Viserys Is Actually A Good To Great King. Fight Me.

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foreign it has felt so very good to once again be able to freebase A Song of Ice and Fire Compton straight into my veins after the ignominious debacle that was the last few seasons of Game of Thrones House of the Dragon is definitely scratching my nerd itch in all the ways that I wanted but one of the unexpected and Incredibly appreciated outcomes for the season has been the deepening and complexity of King viserys Targaryen Petty considine has transformed what the fandom had always considered to be a ho-hum placeholder King into a truly compelling gripping admirable man that grows more engaging and empathetic with each episode I will be completely honest with my bias and say that viserys has become one of my favorite characters in the show and that is incredible when he's alongside the likes of Auntie SASS and every Final Fantasy villain I feel like half the problems in House of the Dragon is based in lack of communication and although Babel can't teach you how to interpret prophecy correctly it can help you learn a new language Babble lessons prepare you to have practical conversations about travel business relationships and more if you intake information differently there are multiple ways to learn like podcasts or games I'm a visual learning myself so this really comes in handy but if you are iffy about the process don't worry it does come with a 20-day money-back guarantee Babel Has a few different subscriptions to choose from as well including a lifetime subscription for those of you who are financially conscious I myself have a love for Italian and Babel is definitely helping me get back into the groove Andro in Italian and because I like to hook you guys up if you use my link in the description you will get 60 off your purchase Babel is one of the top language learning apps in the world so go ahead and give it a try today now getting back to my man vizzy T something that house of the Dragon has unexpectedly been able to do is change my perspective on how good of a king viserys actually was see in the Targaryen history book fire in blood viserys is very much a middling ruler with no big walls but also no Grand attributes to point to either in fact his section is mainly dedicated to how he planted the seeds for the dance of the dragons and ultimately the fall of House Targaryen since House of the Dragon is in adaptation of Fire and Blood I and many fans came into the show expecting a similar depiction of viserys an inconsequential King who pre-looted and basically caused a devastating Civil War we would get to see his displayed weakness in the show and his ineptitude first hand what terrible decisions he made and what conflicts he avoided and for a decent part of the show that is exactly what we got in fact from a narrative perspective much of the show is framed around depicting how viserys made the wrong decisions every time or was manipulated every time or basically became a puppet we saw what honestly amounted to a 40 year old nerdy Uncle who only wanted to build model train sets in his man cave but was instead forced to preside over an entire continent and his family's growling hungry staple of nuclear armament we witnessed a Cadre of better more competent people who could have been rulers and display attributes and temperament better of befitting a true Monarch fandom was allowed to see firsthand viserys's blindness and poor political maneuverings to validate the opinion that he was a weak and lackluster King but this whole overly long video today will explore was he was he actually that bad were his decisions that wrong I would argue no in the totality of his Reign I would say that we are generally far too harsh on viserys and much a fan opinion comes from the fiction and its framing that highlights his mistakes instead of the massive successes he achieved in fact I would venture to say that viserys is a good to Great king when his Decades of rule are put to scrutiny I would say and this is going to sound insane that viserys borderline masterfully navigated one of the most tumultuous times in the history of Westeros in a way that very few Kings could have hoped to emulate were there still flaws and shortcomings certainly no man or ruler is perfect but the reign of aceres Targaryen is actually astounding and impressive when put into proper context and in the spirit of proper context we must first consider two things first in order to appropriately critique the rule of viserys we will be distinguishing between his decision as a king and his decisions as a man the reason for this is that many fans justifiably find fault in his actions that do not affect the Kingdom at large yet unjustifiably they still use these faults as an example of him being a weak King there are decisions that viserys makes as a human being and a father that are terrible but have nothing to do with his leadership of the continent for example former New York mayor Ed Bill de Blasio ate pizza with a fork and judging him as a man and a human he should be tarred and feathered for this heinous skin walker-esque crime but I will not judge his tenure as mayor based upon his method of pizza consumption likewise viserys does some really dumb immature stuff and I hope to