Virtual INSET 2021 - Day 1 - Afternoon Session

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so as we face the command of rapid development in technological innovation in the world the philippines preparedness in advancement of its physical facilities infrastructure and soft skills are given focus especially with the empowerment of teachers capacity and capability not only in pedagogical aspects of teaching but the confidence in delivering instruction with the use of information and communications technology the office of the under secretary for administration under the leadership of yusek alain delby pasqua established the educational technology unit under the information and communications technology service its prime function is to empower and capacitate public school teachers and learners as required by the global demand of the fast-paced development in technology the task of the educational technology unit is to promote and solidify the innovation and digitization projects that will support the requirements of the k-12 curriculum in delivering quality accessible relevant and liberating education for all it targets different components and facets of skills development which will enable the technological advancement of the infrastructure and infrastructure of develop this is supplemented with empowerment training programs in emerging technologies for public school teachers the programs of the edtech unit target the emerging pedagogies focus on open educational resources robotics and mechatronics coding and programming virtual reality and augmented reality in education mobile application development [Music] internet of things and the productivity tools for learning which includes microsoft office 365 google apps for education and the different adobe software tools in addition the maneuver of in-house applications such as the adapted commons and the dev and learning management system is under the flagship of the edtech unit the supervision of devon tv in ensuring world-class produced video lessons is another task of the office [Music] lastly the conduct of free online tutorial session coined with the term e to li is a bridging program to support learners and parents in answering the self-learning modules pioneered with the initiative of the icts and tech unit a teacher's influence is limitless bound with the heart for service and dedication to fulfill the greatest mission to educate the young the icts educational technology unit will be there to promote to empower and to inspire filipino teachers and learners as we grow as a tiger in the region hitting our target as one of the best in educational technology come on and join us as we make our dreams into a reality um [Music] foreign welcome back to the pm session of the virtual inset brought to you by the educational technology unit you are still with us i am teacher me from st and i am teacher jeff from sd oles pinas and right now we are actually overwhelmed with the number of teachers who are um joining us for the first ever virtual inset spur headed by the educational technology unit here at the devon central office so we have here some teachers i would like to recognize first we have eugenio m lopez junior center for media arts senior high school question city together with their principal sir noel de los reyes yes and also from columbus high school teachers together with their principal and sir rafi v caballes from claro and high school from sdo manila all right about mr marco paulo victoria also from nehs science department together with their friend with their principal dr ferdinand fontiglio and science department head dr donata and as well as sd o batanga city um dr felizado or bolanos integrated school this great this britain came from sir raymond general integrated national high school hello a de la rosa of course our teacher is also from general emilio aguinaldo national high school emo city inca with their principal uh mama lerma b pena and the plp department greetings from sir michael angelo maleriado all right eating sponsors civil and central elementary school from sergeants anthony teachers from region 5 legacy city and albeit division from sir al jarvan napoli wenge and adonis all right [Music] so we would now be proceeding to the pm session of today's in-service training for teachers our focus now would be on the execution of effective teaching in synchronous and asynchronous means all right maybe remind you our dear teachers to write your questions for our speaker for the session send in your questions by answering the google forms via the link that you can see on your screen yeah okay so the link is already posted there and don't forget to send in your questions our year teachers now this topic would be presented to us by none other than the head of the educational technology unit okay that is sir mark anthony cc given the opportunity to read his buy-in out mr mark and ecc is the head of the icts educational technology union he joined the department of education on april 16 2018 as the executive assistant two for the under secretary for administration with his expertise in mobile learning technology his works were recognized by the brothers of the south green hills where he worked as a former grade school filipino and adeline van teacher he served the institution as the educational technology coordinator and licensed officer from 2013 to 2017. he established the framework of the school's pearl program which highlighted the effective use of technology in delivering quality instruction in addition with its leadership in the pro office the south bean plus was awarded as the very first microsoft showcase in the philippines he was also invited and had given several empowerment programs locally and internationally to inspire and capacity teachers skills in using ice he is a google certified innovator and a microsoft education ambassador in 2019 he was awarded as the head tech leader in asia in the k-12 category a second placer by the edutech asia which was held in singapore in 2020 he represented the philippines as a delegate to observe the best practices of schools in using ict in usa and united kingdom with his vast knowledge and expertise in educational technology he is one of the consultants of the undersecretary for administration that provides expert level advices to continue the thrust of development delivering quality accessible relevant and liberating education for the filipino learners for him a teacher's influence is limitless a true dedicated teacher with a heart for service will do everything to see the bright future of our beloved country the philippines ladies and gentlemen let us all welcome our speaker at this moment mr mark anthony cc [Music] thank you for that wonderful word uh teacher jeff and teacher may good afternoon so all of our teachers are currently tuned in and for those participants who just knew about this virtual insight program please take note that it is open for all it is voluntary so for our session i'll be delivering two things the first one would be the effective delivery of a synchronous teaching methodology and the other one will be the asynchronous teaching methodology it will be uh at 1 pm until 4 00 pm so we'll be having two sessions here so my dear colleagues please take note that when we talk about effective delivery of synchronous teaching we need to bear in mind that we are in an online environment i know that it is difficult to have it right now in our country because we have a lot of challenges however we need to take note about these priorities these objectives and why it's important for us to understand how are we going to deliver an effective online teaching methodology this synchronous teaching first we have the following objectives all of you are expected to have this one so let's have a focus number one is for you to determine the proper actions in conducting effective synchro i'll be sharing with you certain practices certain techniques that will enable you to prosper as a teacher delivering an ethic instruction i would say that these practices are also used in other countries as i have observed them and i'll be sharing that one to you later on our objective would be to devise a mechanism to troubleshoot any technical difficulties and challenges when we face that situation i know that it's very hard for us to deliver something wherein we don't have that what are those things it could be your capability your capacity your equipment your environment and the support because these things being said what are the alternatives so later on i'll be sharing some insights i'm expecting all of you to reflect practices your current practice and have a self-assessment in the delivery of synchronous sessions later on i'll be sharing also a lot of questions it will be um interesting because we will be having an interactive session when we say interactive i'll be posting some questions that you need to answer so take note of it we'll be utilizing many later on and your answer i'll promise you your answers i'll toss it that will use a lindelby password so that it will be discussed into the executive level your voice matters take note of that next our fourth objective would be i want you to propose an innovative solution to the department if you think of a great project an innovation project related to ict or educational technology please inform us tell us so later on in our activities it really matters so for now bear in mind that this session is collaborative i am here to listen i am here to impart something i am here to inspire all of you that i know you can do it and lastly for number