VOCAL COACH Reacts to AMAZING Filipino Band AEGIS Performance (FOR THE FIRST TIME)

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[Music] i wish that i could forget [Music] if you love singing but maybe you feel like you have a bad voice or you don't like the sound of your voice i was in the exact same place when i first started people told me i had a terrible voice and now i'm a professional singer and so i want to let you know that there is hope on the other side and people always ask me how did you do it how did you learn every time i recommend the coaching program singer because you can learn from home you don't have to go spend a bunch of money on a private coach and i'm linking it in the youtube description and in the top comment and you can literally trust the process on that that's going to get you an amazing voice obviously do your research on it first but like that's going to work for you and get started for free put it to the test try a 10 minute sample lesson it's got some exercises in it i'm actually teaching you in it and i'm going through these exercises with you go through that i recommend to everybody to record their voice before that free lesson just 20 seconds to the first song that comes to your mind go through it record your voice after it the same 20 seconds now you have a before and and after and when you compare that before and after you're going to be shocked i guarantee you there has been over 300 000 people that have heard an immediate improvement just after that sample lesson so look if you've heard that you have to be born with a great voice that is outdated that is a myth don't believe it i heard the same thing but you can trust me okay and and i've been through this journey before you so you got this you have what it takes and just go ahead and get started for free that's what i recommend to you so i hope that that helps linkin it in the top comment so much love let's get into this reaction let's go [Music] oh oh this is classic i didn't know what to expect [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh [Music] okay so this has some rock elements to it everything before i've reacted to has been so rmd [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is effortless power hold on i'm replaying this this gets me so excited this is so different this is effortless power [Music] [Applause] effortless a little bit of distortion and notice how her jaw is just dropping so relaxed it's not really tensing up i'm gonna give you a quick tip for all the singers out there or anybody who's you know was like me when i was first starting and really wanted to sing didn't like the sound of their voice here's a quick tip to make uh you sound a little bit better would be to loosen up the jaw and a lot of that comes down to posture okay so look at my posture as i'm bent over trying to speak into this mic it's actually not good like if i was trying to sing like this it would be cutting off a lot of my resonance and a lot of my vocal freedom so what i want you to do because you're on your phone right now you're on your laptop and if you're like me we're on our phones in our laptops and every time i'm on my laptop my my neck like juts forward but what you have to do is you're going to have to tuck your jaw okay shoulders down and back sternum up and out all right and then tuck the jaw in so you want to move neck like this to tucking in like that and you can already hear in my speaking voice listen to my speaking voice when i'm out like this all the resonance is cut and then when i come back here you can hear how much more resonant it is and you'll notice that she has great posture as she's singing and that's also helping loosen the jaw [Applause] oh my gosh powerful boy [Applause] [Music] you can just tell she's a legend you can just tell [Music] oh you gotta understand i'm i'm just so yeah it's too early in the morning for this i need more coffee cheers i'm like tearing up over here i was expecting something completely different you know what i'm talking about we're like this is amazing but also part of it is that i was expecting something so different and this is like some classic rock this is what i grew up on i used to drum in in a rock band like just growing up it was so fun so anyway i'm just i'm i this is just so different i'm so happy [Music] [Applause] it doesn't take much to make me happy as you can tell it's a great vocalist hey what's up i just wanted to remind you that you can take that free singing lesson at any time the link is in the description you are going to be shocked so hopefully i'll see you there after this reaction all right let's get back to it [Music] and in that grit there is a healthy way to go about it and there is a way that will kill your vocal cords damage them i have so many friends who get what are called nodes on the voice okay and and and those take surgery to remove and even then you might not ever be 100 with your voice and that's from using improper technique i can't explain all of that in this reaction but if you want to learn proper technique and actually how to sing from your home i always recommend singer i link it in every top comment in the description of every youtube it's called singer it's a coaching program there's a free lesson i recommend everybody get started for free that's going to get you introduced to how to have better technique and how to be able to sing in a way that will give you longevity and will allow you to you know be able to sing with a captivating voice for the remainder of your life the rest of your life [Music] that's what you call such a powerful head dominant mixed voice vocal coordination working out there but listen to this and the breath management it takes to do that doesn't my that breath management to hold that note wow wow what stuck out to me the most about that performance was her sheer vocal power you just don't hear that much anymore in the grit and a lot of that comes from the way that she is managing her airflow that's what a lot of people don't realize i think it all has to do with right here the vocal cords but a lot of that actually has to do with the way that she is managing her airflow and then controlling the micro muscles around the diaphragm leave me a comment and let me know what your favorite part about her voice is this community is fun because you get to hear from me and then i want to hear your opinion so leave it down in the comments and then of course if you want to learn to sing you can alright people ask me all the time how i went from having an absolutely terrible singing voice and there's proof on my youtube channel if you scroll back far enough or the featured video on my youtube to them being able to be a professional tour around my nation performing my own original music and every time i recommend singer it's a coaching program you can do it all from home i'm linking it in the youtube description in the top comment i've told you that but i know sometimes people skip around in the video so maybe you haven't heard it yet yeah that's gonna get you an amazing voice you you can pretty much just trust that process and i recommend everybody get started for free you can get started for free so do it the link is in the description it's a free lesson you record your voice before that go through it record it after like voice memos i'm talking just 20 seconds to the first song that comes to your mind when you actually have two audios to compare that is really when you are going to just realize what you're capable of with your voice and i'm so excited for you to realize that and don't leave me in the dark leave me a comment on youtube and let me know how it goes for you as well because i love hearing about people who get such fast vocal transformations with singer and people who who had a dream like me of wanting to be a singer and just always feeling like they didn't have what it took to be one and i was in the same place when i first started i battled with all kinds of self-doubt and so if you're feeling that i want you to know it's not your fault but there is hope on the other side so make sure to go take that free lesson i'll see you in it so much love peace [Music] on me when nightmares come i'll sing you back
Channel: Justin Burke
Views: 274,479
Rating: 4.9601707 out of 5
Id: 8HkaUYrpr0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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