parse out what stuff is done for him as a man and which stuff is a negative reflection for his leadership as a king secondly I will only be discussing show viserys the events of Fire and Blood and other supporting materials are slightly to vastly different than what we see in the show so my commentary here only concerns the vasaris of the House of the Dragon if you think that book of viserys is still weak and ineffectual more power to you and the reason I decided this is because of two pieces of information provided in the show that are not in the books that greatly impact our interpretation and understanding of the series's decisions the prophecy of Ice and Fire and his sickness the prophecy that the series knew concerned fighting a great world-ending evil from the north we will call this the war for the dawn he believed it was his duty to keep the realm in Peak form for whenever this danger came as far as we know book viserys did not make decisions based off his prophecy and thus cannot be judged synonymously the other aspect is his sickness viserys knew he was sick and decomposing like a melon left out in the sun and he had no idea how soon he would die from it so in his mind he was always in a race against the clock again book viserys did not deal with this at least as far as we know so his decisions cannot be judged against it and these two factors the prophecy and the sickness actually have massively reverberating consequences for basically everything that viserys does and essentially re-contextualizes his entire kingship but don't just take my word for it let's go through the major decisions in Roblox of viserys to see just what he could have done better what he did well and why I believe he ended up handling everything with uncommon Effectiveness he doesn't protect you I would from what yourself you weak viserys the first thing we can dissect is viserys's introductory challenge as king handling Damon I have seen sentiments from many fans that viserys was foolish and stubborn for not keeping Damon closer during his Reign because at the end of the day Damon truly loved viserys as a brother and was looking out for him in his own way we learned that ultimately Damon was correct about the intentions of Otto and the other council members seeking to prey on viserys and we also see that when push comes to shove Damon is truly devoted to his family the argument is it was naive for King viserys to trust his clearly scheming counselors over his brother if aceres had kept Damon closer and heeded his warnings perhaps none of these unfortunate circumstances and betrayals would have come to pass but it is this very ability for us to retrospect that I think unfairly penalizes viserys and lionizes Daemon if we look back at the actual events as they occurred we get a much more complex situation it's established from the very beginning of episode 1 that viserys had been constantly trying to keep Damon close he named him to multiple Council positions but Damon was either incompetent or corrupt with his duties I named Damon master of laws but you said he was a tyrant as master of coin you said he was a spanthrift that would beggar the realm when Damon was named to the head of the city watch that was probably his best position but we see even then his actions were let's say extreme viserys loved Damon just as Damon loved him and he fought against the wishes of Otto and many other counselors to keep Damon close in King's Landing he forgave and ignored a movie of Damon's excesses and trespasses but when viserys could not ignore or forgive were increasingly obvious signs that Damon either had no respect for the crown or Worse coveted to take the crown for himself from viserys's point of view this was the reality the ruler of Westeros is meant to prepare the world against demons from the north and Usher in the prince that was promised at the moment the person next in line to take on this responsibility is your wild immature and unpredictable younger brother could Damon stand trustworthy at the helm of humanity and lead them forward with smart selfless decision-making that's a negatory Chief and even if we ignore that Damon does not remotely display the qualities to Be an Effective pragmatic leader during a worldwide Doom very ominous writings were on the wall just from a political perspective you as the king are a recent widower and have no dragon on the flip side your Royal brother is a dashing hyper-famous Warrior who rides one of the largest dragons at the entire Targaryen being stable he's beloved by the people of the capital and is praised as Prince of the City [Applause] and basically has a personal Army of thousands of loyal cops that are all stationed immediately next to the Royal Castle your house and this brother with his dragon and his army and his battle prowess this without drinking at a brothel to what appears to be celebrate the death of your newborn child because it means his position in line to the throne is unchanged now none of this definitively means that Damian would have straight up betrayed viserys and usurped the throne but none of it looks good either by giving Damon control of the city watch viserys inadvertently Dave Damon control of King's Landing which is a blunder as a king that you can definitely lay at his feet Damon might have thought