Vocal Coach/Opera Singer REACTION & ANALYSIS Dimash Kudaibergen/Igor Krutoy "Your Love"

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welcome back to the charismatic voice about three months ago I asked you which dommage CUDA Bergen songs you wanted a reaction to the most and then I came up with this list this is the original top ten list of damash coup de bergen requests and I promised you I would do it in chronological order it's been amazing to see how dommage has developed wolf as an artist and as a singer and today we're going to wrap up your top ten list with your love performed by none other than dommage and composed by Igor katoya this is from a live performance in March of 2020 let's get to it [Applause] [Music] thing was dangerous we've had this huge to leave our streams to fade out I'm definitely getting some strong Disney vibes here it sounds like kind of like the beginning of Beauty and the Beast with some sort of dark magical essence it's in the orchestra that I like that composition Sal a lot it really it draws you in and you feel like you're about to have a nice story told also let's let's look at damash is fashion right now Wow I think this is a fantastic outfit to make him really pop out on stage right the color is amazing and contrasts with the set so really he's got really great fashion sense for stage his singing at this point you can really tell he's investing in this story he's definitely started off smaller and over the years I think that he's become more and more comfortable with starting things even a smaller just sort of on the edge of his vocal chords so let's see where this goes [Music] these phrases this is something that you can really tell that Igor has written for damash because it's going from this really low range and then going up high he's doing it all within a soft dynamic which is hard it's much easier just to blast through that and instead the mosh is keeping it really tender I by the way if you don't know it's Igor who's on stage with dommage playing the piano I love love love seeing him on the stage with Gamache and I also I'm just loving this violin duet with demotius voice it's a really complimentary Tambor [Music] [Music] do you can do you share [Music] do you still keep my part to you before we go [Music] [Applause] Wow [Music] okay I was really focused on the backing track for a bit there and I I'm gonna go back and catch it this build-up one more time but listen right in here he's definitely I think he's doubled his vocal on top here so you hear him also singing harmony that's not who I'm singing you two notes at the same time that's his backing track and I think it's fantastic to hear also you have a more electronic approach to the rhythm and the beat that's coming it's not just or orchestral percussion but you definitely have something that feels like it could even be in an action movie it gets our hearts beating pretty quickly [Music] I like hearing that I really like that being in his mouth [Music] that's really clean [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] whoo okay key change I love met Igor right so well for damash is voice but that doesn't just happen by magic I'm sure that Tomas gives him tons of feedback to saying oh right here I want to sing higher so maybe Igor was like okay Allah I'll raise the key I love key changes in the way it makes you like oh yeah this is getting bigger and bigger but listen to this again [Music] like wanna go higher keep change [Music] [Music] whoa that was a really long phrase and right after he switched to falsetto so that was cool um a lot of people have asked about like what's headways what's Paul said Oh also they've asked about like what's pop styling what's a more classical opera styling damash I think one of my favorite things used to describe him was popera he really mixes the two quite well and that right there where you heard the tone essentially increase in more resonance and you've got sort of a hooter sound that was when he switched ship off said oh and before that he was using much more of a pop styling because it was it was more focused and right here opera singers are trained to primarily sing without microphones and so their training tends to include a lot more use of different areas of residents it's you're trained to really lift different muscles and maximize the possible sound output that you can make whereas pop singers have a microphone so a lot of times they're taught to really focus in particularly on like the fundamental frequency or at that.that home sound and they'll they'll drive through that more so it creates often a thinner and even sometimes a more clear sound it can be better forward enunciation so damash does a really amazing job of combining these things he's able to sing operatic and an operatic style with a microphone and it doesn't seem to bother him he doesn't necessarily need to kick out more volume because he's only been trained to sing loudly though some opera singers are trained to sing very quietly as well they just usually need to pipe out to big auditoriums but I love most pop singers don't go into falsetto in the same way that damash has you definitely hear people like John Legend pop into falsetto really easy but it's a lot tends to have less vibrato and it tends to be enjoyed I would just say like it's a more thin and clear sound and his falsetto here is it definitely has more resonance in it so check out this [Music] [Music] it's a really long frame [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we're gonna have to count the cute changes in this I believe that this is the fourth time he's got up in a key so right after I stopped the last time he had a really cool staccato section we'll talk about that later and I'll want to hop back and check it out but so right after that there was a cue change and right now another cue change so he just keeps getting higher and higher and higher and it's very exciting [Music] [Music] [Applause] hi this is a very exciting song I just love the way I just kept going up and up and up and up and at that end I really expected him to just hold that final note forever and instead he's like I'm holding it oh and I'm gonna go up again and again he's that he obviously does not have a limit on his high notes it's really really fun really inspiring I totally dig it and it's super healthy his bulk production is amazing I know this because of the staccato section so let's go back and check that out was that [Music] this Saturday [Applause] [Music] [Music] well he's going up to the same high F that the queen of the night things whoa it's high but he's doing it with staccato meaning that it's like bouncy and detached so that means that each time he starts a note his vocal cords have to start by writing again it's it you don't hear any extra air escaping you also don't hear any sort of gloom hollow sound no I didn't touch just without that the glottal attack so this is what we call in classical music in onset at moment when a person first starts singing a note and his is incredibly clear while being very very high it's more difficult to have a good onset meaning that the air goes past his vocal cords right as they start vibrating it's more difficult to get that correct so not too much air and not trying to sort write the chords too early then when it's high so doings Tecate high with that kind of clarity and ease of onset is really really impressive so check this out one more time with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] right and you know at the end he ends up going legato again meaning those smooth phrases he connects the phrases that's just showing he can do both staccato and legato up there and both are incredibly smooth that to me was the most technically difficult thing in this piece and actually out of a lot of the things I've heard damash do that it's Tecate tend to be one of the most difficult things so somebody can seem really high they can sing really low but that doesn't mean that they can sing cleanest Tecate so that really really got me uh but after this point I'd like to go ahead and continue to listen the end because I loved [Music] [Music] and even dancing [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love that [Music] [Music] that is such a good ending and also wow what a feat of endurance oh that's crazy to have gone up in key signatures at least four times I counted for it there might have been another one in there to continue to go up in the key signature and then at the very end be like by the way I'm gonna do the longest phrase yet and I'm still gonna go higher and I'm gonna do it right after I split on my knees it's just it's such amazing breath control and it doesn't sound like he's tired at all wow that was such an exhilarating performance I every time he went higher I think I probably know the first time wasn't enough no second time no got it at least at least four key changes and then the additional high notes at the end well it kind of reminds me of Yonsei song I think it's called love on top where she also does that but this is very very rare to hear a singer go through so many key changes it's hard to do because the first time you need to sound great on your high note and that means it should be kind of in your optimum range right but if you're gonna go up that many times you have to sound great in all of these different high notes that's requires amazing amazing technique and then combine that with the fact that damash was melting almost the entire time with only a brief little falsetto section in the middle that was also technically extremely difficult this song don't don't let how good and easy it might seem for him to do it deceive you this song is extremely hard to sing and he just did it very well so thank you so much for your recommendations I love them and even though we're done with your top 10 requests that doesn't mean I'm going to stop reacting to damash I will continue releasing new damash videos every Monday until I run out of songs so I'd love to meet you one of these Mondays during the premieres there is a live chat room and I'll be there at 8 o'clock Arizona time so if you don't want to miss that you can always subscribe and turn on the belt for the notifications so you know when it's coming up and I hope to see you soon thanks [Music]
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 97,336
Rating: 4.9548974 out of 5
Keywords: your love dimash, reaction video your love dimash, dimash reaction video your love, professional reaction to dimash kudaibergen, professional reaction dimash, opera singer reaction dimash, zharoff reaction video, reacts to dimash kudaibergen, reacts to dimash your love, reacts to your love, opera singer dimash, opera singer reacts to dimash, igor krutoy your love, igor krutoy your love reaction, reacts to your love igor krutoy, your love igor krutoy dimash
Id: P4atE9GMPWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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