Vocal Coach Reacts to KZ Tandingan - Two Less Lonely People In The World

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hey guys I'm Tara with Tara Simon studios and today I'm going to be reviewing for the first time KZ 10 diggin I think that's how you say the name and they she is going to be covering two less lonely people in the world this is a live performance on the wish bus I believe yeah it is on the wish bus here we go [Music] Lester [Music] [Music] nice traitor there [Music] it's always love this I just can't [Music] okay I would have loved her to say to less lonely people in zone instead of in the world it's nice either way like it doesn't sound bad either way but it's it's more I would say more pure and easier as a vocalist to get out when you're singing to less lonely people's and though the by the way sets you up that vowel if you sing it correctly sets you up for the perfect vowel within the word world that you'd want to sing to versus singing uh uh the world you're singing uh the world it's just easier there's less movement and as a singer anytime you can create less movement while you're singing what it does is it lessens the risk for pitch eNOS so the the more open you can keep your mouth and the more still you can keep your mouth by by keeping your vowels as similar as possible especially by accentuating the open ones the open opportunities like the word though that's an opportunity it's not a requirement world is a requirement you have to sing wild an order for it to sound good the you can still get it out by singing the but it sounds better if you sing though so it's not about right or wrong it's about good or better choices so for her I just wish that her she would have done that because even though it doesn't seem to matter much there if she did that an octave higher it would have mattered she definitely would have been and any singer would have been at risk for singing the word the off-pitch it would have been a little flat because there wouldn't have been as much space so anytime you can isolate your vowels and and lessen the movement while you're singing through a melodic line gives you a greater chance of being in the center of the pitch just keep that in mind as a singer [Music] what's with perfect bowel there walk [Music] still [Music] come true I know [Music] let's go [Music] now there's went right into profit there like this [Music] ever brought Oh beautiful I love the wavelength that she produces really nice very relaxed it's very rich it's really good [Music] things [Music] [Applause] [Music] a little bit [Music] beautiful she chose to go straight from the Bravo on that wall fine she completed the breath the Rotter tube which [Music] well could be a little more over there [Music] I wish fine it's always so awkward when a song finishes you're just like especially when it's it's a recording like that I've been in that position where you're like doing a radio interview or something and and it's finished and there's no audience there to applause so you're just kind of like waiting for the camera to go off that was awesome though so interesting and very interesting and very good singer she is I really I really like her a lot she I can tell has a lot of different depth and capability to her voice even though she was singing something a little more like top forties pop here she I can hear would be great with like blues or even jazz she's got that quality that silky kind of like velvety quality to her voice it's got some some rich darker tones and she really utilizes that most in her in her lower parts of the song and in her vibrato I really like the I mentioned earlier the wavelength of her vibrato and I want to talk to you about a little bit what that means to me what would I mean when I say that so when you sing with vibrato and for those of you who don't know how to that's something that's really hard to learn and really hard to teach but I have been successful in doing that with some students so if you're looking to learn that it's not an impossibility there's actually a student of mine Paul and shouting you out Paul found me on YouTube and we've been doing lessons and he had not much vibrato if at all right Paul I don't think yet anyone who started and now we gotta like tone it down he's killing it he's only been with me for a couple months that's it that's a that's an extreme case he's all about practice though like he really works hard but when you talk about vibrato and you have it let's just let's assume you have it there's an innate ability to have it like if you just naturally haven't you've not been trained to have it then it's kind of like a god-given thing and it's it's within your own character lit just like how everybody has their own their voice and if you're walking into a room with someone that you recognize you you can turn your back and know by just a sound of their voice it's dead well the vibrato is kind of the same thing it's kind of like your voice is character okay and there are different speeds in which the wavelengths go naturally now you can slow it down or speed it up like a if you have controller for your voice you can you can control it like if I want to sound a little more Disney I can go and we'll just sing this to less lonely people in the world like I can kind of sound like Snow White there or I could sound a little more like soulful and aren't being slowed it down to less lonely people than uh like I can control it but my natural reverb brought up I'm not doing anything would be to listen only people in love it's kind