the series to be weak for siding with Otto but it would have been even weaker to Simply allow Damon to continue acting in such a manner viserys banishing Damon was probably the best case scenario for all parties involved too you ought to return to runestone and your lady wife at once and you are to do so without quarrel viserys would have been completely within his rights as a king to cut out the tongues of Damon and all the rest of the partying City Guards or had them sent to the wall for celebrating the death of Prince Balon but viserys probably didn't want to completely gut the entire city watch nor up and his family by maiming or exiling his brother which honestly would have probably descended in Damon flying off to wherever he wanted and completely shattering any perception of power the crown had but a fine Royal punishment honestly Damon having caraxis and viserys having no dragon severely limited with punishment viserys could dish out but banishing him from King's Landing was likely the most pragmatic move you weak shouldn't viserys have been more concerned about how Otto was spying on the prince to get the information in the first place definitely but Damon should not have remained in any significant power in King's Landing regardless and of course the second time viserys banished Damon was a real no-brainer Damon completely screwed over both rhynera and the crown by bringing her to a brothel and being publicly affectionate to her and to top it all off it appeared to be a ploy to get to the throne banishing Damon initially seemed like a weak naive move as it allowed the snakes to coil around viserys even tighter but in retrospect it was an intelligent decision by a king who wanted to keep his house capital in Realms stable of course it's not my daughter's head it's my Throne he strived for years to make his relationship with the Damon work and it was Damon's own immaturity that cost him the ability to be a true help to his brother honestly the weakest part about viserys and all this was him letting Damon take his dragon or even come back at all but viserys has shown a consistent soft spot for his family and a need for them to be happy you spend more time in that bath than I do on the throne this is the only place I can find Comfort these days the next Greek challenge of a series's rule was Emma's final pregnancy in my estimation this is by far the lower point of his Reign both as a king and a man he handled this lonesomely [Music] it should be quite obvious why this was bad as a man he sentenced his wife to a horrific death without her consideration and went through with it even as she begged and pleaded with him it was disgusting and he was rightfully ashamed of it and some might say as a king it was the right decision to do but I don't even buy that if viserius was behaving and making decisions as a wise and strong Kitty he would have never put Emma in this position in the first place after her multiple miscarriages in baby deaths he would have recognized the emotional and physical toll he was placing on his wife that he cared so much about apparently and stopped trying to get her pregnant the wise decision would have been to take a second wife alongside Emma which sounds crazy on paper but is actually historically very commonplace for valyrians King aegon the Conqueror and King maegor both had two wives taking an additional wife would have freed Emma of her duties to give birth kept her alive and still allowed this there was the opportunity to have kids to strengthen his line but I think the reason this didn't happen at least in the show is because viserys had eyes for no other woman than Emma he loved her too much to even consider taking another wife yet ironically he had an equal fixation on his duties as king to have a male Heir and it was because of that Obsession and short-sightedness that viserys eventually lost them and never emotionally recovered from it there is a slight possibility that the septins and Priests don't condone polygamy and Westeros but viscera shouldn't really care since what are they gonna do to him he's the king regardless though viserys has treatment of his Queen of the mother of his child is nearly objectively poor as both a man and the king so if you want to fault him for that I am right along with you and I believe as I know she did that you could be a great ruling Queen David [Music] was not made to wear the crown the next one is the biggie but also strangely the least controversial challenge to visit his rule choosing Rainier as heir after the death of Emma viserys was in a very difficult position granted it was one of his own making but a difficult position nonetheless remember but Sarah's Believes In The Song of Ice and Fire and it informed every major decision that he made across his rule as king he literally thought that at any moment a terrible apocalypse would descend from the north to wipe out mankind because of this his number one priority was peace so that the nation could be as strong as possible to fight the incoming threat the next most important priority was a unified Westeros because that begets the strength of the Fighting Force viserys knew he had failing health and had no real conception of when he might die for all he understood it could have been days or weeks months or years in his mind he