Voddie Baucham Jr. - The Children of Caesar Part 2

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you in my last time with you this weekend we get to consider getting your house in order getting our houses in order and I want to share for you basically what I'll be sharing with you tonight it's kind of an overview of my book that'll be out really in a week and a half and the title of that is family driven faith and family driven faith is basically an exposition of the Deuteronomy six principles of family discipleship we are losing young people in droves the Bible teaches us what to do about that and the Bible teaches us the things that we haven't been doing that would explain much of that and so I want us to consider those things here in Deuteronomy chapter 6 today if you have your Bibles with you would you open your Bibles with me to Deuteronomy chapter 6 the statutes the rules that the Lord your God commanded me to teach you that you may do them in the land to which you are going over to possess it that you may fear the Lord your God you and your sons and your son's son by keeping all his statutes and his commandments which I command you all the days of your life that your days may be long hear therefore O Israel and be careful to do them that it may go well with you and that you may multiply greatly as the Lord the God of your father's has promised you and the land flowing with milk and honey and just a word here remember as Moses stands here before the people they had been delivered from Egypt and they have come to the promised land they have had an opportunity forty years before this time to possess the promised land but they did not do so they sent spies in to scout out the promised land the spies came back with two separate reports the majority report was the land is flowing with milk and honey in other words it has everything that God promised us would be there it is a prosperous land however the people there are like Giants we we look like grasshopper in our own sight before them the first report the majority report was a fearful report well then the Joshua and Caleb report that the Minority Report they they didn't have sense enough to be scared yes the land is everything God promised it would be and yes the people there are impressive and frightening but yes God can take them now we say Amen that's not what happened the people believed the majority report and they were fearful and in the midst of their fear they did not possess the land so God punished the disobedient faithless generation but he was merciful to them he allowed them to die off while wandering in the desert for forty years now you think it doesn't sound very merciful to me well you don't think that sounds merciful ask Ananias and Sapphira oh I'm sorry you can't God killed them not let them die God killed them it's a matter of fact one of my one of my favorite sermons I don't know if it's my favorite sermons my favorite title that I've ever had the privilege of preaching was a sermon from Acts chapter 5 and the title was the God who will kill you so many people you know the guy on the left side of the book he's mean but the cat on the right side the God in the New Testament he's nice and he's sweet and he's not like that you know what a nice a fire right smack dab in the middle of the New Testament right there there he is took him out so 40 years wandering in the desert I think they would have taken that mercifully they wander for 40 years the new generation rises up and they're about to take the land Moses seizes upon this opportunity to prepare his people to go in and possess the land and to continue to live as the distinct as the distinguished people of God and as he prepares he preaches a series of sermons and in this series of sermons he gives the law again thus the name Deuteronomy Deuteronomy and so as he as he gives the law again to the people to prepare them to go into this land to possess this land we see his words here in Deuteronomy 6 and he begins with this statement about them possessing the land and being faithful in the land and we read here o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your might these words that I'm commanding you today shall be on your heart you shall teach them diligently to your children and shalt talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise you shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes you shall write them on the doorpost of your house and on your gates and when the Lord your God brings you into the land that he swore to your father's to Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to give you with great and good cities that you did not build and house this full of all good things you did not fill and cisterns that you did not dig and vineyards and olive trees that you did not plant and when you eat and are full then watch yourself lest you forget the Lord who brought you out of the land of Egypt out of the house of slavery it is the Lord your God you shall fear him you shall serve and by his name you shall swear you shall not go after other gods the gods of the peoples who are around you for the Lord your God in your midst is a jealous God lest the anger of the Lord your God be kindled against you and he destroy you from off the face of the earth Amen hallelujah praise the Lord his anger will be kindled and he'll destroy you from off the face of the earth by the way they just saw that over a 40 year period they saw a generation wiped out they know that God means business but how do we go about this process of getting our houses in order when we start with that multi-generational vision that