Earth Day Show

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hi happy earth day happy earth day andrea hey everybody hi everyone [Music] so we just went live we sure did this is a birthday show and i'm pretty excited the first thing i would like to do is to give a gigantic shout out to renee so think about it renee a couple months ago you emailed me and you talked about and then we talked on zoom and you wanted to make a website and all the stuff and look where we are now i know right a couple months i'm excited and even just since we uh last had our little community meeting uh here we have jumped up 20 uh folks on our instagram account to 181 we're up 30 people on the site membership itself we've got 95 site members and we're up four people on the registered um on the uh registered um readers and shopkeepers and whatnot we're up to 20 uh 20 registered folks so i'm i'm excited that's yes that feels like a lot of process progress in a short amount of time as far as i'm concerned a short amount of time and now we're having a fundraiser benefit i know right what better way to introduce ourselves so i want to give a little toast for those of you watching this is a little toast to renee little cheers oh thank you i'll get my juice a little smelly dear what a great thing and it's all it's all for the greater good this everything this community the website you're building and the show we're doing tonight absolutely so speaking of the show tonight we have uh some special friends joining us through the evening and you will see them as they pop up and screen with us and i want yes i was toasting water that's what um i forgot what i was gonna say oh so our friends are joining us do we want to talk about the charity that we've selected for tonight yet donations and how people can donate yeah throughout the evening uh i'm going to be uh posting in the chat uh the links that you'll need access to um you'll have the link to the charity which is the wild earth allies and we'll be talking about them a little bit throughout the evening um i'm not sure where you stumbled across me andrew but when i started doing the research on them i i liked them more and more the more i looked into them it kind of hit all the points that we had been talking about wanting to cover in that you know sort of the the animals earth and people and uh this group ties it in together really well and um and they do a good job at what they do i researched uh really high ranking uh charities global charities for the for the earth and this one just as you said it hit all the marks wild earth allies they take great care in preserving wildlife and habitats things like turtles and elephants and apes and trees you know the whole shebang and the areas and the peoples that live within those habitats and near those those special sanctuaries and it's global yeah they they partner with the local uh organizations and local people so that they like we've been talking about recently where you know it's to start the ripple effect somewhere um and and the people that are involved have some pretty good credentials when it comes to uh charitable doings uh i don't know if you look to see who the the uh chair people are on the board or whatever you've got uh yeah uh i wrote down there some names was clea newman soderland and she's the daughter of paul newman and joanne woodward and of course chinese yeah paul newman's well known for his uh charitable uh contributions so so yeah it's a great charity um it's international it's nature wildlife and habitats it was established in 1981 and again it's one of the top ranking charities so why thank you valerie well disgusting oh there we go there's our first donation of the night i know right and uh if you'd like to contribute uh where we can donate a little larger percentage to our our friends uh then we will have paypal information up for both andrea and myself uh and then we'll um over the next uh i was planning on doing it for the next 24 hours anything we receive yes uh in paypal over the next 24 hours we will uh we will uh get that uh directly and use paypal you can write a message and just say this is for the earth day uh benefit i'm so excited so you can donate in the chat now if you have super chat or you can hit up my paypal yeah i'm posting the paypals right now awesome first one is uh andrea's and then the other one is the uh the tarot love community paypal account that i've got set up so let me get those in the chat yeah i want to make sure that those that are listed for everyone so this is super exciting i'll keep posting them up there throughout the evening yeah that should be right if it's not working y'all holler and tell us and let us know please uh got catherine rodeer rodier nature sleep for the insomniacs cat mama meow thank you very much happy earth day to you guys happy earth day and uh uh this is just wonderful because we can all come together and make a difference absolutely very excited about it and you know it's just exactly what it sounds like it is you know we're building a community center uh and everything that that means you know a place where we can come together and help one another and and uh support one another be there for one another oh thank you connie and uh joyce from joyce all knowing tarot i invited her to come she's shown up and donated for us as well and carrie uh thank you very much appreciate that silver was that me that was a weird noise excellent thank you very much everybody oh somebody didn't like my message who's deleting me out there who would ever believe renee i know but anyway we'll get everything posted as uh as we go out through the evening but uh my goodness thank you everyone so yeah we're going to be on here for a couple hours with our friends who are going to pop in and uh so renee started the tarot love community website which is what we're this is how we're all here now for this show i mean uh so if you guys haven't checked it out renee you could throw the link in the that's the one i was trying to put up last and it uh oh maybe it wouldn't let you post a link well it usually lets me as a since i'm a moderator it usually lets me let's get it and it's been per snickety let me try again okay is it showing up for everybody now there it is there we go so the website you can go there you can see other people in the community there's chat rooms there's a bazaar if you have written skills if you're an artist or something like that and you want to promote yourself yeah got a uh etsy shop a couple people who've got their etsy shops uh listed in the bazaar got a couple people who are artists um somebody uh came uh last week uh said that you had sent them over with their art stuff um colleen murphy and she's the one that does the uh makes candles uh candle holders and clocks out of driftwood and stuff that was the coolest stuff oh beautiful stuff beautiful stuff so we've got her over there in the art gallery and in the uh in the bazaar as well so is it still deleting t-barb okay i guess youtube's a little let's see with us tonight for something it keeps deleting and i'm putting up the uh the website email or uh website address how rude can you make t-bar can you make t-bar a moderator she's got it and she um she can see if she can post it maybe she does that in a couple other uh folks rooms from time to time t-bar where is she oh there's rich hey rich hi friends rich is all of a sudden are uh our little sort of cheerleader bullhorn he's sending out invites to to folks all over the world uh on our behalf advocating for us so he's our new marketing guru apparently yeah and i'm down for it speaking of which if anybody i do have a project i need some help with i know i'm not the only goofy one out there who likes data entry but uh yeah we'd like to get i need to get uh get the the excel sheet updated with all the stuff that you and scott have done for the uh mystery theater uh get that updated at some point uh and then if we get uh i know santa rose does uh does that kind of stuff as well so i'd like to get her added into the uh to the list so if anybody wants to do it and uh wants to help me out with that uh holler at me at the uh let me see if it'll let me do the uh thank you ron do the instagram here come on happy earth day so what did you guys do for earth day today all right that was just put in the instagram so y'all can holler there uh at me or uh the email address and the website uh information is on our instagram as well yes um what did you do for uh other than this wonderful benefit uh like i said i i was uh i've been fortunate enough to settle the issues that i was dealing with and and i've been able to upgrade my technology uh it's in desperate need as a matter of fact i think this is the first laptop i've ever had that was mine i always just used wow whoever it was so this is my very first very own laptop i've ever had so i've been trying to figure out my technology and get files transferred and all that fun type stuff well congratulations thank you yes hopefully well well i know it will the the intensive so that i can uh do a little more a little faster than with uh to get us going and get us building and check in with uh whoever's uh coming along as uh has anybody knocked on the door yet uh no our first guest isn't here i wonder if we got the uh oh did i screw up the time maybe i got it right turn it if we mess up i'm sorry susan say lovey the reason we might we're having some issues is believe it or not we're actually already global and and susan from the other side of the world is meant to be our first guest but something happened with the time machine i guess she's