five i want to capacitate you so that you could share that one to your colleagues to create world-class technology-based instructional materials align with the framework of effective teaching methodologies please bear in mind that when we talk about educational technology as mentioned earlier i am a former filipino teacher and also a former araling pandipuna teacher but it didn't stop me to venture in educational technology it means that once you have that confidence once you have that enthusiasm to learn then you can do it all of these five objectives is our target two school heads and principals who are currently watching please advise your teachers to join in our session all of these answers will be also reflected in today's activity so let's have our first question and answer portion my dear colleagues please bear with me okay our webinar session will be interactive and let's start with our very first question let's see my dear colleagues please open your devices and go to for you to key in or type in the code that will be flashed onto your screen so let's wait for our webinar director to flash it onto the screen my very first question is how will you describe yourself in integrating technology into classroom instruction would you think that your performance is actually a beginner advanced you're competent you're proficient or you're an expert please key in the code again to proceed with this activity go to and type down the code the code is 7461 let's see why do i need to ask that so that our executive personnel the one in the department would understand the capacity the cage of our learners how should we work in order for us to help you that's why my very first question if we will ask you what is your level in terms of utilizing technology into your classroom instruction you have five options there just choose one and i'm very happy that we have a lot of participants here so let's see let's show the results now according to our concept we have oops it's moving it's live thank you thank you to mendy as we could see the range here is with the beginner side which is about 30 plus percent next to it will be the 29 for competent nasa sinusoidal advance which is in the 25 percent the rest will be the minority and proficient at an expert thank you for being honest and with all of these things being said in terms of delivering instructions and technology i know this is also your answer number one with internet connection do you agree if you agree hit like and heart second i know that you're experiencing that because you don't have your own equipment would you agree again hit like heart and of course these things are remarkable integration utilizing technology but rest assured that the educational technology unit will continue to educate and to empower our teachers how to utilize the the vast numbers of available technologies that will also run either online or offline we will provide you several sessions on it and this i will assure you this data i will provide that one and show that one to the executives especially to my boss that hey you need to look at this data this data shows that our teachers need help they need assistance and i hope after one year the beginner we believe that if we need to be competent in these things in conducting synchronous sessions the government should provide us the quality infrastructure so teachers could deliver these quality things and it should not be blamed to the teachers i believe that you are doing your tasks very well but you cannot deliver that effectively if the back-end side that you cannot have any control at all has a problem and what is that number one internet connectivity government officials telecommunication partners connection it will not improve at all aside from that without proper equipment how can we deliver these things therefore my dear colleagues thank you for joining us and saying these things out it really matters now let's proceed i'll be sharing my screen with you indicating the parameters parameters deliver now quality instruction if in case these scenarios are already settled now it's not internet equipment and continuous improvement or capacity building so look at this one i'll be showing a picture or an image nothing's nothing nothing or video about online synchronous teaching and i myself is holders and partners so that our educational system will be better and i know if ever you are here saying these things it's also the same rest assured that the executives our government officials are working very hard for for them to deliver these things to the teachers first we need to have a platform what is that platform is it going to be utilizing a stream yard using facebook using youtube without a platform a common platform an idea at all [Music] is so again to have an effective delivery we need to have a common platform bear in mind that next ayah i know you phones a smartphone and that is my request all the time perspective because they need it i'm sure education in our country will prosper whether it is online or face-to-face instruction equipment is really important just to give you an idea since i came from a private institution teachers i believe that that ed is also doing that let's give that chance to that end because that ed is doing its best it's really hard if you don't have that to have an effective online synchronous class equipment is a priority it is a must third you need to have your house rules good morning i'm your online teacher or i'm your online advisor it's not that good remember that you need to put a direction just like in face-to-face instruction in face-to-face instruction the meron pattayan facial expression may body language but this one we need to take note that we are just one click away and i believe with our school heads watching you can talk with your colleagues with your co-teachers and proper house ruling in the meeting and as the head of the educational technology unit i will be posting a genetic house rule in terms of sharing and instructional information conducting asynchronous teaching parameters again house rule is important next you need to have a teaching assistant tutor a story not a children um when we talk about teaching assistant it's not aqua teacher it's actually your learner who will act as an assistant whom you think that is responsible in a panic a guy's helping a classroom merengue class officers maritime president maritime vice president and we could also maximize that in terms of our online synchronous class having a teaching assistant could help us in terms of monitoring in terms of um asking for a report or feedback because these learners are friends with their colleagues for example when i became the head of the when i became the educational technology coordinator of lasalle green hills before and we have several programs for the learners especially on how we are going to uh maximize the use of the device i make sure to collaborate with my former pupils sorry learners necessary students office that time sir mark you know we discovered these things you can utilize this app and help the other learners we need to bear in mind that knowledge is not only applicable to certain groups kappa minute discovering a useful material useful technology let's empower each one by sharing it because when we talk about these things now indian paramedic it's really for sharing so take note of it next consideration would be the utilization of your audio visual materials visual materials supports instruction but this is always my suggestion avoid having a film viewing viewing synchronous class all the visual materials it's an eliciting activity for example you have certain tools like quizzes like kahoot that you could have an immediate feedback you can embed certain activities such as attaching an image and attaching a video later on i'll be showcasing or sharing a lot of these tools that you could consider next having a learning management system is a must the deaf ed currently has the learning management system the regional learning management system to maximize its use soon we'll be having we'll be having uh several sessions regarding it but again it's voluntary it's about your free time it's not compulsory but our target here is that if we would like to maximize our skills in online instruction in synchronous instruction we need to have our baseline platform and our online tool the learning management system important and lastly you need to learn how to do the feedback learners [Music] we need to give ample time for them to reflect also because it's really hard to have an online synchronous session for our learners if one feels that they are isolated there are a lot of things that need to be considered that's why your voice matters here with my questions later on um innovation officials so having all of these things being said as the important component to deliver an online synchronous session let's have another activity we will be having uh an engagement again with mentimeter so i want you to answer these concepts if a flashpoint happening webinar director ilana what limits your potential as a teacher in conducting online synchronous teaching obviously an example lack of device divided online synchronous activity let me repeat that question what limits your potential as a teacher in conducting online synchronous teaching remember our code is 7461495 we are listening my dear colleagues type down your responses and let us see okay thank you to our webinar director for flashing it down please take note my dear colleagues components potential okay let's see your answers can we flash it onto our screen [Music] connection to our government officials this is the voice of the teachers 900 000 currently online we have 118 270 participants that voice matters having a poor internet connection in our country limits the potential of our teachers if you want them to prosper and deliver quality instruction please hear them out managing the internet internet loads [Music] [Music] why do i need to tell that nangaringa was a private practice when i worked in la salle green hills hindi nami pino programma and internet because the internet connection was provided by the school therefore all classrooms are wi-fi enabled so when we deliver our instruction it's very easy but i know that the brothers are very supportive with the teachers they have that compassion and i hope that compassion will also be the same with our government officials who are currently listening and watching teachers are helpful but in order for us to help them let's also give them proper materials these connections this connectivity so that it will not limit their potential school headspoke administrators [Music] with access to technology teachers will be having difficult times it's a collaborative effort we need compassion and when we talk about compassion it's understanding and if we understand our teachers then we have respected one another so again thank you for that please help us to other government agencies connection the ict please the teachers needs your help in the public school all teachers needs your help quality access to internet let's just have that political will that we can do it and as teachers let's not stop in improving ourselves while we wait for that time to happen and when that time comes we are ready to deliver a world-class instruction so i hope everything is clear with that so let me go back again to my presentation with all of this being said please take note about these key terminologies or keywords first is the guidance when we talk about guidance kinakai available instructional materials which is given supposedly by the central office the regional office or the division office i know all teachers will totally agree on me they need guidance without that guidance centralized and we know that there will come a time that it will happen teachers and with our baby steps with our small steps we can do great things but again we need good guidance i hope our leaders who are currently watching will guide our teachers in this process ptsd educational technology there is no educational technology at all ict when we talk about it there are two strands in terms of administrative work and about educational technology educational technology suggestion proper guidance and once we have that then we will be good on to it second key word increase the dialogue and interactions because we are all teachers there's no separation between a public school teacher a private school teacher because all of us are teachers whether you are licensed or essential [Music] and with this online teaching if we don't have this dialogue and interaction allah having that a proper planning we could always devise something that will help everybody my expertise some session by having a collab with another group it is necessary time is important because next set a direction our leaders need to provide a direction oops our teachers need why is it so for example the edtech unit would like our teachers to be empowered in utilizing technology thank you for those who believe in this project and if there are some group of people or teachers who somehow question regarding the sincerity the honesty of the group then that be it again perspective so i request our school heads that if ever after this session you can talk to your colleagues to your teachers it's healthy for us to have eight hours of sleep so other than that we need to have a well-structured courses so my panoramic area will structure courses the bonus curricular sideshow yes it's a partnership materials like these modules or the alternative delivery methodologies at the end of the day hindi babariks [Music] and by delivering that in an online synchronous teaching a well-structured course is one of the backbone next let us improve our learning outcomes and even being done the assessment we need to consider how to give assessments online synchronous teaching that's why i always recommend to have a portfolio based aside from the traditional way of gauging our learners online synchronous teaching is important ourselves in a very shallow life you are asking the identification multiple choice this that's actually um nothing so the manner of having having our uh manner of asking questions is really matter it's really important do time teachers also should elicit questions high order thinking skills questions not this not simply the shalom indeed in the young traditional assessment company about face-to-face instruction that's totally different if we talk about online synchronous classes so please consider that and lastly why don't we have an instructional strategy a centralized instructional strategy that will help incapacitate our teachers how to deliver it effectively to capacity our schoolhouse and administrators our principals so that they could assess the teachers properly everybody happy so with that i have another question which is very important so please participate so etu naman kagaya naginovanaten kanina i'll ask again several questions and please take note on it okay give three educational technology application of software that you use comfortably in your online synchronous class can you please provide me three examples so type it and then after that we will flash that one into our screen so please participate so i'll comfortable teacher at s why is it important so that we know that there are some teachers who need assistance also to know those tools parallel i equally at par when we talk about educational technology majority is at the beginner stage now if we are at the beginner stage and it will be very helpful for us so that in our future endeavors in our future training international certification one of the projects is to provide a certification program for our teachers not a local certification but an international certification how can we do that if we do massive training if we do empowerment program either face-to-face or online so can we show now the answers let's see there are times that i question facebook on facebook and social media learners say they can immediately click something but there are some countries which utilize this tool effectively so how are we going to position ourselves remember an important [Music] therefore our official should also reflect [Music] regarding the set of parameters we are not living in the past if our materials or if our guidelines or parameters are way back instructional strategy it's very important for us so thank you for sharing that now going back again to my presentation i'll be sharing to you this is very quick a rundown of the effective strategies in conducting an online synchronous session everything is self-explanatory so look at this one these are the effective strategies number one is to provide learners with an agenda attached in the modules dependently distribute a module because you have an agenda and we have a lot of provided tools technology online tv and radio based modalities but however indicated number two set your expectations and communicate it with that that is the same also when we talk about our learners number three try to invite your learners to generate their own discussion points to have the capability to tweak it on terminology [Music] and that is the same concept with what we are doing right now four have an icebreaker or activity at the start of the session try have a shorter session but it is recorded why it is necessary to be recorded so for example foreign [Music] tool we could always have those things next number six utilize the chat pool strategy strategically on by asking them just like what i am doing earlier to know and to determine your ideas and your concept i ask questions so that is the same concept also and lastly number seven at the end of the week ask students to assess their participation important by contacting the learner and i'm sure our teachers knows about it but again these are the effective strategies that we can do so having said that question and answer again my question is somehow uh very personal what program can you suggest to deb ed to promote and enhance teachers capacity to deliver quality instruction using ict your answers i'll post and with that we will look onto the considerable maxima become if you have something to suggest to that ed to enhance the program for teachers in delivering quality instruction using ict could you please share it with us so i'll give you enough time to think about it and type your answers putting so i hope you are enjoying our session take note this session matters because it's not just simply stating about the effectiveness of synchronous teachings instructions and that's what we are doing right now we are not taking it technically having all for ict we are hearing your needs as teachers for us to determine okay can we show it flashlight let's see we can flash one answer or one suggestion i am [Music] make a technology-based plan for learning and teaching thank you sabedito free vouchers okay thank you for that free vouchers for teachers we are working on it ayan hello google if you are listening right now the filipino teachers in the uh political the filipino teachers are requesting if you could provide us vouchers because they really like to have the