virtual 18th birthday party 🎈let's hang out!

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you hey um is this working can anybody hear me right now um just let me know if you can hear me just hopefully this is working because I have never tried to livestream for my computer before hi everyone hi BQ s IL hi Michelle hi Barna hi Karen hope you are doing well hi Sahana hi Maria hi San I don't have to say that I'm sorry hi Gabi hi Sabrina hi Lamar and Benjamin and Alexandra oh hi Alan um oh no now this is moving too fast okay let's see how quickly I can read hi Jenny hi Olivia hi Angeline hi William hi Mira hi Candace holy Frick this is last hello oh no this is too fast hi Beth hi I'm Lily Abigail Erica Harvey um Oh Frick I can't read this fast hi everyone I hope you're all doing well today um let's see if I can read any more hi Elena hi peachy Valentina Lillian Rebecca Ivy how again apologies if I'm saying this wrong I'm gonna do my best hello units and s third and silver stuff um hello everyone thanks for all the birthday wishes um thanks Ben Tito Thank You Jesse hey you have the same name as me hello can you say my name my name is Selena hello Selena hi Miriam hi everybody and I hope you're all doing well um the holy Frick yes there is a surprisingly large number of people watching this thanks for showing up everybody I can't have like a real birthday because you know it's social distancing and so like it's not gonna be safe for me to have a large gathering of people anyways so we're just gonna hang out on the Internet well if you guys have any questions that you want me to answer feel free to send them in a chat I'll try to say hi to as many people as I can hi Bettina and as Mita and Trinity Dolores and hello dhaniya hello Taylor hi Terrance hi Monica hi everyone so as the title says I am 18 now I'm a real adult questionably I am not really an adult I don't feel like an adult legally I'm middle if I commit a crime not that I'm going to I will be tried as an adult but it doesn't feel like it it feels like I'm still a kid which Hogwarts has are you actually fun coincidence um one of my friends got me this candle for yearbook Secret Santa it's a sorting hat candle and I got ravenclaw which is the house that I actually am isn't that awesome this candles so cool by the way it starts at white and then it turned into like the color because there's a blue wax thing in there candle reviews with jasmine the contact you signed up for Oh a super Chuck on I didn't know that was a thing oh well thank you um let me scroll back up thank you um that was average sort nation Wow same here Oh from Ashley got it okay thank you I didn't know that was an option um please keep your money though everyone cuz yeah I don't think I need like I definitely don't need anymore my gift to you guys is to save your money stay healthy if you are in school if you've lost your job due to code just like stay healthy so many reason call people here that's awesome okay I'm going to try to read through this how's my birthday been so far have I done anything productive and I went for a run this morning like always CEO of I just got that um besides that I've mostly just been like browsing Pinterest because I kind of want to relay out to my room right now it's kind of just like furniture items along the perimeter of my room which is like a functional layout but I kind of want to change it would you guys be interested in like a a room makeover type of video because that's gonna happen so should i film it that's the question um have you taken any AP exams yet yeah I took the AP gov exam on Monday and unfortunate story so basically I had slight technical difficulties because I tried to use Microsoft Word but like my computer syncs with Microsoft onedrive which I don't fully know how to use so I had like a document called AP gov test and when I tried to attach it for the first question I don't know whether I attached real words or if I just attached a blank document so hopefully it's fine like for the second question I know I attached my actual thing because I export it as a PDF this the second time around because I realize that messed up the first time so at the very least my second question went through and I put the answers to my first question along with the second question so College Board please come through the except my question number one even if it might be in question number two okay let's see more questions No are you upset that UCLA is not going to be in full going to be full in person instruction from blah blah it's a fun name mm-hmm I'm afraid I don't know I just on one hand I really want to be safe of course like I don't want to be showing up at school where 30,000 people live on a pretty small campus and that would put a lot of people at risk it would put me at risk too and I don't want that to happen but at the same time I really want to have like the college experience of going away like online high school has not been fun for me it just doesn't feel like real school so yeah in person is what I would like the most especially cuz I'm really excited to decorate a dorm room but I don't know what's gonna happen because we haven't received any very clear announcements from the school Oh someone what someone sent me another super check from is a J thank you um thank you for watching all my videos it spins Wow okay are you graduating from college or high school classic 2020 woohoo Congrats everyone who's graduating listen yearly it's been a rough time let's see um oh God what's happening I'm scrolling so fast I'm so lost give me a sec um what are your stationery essentials for note-taking let me go get my whole jar of pencils and stuff so for note-taking the main things I use are a black pen which is this pen this is the Uni Jetstream alpha gel pen why do you like the beauty guru like make it focus and then inside of it I put the Uni sorry B pant L enter gel gel pen refill I'm almost out of this one so that is the black pen that I use for pretty much everything and then my second essential is just a zebra mouth liners which are the highlighters are you my notes are pretty simple in color scheme it's just black with one eye like accent color so I