having to come back from the future to be with us we might as well we've got a lobster in the portal i'm not sure everyone is here so what did i do today for earth day well i sent out lots of love to our beautiful planet and uh yeah absolutely anybody uh y'all come uh come holler at me if if you can help with anything absolutely yes uh so sending out lots of love to the to the earth today the animals the water an attitude of gratitude for what we have on this uh beautiful planet we call home planet earth and uh i'm just thinking about the next thing we're gonna do so we're doing this right there right i know you said you said you wanted to mix and mingle so that's that's what we're gonna do that's what we're doing tonight just hanging out with our friends and chatting and your sparkling water or whatever you got over there my water yes and i'm looking forward to you know when things get better in the and we can all travel and meet up having literal meetups you know absolutely already working with the with somebody uh to try to get some information so now that i have my stuff all updated i'll get together the survey so y'all will start seeing that from around the around the community we're going to put out a survey and see who might be interested in joining up you know late spring early summer of 2022 of next year yeah and if any of you are event planners and want to help out hit up renee send her an email so yeah the charity again we are giving all the donations tonight is the wild earth allies and they did that they hook up uh communities near these uh sites they help the animals the the environment and the the uh people that live in the area help to keep the keep the good stuff going so if if you uh nance if you i'm sorry i'm reading some of the chat i'm getting distracted so do you want to tell them again how they can donate tonight they can do a super chat right or they can send yeah the super chat or uh we've got um let me see if it'll let me post the uh paypal stuff again you can either go through my paypal or andrea's paypal we're gonna donate for the next 24 hours uh everything's going to our friends over here at wild earth allies and together we are making a difference i see someone backstage excellent are we ready friends to introduce hello uh sharon and lisa they're hollering about me michael my phone work i got a a donation who's it from suzanne forte thank you so much let's not witness if all else fails andrea can you do we have the information loaded up in your description box yet yes in the description my video here you can click on my paypal link yeah they're apparently yeah they google's mad at me apparently or or youtube or somebody because they can you can do everything community website has your yeah everything's on the website uh t-bar is picking up the stuff that's letting her do it so thank you t-bo i appreciate you thank you rob with two bees so it looks like there's two people backstage shall we bring them on without further ado absolutely absolutely well my goodness who's this oh it's james hi nancy g i was watching you and when you said you were desperate and lonely and adrift i said i can fix that i think someone else heard the call too without further ado look at this handsome fella oh okay hey everybody i'm i'm desperate and lonely too so hello hello and happy earth day to both of you happy earth day cheers to renee this is thank you very good lady gin it's not water it's straight gin no it's not may is is uh getting this website going this is a benefit on behalf of tarot love community for earth day and i'm so excited we got other friends joining us tonight so nancy i'm starting to wonder what name what's this should we emphasize tonight for earth day oh birthday okay we'll pick one of the older ones i have uh this is a multi-freck this is one of my quartz crystals that ever since we went in 2018 into the change in the photons and the neutrinos every time we have a really close moon and or something else big happens it gets many more planes and you can't see it that plainly but it keeps fracturing when i first got this it was clear and now it looks like there's a snowfall happening in there wow so it's picking up the energy and the internet it's changing and we need it to from it's changing yes the energy that comes from the outside is coming and it's improving all of us so we will finally figure out that we can't just throw junk all over the place fair enough nice yeah we you we yeah we can't no we don't take care i just got back from i just got back from a road trip going through arizona and the garbage on the side of the road it's almost like you know you know that madman show where they just kind of they're on a picnic and they just open the window and they toss their garbage out we kind of stopped that and now i'm feeling like are we starting that up again from looking at all the garbage on the side of the road it was horrific it was horrible well you know that's where the statement don't mess with texas came from that was an anti-literary campaign yeah was it yeah yeah don't mess texas it really it worked it works for a long time actually we the roads here usually are pretty they they we don't run into that much of that sort of stuff i haven't been out i haven't been on a beach on the coast for a long time but um that i understand stuff drifts in from the sea which we oh boy yeah you know well the cruise ships just you know they get three miles out or 12 miles out and then they start dumping them whatever they want i know thank you nasty women pharaoh so we are uh all proceeds tonight go to wild earth allies the animals the the habitat and the locals that live in those areas that continue to help and it's international right yeah annie what do you have for earth day do you pull any cards for us or you have any sage advice i've got i've got that that looks what's that this is this is earth mama hang on hang on show us earth mama so this is earth mama oh yeah so my wife is doing this this wonderful art she finds pieces of wood and discarded rocks and and things and she paints on them let me see if i can break it that would really top things off anyway so does she take orders can we can we buy one um you can buy them at uh lilac where we sell everything right yes and it's for entertainment um you know she i don't know if she's selling them but it it's so cool what she does because she'll find it it drives me a little nuts but she'll find pieces of cement and discarded i mean and sometimes just big rocks and she goes pick up that rock and carry it for me i'm like no but um but yeah so all that a lot of garbage and then she turns it into art and a lot of times she'll find you know get little rocks and she'll do paint love on them and things and then as we go hiking she just sets them out into the woods and lets somebody pick them up if they need them i love it all nature and beautiful yeah speaking of beautiful there's a special person waiting behind the scenes who i'm so excited about you guys don't even know that this person's going to be on tonight are you ready yeah yeah it's fun happy um happy earth day and good evening hey bob i'm so excited you could hear me a little bit oh thank you thank you for the wonderful build-up by the way so as some of you and most of you know bob is uh a dear friend on this channel he uh is a an akashic records reader and a lot of us have had meetings with him already to get our our readings done he's been on my show a few times hi well do you have any words of advice from the records for earth day or this did earth tell you anything uh well yeah keep up all the artwork i was just looking at uh danny's wonderful three-dimensional art there it's beautiful isn't it yeah so yeah whenever we're creating so in the act of creation we're raising the vibration of our earth and we're raising the vibration of ourselves so cool yeah and collectively we can all make it work right yeah and the the awakening that's happening bob would you say it's uh on a on a quicker pace have you noticed i think it is i think there's a lot of indicators that things are accelerating for us so and there are some that he would even argue that time is accelerating for us right now so yeah i heard i was watching something and it said what we manifest is happening faster than it it did before so let's keep all those good thoughts going right danny have you had a reading yet with bob i haven't oh no i need to get this one he should just read on your hair i mean here's here's one piece yeah i can see your dna um actually i owe danny an apology because i just recently discovered that um my website was not forwarding my email oh a lot of wonderful people had sent me an email and an inquiry and i didn't know that so unfortunately i think there might be a lot of people out there that think i snubbed him and it didn't stop me danny that's not the intent here then no you know and i and i didn't think that i i just thought that the time's not right and so i'm i'm okay with that you know it happens when it's supposed to happen so we'll set something up we'll set something yeah we'll put it out can't wait to hear about that no this is it's a private thing oh darn no well maybe we'll share it i know nancy gene didn't you have a reading with bob i've had a couple of them oh we uh and one of the things i came up with was with robert was the incredible edible eggs uh this came out of my conversations with rob robert i was thinking about a way to create a more affordable grid form and we'd already set some stones into acrylic and then he and i after our discussion i went back with my fabricator