Visiting The Occult Shamans of Thailand Part 1/2

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morning day two in fang and today i'm gonna start my day off with some breakfast i'm gonna eat some simple noodles and gonna head out to sauce for some of my products [Music] okay so right now i'm i'm in the house of archan bay and this is the samnak behind me so uh there's still quite a few stuff left uh from akchambet even though he has left us for quite a number of years and you can see that these are some of the stuff available like photos and this is some of the stuff that i'm getting today these are actually bamboo sheets with the katas the mantras that sometimes they read or they use it for like material these are the pions that they wear sometimes for ceremony and i was joking that i should get it to wear in the airport but you know i think it's just a joke these are the these are the the yarns that they use for to make like hand printed payments sort of like this stuff so that's what they use to actually uh make like cloth yarns like this it's kind of like a printed or not pressed on these are some of the other ones that they use and these are some stuff available for you guys to rent if you ever come here and if you move on these are the stuff the powders that arjun uses to make uh his items his holy items you can see a photo of lombok way here and then i'm not so sure who that is and generally this is the in-house like shrine and of course you get all the photo frames of all the ceremonies and you can see several notable monks there as well and yeah that's basically uh the in-house shrine of arjun bit not too much available here so there's another shrine outside which i might go visit once i leave the in-house shrine meantime i'm just going to make some donations and check back with you guys when i go out so this is the outside of ajambeit's house and uh this is the stamina or the shrine of it and this is where he carries out all his ceremonies so let's take a look my first time in israel so there's some photos outside so i think it's arjun chum so hanyan on the door and this is it let's go in and see oh it's pretty tight in the space and i think he especially built this place for the purpose of doing ceremonies so there's some stuff here which is made by his disciples so these are not made by him but yep made by his disciples and yeah quite a fair few of these uh amulets here they're also made by his disciples yeah so these are not from achan bit so if you see this is actually made by his disciples right he's got the whole storage of them okay so let's take a look at the shrine so you can see it's pretty extensive with the holy strings or what we call sai sin on the top there's a big huge pyong that blesses everything with bharami so as mentioned by me is something that is very very important in uh thai occult or occult practices sochambeit was obviously a hindu as well like myself so you can see this is a it's a rare chance for you guys to take a look okay so you have of course kali right and she's sitting on all the demons she won over all the good over eva and let's take a look see if i can get the light here so these are many hindu deities you can see uh all the different hindu deities from hinduism okay again you can see here more hindu icons this one is of tibetan origin but it's also hindu related and more over here as well okay it is the lord shiva area and you can see the true sla and the side you can see more hindu influences okay so here's way it's got limbo soup some arjuns that i don't know okay this is one of his masters when he was younger okay another one here another one here you can see he also worships he's bombing on you can see some of the deities here that i'm not too sure it could be a yak it could be uh uh a taoist one okay uh many of the different deities even right so it's a chinese lassie you can see different pan crews so here's actually uh you know have many many masters i think this is a champlain bunyan okay more photos of him so very interesting indeed so let me just also share a little bit uh about these pancreas with you guys so if you look at those bamboo uh trays uh basically he has quite a few uh each tray is actually used to get into a lineage right so if you were to learn uh which are from any masters one of the first things you have to do is you have to pan crew which is to get into the lineage right and therefore he has quite a few and you got to change the flowers every year i mean of course that's when he was alive right and uh yeah so this is uh the little sum nut or shrine of archan bit and i hope you guys enjoyed this video i'm right now going to my next stop but what an experience this has been for me and probably for you guys as well [Music] okay so now this is the second stop of the day so if you realize this land behind me if it looks vaguely familiar to you that's because paul salatan's house used to be behind of course it's all made of wood and by now after six years of not coming here it is all been cleared and they are doing like a plantation already however the villagers here which are mostly descendants of porzulatan anyway because he has so many wives uh they have actually set up a shrine for paul sartan so if anyone misses him they can come here and actually come in to venerate porsche but yup this is the base of one of the hills so you can see the entire village here this land is actually all free given to the thai yai people basically they are refugees that come from burma about 60 70 years ago and during the reign of king number nine king rama the knife he actually set out quite a fair bit of agriculture land for the refugees and in fact the second and third generation of refugees they are actually given thai nationality right so yep this is a shrine of one of the shamans of this village and yeah widely very narrated around the region including singapore malaysia hong kong etc okay at the second location now this is actually porcelain sun's shrine or samnak and you can see here they have a ghost shrine of a lady that probably passed away in uh not so natural causes so they have set up a small shrine here and it's pretty common in thailand to set up shrines like this especially in rural thailand and uh parts of thailand where they are actually the hill tribe people because a lot of them are still they still practice animism which is uh really which which is basically religion that is way older than the modern faiths that we have in the world right now so this