certification program rest provide strong internet connection hello dict could you please provide us a strong internet connection more ict and educational technology trainings thank you for it i am more seminars and trainees thank you for that more hands on tools cut down paperwork okay thank you for sharing that cut down paperwork [Music] in a technical so to our uh partners stakeholders who are currently watching if you think of an activity or support to them and one way of it is to look for its program like its paperwork so we will consider all of these things together so going back now to my presentation sorry for being candid that time now so having all of these things and fatality nothing challenges is being a teacher we are considerate but we consider grades of our learners if we see the performance if they really put an effort onto it at i o not we need to consider a good conduct of assessment and it's really a challenge for online synchronous teaching number two to have a learner's attendance and social needs 100 plus a private school in the evening 100 percent the technology itself our hardware and software four the stability of the internet connection five your special concerns regarding the different types of learners champions this because six i know you will agree plagiarism [Music] online [Music] m foreign okay [Music] okay while waiting for sir marxi to be reconnected with his connection let us first recap the important points said in his um presentation so these are the important points that we got from his presentation first we have to consider time improvement needs time and it cannot be done so easily second guidance teachers need to be guided and where should this guidance come from there should the guidance should be coming from our officials how about the authorship yes for the dialogue interaction our voices are important to better or to make our system better now for the rest of course we all know that everybody wants to rest yes everybody wants to rest but it is in thinking to be efficient that we can champion the management of our work how about for the direction direction is really important because our leaders need a direction and this direction should be collaboratively be determined by by the administrators and by the teachers remark as he's stressful yes of course for our last uh point for today is the instructional strategy it is a centralized instructional plan that would benefit all especially our learners and i'm sure that our teachers are now ready to listen to our story so we'll have sir mark with you again sir mark yes thank it's normal in our country right now that's why we play we ask for our government officials to help us to have a better internet connection accuracy depth of understanding and fatigue that's natural these are the challenges in online synchronous teaching and as teachers uh solution to the department to empower and maximize the use of technology in instruction i repeat that will be my last question for this session martin annes this will be the last activity and then after that i'll proceed with answering the sets of questions okay so have a coordinator to handle ict integration and separate the workload of ict administrators ah thank you thank you for that suggestion i totally agree on that integration or classroom integration or instructional integration gambit and ict okay provide a faster internet connection providing a good internet connection to talaga at now i want to wrap it up in one simple word okay i'm online synchronous teaching and future in education i indeed [Music] [Music] [Music] the government the stakeholders the private institutions should actually need to work hard collaboratively to provide these materials to our teachers because at the end of the day manager i am [Music] as soon as possible yes so thank you sir mark that was only the half of this presentation but we have already learned so many things about the truth and reality of education in the context and state of technology in the country you know what teacher me uh uh one of the real problems of teachers nowadays the department of education cannot do it alone so that is why there are we are tapping the other department to help us [Music] that we will be offering robotics devices that the problem of our internet connection is not only a problem that can be experienced in one agency but it can it can be experienced by everyone in the country so of their brand the purpose of the educational technology unit technology yes now these are also the effective strategies sir mark mentioned to deliver synchronous teaching effectively so number one provide students with learning goals or agenda because definitely what is um what the with the right objectives yes for number two um set clear expectation to the learners yes yes because actually human students they are digitally competitive easily social the key in order for us to reach our students and um because there are some students and as well as teachers to their head teachers and principals that they cannot easily open up so through the use of chat it is another means for us to share or to say something that we can be listened to one of the talks that will be done this week will be about chatbots that can immediately respond to the concerns of our students okay let me share to you this fact it's done in our shot um in our asynchronous sessions not just to give lessons to our alerts but to also feel for our mirrors and for number seven have the students to assess themselves in their performance as teachers we have to let them discover themselves learning is not just attaining the objectives in the classroom but also assessing your own performance how you perform in life it's not the people who would tell you yes and of course um at this point we would like to thank all the teachers the next questions i think that questions are now ready and it will be flash on the screen so with sir mark c we're going to answer all those questions our mark yes can we read the questions so that's our answer all right again okay so our first question are you ready sir so this is 40 of the criteria okay so first question is modular as a modality for learning is really effective since most of the students are not the ones answering the activities wow would you like to repeat me sir the question [Laughter] yes thank you very much thank you for that wonderful question so if i will be asked if modular materials is actually effective i would say that yes if we follow certain parameters number one we should not put again experience as a classroom teacher i based textbook yes the modular materials will always be very effective provide that number one answer should not be provided at the back portion of it for me the style of a module should be like this it's direct and precise number one put the objective number two have the set of questions that a release that will elicit the the mind of learners from knowledge base by evaluation or synthesis so but again it is effective provided that a module is well thought of module that's why there is a collaborative effort on how a module will be affected take note modules within modules having a set of questions to guide the learners to understand the concepts if there are some information that information should be direct concise and precise not that worthy in the young parent terminology and i think let's consider our modules if the modules are crafted enough to suit their needs with confidence and with the aim of other modalities the module will be effective but the module alone will not stand alone i hope that's clear the module alone cannot stand alone because if i hope that word will be eradicated parents should be there as our partners as facilitators for learning and we need to help our parents that's why we devise something in english and subject english and a truth or format so that we can we are able to express and explain in a vernacular you miss again if you have something in mind to help our learners company expand language nato please do so we are listening so thank you for that wonderful question yes okay how about for our next question alright sir are you ready for your second question for the easy round okay this question was from maisel maycell ours albino from emma bean elementary school of tala open city and it's the question sir how will the department deal with those parents who are not supportive in the asynchronous learning of their children thank you that edge should work double time why if our learners doesn't have an equipment to use at home how are they going to be effective in having an asynchronous way of teaching asynchronous way of learning now that's why i keep on mentioning earlier that it's a collaborative effort so to the government officials who are currently watching and those who have already supported and gave tablets or cell phones to the learners for them to be equipped with both asynchronous and asynchronous teaching or and learning manager and thank you for that question i believe that it's a collaborative effort from the central office responsibility we will work on it and devise a plan for that but i reassure you that that is doing something regarding it yes okay so thank you very much sir mark for our third question from mr eugenio el molina from manga mangaldan national high school pangasinan what would you recommend as the best technology to be integrated in the new normal classroom setting okay if i will be asked so if i will be asked what technology i would say that instructional video tool will be the best technology because it is a supplement for our face