Visiting My Fiance's Hometown in Rural Philippines

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difficult babe where are we going [Applause] [Music] Biko shout out to my husband we are now walking through the market here hello it's a whole Factory in here today's a big day I'm very excited she's gonna be so shocked when I wear this [Music] that was so fun [Music] this video is a very special one and it's also very personal for the first time in four years I will be visiting Deanna's Hometown called polangi in the Biko region of the Philippines it's about a 10 hour drive or a one-hour flight from Manila and it's one of the most beautiful places that I've ever seen on this planet it's so special to be able to come to Diana's Hometown Drew is here in our house by the way our wedding is in three weeks from today on a private island in the Philippines and so we will be spending four days here in bikel to enjoy quality time with her family and childhood friends also to partake in some exciting wedding traditions that involve Serenity and Deanna in front of her family eating an entire lechon or a roasted pig and drinking rum with the boys stick around to see all the beauty and culture that exists in this rural part of Eastern Philippines so different than where I grew up but I absolutely love it foreign [Music] thank you [Music] we have arrived in Biko thank you Deanna just found her College classmate on our flight and that's a little sneak peek of what's to come it's gonna fit in the car you can drive if you want are you okay back there [Music] been here in like five years the car is dragging on the floor too much weight in the car what's dragging on the floor part of the car is dragging oh it's the end here all right we just found a van that's going to take us oh my God your friends you haven't been here since 2020. it's the longest you've gone away from home in your life maybe yes maybe we always go every year yeah first look at Legazpi which is the the biggest city here in the province just gonna get some lunch okay fried fried [Music] what is over there I don't know what that is it's chicken oh this is like real homemade Filipino food yeah [Music] of course this is the best experience it's a feast the soup is really good yeah yeah mmm we're just eating a peaceful meal here with Deanna's family and behind us there's these guys like belting out karaoke foreign [Music] thank you um replenishes the soul the best Buko they have more Buko here than anywhere in Philippines yeah really more trees but yeah because our soil is really good did you always have this growing up 60 pesos are less than a dollar for two Buko thank you sir 60 pesos man it's so nice outside right now like the weather is perfect we are now on our way to Deanna's ancestral house which has been passed down three generations and is still standing strong to this day babe you're home we've just arrived right before Darkness at Deanna's ancestral house where her grandparents grew up and her mom has been living here 's the house Dave welcome back home thank you whoa whoa Arizona oh that's so cool this is a very native um so the reason why because you so far like hours because it always gets blooded so this one it can stay here well even if it's flooded it's fine you're gonna be on YouTube you want to be on YouTube [Music] God I love playing with these kids they're like my nephews so Deanne has this neighbor who's a massage specialist he's amazing we called him over it's like less than 10 bucks for an hour at home massage so getting ready for that [Music] that was incredibly painful and amazing like the most intense massage I've ever had my whole body's in pain right now bedtime good morning it was a amazing sleep after that massage I was out for like 10 hours all I know is that it's time to go explore this beautiful Province they called beagle what is it yearbook [Music] how old were you when you made this is there a date anywhere 2012. oh right before you right when you moved to Manila to work read some of them pink car to work abroad visit Rome oh my God Singapore you did you crossed off a lot of these on the list you know we have a lot in common for my childhood have you noticed that me Taylor Swift we're going to a concert in a few months meet my future husband right there [Music] Garden beach wedding we're doing that then we we met him why are you crying you're crying because your dreams came true like that's a good thing right you're a hard worker like I didn't give up it was not in my vocabulary that's why you're so different from everybody else in this town I've noticed there's something different about you I'm proud of you you always make your dreams come true you know that you could smell the uh smoke of what people are making here and all the houses it's lovely babe why does it smell like a fire because oh they're cooking [Music] we're going to pick up her cute nephew from school and we're taking tricycle to get there why is he finished with school at 11 they're comfortable yes this is the mode of transportation around here tricycle three-wheel tricycle it's loud it's bumpy but it's so fun [Music] can you always pick dicycle before sometimes you don't have one bar I had one car so it's if someone is using it is it's really fun to be honest I love it you don't have Walmart it's all local businesses we don't have Walmart we don't have Amazon but are some of the restaurants