Vocal Cry Technique Explained

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hey everybody welcome back to my channel and yeah i just really wanted to talk to you guys oh i'm sorry i didn't even i was about to go into something else completely sorry my bad um my name is lauren javera um but people i guess you guys can call me lg i know the last name which is very very hard to um to get it's just a thing so on to the video with my awkward self um so basically um today i want to talk to you guys about the power of the cry voice and you know like crab voice what is that like i know i didn't know i had no idea and i just learned about it like last year yeah like last year had no idea what it was called um didn't know what the purpose of it was and whatnot so i wanted to let you guys know because i know that is like singing is a struggle and everybody act like um like it's so easy to do it's not okay singing in the shower is is not singing necessarily it's not the easiest thing it's not it's not and even well in the showers are the easiest thing anyway moving on um i got my notes together for you guys okay so the cry voice is like what you're going to feel and i'm going to put a picture up for you guys somewhere around here um but it'll be a picture up there but it's basically like the cry is going to be you're going to be feeling it in your nose and the pharyngeal we talked about this for the um the last birth um the last video i posted that was just a happy birthday video because i was talking about how to practice myself okay but um but basically you'll feel it right up here right where um it's like right in the bridge of your nose and basically it goes into different sections um depending on where you are in your register so if you're in chess you might feel it more so lower like in the in your mouth and then um at the higher you go it goes up in your face and then if you go up to like the head voice you'll feel it right up here so it just gets higher the feeling of it gets higher in your face so basically how do we access it it's a question so basically you have to do exercises and i know y'all probably like here we go these vocal exercises because i know i'm like that every single day i have to do them i hate doing vocal exercises i would be honest with you but they work so please make sure like it's like it's like when you do like when you play piano you have to do your scales you have to learn your skills otherwise like how are you going to be able to go through different um keys for songs and whatnot you can't figure out what the key is or play in a certain key you have to go through your scales so you have to go through your vocal exercises it's important it's just something you can you can't get around it so to access the cry sounding your voice there are i have three different ways you can do it um but there's like um it's about personal preference for these so um there is this there's one that's called it's like a whack and like wow wow wow okay and it's like really it's it's ugly it's annoying you don't want to do it you don't want to do it around your family matter of fact you shouldn't be practicing anything in front of anybody if you can if you can help it make sure you go into a room if you can go into a chamber close five doors that's great too but make sure that you're in a place where you're comfortable um if you have somebody who you're comfortable to practice in front of us fine whatever but if you are not comfortable practicing in front of anyone i would just really highly advise that you just go in your basement um get behind a closed door or something tell your friend to listen to music for the time being you know something so that way you don't feel self-conscious because these are going to make you feel really self-conscious so the first one i said wow wow that's one of the that's one way or you can do nays which is name name nay they sound bad but i'm telling you they work and i will show you how they can work in a song um the last one so basically the first two are basically very um they're very extreme okay so the first two are not necessarily like normal sounds but when you start doing the the last one which is a mom mom my mom when you do that that mum then it's it's a little bit more normal when you hear it coming out of your mouth so maybe when you're getting ready to um go on stage or something like that then maybe you might want to do the mums in front of everybody because i'm telling you that when and people can be like uh this is annoying can you get out my face go away um so don't do the wag and the mom's sorry don't do the whack and the nades in front of anybody but you can do the moms in front of somebody you can even do that so that way if nobody if like uh say like your band is playing then they won't hear you they're like somebody's it's hard reference going okay you know what i'm saying like you're like on the side i don't know but whatever makes you feel comfortable it's just like you have to do what you gotta do okay just letting you know so let's try these um oh sorry before we even go into trying trying it why would you need to do it it's a question um well it can help you with your mixed voice uh so as i talked to talked about before the chest voice is you know you feel it more so on your chest a lot of times um and your head voice um like you know your chest voice isn't like being like down here