Virtual Reality Tour Of NYC Cabaret Club Performances | VR29 Studios | Refinery29
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Channel: Refinery29
Views: 27,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nyc, new york city, cabaret, burlesque, performers, burlesque performers, dancers, back stage, behind the scenes, VR, vr studios, virtual reality, virtual reality 360, virtual reality video, refinery29, r29, VR videos, The box, burlesque dancers, 360 video, fire eater, stunt performers, stunts, circus performers, circus, aerial performers, aerialists, virtual reality films, cabaret dancers, nyc dancers, nyc burlesque performers, burlesque clubs
Id: Ys-ZUua3Cns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2016
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