here same as when you grow up or they're all different now it has a bit [Music] I ride with 60 pesos or about one dollar and now we're here [Music] did you have a good time did you learn something today you want to go Jollibee we're gonna go to Jollibee okay yeah well look you're on camera wow hey buddy are you ready to go have some Jollibee with Tito and Tita we're taking this little man to Jollibee we've captured him from school they're cruising around Deanna's Hometown called polangi it's so beautiful out here take a tricycle to get around just taking in the amazing Vibes and the feels of these streets just so so so cool so different than where I grew up but I absolutely love it just can't get the smile off my face you know the thing that I love about it here is everybody looks at you and smiles and waves everybody it's very friendly it's very much a community it's just awesome it's really really really awesome full of character and life [Music] do you want to be in it what are you gonna get I want the spice one for sure I want spicy chicken Joy spicy and rice we just ordered a lot of food at Jollibee are you hungry Jollibee is coming it's Jollibee time what do you think because you're very old you deserve it right take a bite ready do you like wow very spicy oh my gosh it's beetles remember yeah wow more than normal really pricey for those who don't know Jollibee is the most famous fast food chain in the Philippines more popular than McDonald's than Burger King and they're famous for their two-piece chicken Joy rice pineapple juice and sweet spaghetti with hot dogs I'm so good too hot and Arizona is not hot this looks like a burger but it's actually rice hot gravy another idea to be that hard but you can't stop eating it when it's hot it's so good it's better than KFC jelly bee really is the best there's a reason why it's so popular here [Music] we are now walking through one of the main markets here and uh this is the market that Deanna grew up going to it has a lot of fresh produce like fruits and vegetables oh my God look at these mangoes babe you want to bust them for your house yeah buying some fresh mangoes ripe mangoes you know what I like about the market here they look they hanging on them [Music] thank you thank you [Music] um my grandparents oh really yeah does it look the same same exactly the same so is it nostalgic very you know the bagong this is before it becomes as you keep getting deeper and deeper in this market it keeps getting more fascinating with different things like Gladys hanging over your heads coconuts everywhere this is what we're known for yeah but the green ones only yeah this is actually the green ones are a lot more spicier than the red so this is why because famous for its food because of these just one yeah I don't want to try it how much is that in Manila like this is 10 pesos 160. for that big bag way cheaper yeah Tiana's so kind that we're buying all these Peppers to bring to her friend in Manila so we're gonna fly with those because it's way cheaper to buy them here yeah this is I told you about the popcorn the reason why you don't like because you cook it you buy it like this and you cook it so you don't want to the microwave no every time we make popcorn at home in Arizona and we use the microwave Diana doesn't trust it because here are the popcorn they just cook it in the on the oven hello what is this one [Music] which I only know from Papua Island when I was with the cannibal tribe and they cut the tree down and eat the Sago it's so cool that they have it here too because when you think about it we're in the Pacific we're not that far away from Papua we're just north of Papua actually so it's so cool that they also have Sago over here mind-blowing have you tried this one [Music] excited for all these fruits that I've never heard of before another Filipino thing is bags of things hanging shampoo flavoring food Salt and Pepper and little buggies coconut you know when you open the whole coconut this is the inside [Music] and it's good look [Music] you can use it for chicken curry or whatever the coconut flakes that's the same thing so when you grow up this is normal for you to have this where I came from there's nothing close to a coconut so this is pretty cool to see foreign language is only understood in this part of the Philippines it's called Poland which means only people from this town can speak it and understand it so it's the same this is It's rice but it's yeah it's a whole Factory in here they got all kinds of things going all right I'm coming over here [Music] I don't understand what he made it's nice little boba tea or Boba whatever but it's not is it right it's like from the field yeah yeah it is from the field but it's a special rice it's called I don't know half the things that we're buying but it all comes from coconuts and rice and it's just pretty cool that you can just walk into a little market style and get all these ingredients ready bun give me our jump oh laughs we got coconut we got we got the sugar we got rice we got Subway all the things we got were about 10 US dollars for all of it not bad that's like the price of two mangoes in the U.S whoa you have a wet Market here yeah tell me you have a wet marker here we are now gonna have some Buko juice which is coconut juice because Biko is a land of coconuts [Music] the server to you in a little bag there a little uh Ziploc bag plastic