Vocal Coach reacts- Floor Jansen - Dangerous Game ft. Henk Poort (Jekyll & Hyde cover)

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hello my darling youtube fam it is i rebecca and it's a pleasure to see you here with me right now so i hope everything is good well okay in between who knows and i haven't given you a hug for a long time have i i'm sorry about that um life gets in the way what can i say let's have a hug group hug okay don't forget to check the links down below go to my website for freebies and of course patreon if you would like to support me and my endeavors which i'm forever grateful for those who muster the courage to to do that and i i am appreciative i really am and grateful anyway enough of that schmaltzyness uh should we get on with the video because i can see you're just like hurry up hurry stop talking and i don't know why you probably were doing it like that okay let's get to it let's go should we do it together you have to click at the same time and then up okay three two one okay send me in those codes on my shoulder your chilling touch [Music] oh nice led [Music] i'm afraid to make wait a minute this just reminds me how great this song is who doesn't love this song oh musical theater ignite me such a crystal voice you know and it's so hard to sing without any music you know so try it it's a really good thing to do such clean vocal slides nice legato lines there slight manipulation of a vocal then you can't see inside the larynx but sometimes i imagine i can and i see wonderful things um beautiful lady [Music] wait oh sorry i don't know why that shocked me so much i just did not expect him to be standing there looking at me i'm gonna have to go back so i completely forgot what i was gonna say [Music] [Music] it was literally just wanted to comment on the manipulations now those like cries that are so good to do um and give a certain texture and um it's a wonderful technique to use actually instead of making the sound boring you know it's nice to bring to bring that in not all the time because like anything like vibrato if you do it too much sometimes it gets a little bit annoying but it's always all it's all personal choice at the end of the day you know other than the nice embouchure nice clean open space no tension i like the sparkle's floor [Music] so but something as subtle as that sorry his i'm still a little bit shocked i don't know why i know i knew he was on it's nothing new is it but listen to this just it's just that really balanced tone that we're getting from uk [Music] [Music] this is good [Music] i love that it's so explosive and in those consonants you know how i feel about them this is sexy oh i don't want to have to say that word but i did it's a dangerous game and it's that those pauses and it's those looks and it's the the uh the contrast of those voices this is different from the original of course go watch it i'll spend all day talking about that because we're here and now we know they work together there is a chemistry and there is charisma and they're both c's and i just think they work splendidly well together i think it's a it's a as a mixture of things as well because just because you both like singing you're very good at it doesn't always mean that you'll it will just gel and you know people can see through that those two don't like each other you know or the voices just they don't work you know but these voices vocals work together um and they've both got that same kind of amount of musical theater-ness going on in terms of like the looks and the attention to detail in [Music] nice i both did that there's vibrators that was grassy [Music] give me more [Music] okay the dynamics of it now the pressure the energy [Music] nice breath crunch oh that's lovely see what they did with the black and white there absolutely astounding i don't want to see picture perfect it's very good pitch perfect gorgeous tonal quality coming through there uh i just love these two together they should just like make an album and just hang out more often um and i think they're wonderful and i i like the way you can just see the positivity coming through um and the love and joy of their art history coming through also and it's and who doesn't love musical theater don't be rude in the comments just in case you say you don't and uh it's just it's powerful when they sing on their own and really powerful when they come together it's a force of nature and uh can destroy things um and and it's just lovely to see and and like emotional you feel the emotion there and you just want to sing with them was that just me i just want to sing a lot when you hear something like that and you're kind of and it just appears so effortless as well it's like an effortless kind of invisible vibe they have going and i and i just think it's wonderful and they should do more together i'm not their manager of course but um that's what i would like to see see more different yeah of course like different genres as well i'll be like i know she did shallow and everything like that but it'd be great to see him even more explore more more versatility i love it um i love you guys thank you so much for your support i really appreciate it and thank you so much for your love i really appreciate it um and don't forget to follow me on all the medias of socials and um it's been a pleasure seeing you today i just need to take a breath hang on i felt like i didn't breathe the whole time and i'm going to meditate okay lots of love take care bye
Channel: Rebecca Vocal Athlete
Views: 90,564
Rating: 4.9422483 out of 5
Keywords: rebecca vocal athlete, Reactor, Vocal Coach Reacts, Voice Teacher Reacts, Music reactions, RVA Reacts, Rebecca, Entertainment, Singing, how the voice works, henk and floor, floor reaction, floor and henk phantom of the opera, floor and henk jek, floor and henk dangerous game
Id: 0zIgTh0HOtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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