Voddie Baucham: Brokenness

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join me in prayer please well father how grateful we are for this opportunity to be in your presence to be among your people this opportunity to cry out to you and worship this opportunity to set our minds attention and hearts affection on you and praise you for who you are and what you've done this opportunity to say things to you and about you that we know and believe to be true and then come to that moment where you in turn speak to us clearly and powerfully through your word and it's that moment we've come we say speak Lord for your servants in deed are listening father it's our desire to hear you and it's our desire to heed what you say teach us tonight what it means to be broken teach us tonight why it's appropriate important necessary even to be broken and remind us that brokenness is not a place that you take us so that you can leave us but you break us so that you can remake us conform us to the very image of Christ and whose name we pray and ask all these things oh yeah much has already been said around this issue of brokenness we have heard about the necessity of brokenness and contrition over our sin and this issue of repentance if if true repentance is one going down a highway and then by God's grace experiencing that change in attitude that leads to a change in behavior that leads to going the other way down the highway if that if that is what repentance is and I believe it is then brokenness is the off-ramp brokenness is the place where we get off brokenness is the place where God stops us where he halts our progress where he causes us to see the end to which we will come if we continue to go down that road brokenness is the place to which we come when we recognize that all that we are all that we have and all that we do in and of ourselves sorely and miserably insufficient God crushes us under the weight of our own sin but there has been an unfortunate occurrence in our culture and for those of you who know me you know that I can't talk for five minutes without becoming an apologist so this let's just go ahead and get it out there and do some apologetics tonight shall we there is a great tragedy afoot in our culture and the great tragedy is this we believe that all discomfort is problematic that there's no room for it in our culture you see it in the culture at large there is no room for discomfort where it is depression hurt it hurts everywhere ask your doctor yeah if people watching television and all of a sudden going you know I think I'm depressed hey that's not the say that there aren't people with real problems but that's not what we're talking about here we're talking about the individual who has left his wife cheated in business lied and stole who goes to the office of a doctor because he feels bad and instead of being told brother you don't feel bad enough he's told where does depression hurt it hurts everywhere take this Jay Adams talks about that incompetent to counsel and the word picture that he uses is beautiful one he says it's as though the engine light is on in a car and we've learned how to break the light we avoid brokenness but it's not just out there it's also in the church where we believe that anything that we face anything that we deal with ought to be over with the moment that we rededicate can't say man you ought to say ouch no sense of brokenness no call for Sackhoff and ashes none whatsoever no sense of it being appropriate to be crushed under the weight of our own sin and so we try to remove that weight listen to this this is from Jesse Johnson in pulpit magazine talking about Rob bells the gods are not angry tour he walked around an altar for 90 minutes without talking about the wrath of God against sin being poured out on Christ he did not say come now you rich weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you he did not say it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the Living God instead he said anytime someone makes you feel guilty about how you are living that is part of the old system pre Christ that's not Christianity but but that's the new movement that's afoot the new movement that says all is well I'm okay you're okay the new movement that says no no no no when you come to Christ all of that's done with no need for brokenness in fact no need for brokenness even before you come to Christ it's not about that that's not who our God is in fact it's not just Rob Bell and it's just a little little book called the shack I don't know if y'all familiar with this book called the shack this book that's being praised to the hilt this book that was endorsed by Steven Curtis Chapman and by the author of the message I don't know if you've tried to read this book that's about the best most people who know anything about doctrine can do is try to read this book but listen it is Mackenzie or Mack is the main character here and he's speaking to Jesus now you have to understand that he's speaking of Jesus and sometimes he also speaks to God who is Papa a big old fat black woman I'm not making this up Matt gave Jesus a blank look have you ever noticed that even though you call me Lord and King I have never really acted in that capacity with you I've never forced you to do anything even when what you were about to do was destructive or hurtful to yourself and others again this is Jesus speaking Matt looked back at the lake before responding I would have preferred that you did take control at times it would have saved me and people I care about a lot of pain then Jesus responds to force my will on you jesus replied is exactly what love does not do genuine relationships are marked by submission even when your choices