T300 - Sovol / Comgrow - FIRST LOOK! WOW!

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this is a heavy box this is the comro soo T300 and I know absolutely nothing about this machine other than it says T300 and this part right here is missing in the picture but that's all I know so let's get into it let's figure it out my first impressions it's a big machine like big big 20 in wide on the bench 26 in deep and that includes bed travel and 35 in tall with a loaded spool and look no cross piece what do you think I kind of like it I like this style tell me in the comments below are we done with these do we even need them anymore Aesthetics wise it's probably one of the most beautiful machines I've ever looked at the aluminum extrusions the panels that keep everything nice and tidy it is just one gorgeous machine it's got like a presence now I had no idea what the price was when I unboxed this and assembled it and I remember sitting back and looking at this machine on the bench and thinking you know this feels like Peak bed Slinger Tech this has got to be a thousand printer but it's not in fact it's not even close and we'll go over pricing just here in a moment I think you'll be surprised now before we get into all of the features of this machine in great detail let me quickly run down a couple of the specs this is a large format printer meaning it is larger than 300 mm cubed in build volume and it's actually really fast this is running Clipper and it prints it speeds up to 300 mm/ second and it can produce a Beni in about 12 to 14 minutes which is pretty darn quick it also has a filment runout sensor Auto Z offset and auto bed leveling and it has a cool little light on the tool head too do you think you can guess with this machine's prices with everything going on in 3D printing and prices going down to the bottom see if you can guess comment below on what you think the price this machine is and you'll see at the end of the video I want to see if you're right now I don't want to bore you with the assembly and I'll have ch chaps available so if you don't want to see a 15-second montage of assembly go ahead and click forward the unboxing experience was really nice it took about 30 minutes there's a lot of parts um I don't think it's anything that a novice couldn't put together but what really stood out to me was just how heavy duty this machine has built the braces on the back of these uprights are insane they're huge just like on the t500 it's really impressive and so when you get this machine finished put together on the bench I mean like I said earlier it has a presence this this is one big machine and you got to have kind of a good siiz bench to put it on let's start with the motion system it's running a single 12mm hidden linear rail on the X it's running dual hidden 12mm linear rails on the Z and it's running dual hidden linear rails on the Y but they're offset at 90° and it has a nice cable drag chain now it prints it speeds upwards of 300 mm/ second like I mentioned earlier and takes take a look at this this right here was actually printed at 300 mm/ second and you'll see that closer when we get to the print results this machine is fantastic it's like one I want to keep I normally give them all away but I feel like I want to keep this one okay let's talk about build volume this is a big machine coming in at 300 mm x 300 mm x 350 millim on the Z with a heated build plate that gets up Toc which is pretty standard it has a double-sided Pei coated spring steel sheet and it has has a meanwell power supply that's rated for 150 watts now interesting fact it's big brother the t500 has a 500 mm cubed build volume with a 600 watt Min power supply yikes well it's meanw well means quality all right it's tool head time it has a dual gear direct drive extruder with a 0.4 mm nozzle that comes stock and of course it reaches temps up to 300 C and I feel like a broken record saying that because a lot of the 3D printers or almost all of them that are coming out nowadays these are the specs now it can print all of your regular filaments pla's ptgs abss ASAS tpus it can print all of it Clipper you heard me say it earlier let me explain what that means and I apologize to those of you who are watching who already know how to use Clipper just humor me for a moment Clipper is the firmware that controls these 3D printers and Clipper is just a more cutting edge bleeding edge version of that firmware this is a 4 3in color touchscreen running Clipper as the interface now this is actually a computer this is running Linux it's running Debian actually and it's the arm processor version called armbian now seeing that this is a computer this is quite a bit more powerful than some of the other 3D printers that we're accustomed to that are running the Marlin firmware now I'm going to make this a thing for all of the Clipper machines that I look at I want you to take this Clipper machine right which is Linux and I want you to install doom on it yes yes you can install Doom you can hook up a keyboard mouse and you can play Doom on this go check it out it's called chocolate Doom oh and this is a maker base board the default user is MKS and the password is maker base if you want to SSH into it and uh play with that armbian and if you need help installing Doom or you want to show off what you've done join our Discord I'll have that link on the screen and in the description we'd love to see it seriously I want to see it I want to see all of these Clipper machines running do all right now that that's out of the way back to business here now because this is Clipper the moment you connect this to your wireless network you're going to have a web management interface that appears so you'll be able to take the IP address from the interface put that into your web browser on your mobile device or desktop and you're going to be able to remotely manage and monitor the machine now let me caution you this is really important by default the fluid interface that's the web management interface on this particular installation does not have authentic iation setup so the moment you turn on Wi-Fi anyone on your network can do really bad things to this 3D printer through that web interface so I'm really going to recommend that you go into that interface you go down to settings go up to