we had there in those first few verses beginning here in verse 4 I want to give you several principles from this segment and Deuteronomy chapter 6 that we must embrace if we're to get our houses in order the first is this if we're to get our houses in order we must worship God without rivals we must worship God without rivals that verse for very powerful and potent verse it's difficult to translate in the English it's almost like a play on words Shema Israel Yahweh Elohim no Yahweh God here or Israel Yahweh your Elohim is one Yahweh it almost doesn't even come across in the English the sort of word picture that's being painted here listen to me Israel Yahweh your Elohim is one Yahweh Yahweh covenant-keeping god Elohim is an interesting word there because when you talk about pagan nations that worship many gods that word Elohim is actually plural when you take it out of its immediate context here ironically they are about to go in and possess a land where people worship multiple gods where people are not faithful to the one true God it's almost as though you hear hear echoing you're about to go into a land where they have a God for everything you don't forget that you have a God who is everything Yahweh your Elohim is one Yahweh he is God all the gods of the people's their idols they don't even have gods their worship things that are not God if you want to have your house in order the first thing we have to do is worship God without rivals the moment we allow rivals in we get in trouble the moment we allow rivals in we begin to fall into some of the same things that Israel fell into early on in the midst of the promised land how do you come to a place where you worship the pagan gods to the degree that lack of the pagans you will take your children and burn them on an altar a statue with his hands held out and burn your children on that altar in order to appease these gods who supposedly bring you the rain and the produce how do you do that how do you forget Yahweh your Elohim is one Yahweh and all of a sudden become a people who are willing to sacrifice your children so that you can somehow appease a God that is designed to bring you greater material wealth how do you do that the same way you do this your young and if you have that baby you won't be able to finish school you won't be able to get as good a job you won't have as much prosperity but if you will sacrifice that baby on the altar of bail you will open up your opportunity for greater prosperity different idol same result we worship the god of prosperity and in many instances in our culture we're willing to slaughter our children in order to do so we worship the god of convenience how much how bad is it I'll tell you how bad it is we marveled as science was able to look into the womb and detect certain maladies now one of the maladies that we can detect is whether or not a child has a chromosomal problem when this happened my ears perked up why do you want to be able to take this chromosomal problem well we know why because now here's what we know for a fact 90% of all Down syndrome babies are aborted and not given life 90% why is it important to know about this chromosomal problem because that baby is an inconvenience here's what I want to know what happens when we can determine eye color and you prefer blue to brown what happens when we can determine intellect and you want to wait for your genius because the rule is you only get to a boy for me and a girl for you and praise the Lord we're finally through okay that's the unwritten rule there's one instance where and you get to have a third job if your first two are of the same sex we'll let you try one more time to get the other sex but that's it that's the unwritten rule in our culture and anyone in this room who walks into a church with five six seven eight ten kids and instead a grocery store how about the church Christian folks you walk into the church with 5 6 7 8 9 10 kids they will look at you like you have a third eye in the middle of your head why because we worship the god of this age the god of ease the God of comfort we worship arrival god that's that's the circumstance in which we find ourselves that's that's where we are well we don't believe anymore Yahweh our Elohim is one Yahweh we're in the midst of this culture and we fit far too well and if we want our houses in order one of the things that we must do is fight with ferocity to worship God without rivals our God is God he's not running for God he's God all by himself he was the only one around when the elections were held and there's never going to be a recount he's God amen [Applause] this means a great deal to me having grown up in the circumstance that I did I told you having been raised by a single teenage Buddhist mother not having grown up around Christians or Christianity the first time I ever heard the gospel was my freshman year in college and so this idea of idolatry means something to me I remember going over friends house and if this friend of mine was a short-term missionary took several short-term mission trips and his ministry was taking people with him on these short-term mission trips and he collected a lot of things and I walked in and there's this Buddha statue it's not looked at Buddha and I looked at him and I looked at Buddha and I looked at him and he's like no no man I was you don't funny thing I was you know when I told you I was with the Asia like while back in that it feels funny because you know that I was gonna put it out he thought I was being hypersensitive I said I probably am because I remember watching my mother kneel before that Idol chant