are not helpful or healthy that's the beauty you see in my relationship with Abba and Syria as the father in the spirit we are indeed submitted to one another and have always been so and always will be Papa is as much submitted to me as I am to him or Syria to me or Papa to her yes the Holy Spirit to her to submission is not about Authority and it's not about obedience it's all about relationships and love and respect in fact we are submitted to you the same way Mack was surprised how can that be why would the God of the universe want to be submitted to me because we want you to join in a relationship I don't want slaves to my will I want brothers and sisters to share life with me Christian people are promoting this book Christian bookstores are selling this book it's a best-seller not Christian bookstore bestseller we're talking New York Times best seller that means everybody's reading it not everybody the beyond everybody everybody's reading this book and it's this stuff and the rob bells that the whole emergent / emerging turks / conversation whatever they want to call themselves that has brought us to this place where all around us people not only have an aversion to the doctrines of grace in general but the idea of God's sovereignty and God's holiness and any sense of brokenness over sin whatsoever but but I want to suggest to you tonight that brokenness is absolutely an appropriate response to sin and I want to demonstrate that to you in Psalm number 51 if you would be so kind as to turn there with me Psalm number 51 now as you turn to Psalm number 51 let me take you to a couple of places in history place number one in history as that place where David sins with Bathsheba where David is out on the roof of the king's palace during this very strange time in his life the author says it was the spring time the time when Kings go off to war but David stayed home at Jerusalem David is a warrior king that's how he made his name for himself it's springtime it's time to go to war and he sends the fellows off and just happens to be up on his roof and just happens to look over at a beautiful woman who lives close enough for him to see her bathing on the Rufe it just happens to work out that way wink wink nod nod married to a beautiful woman I'm raising a beautiful woman a couple things I know about beautiful women though I don't know much I do know that they tend to bathe regularly though he just happened to be out there he takes this woman seduces this woman depending on your reading of the text rapes this woman has her husband killed there in there is this famous con for take confrontation when when Nathan comes to him thou art the man the famous align those words that pierced him through his very soul will see this is a year after the fall it's all his time later when he sits down and pins Psalm number 51 one of the most poignant poetic beautiful pictures of brokenness that you will find anywhere right here in Psalm number 51 let's read it have mercy on me O God according to your steadfast love according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for I know my transgressions and my sin is ever before me against you you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me behold you delight in truth in the inward being and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow let me hear joy and gladness let the bones that you have broken rejoice let the bones that you have broken rejoice the bones that you have bro no that's not God God doesn't do that God would never do anything against your will I guess David asked to be broken by God that the bones that you have broken rejoice hide your face from my sins blot out all of our iniquities create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will return to you deliver me from from blood-guiltiness O God O God of my salvation and my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness o Lord open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise where you will not delight in sacrifice or I would give it you will not be pleased with a burnt offering the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart O God you will not despise do good to Zion and your good pleasure build up the walls of Jerusalem then will you delight in right sacrifices in burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings the Bulls will be offered on your altar amen there are several reasons here in this text we don't have time for them all but several reasons we see here that brokenness is an appropriate response to sin you know in talking about brokenness Thomas Watson said this David sometimes sang with his harp and sometimes the organ of his eyes wept amen this was one of those moments when the organ of his eyes wept and brokenness over sin was appropriate here again we are not talking about this idea of walking around and and and and beating ourselves as others do and other religious traditions we're not talking about that we're not talking about some sort of masochistic view of appeasing the wrath of God by self flagellation we're not talking about that we're talking about an appropriate response to a holy God when we recognize that we have offended and first and foremost it's appropriate because sin stains and scars are very Souls look at those first couple of verses he says have mercy on me O God according to your steadfast love according to your abundant mercy blot out not know suburbs that he uses blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin he uses a trilogy of terms here they all have varied meanings but they're all saying the same thing in other words if this was an email what David just did was he made this bold italic and underlined Amen the first one that he