use my trusty zebra mod liners for those beautiful pastel pops of color and that's pretty much everything besides that I also use a little way out because I always use pens so I make mistakes a lot and I want to cover them up that's pretty much everything let's see this is very fast oh my god what are your plans for today um geez well I have a yearbook staff meet at 3 p.m. so that's a Google cool it's a Skype call and then after that I'm probably gonna video call some of my friends we're gonna have a another part I guess I don't know what to call it because it's all just assumed calling but it's good to connect with people while we can because even though we can't see each other in person we can always talk via the Internet whoever spamming in here oh my god please go away who is this hide this user okay goodbye umm Oh who just sent me another super check oh wow thank you umm class of 2020 from high school hope you go to fashion school in New York but congrats for getting well thank you class of 2020 high schoolers unite and thank you for the donations like I appreciate them although I honestly I'd rather prefer you guys I'll keep your own money I don't need any more to be honest like y'all have seen the sponsored videos like I'm saving up that tuition money and you guys should not part with your own hard-earned coins just for me like the most I can ask for is just like turn off ahead block or something I don't know you don't you don't have to do anything but thank you I appreciate it let's see um when did you start reading Harry Potter I'm not kind of a late starter shall we say I'm kind of a fake fan in that when I was really little I was that contrarian who didn't like things that were popular so I was like no Harry Potter that's too popular I won't watch it because I was annoying back then but then in seventh grade I like seventh grade in sixth grade yeah sixth grade is when I was 12 right is that how math works yeah I was when I was 12 um I started getting into it because I finally got over myself and was like things are popular because they are generally good I don't want to say all popular things are good but like just because something is popular doesn't make it bad so I like let myself like popular things including Harry Potter and I started reading those and now I'm kind of psyche obsessed as you can see from the sorting candle that I have here I've got my chocolate frog box I went to Universal Studios really good time mm-hmm do you want to travel somewhere after quarantine yeah I sure hope so oh hi Joanna thanks for watching so I was originally planning to travel to Japan over this summer because my mom was like you know you can have like a senior trip just like here you go so my mom and I are gonna go to Japan and we're gonna watch the Olympic marathon if we could because it's you know it's a marathon so it's not in a stadium and you don't necessarily have to buy tickets you can kind of just like stationed yourself somewhere along the path in like use binoculars to watch as the runners go by so you're planning to do that but obviously we can't anymore one because quarantine we ain't going nowhere this summer and also because the Olympics have the mood to next summer so here's hoping that next summer we will be able to travel to Japan in which case I will be sure to vlog and then do a stationary haul also but we'll see how it goes that's my one hope for after quarantine what is the skincare that you use okay I have an older skincare routine video from last July I believe someone can correct me on the timeline if you're really into that um but it is quite outdated and I pretty much don't use any of those products anymore Oh to new super fat people what the heck guys guys to keep your money I don't I don't need this oh let me scroll up to them so we have from JT PJ may your day of birth be amazing thank you love you too um where's the other one I've lost it the other one is from Diane lives life happy have a happy birthday love your content thank you thank you for watching and thank you for the $2 I honestly again would like you like you guys to keep your own money but I appreciate it thank you I'll just doing everything to the UN World Health Organization campaign that like I've been promoting my channel like I don't I don't need it I have my own money to pay for tuition thank you guys um so yeah we're talking about my skin care routine so I can actually I'm not gonna go get the products and so usually in the morning I just used the like CeraVe moisturizing cream and then sunscreen the same sunscreen that I mentioned in my old skincare routine video and then at night I used I only cleanse my face at night because my skin has been getting pretty dry lately so I don't want to over strip it with a cleanser so right now I'm using the matcha hemp hydrating cleanser from crave beauty and then after that I just used the same moisturizer which is the CeraVe what's it servi moisturizing lotion is that what it's called it's the one that's not the tub it's the one that's like the pump bottle and then I'm blanking out again and then I use the crave beauty serum I believe it's called the great barrier relief serum the one that's pretty oil-based cuz it really helps with the dryness that I've currently been experiencing I don't know have you also been like normal because as soon as like self-isolation or vegas came in in california my skin just became super dry and like flakey especially around this area not a fun time really let's see can okay Dolores Umbridge says do you like me as a defense against the dark arts professor I kind of gotta say no I'm gonna be honest okay Sophie says do you speak Chinese Sophie also has a Chinese name in her name thing but I can't read Chinese very well but I do speak Chinese oh my be chosen one now come and see all the what show join that should surely oh they are so negligent with what I just said is like my parents speak Chinese and they taught it to me but I kind of speak like an American I grew up in America and kind of forgot my family was a little bit but I'm gonna do my best to keep in touch with my culture doing best is your school doing a graduation mine will be a drive-through