before that Idol burn incense before that Idol very sensitive to that worship God without rivals period end of discussion who worship God without rivals one of the most popular pieces of jewelry in the last 10 20 years one of the most popular symbols the yin-yang symbol you know the white half teardrop or the black half teardrop sort of intertwined this I can't tell you how many times I was around young people Christian young people who had something with the yin and yang symbol on it that's the symbol from Taoism the idea of the black and white teardrops over one another intertwined is this idea that good and evil are equal opposite necessary forces that keep everything in balance that's antithetical to the message of the God of the Bible that's a rival to our God we walk around talking about things like karma you know karma is meaningless without the other shoe dropping the other shoe with karma is reincarnation you see karma determines what happens when you're reincarnated and so we walk around talking about good karma bad karma these are people who say they worship the Living God Yahweh your Elohim is one Yahweh karma reincarnation Hebrews 9:27 that is appointed on demand to die once then face the judgment that's it the whole idea of karma and reincarnation can fit into that but how many times do we have believers who just flippantly fall into conversations like that you want your house in order worship God without rivals but you find a rival to God in your home you destroy it you get rid of it secondly now only did we worship God without rivals look at this you should love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your might build your home on a foundation of biblical love build your home on a foundation of biblical love not the greco-roman myth of romantic love no no and that's the lie that we bought into this greco-roman myth of romantic love this this love that says things like this thing is bigger than both of us and you have to say it like that too or didn't work you know or or or this one we don't choose who we fall in love with or my all-time favorite I have no idea what it means it's just my all-time favorite the heart wants what it wants I have more degrees than a thermometer I can't figure that out I don't know these phrases are all connected to the greco-roman myth of romantic love the greco-roman myth that believes that love is an overwhelming uncontrollable sensual force that's what we believe that's what we've been brought up to believe what's the symbol of love in our culture Cupid cupid just smacks you with his arrow and just depending on where you are that's it what are you gonna do this thing is bigger than both those we don't choose when we fall in love with the heart wants what it wants babe hey I know we're married and everything but look I was minding my own business in the airport Cupid just smacked me there's this real cute girl we're going off together can you send me my stuff that's the greco-roman myth of romantic love that's why we got people who've been married 25 30 years walking away from each other not even feeling bad about it because we all understand anything you fall into you climb out of it's just not there anymore that's the greco-roman myth and because we believe love is fickle like that we've got a hard time with our relationship with God because if that's the case then when's God gonna fall out of love with me and if it's an overwhelming uncontrollable sensual force this is why for example mothers when they get pregnant with child number two what are they worried about I love the other one why do we worry about that because we bought the lie of the greco-roman myth of romantic love what if Cupid's not there when this one's born adoption with two adopted children where people always want to ask us you know do you do you do you you know they want to say it they want us to bail them out I don't build my eyes we spit it out well well you know yeah I know but I want to make you say it you better say it right well I just do you attachment are you do you love them like your natural children well they're natural to my baby looks unnatural to you what's what but you know what I mean like your own children but they're my own well you you know what I you know okay I'll let you off the hook yeah we do we really I mean this yes absolutely they're ours absolutely yes if anything truth be told there's there's a little bonus in it because of the fact that they were adopted like we were by Christ unbelievable can't even put it into words it's incredible but why do we have a problem with that because we believe the greco-roman myth but when you look at these words here love the Lord your God with all your heart interestingly when we look at this in Matthew 22 when Jesus quotes this Hebrew passage through a Greek speaking audience he adds a dimension or so it seems because in the New Testament so your heart a soul or your mind well what's that about is he adding something no you can't understand this Hebrew word LED you can't understand your heart's a muscle in the center of your chest that pumps blood that's it it knows nothing yearns for nothing loves nothing thinks nothing it's a muscle in the center of your chest that's all it is all this head knowledge versus heart knowledge stuff please your minds the only knower that you have your heart knows nothing it is a muscle that pumps blood period end of discussion so whenever we talk about the heart like that we're speaking in figurative terms about an aspect of our mind an aspect of our knowing and so when he talks here about love the Lord your God with all your heart