VMware SD-WAN Q&A: So what are these Gateways?

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primary gateway secondary gateway super gateway sauce gateway partner gateway envious gateway confused yet so let's take it step by step first of all the gateways are hosted by VMware so they'll be responsible for patching them keeping them up to date securing them and scaling them secondly any edge you deploy today will automatically connect to a primary and a secondary gateway and it does that based on distance so when an edge boots based on its primary IP address we'll be able to geo locate them and assign the closest gateway they all act as primary gateway and then we also select a secondary or backup gateway not in obviously the same points of presence but about fifty or sixty miles apart the primary use of these gateways will be to support the routing function so the gateway it becomes a controller every new edge that comes up will register the Gateway and if the gateways responsibility to tell the rest of a state that the edges live and also what local area networks it supports in this case it acts just like a BGP route reflector so what happens if two edges don't actually share the same gateways because I'm a have edges in Europe am I have values in the US based on the location I'll have totally different gateways and this is where the concept of super gateway comes in because every enterprise will have a primary in a secondary super gateway and it's the device of last resort so now if you want the edges in Europe to communicate with the ones in the US it's the super gateways responsibility to make that happen leaving the control function in the side you can optionally use the Gateway to route traffic between site say for example you might not have a data center locally somewhere to install that hub if you remember the last video we spoke about the hub and spoke to apology you can then use the Gateway as such and it gets even better because with the gateways you now can achieve a much more elegant cloud on-ramp so by default when we route between sd1 enabled sites we can build the overlays and we can track the performance and make a decision based on that how can we do that if the traffic is destined for the internet certain solutions implement an IP SLA type of functionality in order to understand the health of the underlay however the Gateway you can achieve this much quicker also if you're doing any sort of VPN to an envelope cloud site whatever that is to get traffic to security solutions such as a scalar or connecting to legacy data centers you can do that through the Gateway so it actually saves you time from connecting each of those branches individually
Channel: Dimitrie Sandu
Views: 1,546
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: uJDe6CxkeoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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