Vocal Coach reacts to Dimash-Love is like a dream

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hey everybody it's danielle welcome back to my youtube channel i hope you're having a great saturday so far today we are going to be reviewing another dmos video this is going to be reacting to love is like a dream you guys have been asking me to review this song and so i'm very excited to review it today but before we get started today's shout out goes out to sebastian crescentio thank you so much for subscribing to my channel thank you for liking my videos and commenting on my videos and supporting me i love you so so much and if you would like to be next video shout out all you have to do is subscribe to my channel like one of my videos comment something below one of my videos but make sure to hashtag subscription squad and with that being said let's get into the video [Music] now before i press play i want to say thank you to everyone who has already purchased my merch i'm so excited to see you guys wearing some of my items it's so exciting and if you would like some merchandise to match me chills or i'm sorry what i would love to see you guys wearing my stuff make sure to tag me on instagram so that i can repost you it's literally right down below this video you can find all of my merch there now today i could not find my little splitter cable thing for my headphones to plug into my phone it is lost for now but i'm gonna just be using my wireless headphones so if you guys think i'm don't have headphones in i do they're right here okay i promise i'm wearing headphones to listen to dimash and these are noise canceling so here we go could i begin [Music] first of all okay dimash is so good at doing this he literally had me on the edge of my chair he's like has his mic up to his mouth and he's just like what am i gonna sing you don't know you won't know and there it comes and it's i didn't know it was gonna be high was it gonna be low and then he's just doing this amazing ah okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry we gotta keep going [Music] support [Music] [Music] oh [Music] from [Music] so [Music] i loved that note that he hit where i was thinking that it was gonna go like on the actual note but he's saying like [Music] like right like that that creepy mysterious tone you know what i'm talking about it was like the right there it's not flat don't think it's flat any haters out there because it's not it's intentional oh you guys know what i'm talking about that that was unexpected i really liked that and also let me see is this no i can't it's in a different language the description but please comment down below and let me know if this is an original from dimash or if he is singing a cover of someone else's song because i'm really liking the way that this music is written and how you think it's gonna go one way but then they just like bring in that mysterious tone i really enjoy stuff like that [Music] yep [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh my gosh [Music] myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sir [Music] boy [Music] hold on i feel like he's going gonna do something else but i have to say something before we go on there i don't know how i went a whole week without reacting to dmos because right when i start this song i'm just sitting here like how have i not listened to him in a whole week like he's he's so good oh my gosh i've like missed his voice right when he started singing i was like oh my soul is back i love it but if you guys notice how many times and how well dimash switches into his different voices from his chest to his mix to his head voice to his falsetto it's like so effortlessly clean and you almost can't even tell that he's doing it because the switch is so good and then now he's singing in this beautiful falsetto where it sounds so angelic and clear like crystal clear it doesn't even sound like it's coming out of his mouth live like i know this is live but it's so effortlessly like i have no words you guys write the words down below it's just so i don't know fill in the blank it's so uh like the way that he sings in this upper register is so easy for him and it's so something i have no words it's just like and he's the way he's like looking up to the heavens i'm just like dude he is like getting that from god like he's just bringing the angels down as he's like singing it's amazing like let's keep going i okay [Music] is that my heart beating [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold on how long was that hold on [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was a 20-second hold so he has the note or the word that he says before and then he goes into it so the duh and then goes into the note so that first thing that he says was one or two seconds and then he has the 19 second hold that he does i don't know how he does it guys like he it's so it's such a high note and it's so clear and there's no shakiness like sometimes when you hold notes for that long you start to hear the you know the air leaving the singer and you're like oh are they gonna make it but dimash i feel like he could go for another 20 seconds and then he finishes it so strong like how did i go a whole week without listening to dimash what am i thinking guys oh my gosh that was so good i loved that i loved that so much so my final thoughts on this song are that i love it i do want to know if he wrote this song or if this is a cover of a song that he is doing that's my one question if you can answer that down below for me something i said in the video that i want to reiterate is how well and how clear dimash switches from his chest voice to his mixed voice to his head voice to his falsetto it is done so well that you cannot even hear the difference in his voice and then i don't even know what i was trying to say earlier with the whole like his voice sounds so blank but i feel like when i was listening more it sounds like all of the everything is like already in his mouth like it's stored in there and then he's just singing it like it doesn't sound like it's like you can't hear him breathing and then i like him not making any sense it's like instead of him having to breathe and then everything is coming through his throat and you can like hear it like that you kind of heard come up through my throat you can hear my vocal cords like vibrating but for dimash it's like everything is already in his mouth and he just like opens his mouth and it just like comes out does that make sense oh my goodness dimas just like i just can never explain how he does these like incredible falsetto notes it's just something that he was born with and that you just you can't explain it there's some things that you just cannot explain i feel like because it's just it's just true to that person and amazing but thank you so much for asking me to review this song i truly enjoyed it and i missed reviewing dimash i need to make sure that i do a dimash video once a week because when i go a week without hearing a new dimash song i feel like i just could be so much happier you know like listening to dee dimash i absolutely liked it so if you like this video review please make sure to give it a big thumbs up let's try to get this video to 4 000 likes i know that we can do it fam and if you're not subscribed to my channel please make sure to subscribe become a part of our family it would mean so much to me and make sure to turn on the bell notifications so you get notified every time i post a brand new video i love you guys so much and i can't wait to see you so soon bye you
Channel: Danielle Marie Schuster
Views: 94,439
Rating: 4.9480882 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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