and my designer and we came up with the chakra eggs and robert actually because he's such a sweetie and helps so much that he's got one yeah well you know i was i dreamt that i had an egg too and i got one there's your very own one he got my own i can't imagine we're very cool these are these are very cool look how beautiful that is gorgeous so yeah go to nancy jean's garden on youtube you can see her website and you can order one of those crystals directions is where they go find my stuff which is one of the reasons why and nancy gene has already registered with this no wait that's you know i think you have your registration yeah why because we have a store and we have gallery pages attached and my web designer will not let me attach to anything else right now it's not y'all it's her since you work for free i'm not screwed we need to get um bob on our on our tarot love community website there we go bob we'll see more about your website breaking down rob [Laughter] yeah the technology gods were not good to me so i don't want to bring my bad luck over yeah i would like to do that okay awesome uh so bob have you ever um read on this is so interesting have you ever read i'm looking at all the trees outside have you ever looked into something that wasn't like a human's past have you ever looked into i've looked into properties people have asked me to kind of look at their property um in some cases it would be are there any energies is there a past history associated with how the land was used or something like that and so um there's been some interest oh he's frozen you were frozen you were frozen my ear yeah okay so you write out what we what we do on the land does create an energy and uh sometimes that will be residual so for example if it was a sacred land that the native americans were using for ceremonial purposes there will be a positive energy associated with that and so um that might be a place where someone might want to um if they wanted to create their own ceremony i mean we're talking of course at a much later time in history but you can kind of identify those things it and that is why you can feel when you're in certain areas right you can feel the energy that's been stored yes and then of course earth has its own ley lines and so on and so um oftentimes if people are going to build something they might even want to build a healing center or something like that well they don't want to if there are some ley lines those would energetically be detrimental to their healing center so you would either avoid them when you build or you would have to develop some type of a workaround so that's good to know folks when we build our healing function around here and look for crystals yes i would love to check out which quarries we're going let's all go crystal cave in folks that's right yeah i did that i went down to arkansas and um if i just got to go over the bridge i had a wonderful time i went up i went into the ouachita national forest and um i actually climbed up crystal mountain ncg and that was really quiet yeah that was quite fun it's kind of a hike um i think it takes you about 30 minutes to get to the top or so but at the top of the mountain it's actually kind of hollowed out a little bit because before world war ii there was actually a mine there an open pit mine but it's really kind of funny because on the trail when you're walking up to the top of the mountain and of course when you're near the pit up at the top it's all grown over but there's literally crystals sitting right on the ground that you can pick up if you want to wow that's right that's in arkansas there my son lived in little rock and he actually lived in little rock and they were turning over a garden and he said they just pulled out these quartz crystals he said it's like so weird yeah it's not uncommon because yeah washita national forest is just north of hot springs which is just outside of little rock when i was down there first there's rock shops everywhere but um there's all kinds of stories where somebody was like to say a nazi just digging the foundation for the garage and they would hit a vein of crystals wow and then all of a sudden they decided the garage wasn't so important and then they went into business so danny you do a lot of camping have you ever been somewhere and you felt the energy like oh yeah yeah well you know i just went to um you know to uh oak flat and in arizona and that is the the uh apache land that is sacred to them and the rio tonto resolution mine company is going in there and they're going to mine that land for copper and when i when i when i went there just to say some prayers and stuff because i gotta pull well you can go into my site and look and you can see my my um pull my video on oak flats but when i get when we got into the campground it was okay you know you kind of sense something but walking around the back and we came into a little circular area and both my younger brother and i when we walked in we could just feel the power it was so it was palpable it was so strong and you know i i don't know what it was except there was just so much energy around it it was really powerful really awesome so i want to go to um shasta and i want to find some of those crystals in in shasta mount shasta i've never been crystal hunting i don't know where you i went to quartzite arizona which is a just a piece of desert that has a lot of quartz i got some quartz rocks i mean it's everywhere there yeah how do you find how do you find crystals like if i wanted to go into mount shasta where would i go to find crystals contact contact some of the people that are on our favorite world youtube that are crystal collectors they will tell you the mind they they're really honest about it about you know who has they don't want to sending their people off to no man's land right they have they have a lot of good suggestions or if there's a crystal store near you go in and talk to the owner if it's one that's like owner person right and i can go in i can talk to philip or david where i get my crystals and just say where can i find this or where can i source this and even if they don't source it they'll find me the people who can't they all know it's a really small one yeah huh okay cool uh i know bob has talked about the crystals under the earth and didn't you say that there's also a an an off-world crystal or there was at some point that had a lot of information that was the first large crystal in atlantis and the scale of it was such that and the perfection or the purity of it needed to be such that it needed to be manufactured so and it held a lot of information the crystal itself was used as a power source but yeah in atlantis it was very common to use crystals the way we use a computer and a hard drive to store information and could we access crystals that way now if we if we knew how if we could remember being on atlantis that rob and i were at la in atlanta together apparently um just a as a pop in real quick we're getting some questions uh wild earth allies that's our charity for the evening and i do not i don't see google is not happy so please check the the description box uh to just leave a space after www dot people can maybe copy paste it and paypal uh youtube seems to be taking out the paypal link yeah when people post that they'll just pull it right out again yeah that's anything we're trying to post that's that's new that they haven't i haven't seen this before i haven't been a moderator very long but but usually it lets us post uh you know especially within other you know youtube channels or whatever but it's just being persnickety today but y'all can find us we're not hard to find yeah y'all can find us we got donation buttons all over the place so and you can go to the tarot love community website and in their site and uh wild earth alice that's our charity for the evening yes and i'm wearing a animal print if you've noticed and i've got the greenery behind me so i oh robert oh his battery does that all the time what did you say andrea what you know it's my wild prince wow [Laughter] and do crystals and trees for example can they communicate do they do the items on earth items nature does it communicate i know some do but you know like crystals and trees could they have a conversation of sorts well that's a good question you know crystals have an inherent intelligence in them and some people would argue that they're actually living beings and if so you know i would think that they would be connected somewhere well i do know this that in in the rockies there's certain crystals that they grow in pockets so the earth is looser and i'm not sure whether the tree roots go there because it's easier for it to get through but that's a way that certain rock hunters find uh pockets of crystals and they have to be really careful because if they dig it enough the tree will come out wow no they're all down there and well i don't know i mean that but i've watched several crystal collecting shows where they go and and they find the pockets beneath the trees well that makes it some i kind of think it's important with you know being earth day that when we're talking about collecting rocks and collecting minerals from the earth we have to be respectful of the earth in how we collect those rocks um you know just coming back from looking at the oak flats mine the mining operation sometimes it's bigger than the town and they they hide the mine so that the people really can't see the destruction and so you know i just think for my energy is if i'm gonna take something something from the earth i want to give something back to the earth