Iโ€™m Sick of India! Black manโ€™s Experience

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this is this is what you make from it milk what's milk this milk ice cream in my country we do the same thing we call it angero okay but we don't have we don't put things inside we just use it like a bread black black I don't understand okay just relax I enjoy my if you if you ever say negro to an African person they will punch you in the face this is not good 1800 just is the Pakistani border come uh go and back go what about just go this is car what about just what about just going uh this side one way one way one way one way 700 uh no no uh 900 900 one way one way okay thank you going back I am wait for 3 hour this side B okay 9001 okay I'm not doing it today I just wanted to know but thank you for letting me know thank you no it's okay afternoon is it afternoon no it's still the morning morning guys I'm here just walking around I'm it's really beautiful it's actually nice sunny morning and stuff it's a few people here that would uh ask you for a taxi ride to the border of Pakistan cuz it's not far I think it's maybe 30 km is laor City so the Border might be uh 20 km or so but uh they were quoting me there you go like one of them that guy was saying again wagor I think it's called and he was quoting me 1800 uh there and back and uh 900 one way I'm not doing it today I just thought I'd ask him cuz he asked me you want it so good um but now guys I'm I'm hungry I'm going to get some food so let's go try some uh nice Punjabi food I seen some ice cream looking thing before that's kind I think it's called like a kfy i there might be one just over here I'll give these guys a shot oh there's no one standing here man is this you do you have uh that Cofe ice cream like this one this one yes you have this one okay can I get just one egg oh they in the ice okay right so oh that's pretty interesting man so keep it all let me get my ice cream first ice cream ice cream goo goo taka it's milk milk made how much is that 13 rupees okay beautiful give me a minute give this a taste before it melts bit solid but it feels like it's swabby as wellem like system like down tastes like tastes like um those Jellaby sweets it's not bad it's like cold chili nice creamy actually gets better the further you go down I think the top was a bit different this is this is what you make from it all milk what's milk this milk ice cream only milk only milk and a bit of flavor maybe something else vanilla flavor vanilla flavor right okay it's really nice I like it and some seeds nuts inside pachio almond seeds ice ice okay cool I need like some kind of nuts inside maybe like somewhere in there but we'll find out when I get there you know yeah honest see it gets better the further you go it's starting to taste like glassy now as well same I'm probably describing it the worst but it's good that's all you need to know man it's really nice I just want to try food food food food but I don't want to try anything big and heavy cuz that would make me feel lethargic you know very bloated and tired so okay thank you I just want to try little snacks you know like this region in India is the king of snacks like all the sweets come from this area I wonder what these guys have got hey you got like little Vada it's really cool Vada you have a Vada you have Vada Vada this one here that's that's this one yes you got no oh you not okay no I know I know I know B okay you have something and DOA oh I've never had Dosa before this is like this is like a big pancake this is like a big pancake yes yes okay I'll get one yeah please what's it called kidney rup yeah cost 110 110 okay sure let's go nice on oh I'll get masalaa yes yes yes yes I'll try all right I will sit here maybe a lot of space cool it looks like a big meal I know I said it wouldn't taste the meal I'll take a big meal but how you go man uh Somalia yeah just traveling India now but like I said sorry uh second week now but uh I came for one week I left and came back so second week it's very beautiful look I know I said guys I wasn't going to have a big meal cuz I wanted to leave my stomach open for many things but when an opportunity like this presents itself you know you can't say no I've never had a doer before so I thought I'd give it a shot I should actually go watch how they make it cuz this would be interesting if he if he has if he is making it here maybe he's making it behind somewhere I'm not sure he yeah I'm just want to I just want to watch I just want to watch how you make it is he making it here okay I just want to watch cuz looks pretty interesting that's okay so you got this and then this is like vegetable this one and s in samb yes this is very good good quality vegetable potato and all that stuff okay nice vegetabl vegetables okay and this one is chili man's a busy man cing to half of my things and leaving other half to my imagination oh look at this whatever this is is steaming hot man probably best stand back I think one of that hits my finger man it's it's going to be teary days for me oh this guy's just grabbing it like it's nothing oh [Applause] that's really nice it sort of reminds me of like a Somali and jerro it's very similar especially the bread uh maybe not the things on top we don't do that but the bread is exactly the same or the pancakes is exactly the same in my country we do the same thing we call it anero okay but we don't have we don't put things inside we just just use it like a bread I will go sit inside you also do Lassie this here okay I'll sit inside I'll wait oh thank you wow so we got I'm not sure what this is let me just tell them now I I want sweet l oh um bye sweet sweet sweet okay nice sweet perfect yeah wonder how much that sweet is it's probably like shouldn't be too pricey