is like a workshop area here so what they do is they would make the idols that they put in temples they were also handmade amulets and stuff that actually us have a small business relating to this the the items that they produce so you can see everything is all made by hand and it is a very uh old school place so this is where they actually do the melting of certain metals so they do all the forging here as well uh if uh some of the materials include like bronze iron and sometimes they even use like ghostly materials such as corpse coins and they were actually melted here very agriculture place so you can see they cultivate lots of their own flowers and vegetables that's him over there he's uh i think having a meal it's mid day right now and uh yeah i'm just walking around having a little bit of a self tour of the second shaman that i'm visiting today or the second shaman's residents that are meeting today so this is again something that most local more tourists will not come and see they have a little river running at the back with a little pump with a little generator that pumps fresh water supplies and let me just go up and check if i can visit the shrine up there so let's take a look [Music] okay so we're at the shrine right now and this is the room that he sleeps in for salatan's son his name is paul nancer and he sleeps in here this little room so as compared to paul zlatan i think the living conditions now are definitely better because of the economic success of paul salatan and this is the shrine where he practices meditation and of course he also meets his disciples here and i guess he does all his blessings and if he's making any amulets he does all the consecration here as well so let's go in and take a look [Music] so again as you can see he has lots of cayennes and basically these are all for meta and sunny which is attraction and congeniality and there are some more down here as well but as you move on and see over on this end you can see that these down here are all for bar me all right so again right i have to highlight that uh if you want to have strong congeniality and whatsoever you definitely have to have the bar me aspect as well which is the young energy of this particular religion animism so yeah it's a pretty simple setup compared to the previous one that i just left but nonetheless it does its job and yeah you can see life here is very slow the pace of life is very slow uh one hour seems like an entire day and let's see let's check in if i have anything to obtain from this premises and then i shall move on to the next stop okay so i just got some information they are like these one two three four five jars behind me and they are actually the jars that contain spirits of like five this is where they do all the chanting and carry out all the ceremonies yeah so as you guys can see some more materials here uh some materials for casting spells more materials here yep so this is the modern day necromancer right so hope that's kind of interesting for you guys and he's examining another artifact and let's take a look at this quick okay so let me just see if i can get anything here and i might i will just bring it back to singapore for my customers and see if they want it okay just done with uh shaman number two so more shaman and holy man hunting today [Music] okay so i've just made my own amulet and this white color piece is actually a piece of bone ash so i that was very fun okay so very interesting came at the right time because sachan is actually pressing some of his own amulets and i got the luck to press one he was just explaining to me that uh these are the various herbs and ingredients that they mix in and some of the powders are actually bone ashes that they get from various tempers and it helps with like wealth and congeniality and attraction and stuff like that so he has a whole bottle of uh like little bone bits which they actually input into the uh look okay he's asking me to try again because apparently the first one was a failure um and there we have it small pim mini pimp of an amulet [Music] ah okay hey it's my turn again foreign oh if you like kneel [Applause] this is my second piece wow say dino that was super interesting never thought i would get this experience so you guys guys you guys i saw the uh the young man making these skull beads and this is the end product this is how it will look like so they make it into like a bracelet like this i really don't know the purpose of this but i think it's supposed to give sixth sense or something but normally it just comes in like a single piece like this like this uh but uh for some reason this particular temper strung it into like a bracelet of sorts okay i'm just gonna walk around and see what else they have so come join me [Applause] okay so as you guys can see right here uh they are making these little figurines of little babies okay so uh in the buddhist religion uh they believe in being like they believe in getting good karma so sometimes when babies get aborted or when they die of a tragic death at a young age the monks would help them gather karma so that they can reincarnate and one of the ways they do that is that they make them into little statues like this so they can help their owners with their daily tasks and to look after the house or the shops or their small businesses and basically uh game obtain good karma so that one day they can also be reincarnated so this is the raw product and you can see on the back there is a piece here that is already painted in the gold color so you can see and this is made of bonas as well so you can see it's very similar to the one from nakhon patom lamopun right he uses the same material as well and this is the bones the bone ash or the bone powder that they use to make the little uh statues so these are probably from like little kids that actually pass on uh due to tragic circumstances and uh we have here more scouts that are completed as you can see there's a huge one here uh this one is more for like sixth sense and they believe it brings like lottery luck and wealth this little figure here rather it's not little it's pretty big okay here's the figurine of a four years and five eyes monkey yeah this figure is a deity from the north uh it's called it's called the sihuha and yeah i believe they believe that this particular deity brings wealth as well and also they believe it's an incarnation of lord indra right from the hindu faith so there's a lot of inter-faith mingling between hinduism animism and