Volleyball Soccer?! | Supa Strikas | Full Episode Compilation | Soccer Cartoon

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all right boys going to be a tough one this weekend Bara are extremely skilled they dominate possession and on the rare occasion they do lose the ball they press High to get it back immediately fast counters and high balls are our only weapons and that means our preparation for the game has to be perfect wait wait coach I can't watch fun of your super entertaining tactical briefings Vis out triple chalk marshmallow peanut butter popcorn just hurry up will you clouse nearly done any second now [Music] triple chalk marshmallow peanut butter popcorn anyone welcome to koala Lampur International Airport super strikers oh disgusting so gross dude what kind of cleanup we looking at popcorn chocolate marshmallow and don't forget some peanut butter oh sticky oily and crunchy how long is this going to take we need to get to Barcelona as soon as possible at least 12 hours nice one brother sorry guys I owe you one you you you sure you don't want some triple tro marshmallow no [Music] elmatador how long are you going to be in the shower dude I'll be out as soon as I've done my facial wash cleanser scrub owner cleanse scrubber scrubber duber no don't do it man okay you're definitely showering next good luck getting in there in the next century stuck at airport for 12 hours any ideas to save me from the bordom trolley race dutyfree chocolate airport CUO shop more dutyfree chocolate stop slacking do some training for the bar game all the dutyfree [Music] chocolate shakes where do you think you're going I just want to look around stretch my legs I'm going nuts here coach uh fine yes but be quick I I don't want any more delays everything needs to be perfect for the Barker [Music] game what's this it's a CAC takra ball is that like kuu setac takra isn't some old Legend it's the most awesome sport in the world yeah get have to disagree with you there you don't get better than Football H check out poster a42 then say [Music] that uh next one [Music] wow clouse shakes what are you doing hiding there I found the perfect training for the Barka game but I need to go do it without coach finding out uh but coach loves a new strategy why don't you just ask him tiger get away from there wet floors cause 116th of all ankle injuries sorry dancing rosta I can't risk paper cuts don't even think about it Z so can you cover for me I don't know no shakes he's already angry at me from the whole triple chalk marshmallow peanut butter popcorn mishap come on it could really help against Barker besides you said you ow us one anyone know where to catch some sepac takra in Kuala Lampur check out the aces take on Mighty juggernauts Shak is in KL hey no sightseeing only practice and dutyfree chocolate can I get a photo come to my mom's house so much for keeping a low profile [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now that's what we need to beat Barka North bad posture causes injuries oh come on Coach you can't make us just sit here for like another 6 hours and how come shakes gets to go off while we're stuck in the vi please make it end Lounge where is he hi this is shakes leave a message uh Shake said he was going to the dutyfree shop it's v v on the other side of the airport the rest of you stay exactly where you are glad I'm not shakes right now totally yeah I'm going to go to the bathroom quickly told him not to eat that stuff off his pants mhm it all comes down to this folks Match Point At The sapaa Cross semifinal who's going to take it the a or the [Music] juggernauts aces are in the final ah my knee smashed it on the way down do you think you'll be okay for tonight uh-uh we're doomed maybe I can help uh who are you [Music] uh hey did you see shakes from super strikers was here he that shakes was here no way I heard shakes was here where exactly did shakes go well I didn't actually see him but she did H man oh man man coach is going to bust me to see a man go wide what's that shakes ass signing boots at the sports store he could get a repetitive strain [Music] injury uh you guys don't watch a lot of soccer do you nope we're all about the sapac to craw which is exactly why we're not going to give some random newbie a place on the team [Music] [Music] wa huh not bad not bad for a newbie but why you want to play for us what's in it for you just trying to take my game to the next level okay fine we'll let you try out yes awesome one thing though what are the rules yeah we're toally totally doomed play along with what I say and I'll owe you one okay anything for a Super Striker good now if anyone asks shakes signed These Boots coach did you see shakes in here yeah he signed These Boots H this is Shake's signature but different like it was written by a child or a trained monkey okay you have a nice day now coach thanks I owe you van wait sign these for me and we're Square your name this time I got to stop telling people I ow Z van if you're going to do anything but embarrass us tonight newbie you're going to need to know some key moves inside kick got it outside kick yep KNE kick piece of cake header I've definitely done that training sunback Spike I call that one a bicycle kick wow maybe we're not that doomed maybe but if we really want to stand a chance tonight you got to do the roll Spike roll Spike yes now that's what I need let me give it a [Music] try forget what I said we're definitely [Music] doomed huh I knew you amateurs were bad but this guy wow you're right to hide your face cuz you're embarrassing yourself who are these weirdos wish you hadn't asked that here we go Venom Rattler P together we [Applause] are that is our opposition shakes to the VIP lounge please shakes VI where is he the brother is addicted to Nat maybe try message him there H Natty hey no n dear shakes where have you gone I have been looking everywhere for you our flight leaves in 3 hours come back to the VIP lounge right now or hey I think it's broken no it isn't you only get 120 characters what that's stupid how do you say anything in such a short amount of space I don't know we manage somehow oh very clever [Music] LOL are you really going to wear that uh I'm kind of shy besides it's not like there's a dress [Applause] code you have a point welcome to the koala Laur setac to cross final it's the Vipers give me a be Vipers for Life the title's ours versus the aces go Aces we're going to win this hey who's the new guy still no reply on natty that's it unless I actually see shakes I'm calling the police what am I going to do what am I going to do [Music] hello I'd like to report uh uh never mind Hey shakes stop right there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first set to the aces man where did they find that guy fight blank get over here someone's got to know who our mystery man is sh is in K can I get a photo come to my mom's house our flight leaves in 3 hours I know who he is and how to stop him hey super fans don't miss shakes playing in the setback Terra final vipers hey viip BL you got to earn the right to do that move not cool little buddy uh guys according to Nat shakes is busy playing in the final of some kind of crazy volleyball soccer tournament oh man coach is going to lose his mind when he finds out so is he winning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Joe to me sters [Applause] yeah this is not [Applause] [Applause] good the second set goes to the Vipers Focus newbie you're all over the place uh I just got to go take care of something quick okay now we're 100% doomed please say no one saw me don't miss shakes playing in the setback tack apparently shakes is playing sapak to in K any photos totally Photoshop fake news no proof yet hey I'm in here we know shakes why don't you call your coach for help all right he doesn't know you're here let's settle this on the court not like this no use fighting it cuz you've just been bitten by the Vipers you're doing the pose aren't you duh hurry up sh [Music] if your teammate isn't back in 5 minutes you forfeit double [Music] doomed rumors are true I'm rocking some seac takra but I'm stuck in the locker room help got a game to win man coach is going to kill me oh no hey did you guys see shakes over there shakes hear super strikers got you now wow really is you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who did you say you were again just some guy who wants to take his game to the next level good enough for me 1 2 Three Aces that feels kind of weird [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Match Point Aces shakes if we're going to win this you got to change things up you got to do the roll Spike H I don't know that didn't end so well last time come on you're shakes from super strikers or so these crazy fans keep shouting shakes shakes shakes yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah sh yes shakes woohoo nice improvisation newbie but just still haven't got the roll Spike down yeah I'll have to work on it [Music] yeah that's it shakes we're leaving in 30 minutes if you don't come out there right now I'm going to bash down this door 3 two one hey coach shakes where have you been oh you know I had a sleep some food sent a few gats you said take it easy right h fine fine just get back to the VIP lounge okay wait one more thing please delete naer off my phone I can't deal with it constantly beeping at me sure thing coach match day at the B Camp Bara take on super strikers so what are the rules of this game again Barka are showing why they are the team to beat but here's a chance speculative ball from dancing rosta but clouse makes a lightning fast run wow looks like he's been doing some serious Fitness training clouse has options but it's moving all over the place Ros [Music] [Applause] where on Earth did that come from you finally got it not bad for a newbie we play super strikers in two weeks what have you got for us young stateus the art surveillance equipment the latest in field camouflage needs more ventilation no wait I can't bre we even made a super Striker's Jersey big enough to fit over Uber's arm yeah and over here is my best [Music] work Thor has been given a dose of audio hypnotic suggestion to help overcome his greatest fear hello Mr Thor how about we give that mustache a little trim never do you have any idea how long it took me to grow this now watch what happens when I say A trigger word Queen of Hearts a trim would be nice actually so that how's hypnotizing Thor going to help us on zit it's not him we're going to hypnotize [Applause] [Music] s it off you're making my head hurt I can't take that anymore dle why because brovi and dubstep is the most vomit inducing eardrum insulting racket in in the known universe come on Cool Joe pump up the berserk may not be Mozart it