Visiting from ParadizNUTS | Papers, Please [2]

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In times like these, it's important to tell your friends what they mean to you. But what if I can't find the words? No matter what I try, I can't express how I feel. What's missing? What can help me? It turns out, the words to use were the ones we've been saying all along. Game Grumps, Mr. Business, Uncle Jamboree's Peehole Pleasure, I'm Daddy, but I'm a furry. My man, Spance, the carbuncle ate ass. Hey, Arin. I got your poem. Thank you. Are you okay? Less time on Game Grumps. Let's see. Uh-oh! Looks like your name is not on here, so that's a negativo. Oh, yeah. Yes. Yes. Bye-bye. You're doing great. Hello. You're really getting the hang of this. I'm going so fast now. I remember this guy. Okay, hello again. Now I have passport. Arstotzka is still best country for sure. What even is this? Cobra Stan? Okay. No. It looks very legit. Sorry. Cobra Stan is not a real country. Okay, okay. You know like passport? I understand. I will come back with a better one. Hey, I'm Grump. I'm not so Grump. And we're the Game Grumps. Um, yeah. I'm thinking papers, please. Welcome back to papers, please. This is requested. Yeah, highly requested. People really like this game. I just don't have a finger on the pulse of the gamers these days. I was surprised, but I think part of the allure was that your whole family was dying as a result of your negligence. And I think that really, really drew the fans in. I was just doing my best. Yeah, that is the ironic thing. People think we're throwing these games intentionally when you and I are in fact giving everything we have. Well, let's give it a shot. Black market activity explodes. 15 credits for family members. There they are. Glad they tracked that. All still alive. Alright, so. I forgot how to do this. You're basically just like mixing and matching, trying not to let anyone get through. That's right. Yeah. Uh, stricter credential requirements have been instituted. Art Stodskin citizens must show their ID card. Foreigners must secure and present a valid entry permit. Your tickets are no longer sufficient. Okay. A few chapter detailing document features have been added to your rulebook. Okay. Yep. Okay. Uh huh. Perfect. Check out my rulebook. Black market activity explodes due to lax image creation controls. Well, whose fault is that? Okay, we got this shit, that shit. Everybody's got diplomatic seals. Yeah, I trust myself. Let's fucking do it. Cool. Oh boy. Hello. Papers, please. Okay. Uh, so this is a bro- oh, Obristan? Obristan. That's, uh, okay. That's, um, somewhere, right? Keep going. There it is. Obristan. Alright, we got the right thing. Is he from Lourdes? Looks like this. Lourdes. Date of birth. Oh, expired. Oh, 84. That's right. This is 82. Okay, great. And this is an entry ticket. Entry permit. Are permits okay? Tickets are no longer allowed. Ah, I see. Transit, two days on today. Enter by, okay, got it. Bearing the passport number. I think we're good, man. Is today 12-21? Ooh, 21-12. Rush day. It's not, but you can enter by that day. Oh, okay. Well, then let him in. Yeah, dude. Thanks so much. Enjoy. Don't do any illegal shit. Cause no trouble. Helpful guy, that guy. Yeah. And he has exploded. We're going to get through all these people by the end of the day, that's for sure. This will go well. Ah, what's the purpose of your trip? I pass through. I remain for a couple weeks. Okay. From, uh, Kolechia. She's from Kolechia. Alright, we got a little Kolechia from Vidor. Got it. Vidor. Oh, yeah. It's Anna Zibertowska. Oh, wait. She doesn't have an entry permit. So that's, uh, Oh. It's, uh, it's, uh, whoops. Uh, let's go ahead and deny this shit. No entry permit. Boom. Wow. No words. Yeah. See ya. It's if you're a foreigner, you need a permit, right? I think so. Oh. Here's a nice blueberry. What? I did not... Ticket. No, to visit? A few days, maybe? No longer sufficient. That's a ticket. Was it Veruca Salt who eats the blueberry in Willy Wonka? Yes. Yeah. Uh, yes. That shit, Svetlana Lobashevska has that kind of vibe. Highlight discrepancies. And, uh, that's it. And then... No, uh, Whatever, man. You don't have your shit fucking denied. You piece of shit. Foreign visitors. Get out of here. Ticket is not enough anymore. Get a permit. Bullshit. I paid good money for ticket. I don't care. I don't see any of it. Next. I just work here. Yeah. This game really captures the, like, can't-make-everyone-happy, like, vibe of this job. Alright. So true, dude. It's like... Work permit? Just fucking... He remains for two months. Uh, he's from Arstotzka. Which is here, right? Arstotzka. Arstotzka. It says Antegria. Oh. Oh, word. Okay. Yeah, yeah, we're good. We're good, though. That is good. Enter by 12. Yeah. Well, because, um... Right? That's the Arstotzka entry permit. Yeah, yeah, we're good. Oh. Okay. So this person's from Antegria. We got Glorion. Oh, we're in Arstotzka. Sorry. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We should know that. We work here. Yeah, you're fucking smart, dude. So I'm just getting, like, my bearings again. You know things. Kind of dove right into this after... After the turn-your-brain-off fun of Arzets, or what that game is. Or Ar... Ar... Oh, my God. I forgot our name, too. Yeah. Uh, you're good, dude. Yeah, you seem chill. Let's fucking go. Green. You don't have eyes. Some gamer shit. Have fun. Caused no trouble, dude. Man, I'm, like, blasting through them today, dude. Yeah, bro. Look how happy everyone is. What is... I am so happy that the border has opened. I will visit my son. I have not seen him in six years. Six months. Let's see. Enter... Oh. Looks like you're out of time. Wait, what? Oh, really? You're out of touch. I'm out of time. Can I not enter using expired document? Please let me pass my son's way, I think. All right. Nope. Sorry, girl. You are... How about no, Scott? I'm new. See ya. Curse you. Go ahead, man. Curse me. See what happens. I wear a crystal for protection, dude. I mean, she hasn't seen her son in six years. What's six more years? I don't fucking care. Yeah, like, get it together, girl. Obristan. Duration forever. Um, what? Is that a thing? I don't know. Duration forever? Yeah, I mean, he's emigrating. Oh, is he? And who wouldn't want to join this beautiful country? It's really nice here. Skull? Yep, we're good on that. Our stotes get entry permit. Oh, is there, like, a... I think the permits have to have, like, a specific seal. Yeah. Yeah, that's valid. Mm-hmm. Damn. Yo, we good? Um... It's looking pretty good to me. Wait. What? Oh, your ID expired. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, God. Oh, man. Oh. That must be a typographical error. I don't think it is. I think you fucked up. See ya. Why do they let you interrogate them if it's just, like, it's wrong? Yeah, if there's nothing to do. Mm. Fucking get your shit together, people. What if you just don't let anybody in? I don't know. The economy will be in shambles. Oh. It will be one month, huh? Okay. Okay. Yeah, that's a valid whatever. Uh-oh. What, what, what? Uh, the name is spelled differently. It's Burke in one and Burse on the other. Oh, here we go. Ho, ho, ho. My man. No, that's you. Oh. I'm my man. I have multiple names. Okay. Print your finger. Oh, wild. Must match this record. Oh, my God. Uh, that's the same person. You know what? Oh, no, no. The thumb's weird. Is it? The one all the way on the right. Not the thumb. The pinky. Yeah. Oh, it's just kind of shitty. Yeah, but. It's the same. You think so? Yeah. Okay. All right. Yeah, you're good. They're good. They're good. I have many names. Cause no trouble. All right, next. I love my job. Yeah, this is wild. Protocol violated. This does not match record. Well, then why would you fucking make me do the fingerprint thing if it's not, like, if it's just going to have something wrong? Oh, my God. All right. What? Dude, look at that. Look. He drew it in. Bestberg. Were you getting shit on for letting the last guy in? Yeah. Oh, well. Cobra stand's not a real country. You know, like passport, I understand. I come back again with better. This guy, I don't know how he cuts the line every time. I like him. I think he's fun. He's got gumption. He's got spunction. What the fuck is this? Gregory Reaper. Oh, it's an Arstotzka Identifier. Oh, I haven't even seen one of those. Gregory Reaper. Oh, everyone's going home. Spires on the 83rd. He's from Paradisnuts. Let's check that real quick. Paradisnuts. Paradisnuts. I think that's the joke, dude. That's really funny. Paradisnuts. Oh, boy. All right. Yeah. Districts. Fardesto. Fardesto. Cool, man. This guy's good. Yeah, I'm cool with this guy. Let's fucking go, dude. Let's fucking go to Arstotzka. Welcome. Glory to Arstotzka. Hell yeah, let's fucking go. Huh. Your family needs medicine. Man, the rent has gone up. Man, I don't have any money. Well, the good news is your uncle is only cold and hungry. Not sick, like your wife, son, and mother-in-law. I literally don't have money. How the fuck am I supposed to pay for this fucking shit if I don't have money? How do you make money in this game? I don't know. Maybe you have to accept bribes? Look, I have a salary and I have savings. That's 45 bucks. And I had to spend 45 bucks on rent and food. Hmm. So I'm fucked. You're not fucked. Good night. Republican track star wanted for murder. Vince Lestrade's whereabouts unknown. Republian. Okay. Girlfriend killed in jealous rage. Alright, cool. Alright, let's keep an eye out for Vince Lestrade. Oh, is he trying to get in? Well, I mean, why would they show you that information otherwise? Shit, I didn't get a look at him, though. Cool. I'm such a dingus. Such a dingus. D-d-d-d-dingus. Such a ding-dang-dongus. Alright, what do we got here? Integria Blackwelder. Joshua Blackwelder. Yep. Three months. 