Visiting the BEST Christmas Market of Zurich Switzerland

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welcome to Zurich Switzerland for an overdose of Christmas Market and beautiful sceneries but first let's start with a train ride it's this [Music] one [Music] we just made it to the kishur train station because today we are making one of Tracy's dream come true Wishes the home of Ja as soon as we came out of the Train the sign was there and just like that we are already in love with Switzerland I mean how beautiful is this like all the little houses on the hill on the other side of the river like are you serious is this place even real [Music] Tracy almost forgot you guys so I know this seems like a really weird thing to have bucket list but when we were coming to Switzerland coming to the linoma chocolate was a Musto for me so I'm so excited um it's a real life Chocolate Factory and I heard they had the biggest chocolate store in the entire world here so let's [Music] go guys that is a real chocolate coming out of that it smells like chocolate in here already I'm so happy so they got this figured out to make sure people don't take too much chocolate apparently you can get like a lot of chocolate like as much as you can during the tour but you cannot bring your jacket or a backpack so you know just to make sure people are just not loading up on it cuz Tracy would do it sure [Music] would the time has come it's time for our first [Music] taste it's warm melty goodness that's so good so chocolate is over 5,000 years ago and back in the days it was actually used for medicinal purposes but chocolate as we know it we owe it to Lind and Nestle who basically the two men in the late 1800s uh discovered or invented milk chocolate which is the best kind of chocolate except here dark chocolate is better there's still a lot of milk in it it's just a chocolate machine unlimited chocolate M but said we can take one of each color so that behind was like the museum side but now we're actually going to take a walk in front of the actual Factory where there's real chocolate makers making you guess it [Music] chocolate [Music] dark chocolate SE Sal our pockets are loaded with chocolate after all they said they said you wouldn't get that much chocolate we got so much [Music] chocolate largest Linn chocolate store in the [Music] world I'm never going to get Tracy out of this St before leaving we have to try a Lin hot chocolate here at the Lin Cafe inside the cafe they have two chocolate fountains there that are just like is going all the time thank you very much you even get a chocolate Square on top of it could be the better best one I've ever had yeah so we got half a hot chocolate just to try it and they literally take the milk and mix it with like the liquid l in the fountain I find it underwhelming mhm I really like it yeah it's good don't get me wrong but I was expecting like a sicking sweet which I'm glad it's not yeah it's it's more in the lighter side like they could have put like more chocolate but I like it like that cuz otherwise like I wouldn't be able to drink it at black that bite that bite that tip was a little better cuz I had more whipped cream and like the chocolate but this bite was really good cuz I had all the whipped cream look look you can even see all of like the chocolate particles in it it's a good stuff look at it on the bottom was it everything you expected and more yeah actually it was a little bit more cuz we got way more chocolate than I thought that's fair and we did learn about the process of making chocolate it's not just about the final product now it's a very nice how much was it uh so for two tickets on Expedia I think I paid like $48 or $45 Canadian okay um so it's not that expensive Especially You Come Away with 10 chocolates each and with learning Lyon Canada is really expensive that's true that's very true I don't know I think it's would say it's worth [Music] [Applause] it so the best way to go around Europe and Switzerland of course is by train especially the cheapest yeah the train system is amazing super efficient Like Trains every few minutes but like this train is like the most the smoothest train I've ever been on in my entire life right now the camera stands on its own on the C across us and it's not even shaking like I feel like it's riding on a cloud yeah it feels like it's like suspended so nice so I Like Trains so we just made it to the Zurich HB train station like the main train station here in the city and there is a beautiful massive Christmas Market in here we just need to find it this place is massive it's like a mini mall inside the station not even mini it's a mall it's a mall excuse me sir we're looking for the Christmas Market sir excuse me Christmas Market we found it this is the largest indoor Christmas Market in all of Europe yes so the tree behind us is pretty magnificent and it's all made out of the lint chocolate ornament and they're giving away free chocolate St and I might have to go find them cuz they're the free teddy bears yeah cuz you didn't get enough free [Music] [Applause] [Music] l so to start our Christmas market experience of course we have to start with glue Vine which is basically like warm wine with spices like cinnamon clove and other things like that I've never had it I don't think so let's go try it out so I'm going to get first taste it feels so good on the hands hands are a little cold right [Music] now okay it's good going to take a little bit of like to get used to because to me like hot wine is just very not what I'm used to but it is really good I was scared it's going to