Vlog #34 A week in Hutterite meals, life while cooking

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we move mountains this morning we already made app crisp for dessert the stir-fry full lunch is cut up and ready to be thrown on the [Music] grill then also made yogurt and then we also made the taco soup for supper i just need to add black beans and the kidney beans and then broth and then we're done so yeah we moved mountains today [Music] so [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] we have heart of each a zucchini onion stir-fried salad and of course a potato but i don't like the potato so we don't have a potato i also got a new plan today where i'm gonna put it i have no idea but i got a new plant so at 3 30 i had to run and go put my taco soup into the oven because it has too big and it has to simmer until supper which is quite a while wow i told my mom that i that there's some music that i can't use basically you need rides to use it and it's other artists music and you need either you pay for it or you don't use it and my mom was just like well spotify is free my dear if only it were that easy but anyways at four and then going to go back to the kit i wrote the work that we have to do here on the board just to make it a tad easier just that we don't lose it trying to figure out what we have to do and also there's shield again tomorrow this is my new cooking partner this is amaris and actually she's also my cousin and we think a lot of likes so it's going to be an interesting cooking a couple of um i don't i wanted to say an interesting cook week but interesting years of cooking i hope [Music] we're gonna need a knee-high [Music] our house [Music] [Music] so i decided to give taco soup another try today and now it's still not one of my favorites i can eat it but i don't really like it what do you think oh she makes very very good potato salad that one well let's clean our table i didn't even have a lot of beets look what i have left over okay [Music] and that's these [Music] it's now 9 29 and we're back in the kitchen we started making the comforts before we went home for our morning break i guess you could say and now i'm going to go finish them and whenever we have comforts we have we traditionally have shitaba otherwise known as string bean soup and i will leave both recipes in the description box if you are interested in trying all right comfort meal there was somebody looking for a string bean soup recipe and i had a problem finding a small recipe because ours has to feed over 100 people so it might be a bit too big but i finally found it and i will put in the description box so that you can make it yourself it's so good almost forgot kind of optional but honestly i don't like raisins but in there they're not bad more do more [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i'm glad one is making salad and the other is making i don't know oh for cabbage rolls this is going to be an interesting creation a fresh new cook and a salad all from her head [Music] salad by amaris split pea soup oh that looks so good leftovers [Music] oh fried potatoes are hash browns for breakfast and the meat that is on the grill is for cabbage rolls at supper [Music] 7 40. not bad after we are done with breakfast we have a break we go home till 9 15 9 30. sometimes after breakfast we have work to do so we don't go home that early but 7 40 is not bad [Music] [Music] [Music] lunch today is peas parsnips gravy grilled sausage and a potato but at this point we all know how i feel about a potato always a very very messy table how am i supposed to eat here guess we gotta clean we all need boxes to wrap christmas presents cereal boxes are perfect [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] and of course at every meal time well except for breakfast we have to clean out the lift empty out the compost bucket and clean out the rest of the stuff jars that we empty today [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] the cooks are also in charge of the compost and making sure it gets put away so this is where we dump it and then one of the older guys takes it and dumps it out in the field where it gets back worked worked back into the ground [Music] so by the looks of my hair one might think i had a good nap i did i didn't sleep at all and i'm tired i think it's because my head is full of things that i have to do and that's why i can't sleep [Music] i was thinking about it and it came to mind that i have ever but i've never actually showed you the kitchen so you know what i'll do it right now we'll start from that end there's an entrance this is the bakery you're all familiar with it you've seen them a couple times already i moved my lights from over there to up here and it looks a lot better and the tata if we back up to here there's another entrance and this is the children's dining room it's cute and then elevator washers and then this is the main kitchen area all the appliances are over here [Music] counter sink dishwasher there's actually freezer another entrance back here and then when you go this direction there's an entrance here one here this goes around the corner and to the basement these are the two main entrances and then this is the adult dining room and chairs are up this point in time because man because we because of cope we are actually now not allowed to eat in the dining room we still cook in the kitchen and then if you go over here to those two doors this is the church entrance this entrances and then we go back that is basically a tour of our kitchen that's all there is and also i have to chip this week and normally when when it happens that shipping and cooking is in the same week we will trade our chipping week with some of the other girls but i decided to not do that and i am anyways here in the kitchen and i'm like i'm gonna do both kill both birds in one week so there we go let's go make some fries for tomorrow [Music] okay there we have it fries for tomorrow i don't know [Music] oops [Music] [Music] um and just like that everything is full of dirty dishes again it seems like i could clean all day five minutes later it's a mess again [Music] i did also put out and decorate our tree this morning after i came home from the kitchen our colony is not allowed to have those very very tall very big christmas trees but these small ones are okay the bread that we are having for supper is prepped and ready to be made the thursday dessert is ready to be taken home and enjoyed and the fries are pre-fried and ready to go for [Music] middlegason [Music] georgie is making popcorn what are you making popcorn for how nice [Music] [Music] so [Music] and supper isn't make your own asian soup there's no spoon here cutlets noodles fried mushrooms and onions broccoli cauliflower and carrots it's gonna be so good and the bread it's been a good day but i'm glad it's over and that soup was absolutely amazing it's something you have to try it's just a soup rot with chicken cutlets that i cut in pieces and threw on the grill and then any kind of vegetable and rice and i used um a versamarlin how do you say that personality noodle i think yeah i use those and then that's it i also didn't get much footage for today was because today was very busy most of the time i was running around and the couple times that i wasn't running around i snagged a couple of clips so thursday was hectic but yeah it was a good day and this thing was good so i'm glad [Music] embarrass your emmish oatmeal is beautiful she's working on her salad and i'm downstairs peeling potatoes again the amount of potatoes we have needed this week is a bit much at this point i would think we constantly need potatoes oh amaris um you're gonna have to cue potatoes again those tiny cubes because we're having potato bacon soup on saturday [Music] we had a casserole where we needed a five gallon pail of cubed potatoes we do have a machine for that and then we had strangle soup where we needed a five gallon pail for that even more actually and then we also had some for breakfast and now we need again for saturday and then we have also had mash and baked potatoes half cut and baked potatoes i mean we're having a baked potato today so yeah a lot of potatoes [Music] broilers broilers are in and getting ready for the dog aka lunch i kind of don't like that you see me here but [Music] whatever and i'm also still drinking my cranberry juice from yesterday i didn't have time to yesterday which is why i'm doing it now it's cold but it's still good i think yeah i gotta get used to that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the only reason i'm eating a potato today is because i made dip otherwise and this stuff is good oh we also have string beans [Music] [Music] [Music] challenging age [Music] [Music] [Music] happens the makings of a what caramel latte [Music] [Applause] this is a little bit of what my cook week looked like this week [Music] a chicken and rice and mushroom and peas dish of some sort casserole i guess noodles with vegetables and a greek salad and that's what we're having for supper today [Music] you
Channel: Giselle Waldner
Views: 174,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yaslf8l8q40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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