face-to-face instruction there are a lot of tools available we have our cameras with us you you could always utilize that again why i said that i'm acting dimensional [Music] for example before we have conducted that session the utilization of simple paper whiteboard pen marami punka para anakumaru that's the best technology okay thank you sir mark and now we will be going to the penultimate question and this question was from jesse joy palinello from arsenal herrera elementary school sbo manila and is the question sir what intervention can be done with the students or parents who are not cooperative in entering the synchronous classes thank you the best intervention for our learners and also for our parents if they are not that good in attending the synchronous classes number one isn't it that we asked them before if they are going to have online or offline or the modular materials but if they choose online the online synchronous activity then there should be an engagement with the parents with the teacher in the school itself that they will support that online now what is the intervention there giancul papas of you you acting on school heads to help our teachers to communicate with the parents in assisting opportunities to grow much better in utilizing technology but we need to consider the capacity the open-mindedness of our parents it's just a matter of good communication if we explain to them clearly our objective our sincere objectives reason behind it i'm sure the heart number so the best intervention is good communication thank you okay so for our final question sir mark from roy albert c the hanai of amabini elementary school from sd okala how are you going to deal with those season teachers in performing the new normal set up the easier way okay thank you for that question this is my request to the young teachers or marketing teachers all of us will soon be a season teachers nixon having all know all of us will soon be season teachers now we have some weak spots we have some areas that need to be assisted if you nobody call a flash forward tile or in a fast forward tile dahil young and ilana season teachers since we are young we know these technologies let's collaborate with one another how to do that engage collaborate and help them out if they are conducting sessions this is the best thing do you know about us all green hills and i'm sure if they are watching now if you have the props or if you have the visual materials that you haven't before like on flashcards and just do it giving them enough confidence linking their traditional practice with the current one will help them a lot again let's help them at least remember that we cannot be teachers if we don't have those system teachers so if ever you are the spirit you are the principal or school here devise a plan or program to have a partnership and then support system with a young teacher who's confident in using technology and assistant teacher whom you think that they need help teacher [Music] okay thank you sir mark for that wonderful and grateful message and the three big birds that i got from your answer are engage collaborate and help out and i would believe that sir mark knows this as one of the taglines of lasagna sharing is why one of the new teachers before the public what i'm [Music] teachers doesn't mean you're the best i always believe that we should work hand in hand together benefits so we should not compete with the old teachers and the new teachers whether gender based okay so um move stand up and grab your favorite snacks and drinks and we will be right [Applause] [Music] back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good day everyone i am sir roby and together we will learn the word of the future robotics did you know that here in educational technology unit robotics is a priority to make every filipino learners and teachers competent and meet the demands of the future global scene where in teachers students and parents who wanted to learn robotics is just at least a way for free robotics is an interdisciplinary field which integrates computer science and engineering it involves design construction operations and use of robots to assist human activities are you ready for this information transformation soon [Music] hey [Music] [Music] department of education icts educational technology unit at alternative learning system task force tech empowerment program an excellent quality education learner and teachers to easily deliver the lessons from the modules and other references we will provide tablet pc as part of the depth at computerization program to all else teachers and orientation on the use of these packages to deepen the pedagogical use of information and communications and technology in delivering instructions there are training workshops on the use and curation of open educational resources or oer google and microsoft productivity tools creation of video lessons using powerpoint presentations and kidney master and on ebook or e-magazine development to create an avenue for individual lessons that is open to all learners teachers and parents we will have the e to lie free online tutorial and mobile in july where we will visit remote schools to feature the best practices of our as teachers and learners some out of school [Music] [Music] foreign we are now back to continue the other half of the pm session of the first day of the virtual inset sir mark thank you so we will continue with our uh session the effective delivery of asynchronous teaching so earlier i have shared anubian effective criterias criterias challenges which is the synchronous teaching when we talk about online asynchronous teaching teacher so i know so here are our objectives okay so let's focus on to these things at the end of the session atlanta target the participants will be able to first to determine proper actions in conducting effective asynchronous of activities in the teaching learning process so i'll be sharing to you a lot of uh tech tools that you could utilize so that you will be having an engagement more efficient engagement with your learners number two identify readily available resources to support the asynchronous learning sessions so we have a lot of these things but of course we need to cite the the resources concession and guiding next number three reflect on best practices and self-assessment in the delivery of asynchronous sessions reflect next number four is to propose an innovative solution to the department to provide equal apps technology in different types of learning environments about any types of number five assess the current ict programs and initiatives department in providing quality education for all types of learners in asynchronous teaching we have a lot of advantages but we also have the disadvantages because he holds their time they hold their time hindi nothing unless we set the guidelines now next it's easily scalable easily shareable moderation because it's just a link or it is a soft copy lastly it's cost effective advantages advantages number one delayed or no feedback at all next the distracting attention of other available materials in the net no collaboration because it requires self-discipline and lastly they think that they are isolated at materials because it is about the learners and not about you about the learners and not about you know that's actually not a good practice at all so we need to take note that when we look for these materials and when we create let's think about the learners does it fit their age does it fit to the requirements like some competencies uh because it utilizes an lms to make it work it's reasonably sound or good if we have an interactive ebook material we use gamified links we have the utilization of different curriculum web pages such as uh the lr portal and also the david comas and other resources found online and lastly to have your audio and video recordings having all of this component it will empower your class in delivering a synchronous session so with that that inanimate asynchronous teaching now i want you to estimate your use of instructional technology with students for having this type of activity can you buy a lot in a game so you need to gauge it so i use technology for instruction nearly every day asynchronous mode or about once a week or once a month or seldom or never i want you to be honest in answering that one why because it will help us in so i want you to answer it honestly the quote is 746-11495 and please be honest in giving your feedback regarding this attention okay let's see the result so majority of our participants have mentioned that they are actually using it at least once a week the next one almost daily once a month so what is it what is the indicator or indication about it our teachers would like to deliver an asynchronous teaching but to make it effective we need to provide them readily made available materials which is quality assured i think you are smiling next some of you might think that ah i'm already capable that's why i'm delivering it several times in a week and that's actually good then however we need to consider that we need to plan it out teachers so with this information once a month not at all or seldom i think this group of teachers should be given more training more assistance it's a collaborative work and i'm very happy that you are sharing this information that you need to plan out what are the best programs to support especially those 13 and 12 located with once a month and a whole indicated once a month or no alcohol okay so thank you for that so going back to my presentation here are the following