VOCAL COACH reaction to BRENDON URIE's best live vocals

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hey guys my name is Adam ashan I'm a singer songwriter and vocal coach and if you're enjoying these videos please hit that subscribe button pound the like button and I give singing lessons online every day if you're interested the link is down below you can go there and sign up directly into my calendar if you're interested in getting your singing critiqued I will critique your singing on my Fiverr account down below the link is there check it out and you could just send me a clip and I will critique your singing so today I'm gonna do a reaction to Brendon Urie Slive vocals now I'm a big fan of Brendon Urie I think that panic at the disco is a really underrated band they're a bunch of their songs I'm a huge fan of off their death of a bachelor record and I think that he's an unbelievable vocalist life I used to follow him on vine when vine was a thing and so let's take a look at Brendon URIs live vocals [Music] the moment I love this is this showmanship is whether section for that you just wanna watch [Music] - beer [Music] all right far be it for like it I'm not here to criticize but I'm here to teach a little bit so I want to I want to give you guys just a little bit of a idea of what just happened there so when you just heard him go into falsetto there was a little bit of strain on that falsetto because what what happened and I noticed this with myself as well that when I'm going for a full voice sound and then I go to falsetto if I'm not prepared for it a hundred percent then the muscles that are that are used for full voice can sometimes be engaged in the falsetto and it can come out a little bit strained because you haven't released those muscles to be able to go full falsetto so that's just one thing that I heard just then you can play it back and listen to it again there [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah again that falsetto was not released it's not a it's not free if you listen to it again and I know you guys are gonna tear me apart in the comments blah blah blah but you guys I'm making this video so that you can learn and so it's important to release falsetto you want to make sure that there's no gripping so you hear there's a little bit of drag on the air you want to make sure that it's not the vocal cords aren't dragging against the air when you get like up you know we get a little bit of that either it means that there's a little bit swelling on his vocal cords which is definitely possible because he goes hard every night he sings really hard or it just means that his muscles are just not quite releasing for that falsetto so that it's not so there's no drag of the air against [Music] [Music] see here here his voice sounds a lot healthier just in this show and everybody's got their on days they're off days who knows maybe add acid reflux the night before maybe he drank too much maybe you know he was up late and so he didn't get in a lot of sleep so everybody's got their bad days and our good days especially when they're on tour [Music] amazing love he's a lot freer his voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow hours of amazing finals [Music] I never said I'd be the city [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] what I love about what he's doing right there is he's able to switch between a breathy tone and a stronger compression so easily he switches between those two and he just like seamlessly you're not you're not even hearing where the divide is between where he's going breathy and where he's going where he's going full out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right up that upper inner self and as you decide [Music] I think not [Music] [Music] I wonder what he does at the end of this part a really high party I mean no doubt he's gonna pull it off but does he pull it off with grass [Music] [Music] pretty funny to watch the guys running around [Music] when it started but panic at the disco garbage as Coolio I never thought you was anything special with that first song I write I write songs or parties nice bra do you know back to the place where we used to say [Music] now I know what I need what you mean tell me and me give me a sign I love these broken-down versions of the song like I like his dogs all acoustic version much better than [Applause] [Music] it's going very wide with his valise air [Music] No [Music] whereas lower racism around love is some I see the shadows on my face people who talk yeah you see I use like trying to do that Sinatra Sinatra type of really rounded vowels here [Music] that's just a style choice that he makes is that he goes a little bit darker with his vowels when he's in his lower range but then he goes a little bit brighter when he's in his upper range he'll here [Music] how do I [Music] damn oh that part is usually a little bit more staccato I like it more staccato he's doing it more of a legato lick now I'm not a huge fan of that just pointed out [Music] blazing new tress saying that here there he totally changed the way that he approached it there he was singing it with a much darker tone much more closed vowels yeah how there you went more staccato and so that's the way the recording is unlike the other performance [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] boy has a beautiful ring to it [Music] a little bit a lockdown that he had to I know [Music] [Music] no it's better to face these kinds of things with offsets for [Music] synopsis time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thanks guys appreciate it nice yeah uh Brendon Urie is awesome basically all I could say
Channel: Adam Mishan
Views: 417,461
Rating: 4.8277793 out of 5
Keywords: Brendon urie, brendan urie, brendan yurie, vocal coach reacts to, singing teacher, singing lessons, reaction video, panic! at the disco, panic at the disco, best live vocals, best live performance
Id: 6B89qNtBy80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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