isn't even music but it helps block get amped for games fine fine but take these they're yours anything so I won't have to listen to that noise hey isn't that Thor from Iron tank nah Thor has a mustache my mustache I can't feel my mustache Hearts I love my new look all right men initiate phase one Roger zap Kel identifying [Applause] targets imagine controlling super Striker's captain hm [Applause] useful sabotaging shakes would dry up super Striker's goals perhaps all right bro let's shut him [Applause] [Music] down amazing tackle light block and North Shaw clears the D danger Defender a sleeper agent is the heart of super Striker's defense perfect thanks Cool Joe you saved us from pump up the berserk and I'm just getting started Brothers I'm going to teach black there's more to music than that eardrum insulant racket all right boys your roommates for the tour shakes and clous north and block all right Defender uh actually coach I was hoping to Bunk with block his musical education requires I be with him at all times zerber all right fine dancing rosta big bat no snoring okay come in for [Music] I yes Colonel sir Phase 2 status report it's so hard to breathe in here why do I always have to be a fake tree cherry blossoms in the Moonlight I am a tree hey did you just oh look Z surveillance team is in position [Music] oh wow a few more photos and you could make a holiday scrapbook you'll get three out of 10 foret insult but I get full marks for working out how to administer the audio hypnosis excellent time to initiate phase three I got this now watch how a real Pro does espionage [Music] I'm in remember to use the track there the most plays that won't be a problem there's only vanal relax brother I've loaded some of the best tracks of all time on there or as I like to call them the three steps to musical Enlightenment now come on let's get started [Music] it all starts off in 1770 with boat Heaven uh don't you mean Boven that commercial sellout police Bo Heaven Symphonies of the real [Music] deal next we go to the mid 20th century for jazz improvisation Master Dave diddly dooh hop Davidson well done cool Joo you just made music boo didly D boring you should pay special attention Elm Matador I've heard you sing now one of my personal favorites 70s Funk Masters funky synthesis these brothers could turn sunlight into pure [Music] Groove warm- Up's over boys time for match practice hey block get ready for the Sweet Sound of the ball hitting the back of the net all right dude let's shut him [Music] down Defender and Co are some music see you don't need bovian dubstep my pump and jams took your game to the next level h block looks even better than he did against palmantier you sure your copi a hypnotic track of course my mission was a success maybe your stupid hypnosis doesn't work why don't you relax Uber yes I will relax hey that was a trigger word wasn't it you hypnotized him and Von ey and Thor my mustache where is my Queen of Hearts um maybe a little bit block is the one we need under our control not your teammates relax there's no way he'll make it to the game without listening to the [Music] track all right brother are you ready ready for a pump in pregame Jam no not pump up the berserk zle okay that's it if both Heaven diddly dooh hop and funky synthesis can't turn you to the path of good music it's time to summon the power of progressive rock Masters Dragon lawyer Dragon lawyer sounds dangerous oh in the wrong years it can be these brothers push every musical boundary I'm talking multiple times signatures poly rhythms vocal Counterpoint sweet picking dual keyboard solos uh I understood like two of those words yeah cool Joo you need a bovian to music snob dictionary huh pay no mind to these toned deaf Philistines Dragon lawyer is going to open your [Music] mindle you feel [Music] oyyy when you hear shut him down down your body will free free [Music] free Hello Earth the block oh no he wasn't ready for Dragon lawyer I've broken his mind cirle cirle you totally zoned out man you okay block dude B soldiers of the Fortress give it up for super strikers and the mighty iron tank iron tank iron tank at if block plays half as well as he did last week the home fans are in for a tough night o Uber uses his strength to get through the Midfield but he still has a big obstacle in his way all right bro phase four let's shut him [Music] down huh oh terrible laps in concentration for Block dude what happened well get it together bro we need you focused shut him [Applause] [Music] down shut him [Music] [Applause] down shut him down [Music] shut him [Music] down we're near the end of the first half and Coach is already thinking about a substitution I'm not surprised this has got to be the worst performance I've ever seen from block and it's not going to get any easier this time can you please shut them down [Applause] go soldiers of the Fortress let's hear it for Thor what a Precision of his new clean shaven look my [Applause] mustach circle circle Z what happened out there Block it's like you just switched St hey Cool Joe your crazy prog music really did fry Block's brain you're right forcing him to listen to my music obviously mess with his Groove this goes against everything I believe in but it's got to be done block get ready for some full blast pump up the [Music] berser you feel oey obey no b no B I've got to hand it to you y nine this hypnosis thing really works huh okay that's it hypnotizing the enemy is vancing but using your teammates as manual labor teas sir uh yes please it's unprofessional lazy bad for team spirit the biscuit lovely now what was I say h wait a second I z h i will allow it this one last time but after the game you stops this madness when you hear shut him down your body will free free you will obeyy man I didn't think it was possible but that's the is even worse than pump up the berser L glog Zur BL and those iron tank jerks used me to do it I'm sorry block but you're going to have to sit the rest of this one out yeah let's use this against them the second half is underway and ion tank pick up where they left off well surprising to see block still on the pitch after a terrible first half all right bro let's shut him down huh a what a [Music] taco wow block looks like a completely different player now this is my kind of jam [Music] brother go my super strikker number 10 shakes [Applause] a oh you wondering why your little routine didn't work that's what you get when you go up against Defender phase five contingency plan you use Defender Bros as a trigger word that's just evil wow block is really making up for this poor first time now that's what I'm talking about brother no he's hypnotized uhuh there's got to be a way to snap him out of it flashing lights loud noises a big fright smelly talks defab The Power of Love No it's the most awful vomit inducing eardrum insulting noise in the known universe what's going on blocks hypnotized again but I know how to snap them out of it I need your phone don't worry guys I got this hey block shut him down H nice try but the hypnosis overrides old programming come on come [Music] on gotcha blockman you got to fight this how may I help you oh sorry announcing voice how may I help you I'm here to play some really bad music I've never seen anything like it this is either a very unorthodox strategy from coach or block has lost his mind you're stronger than this dude you can beat this we're Defender Bros [Music] what is [Music] it you hear that dudes quick counter that's music to my ears yes this track is pumping guy not the song you weirdo pretending to score an own goal then bouncing the ball off the bar that is an unusual tactic well it's working iron tank are in [Applause] dis all right that's what I'm talking about we did it [Music] def what you doing come on don't say it brother I'm very disappointed especially if it's you your plan was a complete failure what do you have to say for yourself purple alligator as punishment I will get down and give you a 100 push-ups I am tank iron tank iron don't tell me you f six get up a [Music] plan I tank take on the super League's newest team Cognito FC a draw for the newcomers would be a remarkable result ma well I suspect cito's boss has Granda plans Granda Ino is known for her strategic prowess and not giving anything away whoa these Cognito dudes are rocking yeah but they've still got a big obstacle in their way [Applause] look out brother this is going to be [Applause] bad what since when does Johan Uber pull out of a tackle well I and tank aren the only one suffering at home please my apartment's fine I beg to differ shakes man come on when they going to fix this thing oh that place is Tiny never again shakes really needs a bigger house and a whole lot of style too I don't think having a statue of yourself in every room counts as style El Matador hey I'll have you know my house is being featured in Posh pad's magazine and they say my style is classic kitch contemporary you don't even know what that means it means my house is awesome okay hey guys uh spener we've met like a hundred times yo oh guy El Matador I cleaned your boots for 3 months you said I was like a brother to you I got nothing oh that's spener of course yeah tell your buddy he needs a new place hey spins hey shakes take a look at this I've never seen Uber so freaked out Uber how do you explain backing out of a key tackle to Lenin the decider I I didn't feel like myself out there something just wasn't right um Ino seems your reputation as a master of Mind Games is Justified like any coach my job is to understand stand the opposition know every detail about them and use that knowledge to my advantage so how exactly did you do that against iron tank ah now that would be telling um we'll be fine against Cognito right listen up shakes forget Cognito and focus on what matters right now trying to beat me at SL 4000x yeah [Music] so how's the research Going H this game is going to be a bit more of a challenge super Striker's coach is one of football's great minds so we need to go deeper places coach won't think we'll look classic kit contemporary it's the next big thing read the [Music] article wow Elm Mator won't let the house thing go here is my shoe closet it's twice the size of shak's house that guy really needs to get a new place come on wouldn't hurt to have a home theater would it we spend enough time playing SL 4000x speak for yourself Spence sh [Music] sh sh uh hello hi shakes can I help you your teammate sent me and you are Penelope Vander vodin estate agent to the Stars oh boy vodin you like a new house uh listen Penelope this is great and all but uh we're kind of busy but shakes just imagine having a walk-in Pantry a swimming pool a home theater system huh come on what do you got to lose besides a couple of hours