of somewhere in between I think what I just did so her natural vibrato really caters to that like slower wavelength that bluesy kind of jazzy soulful style which I really like and it's by the way easier to control your vibrato if you have it if you know what you naturally are because then you can say okay well I am more towards like the Disney princess cider I err towards more towards the RnB jazzy side and since that's slower I'm gonna try to speed it up to change the style that I'm doing something more Broadway or Disney or even bubblegum pop and if I'm faster and I'm trying to sing something like at last by Etta James or into a cover of it the well I know that I should probably focus a little bit more on making my vibrato more relaxed to fit that style or not like you could still do it in the way that in your natural vibrato you don't have to mimic the style but just kind of as an exercise learning how to control your vibrato is something worthwhile that's that's really cool and fun to experiment with and I loved her boob righto I loved the style for a broadness the soul of it it wasn't necessarily a song where she went super super high but the notes that she did hit were quality notes and they had emotion they have feeling her pitch was really pretty good overall there were some times in the song where I wish she would have dropped her jaw a little bit more but a lot of pop singers do that sometimes they lead with their chin instead of dropping their jaw and a lot of it is because of what they see I'm not saying that's because of her but a lot of times people and I'm sure you guys out there do the same where you watch people sing on YouTube or you'll watch live performances and you see them do these certain gestures vocally and you think oh that's cool-looking I'm gonna do that when I sing and it doesn't necessarily mean it's right so maybe cool looking but it doesn't necessarily mean it's vocally sound so just be aware of you know vocal gestures too as you're watching other singers perform and if you're looking to get better yourself by the way there are three different options that I offer personally at Tara Simon Studios worldwide you don't have to live in Atlanta or even in the states to take advantage of it if you want to click on the link below for live lessons me and my coaches are happy to help you there that's private private lessons online and if you want to do an eighth week or something digital that's to your time frame like wherever you are in the world time zone wise it's fine you can do my eight-week course called sings smarter not harder it's really doing awesome things for a lot of you guys and I'm really really happy to see the progress that you guys are telling me about and writing to me about I'm with you by the way in the course every single step of the way like I I am looking into your progress you guys write me I write you back I answer questions you can even do check-ins throughout the course privately if you'd like to with me personally so that I know how you're doing and you know that you're on the right track with the course but they're all video modules it's just like this and so if you like what you hear and the in the YouTube channel you're gonna love the course because it's basically that on like pumped up on a million steroids okay forty seven modules full of high content value rich material and there's one more thing that's really cool that we're just starting to roll out a lot of you guys have been emailing me and asking me hey can you review me and I thought well you know that's it not a bad idea sure I can do that because that's what I essentially lessons anyway so we're doing a really cool thing where if you click on the Instagram vocal reaction link down there I'm not sure that's what its title but it's gonna be Instagram something and if you click on that link you can you're going to be taken to a page it's going to give you instructions on how to ask for you to be reviewed by me or you can also be reviewed by one of my coaches at the studio too you'll have the choice and you can do a cover song you can do an original song you can do it acapella you can do it with the track doesn't matter it's one full song and we are going to give you our professional opinion on your voice your vocal journey and give you some tips and tricks on how we think you can improve and that's gonna be really valuable information it's gonna be essentially like an assessment for your voice just like I do for the singers that you asked me to review which by the way please keep asking me for different artists I love listening and reading your comments guys I comment back we take our list directly from your requests so this was done today's because somebody or more than one person had requested so thank you so much for being part of the TSS family I love you guys subscribe and click the notifications button too if you haven't already so that you can possibly be the first to see the next video and I'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Tara Simon Studios
Views: 159,671
Rating: 4.9202251 out of 5
Keywords: tara simon studios, kz tandingan, tara simon, two less lonely people in the world, tara, vocal coach, wish bus, vocal coach reacts, vocal coach reacts to, reaction video, reaction, reacts to, reacts, vocal coach reaction, wish 1075, kz tandingan reaction, philippines, Air Supply, kz tandingan audition, air supply two less lonely people
Id: g26204hPv30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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