yesterday I paid like 45 for one I don't think it'd be more than 50 hopefully but anyways so how does this work is there anywhere I can wash my hands let me just let me can find a place I can wash my hands actually all right cool hands are washed they've got this nice little water thing over there so that's very convenient I thought maybe I had to buy a bottle of water oh my L is here that was real quick let's give this a shot sweet as usual nice as [Music] usual really good but uh let's dig into this DOA so first thing me just see with one hand I think you sort of break this up oh it's very fluffy and soft not fluffy but very soft and then you got a bit of the substance inside but the ends I don't think there's too much maybe from here onwards there is like here ons and then I guess you take that and you dip it in so just let's [Music] see it's very slight it's a it's a really um sort of light bread and um but then again that was the edges you know the edges there wasn't really much when you dip it in it soaks up all the liquid and it just yeah dissolves in your mouth really let's give this bit a try there's more there's more filling in this area oh look at this yeah it's quite full actually oh it's falling apart I don't think you can eat this without making a mess let's give uh let's give this bit a try again one more shot oh looks like more people are coming inside man I've got a big table they might ask me to move or I might have people sitting next to me but find out yeah it's really really nice oh really nice it's got like a chap sort of flavoring around it but it could be the masala maybe I think that's what it is it's going to get very full very soon I be surprised if I get asked to move but I don't think so nice me very nice really really good uh Somalia Somalia Somalia oh very very dangerous country not so much not so much just H H nothing I this is uh I hear that Somalia is very dangerous not really water thieves no th in the seas in the sea oh in the sea yes you mean pirates pirates Pirates of Caribbean Pirates of Caribbean yeah yeah yeah I know um this is the real pirates of cariban in Somalia it's not too bad it was there was before but no no anymore no anymore cuz all the all the boats they sort of stopped coming through the waters now the government is strict yeah you could say that yeah yeah you could say that it's much better much better good very very good let's give this another sh I wonder if you can just pick this up like this as well you can eh yeah why not why not that's right give it a shot like this now much easier holding it like this what's your [Music] namey I know what you're saying I sayy Nikki Nikki small small J what's a j J black black and I don't understand BS like BBS small small BBS in the worms in my hair yeah there is not worms in your hair I don't know what you're saying okay okay just relax I I like you look good in this you go inside the washroom and CH B no no my brother is also [Music] ha don't don't just easy chilling out I'm confused I don't know he's saying worms in my hair no no he say looking very nice looking very nice handsome different different from [Music] [Music] neg negro means negro people in the African we call them negro peoples you know in Americans they are the britishers a negro yeah negro good and strong you know I'll give you one advice yes if you if you ever say negro to an African person they will punch you in the face this is not good negro is not good word I think so I don't go to it's okay I'm just letting you know for me I'll I'll educate you educate next person they might not okay this is not good word okay okay I don't go to Africa so I I know I know that's why I thought that's if you say it to another person they will I think this is a good good word I think this is sorry that's not good word okay we are also not we also like you you know color is same same yeah we are Indian we are like African peoples orig orig ha original original this is original [Music] [Music] hair I'll get that bill 17 I just get up get out all right nice I'm glad he gave me this lassi in a takeaway cup because my appetite was ruined sitting in there to be honest with those two guys I just want I just needed to leave man it absolutely Killed My Vibe Pakistan it's okay thank you now like my mood's sort of ruined I'm just trying to probably just walk back to my accommodation slowly or something like that I don't know we'll find out the at least I got my lassi didn't seem like evil guys at first they were quite annoying talking about my hair asking if there's any bugs inside and this and that and if it's uh all these other annoying things they had to educate him that you know saying the nword isn't appropriate or it's definitely not appreciated so yeah maybe hopefully he learns something there cuz the next person I said to him if he says that to another person he could lose his teeth and uh next person he speaks to could make him lose his teeth me I'm not in the mood plus it's not it's not my land so last thing you want to do is you want to hit a lo car how you going right last thing you want to do is you know have that sort of altercation all right now I'm just walking out I even know what direction I'm going to be honest I just want to just walk and clear my mind a bit
Channel: AbdiXplorer
Views: 399,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: india sucks, solo black traveller, black inside india, travelling india, india problems, travel india, india is bad, is india dirty, is india dangerous, dirty india, racist india, why india sucks, india is racist, india, i love india, i hate india, jai hind, amritsar, punjab amritsar, punjab amritsar vlog, Finally sick of India
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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