bag Google juice cheers this is how you do it plastic with the straw oh my God it's cold so good one bag of five pesos which is like 10 cents for this bag of fresh Buko juice it's just coconut water a little bit of milk and Ice that's it babe be honest this is really good like so good very refreshing amazing market experience now we're heading back to Deanna's house today we're gonna take the cab okay yeah oh it's a it's a manpowered one um babe good job that was so fun you turned into a different person in that market you're like everything that you know and reminds you of home it's a special very special this is way better than going to Fry's or Safeway [Music] very hard very hard weight of you plus the weight of the whole thing they're not letting this tradition die yes because it's helping them because um either he's dead or his um family this is this is their livelihood since kid so this is the only thing that they know you get what I mean so that means the tradition won't die and I like that oh The Roosters I love that what I love about here is like it's just so peaceful and the market was so cool because like everything comes from the ground here everybody's so friendly of course growing up here it makes you very humble never forget what your team exactly this is really ridicule experience though you like it yeah you like it I love it I [Music] you remember her thank you oh I got a kid how are you you look great oh [Music] [Music] cruising around Deanna's Hometown here pretty awesome very very rural and provincial in the Philippines I'm walking now on the train track to cut through palangi and there's a lot of action out here even though there's no train coming anymore there's settlements here there's people playing and it's still kind of the busy part of the town here it's just so interesting behind me is palangi train station which once existed but now it doesn't the train tracks are still here and there's communities living alongside here but there is no more train coming in all right it's 5 p.m here in polangi and every night there is a night market we're heading to the night market right now we're gonna get some food hi you guys come here a lot at the night market sometimes so this is the the market like the busy area and do the street foods remind you of growing up yeah so much no really they're um they sell at school but now they have this night market so when you grew up it wasn't this popular so things things got really busy yeah so that's good how long it's growing yeah Yvonne said he wants some ice cream come on you want ice cream yeah where is it good or bad all right let's try it what is this Uber [Music] sorrow it's also popular in Indonesia purple Taro ice cream pretty good [Music] do you like Esau yes this is called Esau it's a popular street food here in the Philippines it's chicken intestines on a stick and it's squiggled around and they cook it on a barbecue it smells really good [Music] vinegar sauce oh it's spicy it sounds really gross at first but it's actually really good chicken intestines this is really a Street Food Heaven that's the best part about southeast Asia is the street food thank you thank you thank you very good only 30 pesos for this coconut which is about 50 cents [Music] time to eat the coconut you just kind of take it out oh my God look at that oh man this is a young coconut so you would know you know that it's Young um very good yeah so you know the quail egg that's the mom I'll eat it with you come on [Music] you try it first [Music] tastes like chicken chicken or chicken yeah it's yummy is it not chicken it's the quail the mother Quail you know the quail eggs that we love this is the mother coil do you like it I love it I really like it yeah it's a feast of quail behind me these three lovely ladies and enjoying their quail [Music] destroy [Music] this is pretty cool even last time I was in palangi I don't remember this busy Market there's a lot of street food here a lot of people mostly kids after school coming here in their uniforms it's an amazing sight to see really really cool out here I'm just gonna chill and enjoy the provincial life it is it a game no like this should be in a necklace oh it's a necklace it should be a necklace but it's a necklace but I failed we got back to Deanna's house and she immediately left to get her hair done at the neighbor's house next door I soon followed to see what was going on but it was pitch dark outside and I accidentally stepped in the gutter and the mud went all the way up to my knees oh my God if you would have seen me do that you would have laughed so hard I am uncomfortable wait so this hair your whole life uh yes so they had a they had a salon when I was growing up this is so cute yeah the wallpapers Drew is here in our house by the way I'm here in your house it's a beautiful house I'm very impressed really you're the son of her yeah wow what are you getting done right now that's so cute wow foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] mmm it's stringy it's kind of sweet good it's a little bit like a shower tape what is this one what kind of juice is that [Music] very sweet and sugary but good can you just show me the line where the flood goes it went all the way up to there there's still a more from the last one or the last so this entire was covered yeah when you go here it goes from this [Music] oh this water so what do you do when