i want to make it an even trade and and i'm not sure i'm not really clear on how to do that for big things you know for oil how do i do when i fill up my car with gas how do i give back to the earth i i i don't know you know but i think it's something that we should be thinking about how do we keep we keep taking from the earth so much what are we doing to give back to it and um it because we can't keep taking it i i think we're running out of good will from the earth great oh absolutely bob do you have any insight anything in the records can tell us how we can well it's kind of interesting because um nature is perfectly ordered and so the earth is a you know a regenerating system and uh you know i shared danny's concern because we're past peak oil in other words we've taken more than half of the oil out of the earth and a lot of that has been in the past couple of decades so if we take something physical out of the earth maybe there's an opportunity for us to place something energetically back in it right right nice you know and the other thing too that you know being in california living under the fear of of losing water and i know that we're sucking our aquifers dry and we're still not paying attention to that because we think you know i keep hearing people talking about oh yeah well we're running out of water i'll just put another well in i'll just drill another well like it's it's unlimited and it's and it's not you know um yeah so i i just think that we need to think think more about how we are not using our our natural resources and how we're just wasting them and abusing them letting water just go down the drain taking you know 45-minute showers that's well and hopefully that what we're seeing is coming up with this green new deal or whatever label they're going to stick on it is is the technology and the advancements so that uh we're able to form rather than a vampiric relationship with the earth a more symbiotic one like it was meant to be yes um speaking of lovely earth beings there's another person backstage let's bring her out it's ali heart and soul connected friends here tonight how exciting on this wonderful uh earth day benefit we're having here all proceeds tonight go to wild earth allies they take care of the habitat the animals and the people that live in those areas all over the world ally any any earth day feelings or vibes you have today you want to share well you know it's funny that you should ask i was listening to everything you're saying and it's all wonderful by the way and i just also ended up pulling a couple of cards from two decks that i have that are earth-based one of them is and they're both by claire mack i don't know if you know what i'm talking about claire mac arts she's a um she's a tarot uh designer or reader these are oracles though uh out of washington and you can get them on etsy one of them is called the faceted garden and it's beautiful just gorgeous the other one is the illuminated earth oracle you probably can't i don't know if i can get beautiful yeah and so i pulled the first one i had was herbal allies and i loved it because there are so many things that we can take that are natural from the earth you know uh digitalis comes out of some flowers and you know there's all kinds of other things that we can take from and um so i really loved this one it said to the wisdom of nature and the fruits of one's labors remedies and gifts of the earth so that kind of goes along with what danny said about uh wanting to give back and um you know where we can give back by also after all my studies with the native americans many years ago they said don't ever take something without leaving something behind i know that's hard for oil but even if you spit or you leave a little bit of tobacco or anything else then you are doing the circular um the circular motion of of uh taking and giving from the earth i just love that about it and you know if you're studying if you end up studying at uh a medicine wheels or or any of those things of course the native americans do everything with earth-based ideas and you know you don't have to be native american to really appreciate it the other one i got from the other deck was called stillness you see that but it reminds us that we don't have to um stay in a state of motion all the time swirling around and and trying to make things uh active all the time we need to quiet our mind we need to take the time that we have when we're outside to appreciate everything to listen to what the earth says and at the risk of looking silly the other day i threw my arms around a tree and somebody drove by and looked at me like i had two heads and i didn't i really didn't but you know that's giving back to the earth too yeah between you and your tree it doesn't have much to do with them i don't know that could have been all right so yeah so yeah that was me driving by and i did chuckle a little but when i go you know it's okay thank you danny you're just so sweet really i took a picture and i posted it on facebook that's a good thing i'm not on there anymore [Laughter] well there's lots of people giving back tonight all these beautiful so much i'm here in the chat my phone is blowing up with donations coming through on paypal thank you everyone um so what can we put back to the earth like you've got me really thinking now i want to go and bury something i want to put like a like a thank you note or something into flowers or trees or shrubs that's giving back to the earth too yeah um removing ferns from one place and bringing them to another replanting well yeah except except um that for the people in california they can see you know how the taking one plant from one area into another and if you actually look down from space you can see california is now a bright yellow and that's from the invasive species the sahara mustard plant and it is so crazy how it's just blowing up so you got to be careful about taking plants from one place to another but andrea what you were saying that that i really like and this goes for intentions too is you know during full moons and and new moons is putting what you want what your intention is taking it and writing it on a piece of paper and then you can bury it like you're planting it and plant that intention into the earth yeah and just watch it grow i mean there you go everyone you can plant powerful write down your intention and i'm gonna also write down a thank you note it's mother earth and i'm gonna put that yeah in the soil somewhere or a balloon a balloon that you could lift up you know you could have balloon with a tension on it and let go you could do like the chinese lantern thing though where it's all you know disposable yeah yeah yeah plus they're here you could do a smudge bowl as well yeah and you know offer up a gift to the gods so to speak or to the mother gaia but how many times how many times do you think that mother earth has had a thank you note buried and just planted probably not nearly enough i'm sure there's some but not nearly enough i know for a fact she's going to get one from me and i'm thinking maybe some of us might also give her one yeah yeah yeah yeah paper yes make sure it's recyclable paper i do love this um feeding wild birds and stuff is always good but also uh angie's mother's she's 90 and she says you can uh put back what you take out coffee grinds eggshells so yeah isn't that um what is the word for composting you put banana peels around your rose bushes it really helps them really yeah that's good to know wow um i was going to mention one other thing i don't know if any of you i'm not an astrologer but i like astrodense where you can go it's free you can put in your information when you were born and all that and did you all know that there is like an astro cartography section to that that tells you the best places to live or what kind of energies you have if you lived in one place or another so i just want to offer that i thought it was interesting i didn't know that yeah it looks like you're asking really more for vacation but you can click on it and say you know what where you want might want to move to or where you what you might what the energies might be like for me tucson was really bad saturn energy and i didn't need any more problems so you know if you're if you're feeling powerful and strong and want to deal with some more problems problems you're so kind but i'm going to pass this down oh okay okay yeah well one thing i can mention that somebody i looked up because i read about them in several different texts i used to have a big huge herb garden and the thing i like about herbs is they're just weeds with purpose and they grow you don't have to do you have to fuss much with them and in texas finding things you don't have to fuss much with is is really important but i ran across a guy named dr edward bach and he he was publishing over 100 years ago and he came up with a whole series of flower remedies and that's some of where the homeopathic practices came from but it's really fascinating if you just google them and look at it and see the different flowers and the different healing energies they have because it's kind of like my crystal grits i put the crystals together that kind of form a certain kind of energy you can do that with flowers you can't and you and you know and the flowers are not going to last forever they're there to bloom for a while and you can use that and then when they're done you can compost them stick them back in the garden but his name was edward bach like like baca's and bach beethoven and those guys yeah and he the bak flower remedies of which i've