he's real you can't understand this if you don't add the aspect of the mind when you're speaking to a Greek audience because this is talking about your will when he talks about from your soul from your nefesh you know literally love the Lord your God with all your intestines love that look at my wife and I said girl I love you with all of my intestines [Applause] did not have the desired effect but the idea here is the seat of the emotions as a matter of fact when we're nervous about something we say we have butterflies in our because that's what you feel it when we're all emotional we see our stomach is tied up in because that's where you feel it that's what this refers to the city your emotions and that that last word your a muchness you put these words together and here's what you get let me give you this definition biblical love is an act of the will accompanied by emotion that leads to action on behalf of its object let me say that again biblical love is an act of the will it is first and foremost a choice it is accompanied by emotion and it leads to action on behalf of its object that's biblical love it's a choice we choose to love yes we do we don't choose who we fall in love with help you if you believe that if you actually believe that no marriage is safe if you actually believe that God is unreasonable when he calls us to fidelity if you actually believe that no it is a choice we choose to love some days it takes more choice than others I don't know you may not believe this but there have been times when my wife has really had to like work at loving me it's like once or twice early in the marriage but still it yeah I mean it it is an act of the will I tell her all the time girl you leave me I'm going with you it is an act of the will it is a choice Bridget and I last two generations both sides of our families all of our siblings between the two of us our parents and all of their siblings between them last two generations both sides of our family 25 marriages 22 divorces ours is one of the three that hasn't ended in divorce we married 18 years which makes ours one of the longest lasting marriage in the last two generations of both sides of our families which is pathetic ours is one of those three what about those other two one of them ended in a premature death the other raised one child who was the result of an adulterous affair that's our legacy that's our heritage that's what we had when we got married my sophomore year in college I just turned 20 years old the song to my sophomore junior year in college people thought we were crazy our first baby was born ten months later because we were what you call efficient we had our first argument I'll never forget it was our first real argument we hadn't been married that long and Bridget were in one part of the house and I went in the other part of the house and we both just wept uncontrollably neither one of us said anything to the other but here's what was happening we knew marriages ended we had no idea that people could have serious disagreements and work through them and continue to love each other nonetheless and not walk away and we thought here we are a couple of months that's all we made it we got to get them we talked to each other and said you know what we make through this we made through anything we had our cortez moment burn the ships nobody's going home burn the ships this is it it's you it's me it's forever the d-word is not an option homicide we leave on the table divorce not enough not really I don't think she'd really kill me that's here it's a choice it's an act of the will we choose to love it's accompanied by emotion which means men it's not void of emotion which means ladies it's not led by emotion Amen lights love this led by emotion ladies get you in trouble as dr. Tony Evans put it you know you warn young women about love that's led by emotion because if it's led by most your emotions change how early on a good day a woman who enters into a marriage relationship it will love this led by emotions you start off thinking it's a good deal that turns into an ordeal then you'd be looking for a new deal do not do that it's not led by emotion but man it's also not void of emotion I talk to man a lot you know I you know I'm a pastor and I talk to me in a lot and we have conversations and stuff and you know and sometimes there'll be men and I've had these guys or you know I'm an engineered type or whatever I'm of this I'm with that I'm just not a very emotional man to which I always respond sell that somewhere else what do you mean well I wants me to be emotional I'm just not an emotional man sell that somewhere else don't open your mouth and say that to me again because you're a liar and the truth is not in you where you supposed to be a pastor I am I am but here's what I know as a pastor when you're on the golf course and you shank one you don't say I seem to have hit that one poorly [Applause] when you're watching a ballgame and your team's getting beat like a tied up goat you don't just sit there and say well they have far more points than we do right now we're incredibly emotional about the things that matter love is not void of emotion it is passionate and it leads to action on its on behalf of its object love acts on behalf of that which is loved and when we love we act on behalf of the other this is biblical love and act of the will accompany by emotion that leads to action on behalf of a subject you want to see a picture of it the Garden of Gethsemane if there is any other way let this bitter cup pass from me he's praying and he's sweating drops of blood and he says those words