Top 7 CHRISTMAS MARKETS of Switzerland

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hello everyone welcome back to my Channel  It's Christmas season and there is a lot of   snow now let's start going in with  number seven and that will be the Welcome to one of the most illuminated Christmas  markets you could find in Switzerland. The   Stärnemärit, as the name suggests, is  full of stars. The market is at the Kleine   Schanze, which is nearby the parliament. At the  market, you can find a lot of stalls, especially   such with food. At the little hill, you can go to  the foodie corner at where you may try out various   international snacks and dishes. Despite there  are going to be many people in here, the entire   market will feel quite spacious, so you will be  able to get around quite well. You can find many   stalls that sell artisan good and especially  food products such as sauces, saussages,   cheese and more. In general however, I find this  market is quite focused on dining. There are a lot   of places with standing tables, dining chalets and  proper tables with benches around at where you may   eat comfortably. The highlight of this market in  my opinion are the many Christmas lights, it’s   heavily decorated, and of course the many stars  allover give this one quite a unique appearance. Number six is located the Zürcher Unterland,   and that will be a beautiful  Christmas Market in Bülach. Now here, I am going to let you know about  a little secret. This is probably the most   underrated Christmas market in all of  Switzerland. Bülach is not really a   place that tourists would go to for visiting,  it though hosts one of the very best Christmas   markets of Switzerland. This market is  held during the last weekend of November,   starting on Friday and ending on Sunday. The  old town is beautifully decorated with plenty   of lights and there will be a lot of artisan  stalls around. This market will feel very cozy   and very local. Pretty much all of the visitors  are Swiss or local expats, so the experience in   here will be very authentic as the market does  not primarily try to target tourists. The alleys   in between these wood frame houses are really  nice to walk in, you will soon notice that the   small centre with the old city of Bülach is a  lot prettier than you might have expected. Now,   the very highlight is the Saint Nicolas Parade  on the last day. Up from 5 pm, there will be a   group of trychler marching through the old city  of Bülach, followed by many Chläus, Saint-Nicolas,   who greet the kids and visitors. The march  is organized by the catholic Saint-Nicolas   association. In my opinion, this was the best  march I have ever seen on a Christmas market   here in Switzerland. That together with the  many stalls and beautiful Christmas lightings   in the old town make this market to my favourite  one of Switzerland. Here I would like to say a   big thank you to Christian and Isa, two of my  best friends, who told me about this market. With number five we have to head  to the Canton of Ticino, to Lugano When people talk about the Swiss Christmas  markets, they probably might not think first   of the market at Lugano. Certainly the German-  and French-speaking part are better known for   their Christmas markets. However, it is really  worth to travel to Lugano to get a little bit of   a different kind of experience. Lugano has a very  beautiful old city and the Christmas market just   perfectly fits into it! The market is traditional,  there are many booths with plenty of handmade   products by locals and artisans from nearby  countries. To me the market was a lot better   than what I expected, I do have to say, with the  many booths and great goods being sold in here,   I felt the market was very Christmassy. The  local culture of course also has its influence,   which I felt could be best seen from the artist  performances. This was something you would not   see in the Swissgerman or French speaking part.  Thus, the Lugano market really has its own vibe.   The alleys and streets are beautifully decorated  with many Christmas lights, for me the highlight   was this large Christmas bauble, which serves as  a great photospot. All in all, the market is very   traditional, ticinese and also not overloaded with  food stalls that is common at some other places. Now let's continue with number four, and that  would be the Märlistadt at Stein am Rhein. Welcome to the town of my ancestors. Stein am  Rhein is a beautiful medieval town in Northern   Switzerland in the canton of Schaffhausen.  For the entire December until January 2nd,   the entire old town will transform into a  fairytale city, which they call Märlistadt.   This market is a little bit different  from the rest as it’s not only about   Christmas but primarily about fairytales.  Each year, there will be a new fairytale,   which you can read at the many windows that  are scattered allover the old town. Thus,   you really will need to explore the different  corners of Stein am Rhein. In principle,   the Märlistadt is like a Christmas market, but  there is a lot happening during December and very   early January. The market will start on December  1st with a grand opening of Trychler marching   through the gate entering the old city. Then,  there will be also a medieval market and more,   thus a lot of entertainment is guaranteed.  There is even a demonstration of sword fighting.   