Visual Studio Code - PHP Debug Using XAMPP

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in this lecture we'll be taking a look at how we can make use of PHP debug extension and our Visual Studio code editor to debug PHP web applications here first of all we need to go ahead and search for PHP debug you'll be getting this one you just need to install it once installed we can just open up over here by going to the extensions link and clicking on this PHP debug it will load and just scroll down and here you will see the installation for extra book is required next to install this deal in forex debug what we need to do is first of all let's go to the visit page so this is the link for the visit page just click on this and it will open up any window over here in the chrome browser and here you are finding a text box where you need to enter your PHP info details over here I'll be demonstrating you with vamp so what I've done is I've already installed them you can also install them by googling it like this so again visit this URL and you can download it then for Windows once downloaded you'll be getting a control panel of the sort I will be simply starting this exam server and then we'll be running on port number over here it's red zero so all I need to do now is going to my Chrome browser and here I'll be reloading this page I have also pointed the default application directory to my custom you are also here in zel you can just click on this config choose HTTP config and there you will find this pot as f PHP demo and directory as f PHP demo so that's the solution where I kept the index dot PHP file this is the file and this is the PHP info which will be shown to the user there you go now I will be simply copying this PHP version actually and going to the wizard let's reload and paste over here now click on analyze my PHP info and it will automatically give you the file which you need to download forex debug I have already downloaded mine and it also tells you where to put that file you can see that this then extension is mentioned so you just need to copy this line and again go to the Zen control panel click on config and choose the PHP dot ini file I'll the php.ini file will open and these are the three lines which you need to put so if I show you the debug over here PHP debug it mentions that and here you can see it mentions it and that's what we are doing in our PHP dot ini file over here this is the part of the deal that we downloaded and then these two lines are enabling remote debug so that's pretty much it over show one more thing you need to take care of as go to file preferences settings and here you will find that I have updated this setting PHP dot validate dot executable path now if I show you completely its zamp PHP PHP dot exe so it's the same executable that we have started from here that way whenever you'll be accessing the site the debugger will hit the breakpoint now we have installed that we have configured our visual studio code editor properly we have related the kana file as well as the PHP dot ini file now is the time to launch the debugger so here you will go into this table icon and initially you'll see that over here you are seeing a launched a JSON file let's go ahead and delete this so I'll delete this one when you click on this you'll be clicking on this Settings icon and choose PHP over here as soon as you choose PHP it automatically creates a file for you now this file is named as launched dot JSON file and when we will be in the debug mode this option listen for extra buck will be by default selected now all you need to do is click on this debug option and here you can see the debugger have you started now this is the index dot PHP file and I have kept some breakpoints of a show what I need to do now is try and access localhost 8080 and you can see that the debugger is heading over here and that way you can choose the variables breakpoints you can go down like this and here you can see the value coming up as hello similarly for output as well you will be finding it over here that way you can easily divide your PHP web application using visual studio code and zamp
Channel: SkillBakery Studio
Views: 136,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Visual Studio Code, Web Development, javascriptsb, PHP, PHP Debug
Id: eE6oxEhqqoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2017
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