nevertheless not my will but yours be done it was an act of the will it was a choice it was accompanied by intense passionate emotion in fact it is referred to as the passion and it led to action on behalf of its object Jesus didn't need the cross no no his beloved that's who needed the cross that's biblical love see we build our homes on a foundation of biblical love and all of a sudden everything is more secure I don't necessarily feel as close to God as I used to that's okay love is an out of the will God loves you an act of the will accompany by emotion that leads to action on behalf of its object I just don't believe that I still feel the love of God you feel that air in your lungs or yes guess what you just borrowed that from God he loves you he just gave you another one right there so you just moved right there he is acting on your behalf even now amen your mind's working you got all your faculties he is acting on your behalf even now you know him you know enough to be worried about whether or not he loves you you know what it means to be his and to be loved by him now inactive the world a company by emotion that leads to action on behalf of its object build your home on a foundation of biblical love and all of a sudden that love relationship between us and God takes on an entirely new meaning thirdly looking the next part of this these commands these words which I'm commanding you today shall be on your heart it's very important what we did with that word heart a little bit earlier because if we're just talking about that muscle that pumps blood we know we're not talking about that a lot of people look at that and they say well we're talking about the the the the seat of the emotions well here in this context the city emotions were spoken of with our soul but when we talk about this being at least partly our will the core of who we are these words which I'm commanding you today she'll be seared on your will how do we do that I believe one of the things that we do to do that is teach biblical worldview we think biblically about everything we take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ so all of a sudden the words are on a heart so we don't have to walk around with a piece of paper here's a circumstance oh wait a minute let me get my piece of paper so I can figure out the rule that I'm supposed to follow here no it's seared onto your very will he changes you want to Amen that's what you're looking for you're looking for obedience to God so we punish all disobedience when your obedience is complete we take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ every thought a follow up to biblical worldview that's what we're shooting for here that's when these words are on your heart and so if you are in houses to be in order one of the things we have to do is worship God without rivals another thing we have to do is we have to build our home on a foundation of biblical love toward one another toward God thirdly we have to be committed to a biblical worldview we do things according to biblical truth and so many times we don't do this when it comes to for example when it comes to to parenting you know raising and training our children so many of us we want to hear from dr. Spock we want to hear from dr. Phil you know that we we don't ever want to hear from dr. Jesus amen what does the book say I'm having these problems with my children really what does the book say well I'm I just what does the book say do you really believe that all Scripture is god-breathed and profitable for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished for every good work do you really believe that that everything to which God will call you the scriptures will equip you do you really believe that that every aspect of your life do you really believe that that's what it looks like when his Commandments are seared on your heart that's what it looks like look the next part of this you shall teach them diligently to your children and shalt talk of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise we've talked about this some earlier but if we want our houses to be in order we must teach the Word of God to our children we must we must you know I can talk about Southern Baptists because I are one and one of the things that we know for example with your surveys of Southern Baptists is that less than 1% of Southern Baptist half family worship once a year less than 1% so part of our culture anymore it's not part of what we do we're not catechizing our children we're not reading the scriptures to our children we're not worshipping with our children we're just not doing it we turned it over by the way part of this part of the responsibility for this lay at the feet of the church because over the last thirty years the church has basically looked at families and said hey we're trained professionals please don't try this at home you bring them to us we'll even hire a full-time guy whose job it is to do what the Bible says is your job can't say Amen y'all say ouch and so for 30 years this is what we've taught for 30 years when the Bible says it's your responsibility to disciple your children in your home Ephesians 6 1 through 4 especially verse 4 for others do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and the instruction of the Lord - your responsibility to teach the Word of God to your children to teach biblical worldview to your children to teach theology in history as we've heard moments ago to your children Psalm 78 is replete with this it's your responsibility to do this it's your job you get one shot at it what's more important what could possibly be