used many times uh the rescue remedy the rescue remedy has also helped my dog so yeah i saw i saw a show on another another youtube thing i do do other things other than watch youtube guys but they were doing they're doing a thing on food trends and it's they're they were talking about these cocktails that aren't cocktails because they're flower and herbal spirits that they put together that kind of give you kind of a little bit of a high without being booze and it doesn't have thc in it or cbd other stuff but it's kind of interesting to listen to natural high is what you're saying i love that we're talking about crystals and herbs and the earth and all that stuff it's great conversation i love that the whole night is about our home so so i got a gift from one of my subscribers and i haven't used it very much because i didn't think i'd use it at all but it's perfect for today and it's the herb crafter tarot i oh and it's uh by joanna powell colbert and so i'm gonna pull up um an herb crafter it's got a big fat book that will make me smart if i read it so let's let's pull an herb crafter and this is going to be slow because i don't know anything about about herbs about herbs but which one of you all want a card i want a card okay all right i got two i got two cards so andrea here's your card oh hemlock hemlock but it's the emperor well yeah you are in charge right yes and is it isn't hemlock this looks like one of nancy gene's grids it does so hemlock don't you give isn't that a poison the roots are the roots are that's what they killed was it flake play-doh oh no socrates he dropped behind this yeah yeah so we just haven't broken minions below andrea here we need to be careful because yes she could poison us with him yeah but don't cross me yeah don't i was expecting you something very lovely for me but okay i'll take it well you're you're the emperor yeah that's yeah that's good nothing wrong with that better than being the ten of swords yeah right or or i could you could be mr pumpkinhead from the halloween deck no no no all right so um and i do have an herb for scott if he comes on he'll be here later yeah you guys already know what it is um so nancy gene here's your card it is the five of earth and it is slippery elm oh cool that's good for curing throats well she's pretty good she she's very soothing she's very soothing um five of earth nice that's nice mm-hmm special birthday this just looks so comfortable it does right that looks like the back of a house i lived in [Music] [Laughter] so bob i know you could only come out here for a little bit to visit any any uh sage advice you want to share with us before you you sign off uh to know the uh you're talking about herbal elixirs and that type of thing and you can actually combine those with crystals the crystals will actually amplify the energy of the uh herb the beneficial component of the herb the reason why you selected that herb in the first place and so nancy i think it would be a realm where you would go in and you're back to mixing and matching during my life that's what i've done all day but um yeah there was a reading i was doing and um this wonderful person was kind of getting involved in that and they were showing these wonderful things about how the crystals or the crystalline energy will catalyze whatever that component of the herb is intended for benefiting some cool there's that's great i guess what i need another hobby yeah there you go elixirs you could always put like a a amethyst or a like a rose quartz or something in your water and then you end up drinking it like almost like an elixir as well they have especially if we do that really i have a list of 100 i have a list of about 50 crystals you do not want to put your water the salty ones right yeah yeah no copper some have arsenic oh right right i mean yeah so not those ones but animal the quartzy ones are fine but you know i i'd look it up before i stuck a crystal in my water and i will play with them that's a good adage to let everybody else know too yeah yeah so if anyone is interested in a akashic reading with bob you can email me and i'll give you his info or bob do you have your email handy just wanna yeah well it's just akashic attendant is the website so it's robert wonderful he's well worth it guys he's wonderful he can tell you how old you are i'm 19 000 years old thank you nancy's looking at us like little whippersnappers oh yeah i'm one of the oldest souls he's never read and how old are you my dear i don't even i mean i was just kind of like you know yeah hi i'm andre andre i'm like okay put that guy on saturday okay okay we're talking about a whole bunch of very different stuff that where things are headed for me and i'm just kind of like okay i mean i'm just so delighted to make the 72 this next month that this feels great wonderful yeah thank you take today i i just hope whatever i learned to lumeria i bring forward speaking of which kind of lumerian atlantis are sort of cautionary tales for us when we think about the world right now we don't want to outrun our our soul's ability to control what's going on around us but to control things ah you don't want to run outrun our soul's ability to control things wow you know i mean that's something that's all thought well i have my my one that i'm working with this month is uh when our soul has a dream it puts it out in front of us and walks into it so um so you know and that's placing your intentions out there so we don't want our souls to get too big for our our physical world to contain us it's deep direction yeah leave it to me i'm gonna have [Laughter] we're here to celebrate the earth and earth day all presents going to wild earth allies all thank you everyone for all the donations tonight we're going to go probably another thank you all um my friends here you don't have to stay that whole other hour you can you can go whenever you want to yeah thank you everybody we need to go because i have been building grids all day and i've built 10 today and i need finish 10 more tomorrow and i have a show to do in the morning besides my goodness really who are you doing the show is he busy i don't know some weird gray hair dude does he have big hair yeah he's got big hair we're doing past lives and i've got i've got i've had 15 people volunteer so i will pick from them and let them know tomorrow yeah i've got i've got a bunch of people too so how do you know how i pick them i call my grandchildren i say ayla pick a number between here and here and she gives me one and then um ian picks the other one and wherever that person's name is on the list that's how that's my random number generator oh there's nothing like vancouver my grandchildren i picked whoever gave me the most money see they don't spend they don't send me money like that they send me money when i do the grants i i'm up to five cents that's the highest you're worth every penny danny every penny every video well thank you nancy gene for stopping by and thank you bob for stopping by goodbye and then you were three wow i didn't know they were all going well we've got a few more friends showing it's a mix and mining goal stop by and chat for a while there's no so we tried to put some structure to it but we're gonna go wrong with it you know that's the best way there's a couple more super friends joining us tonight and if they can hear me they can pop on in whenever they want uh danny got any more parts telling me i'm hemlock i'm gonna look up hamlet you didn't like that i love it anything you do i love you did you think it was [Laughter] always it not appropriate not appropriate and if you're wondering you can buy these cards at no okay so oh a lot like lantern today just wait andrea it'll be this turn the joke around on him when we get you your website built that's right yeah but i'm only going to sell danny shea stuff that's all i'm gonna that's that's the plot twist yeah i'm gonna forget your lilac lantern cards no no no no i'm gonna spell danny k wigs i'm gonna know any shade bathrobe tarot bathrobes of course we got to get the shirt with him and scott oh yeah here here's the good one here's the good one racing yeah there you go racing i don't know i kind of like the cadillac one that's a good one that's a good one riding in the daddy caddy so i just feel i just want to say thank you to everyone who's watching and who my friends obviously on the show tonight what a wonderful thing that we're all coming together completely selflessly is it selflessly yeah unselfishly i can't speak you gotta lay off that water girl we're coming together and the only thing in our intention is to be to help the earth and be grateful i just it just it's making me emotional it's a wonderful thing thank you everyone this is so much fun it is and i gotta say i want i wanted to point something else out about the the wild earth allies folks over there one of the things that really stuck out to me was that they were talking about um that they built their organization on optimism cultural respect shared learning and integrity and i feel like that's a lot of the uh the same um messages and mission that we have for our community center as well that's why i just felt it felt like such a nice fit for earth day for us collectively to help that charity and i can't wait for our next uh benefit whatever it may be whatever day it is whatever whenever the whim strikes us so i i i pulled the card not just switched gears on whatever whims yes but i pulled the shamanic card and well i picked up my deck and at the bottom of the deck which is always the underlying energy of all of this is earth keeper oh cool the