graduation from a mall that's pretty crazy man mmm I haven't heard anything yet my district has been a little bit slow in its communications and we haven't heard very much about how our graduation is going to be happening I saw this email going around basically San Jose has two main high school districts I think they're with it there's like the east side San Jose district and the San Jose district and I just didn't see this email circulating that apparently Eastside is going to have a roblox graduation I don't know if that's real or if it's just like some prank that students Photoshop together but my district hasn't put anything up so we'll see how that goes but good luck on your drive through graduation man I'm Hannah asks are you gonna keep making videos in college yes I am going to it's gonna be a whole new genre a college related content gonna talk about like what is it like to live in a dorm if I ever get to go with a dorm fingers crossed guys I'm really hoping that at some point everything will go back to normal or at least some semblance of normal and I'll be able to go live on campus but we'll see how that goes we'll see what's considered safe and everything and I'll also talk about how the academics of college are different from high school once I experienced that we'll talk about like internships and I wanna camp this stuff everything there's so many things going on of course I'll be making videos guys it's gonna be so fun okay um Keisha asks do you have a depop account um no I don't I mean I like Poshmark and stuff for like buying clothes because it's good to buy second-hand to reduce that environmental impact but I don't really sell my clothes just because I don't really own that many clothes I'm gonna be honest I've always had a very minimal wardrobe I have a closet that's over there if y'all watch my room tour you know what it looks like and I can just hang up every item of clothing I own including all of my exercise clothes clothes which is like half of my wardrobe so I don't want to have much to be selling and if you all watch my videos you know I'm not very stylish thick black t-shirt and I'm wearing light-colored jeans that's it that's my whole outfit but if y'all would be interested in me like starting on an account I don't know let me know but I honestly don't think I'd be interesting because I don't have very many interesting clothes to sell fall 2020 is still pending at UCLA and summer sessions will be online yeah that's what I've heard thanks Kiara by the way and I'm taking summer classes at UCLA I'm gonna take one for summer session a which is the first six weeks of the summer and then two for summer session C which is the last Julie the last two weeks the last six weeks of the summer basically UCLA is on a quarter system so each quarter is about ten weeks and then there's like a pre quarter week in a post quarter week and stuff like that it's honestly a little bit confusing to me since I don't I've never gone before but basically there's gonna be a long time before the school because Fall Quarter starts in October yeah instruction begins on October 1st so yay okay let's see Laci avocado asks what AP courses do I did you take let's go through the list doesn't gonna be a little bit boring in 10th Grade I took AP European history and that was my first ever AP class I believe at my school that's the only AP class you can take as a sophomore because they don't let freshmen take any AP classes unless either you finesse the system and get into AP calc as a sophomore or finesse the system or take summer classes and get into an AP science but I didn't do either just cuz I entered earlier this summer and that was my priority then in junior year I didn't take that many AP s I kind of wish I take an AP Lane because that would have gotten me out of the English 3 requirement that you see but that's that's for the past we can't worry about that too much anymore and so in junior year I took AP US history which was one of my favorite classes ever that was like such an interesting class and I learned so much it was so much info but it was also good and I liked my teacher a lot too and then I also took AP Calculus BC since at my school if you take honors precalculus you can skip a B and just take BC so did that and then this year this year was kind of a lot of a piece I'm taking actually it's not an unreasonable number just like I'm taking AP macro if I'm not if I took ap macro economics in the fall semester I'm taking AP US government in this semester and then for full year courses I took ap statistics and French so in total I'm taking four exams in the online format but out of my six six classes only three of them per semester were actually AP classes does that make sense guys I also took a Community College class which counted as one of my six classes which I guess is AP level cuz AP is suppose to be like college level but technically it's not an AP let's see Hannah Matthew asks what advice would you give to upcoming freshmen sorry so yes the question was advice for incoming freshmen and I have a longer video about that which I made at the end of sophomore year and honestly that videos a little bit Corrine G to me right now but the points that I made still stand which is that the main thing that I recommend you do in freshman year is to take on a crap-ton of different opportunities just like sign yourself up for anything that sounds like it's interesting to you what that'd be clubs or random classes in a variety of subject areas or I don't know volunteer opportunities worth opportunities just do and try as much as you can be it's no time to be limiting yourself way to sue you want to explore that full range of options and then as the year progresses and as you move towards sophomore and junior year you can slowly close down the ones that really didn't interest you that much and focus in closer on the things you've discovered that of the most interesting but again that's only after you have discussed like discovered a range of options Asia says OOP it just disappeared okay she asks something to the range of what is your favorite subject and then you can also sell stationary on bebop so first of all good to know