hello how you doing you're speaking hello you know what's up and your hair you know those especially with the head voice is a hard stone man i don't know how your ears are feeling right now but when you hear that's a harsh tone but when you are able to do the cry it doesn't sound as harsh it's like it's a little bit forgiving it's like a little like it's a softer um i don't know it's a softer a softer sound on the ear let's try it with a song oh and one more time one more sorry one one more thing i'm sorry i talk really really fast uh one more thing it also helps you with um your emotion in your song so making sure that you do a cry sound when you sing it really does produce emotion like you know when somebody's crying and um in real life you're like dang they are really emotional i mean don't you want to be really emotional in your song yes i mean it's it's a it's supposed to be about feet like songs are about feeling you don't want a flat toning song like your love is holding on and it won't let go yeah that really makes me want to praise the lord yeah thank you god for that thank you lord for your love holding on and that like letting go okay anyway just just saying so you won't flatline if you do a cry so let's go ahead and try them out and i'm gonna give you like the three examples again um and like i said these are personal preference so if if if a nade feels better to you use an a if a wife feels better to you to use the why if the mom feels better to you use a mom or if all of them feel great then use them all so let's try echo so echo is uh by elevation i think it's featuring torren wells so let's do that okay so what i just sang like a few seconds ago um so let's do the nays okay is holding on and it won't let go so that's how you can kind of feel like they cry so i won't have to like worry about my voice cracking in love is only known and they won't let go okay so the next one let's try and speak the name but we're going to do that on a why wow wow i went right back to echo i'm sorry that echo is on my mind my bad hold up speak the name wow wow wow wow [Music] i don't know if you can hear the difference if i do it let me just try it without doing the cry so that way you can kind of see okay ready so this is not going to sound the best it's not it's just don't don't come for me speak the name the name above all other names or you can go speak the name the name above all other names okay so you can try the web with it or you can try the nag with that one too i mean it's it's yeah yeah i like karen's music so you're gonna probably hear a lot of that on here um so the next one uh phil wickham's uh house of the lord so we're gonna do that on mom okay and i promise i won't go back to speak the name or echo i think okay so for the moms okay one more time join the house of the lord let's join the house in the lord today [Music] okay so when you do these different exercises they will help you to get to a certain place it's not going to always sound strong at first um you will mess up uh it's something different if you if you're not used to doing it it's always a situation of like like when you're riding a bike or anything that's new to you you do have to have some kind of a time to allow your body to adjust so making sure that you give yourself time give yourself a week or two to try to really like access that that crying sound and make sure it sounds like exaggerated as exaggerated as possible because if you don't do that your body is not going to get used to it so you might do it say like like if you're gonna do it one one day and then be like oh no it's not gonna work um or it didn't work at all then it's just it's just it's just not gonna it's not gonna be it for you it's just not gonna work but if you try it for a whole week then it'll be fine you'll get used to it you'll start to feel like your voice is strengthening in the back i noticed it kind of like more so in a soft palate in the back of my mouth which is like on at the roof but at the back of your mouth um yeah i'll probably have to insert a video um a video but a picture uh so that way you can see where your soft palate is i'll probably make sure that it's both together but um but make sure that you guys try this and let me know if it works for you i know that it's really been helping me through some of the songs i had to sing coming up and yeah it's just been it's just really been helpful so if this has been helpful to you please like and subscribe please please like and subscribe and uh comment below um what else you guys might have issues with and whatnot let's just have a community down there because um i'm trying to learn as much as i possibly can and um i need help too so if we can all work together and share you know you know what we figure out throughout our lives about music then that would be great we could all get somewhere so um i will see you guys next time um hit me up on instagram um yeah and tick tock yeah see you guys later bye [Music]
Channel: ELLE GEE
Views: 2,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vocal Cry Technique Explained, how to sing better, how can i sing, learning to sing, What is vocal cry technique, how to sing for beginners, how to sing easy, vocal tips for singers, christian contemporary music, christian singer, God
Id: n7-5yS9iprA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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