earth keeper and that's that's us that's us we're earth right and we can be disguised in so many different ways um and we can take that role and and move i mean we have to be the stewards of the earth and so we just have to keep remembering that i think that guard's perfect as the underlying i don't know who got that car that's that's who we all are today well rightly every day but especially we're earthkeepers we are we're taking care of of the most important thing which is earth right because without it we're nothing right i was uh listening to to uh truth warrior and she was going why are we going to mars when why don't we spend all that money to take care of the earth and you know there's there's a lot of truth to that but we do get a lot of benefits from the technology there but you know by going to mars and and going out into space but how much technology is too much technology well we were saying the same thing tuesday night on heart and soul connected on the manifestation show i didn't mean renee we brought up yeah absolutely how much money they spend going to outer space when people on the earth are starving or you know we haven't even fixed their own backyard and they're worried about what's on mars i mean imagine if it's built spent those billions of dollars cleaning the ocean instead of flying to mars i get you get it's important trust me you know i love the universe and all the planets and whoever may live there i think i think we can all agree that it's just uh we we we have different priorities for how we would spend the money had we if we were the decision makers but i get it it's exciting wouldn't it be cool go ahead sorry no you said wouldn't it be cool away oh wouldn't it be cool if we were allowed to say where our tax dollars would go to oh would be awesome and you could pick uh yeah my tax dollars i want to go to animal shelters or something yeah like like amazon does if you're on their little you know send my extra pennies to to these right that'd be awesome yeah yeah we could pick our most most important you know top three or whatever yeah that's where we want to contribute our funds and i really want to you really want to see what's important to the people that didn't tell you in a heartbeat that would tell you right away you're right you're getting people happy to pay their taxes then because it would be going to things they truly didn't know what it was going towards you know not all this shadowy nonsense non-transparent the opaqueness of it all that we've dealt with for so long right yeah i'm gonna pull an angel card for the earth let's see nice card for earth dear earth oh generosity she gives and she gives doesn't she mother earth yep and isn't it time we give back to her we're doing that tonight all your generosity folks tonight being here in the chat watching the show coming on the show making your donations it's all part of giving back our generosity to mother nature who she just endlessly gives to us like this very nice it's you know it's so important people think you know and bob was mentioning this that it that the earth regenerates itself and during covid it actually didn't you could see the regeneration um i mean there were no contrails in the sky um now you look up in the sky well it's foggy and cloudy but when it's clear yeah i over my house i see four or five jets now all the time flying over my house or over there over there during covert there was none of this and it felt like the earth was regenerated it'll happen so quick if we if we just don't blow it yeah and you know rush hour if we do blow it i don't know if you've ever seen the uh it was probably a history channel life after people yeah yeah i mean it did not take long you know year one it's like oh lord right it's not gonna take long without the people for the earth to take back over so perhaps it's best if we cooperate a little bit more just a little bit because uh was as much as the the arrogance of humanity would like to let us believe that we're the ones in charge not so much i i wouldn't so much i wouldn't put money on us against mother nature oh yeah uh carol said she's gonna send reiki to the earth she said it's not much but it's all it can do you know what it's that's huge huge you know i got goosebumps when you read that and when i looked at that it's not much it is huge can you imagine if everybody i don't know i i i don't do reiki so i i'm not i'll say some prayers or something yeah but can you imagine if everybody sent reiki to the earth just a little healing energy you know and we all can do that but that's that's huge huge thank you carol that's funny and it's just like what we're doing you know little bits of of us here and there joining together next thing you know yep we're a force to be reckoned with well think of all the people here tonight right watching the show feeling the same vibes this is a wonderful energy that's going to resonate outwards uh every it it we can make a difference even your thoughts and for her to say it's not much you know what it's huge yeah it's huge even just being here together is huge because we're all vibrating on the same thing right the the care and the love for earth it means that it means a lot yeah oh wow we're great this is so nice isn't rene great to start this off with the website and now we're doing a yay danny are you excited when we finally get to meet at some type of retreat or convention or something oh gosh oh my gosh i cannot wait i can't my my wife got her second shot today and okay so um in two weeks we're going out partying and drinking and dancing you know and it's it feels like we're not going to change much but we can go see people that we haven't seen in a year yeah oh yeah just today i walked across the street to visit my neighbor miss dorothy who i haven't talked to face to face in nine months probably and even then it was through a glass door so i know i know you just feel a little more secure in in doing that you know and until we get this under control a little bit more until it you know i'm still going to be super careful but still just gives a lot more i just don't want it for me personally um i i don't want to die in a hospital i want to i want to go somewhere else well i i do know where i'd like to how i'd like to end up but um well that's the thing if people are getting their shots don't forget to still wear your mask and and distance right yeah because you got to remember too it's it the shot is not a prevention from contracting it either it's it's uh to lessen the effects of it and lessen the uh the ravage that it had the rabbits that it has on your body and the amount of time you'd have to be hospital i've gotten way more knowledge about this than i'd care to just because of my fiance's mom i mean her her mom's been in the hospital since christmas because of coco they're just now finally getting to wean her off the ventilators um but that's still a process and she's still in a rehab facility yeah you know and and thank you for all the prayers oh yeah the healing love and energy and blessings that everybody has sent because there's probably a lot of a lot of moments that could have gone a different way of during her recovery so very very blessed and pleased that she's making the progress that she is and confident that she will eventually get to come home again all right amen to the boy and it's the last year has really you know as with the horrible situation with co but it's it's brought the world together don't you feel like the earth is we're all a little bit closer now because this is everywhere and not only that the doctors all over the world are communicating to each other you know they've made the vaccines now it kind of made us it made us all unite for one thing right you know i still feel a splintered a little bit i know i know it's as close as we as we probably yeah it is closer it is closer um and yeah it's well when you got miles between you every inch counts you're right there you go very nice you know and when people yeah yeah anyway it's yeah i'm gonna it's a lot of energy it's a lot it is a lot but i think it hopefully proves uh to many folks the the resilience that uh this this human experience this human uh body and everything else that we have uh we're resilient creatures if we put our minds to it right and we get to learn through this you know what's what's really important oh absolutely you know that's right what's important and you see what can happen when we all work together like they made the vaccines pretty quickly versus if it was just in one country it might be private i need to i don't know you know what i mean what can happen when it's not collective and how are you guys doing up in in ontario um there started the age has has uh come down now for people to get it so that's good i think the uh was it as asthma mirena or whatever what's this that one uh yeah i think that one's available and there's some pfizers and johnson and johnson so it's getting better thankfully thanks for asking yeah yeah oh well i see some trouble backstage are you guys ready a man the legend here he is there he is it's trouble it's trouble happy earth day scots hey scott happy earth day i heard danny talking about some kind of plants or something earth beautiful talk about some herbs or something danny yeah you know scott i i did i have a card that i thought but i thought maybe i maybe it was a little hang on maybe it was um um um it might be it might cause this for you or not a little bit right here going on oh start wrestling or something um maybe not appropriate not appropriate but when we hit cars like how about we just hit the um