says here he says according to your steadfast love according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions that term blot out that term wipe out is a word that's used a number of times in the Hebrew Bible but perhaps the most pertinent one is that's precisely what God says he's going to do in the flood the same Hebrew verb God sent the flood in order to wipe the slate clean and start all over again David says I need the slate washed clean I need you to take all of this away from me I needed to wash it away just like you cleanse the earth with the flood there's a second term that he used here he said wash me thoroughly from my iniquity now that verb is more akin to a woman washing clothes down at the river and scrubbing them and dipping them and plunging them again and again into the water and scrubbing them on a washboard are we far enough south for y'all to know about washing clothes on a washboard amen that's the verb that he uses here scrub me as though you were washing clothes on a washboard so so wipe it off the record scrub me make me clean and then the final word he says and cleanse me from my sin that word that he uses is a reference to a ceremonial cleansing making something ready for religious use so in other words David understands that what he has done has scarred him has stained him we heard it earlier today God says in Isaiah 1 and we're gonna read it wash yourselves make yourselves clean it stains us it scars us and we all be broken when we sin because we recognize what we have done we recognize what we have brought upon ourselves we recognize that we have just attached something to us that has consequence there's scar tissue on every last one of us you're forgiven but you live with the consequences of some stuff that scar tissue on you there's scar tissue on me in fact some of us have seen it for generations as iniquities are visited to the third and the fourth generation we see it don't we we see individuals in broken homes who come from broken homes that came from broken homes scar tissue do you know that women whose mothers are abused by their fathers are more likely to end up with abusive men go figure that one scar tissue it scars us it stains us there are men in this room who beg God for women to be modestly dressed at church because of some scar tissue that they have we ought to be broken over our sins because it scars us because it stains us and when we have a flippant attitude toward sin when we don't experience brokenness when we are not crushed under the weight of our own sin one of the reasons is that we do not understand the consequences of sin we don't get it we think that especially for believers we think okay Jesus died for my sins for all of my sins past present and future they're paid for and yet there's scar tissue it's not a license to sin listen to this from Thomas Watson again a godly man weeps for indwelling sin the law in his members Roman 7:23 the outbursts and first risings of sin his nature is a poison fountain a regenerate person grieves that he carries that about him which is enmity to God his heart is like a wide sea in which there are innumerable creeping things veins sinful thoughts a child of God laments hidden wickedness he has more evil in him than he knows of there are those windings in his heart which he cannot trace an unknown world of sin who can understand his errors I hate that about me and I thank God that I hate that about me I pray to God I never stop hating that about me and God forbid that I should ever begin to deny that about me brokenness is an appropriate response to sin because it scars us it stains us secondly the sin also creates memories that remain with us now stay with me on this one because oftentimes when we talk about this you want to get people upset just talk about this the idea that sin creates memories that stay with us oh no no no no no brother as far as the East is from the West that's how far away it takes my sins from me yep but you remember him no he cast them into the sea of forgetfulness yes see here's the interesting thing about that God can forget stuff you not so much in fact people who are able literally to forget things we have a word for that it's called amnesia it's not normal amen that's not the way we were created it's not it's not and so people come up all the time and they'd sweep I don't know what to do I pray and I pray and I pray and I just keep having thoughts about this horrible thing that I did yes well what do I do recognize that sin creates memories that stay with you people actually believe that you can give them a magic formula and the heinous things that they do should be erased from their mind and they should no longer be broken over them folks did I did I remind you that he wrote this a year after his said and look at what he says in verse 3 for I know my transgressions and my sin is ever before me a year later I know my transgression and my sin is ever before me it's always there don't believe me ask a woman who's had an abortion somebody convinced her that it would be okay you could erase it as though it never happened and then you can go on with your life and then a year later she he's a baby who's about the age her baby would have been and she crumbles why we were not created to forget things but by the way that's good maybe at least three reasons why that's good that we're not created to forget things number one if you could forget your sin you could never testify of the goodness of God amen you have a testimony of the goodness of God you know what I think I used to one time but I can't remember any of my sins therefore I really can't testify to the goodness of God do you hear how ridiculous that is but again people walk around