of SL 4000x uh fine what do you make of this one no chap dare I say to Posh [Music] ha Co spooky classic hitch contemporary yeah two elmatador you guys are so funny well I have one more to show you and it has a lot more than just a working doorbell the house has sweeping views a glass swimming [Music] pool water beds in each of the 10 [Applause] bedrooms and of course a state-of-the-art home theater system woohoo who oh man this place is the best now say arm uh arm home alarm system armed disarm all very cool but I don't need any of this stuff I'm on tour half the time anyway well there is one last [Music] thing no ways the current owner is something of a soccer Enthusiast woohoo yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes woohoo yeah so is the new owner I want to live here forever Who whoo W that's it I'm renovating just promise me we're going to have a big party at your pad if we beat Cognito when we beat Cognito gentle but right now we have a press conference to watch and now over to Lena long who's at cogo's training camp near Striker land so Ino how do you feel about Cognito next test the men in red and their legendary tactician coach if I was at all concerned would I let you film our practice Lena [Music] wow dudes we need to rethink our approach perhaps we should play a 353 formation strengthen our attack bur no no that's what she wants us to do change our strategy but perhaps ino's shown us more than she planned what do you mean coach the strikers were intentionally avoiding one area her goalie's weak spot wow you're such a genius you guys need to put in extra practice shooting into the top right corner not until you get it right but until you can't get it wrong I've got just the place for after hours training coach uh who's that excellent let's make that hom ground Advantage [Music] count disarm welcome home Mr shakes hello Windows lights fire water man I could get used to this hey shakes hey spin time for some SL 4000x son no can do coach has me on a double dose of footy training that's cool I need to practice too SL 4000x be afraid [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man I love this house good morning sir it's time to wake up you have a call from unknown answer sh hello Penelope so how amazing pretty amazing and have you been using your favorite feature even more than I thought I would I'm so pleased everything things worked out hey why not come to the game I'll organize VIP tickets oh that's sweet shakes but I can't I have something really important on today okay cool [Music] goodbye match day at striker land she set the bar against Aon tank last week can Ino do it again against the men in red prepare for a display of footballs too greatest Minds uh I fancy I might have one of football's greatest minds too Brenda okay prepare for a display of football's three greatest Minds yes so Shak dude ready to do some damage oh yes got in plenty of extra practice glad you moved after all eh yeah sure no need to thank us dude hope you clean the place up brother party time tonight G on offside Cognito good thinking from coach they're not in possession but Cognito push forward and force a mistake now super strikers draw Cognito up field super strikers can counter it's the first real chance of the [Applause] match that was close shakes man but I was nailing it at practice [Applause] an unusual strategy I would definitely be trying to get the ball in the goal if I was coach shakes what happened out there I trusted you to do the training but maybe you just hung out playing video games with withen him but coach something's wrong I did practice coach is right you aren't ready for the lifestyle of a soccer Superstar uhuh neori it was your guys idea I get a new place I mean you even hooked me up with your estate agent we did Penelope Vander vodin Vander hoodin vodin you like a new house I still got nothing but if you guys didn't send her who did the number you have dialed does not exist not a great first half for you shakes what's going on out there uh hi Lena yeah just not uh feeling myself I guess uh uh you guys get a sense of deja vu right there I didn't feel like myself out there dare I say deja vodin mystery estate agent a new house can't play soccer uh you guys don't think that Ino said it herself Cognito strategy is to know every detail about the opposition and use that knowledge against them but how could a house be used against you I have no idea but I do know someone who can find out call you know the guy yeah what's his name spenza shakes what's up I was sleeping you're not watching the game I'm missing the game listen we think Penelope might not be who she says she is I need you to go to my house and I know it's a mission and investigate the pitch shakes I got a ghost Ben I'm in your house dude uhoh the coaches Step Up For What promises to be another tightly contested half Easy Does It spenza Easy identify yourself hello it's Chase I'm home daring police but I'm shed police dispatch come on house play fair sedating Intruder super strikers proceed with caution yep coach has got a problem up front and he needs to construct his chances carefully [Applause] I really can't get it wrong I mean right I mean and the Counterattack is on let's go shakes man identify yourself identify yourself identify yourself Big Boy rolls it out to Northshore identify yourself uh hi Shake's voice identified please confirm yeah myself I guess identity confirmed welcome home sir woohoo the police will be here shortly to confirm your identity drop back drop back oh confusion here for super strikker defense Cognito find the Gap come on spener H grass looks normal nothing strange here here pitch is level balls round [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if I was coach I'd just take shakes off ha called it ino's got to me coach you have to take me [Applause] off coach how big is an official Super League goal 24 by 8 ft everyone knows that well coach shak's goals are almost a foot bigger so so I practiced scoring in a bigger goal mouth over and over over and over again well Ino tricked both of us that whole press conference was a setup so you still want to come off good because it's time for some mind games of our own huh he's staying on maybe I'm not the third greatest mind in the Super League come on come on no ways am I missing the end of this game Mr shakes for your own safety please exit the house and identify yourself hi time's running out at striker land and tension is mounting between the coaches Mac didn't know you had a side business Ino unreal estate my business is the business of winning [Applause] coach revealing your Keeper's weakness to lure us into a trap great move but it's backfired now that we know your [Music] plan shakes will adjust his shot perhaps that was a Double Bluff coach maybe that is my Keeper's strong side [Applause] oh double double [Applause] block what an easy goal yeah looks like the goalie just misjudged it so much for complex strategy H I think you and I are the two greatest football in Minds [Applause] Brenda yeah go Strikers go Strikers go Strikers all right so what did you say your name was again yeah yeah you're coming with us yes remember the deal brother party at my place all right how's this for a party the place is packed was not the deal shakes yeah brother it was meant to be at your new place we never even got to see the house that caused all the trouble I don't know sounds like that place was way too awesome for you shakes whatever I have everything I need right here even got the doorbell fixed hi everyone SP you're standing on my foot brother your foot standing on my head we're in the final minute of extra time and it has not been a good day in the office for the men in red and it looks like things are about to get worse but there's one Super Striker who's done his coach proud today daning come on guys there's still time Co Jo back to me drifting tiger play into space El Matador diagonal run [Applause] oh dancing rusta turns a loss into a draw with the pure power of His will I did it yes come on guys not too close you want to get in my life [Music] [Music] I got it I got it I watering grass watering grass watering grass Tony Shearer's acting up again sheerer you glorified lawnmower you're supposed to look after the pitch not destroy it cutting grass cutting grass stop it we've got a game this weekend and Coach is always so snooty about the pitch well I'll show him it's time for an upgrade upgrade Shearer not to you you stupid Tin Man to the grass now why don't you head off down the yellow brick road preferably into the nearest trash compactor shees it's so hard to make good health these days uh how do you upgrade grass Tony well with a little bit of internationally illegal genetic modification and a whole lot of [Music] Genius I told you guys not to get in my light this photo is awful not Delight D yeah yeah yeah laugh it up but this game I'm prepared uh what is that a light meter I'm going to make sure the conditions are perfect before I let anyone take a photo it says you're not very bright North all right the future of grass begins now [Music] oo you will calm down and visualize success I will calm down and visualize success setbacks make us stronger setbacks make us stronger [Music] yes I did it grass 2.0 woohoo we love you Tony of course you do watering grass sheerer I thought it was time we had a little bit of a chitchat unlike you my new grass is perfect in every way it never needs to be water to cut but considering how much you love water up you go H trust in peace watering [Music] grass sorry guys no photos of this glorious mug until the lighting is perfect wait are you wearing a mask couldn't tell the difference listen up boys we're going to win this game with pace and precision shakes and Alm Matador you make diagonal runs behind the defense yeah sure thing coach dancing Rasta play through balls like you did against Nama and this is going to be a walk in the park you're got it Coach man also make sure you guys stay out of my life when I score and remember you guys can't rely on your captain for this one everyone needs to up their game we get it Tony are you spying on super Striker's practice no I'm just testing a new pitch okay we want to win fair and square oh don't worry Chuck you've shown me the true path to Victory lies in fair play teamwork sportsmanship opposition players holding hands United in the name of honesty can you hear them singing chuck oh what a beautiful sound they're bringing Joy to the children all around the world Chuck the song is melting the hearts of the Wicked Good Riddance okay grass 2.0 let's see how you hold [Music] up that's [Music] [Music] woohoo you rocked that Captain nicely done roster thanks guys but I can't take all the credit this is amazing the groundsman did a