pilot blister with the best view no [ __ ] sherlock said tank daenerys he flipped on the pa no smoking no trips to the can fastened seat belts all that stuff it's going to be a rocky one i'm reading some pretty fierce mid-atmospheric activity this place ain't exactly paradise the lander began to rock and jerk violently this continued for some minutes the twirling lengths of gray cottony clouds seemed to reach up like an ocean of mist and absorbed them the rattling and rocking continued and then calmed down okey dokey folks said fitzwilliam we're through the worst of it we should be done in about 35 minutes sit back and enjoy the flight occasional comments arose from the troops but generally there was silence finally the cloud cover started to break up still can't see much down there through the cloud cover fitzwilliam said how about zone radar topography geez this unit checks out so this reading must be correct said teneris yeah so what's it say fitzwilliam shot back well judging from the surface activity there was a slight gulp in daenerys voice there's a war going on down there in this series i'm recounting events taking place in the aftermath of the earth war as depicted in the aliens comics and novels for more on the events of the earth war please see the playlist on the end screen and in the description below and stay tuned for the latest videos as always i'd like to thank you very much for watching today if you enjoyed this video please make sure to give it a like and be sure to subscribe for all the latest videos from alien theory a very special thanks goes out to alisene and griz4756 queen tears of the patreon hive very special thanks goes out to lady anne in the illinois tier of excellence and in the role of weyland yutani executive nashi fx if you'd like to join the hive and support the channel check out my patreon page for exclusive posts and contests in the meantime you can catch up with alien theory over social media follow at alien underscore theory on twitter and at alientheoryyt on facebook and instagram for more and until next time this is alien theory signing off [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Alien Theory
Views: 146,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: inOd2x6Lgrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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