that happens like how do you do you leave or do you stay here we stay in the bedroom so what about all the refrigerator what do you do it's like they're in the you lift it up the fridge yeah yeah and the table and everything yeah yeah usually the flood after a day it goes down but a mod it's all muddy that's so sad so this has wheels yeah so you can just slide it oh there's Wheels on the fridge yeah sadly Deanna's family lives on a lower ground which means when there's typhoons in the Philippines which happen multiple times a year the entire house gets flooded like literally they have to move up their Furniture that's why everything is on Wheels so you can push everything around it's really just a sad reality for people living out here we have to deal with uh natural disasters such as massive floods and typhoons crazy all right today is another day of exploring bicol it's about to start [Music] walking in the main plaza here in polangi which is cool you can see like it looks like a Spanish Plaza highlighted by the church right there the main church and then all the benches here and a little statue in the middle it is very much a Spanish Colonial Town and the Philippines is colonized by Spain so it all makes sense that's why their last names are uh Spanish sounding like Gonzalez and the food is a mix of Spanish as well we're inside the church the big church here where Deanna grew up pretty cool huge nice to see here are you saying yeah [Music] what do you remember about this church from growing up I always go here every Sunday even the kids are obliged what happens if you miss a Sunday when you're growing up oh no minus points in schools really because the priest needs to sign the mass card it's called the mass card really so you can't miss yeah yeah you can't miss wow this church is very special very cool it's such an honor to be able to be here and see where Dan is from and how she grew up it's just so different from how I grew up I mean I was Jewish but I only went to Hebrew school a few times it wasn't a requirement what is over here Teresa buried here priest oh yeah the the plant where you touch it yeah [Music] shy like huge we even the plans were shot give me the plans in the Philippines in the Philippines it's normal that right outside of the church they have the the graves of the people when they put their bones which one is it you should buy something our next stop of the day is the beautiful Mayon Volcano which has been hiding in the clouds but finally is starting to show this active volcano is known by scientists to be the most symmetrical volcano in the world and is The Pride and Glory of beagle and right now I'm lucky enough to see a beautiful rainbow on the side right there it's so special to be able to come to Deanna's Hometown and see nature that is this beautiful amazing moment up here I love being on YouTube we've just sat down at a restaurant to get a famous chili ice cream if you don't know what that is you're about to find out thank you wow they even put a chili on top of it this is spicy ice cream with a chili on top whoa it's really hot that is spicy it's really good it's confusing because you think you're eating ice cream and then it just hits you like you're eating a box of chilies whoa I wonder how they make it they just make vanilla and put a bunch of chilies in it no there's no vanilla in there pure chili oh it lingers on your tongue afterwards as if you're biting into this chili the more you eat it the more like satisfying it becomes it's very easy chili delicious [Music] you don't like it what does it taste like spicy I just woke up to a lot of sounds because today's a big day the celebration at Diana's house and they're setting up everything all the tents and all the food if you're wondering what that mud was that I stepped in oh man this right outside of her gate there is a sinkhole literally hello hello how are you me step in here hi this is part of the floods because it floods so much here that they have to have a side gutter with a one meter dip it's pretty hectic this morning at Diana's house because they're setting up a tent and we're having a big celebration called you could see everyone here working really hard to set these things up and I've been told that they're not even getting paid just doing it out of volunteer which is really incredible [Music] oh my God Jesus what do you have party flavors oh Party Poppers are you excited for the party today you are yeah foreign in the Philippines especially here in the province called and when a guy and a girl get married their families meet in a big celebration at the house and traditionally the men has to prove himself to the woman to her family so he has to go in the rice fields and and collect the water and do all these chores however things have evolved in recent times but there's still a somewhat of that tradition where the man has to have this big ceremony and show respect to the family so I'm gonna do that it's really special to be able to have this tradition to marry into this tradition because it's just so unique in something I don't have where I come from so yeah today is a big day I'm very excited I'm with Deanna's sister and her assistant and we're trying on some Filipino clothes that I'm going to wear to surprise Diana hi how are you I'm fine I want to try I want to rent one of the traditional shirts that's about all yes it's a traditional one yes okay can