authentication then add a user type in a name and a password and secure this machine I'd also probably change the MKS password the SSH just so no one can mess with you slicing is important and we have some fantastic slicers in our industry we have idea maker we have Pia slicer we have the bamboo Studio we have Orca slicer right which is the popular one right now but comro has their comro slicer which is basically a reskinned version of cura I'm not a big fan of cura mostly because I just don't have a lot of experience in it but there is an orca slicer profile for this machine's Big Brother the t500 so I imagine the moment that these machines end up in the hands of the general public there will be a T300 orch to slice her profile now getting prints to the machine can be done wirelessly this does have Wi-Fi it's really simple to connect to your network it's done on the touch interface here or of course you can do it the old school way which is actually how I was doing it here in the studio which is with a sneaker net you know the USB key walk it over and put it in the machine all right now it's time for print results everything that you see here was sliced up in the comro cura slicer at a 0.25 layer height and it was printed all at 300 mm per second polymaker is one of my official sponsors right so if you'd like to support us you can click that link right there we'd appreciate it this was printed in polymaker poly light pla Pro green this is their polysonic red this is their polylite pla yellow and this is polylite pla Pro white I will have links to these models in the description below I picked them up all off of printables and I'll tag the creators in there as well this is a Super Mario pipe and like I said we'll take a closer look I think it turned out fantastic for a print that was done at a25 layer height at 300 mm/ second you can see uh that there is some motion artifacts on the surface um but a lot of this is the actual model itself on this one here I was actually playing with temperatures so if you look really closely about halfway up you can kind of see that um that that's what I was doing so that's not a reflection on the printer at all that's that's just me playing with temperatures with polysonic I I got a little excited there but anyway that is a fantastic print and uh you'll be seeing that in some content soon now this is the 12 minute Beni which actually came out about 14 minutes or so it's good I mean it's decent for a Beni that was completed in about I think total of 14 minutes from the time you hit print it heated up and uh I think it's really good for a 12 to 14 minute Beni this Super Mario coin box is actually pretty sick I like it it's got a removable lid but this is pretty cool cool this was printed in both of those filaments but one interesting fact right so while you're looking at the quality of it here the print quality I was playing around with temperatures on this machine because I noticed that it was doing this pipe um I think at like 220 and it was having no problems at 220c at 300 mm/ second and so that's what got me to start playing with poly Sonic and lowering the temperature but I lowered the temperature and I kept going down and I kept going down and I kept going down until literally got down to 200 C and it was still printing at 300 mm/ second at 200 C and that blew my mind so anyway I bumped the temperature back up because that was about the limit I wasn't going to get any lower than that so now when it came to this big Cube I was doing the same thing but I had an issue where when it was making these huge grid passes on this large of a surface at 200 I think about 205 C or something like that it started to struggle and have problems so anyway I bumped it right back up to 220 and and it finished I think it turned out pretty good um we put these together with 3D gloop right so this is the industry's best adhesive uh for filaments um it's not a glue even though it says glute it's not a glue it's actually a chemical adhesive and it creates a chemical weld or a bond between the parts so it actually fuses them together so if you tried to tear them apart your prints would actually separate at the layer lines not actually where the gloop is holding it together so um I'll put a link on the screen um and in the description uh but go check them out um fantastic product and also they're sponsor of a Content okay I promise we are almost done there's only two things left one is price and two is what I ultimately think about this machine right now this machine is available for $549 no seriously that's not a joke 549 that's insane look at where we were a year ago or even 2 years ago this machine I'm telling you it' be $1,000 machine or more $549 and I'm being told that there's coupons available um you'll have to look in the description I'll update it when I find out exactly how you get one of those coupons but I'm being told that there's $100 off coupons that make this a $449 machine oh my gosh insane all right it all comes down to this right the question would I recommend this 3D printer to someone and uh that answer absolutely this is one solid machine and I'm super impressed and I think for a price point of $549 even $449 if you can get that coupon code that is a Nob brainer you are getting a helmet class 3D printer that's Clipper based that's loaded with every feature and uh aesthetically just super impressive um at a price that we've never even seen in 3D printing before and this makes me wonder what's next what what else is soil and CM gr cooking up actually I know but that's another video anyway thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it and uh we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Loyal Moses
Views: 6,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3Dprinting, 3d printing, sovol, comgrow, comgrow t500, comgrow t300, t300, t300 vs t500, comgrow t500 review, comgrow 3d printer, sovol t500, sovol t300, t500 review, t300 review, helmet class 3d printer, cosplay 3d printer, 500mm/s, 300mm/s, fastest 3d printer, fast 3d printer, huge 3d printer, giant 3d printer, loyal moses, best 3d printer, 2024 3d printer, best printer of 2024, 3d prints, 3d models, 3d printer comparison
Id: F4MNeVlgkNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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