12, 82. That's good. Outergrus. Integria. We've got Outergrus. Yep. Male. Alright. Yeah, are we gucci? Yeah, I love it. Here, take a little, take a little approval stamp for your, for your journal, dude. Yeah. Cosnotroso. There's no fucking trouble around. Let's go. Do I get more money for bringing- Oh, oh, protocol violated. What? Invalid ID number? Oh, man. Oh, fuck. You fucked up. Oh, what do you have here? She, that's not her. What? Unless maybe she lost weight? Oh. Yeah, let's, uh. Yep, what's going on here? This is not, it is an old picture. Alright, let's fingerprint you. Let's see what you got. Ooh, looking pretty the same. I guess so. Yeah. Yep. Okay. She does, and this would be. I guess it doesn't say when you got a thing. When it was issued? Yeah. Yeah. Uh, this is Artstotska. Fucking damn, there's so much stuff to flip through, dog. I know. Now I know why this is such a hard job, bro. Yeah, it gives you a real appreciation for the difficulty of being an immigration officer in an early 80s Soviet Union. So true. And like, who wouldn't want to do that? Thanks, girl. I won't get a fucking warning for that shit. Glory to Artstotska. Hi. That might be the track star. Is it? That's him. Oh, it's him. Yeah. Oh, man. Wow, that's fucked up, huh? Yes. Do we? I think that's not a valid MOA. No, it is. Are we supposed to alert the authorities? What about that exclamation point in the lower right? That's just for discrepancies. Oh, dang. Uh, what do I do? I deny. Just not let him in? He's a murderer. Or he's wanted for murder, I should say. All right. See you. Yeah. I don't want to fucking deal with that shit. Oh, applicant cleared for entry. Jeez. What? But he was a murderer. Oh, man. Okay. I remain for two weeks. We got to be real good about this shit, man. I don't want my family to die. They've done so much for me. Get sick. Be cold. Oh, man. This is tough. We got seven cooler. Looks like names the same. We got a valid stamp. We're all good, baby. Okay. Let's fucking go. Oh, let's go. Cause no trouble. Have fun. Who do we got now? Vampire Lestrade. I hate that. Wow. Okay. Two days. We got PP one. Got enter by date. Looking good. Expiration date looks good. Name looks good. I mean, I wouldn't be shitting on the country if I like weren't from here, you know. Great point. Well, I mean like if, if I was trying to act play it cool. Yeah. Yeah. I wouldn't be like, fuck this place, man. Yeah. That makes sense. Uh, this all looks good, man. All right. Welcome to the shitty country of Arstotzka. It rules. Glory to Arstotzka. Yeah. Like she would have been happy if I kicked her away. That's pretty funny. Maybe it's just cause you took a while. She doesn't want to be here, bro. Uh, okay. She's hitting relatives, man. She looks freaked out in that picture. Yeah, seriously. 30 days. Is there a rule against that? What? If she's going to be here for 30 days. Okay. Sure. She won't expire in that time. Uh, West Grestin. Well, her ID won't expire. She might expire. Well, anyone could expire in this country. This is not a legal document. It's not? No. It's issued in West Grestin. It's not there. Oh. Wait. Yeah, there we go. I do not understand. I do not understand. Detain. Oh, that's what we should have done with the murderer guy. Yeah. What are you doing? Oh, man. I hope they don't shoot her. Oh, they might. You know, I'm just doing my job, man. I'm just trying to make sure. Yeah. I'm just trying to make sure my family is cold and hungry and not provided for. Stay a couple of weeks. All right. Uh, you were supposed to enter fucking a while ago. Mm-hmm. So, what's going on with that? I could not come until now. Okay. Sorry to hear that. No. So, you're fucking out, bro. Livia Jespreska. See ya. Next. It's funny how some of them just take it and leave and others are like, fuck yourself. Hey, man. Some people are different. Living different lives. Integrea. Out of Groose. Wait, Veruca was the rich girl? So, who was the blueberry? Uh, um, Veruca Salt was the rich girl. Yeah. So, the other girl- Violet. Violet Beauregard. Violet Beauregard. Okay, cool. Peter. Glad we got that settled. Yeah. Our assistant running the boards just keeps texting me in all capital letters. Willy Wonka facts and corrections. It was killing