I try it on yes yes it's nice I think it fits do you think it fits Deanna's gonna freak out when she sees me with this on the design here very nice all right I got the pants on he looks like a real Filipino Filipino she has no idea what's coming she has no idea that I'm gonna be dressed like this bringing flowers singing songs she just thinks that there's going to be lechon and a celebration I love doing this stuff it's a big surprise [Music] okay oh princesses [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you that's really the traditional outfit [Music] I tried to be you know a little bit you know what keep it for tonight oh my God no one ever does that anymore a time to keep the Traditions alive that's so funny you're so sweet thank you turns out the serenade was a success had her in tears [Music] after a full day of preparation we are ready for the wedding party and dozens of Deanna's childhood friends and college mates are coming this is going to be a blast hello how are you good how are you good to see you [Music] the Sun is going down here and people are starting to come in and they've done an amazing job setting this up all day this is going to be a really fun event and I'm excited so how do you feel that Deanna's getting married take care of her what do you think about this celebration amazing celebrity don't expect wow thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] you can own these Santa's neighbor just brought out these old photos of Deanna back in the day so cute oh my God I'm gonna put these in a frame in my house I'm gonna show her now let's go show her thank you thank you okay open your eyes hold this Tita just found these old photos of you oh yeah she found them she said we can have them I'm gonna put them in a frame you're so pretty there did you see it you got a lot of sunshine yeah can you tell me more about Diana when she was small she's playful friendly friendly she's very pretty I'm the lucky one yes [Music] foreign that was so peaceful and beautiful as you can see behind me all the food is being prepared on this table and we have a lecture on here that's a whole pig right here whoa oh my God cook the Perfection you could only smell this lechon right now this is a full roasted pig right here in the Philippines this is the best Filipino dish out there this is why Filipino food needs to be on the map the skin is crispy it's like a chip oh and inside is just so meaty and delicious and juicy wow thank you so much oh my God this left arm is so good I can't get over it the taste is that so fast even for you tell me about Deanna when she was a college student hello crazy she's very thoughtful yes very thoughtful she is intelligent she's very competitive correct and you're lucky too married and happy for her promise the gate is open so any strangers can come in and enjoy the Feast of lechon that's a tradition come on you want to eat that's on [Music] how are you nice to see you the Blessed Paul can you explain to me in English you have the blessings [Music] yeah do it again I did it the wrong way [Music] what happens is I'll be adults go outside and inside becomes a playground how do you feel to be around here I love them like a teacher oh they're my rock I love them I mean this is where it came from so this is yeah it's it's Miller well I mean where I'm starting [Music] this is the aftermath for you all of it time to take some shots with the big boys [Music] dude very good sweet what an incredible experience it has been Indiana's Hometown during the amazing event seeing her interact with all of her College friends is something I've never seen before and it's a blessing it's truly amazing how they welcome me in with open arms and even though we grew up on different sides of the world it's still just family at the end of the day and friendship and that's the most beautiful thing and I love Deanna so much I love her family and this is just the beginning of a new life together and this is just so so incredible so if you're watching this video thank you so much it means the world to me this is obviously more of a personal video and I got a lot more epic travels coming up so stay tuned for more Philippines videos and more insane travels all around the world love you guys I'll see you later peace [Music] [Applause] if you enjoyed this video please comment your thoughts down below I'd love to hear from you subscribe to this channel for more awesome travels and also I'm giving away a free digital version of my top 100 best travel photos of all time all you have to do is click the link below and sign up for my free email newsletter and you'll be sent this straight to your inbox thank you guys stay safe be spontaneous and just go
Channel: More Travels w/ Drew Binsky
Views: 784,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew binsky, drew binsky vlog, drew binsky travel, travel vlog, more drew binsky, more travels with drew binsky, Philippines travel, Rural, polangui, lechon, philippine wedding tradition, Philippines culture, family, beach wedding, tricycle, jollibee, filipino fast food, pineapple juice, buko juice, night market, filipino street food, home salon, Pamamanhikan, blessing in philippines, Philippines food, Island in Philippines, Eastern Philippines, drew binsky wife, bicol, albay, phils
Id: eduVxeVzrpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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