all the time talking about forgetting their sins it's not the way human beings were put together and we ought to be broken over our sin because when we sin we create an HD DVD blu-ray picture in our mind that will be there for years and years and years well I'll just take the drugs and I'll make it go away interesting so another commercial not long ago let's start it like this did you know that two-thirds of people on depression medication still suffer from their symptoms call your doctor tell me give you this too there are things that we do that we don't forget how many individuals even in the drama testimonies have you heard of individuals who came to Christ late in life had sexual partners before they got married and now absolutely wish that they could erase the faces the familiar sense the memories of their former partners so that they could enjoy their spouse more thoroughly how many of us have heard those testimony how many of us could give that testimony we ought to be broken over our sin because it creates memories that stay with us and first and foremost if we couldn't remember our saying we couldn't testify here's the second thing if we couldn't remember our sins we wouldn't be warned against doing them again could you imagine if we could literally forget that fire was hot it should be walking around a bunch of crispy people you know what's the matter I'm not sure man these things just keep on coming on my hands okay that's what we would be like towards sin if we couldn't remember it God gives us the gift of the memory of our sins so that it continues to remind us of the consequence and he uses us uses that to urge us to correct us to corral us to call us to repentance to call us to brokenness we couldn't testify he's the other thing we couldn't rejoice in our victories if we can remember we couldn't see growth that the Spirit has produced in us if we couldn't remember and that good has anybody ever gone back home with those folks and just had God put you in a closet where you lay down on your face and said God thank you for removing me from this place thank you for getting me out of here remember the first time as a grown man going back to the streets in South Central LA where I was raised I'll never forget that time and I'll never forget the time in April of 2006 when I went back and buried my father who was dead at 55 years old because I'm an addiction to cocaine I'll never forget riding around those streets I'll never forget going back home and realizing that that that the gangs not all there the guys I ran with the guys I grew up with they're not all there stood and preached at my father's funeral now I just had to go away afterwards in a corner by myself and lay on my face and weep and weep as I remembered who I was before God saved me you can't have the memory of my sin I won't let you take it it reminds me of God's goodness to me it reminds me of His grace in my life it reminds me of where I was and what I never want to be again it reminds me that his work in me may not be complete but it is a factual I'm not who I ought to be but hallelujah I'm not who I was broken this is an appropriate response when you understand that and you create a memory you create a snapshot and it stays with you and not so that we can dwell on it and beat ourselves up but broken this is important thirdly brokenness over our sin is appropriate because our sin is an affront to a holy God listen to what he says against you and you only I have sinned and done what is evil in your sight so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgments behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me behold you delight and truth in the end were being you you teach me wisdom in the secret heart in other words God hears what God desires and God delights in and yet against you I've sinned notice he didn't say against Bathsheba I've said against Uriah I have sinned no against you God and ultimately against you only I have sinned because who was Uriah but the man that you created who was that Sheba but the servant of the Most High God I sinned against you a holy and he righteous God and that's what worries me about the shack that's what worries me about the raw Belle's of the world that's what worries me about those who don't want to preach on sin because people already know that they're bad no we don't know we don't we watch the nightly news and we think those people are bad not us we don't recognize that we have sinned against the holy and righteous God we don't get that we don't see that turn with me if you will to Revelation chapter 19 I just love this maybe it says something about my character but I despise the picture that's painted in our culture of this sissified needy Jesus amen and that's who he is he's a sissified needy Jesus he's just yearning for you he's longing for you he wants friendship and relationship with you he needs you oh you're breaking his heart no he's gonna break you newsflash by definition God is self-sustaining self existent and self-sufficient therefore by definition he needs nothing God does not need you and he's going to prove it one day cuz you're gonna die and the world's gonna keep on spinning at the same rate it was before you were here and somebody's going to get all your stuff he's waiting for you alright revelation 19 beginning of verse 11 then I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse the one sitting on it called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war he judges and makes war it's my god yeah I got some issues but that's alright his eyes are like a flame of fire on his head or many diadem's and he has a name written that no one knows but himself he's clothed in a robe dipped in blood and