me, dude. It was killing me not to know. Thank you for that. Get your Wonka shit together. These are great. These are great texts to come over my phone. Alright, we're good. Thank you so much. Please be kind to my wife. She's just after me. Uh oh. That means it's gonna be a huge problem for me. Oh, man. Here we go. Did you see my husband? He made it through, yes? You don't have a fucking ticket, dude. Sorry. Why? You have doomed me. Yep. Okay, great. Yeah, what a great day. Just making people happy all day. Booth upgrade, space to toggle, inspect mode. Oh, cool. Yeah, I like that. Alright, I ended up with $5. Good job. Oh, Arin, I'm happy for you. Well, we got mother-in-law. I think we should go with the sun. Give the sun some medicine. Alright. Food would be nice. Well, I can only afford so much. Jobs few becoming fewer. Immigrants taking jobs from locals. Vince Lestrade was apprehended. Hey, alright. Cool. Should I have let him in or? I don't know. I don't know. It feels kind of fucked up. I mean, I just feel like morality is so cloudy in this game. Okay, traveler's intake for work require a valid work pass. Okay, this is busy. I can deal with that. Let's put that back. I think you have to open the gate. There you go. Work pass. Maybe that's what you do. Maybe you pull that lever and that detains them. I don't know. I don't fucking know, dude. That's a valid stamp. Does it say MOL? It's so... It doesn't need to. Oh, no, it does because it doesn't have the... Yeah, I don't think that's... It looks like it says MOL. I see an O. Yeah. Okay, so we got Jean Ubarowska fishing from Boston. Jesus Christ. Boston. Home of the Red Sox. Republia Bostonia. Work permit's good. IG number's the same. She looks good. Damn, girl, you look good, though. I mean, fuck, dog. Your visa entry is approved. There you go. So my wife is really sick right now? What are you doing later? In case she dies. It's not what you think. I plan to work. Jesus Christ. Okay, Victoria Niemeyer. What the fuck is this? Oh, the pink vise. Oh, it's this thing. She gave it to me because she wants me to hang it. She looks different. Can you flip that over? Okay, I guess it's fine. No. Oh, okay. Okay. Thank you for that. Expires. Yep. Yep. Okay. Jesus Christ food service. But she's working at a thing. Does that count as a discrepancy? I don't know. Okay, never mind. She seems all right. I guess. She seems cool. Wait, wait. Okay, she said. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Six months. Six months. Okay. Yeah, she's good. Yeah, it's cool. Oh, Jesus. This is too much, man. I would never want this job. I would die in your arms tonight. Please help me. What the fuck? Oh. Oh, no. A man named Darry Ludum promised me and my sister good work in Arstotzka. I do not trust him. I am afraid he will take my passport and force me to work at Brothel. He is in line today. Please do something. Darry Ludum. Ludum. Oh, boy. Man. Yep. Well, we got Samuel Hopper. Okay. He wants to work. His work permit has already expired. So, let's fucking talk about that for a second. All right. I'm planning to renew it. Fuck you. I don't care. I'm not dealing with your bullshit. Boy, you are really getting into the spirit of this. I'm fucking out. It really does turn you into him. I want to hear your shit. I've heard it a thousand times. That's fine. So true, though. All right. From Arstotzka, East Grestin. That is the place here, right? East Grestin. I love eating Grestin. Cesar Parvak. Date of birth. Same. Wait. What is up with that purple picture? That looks way different. Oh, yeah. Sure do, huh? What's the deal? This does not look like it. I do not know what to say. This is me. Okay. Here you go. All right. Oh, my God. Oh, that's not in you, bud. Yeah. So what's the deal with this? I do not know what to say. Yeah. Wait here. What are you doing? See ya. Get her, boys. All right. Next. Sorry, man. Have matching fingerprints next time. Oh, it's my favorite guy. Wow. He's got a- Old friend. Hello. I'm back again. This time everything's set. He doesn't have a fucking thing. Yeah. Homemade jam. What? He doesn't have a what? He doesn't have a fucking ticket. Entry permit. Wow. You run very strict border here. That is good. Good job, right? I look for entry thing and come back. You know I love his positive attitude. Yeah. Yeah. He's like- You're like denied. Well, thank you. Okay. Wornov, Gavin. Fucking name is already wrong. What's going on with that? I have two different names. Sure. What's your fingerprints? Let's see them. You better not have two different sets of arms. Oh, he does have an alias. Francois. Yeah. All right. Okay. Yep. His fingerprints match. Cool. All right. Okay. Gavin Wornov. Come on in. He's surveying from fucking ... What is this? Impor. Is that a place? Oh, yeah. Thank you. So it is. Yep. It doesn't have a thing up here. Shouldn't it have a seal? Oh, I don't know. Maybe that's where you do it. Okay. Can I close it? Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Everything looks good. Yeah. I mean, what could be cooler? Oh, man. There's fucking so much shit on my table. It's very nerve-wracking. Yeah. That's a valid thing, right? It doesn't need the MO whatever. MOA. Yep. Good. ID number checks out. Fucking damn, dude. All right. Yo, we Gucci. Super duper. Okay. Hold on. Two months. That's one month. Enter. Bye. Okay. Got it. Yeah. Yeah. You're good. You're good to go. You almost. You almost got me. Son of a bitch. You fucking guy. Thank you. I run brothel. Yeah. Not fucking Dari Ludum, dude. What's up, dude? Oh, there he is. That's him. Ha. You come down. I give you a good girl. Well, thank you. Okay. I'm like a great guy. Yeah. I'm going to drill this fuck. Fuck. He's all good. And of course he's all good. This is a total moral dilemma here. Mm. Uh, Burnton. It's from Marstotska. You got it from East Grestin. It's not expired. Same birthday. Same name. Can interrogate him. Who's this? What the fuck is this shit? I don't know. Oh, it's just a record. Oh man. What do I do? Do I let him through? I don't know. Is it illegal to run a brothel in Arstotska? Well, it's going to penalize me for not fucking following protocol. Yeah. You know? I guess maybe you just have bad options. Like, is it going to be bad for you or bad for the person he forces into sex work? You know what? I'll take the fall. Good for you, Arin. You know? It's like you want to help people out. You want to help people out when they're in need, right? Yep. All right. I'm totally doing the wrong thing here. In the games context. Fucking C. Yeah. He didn't put up a fight. Yeah. I got a citation. No penalty, though. No penalty, though. Cheers. I'm whizzing. I remain for eight weeks. Okay. And he's got this thing. Here, you take it. Yeah. You're going to love the place. Pretty nice spot, if you ask me. This all matches up. Stefan. Yep. He's on time. Mm-hmm. Motherfucker expired, bro. What's up? Oh. I know nothing about this. All right. Well, if you don't know anything about it, then you're fucked. Yeah. I know something about having your entry denied, because it just happened. Yeah. It just happened. What's up, dude? Oh, sorry. Irina Romanoff. I passed the rule. I stayed just 14 days. 14 days. Yes. Yes. Entered in at the right time. Mm-hmm. Name is the same. You do look similar. Let's check out Colletia, West Grestin. Mm-hmm. Cool. Wait. Isn't West Grestin? She seems to have her stuff together. Oh, East Grestin is ... Okay. Yeah, this looks all in order, right? Yeah, I think so. Fuck. Okey-doke. Approved. Welcome to Archdotes. Yeah, yeah. Things are going to be great for you here. You're the first person we've led into the country all day. Is that true? Hello, evil marionette. What's the purpose of your trip? I have a job here. Yeah? I stay a few months. Okay. Let's check out these ... Whoops. Uh-oh. Oh, well, that's great. She had all her stuff together. She sure did. The day was cut short by a terrorist attack. Your family needs medicine. Booth upgrade available. Was I- Oh, you could booth upgrade. Was there a way for me to- To stop that from happening? Yeah. I truly don't know, but you only made $5. Well, I could upgrade my booth. Yeah, I think that's cool. Oh, God. I can't afford any of this shit. You can't afford food or heat. What am I supposed to do? I got to go faster? I say not even worry about it. Fuck. What, am I saving my money? You want me to save my money? Yeah, save my- I'll give medicine to my son. Boo. What do you mean, boo? Dancers at Gressing Club found dead. Oh, Jesus. Oh, no. Arin. What? You probably let in ... Is Gressing Club the one you keep getting the business cards for? No, that was- Yes, that was in fucking- Yeah. Well, what the hell? Do you want me to fucking- I didn't let the guy in. On the plus side, you're all over this newspaper. You made the paper, Arin. Of course, they won't give you any credit for it, but you're the one who- I would love credits to feed my fucking family. All right, next time on Game Grumps. Next time on Game Grumps. God. Oh, this is going well. Why is it so fucking hard? Dude. Give me a break. All right, bye. We're having fun.
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 318,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, let's play, game play, dan avidan, arin hanson, Game Grumps
Id: c3jCkC6GQd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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