quite literally had no choice but to select and air because a war of succession would westeros's ability to fight in the war for the dawn so in needing to decide an error he could not pick Damon because of the blatant irresponsibility that he showed and as far as we see there are no other male targaryens available so he chooses his daughter partly out of guilt for what he did to Emma constantly pushing her to have heirs when he had a living child and partly because he believed it's what the world needed [Music] daily was not made to wear the crown but I believe that you if you actually consider this aspect from what viserys knew and was concerned about there really isn't any better choice he had evidence that a significant portion of Westeros would be willing to break tradition and accept a female Monarch because of the popularity of rhenice during the Great Council that joharis held in fact many lords still wanted her to be Queen proving that a female ruler could hold the confidence of the realm I would humbly ask for the favor of the queen Who Never Was Then There is the argument that viserys was foolish as a king for continuing to have children even after appointing renira since he knew that having a son would immediately throw the entire succession into question he should have just stopped having kids sorry Nero could remain uncontested this is the very notion that rhaenis makes to Young renyra not that one of those would be male on paper this is a very good point but in practice there are clear reasons why viserys had to continue having kids the first is the most obvious people just died unexpectedly even Royals if rhaenyra were to succumb to illness or accident then we will be right back to square one with no air it is the duty of the king to strengthen his family line anything else would be irresponsible but the other more important reason is that since viserys believes that an apocalypse is coming that the targaryens are integrally defeating he needs to make sure that his many targaryens exist as possible for him that means having more than one child macerus thinks that in order to save the world he must create a strong Foundation of dragon riders that will eventually produce the prince that was promised so while it is unfortunate that he had sons that ended up challenging Renee's rule just ceasing to have children wasn't an option for him and lastly there is the argument that he should have disinherited rhaenyra at multiple points when he had a son when she embarrassed herself with the Daemon when she started having bastards but this too becomes very tricky when looked at with scrutiny if vasaris were to disinherit rhaenyra just because he now had a male Heir it would not solve any of the succession problems in fact it might make things worse it would not only completely ruin his relationship with his daughter she would grow up thinking that the throne should be hers knowing that the Lords of Westeros swore fealty to her and that she was stripped of her Birthright not because of the quality of her character but because had a uterus it would just create another Dance of the Dragon situation and Things become even more untenable after raniera Mary's Corliss valarion if she were disinherited then house valarian would take that as an offense to them as well because they expected to have Corliss on the throne one day and since House of valarion controls the second largest Navy in Westeros is the richest house in Westeros and controls almost all of the battle-ready dragons in Westeros at the time making an enemy of them would be a very bad idea this is all to say that essentially once renero was named air it was nearly impossible for viserys to disinherit her without severe repercussions the most mundane of those repercussions being the complete destruction of the familiar relationship and the stoking of decades-long resentment between rhaenyra and aegon or the worst case for the repercussions a straight descent into war inero was not only the best choice for air she could not have been disinherited without major Fallout and speaking of extremely consequential teenage girls that brings us to I intend to marry the lady Alison Hightower many people consider the marriage to Allison to be one of the weakest moments of viserys's kingship mainly because it was made out of emotion and his pain over losing Emma Allison was there to comfort viserys during his time of weakness and he became attached to her because of it just as Otto planned and I will concede that as a man and a father the way viserys went about this was pathetic one moment he tells his daughter that he does not want them to become estranged that he does not want to destroy the relationship and yet he then immediately goes behind her back and marries her best friend simply because he wanted to avoid confronting her it was the second weakest move viserys did after killing Emma and he is lucky that he and renera ever got back on good terms after but if we examine things from the perspective of a king and his duties marrying Allison Hightower actually wasn't that bad at all the initial major candidate for marriage was Elena valarion both the fandom and the people in Universe such as Lord strong championed this match as the most logical and sound for the kingdom and I will not sit here and