cadillac wouldn't that be more fun it would be it would be but the herb that i got for you scott mushrooms mushrooms yeah so how are you guys doing in your man cave are you growing your mushrooms we haven't done one in a while you know what are you wearing going on yeah is football going on no no baseball baseball baseball as yes very very good to me the draft the draft should be going on soon which all right nothing about sports this is earthquake but this is the earth zone and we just want to say thanks donations they are going to wild earth allies you can donate um to my paypal that's on this link you can go to tarot love community website and donate to the paypal link there you can do a super chat here everything's gonna go to this charity uh wildlife and habitats there's turtles there's elephants there's apes there's trees they take care of all kinds of things and they help the environment and the peoples that live in those areas so i just want to shout out that that's what we are here for tonight you know the the way this screen looks it looks like you guys are on a higher level and scott and i are in the basement in the main well yes [Laughter] supposed to be yeah kinda yeah so scott what's your what's your sage advice for earth day you got anything you want to share sage advice i like it you got a nice backyard grab the shovel dig a hole big enough for you and then just lay in the dirt soak it all up never mind your spa routine oh yeah then we really want to do is grab the hose mutt it all up and you get a mud bath come on silly guy of course sounds exhausting yeah i know right no i was listening earlier and all right this is like composting which is wonderful if you have uh room to plant trees or you know try to get some uh arborists going on in your own community maybe try to plant some trees it's always great they need to give back don't litter love nature if you uh have a creek nearby jump in the creek waters much better than you know if you live in town you know you got that water that's um chemicalized it's not quite as good you know rather than having a natural lake in town or whatever you know just dip your feet in there and and soak up the energy yeah oh excellent carol uh thank you sheila inquisitive tarot she just donated via paypal thank you so i like how you're staying scout so getting your feet in like the ocean water or a lake right and then natural water the natural spring water even if you can uh you know even on the soil like in a park or roll in a forest or somewhere safe or warm where you can put your feet on the ground is that why you like camping danny because you get right out there in nature and just connect again you know i yeah i mean i do and um it is i mean even if i don't feel like i'm connecting i'm still connecting and just breathing that one of the things that that i do um in in my meditations and and in my grounding you know how people say well just ground you know send the energy from up through you through your chakras and down into the ground on one of my meditations i felt the energy just go to the core of the earth and the lava and it just kind of anchored in there but then something happened and i felt the energy just intertwine with all the trees and that was such that the tree roots that was such an awesome feeling and it's just standing on the earth in your bare feet and feeling the energy yes from spirit you know checking your chakras and then grounding you so you don't fly away into spirit land grounding you down into mother earth through the tree alive i thought that image was just i just looked like it was imagining that as you're saying and i was like totally vibing it like it sounds like one of the uh the guided meditations i like to listen to that talks about i mean just exactly what you're describing sort of nestling yourself in at the base of a tree and imagining it that you've got a board uh going from your spine down down into the core of the earth and yeah those are some of my favorite meditations right yeah it just really grounds you to the whole aspect of um of just what a beautiful place this is this really is you know our planet um thank you earth mama what a great name earth mama yeah earth mon thank you wonderful i'll be uh sending you a hundred dollars there later andrea oh thank you thank you the earth thanks you you betcha my family's so cute they sent me a message this morning uh that they they sent me money for for this show tonight isn't that so sweet so awesome they're not quite into the whole psychic thing at all they don't even know my channel at all they know i have it but they've never watched it because i think it's just too much for them you're doing too much you know i understand but they uh they send money today to to support this tonight isn't that so sweet that's so awesome that's so awesome you're going to get them in you're going to hook them in reel them in come on well they know i mean my brother has some ability so he doesn't you know he gets it a bit um my parents know i've always been this way so they can't they're not surprised they just maybe they don't completely understand yeah yeah yeah and that's okay right sure yeah all you have to do i i do you know i have a couple of family members and they don't know and it's it's good that they don't because then they'd start like going oh you're crazy oh you're there so and i go i just don't need that energy you know so thank you jennifer you know the thing is though what i think is that you know this kind of thing was in the shadows before and you know not in the shadows but you know what i mean you didn't really talk about it too much it was it was like a little we used to be the aluminum foil hat people yeah but there's more and more of that now aluminum oil hats are coming into fashion [Laughter] but there's there's more of us and it's safe it's a safer place now to come forward and talk about your gifts right and all and feelings and spirituality or whatever you want to whatever you want to label it and it's really great it's really great to see that i've seen the change you guys have seen it too right yeah yeah but more and more people are that's kind of the point as well of the community center is again just providing us a safe place to come together and converse learn from one another teach one another what whatever whatever whatever we need is as humans trying to uh navigate this this life experience together yeah yeah and more and more people are are waking up to their abilities and and saying you know what i did buy those tarot cards that i never ever ever threw away why not so let me pull them out let me start digging into them a little bit and let me start listening you know yes somebody keeps talking to me maybe i should listen so i i think people are waking up i agree and there's all kinds of ways you can help awaken your gift it's through tarot cards or maybe you read poems or you get messages or whatever oh you're in trouble i just read your palm yeah and here's a big swimming pool remember that it was quite a journey to try to convince my father but after a few um two times i told him well i asked to prove it you know he thought i was crazy he said i needed to go see a psychiatrist and get on drugs until i proved it to him right a few times i you know we had some something to fix on the farm and i told him what needed to be repaired we pulled it apart and that's what it was and then but he really woke up was when he was heading to the boat to go gambling and i go this is the right time tell me what he's supposed to do to win money so we know this is not real it is real so i call them call them up and i said if there's a five dollar black tie machine play it tonight at the boat what the hell are you talking about i go be a five dollar black tie slot machine play it tonight okay whatever he came home with ten thousand dollars wow whoa he believed me after that and did that pay for your psychiatric treatment you gave me a hundred dollar bill oh that won't that won't go far very far that's what a one percent underspeed that's terrible that's terrible the good part of the story is that you help someone understand and even though they may not have what we have if they can help understand that they can just understand it and trust you know and don't be afraid to not know what it is that you have don't let that stop you as a friend of mine asked me that she goes what what are you doing are you a reader are you a promoter and i said you know honestly i don't have the foggiest idea what i am the universe said that you're supposed to do this and that's what i'm doing right i've argued and ignored the universe for long enough i've learned my lessons and uh so this is this is what i meant to do and i get to have fun and and and do stuff like this while i'm at it yeah okay yeah all right yeah i do think this is this is a this is what we're supposed to be doing is helping move this along right move it forward move it up whatever you want to call it i'm really glad to be here with you guys while we're doing it hey yay me too it's nice to finally meet people that that you're uh that speak your language you don't have to stop and think and walk on the eggshells and all that other stuff we all seem to have a an understanding of one another that you know at least i haven't found elsewhere on a a large scale like this before yeah and yeah that's also the the website she's created the the tarot love community website that is a safe place for people to chat and to get to know each other and book and see what readers we have that are that have been vetted and i don't know how danny