more important we've missed this our children have become an appendage what could be more important when you breathe your last then you are dead and you were gone what ultimately will you leave because last time I checked the death rate was 1 per person nobody gets out of here alive hey man what are you gonna do when you die you're gonna die and somebody's going to get all your stuff so what's that worth what legacy are you leaving through your children well I'll leave my business really to whom to whom it amazes me that so many of us has gotten it so backwards that here's what we do dad says I will consume myself with this over here so that I can provide stuff to my children instead of I'll do this over here and this will be the stuff that I'll provide to my children in addition to my responsibilities as disciple er of my children teacher of my children trainer of my children and I love nothing more I would love nothing more than to be able to pass on what God has given me to my children and to train them to take over whatever this thing is it always amazes me for example at the end of the you know the first term the president's first term how many times did we hear this you know at the end of the first term we know there are a lot of fall outs that's it I'm gone I did the deal I'm gone that's been great for years I'm tired I'm leaving and these guys who were 50 and 60 years old or saying things like I'm leaving now to go and devote some time to my family and I'm sitting there going bro it's too late your family's gone where were you when your children needed you we've got it backwards folks work hard when your children desperately need you don't be around when your children desperately need you so that when they're gone living a life that you didn't train them to live you can then have time for yourself god help us how many times do we hear I'm moving because there's more money and a better opportunity as opposed to I'm moving because there's a slower pace of life and a more manageable position that will allow me to make the investment in my family and in my children that I need to make and when they're grown and gone I can go full-bore and do everything that I need to do that we got it backwards we head backwards teach your children at home you got one chance there are people in this room who could testify to this there are people in this room who've earned some gray hairs who look back at the lives of their children who are now not walking with God who have gone completely astray and they say oh if I had it to do over again they they'd love to testify they try to testify they try to tell you young man don't buy the lie that I bought invest in disciple your children do that so that you'll leave something for the next generation more than just toys and stuff does that mean we don't work hard absolutely not we work hard you model that for your family but don't sacrifice your family on the author of work teach the word to your children next mark your home as God's territory or so we look at this sometimes and it's hard for us to understand bind them as a sign on your hand it's frontals between your eyes write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates and we don't get this you know no mark your home is God's territory if you ever ever seen a mezuzah with this text actually in it on the doorpost of a Jewish family mark your home as a place that belongs to God this is so meaningful to me I remember but my mother's Buddhism has marked and seared my conscience it has why because it affected all of my senses I remember what Buddha looked like my eyes there was a bell my mother would ring and there were beads that she would rub together and there was a chant that would chant I remember what that sounded like I remember what the beads felt like there was fruit that was in there with Buddha I remember what fruit tastes like all of my senses all of them were engaged in her worship and because of that I remember it some of you have an experience like this there are some of you and every Sunday afternoon there was that same meal and when you were kid you got tired of it but now that you're older whenever you smell that thing cooking what does it remind you of Sunday afternoon at home in mark to you some of you grew up with family worship in your home it marked you by the way this is the most meaningful way that I know of to mark our home as God's territory for our children that we would have a place in our home where we worship God and altar in our home where we worship God music that they would hear that they would sing instruments that they would touch that we would worship God in our homes and mark them forever because of the praises that we send up to the throne as a family mark your home is God's territory mark your home as a place that belongs to God finally keep your prosperity in check you know when God brings you into this land of milk and honey when he gives you all of these things these cities and these vineyards when he gives you these wells he says then watch yourself because that's when you're prone to forget the God who brought you out of the land of slavery out of the house of Egypt that's when you're at your most vulnerable that's when you're prone to forget God prosperity is difficult to take prosperity is hard to endure so why Jesus said it's easier for a rich man to go through the eye of a needle or for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven well what's that about we try to figure all this out well what do you know is it what cut is that in there you know is that an idiomatic expression is it some figure of speech is