buddhism in thailand because of the geographical location i'm actually right now in uh may i province and it's actually very near maisai which is just bordering myanmar so there's a large exchange of culture and religion uh in this region of thailand right so uh yep another uh shrine down here and this is actually lord indra all right lord indra is uh uh you know sitting here and then these are the siuhata figurines right here as you can see uh so they believe that the silvata consumes burning charcoal which it's doing here and eventually okay eventually this yuhata will poop uh will excrete gold okay solid gold so they have various sizes small medium and super large and yeah and this is the piana right it's also a deity from the hindu faith so again there's a lot of inter faith uh i don't know what you call it like just a a mix of different faiths yeah okay so they have more little baby figurines here we have of course the palakkit which is uh which looks like the uh male genitalia okay so this particular one you will also see in japan and of course this is one of the avatars of lord shiva it represents the the meal variety or the meal string okay these are what we call pepe yantong another form of deity which is quite popular and while this temple has quite a collection of old swords oh lana swat so these are typical of lana warriors in the past when myanmar and thailand was at war okay they would use swaps like this probably about 1200 years ago and yeah that's pretty much it they have some uh thai instruments traditional northern thai instruments hanging on the wall i believe this would be the monks quarters not sure if i can go in but maybe let's take a look i'm just gonna peep inside yep it is a shrine i think i can go in so most times the seats are reserved for the monks so if you ever visit a shrine like this do not sit on the chairs that are on the side it's a pretty interesting shrine i'm going to take out my uh torchlight again okay so this is a nun which is a ghostly deity that is for attraction okay uh there are some little baby statues here here these bottles are for uh sangathan right or to make merits to your disease or to anyone you want okay again more statues here this is uh in the form of a longhorp tongue so they actually copied this particular pim from uh the south or the central thailand okay there's a huge statue over here and uh this is probably where the monk earlier up front uh sits and does his consecrations and ceremonies a lot more religious figures oh these are the uh and some more beats that they either give out or they let you rent at a low price here they have all sorts of uh there's all sorts of offerings for some of the monks and the masters of yesteryear again this is the khan crew the one the one with a lot of leaves the khan crew where the master outside would have paid his respects to from his masters and then there's a there's a big portrait of another old master on the top so yeah that's a short tour of a little tempur shrine and these are the water bottles that the villagers or the people around this area would come in the morning to actually donate to the temple and if you are wondering why there are whiskey bottles and stuff most of it is actually used for offerings not for the monks to consume obviously and here we have more items okay for if anyone is interested to have a lucky charm or an amulet okay these are some of the items that they have produced okay so they have actually selected a fair few that they brought out and uh i'm just gonna see if i'm gonna like get some and put them onto my e-shop in singapore when i get back to singapore okay so that's a little tour of another shrine of uh this one's not a shaman this one's a monk but a monk who practices uh so-called witchcraft for lack of a better word okay so within the temple grounds itself okay uh it's really lovely right so they actually do this to basically raise funds for the tempers okay so for those of you who are curious why do monks need to make these charms to sell is because these charms the funds that are gathered from this these charms are often used to support uh charities and they also the temple actually runs a school as you can see behind me so a lot of the books and materials are also sponsored by the temple through donations from people like myself and it's good to hear from the master that several other foreigners have come to the temple to obtain his items so that they can get a blessing for their people back home right and the temple gets enough donations to actually operate the place of worship as well as a place of education so this we're in the north right now so obviously the vulnerable father in the north is this uh monk now here and his name is kuba sivichai so in the north uh he is the venerable father for people residing in the north right very different than people in the central thailand or in bangkok and this is a typical of a northern thai temple if you go to 100 thai tempers in the north most of them will look like this right with the payana or the naga out in the front okay they're presiding deity of the mekong river and this particular deity basically uh is pretty venerated all the way to assam in india uh northern india in northeast india right so is it northeast yeah north is india okay so there's a river that flows from the southeast asian region all the way to india and people along this river venerate this particular deity here if you see this snake looking deity it's called the pyeong or the naga right so yep that's pretty much it i'm gonna go back there and select some emulators for me to bring home so that i can sell them and cover my trip and yeah probably if there's more places to head today i'll bring you guys along okay as i head off to the next location just want to let you guys take a look at the awesome views of the countryside here i mean it doesn't really get any better than this it's the mountains in the backdrop the open paddy fields all across and basically it's a very very relaxed environment and yeah i think traveling should be like this really enjoy the views the experiences and of course the people i meet are very very special for this trip and yeah so happy to bring you guys along so i don't know where my next stop is but i'll take you guys along the way as well [Music] you
Channel: OverOrderBrett
Views: 19,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YSY-4_dtXEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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