edtech tools that are actually useful you can list it down actually this is downloadable my presentation is downloadable in the lms okay in the pdlms library by the download a highly useful hymena useful panel these are the useful application tools or software that i believe it's easy for us to manipulate number one appspacer if you want to create applications an android application this tool is meant for you we have a lot of sessions conducted already for the transformational oer you can watch that so that you will be aware how these tools are used it's in the youtube page of the edtech educational technology unit second is quizzes quizzes is an interactive uh quizzing material a gamified tool where you can attach an image video your audio everything that you have in mind it's usable in addition you can search readily made quizzing materials meant for your class however the discretion there you need to review the sample questions because some questions might be not applicable for your earnings competency so you need to review still those search quizzing tools okay or quiz materials conquer go conquer is an online tool you can easily embed it so for example if you have a web page that you could have an injected interactive activity use go conquer get the iframe we will be having uh a session in transformative oer is on session we will conduct that anytime soon so again if you have a web page go conquer it's a good option next is nirpan nearpod is somehow an assistive tool it's like having an interaction with your learners in real time performance so for example i'm presenting now if i switch it to my next slide all learners who are watching your presentation will also swap to the next line in addition you can ask questions interactively like a gamified one so but that one is different okay so again i'm serious having to put it to sanir but i you have a direct control aside from that you could give a home-based activity by providing them a link or providing them the code next is pulochi it is a learning management system which is for free next will be weeks we have delivered this session before in creating curriculum page or curriculum website next will be kotobi applications it should be intended because you need first to create it in kotobi uh author before viewing it in kotovider next one will be banshee is it's actually also uh free of use however mean limitations of free usage totally free but there is a free version that you can use next is edmodo again and a learning management system which is a good option next one is socrative so it is a a content-based web wherein you could engage learners by having a gamified session indeed and you can see the feedback next one will be kahoot i know you are familiar with it it's a gamified material we also have quizlet we have ija which is a tool that could utilize the augmented reality in education having a friend vr transformational oer frame vr is creating a virtual reality experience wherein you put a virtual teacher in a virtual material in konpak next is weekly it's a powerful tool discover nino it was already shared before in the empowerment programs of edtech last february okay so you could always visit the youtube page next i don't highly recommend that go utilize microsoft teams especially if you have an account next one will be google classroom ayan of of course an email account you can utilize this or if you have a regular gmail you may do so and puzzle by having a snippet of questions coming from youtube and lastly youtube youtube for education all of these things are helpful tools in conducting our asynchronous session okay so with that being said i have again my next set of questions so if a flash we are not in uh webinar director so i hope you give us an answer here please be honest okay what is your main resource material to effectively deliver an online asynchronous session making an escala please are you utilizing as the base material young public video lectures or video episodes our shared links or materials or files or the open educational resources you choose only one choose only one okay resource material so our access code is 746-11495 and please be honest in in giving your opinion again it's really important the question is what is your main resource material to effectively deliver an online asynchronous session can we see the reactions in the field let's see lumalabaz because the baseline materials that they believe that is essential in the synchronous teaching is the module capable of my so pandemic situation at another nasa it's really a collaborative world printed modules are the baseline materials in any modalities that we have that and tv cannot create an episode without the module in today's session cannot have that good session if you don't have a plane material which we will utilize to assist in tutoring same thing goes also with the radio based instructions so our teachers have shared their sentiments their main resource material are the modules the printed modules if we cannot deliver it on time their session whether online or offline will be affected at hindi nothing celebrating scene at the end of the day 97 the responsibility there is shared the leadership there should be there printed modules should be given to our teachers ahead of time for them to prepare it because if we don't have it any modalities will not be successful everything will suffer especially the learnings of our students and at the end of the day we cannot blame the teachers because we need to ask ourselves do we have already emojis given to them then we need to do something so i'm going to share with you the effective strategies that we could have when we conduct our asynchronous teaching so please take note of it in a picture and remember these things number one design a discussion board quizzes or digital copies of documents recorded audio or video in a compact material easily downloadable and shareable your wedding bluetooth bluetooth [Music] especially if you are talking about the pandemic situation next number two let's practice the feedback asynchronous activity let's ask them did you enjoy the activity have we attained the objectives of our lesson have that in mind set of parameters and the feedback of our learners is very important to consider next use a variation of e-learning activities which i have mentioned already earlier four set a time i am a higher grades teacher the transition from a higher grade teacher placing you to grade one is really difficult why i respect the decision it's a challenge i take time to collaborate with parents and give them activities worksheets engaging activities online penmanship champion and acting classes [Music] i use compassion i use i am very proud to say that they are actually my stepping stone on how i improve in educational technology grade one mancilla and technology green hills as a platform tool at the start every single step can make a difference as as a teacher in delivering instruction an important tv to i i know i'm adding my eb learners online i know this is the same sentiments of our teachers there are areas in the module that it's actually lengthy or is it the preciseness we need to consider all of these things in creating these tools because anything which is too long we lost our learners in academic we need to devise a way so that engagement and learning will be fulfilling okay let's have a bite-sized module to accomplish let's make it very simple and live but we are attacking the competencies that we need to understand next let's encourage group collaboration they can create meaningful activities but if you're handing the lower grades it's very difficult coordination or so again proper planning is needed and number seven incorporate and create connections which is relatable when you have exercises use their names and you want to share it you could always email oer deb at that but again you will be so responsible for the copyright make sure that when you share it it's your own word okay this is your opportunity to share your resource material you could email that one it's there already we are at that dot so that when you conduct your asynchronous activity your learners will be redirected to the system just go to david commons and look for it for the vandalism so with this effective strategies that i have mentioned i have another question that you need to answer okay it will be flash onto our screen in your opinion which equipment is beneficial useful and applicable to deliver an online instructional is it laptop next is going to be a tablet android os or is going to be a cell phone choose your preferred answer hit now okay let's see remember the code to participate in our session activity it's 761-1495 again it's 7461-1495 our question is in your opinion which equipment is beneficial useful and applicable to deliver an online instruction okay and we are setting it in can we see the responses of our participants oops color blue laptop okay i know that you say is currently watching you [Music] laptops for teachers we request that angry quests [Music] [Music] with this changing time it's important to support their needs and i am very happy to share with all of our colleagues who are currently watching deaf ed is listening to all of you that's why with this laptop for teachers soon it will anytime this week i will not mention the name of the schools but we will be having a a run-through of a session to empower the teachers and after that continues i am very positive that our teachers will receive these laptops and thank you for go for the government officials who have who have already shared