the name by which he is called as the word of God and the armies of heaven arrayed in fine linen white and pure were following him on white horses from his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nation's and he will rule them with a rod of iron he will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of the god almighty on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written king of kings and Lord of lords that's my Jesus that's the God whom I serve not the sissified Christ that's preached in pulpits around the United States of America I served a great god of the universe who gets angry and pours out his wrath I served the great god of the universe who demonstrated his wrath when he poured it out on his own son and it amazes me that we believe this that God would crush and they'll his own son but let you slide not for a minute the spotless sinless Lamb of God suffered and bled and died because of the wrath of God that propitiation the satisfaction of the righteous wrath of God that's what was experienced on the cross how dare we take that lightly that's the one against whom you've sinned not to sissified Jesus with hair like the bread girl with a lamb across his shoulders hands looked like he never worked a day in his life uh-uh when we sin we sin against the Almighty creator of the universe the maker of heaven and earth and in here's the kicker though he should have killed me in my sleep for what I thought said and did on yesterday yet by His grace he has allowed me to live another day oh I think brokenness is very appropriate I think when we understand that brokenness is an extremely appropriate response in fact what other possible appropriate response is there but brokenness when we understand that about our God before thing and we'll spend a minute here not only is sin in the front to a holy God but sin is a hindrance to the true worship of God brokenness is an appropriate response to sin because sin is a hindrance to the true worship of God now listen to what he says here in verses everything I don't don't don't don't miss this please he says purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow let me hear joy and gladness let the bones that you have broken rejoice there's no rejoicing there's no joy there's no gladness he needs that and only God can provide that look at this verse 9 hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities created me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me away from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation here's the problem we we've created this system and here's how it goes we look upon men as consumers to be satisfied and we create services designed for those consumers and sometimes in these churches what we do is we we polled the consumers to find out what would you like for us to sing for you how long would you like for us to preach to you 20 minutes fine we'll do it in 17 what kind of songs do you like and so what they do is they'll get a band up here you know they get a bunch of young kids you know their mother's hairdo guys you know every member of you too but don't know who Horatio Spafford was I mean you know those guys they get those guys up there and they'll rock out for you and play all the stuff that you like to hear and you can get oh come on enjoy it'll be man centered any when it's not man-centered that there'll be enough mantras and repetition in it that you won't even mind that it's not man-centered even then musically it'll be man centered even when it's not lyrically man centered we'll do all that for you we'll keep changing it for you we'll keep updating it for you so that we can continue to satisfy and continue to keep you coming why because apart from brokenness you're incapable of authentic worship you think you're owed something and so you come in looking to be satisfied looking to be appeased but God has a little something to say about that in Isaiah chapter 1 beginning at verse 10 he writes here the word of the Lord you rulers of Sodom give here to the teaching of your God you people of Gomorrah by the way Sodom and Gomorrah are toast already he's talking to Israel what to me is the multitude of your sacrifices says the Lord I've had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well-fed beasts I do not delight in the blood of bulls or lambs or goats that sound familiar that's what's happening at the end of Psalm 51 when you come to appear before me who has required of you this trampling of my courts that's what God calls it trampling of my courts that's what's happening all over our land trampling of my court my courts that's what God calls it people call it relevant contemporary now and again I'm not talking about the age of a song that's not what I'm talking about here I'm talking about a theology of worship that is completely man centered I'm talking about a service that is openly identified as having lost sinners as its target and not the God of the universe who is the only one worthy of our worship that's what I'm talking about bring no more vain offerings incense is an abomination to me new moon and Sabbath and the calling of convocations I cannot endure iniquity and solemn assembly says they don't go together I cannot endure iniquity in solemn assembly your New Moon's your appointed feasts my soul hates they have become a burden to me I'm weary of bearing them when you spread out your hands I will hide my eyes from you even though you make many prayers I will not listen your hands are full of blood wash yourselves make yourselves clean remove the evil of your deeds from before you cease to do evil learn to do good seek justice correct oppression bring justice to the fatherless plead the widow's case come