say those people are wrong because it is a very good match Lena was young and had plenty of time to have children plus she's from the richest family in the Kingdom that also just happens to have Dragons It's a home run on paper but again the scrutiny is where things start to get a bit more complicated if you look at things from viserys's perspective there are some major issues with marrying Lena first off she is 12 and is yet unable to have children more likely than not viserys would have to wait a year or two or three to even start conceiving this poses a problem because one viserys knows he's quite literally melting by the day and two he doesn't know when the war for the dawn will start sure he might have a few years to spare but he no every year is critical and that's just issue number one the next issue is that early life pregnancies have far more complications in dangers even if viseris were to get Lena pregnant at 13 there is a significant chance that either Lena or the child would endure health problems I'm not saying it's definite but definitely a consideration and if you think about what vaseras just went through with pregnancy problems you can see why he might be hesitant to go down that path again if Lena were to die during birth as a teenager Not only would that be traumatic again for him he would be put back in the exact same position from before needing a wife and more children to strengthen his life and finally the last point is that marrying Lena actually isn't that much of a political benefit remember House of valorian not only has been allied with the targaryens for centuries they are currently Allied through marriage by rhaenice to Corliss viserys as a king marrying Lena when it actually gained the royal family any new blood alliances and we know this aspect of marriage is important to viserys because it's what he constantly harps on rhaenyra to consider with her marriage this isn't even to mention that as a man viserys probably wanted no part of marrying and impregnating a little girl that he most likely knew from birth and who definitely was not actually interested in being with him and for those saying that as a king he should disregard his feelings and emotions and marry Elena because it's the most pragmatic political choice I would challenge that statement because the most pragmatic political choice would be to marry rhaenyra yeah you heard that right targaryens believe in Divine incest and rhaenyra is of age if vaseras had kids with rhaenyra there would absolutely be no problem with succession because all of his kids would be from her and would then be her eventual heirs she wouldn't have to compete against any new Sons because the sons would be hers it solves every problem on paper the paper isn't real life and viserys Marion rhaenira is stupid because it would explode it's spectacularly viserys would be miserable and rhaenyra would love him the Fallout would result in the best case scenario the complete degradation of the relationship and emotional well-being or worst case renira becoming a hateful Queen who parlays power for herself because she has a dragon and her father husband doesn't in considerations of Royal marriages the compatibility of the couple is nearly as important as the politics of the match Queen consorts have great influence in power as we've seen so choosing the proper person who will remain loyal and respectful of you while being given that much Authority is incredibly important and it's for that reason and all others listed that marrying Allison was a pretty good move as a king by viserys almost every single problem that I have detailed with Lena is bypassed by a marriage to Allison characters in the show refer to Allison as a woman grown and she is years older than Elena but serious would not have to wait to have children nor would he be as concerned about the viability of pregnancy sure Allison is still a teenager and teen pregnancies always come with risks but that's not the same risks as a 13 year old getting pregnant in a medieval setting but most significant of all is the political Alliance that comes from the marriage to Allison her family house Hightower is a top 10 family in Westeros some might be able to argue top five the high Towers control the oldest and second largest city in Westeros Old Town they have controlled over the scientific capital of the Western Hemisphere The Citadel and the religious Capital the story sept and the high towers are one of the richest families in Westeros too not to mention that a Hightower currently serves as the hand of the king the high Towers would make an incredibly powerful Ally through marriage all but guaranteeing the rest of the reach ruled over by the tyrells would also back the crowd in case of an unforeseen calamity and this is not even to mention that vasera seems to genuinely get along with Allison and will be happy in a marriage with her or as happy as the marriage could be again marrying Lena would not have been bad it's just that Mary and Allison seemed the more pragmatic Choice her children a Boston and here is where we get into the really fun nitty-gritty I have read countless comments about how viserys ignores the obvious bastard nature for nearest children because he is weak or he favors right near it too much to see her wrongdoings and those