The market is full of booths with local artisan  products, though its more about foods. You can get   traditional dishes like Fondue or Raclette or then  go for a curry sausage or Feuerzangenbowle at my   favorite stall called “Don Fuego”. It’s just next  to the cityhall of Stein am Rhein. If you need it   more Christmasssy, just in the same street,  there is the Krippenwelt, which is a museum   where nativity scenes from allover the world are  being displayed. It’s really incredible to see   this large diversity in arts and culture. You will  find nativity scenes from Eastern Europe, Italy,   Africa and even from the Philippines! But best, is  to experience it by going there. The Märlistadt is   a really great Christmas slash fairytale market  and certainly a highlight for families with kids. We're now moving up to the podium of the Top  7 most beautiful Christmas markets here in   Switzerland: Number three is a very enchanting  one, and that would be the one at the Blausee You might be familiar with this lake called  Blausee. It strikes with its beautiful blue   color but also is the home to one of the most  wonderful Christmas markets you could imagine   to visit. I chose to go there last year and  was lucky to experience it during snowfall,   which to be honest is really a rare thing. Seeing  this place being covered with loads of snow, while   watching the falling flakes was something very  enchanting. Especially during sunset and dusk,   the blue shades of the lake, the lights and the  snow that absorbs the various colors was making   me feel to be lost in a real winter wonderland.  Around the lake, you will find plenty of stalls of   local artisans that sell really interesting gifts.  They are mostly all handmade and thus unique   pieces. I bought one of these milk tanse that was  converted into a lamp. Really take your time and   explore the various booths, you will find some  great gifts that you can give to your friends,   family and dearest one for Christmas. Be  aware that this market is very crowded,   as it is only open on 1 weekend in Mid-December.  Finding a parking lot is basically impossible,   which is why I recommend you to arrive here  by public bus. With the many artisan booths,   the market feels very authentic, and when there  is snow around, it’s a perfect winter fairytale. Number two is one of my favorite markets,  and that would be the one in Basel. This market is really made its way into my heart.  I am a big fan of Basel’s Christmas market. This   is because the market feels very authentic  and each of the stalls has to be decorated   and present itself in a Christmassy way. That  really shows when you are strolling around. Thus,   it’s not only great to try the various seasonal  specialties or buying gifts but simply taking   a look at each of the stalls. Basel’s Christmas  market is the oldest of Switzerland. Influences   from nearby Germany and Alsace are reflected  in the market here. Thus, it is no doubt that   Basel’s market is nationwide really a unique and  traditional one. The Christmas market is located   on the Barfüesserplatz and the Münsterplatz. At  both locations, you will have a wide choice of   artisan goods that are great for your Christmas  decoration or gifts. After checking out a few   stalls, you will soon realize that the choice of  Christmas decoration in here seems endless. You   can find a large variety of Christmas baubles,  pretty much all of them are master pieces. Not   only will you have a large choice of Christmas  decorations, there will also be plenty of food   stalls. However, it is a bit different from the  more modern Christmas market of Zürich at where   you get a lot of international food, in Basel  you pretty much only can get traditional dishes,   snacks and beverages such as Fondue, Raclette,  Crêpes, Striezel and glühwein. Certainly this   Christmas market is a very highlight and  thus make sure to spend enough time in here,   I suggest at least 1 hour at the Barfüesser  and another one at the Münster square. And now, the most beautiful  Christmas Market here in Switzerland:   Number one goes to very beautiful Bremgarten Welcome to the largest Christmas market of  Switzerland! Bremgarten is a town that is   less known among us Swiss and tourists but during  Christmas season this market in here is one of   the most talked about. The market is usually held  on the first weekend of December from Thursday to   Sunday night. Despite being the largest Christmas  market, it is going to be very crowded in here,   thus better come here on a Thursday or Friday.  Finding a parking lot will be very difficult,   thus come here by train. From the station, it  will be only 3-5 minutes of walking. The market   is located in the entire old city of Bremgarten,  something that I find makes this market very   special and gives you a feeling of coziness.  The market seems endless, there are too many   stalls to explore and when you thought you have  reached the end at the bridge, I have to tell you,   there is another load of stalls on the other  side of the river. I guess latest by then,   you will realize that this is indeed the largest  Christmas market of Switzerland. Not only can you   enjoy the many great stalls and snacks but  also the cultural offerings. There will be   frequent marches of Trychler in the old city on  fix times and you also can meet Saint Nicolas.   Pay close attention to the decorations of this  market, in particular the lights in the old city   and at the bridge, I found them very enchanting.  All in all, despite busy, in my opinion the most   beautiful Christmas market you could visit, and if  you get a chance of Snow fall you will definitely   find your perfect winter wonderland in here! So many great Christmas markets to be visit   in Switzerland. Now, if you want to know  what are best things to do during winter,   then I'm going to see over there;  otherwise let's meet in this video.
Channel: Djemo Graphic
Views: 4,692
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Keywords: Christmas Market, Christmas Switzerland, Switzerland Christmas, Christmas market switzerland, Switzerland, Top 7 Christmas Markets Switzerland, Top Christmas Markets Switzerland, Top 7 Christmas, Lugano Christmas market, Basel Christmas, Bremgarten Christmas, December Switzerland, Christmas, Bern Christmas, Blausee Winter, Märlistadt, Fairytale Town, Christmas culture, Christmas market, most beautiful christmas markets, most beautiful christmas markets switzerland
Id: zHAjxw21huI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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