be too spicy but it's not it feels weird I know oh it's so hot it feels weird to like inhale the seam I like it way more than what I expected same still not like oh my goodness it's the best thing ever cuz we're such wine people that like putting spices in wine I'm like don't do that I like I have to I like it I'm surprised yeah I do have to say like at this point I like it enough in the sense of like it's one glass to share at every market and we're going to the many markets this Vlog is about to real fun that's so exciting first racket that we've had in Switzerland coming up bite number one everything you expected in more mhm so racket is basically like the process of like scraping very warm melting cheese uh on either like potatoes pieces of bread or something like that and it is so good oh my God [Music] mhm as a Canadian I always find it so weird to have to pay to go to the bathroom in Europe up next something super christmy actually not but everyone has them and they look so good there's actually dumplings here they look [Music] fantastic as we went down to get the sauce you can actually see them making them right there so I have high expectation genuinely sorry i s Stu my teeth genuinely the best dumplings I've ever had what's in there these ones are the meat ones those are good dumpling is that not the best like it's the best I've ever had amazing anyone who tells you that dumplings aren't Christmasy don't listen to them cuz those are the best dumpings we've ever had get one for me you go one thank you so I had to get something sweet to balance with the Savory so we stopped at an Italian pastry shop here this is an orange something it looks really good you may not like it cuz it's fruit but it looks good like it's amazing I just don't really like orange stuff but like really really good though but this though pistachio true Italian canoli that is amazing as good as the one we had in Italy wow amazing so Christmas Market number one done such a good start I already feel the Christmas spirit taking over I'm so excited it makes me so happy up next apparently there's a singing Christmas tree very close so we're going to walk there I guess I have to say Zurich is quickly becoming one of my favorite city in Europe it is just beautiful of course right now it's filled with Christmas decoration Christmas spirit but overall just such a beautiful place plus I Love Trains And there's trains everywhere [Music] so so the second thing that you have to do here in Switzerland in Zur specifically is go to see the singing Christmas tree it's what it sounds like they have people up on the tree and it's just in Christmas [Music] girls well this is a very unique concept to say the least I kind of like it most of the songs are actually like in Germans I don't really know them but I'm sure they sing some more like uh like the English ones that we know okay so basically at some of the markets when you get glue bun you can actually buy a cup instead of just the uh paper cup that you get so we're at the Christmas singing tree so I feel like this one kind of has like the best memory attached to it so we're going to get this cup this like the mug is so cute so so time to try to glue V hi your face hide your face so it Focus sorry so of course like you said how to the singing one and they they said we have to say this is the best glue Vine but because we don't lie we need to taste it ooh so I like this one better so I will say this is the best glue Vine but I only had two so far but doesn't mean spicier it's really nice yes this is more what I expected blue Vine to taste like the other one was good but very light this one has a bit more flavor to and less sweet more T like wine is supposed to be more like just taste the girls were right it's the best we're going to have to tell them when we leave yeah it was the best BL V yes the best I'm so happy well my compliment to the chef oh I will I will enjoy your time so of course like massive like sausages like that are like Wonder special you basically like a lot of influence of like other countries because Switzerland is surrounded by Italy canoli Germany sausage and France all the cheese trees oh yeah cheese sorry you can get it with different mustard like honey mustard something else and maybe regular mustard and spicy mustard spicy mustard is the way to go do the next [Music] SP [Music] I am just in awe like everywhere just walking around uh Zurich it's just such a beautiful town like the building the architecture and of course a Christmas decoration everywhere like this is like a true Christmas Town it is [Music] stunning next up is a chimney cake we went for a classic but oh crap I know what was Nutella [Music] inside that's so good super crunchy on the outside and still super doughy in the inside it's like the best combination m well if you want a good chimney cake it's here at traffy in Oldtown it's a solid 10 out of 10 I've never had another chimney cake so I had nothing to compare but it's good as we walk around town here are a few fun facts about Zurich first of all this place is super cute it's just like a a put up like uh she she shalet SK Chalet SK say say it say it quick four times I swear blue Vine I swear anyways a fond D place anyways keep going back to my fun facts one first of all most people think that Zurich is the capital of Switzerland guess what it is not burn is the actual capital of the country second Alber Einstein actually lived most of his life here um he became a professor but also studied most of his life in town and lastly according to a happiness study which I'm not sure how you make a happiness