interpretations make me feel like I'm watching a completely different show viserys ignores the bastards because he literally has no choice if vasaris were to ever condone the idea that Luke and Jace are bastards that would be instant Civil War rhaenyra would never allow her children to be punished and would contend that they are trueborn and remember for the first three children the crown head next to no dragons to go to war with aegon had tamed Sunfire and Helena had tamed dream Fire by this point but that was it the black side had fully grown Cyrax sea smoke melees and vegar war with rhaenyra was completely untenable viserys had no choice but to accept her children as she said they were and once he did it the first time he had to continue to do it let's decree a question of his own leadership as a king the sheer fact that viserys was able to maintain peace at all during this time is incredible this is a volatile Powder Keg made without any participation on visceros's part he simply had to adapt to the incredibly dangerous and foolish decision rainy remade and make sure the high towers and valarians didn't cause a total succession crisis Rainier's succession was already delicate enough but the bastard situation then the ice ferviseris even more causing everyone to be at their Breaking Point and since we talked about Rainier's bad decisions affecting viserys let's get to Alison when Allison went to attack rhaenyra what typically would have happened is Alison B tried for stabbing the air to the throne and make no mistake queens and Royals are not immune from trial honestly the best case scenario for a trial would have been banishment from the continent but more likely than not a trial would have ended with Allison losing her hand or worth being executed and this is where the trouble comes in putting Allison on trial would honestly probably be not that big a deal if the succession situation were more typical but things were anything but typical if viserys moved to formally punish Allison either by banishment public humiliation execution or what have you house Hightower would have certainly used the opportunity to wage war in her defense they would have said Allison was defending the trueborn sons of the king from imposters and usurpers Otto would have never let his daughter go to trial and this would have forced all the Lords of Westeros to make a decision about who they believed rainera or Alison which then would have caused a war for succession trying to put egg onto the throne versus rhaenyra on the throne and I am not saying this would have been beneficial for the green side they honestly might have lost the war at this moment in time but that's not the point the point is that with Allison going to trial and their backs against the wall going to war would have been the high Tower's Hail Mary option and nothing would have stopped them from using it and to reiterate viserys wanted to avoid war at all costs as both a man and a king the war for the Dawn was always on his mind and he wanted his family ready to fight demons not each other what this means in effect is that Allison had unspoken political immunity not because of viserys but because rhaenyra put the crown in an impossible position with her actions viserys is not weak here so much as completely hamstrung by his child and my father never wanted this as much yeah 20 years to name me uh I never did he changed his mind wow he could have but he never did because he didn't like me some of the more interesting aspects of viserys's failure isn't actually anything he did but what he didn't do and that's what these last two critiques will be focused on this one is tricky but I do believe macerus failed as both a man and a king by not being more active with his children from Alison before we get into that though I do want to recognize some contextualizing caveats first off viserys was kind of shot in the foot with this from the get-go considering he was rapidly deteriorating all throughout the Youth of his kids he seemed to be genuinely enthused and attached to aegon when he was younger but somewhere along the way he became more distant to him and all the rest of his kids more likely than not his sickness kept him from interacting frequently with his children or at the very least made such interactions incredibly difficult with that leeway given though we see that by the time him in Alison's kids are teens he's still able to walk and give speeches and be kingly if he wanted to he could have raised his children with much more care and the reason this is a failing is both a man and the king is because of viserys's relationship with his kids is both immoral and political issue I feel like I don't need to explain this but children deserve the love and attention of their father especially if their father has a sickness that will take him away soon as a man viserys was compassionate jovial understanding impatient all qualities that a parent should pass on to their children aegon and most likely his other children did not feel loved and this likely contributed to the constant Discord and outbursts that occurred in actuality viserys's inattentiveness most likely caused the stresses and troubles that he worked so hard to quash but then we get to the flip side failure as a king it is the duty of the Monarch to