interesting Ike might sell stationary on D pop although to be honest like hashtag unrelatable influencer life but a lot of the station you're I get is for free nowadays so I wouldn't feel very comfortable selling that because that seems kind of unethical so I would probably give away most of my stationery whether that be like on the channel if it's unused or like to my friends family and donation centers if it's been opened already and then my favorite subject that's a very hard question but I generally enjoyed the social sciences the most I also like foreign language a lot or at least the only one I've taken which is French those are my subjects I don't have a top favorite I also really like that doesn't non-answer I just like every subject yeah okay we love school um and a aggressed asks do you have any siblings no I don't I'm very lucky I get to live here in my room all by myself I get this whole room to myself it's quiet all the time but I'm sure it must be great to have siblings question mark I don't know I'm very introverted to be honest so I don't know how much I did enjoy that but what do you all think you all the siblings how do you all feel I say y'all way too much for someone who is fun California and has never lived in the south but it's just like permeated the like ironic Calif boring team vocabulary let's see what are you majoring in at UCLA I forgot the name of the person who asked that oh that's from Valentina so I'm majoring right now in free sociology so basically UCLA had these things called pre meters that you're admitted to so I was admitted to the pre sociology major and you get to declare the full major status once you've finished a lot of the lower division requirements and meet a certain GPA threshold but right now I am supposed to study sociology but I actually want to do right now is to switch into the communications department at least that's my current plan most likely I don't want to say most likely but there's like a good 50% chance that I would change my mind again because I'm very indecisive we'll see I get there and take a bunch of electives in all the different subject areas that interest me and then I will decide then wish me luck guys I'll keep y'all updated on this YouTube channel Meg asks what is your myers-briggs personality type I am an is fjt at least that's what I think and I've taken it like who's every year since eighth grade and almost everytime I get is fjt oh there was that one time I took it for a video I made a video called like take personality this with me a while back and I got a different one but I don't remember what it was I think it was like isfp anyone anyone woof that chick fact-check me feel free to do that that isn't me type apparently that's very common it's like the type that's like nurturing and caring and stuff and I feel like it's kinda current because like deep down inside I do very much care about everyone around me but I don't I don't express it very well because I'm so introverted and kind of shy like I know on the Internet I come off as like fine Here I am talking this is the Jasmin show but in person I am kind of awkward and pretty quiet let's see Amanda asks what are your favorite mom liner colors geez that's a hard question okay let's take a look at to me collection mm well my classic favorite is the purple this is the purple that was the original banner color this inspired the old aesthetic of study cool the purple this is the og thing I also really like the grey I don't know what it is about like a grey monochrome aesthetic using a grey mild liner with the black pen just looks so cool so unique I've never seen any other cool grey highlighters like this I also love the peach this is just beautiful color am i a beauty guru now products watches yeah those are my top three all right let's scrolling scroll through study owl ask did your parents who are you when you were young to get ahead in school did you get a tutoring program or did you do both so my parents did not to me put away my okay so my parents didn't Tudor me I went to an after-school program I don't know if y'all if any of y'all are from very heavily Asian parents who work pretty long hours and commute and nice on and out like my parents never were able to pick me up after school so they sent me to like an after-school Chinese camp and I guess they taught us math there I remember that they taught us math there mm-hmm questionably I think they taught us math there yes and I guess that counts as the tutoring program I did simply because my parents like worked in the afternoons and weren't able to pick me up after school and I don't know honestly don't remember that much my memory has become like a leaky faucet like a colander which things just all out every once in a while maybe that's a symptom of getting old but yeah that's I guess one of the ways that I was getting ahead another was just like genetics probably because my parents are both smart as Frick so maybe I was just good at math because they're good at math and I can't really credit any of my own hard work or maybe I did work hard you know you've got a balance that you I do study hard and my parents are smart so let's acknowledge both aspects of like succeeding academically yeah Connor asks what updates you have to your stationary since your last video that's a really good question and I'm actually working on the longest video I've ever filmed it's me reviewing every piece of stationery that I own literally every single one so look forward to that next Monday let's see this is scrolling rather quickly um Joanna Oh awareness Sofia meketa Jonah's apology that was wrong asks what was your GPA for your freshman year of high school I took pretty easy classes in freshman year just cuz our school barely allows us any option um so I got like all A's in freshman year just because they were always pretty easy yeah Abby says I popping off thank you thank you I've been practicing for a while Sean asks do you love Animal Crossing I have a confession to make which is that I've never played Animal Crossing yes I know feel free to shame of me I've never played it because when I was little my parents never got me a D s and then now I just don't