great job oh come on my perfect grass has turned dancing Rasta into an Unstoppable passing machine huh [Music] watering grass what what what did you watering grass what did watering grass I dropped you in the middle of the watering grass never mind here you want this so bad watering grass [Music] Fetch and people are worried about AI taking over please [Music] huh H interesting sorry Chuck but this game's going to be anything but [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] fair mhm I go back to the Dome and get me some of that this is just getting ridiculous Elm matador's skin looks dry wrinkled and discolored H told you we couldn't tell the difference well I'm going to make sure the lighting is perfect for the game in years to come the fans will be singing songs about how amazing I look [Music] today hey this lighting is totally uneven my face will look terrible I got to f fix this experimental shinard lab nope substitute dungeon uh-uh definitely not the legal surveillance equipment storage facility definitely not ah now we're talking H this is going to be a delicate operation light light come on where the light hello light [Applause] [Music] watering grass uh yeah sure watering grass watering grass grass watering [Music] grass all right boys this is going to be an easy Victory as long as everyone sticks to the plat where is elmatador match night at the Hub last minute change for super strikers clouse is on for El Matador woohoo well if dancing Rasta continues his centilating form it doesn't matter who he's passing to game on and the super Striker's Captain immediately makes his presence help ooh a rare mistake from the number nine that pass was undercooked [Applause] come on unlike the super Striker's Captain to lose his cool well it's also unlike him to mess up so many passes back back I say huh you are so like the light hey help me no please well this sucks a rare mistake from the number nine that pass was undercooked no way you got to hand it to dancing rasa the man does not give up but can he get it right this time [Applause] and there's half time in the space of one game dancing Rasta has completely lost his touch should coach be considering the unthinkable should he sub his captain yes hey cut it out cutting grass yes cutting [Music] grass what happened out there dancing Rasta you were dominating those passes in practice I don't know coach my feel is just off H all right boys let's take some of the pressure off your captain Wings run at your markers coach Strikers fall back get more involved in buildup play no problem coach now let's get out there and win this thing yeah you're sure you want to keep me on I had a pretty awful first half a great Captain can lead his team even when he's not playing well we need you out there dancing rosta [Music] the second half is underway and dancing rosta stays on for [Applause] now North sh overlap got you C Shak far post on it now this is more like it come on nice try super strikers but you can't beat this hom ground [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Advantage well after a brief glimmer of hope things are looking pretty bad for super strikers dancing raster's bad forum is spreading to the rest of the team warm [Music] up wooo yeah we did it now to warn the guys about the lights biological contamination reach quarantine activated [Music] ah come on I just want to play some footy and there it is dancing rosta is coming off the captain's game ends in disappointment we did it high five never mind come on robo buddy we got to warn the guys cutting grass what you can't go back in there it's too dangerous cutting grass goodbye my friend and good [Music] luck cing CB wait don't do it it's about it's not dancing raster that's the problem Tony's developed some kind of crazy genetically engineered grass that detracted to light and he's controlling it with a stadium lights H if Tony can change the direction of the grass he can change the resistance it has on the ball and slow down and speed up our passes uh what are we going to do about it what if we keep the ball off the grass wa sounds tough I don't know Captain I do Tony turned the very pitch against us and the scores are still even if every single one of us plays as well as I know we can we can do this 1 2 3 super stri [Applause] Chuck T chipperson shoots but Big B is more than up to the job whoa talk about ambitious and Cool Joe keeps the move going with some amazing skills what [Applause] back to me here it comes watering grass Robo budy go watering grass sweet mother of science I've had just about enough of this pitch [Music] [Music] help [Music] me hey Captain you scored told you we could do it ah come on I went through all that effort to save the day like a total hero and this photo is the worst of them all looks like you finally got all the light you were after [Laughter] dude that's the last of it pack it in people oh that's all is it are you sure you don't want to take anything else maybe you want to rip some of the seats out as souvenirs or perhaps take the clothes off off my back actually we did forget something you're fine what for using illegal genetic modifications watering grass yeah sure knock yourself out watering grass watering grass watering grass watering grass watering grass [Music] only minutes to go here at striker land Mac and shakes is on verge of an historic achievement the most goals in a single season a record held by Edwin for for even I can't remember how long Brenda cool Joo over here Cool Joe sends the ball into the [Music] box shakes equals the record with a composed finish one more goal and he's in a league all of his [Music] [Applause] own so shakes is 53 your lucky number shakes Nama next is Tokyo where the record will be set how's it feel to be on the verge of super league history personal records aren't a big deal to me as long as super strikers win I'll be happy wow so humble shakes but an achievement this big deserves a little [Music] attention total Legend my hero you rocked it brother enough already the Press just interviewed him for like 4 hours uh he is on the verge of making history Alm Matador come on I have like a 100 records oh yeah here we go the Super League records book El Mador El Mador El nope I must have at least one North how about best hairo in the superly they don't have records for the best hair dud actually liquido has that one what that guy looks like a sea creature fell asleep on his head guys enough about records h [Music] don't worry coach I'm sure the hype will die down soon [Music] enough faster faster faster oh sorry niik trust me you are not the problem faster good yes that's good now skip to track 11 for Fitness training where is he welcome to moaz advertising where we turn your dreams into bigger dreams we synthesize synergize and satisfy making your voice heard in the hearts of those who matter most to you because you matter most to us oh you're done I need to celebrate a momentous occasion in football history great you've come to the right place who is your target market he's young he's sporty he's fun and professional he has big plans for the future but he wants them now what are you cling about this is the guy shakes from super strikers he is our target market single person Market you're a guru no a Herald of the future I feel a level five brain hurricane coming on get that Cofe machine bubbling we got some ideas to BU most shots on target nope best goal celebration nope best meme uh-uh worst meme really okay uh most matches paid wearing glasses uh third place but I'm the only one who wears glasses whoa huh wow shakes looks like Tokyo is behind you my man a nice welcome gesture I [Music] suppose huh Hey where's my welcome gesture [Music] [Music] boom kapow whatever it takes Jakes wow who writes this stuff yes this is perfect wow it is so great to help people achieve their dreams yeah something like that it's so beautiful this is the whole reason I got into this industry now take it all down but why this that space is costing a fortune target the target market only people come on looks like the pressure's taken its to yeah I didn't expect there to be so much attention on him here so let's give him a confidence boost [Music] [Music] easier easier [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on fewest goals ever scored at practice but well that didn't go quite as planned H I need we need to work on an alternate strategy you guys go ahead huh well I never [Music] I'm really sorry coach I guess the pressure is getting to me it's not your fault shakes you just need some time to get your mind off the Record relax enjoy yourself kick back and get a good night's rest you okay Coach fine fine in fact why not sleep in tomorrow really of course [Music] don't worry guys I'm here oh look you do hold a record El Matador longest time spent in front of the mirror really no so cruel so what's with the early morning meeting coach I believe the shak's campaign is aimed at shakes only what oh yesterday when you guys left kushuku the ads disappeared as you drove away W bizar czy so if shakes doesn't see the ads does he play okay that's what we're about to find out hey guys what have I missed heads up you were right coach I just needed to clear my mind shakes how about you go and get some breakfast uh don't you guys need me here you don't need to be here so how we going to pull this off coach good oldfashioned teamwork today our rivalry with super strikers plays out once more a clash of wills and skills and drills it is the moment each of us has to Sir Sir give me one second huh line 20 with five what is that it's C's as in Carpe DM sees the day that's the model we live by it more yeah whatever it is the moment each of us has to seiz the day C DM you know I've had enough of this you're our coach we need you here coaching coaching means ensuring we win and that is exactly what I'm doing where how you're not even writing your own speeches I I have to go I'm very very busy right now anything to report Mr giri super strikers are on the Move prepare the campaign most helpful teammate now is not the time elmatador Target Market is taking alternate routs to Stadium okay people the target Market's gone Rogue ideas brighter colors Bolder statements no we don't have time to change the creative brand ambassadors now that's got some zaz great idea nice one presenting the walkin talk it's a shoe and a phone target market spotted heading through the main Gallery do something do something activating rolling Banner main gallery come on I got him street level heading south Shibuya Crossing is go shuya shoya shoya hey shakes what did the soccer ball say to the goal don't know I see myself in you yep we got him now amazing work team now don't blow it it's not him repeat target market is not in the car what find him people [Music] huh free super strikers hoodies get it f it h [Music] yeah nice to finally have a decent hair do right bur burger all right dudes we're struggling to pinpoint him oh come on there is one last thing I might be able to triangulate his phone sir your chariot awaits come on we've got a game to get to fastest footballer ever guys what are you waiting for almost there almost there no ways kushuku oh okay we're in [Music] business oh no uh-oh oh no I thought we'd given them the slip give me your phone but Co just give me your phone [Music] it's over we did everything we could sure whatever actually that isn't necessarily the case match day at Kuku Stadium Brenda we did it dude nice one coach we pulled it off and what a match it could turn out to ma shakes is on the verge of rewriting history and you backing him to pull it off oh I'm a commentator Brenda I must remain impartial get up there shakes man keep them peeled shakes okay in three two left guys I've got this could this be the Magic Moment oh it's a fingertip save fantastic effort from the striker yes Mr giri bring out the blimp super strikers are on the attack again could this be the moment I I mean the fans have been waiting for Here We Go huh [Applause] no wel [Music] [Applause] that may just be the record for the biggest Miss uh how big is the existing record exactly don't even think about it Elm Matador warm up CL yes coach coach is left with no choice looks like shakes will be coming off you guys are geniuses we did it again we got more zaz than anyone Now call off the blimp that thing's costing me a fortune out of here hey CLA yeah coach sit down a moment won't you [Applause] a okay War up yes sit down a warm up yes sit down no warm up yes sit down warm up sit down no I don't believe it he what man yep right here most nefarious coach in the Super League uriri man and he's even got to me here inside the stadium but unlike last night we don't have any time for you to clear your mind I'm sorry shakes you're coming off great game so far well done team huh we are not playing well shakes is playing badly oh come now Mo my coaching's paying off big time what do you mean you haven't even been here well I'm here now aren't I sometimes I feel like there's nothing I can do to make you lot happy coach you've got to put me on the record isn't going away I have to face it this isn't the right game shakes there's too much pressure just give me 15 minutes please fine yes but if you can't overcome the effects of the campaign clouse is going on wooohoo yeah uh I mean hang in there shakes hey shakes remember only one thing matters beating Nama got it coach ha just can't let that record go hey shakes H coach hasn't subbed shakes unusual decision given his form but it does mean he still has a shot at the [Applause] [Music] record w clumsy tackle from the defender what's the ref going to do penalty so who's going to take it shakes deserves the chance right he does but so do I I know man nothing more high pressure than a penalty dudes guys I've got this this is massive for shakes and the history books and the game and the f and the comment [Music] [Music] sh what it's just a touch from Shas and El M the daughter's de yeah very smart boys yeah remember coach only one thing matters hey look what I just got a hold of cool the new Super League records book and check it out first ever passed penalty in the Super League shakes yes and yes El Matador yes even if you have to share it with me I did the important part shakes and that's not all the record for the most expensive ad campaign ever goes to keep at it you can do it blah blah blah I thought this craziness was over yeah coach where could you possibly be this time you don't want to know caret clean seize the mop that's another thing we always say at moraz you can do it only another 8 years and you'll work off all the money you owe us let's go get some frappa Dappa mocha chinos snacks are for clients only only only only so why do I think I'm the ultimate super strikers fan this is why oh uh this is why my scarves my signed jersey still haven't washed it my complete collection of action figures including the very rare El scardador misprint Lenny the lightning bolt the official Club Vella elata boots Shake Dandy dancing Ras plush toy and my super strikers chant book my dad took me to my first ever super strikers versus Invincible United Derby I asked for a Super Striker shirt he said Franny once you've chosen a team it's for life are you sure you're ready as you can see I was so right on friend nice one I gave her tenance and made me cry category but that filthy shirt minus five for Hygiene still less weird than the fan who legally changed your name to secret training compound or the dude who keeps on sending us cakes with our faces on I like that guy so we're all decided uh-huh yeah y then let's get up there stri the fans are waiting [Music] stri super stri wow the vibe is almost as epic as the Darby yeah of course they're excited they have a chance to win the fan competition come on spenza being disqualified for being Shake's best friend friend that's a pretty big win but my entry video was so epic yo yo I'm spener and this is Capture the Flag chatau descara yes no no no no a good dog a bad dog how you like that scar it was also so illegal details super F please is welcome the Super [Applause] [Music] Striker okay whose idea was the smoke machine really oh come on that was [Music] awesome fans we have a decision the winner of the first secret training compound all access superan tour competition is super friend I don't believe it SP I'm so unprepared though have I got my maaba and my super Cape I got to call my dad he'll freak out he's going to go totally crazy are you okay little girl I just wanted super strikers to S my ball but I didn't win the competition hey consider it done huh wow thanks FR everything you see down here is strictly confidential of course coach I'm excellent at keeping secrets great just sign here this one time my friend Caitlyn accidentally burned down an entire toilet block and I've never told anyone oh uh maybe you should sign here too oh and seeing as we're signing things do you mind oh now that we're done with the formalities welcome to the secret training [Music] compound CL North Shaw the air pressure chamber helps us prepare for gains at high elevation we're taking on iron tank at The Fortress right twisting tiger the motorized obstacle course perfect training for the double against United SI Bay complete with cryos look ooh is that from the slide tackle against Rano two weeks ago this is where the real magic happens the strategy room minute-by-minute analysis of every game thrilling 3-hour strategy sessions more like three-hour nap sessions Cool Joe get back to practice and finally the training [Music] [Music] pitch shakes hey friend just in time for the show [Music] I give up how are you reading me your non-striking foot always points in the direction you're going to kick sheesh really hey guys would you sign my ball it's for a friend it always is so shakes you're nervous for the Darby nah I got a couple of tricks up my sleeve anything you can show me uh okay now check this out [Music] h Huh my fake out isn't quite ready yet but when it is no way Invincible United will see it coming there you go I sell that online and I'm getting 50% okay guys that was amazing I won't forget this thank you just remember strictly confidential your toughest challenge will be not telling spenza I can handle him oi can I have my ball back now you must be friend's friend we all signed your ball huh you're [Music] [Music] welcome super strikers are going down friend please no it's called The Secret training compound for a reason super high pitched pretty pleas don't make me give you the look hey friend pretty please with onion rings and extra cheese now come on let's get this chant right for tomorrow fine inin who inin what we're going to kick inin inin whoin what we're going to kick inin finally the super League's biggest Showdown is upon us and it's not just the teams battling for Supremacy the fans are out in full [Applause] [Music] forceit you sure about this scar just trust me I've got it all worked out super strikers go on the attack but United re them move with ease now they counter come on everyone hey Scara don't even B the final score we will have for you will [Music] haveed hey Vince you're going to winers into what Spence hold the for a minute okay friend where are you going we need you United on the attack again poor effort from block nor shot clears it off the lane but super strikers aren't safe anywhere is it me or did Scar just Target your weak side long this area is restricted but what about her she can go wherever she likes that's Mr scara's [Music] [Applause] niece the guys a rare chance for super strikers against the Run of play and they better get it right it's almost full time [Music] [Applause] [Music] keeper read him like a book and now the counter is [Applause] on [Applause] no magnificent teamwork from United and some soul searching ahead for the men in [Applause] red uh anyone else feel United knew like every thing about our game they were playing to Block's weak side the keeper read all my shots were we being that obvious no there's only one way they could have known our game plan super FR no ways there's got to be another explanation yeah totally you know anyone else who's been in the training compound recently n as difficult as this is for me to say Fran has betrayed us Spence I need to tell you something that little [Music] go what's going on friend You Stand Accused of leaking Super Striker strategies to Invincible United huh that's crazy you are from stri I have to ask for your non-refundable season pass and your official all of itena wait the little girl from The Day of the tour she Scar's niece but why would but why would she want Super Striker signatures exactly just tell shakes okay I'll try see you friend has anyone seen diagram 42b do we have to know all of these words huh hey spin where you at STC since the leak coach has given us like a thousand new strategies to learn keep up boys make that 2,000 I still can't believe France sold us out yeah she says that ball she got you guys to sign belongs to Scar's niece oh that weird little girl maybe Fran didn't sell us out or maybe she's in cahoots with Invincible United spend we got to we got to get that ball back [Music] sorry Vanessa I'd love to study but I have to go [Music] model spenza friend come to take something else I love friend well you're not getting my triple fudge Delight Fran I spoke to shakes we have a theory so there's got to be like a micro camera hidden in the ball but where would it be at levice no scar would have it somewhere he can show it off let me see your video for the