he really talking about something but no he's saying it's hard Kennels dog authorizing needles it's hard that will destroy the rich young ruler I got all this stuff and Jesus says no you really don't let me show you something real quick I can mess up all of your piety right here go sell all your stuff and come back follow me and he went away and why was he so dejected great was his well he had a lot of stuff that stuff's hard to walk away from nothing will challenge your commitment to God more than prosperity adversity has a tendency to drive us to our knees prosperity has a tendency to turn us away from God we begin to look toward the gift instead of the giver we're seeing this aren't we we're no longer for example raising women in our culture we're not we're not raising women in this culture we're raising men who happened to have the biological capacity to bear children that's what we're doing my daughter's 17 she just finished her formal homeschool education or whatever everybody wants to know where's she going to college she's not what is she not smart enough she's brilliant she's brilliant she's my research assistant she's brilliant she was doing masters level primary source research for me since she's 15 well can you not afford it and there's all kind of ways to keep people pay for college all kind of ways well what's the deal who says she's got to go who told you that who told you that who said that and if she were here and you were able to ask her the question what do you want to be more than anything else in the world she'd answer you wanna be a home school mom I'd love to raise eight nine ten kids that's been our answer for I don't know how long [Applause] we're not raising a man who happens to be biologically capable of having children we're raising a woman a wife a mother well what happens if she didn't get married then I'll take care of her for the rest of her life cuz that's my job as her father not to send her out hope she comes back with a good man and if she doesn't she has a good enough job to live the rest of her life as this independent unprotected vulnerable woman no I am her covering I am her spiritual protector I will not send her off for some university to act in loco parentis I don't need anybody to act in my place I'm here what is he sound so radical yeah probably does you know why because we're a lot more American than we are Christian that's why because we do the same thing everybody else does and most times in the exact same way after step a you take step B why cuz everybody does it and if you don't you're messing things up keep your prosperity in check there's a whole lot of women out there who've bought the lie that says you can have it all and the fact of the matter is you cannot and you were never meant to nor were men there's a role for us to play you weren't designed to have it all but here's what I'm wondering why would anyone who's been given the incredible gift and privilege of being able to bear and grow in them a life nine months why why to have a symbiotic relationship between your body and there's between your heartbeat and theirs that's why so that they know your smell so that they know everything about you why do they come here and the first thing that they desperately need to do is nurse so that from your breasts they look into your eyes why because God designed you to nurture them that's why and you know what our culture says that's not good enough you need to go share Adams curse cuz Eve's curse is not enough for you that's what our world says and our world says as soon as you can you rip that baby from you and you hire somebody else to do what God created you to do instead that's what our world says God says I've given you to this man to be his suitable helper what does our world say well let him go find somebody else's wife to be his right arm and then you go be the right arm of some other man that's what our world says when we have the greatest gift the greatest calling and the greatest opportunity in the world because the hand that rocks the cradle' stand that rules the world what world you figured that one out there is nothing more beautiful nothing more powerful nothing more precious than authentic strong submissive womanhood and there is nothing that is in shorter supply except authentic strong passionate protecting providing manhood and as a result our houses are not in order they are in complete disarray and we are raising men who are weak and have not been given permission to stand up and leave their homes and women who are unprotected and completely dissatisfied because somebody told them that they can have it all and rather than enjoy and embrace this incredible powerful gift of womanhood and motherhood that instead they should go out and share Adams curse and pay somebody else to do the menial job the menial task of raising nurturing their children god help us did I just say any woman with a job as a sinner you know what I got my own house to run not here to run yours I said what I meant I meant what I said don't buy the lie worship God without rivals build your home on a foundation of biblical love operate from a biblical worldview not a cultural one mark your home as God's territory and keep your prosperity in check you have your house in order and there's nothing in this world that is more important or valuable more powerful or more needed than that [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Simply ICanWin
Views: 41,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AomNgZhlHbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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