have to shell out the money for a Nintendo switch and I feel like a large part of the value of playing Animal Crossing is because it brings back the nostalgia of having played it when you were little and I just don't have it whoops oh my Jake awake asks do you think what college you go to the turns your future no I don't think so um I saw this study I don't remember when it was published but I think I heard about it from a podcast but I don't remember which podcast but you know it exists out there and you can google it which is that students who attend um hire like more prestigious ly ranked school um do tend to have higher success outcomes like careers and salaries and everything but that's because of the merit of the student and not because of the merit of the school because if like the schools are selective they like pick the best students right but some people like who are at that caliber just don't go but they have very similar career success outcomes to those students who do decide to go to the prestigious schools so it's really more about your own hard work your own work ethic your own determination spark and all that good stuff it's really not about the school so don't let that determine of what you think your future will be like I won by the way like the way they measured these comparisons was students who like Godding but choose to attend had the same almost the same I think it was basically like statistically insignificant differences and outcomes between students who didn't go and students you did ago hope that explanation makes sense please google it because I am just worried vomiting right now ha ha ha Oh - a scroll a little bit Oh Angela says she's gonna send the study Thank You Angela um Shruti asks do you like oh I know you like best dress but um let's scroll through my subscription feed actually because I am blinking so hard right now you know how when like you have to go like the event and they're like icebreaker what's your favorite insert down here and you're like I've like what's your favorite color and I'm like I don't know what any colors are anymore that's what I feel right now so I wanna scroll through my subscription I really like Damon and Jo I've been really into their videos lately although now they've like split so now it's Damon separately and Joe separately but I still love them both they're both awesome my left if aney Ferg she's like her analysis videos are like the intelligence level I aspire to and they're also interesting hmm let's see I really liked the videos from the financial diet because like grow we're not an adult II means I don't have to learn how to manage my finances yeah I find it really helpful that they're sharing advice like specifically oriented to the female experience a lot of personal finance content is very like male coded I don't know how to explain it without sounding like I don't know how to explain it I am genuinely not articulate enough to explain the difference but I appreciate their channel very much I also really like Kel Lauren she makes videos where she redesigns um branding they're like so fun to watch as someone who's into design yeah so those are some of my current favorites Cammie asks a teeth great advice um she's how long sorry I'd like I was in eighth grade like five years ago and I don't really remember what happened I know I took geometry and it was really hard so if you have the genome where you study a lot for that class cuz it's kind of hard um eighth grade will also like a lot of growing pains like there's like young adult crisis and then there's like tween crisis where you're like Who am I like why do I exist like all that stuff I was very emo shall we say cuz I felt like no one cared about me which is part of what I started my youtube channel not gonna lie and in eighth grade kind of started actually connecting back with people again and realizing that like hey people do care people just like want to connect so if you're I guess that's my main advice if you're struggling with like feeling alone feeling isolated feeling like you're the only one who understands like trust me there are other people out there who understand and yes reach out to people and you'll get through it everything will be clear asked how was your birthday been and how do you maintain neat handwriting in class when it's fast paced sooo let's see my day has been pretty meh just another quarantine day you know um I went up for looks a weird like burp I went out for a run staying six feet away from all of the people I had lunch it was really good I browsed to the Internet for furniture because I kind of want to redecorate my room and I felt the second question was oh my my brain is like a colander hi okay we'll just keep moving and then send it to me again please um Jorge is that how you pronounce that I'm so sorry I'm asks how tall are you three but I like to say I'm five foot four because technically I'm fight for three and a half in point five rounds up Tina asks do you agree with the phrase work smarter not harder yeah that's that's something I would agree with for sure and it's kind of like math where if you want to solve a problem there's a good way to do it and then there's a brute-force way to do it like let's say you have a probability problem and there are six hundred possible cases you could figure out a calculation to arrive at the number of cases that you want to count or you could literally write them all out by hand and then count how many you've written down so obviously both will get me to an answer and both are likely to get you to a right answer but doing it the smarter more like planned out and then executed with other than just brute forcing trying to get it to work way is gonna most likely yield you a better result with less effort um Kumar asks how you prepare for the SAT did you take classes or did you pass it on your own I did not take any prep classes I did the Khan Academy practice questions and then I did practice for about two months over the summer and then I took it one time I got a score that I liked and I was done and it was over because I freaking hate standardized testing it's a very niche skill that I'm oddly good at like I'm good at the