fan competition I know it's so great right how you like that scar there see he's got a trophy room in his house it's got to be there let's get that ball clear my name and help our boys win the game hey that's pretty good we've got 3 hours till the game Scar's house has crazy security 24-hour guards and the hounds so how are we going to do [Music] this Franchesco dispenser Pizzeria you'll be loving what's made in our [Music] oven nobody ordered pizza but it's really good uh what about my tip here's a tip get out of here [Music] huh no match night at striker land and the fans have really up their game for the return [Music] L well not all of them woohoo super strikers hey what's going on here people come on let's hear [Applause] it but seem super strikers aren't feeling anym at home at home hello there let's go for a ride to the magical four-wheel [Music] [Music] Kingdom Duma versus block United were all over the big Defender last last game but this time block is ready now Super Striker pushed forward shooting opportunity for Shigs oh it's a dummy ooh great idea but the super strikers couldn't finish it off where is the ball [Music] [Music] you don't watch the world's best team your whole life without learning some [Music] skills no ways Spenzo was right how are you reading me you ready check this out so United don't know about the fake [Music] out play dat's over [Music] Fran the men in red have plenty of good ideas out there but their execution is lacking Invincible uned on the other hand are a well oiled machine oh so close oh you want this [Music] B O strike a land [Music] sorry Miss Fran chops I have to get a message to [Music] shakes wooho Invincible United Rock United gear buy it here nowhere else to get your gear you're not a real fan unless you get it herea 1 2 3 Invincible United woo we're well into the second half and there's still no score not great for super strikers on their home turve now that's more like it oh but shakes has been caught off side things are just not going super Striker's way shakes sh huh Invincible United don't know [Music] in sheesh bran had us totally fool maybe the super Striker's Jersey isn't for life after all that's 10 points in the Betrayal category now let's not jump to any conclusions super strikers are all out of ideas and Invincible United are camped in their half think friend [Music] there come on come on [Music] FR hey guys listen up you move two places to the left and you way over there to the right huh uh Captain I've got an idea tell me sh's m i I got a good feeling just get the ball to me nor looks like dening lter is up to something shakes chips it to [Music] [Applause] itself unbelievable somehow shakes digs deep and scores in the neck of time a Victory lap for shakes why is he running to the United fand you're a legend like I said once you've chosen a team it's for life so the old fake out e been doing that move since we were 12 son everything I know I learned from you buddy hey guys not sure I approve of your new look super Fran I'd be happy to trade it in yeah kind of figured you need these thank you spenza no problem friend hey guys check what me and a few million other people found scaran what if we pay you a billion a season would you take over as Captain for me I beg you never I'm way too cool to play on your stupid team o Loser come back you Traer you better not put this on the internet I guess you can choose your team but not your family the temperature at Fortress stadium is below freezing but super strikers are on [Applause] fire on fire and in sync uh what do you think they call this celebration Brenda Mac I'm going to go for snow fan super [Music] alive Shake spenza great game man thanks dude say got a seed open on the striker jet to The Cauldron whenever we go on tour friend gets a little fat come on we're on a schedule people Steve off your phone fenza stop talking to oh hi shakes and will somebody please wake Sandra look on the bright side at least you won't be late for the game thanks a lot spenza move [Music] it super can't wait to get on the strike a jet comfy seats warm proper grooming facilities warm even looking forward to the old Striker jet lasagna warmth Hey Brother Hey [Music] dude sorry bad weather all planes grounded this what are we going to do spenza and the fans are driving to The Cauldron fadia is only a day or so by Road oh come on dudes it's just a little snow it's not like the striker jet is going to fall out of the sky toy [Music] bus welcome to the El Mador live stream bringing you all the behind the scenes [Music] action the only action on this bus is how long till clouse's next toilet break oh come on it's not that bad yes it is we're taking bets on how many times you'll have to go come on lucky number seven El Mador are you trying to Blind us hey my live stream needs to look awesome okay oh hey Spence so how's the trip on the strike it jet actually our plane was grounded we're slumming it on the road like you guys a that's too bad buddy wish I could say you had a Scenic Drive ahead of you but come on people we're 47 seconds behind schedule go go bye and can somebody please wake [Music] Sandra a map book I didn't know people still use D's you are now leaving the Alps thank you for visiting GPS Coachman you are now entering Feria um yeah it's pretty obvious where we are huh what is up with that group of crows murder Mur that's what you call a group of crows a murder this bus trip is so boring I started reading a [Music] dictionary coach I might need a bathroom break who's got number 10 looks like I'm not the only one with a live [Music] stream hello H not sure I like this place seriously creepy tell me about it what kind of monster would put my action figures in the bargain [Applause] been I have been woken by this Nifty Grim FC alarm clock available for only $3.99 um wrong target market man then how about these they're horror ball okay done let's get out of here summon the fan club we have flies in our spider web spider webs now only $4.99 El Matador here with a live review of the Grim surprise gift shop smells weird shop assistant is a rude creep and the elmatador action figures are way underpriced whoa El matador's live stream is so cool it feels like we're with them every step of the way we're like 3 hours ahead of them Steve uh your food is served my masters NS veratu Burger goulash batoni and cheese and a pizza with pineapple man does everything around here have to be monster themed scheduled eating time is over you have 30 seconds to clear your plates 25 seconds at least we know what the scariest thing in ferat tuia is 15 seconds whoa gnarly looking field dudes hooky Brothers the setting is perfect boys because I've got an attacking move that'll put the scare into git now for it to work clouse shakes and elmatador need to be on the same wavelength no problem coach funny now get ready for the weave [Music] we nailed the weed we have a problem indeed we do toilet paper really Mor sorry Fang my real mummy costume's in the wash don't worry about super strikers Claudia we won't give them a chance to use that move against our beloved grim [Music] yes one-handed push-ups can be dangerous in the wrong hands hand hey where did my signal go my GPS is down too thank goodness we have a map in a book uh coach the pages we need are missing [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay I need to pee yep me too this is shakes I'm on tour leave a message still can't get hold of shakes maybe they've lost signal Elm matador's live stream did get cut off but we traveled the same route and our signal was perfect they're fine coach keeps it even stricter schedule than I do I don't know guys no time to worry spends because our allocated sleep time begins now this isn't so bad a night in the open will toughen you up for the Grim game but coach how am I supposed to sleep there's no airon no room service didn't you ever go camping when you were a kid C cing what's that you know sleeping under the stars cooking your food on a fire singing camp songs you are making that up to freak me out right it's camping I love this place bathrooms [Music] [Applause] everywhere drive kman I'm trying the battery's dead [Music] oh now let's not jump to conclusions there could be many reasons why the battery [Music] [Laughter] is dear fans if you ever see this we're lost in the wild I'm so so scared that this lighting isn't doing me any justice BL dropping in dude man things got pretty scary back there yeah I mean who what was that look guys I don't know what's going on but the one thing that really scares me is forfeiting To Grim we have to get to that game so which way back to the bus dud I saw a sign back there I tell you that much I'm really beginning to dislike those birds no no we can't stop here it's not in this schedule be leave for the game spenza there's still no word from shakes I think we should go look for them I don't know Spen no guarantee we'll find them and it'll put us way behind schedule what is the point of getting to the game on time when we don't have a team to for sh sorry [Music] Steve okay boys I think I've figured it out I'm not following some pencil drawing well you can stay here and wait for the magical signal to come back why are you being so stubborn I'm not being stubborn you're being stubborn I know why don't we sing camping songs don't say that word but camping stop it [Music] a [Music] huh nuh-uh [Music] unhand me you [Music] o my teammates have started to turn on each other so I leave you with this one last message none of this was my [Music] fault I told you we'd find the way wrong again again dancing rosta um I hate to break it to you coach but we are back where we [Music] started I can't take it anymore I'll bake you into a pie that's kind of stupid your face is [Music] stupid breakfast [Applause] anyone open the door I'm trying M me smooth with it got the P it stop shouting at me stop walking in my way are so annoying you sure you're going to be okay to play after your crazy night let's just say we're going to need all the help we can get well you heard shakes let's get in there and make some noise stri stri stri Sandra walk faster you have 3 minutes to get to your feet Sandra wake up the game starting smell pickles [Music] huh welcome to [Music] fuia match night at The Cauldron super strikers have been in fantastic form of late but Grim FC know how to strike Terror into the the hearts of the opposition never mind the team Brenda check out the [Applause] fans Grim G who's on schedule now Hast [Applause] St game [Applause] on El Mador yes that's mine R it's mine rles [Applause] RS okay this isn't funny come on friend where are you come on please somebody let us out let us [Music] out huh seriously Sandra ah what have we here you guys ready for this no let's get on with it okay