now let us reason together says the Lord though your sins be as scarlet there's the stain I wash them white as snow you see without a sense of brokenness over our sin all we have is the appeasement of the tyrannical old man an appeasement never works for long it is only when we experience genuine brokenness that authentic worship makes any sense at all then and only then does it make sense in fact it's when we come to that place of brokenness where we come to the end of ourselves well we're crushed under the weight of our own sin that we're actually able to magnify the Lord oh look at my time okay let me let me read this for you listen to me listen to this Thomas a Kempis the imitation of God leave me alone I'm trying to be good from Thomas a Kempis the imitation of Christ it is there listen is Thomas a Kempis the imitation of Christ it is there you show me to myself what I am what I have been and what I am coming to for I am nothing and I did not know it left to myself I am nothing but total weakness but if you look upon me for an instant I am at once made strong and filled with new joy great wonder it is that I who of my own weight always sink to the depths and so suddenly lifted up and so graciously embraced by you a man it's when we come to the end of ourselves that we recognize that God is worthy of our worship when we come to the end of ourselves that these expressions have meanings listen to this and can it be that I should gain an interest in the Savior's blood died he from me who caused him pain for me who him to death pursued amazing love how can it be that thou my god would die for me you don't get there without brokenness or this crown him with many crowns the lamb upon his throne hark how the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own awake my soul and sing of him who died for thee and hail him as our matchless king throughout eternity you don't get there without brokenness without coming to the end of yourself unless until you come to the end of the yourself the only thing that would satisfy you as I am a friend of God he calls me friend this man centeredness its ear tickling and it's all again but when we come to the end of ourselves it's only then that we see the matchless majesty of Christ and it's only then in our brokenness that we recognize the answer to our problem and I'll do this just look at this for me if you will go back to our text and I want you to look at the verbs here verse 1 have mercy blot out verse to wash me verse 7 purged me wash me verse 8 let me hear verse 9 hide your face verse 10 created me verse 11 cast me not verse 12 restore to me verse 14 deliver me verse 15 open my lips in other words what's happened David recognizes that everything he needs can only be found in God but before we come to brokenness we believe that we can make it happen are you right with God yes I prayed a prayer are you ready god yes ivory dedicated my life are you right with God yes I've been having my quiet time are you right with God yes I've been iiiii davis has no there's no I I can't do this I've seen what I can do I don't want what I can do I'm sick of what I can do I'm broken over what I can do but I'm not letting go I'm not giving up coz I've also seen what you can do I need you to watch me I need you to cleanse me I need you to purge me I need you to restore me I need you to created me I need you to make me whole I need you to love me I need you to forgive me I need you to save me I need you to wash me I need you to pick me you you God because in and of myself all I can do is continue to crumble under the weight of my own blood guiltiness how is that ever going to happen if we continue to peddle this stuff how's that ever going to happen when pastors from their pulpit are recommending books like The Shack how is it ever gonna happen when we continue to paint this picture of the sissified christ who is so empty and weak and meaty how's it going to happen if we are actually communicating to people that brokenness is not of God it's actually an in appropriate response to sin you're a Christian you're beyond that may it never be may I never get over the fact that God saved a wretched sinner like me may I never get over the fact that he allowed me to see another day me I'd never get over the fact that he's patient with me that he's long-suffering with me and that in me dwells nothing nothing that could satisfy him may I never get over being broken over myself may I never ever become complacent may I never ever stop realizing the incredible distance between me and my Jesus because that's the only way I appreciate the distance he traveled to make me his child yes brothers and sisters brokenness is an appropriate response to sin it's the only appropriate response to sin not to wallow in it because the beauty in this picture is he's crushed under the weight of his sin but God doesn't keep him there it's only there that he is able to worship rightly brokenness is not just for you too bad brokenness is to get you in the place where you understand the magnitude of God's grace and mercy and this is what's so sad about what's going on in the name of grace people being robbed of it because what grace is there in the God who needs me so badly yearns for me so desperately no I'm the one who just showed grace to him because he was so needy before I came along you can have that Jesus all day every day and twice on Sunday give me the one on the white horse
Channel: TruthSource
Views: 807,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Voddie Baucham, Brokenness, Full Sermon, Repentance, Shame, Guilt, Sin
Id: GVow8rSQwiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2013
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