kind of bubble test questions even though I'm not significantly smarter than like the average person I just like to know how to finesse the SAT so that was that l x.v why Owen looks feelin asks what is the worst grade you got in high school uhm worst test grade Oh in the salon test in calc PC was it was about I think it was about into gross I don't know there was at this one test and help you see that it literally got 60% on so that was kind of a kind of an L it was a hundred points to like I got 60 out of 100 that was unfortunate then I kind of like kicked butt into gear after that test and then got better and then that class first semester was also the first class like the class that I got the worst ever overall grade in because I did so badly at the beginning of the semester I did like kick myself in the butt and get it together for the rest of the year but it wasn't really enough to average out the kind of like crappy scores I got at the beginning of the year so I ended up with a B+ in that class yes I know like it's so annoying for like someone to be complaining like it would go to people of like like at myself it's not even that big of a deal but at the time I went kind of upset because one eighty nine point nine and my teacher was really strict so she didn't want to round it up and like I respect that cuz like I didn't earn an A I earned a b-plus so like I'll take it you know but other time I was just really frustrated because I was just like oh my god just like two more points there are two more points there it would have been like up to the a - but whatever I'm over it like I'm basically graduated or anymore Miriam asks do you have any advice for cross country jeez that's a good question I love cross country genuinely like I'm not kidding cross country is better than tract and no one can convince me otherwise advice for beginners and take it slow don't injure yourself that was one thing that I did wrong which was that like when you first start out running it's super hard it's mostly hard to breathe and then once you get past that first like too weak like learning curve is learning how to breathe properly while you're running the next part is like learning how to run with a good form and not mess up your legs and joints by trying to go too fast too soon so take it easy don't wreck yourself and run with a buddy it's so motivating to run with a friend Yee um Bob asks what GCSE GC VCS you can do you take I can't say that British people helped me I don't take PC as ease because I'm an American so not your head answer that question thank you for asking that like 14 times hmm asks can you show us your embroidery work when brick girl says good shoes yeah that's really essential for running like most things you don't want to invest too much in gear upfront but like for running like she'll all the big bucks for those like $80 running shoes because otherwise your knees are gonna die I swear okay let me show you some of my embroidery work so I've only actually embroidered one thing so far and that is my backpack planet pattern on it it took me like and after any other it took me like five hours it's pretty fun I might do it again but right now I have this cut on the side of my finger I don't wanna show it looks kind of gross but I can't properly embroider because it's on my right hand which is the one I would use to like kneel that was a weird gesture to a single needle but yes I can't - right now will Dumont ask did you take the SAT or a CT or SAT Subject Tests I did not take the a CT a CT and I did take two SAT Subject Tests I took math level 2 and I took French Bhoomi asks did you jeez did you discover any special talents during quarantine I really liked craft that you strings like I've always been into friendship bracelets I don't have any eggs do I have any examples with me right now well this is one that my friend made for me cuz we exchanged yeah yeah I've made friendship bracelets for a while so here's an example I'm like running out of friends to give them to like I don't have enough friends but I have too many friendship bracelets Stephanie knows that I can like offload these I don't want to sell them because that implies like you're selling friendship for some reason but I do have a bunch of these hello Wow so besides these friendship bracelets I've also done another extreme craft you know embroidery and I really want to start doing macrame to make a plant hangers for my houseplants so we're gonna pick that up and see what happens let's see give them away oh that works yeah I can smoothly brennick giveaway on my Instagram story send them off - you'll be cool Conor asks can we see your plant army alright so first this is the plant that is in the background of many of my videos and it's also in the end screen my new end screen animation it could do I started propagating these for succulents I cut a little bit grandma's succulent garden in our backyard so these are guys this one is thriving this is not having a good time so we have these four and then I have one more plant which is on top of this bookshelf let's see if I can reach it which is pearls yeah that's my plant army and I also have these monstera leaves that are often in the back of my videos but they're fake plants so okay I am back mm-hmm Queen Scott Queen's girl asks you should name your place and I'll probably put Instagram post up sometime and ask y'all for suggestions so keep an eye out mm-hmm we need to asks what is your favorite mechanical pencil yeah let me get it real quick so I actually have three of this mechanical pencil because first I lost the blue one this was my first one and then I lost it so I bought this pink one and then I found the blue one and I was like okay I have two and then I lost the pink one and then I was like oh I should get another one to like replace it because now I need to for some reason I don't know why my brain works like that like lifestyle creep I guess so and then I got this black one and then I found two the pink one again so now I have three but these are awesome they're super squishy and they're point five I like point five shakem to make the lead come out he's not exciting okay I love tents anyways if as I