and gave teachers the public school teachers labs laptops to use personnel and sdo natalagang and i'm very happy i think that's 90 laptops for teachers [Music] so let's continue this will be my last slide but i'll be sharing to you the best practices on how you're going to conduct an asynchronous session okay and after that i'll be having my question and answer portion again so regarding the best practices for asynchronous learning we need to consider all of these things number one use readily made materials from reliable make sure that it is already quality assured teachers parents next make online materials shareable for the benefit of many because their lab of but if we want to inspire more and if we want to help more learners then we need to set it with public so that they could easily locate it 2014 a wake-up call for me in utilizing attack hindi not gonna private sessions i will make it a point hindi and once you learn these things continue by inspiring other teachers who have not learned or who have not watched that kind of session next number 3 activities not more than 40 minutes to accomplish so please take note of this screen time should be considered but again we cannot avoid the fact that there are several subjects in the philippines but with these things important enough you consider nothing accomplished i not more than 40 minutes next use a reflective format to elicit critical thinking reflective questions use simple directions use vary by using variated activities or variation of activities and make sure to gamify it and variation important if you want to learn more about these asynchronous activities you can watch the saturday sessions or the recorded the previous recorded sessions of the edtech unit different oer tools and i'm sure your learners will have the aha moment and lastly number eight engage in compelling audio or video lessons as a supplemental tool take note asynchronous learning is a supplemental concept that we are providing for our learners so to end that i want you to answer this activity i had my last question again if a flash booyah so please be honest again in answering let's see the questions or sorry question nine five so kanina in your own opinion what would be the best equipment next question so please go to that and have the code 74611495 now this question is meant for everybody how will you promote the maximum use of technology in instruction again how will you promote the maximum use of technology in instruction how are you going to utilize it okay so maramite i need to use it extensively laptop i think in word in a laptop i provide a slappa so that we can maximize the use of it i'm so if you have a suggestion onto it please post that one suggestion you know how to incentivize but make it very reasonable okay next a shared material so thank you regarding it so i'm concerned sharing tool as teachers let's work together teachers it's high time for us to to think of it that if we have something can we offer it for free offer for free then let's just put it in an aspect material it's okay if it is crafted by that person that would be okay but it's really hurting if a certain material published hindi namaste nakila so i hope with all of these things we need to reflect on ourselves with our values in here because when we talk about technology and reflection so with our another question mira ira reflect um session post let's go to the next question number four flashback okay so after asking you on how you're going to promote the maximum use of technology and instruction [Music] if you are allowed to talk to our president how can we make access to technology equal to everybody what is your proposed action plan uh in a voluntary basis since it's international it's easy for us to to forward that to our executives to our leaders that these are our proposals on how you're making technology equal to everybody so please be honest in giving your answer and please make sure that that is reasonable and doable if you are allowed to talk to our president how can we make access to technology equal to everybody what is your proposed action plan so if i will be asked when area my proposed action plan will be can we have a commonality among all teachers whether they are in the province in the city whether they are us mobile or house teachers and importantly i equals is to have a stable internet connection and i believe as a teacher if we have a stable internet connection it will give progress not only with the educational system in our country but also with regards to our business with regards to our economic economy and also with other sectors involved education presentation i all reflected in format these are all the best practices and challenges that i think it would be useful to you to reflect on image okay so thank you very much for listening and attending to this session yes thank you very much sir mark so while we are waiting for the questions from our teachers we just would like to remind everyone regarding the forms that are circulating right now so based on something again i mean instruction the google forms will only be used for your questions that will be sent to our speakers so right now we have this attendance for the virtual in-service training for public school teachers so definitely this one oh i indi the registration where in you're going to have your attendance will be through the pdlms or for the professional development learning management system that is um the only authorized site by the edtech unit here at the devon central office so please teachers looking careful with yourself because definitely this one is not from our office oh yes no for session evaluation so please be careful because if you are going to fill out these forms you are also sharing information and these information that you are sharing might be used in dangerous ways so please teachers the google forms that we are circulating are only for questions not for session evaluation and we also would like to acknowledge my shout outs because definitely this activity is for you um so starting off from commonwealth national high school with their principal dr agapito novaliches high school principal dress luis senior high school internal focal person dr joseph adan in senior high school teachers from big international vocational high school with their school head sir roman karyote and from sdo and um teacher me um [Applause] mata senior high school with our principal dr modesto g billiarin muppet department from mamkar la sangoyo um shout out also to arnetto elementary school with their school head rose marita from and all the teachers of district of bolinal with their psds and sir john wilbur all right shout out to teachers and division of the city headed by sbs dr maria ivelin ignacio [Music] high school yes um zamora junior high school with their ap department head jocelyn parrayo and their principal sir alvin dianos from melody sanchez elementary school and caa national high school dr fred pavilla teachers and faculty all right i would like to say thank you to the teachers of nevada central elementary school and thomas elementary school for sharing your talents through your sailor people's former english five lessons thank you and also that foreign foreign yes and of course and speaking of dedication for i would like to greet the uh the grade five teacher broadcasters under um elementary but we would like to remind you that presentation well done sir mark thank you for sharing your expertise thank you for being mindful of the season teacher we cannot really have new teachers without vcs and teachers we censor we sincerely want to learn the new educational technology to help our students more pronounced [Music] they really wanted to learn the new technologies yes and at this point um our questions are now ready um sir mark are you ready to answer bob all right okay so we're going to have our first question okay easier okay so our first question sir mark how will the teacher address and simplify this type of learning in order to meet or cope up with the needs and availability of the resources of our learners i always believe that in order for a teacher to address this there is a support coming from the division the regional offices and the central office the teacher alone cannot do it therefore we ask for our leaders in the department to please help out our teachers they cannot move by themselves we need to assist them so in order to address this one to have these resources a political will can do it so to our leaders in the division offices if you have something your custom fit resources then provide that one with your teachers a division level scale provide it on is [Music] at the end of the day it's not the higher officials actually it's our teachers because they are the one closest to our learners to provide a good edtech tool parameter it's with our partners in the curriculum and instruction and i hope [Music] let's give that trust in them that they are doing very well that they are doing something to provide these resources it's really hard because we need to work hard as a department and let's more actions and those actions must be seen reflected doable doable and felt by our teachers seen by our teachers in the field because if we [Music] thank you sir for that touching the answer for the first question let's not now go to the second question and the second question is how can we assure that learning takes place during an online synchronous teaching for me it's okay for me it's simple to determine if our learners do really learn in asynchronous and asynchronous way of teaching have a