prepare their successor to rule properly viserys had been King for decades he personally saw the rule of jeharis the wise possibly the greatest King of the last 200 years visares had tons of experience and knowledge to pass down to his children so that they might make good decisions and see the world from a learned perspective even if the plan wasn't for aegon or aemond or Helena to set the throne both they and the realm would have benefited from them being more mature and stable so that they could welcome and work hand in hand with renira instead of being in conflict with her when she became Queen instead though visera seemed to just not care about passing on his knowledge to them it's almost as if he felt he did all he needed to do by teaching renera it's like he felt his children by Alison were a duty to strengthen the Targaryen line exclusively instead of actual people that he had to care War I mean he basically says as much when he calls Rainier his only child even if he was delirious and terribly ill funny enough this might be the most impactful failure of viserys's whole tenure as king for if he created a good familial bond between rhaenyra and aegon and Eamonn and so forth the throne would have been much less contested that is a laugh a Fit For A King the other shortcoming of viserys and this one is a bit dodgy is that viserys should have abdicated the throne as soon as rhaenyra started demonstrating the qualities of being even a competent Monarch but Sarah should have given up the crown to her he could have used his last years to Mentor her and guide her this way her rule would have started early the succession could have been presided over by the former King so there was no ambiguity and viserys's children could have been fostered to accept rhinera as their Queen however it's difficult to count this against viserys too much for a few reasons first of all there hadn't been an abdication in the history of a unified Westeros heck I'm not even sure if a king had abdicated to an heir in the history of the Seven Kingdoms if Lords were angry about a succession law where a woman became Heir because it broke precedent I imagine they would be equally angry about the abdication precedent being broken next rhaenyra's personality maturity and character also make this more complicated it could have been such that viserys never thought she was quite ready to take the throne still allowing his will to be interpreted and manipulated by Otto and Allison while he was trapped in the bedroom was a fate he should have avoided at all costs he should have seen the writing on the wall that his sickness was progressing to a point where his King ship was at an end and given over the Reigns so that there was no problem with succession going forward however looking back at the big picture of viserys's rule rather than just the snapshots that the episodes provide we get a full scope of how successful he was in being King while he did not prove himself in combat like on the Conqueror or quell rebellion and Insurrection like Jairus he did something arguably better he kept war from happening at all he gave Westeros nearly three decades of continuous peace and he did so while being faced with domestic challenges the likes of which wouldn't be seen again until the black fire rebellions people blame vasaris for the dance of the Dragons but the seeds of War were not planted by him but by rhaenyra and 1000 in Auto viserys failed as a father and a husband there is no doubt in that but his steadfastness to keep the realm stable even while being more zombie than man showed his true commitment to his duty as king I would argue year by year viserys became more confident and Savvy as a monarch never once having a dragon during the tumult of his rule he maneuvered around the richest most powerful members of westerosi society some of them being Dragon Riders themselves and kept them more civil than they ever otherwise would have been viserys made compromises with those that he was at odds with and allowed those who trespassed against him second chances to prove themselves he was well within his rights to never accept Damon back but he did it because he knew the value of family it is inarguable that viserys left his kingdom in a precarious position but the brunt of that blame could not be placed solely on his shoulders renera Damon Allison Otto all all of them together share culpability alongside the series with the dance happening but I think in the end viserys proved himself to be a good King Who Rose to the occasion when tested and served his country and family well anyway that's the end of this completely overly long and rant Style video if you like what you heard leave a like comment and subscribe if you you really want to be a homie support the channel on patreon check out some of my books my editing Services links will be in the description below as always it was a pleasure I will talk to you all again soon foreign [Music]
Channel: Savage Books
Views: 118,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house of the dragon, game of thrones, viserys entrance, viserys targaryen, game of thrones prequel, viserys targaryen scenes, house of the dragon episode 4
Id: F7ykRV3UfMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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