mentioned earlier I'm gonna share a video soon which is me reviewing every stationary item that I own every single one so keep it for that talk about panting stationary a lot on that video I mean Professor Umbridge asks oh no it's gone which is your favorite Harry Potter book professor and character if you can't choose which are your favorites favorite book first or probably either the first or fifth cuz the first one just reminds me of like coming home feels so familiar and safe and then the fifth one is just like the adolescent drama of it my favorite professor I really like um I really like McGonagall she reminds me of some of my favorite teachers that I've had who were like kind of strict pretty demanding because they expect the best out of you and they're a little bit strict about their ways of getting to it but you know that deep down they care so much about like their students and educating their students and they have like a strong will code even if they're a little bit scary and strict you know the vibe I'm into and then lastly my favorite character Hermione be quite clear from the old purplevelvet of this channel and not even like the idealized version of Hermione I watched this one like film like analysis video a while ago about the like trope of turning a formerly ugly book character into a very attractive film character and how Hermione was turned into like a perfect caricature of her like book self where she was just like smart and perfect in the movies but I like book Hermione who's smart but she's a little bit too like a little bit like - book focused and who wants to get more out of the books and more into the real world you know what I mean like that's kind of how I feel wearing a little bit stuck in my book life and not as fully able to process the real world and yeah oh my um Keaton asks what did you get for your birthday I got with my Sandler patch I got sour patch kids yes so I have a kid no I'm kidding I want this I don't really like the sound of like she would annoys us I'm really sorry first injection you do this all right chat is scrolling very quickly let's look I'm April showers ask are you gonna get an iPad for college and go paperless I do plan to get a pad for college because there's a lot more digital readings in fact I'm experiencing that right now with my high school classes and because we don't have physical papers and we get so many documents and worksheets and readings and stuff but I don't feel like like I feel like a reading my readings I feel like going through my readings on my laptop screen just isn't the same it doesn't feel engaging enough I need to actually write on it but at the same time I don't wanna print it out because that's like an ecologically horrible thing to do so I'm probably gonna get an iPad specifically for the purposes of one being able to annotate my readings and two to create better title graphics for my channel because I have a drawing tablet but I can't really do like animation I like it's not like I can't but I'm not skilled enough to do like really complex designs using my drawing tablet because it kind of need like to be able to see what I'm drawing you know I mean like when you use a drawing tablet you're drawing on like this like black rectangle and then it shows up on the screen but I kind of need to like see it where I'm drawing it does that make any sense yeah so gonna use it for my channel so for the business write-off on my taxes and use it for school this is scrolling so fast I'm so lost mirin asks what languages do you speak and I speak English obviously you can't I speak Mandarin Chinese and lastly I speak French should I say something in each language like I'm speaking in English free now and then well facial Joe anyway well sure yeah John that's horrible um you look bad am I sure John Gordon how Japan France a bicycle jep's on the francais a Nicole I meant no just read on the class I bear classic some correct me my grammar is not very good how are you dealing with your burnout asks Leticia just doing nothing I'm gonna be honest or not doing nothing but letting myself do what I want to instead of making myself do stuff you know what I mean cuz I'm the kind of person who like always has an itch to like be doing something it doesn't have to be schoolwork obviously like maybe I just come up with the urge to like embroider my backpack but it's been really great and then sometimes I have to like make myself do schoolwork but it's been working pretty well I make a video about that if you all would be interested that like we're covering from burnout um study love return asks do you know any Spanish words on the moon poco and no say s Daniel today en I'd like di wide that I like use half French words and that sorry guys I don't really know Spanish lo siento no se espanol let's see um oh god I can't read this quickly I need to make it stop how do I make it stop I made it stop uh it was tragic why not go see okay I'm Hannah asks are you excited for summer or do you just not care that much I don't know honestly I I don't feel like I'm gonna have a real summer you know what I mean like I can't go outside or at least not for like anything besides running like not that I'm complaining I like running but I can't really go outside and like have snacks with my friends or like go to the movies or anything so I'm excited to start my summer classes because that's gonna be mom yeah genuinely like I'm taking some pretty interesting classes over the summer so you all will see videos about that soon but besides that I'm not excited for very much unfortunately I'm excited to redecorate my room though that's gonna be another video content based on what I saw in the chat stream on the side and Andy oh and I who asks who are your favorite studying tubers um my I stand TBH studying like hardcore I don't know if Amanda Rachael E is counted as a study youtuber but I really like her videos and her journal is like impeccable and now I'm blinking again you all know how I soon as someone asks like what's your favorite book you're like I'm illiterate and I've never read a book in my life all right let's go let's do some scrolling oh I don't know if you can't Cheyenne Barton as