study but Switzerland is actually the happiest country in the world I definitely do feel happy while I'm here I'm dreaming of a white Christmas except there's no snow so I don't know what to do we can hope for it so now we just made it to the largest Christmas Market here in Zurich it looks super nice and I'm very excited to like see it at night so we just got to wait another hour or so and then it should be like more magical something about this time of year full of all this love and cheer oh christm it's [Music] Christmas all I want is you and I I'm sitting by the fire side this Christmas this Christmas this Market is overwhelming there's so much going on here and it doesn't help that there's actually a lot of people cuz it's Sunday but I love it smoo operator smoo music's good too we got some fries with ket M everyone's getting them there so I feel like it's a good [Music] spot there I say best fries I've ever had strong statement you all understand okay ready I'm going to get you the perfect [Music] one I mean they're perfect they solid fry so fun fact most people in North America call those french fry but there's actually a big dispute between Belgium and France to know who invented the fries I think they're french fries and I think they're hot burn my mouth about three times on that same bite and also most of us are used to eat french fry with ketchup but in most of Europe they actually uh eat them with mayonnaise and if you ask me it's so much better with mayonnaise that's what I'm personally used to probably because I'm from the French part of of Canada but yeah mayonnaise is the way to go with french fries or Belgium fries [Music] whatever got the so this is called roasty it's basically like a has brown potato with racket cheese and pickles like it sounds weird maybe it's actually really really nice I mean come on cheese and [Music] potatoes to avoid large amount of waste basically like you pay $5 to get a plate and a fork and when you're done you bring it back to a Depot and they give it back but I dropped it and broke it we'll see if they give us our money back anyway say sorry but the forks yeah number three yeah I was going to say market number three let's taste it out least favorite oh disappointment like no spices watery I'm sad oh that's my favorite no no it's not I was going to say [Music] man [Music] about vanilla Bailey it's sound that really [Music] good is there nothing inside of me she wasn't sure something was inside but she just didn't take a big enough bite okay let's try this again much better I really like [Music] that we're back with a little bit of cold so we staying here at a CA suits and while we on I'm going to show you around um when I was looking at this place too also the location is absolutely amazing you're 400 m from the train station and it's here in Zer so perfect uh we have a king-size bed here something that Switzerland does is they actually have I know like Sweden and I think Norway does it too they have two duvet so you get your own duet each like uh your own blanket basically I actually really liked it last night and then we did get upgraded to a balcony so there's a massive balcony outside come about this side we have a little working area desk huge fridge I have to say never seen one that big in a hotel room and we have a coffee maker an espresso machine amazing luggage department there bathroom shower everything you need but I'm going to turn the water on real hot so I can get warm real quick snapshot of our day um obviously the Len Factory goes without saying I love that she really we're going to rank the fre markers that we did um so I think the best food was actually at the first one at the train station best glue Vine was the same tree yes so so good yeah the last one yes it has the most christmy feel and Vibe but because it's the most popular because it's the largest it's really crowded yeah the last one technically is the best one like the most beautiful the most option the most everything but like she said like it was very very busy but I feel like if you go like earlier in December in the middle of the the week it's probably much better right now we are very close to Christmas on a Sunday and that's kind of what I expected if you watched our France Series last year we went to one in Paris and that was super prowed um but overall basically because of that I prefer the First Market we went yeah the train station one the largest indoor one yeah it was ni so we're going to go bed because tomorrow we go on another adventure but that's going to be in the next video so make sure to like And subscribe and see you guys in the next one and if you want to see what our travel day to Switzerland look like then check out our Channel memberships we have exclusive content and extra things there all the tidbits check it out jingle bells jingle bells jingle all theide horse open say jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in one open [Music] Sligh
Channel: Dave Mani
Views: 26,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best christmas market, best christmas markets in europe, christmas, christmas market, christmas market zurich, christmas zurich, largest christmas market, market, switzerland, switzerland christmas market, switzerland market, switzerland vlog, switzerland winter, things to do in switzerland, things to do in zurich, vlog, winter wonderland, zurich, zurich christmas, zurich christmas market, zurich market, zurich old town, zurich switzerland, zurich winter, zürich
Id: -J2KG4YiWU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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