candid assessment name have a feedbacking mechanism in question [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] should know how to create these creative questions our face-to-face instruction yes yes and yes there is online instructions that was happening on to the side you can have a chat or call a langmage simple kamusta learning utilizing technology should not be that box in the cajon it should not be box because we know how to circle it and engage our learners collaboratively i hope i have answered that question [Music] questioning okay thank you [Music] okay thank you very much sir mark so we'll now proceed to our third question is asynchronous learning really effective in terms of discipline for learners to answer on time when we have asynchronous activity it's like a gamified activity that they can repeat several times para constant practice makes perfect because if that is gamified talagang learning will take place so that's why it's important for you to have a session on how to create an artistic question the art of questioning so with our school heads and principals who are currently watching requests i think the best one would be having the art of questioning if you want that i'll promise that ethic unit will have one session about the art of questioning and we will be having experts in the field we will have that anytime soon my that is right sir mark now we will be going over to our fourth question um i think i have a hard time reading this because the letters are very small thank you to our technical director here's the questions remark what best practices can you share in terms of handling learners who are non-readers whose parents are also non-readers and living and are living in a distant and hazardous area in modular in a modular learning modality the first thing you need to do is to collaborate with the barangay after that collaborate with anyone in the community who could assist the swd fued we need to consider the safety of the people that we would that we asked for help so you you know and then after that coordinate with someone sakian i believe that if a teacher has that heart to reach those learners my room at my room to too long okay so you know ignore it no right have it with us the learners who doesn't have the capability as a regular truck guide or stakeholder name for transit and third collaborate with an house mobile teacher to support the parent and you as a teacher to support the learner having that you will be able to teach them how to read so now in terms of having a centralized material i believe that there are a lot of tools already there's a lot of research made kinakeh for example in icts educational technology unit um we have utilized sessions again that is a different story now collaboration with local government officials is necessary with the barangays scenario so it's not really the work of a teacher alone it's a collaborative effort [Music] okay sir so i guess this is our last question um how can we help our pupils even if we introduce the synchronous and synchronous and yet they have poor connection okay if we are going to introduce asynchronous and synchronous activities with our learners and yet they have four connections is it possible internet it's a community because asking is not uh i know it's not simple but it's possible if we voice it out then we know that it is the responsibility of our heads our leaders because when they when they have that position given by the people if you so it's really hard for us to deliver it if other sectors are not helping us but as a teacher if you want to help your learners there are a lot of offline interactive materials that even if it is disconnected to the internet it will work effectively as long as there's there is a device utilized by the learners or last year so if ever you ask this question in open educational resources we have conducted that last year with several sessions thank you okay [Music] okay thank you sir mark for answering the questions of our audience so i will ask you sir what's your one big word that will um summarize your learning for today um actually for me it's all about innovation yeah say as we start with the tv and all the innovations for our class so for teachers for having their online glasses and as well as their modular classes so for me um innovation you haven't worked for today um these things would not be great without doing it using your heart actually education of the heart is the heart of entropy and you cannot do big things without love okay so that's it now for our reflections for the day innovation and again so that's why we also would like to inform everyone for the happiness then um as of today my own 4 and certificate of participation because activated napoleon reflective questions and quiz this afternoon so once masami puyo answers uh um [Music] [Music] certificate of attendance and certificate of participation so don't forget to log in to again that's okay so shall we go to the shout out yes um teachers that are requesting we also would like to inform you of the evaluation for today evaluation from the deafness central office evaluation um evaluation for our session for today or if there are earlier of the evaluation people official forms yeah so get ready with your phones by opening upon manga scanners um session evaluation okay yeah so while we are having the um evaluation we would like to make some shout out from for sdo number sc how with their sds dr jesse diet as high school teachers division of la pullapo city with their sds dr will freda bongalos depending um office 365 rangers level um for accommodating me with my sailor details again so before we end of course um what high am so i guess the video is ready for the activities that you have to watch out for regarding with our sessions for tomorrow yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now that is a wrap of all the presentations on the first day of the virtual inset we have just started our dear teachers in the following days we promised to cater more presentations that will bridge curriculum and technology that could not be any more exciting sir jeff i am sure that our teachers will be with us until friday day 5 and again this virtual insight is also live on and philippines and on educational technology unit channel on youtube to lead us onto a meaningful oh okay so this will be our ending spiel sir jeff again thank you teachers again this is sir john jefferson sevilla from sd oles pinas las pinas national high school one of your air tech specialists and one of your masters of ceremony and i am ma'am mariami and sevilla from sd on nevada owned high school also one of the ethics specialists and one of your masters of ceremony this is the first day of anti-spiritual concept [Music] as we face the command of rapid development in technological innovation in the world the philippines preparedness in advancement of its physical facilities infrastructure and soft skills are given focus especially with the empowerment of teachers capacity and capability not only in pedagogical aspects of teaching but the confidence in delivering instruction with the use of information and communications technology the office of the under secretary for administration under the leadership of yusek alain delby pasqua established the educational technology unit under the information and communications technology service its prime function is to empower incapacitate public school teachers and learners as required by the global demand of the fast-paced development in technology the task of the educational technology unit is to promote and solidify the innovation and digitization projects that will support the requirements of the k-12 curriculum in delivering quality accessible relevant and liberating education for all it targets different components and facets of skills development which will enable the technological advancement of the infrastructure and infrastructure of develop this is supplemented with empowerment training programs in emerging technologies for public school teachers the programs of the edtech unit target the emerging pedagogies focus on open educational resources robotics and mechatronics coding and programming virtual reality and augmented reality in education mobile application development [Music] internet of things and the productivity tools for learning which includes microsoft office 365 google apps for education and the different adobe software tools in addition the maneuver of in-house applications such as the adapted commons and the dev and learning management system is under the flagship of the edtech unit the supervision of devnet tv in ensuring world-class produced video lessons is another task of the office [Music] lastly the conduct of free online tutorial session coined with the term e to li is a bridging program to support learners and parents in answering the self-learning modules pioneered with the initiative of the icts and tech unit [Music] a teacher's influence is limitless bound with the heart for service and dedication to fulfill the greatest mission to educate the young the icts educational technology unit will be there to promote to empower and to inspire filipino teachers and learners as we grow as a tiger in the region hitting our target as one of the best in educational technology come on and join us as we make our dreams into a reality um [Music] is
Channel: Educational Technology Unit
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Length: 206min 32sec (12392 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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