I'm afraid the Grim fand are just too much for the visitors Max yes no [Music] huh wow they may not suck blood but Grim fans do suck at parking you guys want me to take over up front too you could just stay on your line if you could just Mark your M get it together uh hey coach sit down the three of you were nailing the weaven practice what happened out there I love you guys but two days stuck on a bus with you has been like Dental surger I know not to mention the Unspeakable horrors of camping and those things in the forest those things were crazy Grim fans is that yep they stole your bus battery I told you it wasn't my fault listen up guys we've been tricked chased and sabotaged motivational speech proceed but we're going to go out here and win this game anyway not for the point or even each other but for the fans without their support we wouldn't even be here so let's give them something to cheer about [Music] yeah super strikers look re-energized after the break and luckily for the men in Red so do their fans stri but no one out shouts the Grim hord at the CAU [Applause] and the coun attack is on oh a fingertip save but the super Striker's goal remains under threat come on the guys need us Super Striker Super Striker come on loud it Lo wow the super strikers fans are giving it everything they've got time to unleash our secret weapon Sandra but she's always asleep that's because she's saving her energy Sandra super strikers are losing Super Striker super super super stri now that is scary [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] toally welcome back to the El Matador live streaming Extravaganza I'm on the strike a Jet Steve it's dinner time strike a jet lasagna now this is how you travel yeah I figured we owed you a lift Welcome To Grim surprise yeah your bathroom my puny teammate needs to pee summon the fan club we have flies in our Spiderman spider webs now only $4.99 what what we sold one we sold a spider web we sold a spider we I can't believe it [Music] oh yeah sorry I'm late coach had an idea for a new song and just had to record it cool Joe we play Invincible United this weekend gotcha [Music] coach check this out [Music] hey when I'm in my groove coach I am in my groove part of me actually wants to hear that song ah my hair's still a mess that's cool Joe just don't forget to send me some of those this weekend preferably on the front of my head I'll see what I can do shakes Mr Cojo apparently it's urgent say what [Music] so who was that from an organization called balls for All Balls for all their mission is to get soccer balls to everyone in the world sounds like a really good cause and they want me to sing on their new charity single each team will have a representative good luck dude yeah those things are a total Cheese Fest sure but guess who's producing It DJ Midas Touch did you hear he is so awesome DJ minus to touch you've never heard of him have you clous no Midas is the hottest producer around I'll have you know my finger is firmly on zul of the music industry David Hasselblad L hosen and of course the umls they're my aunt Hilda's kids no lie down before you hurt yourself [Music] dude they say he has a golden mixing desk cuz all his records go gold hm maybe it won't a total Cheese Fest amazing welcome to Inner Groove Studios a golden Strat Blaster a golden thingy and a golden mixing desk huh I always thought that was a metaphor I guess the man really likes to make an impression Cool Joe Midas big fan love your last record totally groundbreaking DJ Midas Touch at your service and the Super League All Stars at yours oops solid gold wow just like my heart so what do you say super leas y'all ready to get a football to everyone in the world [Music] take one there are people in this world who uh oh would play footy you say uh just had a ball there ain't no time to waste more time there's no more time to sto if you've got any h we got and cut don't worry guys we'll warm up Midas probably wasn't even recording well spin me round super leas that was solid gold fantastic dude uh you don't think it was a little uh patchy somewhat off Tempo and you know totally off key relax Cool Joe we'll fix any minor glitches later but I wouldn't mind trying your part again man [Music] huh cool Joe how was the recording session with DJ invisible touch can we not talk about it clouse did you see his famous golden microphone and what about his golden Strat Blaster since when do you care about Midas I'm launching a sideline career as a band manager clouse axe I already have a client so if I could just get your DJ mindless to produce their first single it'll be a hit for sure dude we heard about the uh you know oh you [Music] guys hey were you trying your little trick again what nah man I was just uh never [Music] mind hey cool Joo hold up so so what so what's up what's up with what what's up with come on Cool Joe okay okay madus Made Me Do 27 takes yesterday you 27 takes you got balls for all you got balls for All Balls for All Balls for all one line shakes 27 times maybe he's like coach he just wants to get the best performance out of you cool Joe you're invited to you're invited to the balls for all charity single launch party great we're going to this party and you'll hear your singing is as awesome as [Music] ever how is this party I'm already regretting it relax enjoy the vibe can you believe some of these outfits look at that guy uh isn't that clous you're still not on the list sir Cool Joe for you tells these people who I am uh yeah he's with us and they are with me the omls max stream and the Epiphany Cool Joe and shakes sir hey please me the umls have taken a vow of silence until their talent is recognized by a major record label in the meantime they communicate entirely using samples man I do not get the music industry hey I am Z manager the io Zoo per have they gone welcome everyone to the official balls for all charity single launch I see some familiar faces in the audience tonight Rano boom flad loving the hair stars of the pitch and now stars of the airwaves hey guys hey hey you've got to stop running off like this never the dedication it's so inspiring relax though this all good yes it's him DJ lightest clutch This is Our Moment don't freak out okay now where's the loop I got 6 months of sailing around the Caribbean to do you'll get it after we hear the song Oh you going to love it it's so awful man awful is that like the latest word for cool hey no no no and now to introduce the song The Man with the Golden mixing desk DJ minus turn Super League dudes pure class you are I'm pleased to say the boss for all chity single is [Music] go there are people in this world who play fo if they just had a ball there's no time to waste more time there's no more time to St if you got any we for allow for all I uh I got to get out of here Cool Joe come on it's probably a big big misunderstanding clouse what's going on uh nothing but we almost got to meet Mr DJ mindus turns out he's not available though what do you mean he's finishing up some totally awful recording project awful you know cool big important Z he's going on a long holiday you coming shakes um no you guys go ahead o huh cool Joe [Music] original wait till Cool Joe hears this [Music] h Hello does somebody want to record a song called locked in the [Music] studio shakes Midas a you upset you didn't get the s on balls for all Cool Joe admires you why have you done this a guy's got to eat eat what gold bullion what can I say Vince made me an offer I couldn't refuse Vince besides I got Jolie CLA to think about now your daughter My Yacht this sweet little baby ain't going to go plate herself now I got to go but don't worry you won't miss the game just a few hours left till the face off between Invincible United and no wait you can't leave me here let's hope the boys are getting their beauty [Music] sleep March day at the vice and the teams are warming up why can't we have a charity single because we sing as badly is Cool Joe speak for yourself Brenda this is shakes leave a message and I'll get guys I cannot believe you left shakes at that party he tried to get him to leave coach but shakes was loving that Vibe well we really need him back blah blah come on cool Joo let's show these Jokers what we can do without [Applause] [Music] shakes yes yes yeah no see what I mean coach I'm okay sorry cool Joo until shakes is back we have no choice you have to play departing for strike land International Airport in 10 minutes hello cin omls I uh finally got you what you came here for I'm meeting with the DJ himself but you must go to his studio now super strikers are starting without shakes for the first time in forever he's not even on the bench Matt well wherever he is I hope it's more important than the Derby huh K Joo takes it up the left wing but he's easily dispossessed [Applause] let's trly this one again kjo El Mador and twisting tiger are in the middle Kujo crosses it to No One Invincible United take a quick throw [Applause] in O It's a rebound and they score on the Counterattack [Music] huh where is that DJ oh you want Midas so do I open the door we've got to get to the vice [Music] [Applause] that's the first half and Cool Joe spent most of it Distributing balls for all the United players speaking of which it's time for the charity song itself great taada [Music] no no hello fence I'll take my payment now I said you'll get the payment when super strikers lose Midas cool Joe's off his game my song did the trick dog now if I can be on my way oh yeah Jolie CLA here we come baby you see guys my performance on balls for all was so bad it totally messed with my soccer Groove it's not your groove that's the problem cool Joo bro Midas messed with your vocals the whole song was just a ploy to put you off your game what the single wasn't real dudes the charity isn't real Vince made me an offer I couldn't refuse Vince yeah that's what I said we've got for all thanks for all the detective work shakes but it's too late everyone thinks I'm a joke so prove them wrong wait you want me to play without a band did somebody say Band rock this ah a surprise live act oh great it's cool Joe and some other guys oh no this guy we believe in you co Joe 1 2 [Music] 3 there are people in this world wow w oh so beautiful just had B there's no time to waste more time hey these dudes are awful they sound awesome duh that's what I said we've got boss for come on yeah we got B for yeah we got B [Applause] [Music] for my go stratop plaster so inspiring sing Brenda I guess that commentator single is going to be a duet cool Joe's ruen he can play music now can you play [Music] soccer shakes Lins up for the header Cool Joe just needs to keep it on target but it's too high elmatador is surrounded The Defenders have pulled him out of position [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so cool show man of the match and man of the hour with your new version of balls for all well the credit really should go to the person behind the charity Vince Vince Vince where are you buddy no jie Clan needs this there he is and looks like he has something for balls for all we've already registered balls for all as a real charity play along Vince and we'll call it Square okay yeah sure anytime the balls for all says thanks Thank You Vince with her Amber eyes on Golden Hair She's a Beauty past compare she's awful awful she's never who about a hip still spe she never sinks my accents feared she's a girl so perfectly awful it's awful good it's awful nice so awfully awful I said awful twice I do not get the music industry me neither bro me neither push-up sir The Season's almost over we have to squash these shrimps before they Viggle into the Super League final kind of scary but I'm inclined to agree yeah coach surely we have to play this game no God it's just too dangerous okay all right coach okay Coach you are just a bunch of puny pipsqueaks don't do it man see it's nothing but a little and with the Super League final only weeks away everyone's wondering when super strikers and iron tank will play their abandoned fixture [Music] [Music] guys guys guys oh uh could you say that again coach the Super League was unable to reschedule our iron tank match for this week so next week we'll be playing Hydra away iron tank away and Invincible United away that's what I thought you said coach it's the ultimate fixed your crunch I thought we had a shot at the final this season but now don't worry we have a [Music] plan first tactics check it out secret training manual second um recovery cool and S Yum Yum Yum nutrition chicken and oh please brother fre games in 5 days Chris crossing the globe physical and mental fatigue people in your your personal space 247 guys of course this ain't going to be easy but if we get through this we're in the final so let's make this week something to tell the grandkids okay of you got it I'm going to keep a diary for the grandkids nice Rasta seems I forgot number four motivation a plan is nothing if their hearts aren't in it day one dear grandkids it's many many years before you are born and we're braving the high seas on the first leg of our journey to the Super League final time may I present my hot dog surprise I totally thought it was going to be something [Music] gross these aren't hot dogs chicken and rice I thought your gastronomic cave dwellers wouldn't tell the defense real hot dogss won't help you keep up with Hydra but even matching them for Pace is not going to be enough for this game yeah really coach you sure about this relax Duma by the time super strikers play us they'll be so exhausted we'll steamroll them challenges like this can unite a team Scara okay hey so what do we do we watch the crunch every step of the way give me that it's a sunny day at the floating Stadium the come before the storm of super strikers backto back games soccer soccer Brenda uh I'm warming up Mac in my day we deliver commentary on three matches before breakfast I think I can handle a we fixture pile up you sure about this Captain we do this one by the book Elm matador [Music] Pace from Ledo but the men in red have drawn A Line in the Sand two lines in fact the counter is on fall back fall back actually it seems super strikers are staying back huh staying back Brenda staying back like Champions huh ha ah enough of this silliness finally super strikers show some intent elmatador is on fire unbelievable Al Matador has been dispossessed by his own Captain wait till Matador I'll see when fine how about now now now now no and super slankers launch a final bid to break the goest time have Hydra got enough left in their legs to stop them [Music] there's the [Music] cross it's a goal so what you got Duma besides a cure for insomnia super strikers conserved their energy to score at the end maybe you deserve this cover after all well they only pulled it off thanks to their Captain's discipline oh snap no wonder he got the poster I think I know someone who can help us uh day two dear grandkids we're flying to the Alps to face iron tank aeroplanes flying oldfashioned compared to your teleportation devices yeah somebody say delicious here streats this again yeah let me guess rice cream and chiet sauce so gross guys coach has got us one win already we stick to the plan the last game was about saving your energy this one's going to be about saving yourselves by staying away from your [Music] opposition coach we played a game two days ago how we going to get back to Peak physical condition by tomorrow hit the gym not a pipsqueak hit the [Music] treadmill or just hit things P squeak no what you guys need is a bath too cool literally it's too cool what's the idea here coach bro lowering your sematic temperature reduces lactic acid and expedites Muscle Recovery right the cold helps your muscles get back to normal double time I can't feel my muscles I can't feel anything except your breath on my neck give me some space block what you need teamach [Music] dude I don't know why they're calling it Z crunch after tomorrow's I'll be calling it The squish or maybe the squash the Smo yeah funny one pipsqueak it's nothing but a little W I'm going to call my dog Little W use it f v Vis glue and scissors uh-huh I want you to injure dancing rosta in tomorrow's game pleas do your own Dirty Work no the musle Tron 6000 the greatest all over muscle building machine ever banned after too many pipsqueaks injured themselves there did you get [Applause] this looks like we have a deal unless you want not to be a pipsqueak [Music] forever much day at the Fortress it's a must win to stay in the competition for both teams no [Music] [Applause] pressure good strategy from the men in red here Mac die blender stay well away from the tank [Applause] [Applause] dancing rasa threads the needle to No One shakes comes out of nowhere fire CL oh you wouldn't say super strikers played just two days ago Mac season Pros know how to bounce back Brenda indeed they do [Music] [Music] Mac pip s it is the muscle 6,000 6000 more metal for your muscles be the Envy of your enemies the TAC of the team be the [Music] fall this must be a god oh forpit in a cynical tackle on the super Striker's captain Oh no are you okay brother that looks really bad Captain surely it's a red card well the ref's not reaching for the birthday card it's a pedal t [Applause] [Music] it's too for two for the men in [Music] red one more and we're in the final that's the way you do it guys Invincible United here we come day three Z mood and the super strikers Camp is awesome Captain I didn't mean to keep it from your guys just couldn't let Invincible United know I took a real knock back there day four zamin Super Striker Camp is [Music] bad you oath man oh man but my dear grand kids Prof has Aur Aur neurom myalgic cryochamber yeah now as a special treat for you gustat Philistines oh what could this be a rice Burger and Fries the secret ingredient is lies more weird food come on no way actual real fries we figured you guys needed some cheering up nice one Captain remember every plan has setbacks but the more setbacks the better the story for the grandkids prop Gizmo is going to ensure I'm with you every step it away so are you with me you won't let you down brother day five the last day of the crunch I wish you could be here huh you guys have time machines right you could just [Music] uh great progress in the crunch can you win all what's your strategy today coach um at this stage of the competition games are one or lost on Who wants it more a rough tackle from ion tank only two days ago dancing Raa the knock wasn't as bad as it looked Lena see he's fine hope you didn't give Thor your musle [Music] Tron not as bad as it looks hey we'll see about that despite an AIC fixture crunch super strikers find themselves just one game away from the Super League final will Invincible United re on their parade MCH or will super strikers reign supreme should have done the silly voice warm-ups [Music] uh four words one word ah yes they're targeting super strikers Captain Nowhere to Run dancing roster if you still can run so many personal space violations I'm sending a message to the grandkids to come back in time to help us [Applause] Vin a dive H maybe not such an easy call after [Applause] all no F really what but then I'm sorry guys two days just wasn't enough to recover from Thor's dirty taco and Duma knew it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this time the ref needs no help making a decision free kick to super strikers but it's come at a heavy cost huh dancing Raa dancing Rosa can you hear me whoa there dude Captain R I said I would be with you guys all the way now are you with me dancing Rasta plays it [Applause] short shakes these guys still look serious about that place in the finals stay your marker [Music] boys shake send it deep into United territory to dancing rosta his marker's asleep stop him [Music] [Music] [Applause] chicken and rice popcorn is nothing sacred to you come on hurry up that's the final whistle and the end of super Striker's Super League campaign they must be devastated on the contrary Brenda they look elated come on guys you've carried us this far Captain Let Us carry you this one last bit Yeah [Music] you in vincible once more Local Heroes beat Barka to begag Super League trophy Invincible United had a great season but Captain United intentionally targeted your injury shakes man we can't control how others play the game but we can make sure that next season we give them everything we've got [Music] it's the Vintage muscle Tron 6000 could a pely pipsqueak do musle Tron 6000 we had Thor get one of those babies oh my grandkids must have fetched it from the 1980s and brought it to the now to help us win the Super league but they delivered it to the wrong team you've disappointed your old Granddad no strud fores wait you do still have shud right
Channel: The Supa Strikas - Kids Soccer Cartoon
Views: 102,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Classic Cartoon, Compilation, Supa strikas, american soccer, anime, best football show, best football team, cartoons, cartoons for kids, football, football cartoon, football compilations, funny cartoon, kids cartoon, rookie season, shakes, soccer, soccer anime, soccer cartoon, soccer goals, supa league, supa strikas in english, supa strikas in hindi, super estrikas, super league, super strikas, super striker, super strikers, super strikers in english
Id: iDJJQhgNj7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 50sec (11090 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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