a style youtuber but her illustrations are absolutely gorgeous like I love that I don't love that I watch movie Granger's videos pretty often she has a lot of great book reviews and we do collab like three years ago it was really cool really liked her videos did you do besides that I don't actually know that many active study youtubers who are very active like dying of speaking for too long um oh ok so scroll up to slow it down got it thank you um do you I can't read this because it's in Korean but you read your Instagram DMS and I used to go through them pretty often but I kind of don't have time anymore unfortunately I'd really like to check all the messages but I don't really have time unfortunately I'll try to get through a couple in the summer but usually no if you want me to see something the best way to do it is to post a photo and then tag me in it like as if I'm a person in the photo that's the best way for me to be able to see something the second best is to post a story and then at me in it yeah um speak Japanese I didn't see the name but I don't I hope to speak very well in Japanese I'm just trying to learn like the characters right now I forgotten all of my sentences holy Frick I can say like arigato gozaimasu that's all I got I'm so sorry yeah language you want to learn gene/l asks I'm sorry I don't happen after name correctly but I really want to learn Japanese better ok I know very little right now cuz I'm just trying to work on like how the heck do I read like you know Ghana but struggling I'm struggling but I'm gonna get there eventually yeah mr. in slow mode on Oh innovating yeah you know I better youtuber than I am what the Frick okay huh okay how deep a noose in class when it's fast-paced right best I don't I don't know like one thing that I tend to do is to not write down things that I already know that's a important thing to keep in mind another is I don't really write down like any fancy formatting like highlighting or drawing boxes or anything until after class most of the time I just copy down Sarge drop something all the information I need as fast as I can and then if I need to add any headers or extra decorations or organization I'll just do it after class mm-hmm Jen asks will you go over your college admissions essays in a video probably not they're like pretty private information I guess I don't know like I'll make a video sometime maybe about like my extracurriculars and stats and stuff and like the general topics I wrote my essays about but I don't plan to read out my entire essay I'm good what's happening okay slow mode slow mode I know this um Keaton asks can I have some tips on speaking in brain mandarin-speaking wise it honestly just takes practice because it's such a hard language you have to say things out all the time so if you're doing like duolingo or another online class like that just like repeat it out loud whenever you do it because the tones are the absolute hurt sparkly I can speak Mandarin but y'all who speak Cantonese like that's another level I don't understand like so many times so just keep practicing and eventually you're like mouth will get used to making the sounds like when I first started speaking French like I couldn't do that like sound you know the back of like the back of mouth like say noise that sounded so bad now I'm trying to demo it but there's takes practice to get your like mouth used to it writing wise I'm illiterate and not fully illiterate but I'm not very good getting Chinese so I don't have many tips but can everybody please share in the chat if you're studying Chinese if you have any good advice for my other people watching yes okay um ariel asks what is your zodiac sign umm I'm a Taurus yes I am a Taurus son Gemini moon I don't remember anything else I'm so sorry led asks why the name study quill um well give me a sec when I first started my channel slash tumblr blog I was basing it around Hermione Granger who is like my study icon and I was just like picking like what is a word that relates to like Hermione slash Hogwarts like will you use it write your essays and do your homework and I also love pens so like a quill is a pen it works and then the reason it's study quill is guys first started my blog on tumblr and I was like which name is available like will study know study quill yes that's the one and it just stuck like I never bother changing it but maybe I'll rebrand to like my full name or something you know jazzy let's do it yeah maybe I don't know I don't see myself losing the study cool name any time in the near future but it's a possibility alright let's see one last question um I do have to leave soon because I have a yearbook meeting coming up so I'll just pick one more what is your opinion of this zebra my own liner brush pens then okay I guess they're not particularly good or bad they're just average they're not particularly flexible which is like a point against it because oh just burp really oddly uh-huh they're not my favorite to be honest because they're not very flexible said it feels more like flourishing and smooth when I'm lettering but the colors are very pretty just like the original mine liners so pros and cons yet but you've gotta balance it out but when do you want the colors or do you want the absolute best performance you can get um Samira asks what's your ethnicity Chinese American my family heritage is Chinese and I grew up in America currently I live here that's pretty much um everything I have time for today since it's been an hour so I think that's it Cindy asks is study hall a good name I think that's a great name yeah see you guys later bye bye Illya - by Professor Umbridge and Juliet NIM and oh my has seen E by Victoria by study ow and Steve by social distancing please and by ELISA and Keaton and if Nikki and Nicole and Chloe Kim and galactic mochi and you could buy Zana and goodbye doodle cow and sin and lift Thea and Connor and Belinda bye everyone see you later
Channel: studyquill
Views: 34,614
Rating: 4.9707112 out of 5
Id: FYwAndUvUms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 57sec (3777 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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