Visiting The British Museum's INDIAN 🇮🇳 Collection

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everything is here only each and every region.. it really makes me angry you know how long has it been since i've  come here 10 years i just came when you  know i was new here i think i've never been here have you never been here oh really So brothers and sisters welcome back to another vlog another  day like we always say vlog today today I will show you what has been stolen and looted from our country and has been kept here you know what has been stolen  from our country and many do stay with us and whoever is new on the channel... press that subscribe button now just do it now, enough is enough ok leave it let's go, they are not subscribing come on guys.. just do it so shall we go madam so lets go and show you all what's inside let me ask someone doesn't look like gold it's actually very overwhelming yeah because  you enter inside and then you kind of had like a   building inside the building The entry is completely free but recently they started doing online bookings because of covid only a limited no of people can enter inside you got to commend their preservation yes looks like it's been made yesterday only its mostly cold weather throughout the year they were some kids from abroad so helped them in taking pictures Tipu Sultan's sword when fights took place in India, they looted everything and brought it here silverware oh my god basically  this is the whole ramayana they have made the full Ramayana on this plate look there is Lord Rama in the middle how did they make it? india was like one of the richest and  the most artistic place in the world   there was such amazing talent in our country who can create something like this especially in the 1800's you see this beautiful piece yeah you know it  was printed and dyed in Gujrat in the 1500s in the 1500's we had such craftsmanship these are shadow puppets what amazing art we used to have back then but the worst part is that they didn't just  steal the wealth sucked the wealth out but they   killed these skilled laborers so that you know  the next generation we will not pass the skills   yeah some some stories i've heard where they  chopped the hands of these textile weavers and   so they wouldn't be able to  continue guys this is the Sarinda i think guitar probably  originated from this only like this only what an amazing creation i think it's made of ivory here they go look at this sylwia, Hanuman ji from hundred this is from sixteen hundreds  is that possible that it looks so good Written in Pali from the Gupta period it goes to show how old is our language (Sanskrit and Pali) and these are all the coins from that time its just amazing guys Part of the Khajuraho temples which many Indian may recognise They have taken a sculpture from there too This is vishnu ji's another avatar which is basically a sow-headed shakti  which is representing a female divine energy   this is a very unique statue of lord Shiva You can see Shiv Ji is south facing here Now we are entering into the Orissa section which is from 700-1300 AD Guys in front of me is a statue of Lord Shiva and Parvati ji It's that type of visual that I am simple lost in it in the 1300s they have statue of Vishnu ji So this tells you how big was Hinduism in Kashmir the incarnation of god vishnu  is shown rescuing the earth   goddess prithvi from the bottom of the  ocean varaha was very popular in kashmir They have not spared a single thing They literally taken everything from each and every corner of India Look at this guys. This is from 1.5m years to 1000 bc this was in india my god so beautiful here though you know i would  have hoped and prayed that this was in india   We should have been able to see this in india How did they bring this from India? that's why the whole rail network was created so that they could transport everything to England via bombay (port) i don't know i have too many emotions inside me  yeah like mixed emotions yeah on one hand i'm   really like grateful that we can see it and  that everything is so well preserved and we   are really lucky you know to be able to kind of  connect all of the pieces but on the other hand   when i'm thinking that it was just taken away from  someone's home of course yeah it's heartbreaking So guys let me take you out from the Indian section to the Egyptian section for which I'm quite curious personally as I know a lot of stuff has been taken from there as well it's closing in 10 mins so let's hurry up I will show Sylwia some mummys They too have a lot of old stuff there not with mummy, I can go downstairs to my Vishnu ji and Hanuman Ji, will be quite comfortable with them how can there be such beauty in that era what amazing skill you would need its high time we preserve all this and most importantly appreciate their value like you saw sanskrit and pali language its such an old language its in our country since so long and we nowadays consider Sanskrit and Hindi as not so cool languages and think of English as a cool language look how much has been taken from us this isn't a myth guys i hope you enjoyed today's vlog if you  did you guys know what you have to do   see you another time in another vlog it's adios from  meru and silvia beach the guy was telling people goodbye someone in the middle was telling me not to record you stole it from my place  and i can't even record it
Channel: The Indian Polish Connection
Views: 6,429,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: INDIA, the british museum, british museum london, uk, england, couple vloggers, indian in uk, indian in london, indian, indian history, visiting the British museum, indian collection at the British museum, indian looted treasures, indian stolen items, indian treasures in UK, British museum England, British museum UK
Id: ShVI4xhn-18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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