got on the site but you know just kidding a lot of money it costs we invited him along on the first go-round and he he thought i was trying to put him to work or something so shush we finally got him here we landed danny i didn't understand she was going we're gonna be on instagram and facebook and i'm not on facebook yeah i'm not no it's just it's it yeah it's but it's it this is in its infancy you know it's it's facebook it's instagram it's the website and and we know it's gonna be get togethers conferences it's that's what's gonna it's just gonna evolve so it's it's really awesome that we're all here on the ground floor yeah well you guys are on the ground floor i guess we're above you yeah hey never we're in the cave hey nina hi i'm glad just glad you're on the mend i was concerned i hadn't seen you in a while i don't know but hey lots of love and healing to you dear yes thank you for joining our earth day now she lives in one of the best places in the whole world she's way on the east coast in canada so i'm about halfway through canada she's she's more on the the edge over there and she's in the best place eastern canada is the sorry i know there's lots of wonderful places on the board and i'm gonna say if if uh sharon lee's still in here uh she might i believe she's over on the west coast on one of the islands western raves about it she dreams about it so she she i don't want to start no canadian easter egg it's not afraid it's all beautiful british columbia is beautiful but boy i tell you you go to newfoundland you go to pei you go to nova scotia you go to new brunswick some pretty sweet places and really love the people yeah alberta yeah alberta's beautiful everywhere's beautiful you're beautiful you're beautiful danny's hair's beautiful and i'm gonna have to say bye bye because i go oh i gotta go cook my my wife dinner because she's she's like laying down she because she had the second shot so she's kind of kind of tired oh wait look who's here beautiful timing danny's just gonna leave i'm gonna make your head bigger well further away you don't have to worry about the complexion this yeah you're right you're right all right well i can't hear you debbie do you know that is she talking can she can you hear us debbie no maybe she can't debbie yeah so i was working it out guys okay we had some kind of technical difficulties right yeah did i get it wrong nine not on the east coast i want to apologize if i got that wrong she said she's in alberta i thought she was on the east coast because her accent is uh very east coast i wonder if that's where you're originally from i guess we'll find out well anyways danny thanks for joining thank you for setting this up thank you danny happy birthday and thank you rene for setting this up this is awesome and scott will appreciate that all right peace everybody bye brother oh see i knew your accent was newfoundland i have lots of family in newfoundland so because your voice is so endearing when i hear you and i'm like i didn't know you were in alberta though okay that was partly right you are from the east coast yes um hi debbie hi andrew how are you did you enjoy your vacation [Music] hey i am good thank you for having me to to uh bring in some lovely energy so we're having a wonderful night debbie there's been lots of donations for wild allies the charity for tonight and a tarot love community event sponsored event it's pretty exciting it is this is great i love it so what i can tell you when mama's not happy nobody happy and um so that's kind of how i feel about mama earth here and um so what do i do when mama's not happy i'm going to clean my room right so what can we do what in our own little space can we do how can we make a little you know earth happy right how do we make it so the first thing i would do is clean my room right and then what else can i do outside of my own little space that would help mama out to make her happy right so that's kind of how i look at it and so there's always little things we can do even if it's just within our little own space to help with making mama happy and you know she will always equal out so if we're messing with her and she's off balance she's going to equal out some way and so we've been filling some of that i feel like yeah and so um yeah i'm going to step out for just a second okay um she definitely has been letting us know you know just like when you don't make mama happy she's gonna let you know right so um and so i feel like she is and it's gotten our attention which is good right and um so i'm excited about this particular event that you're having because it's it's always been a a thing of my heart and um and it's even if you just are going on a walk take an extra bag with you that you can just pick up trash along the way that's a great class and uh just little things a lot will make a difference so if you feel like you can't you know i i i understand it's like what can i do well there you go there's one and it's a huge it makes a huge impact even yeah cleaning clean up some garbage or just sending good vibrations to the earth um you know while you're walking yeah for sure yeah yeah hug in a tree absolutely i i just love the communication uh now it's training wrong walk walk in the grass with your bare feet yeah and if you're not quite sure what to do no i don't really well your leader said earth day was started by fellow wisconsinite gaylord nelson i don't know that wow excellent ron ron planted over a hundred trees let's see it's beautiful plant a tree you want to give back to the earth planetary yeah you were saying earlier to write a thank you note to mother earth and plant it in the soil or or whatever your intentions or manifestations are absolutely um you know some some leave if they if they take something like a stone or something oh that's beautiful and they take it they leave a little tobacco you can do that i've been with shamans that say to p if you take something p i'm like but that's a shaman for you right they know so it's all about intention and yeah something of yourself yeah so and just to allowing the earth to know that you notice and that you aren't are aware that you want to be a part of the healing yep yay yeah simple things obviously you don't litter you recycle you try to buy that's things that are best for earth you know think about how they're made if you could be a vegetarian that's pretty nice too uh because we love those animals and the charity we're donating to the wild earth alleys they help all kinds of things like turtles elephants apes trees uh and the habitats and the communities in those special areas and it's all over the world awesome i love it i love it and you just have to um so t-barb's been posting the link just click on that link and it takes you straight to the paypal link that is that you can donate just click on it takes you right there thank you t-bar for doing that and let everyone know how much we raised we'll we'll get the tally in probably a day it takes a couple of days for youtube to give the tally on on how much should we raise within the chat that we have we'll add it with the paypal amount and we'll let everyone know yeah yay yay i love it love it i love you guys well have you debbie have you ever been anywhere where you really felt uh the earth's presence energy um somewhere profound like i've been so for me there's a place called peggy's cove in in nova scotia okay and i've been there a few times and i can feel the earth there if that makes sense i can feel that's what it's my favorite spot on the whole planet and i can feel so much when i'm there have you ever experienced that no i do yeah but i'm a i i'm well not so much in the last couple years but i'm a backpacker i've been backpacking my whole life so you know you know you go out weeks at a time and you just have what's on you in your pack and you're out there and so you literally are with the land and then you have my daughter sierra who lived out literally off the grid on the mesa in new mexico and all there is is you want to land so there's i've had so many great opportunities to really get to know the vibe that vibration and and literally as much as i possibly could become aligned in one with that and and hear hear her stronger yeah and so and so when i go on a just a regular hike now um i have that language so i because it has been built so i i've been so blessed with that so uh even when i go on a simple hike now i'm listening and i'm feeling and i'm honoring and i'm thankful and i'm grateful um and uh and you know i go through where there's been a disaster with trees or something or a little fire come through and i stop and i just because i can feel the pain of that as well um the loss of life in the forest and and like that so um yes awesome you're getting me excited now i know it doesn't feel great i i know i gotta go i gotta go there's a couple other spots on the planet that i felt that and i just don't wanna maybe we'll do a tour of our special places right oh my gosh yes um hey have you ever been somewhere where you felt you could feel the earth's energy something like that i've really only except for a few months here and there i've really only ever lived in memphis but uh there are certainly places in the city that are like that uh for instance there's a place downtown that was once a um i believe it was called it's something plain like smith fort smith or something like that and uh it has a dark history down there uh because it's uh the the black codes that were written into the laws that's where they came from uh it was started by what happened uh here in memphis um when the after the the civil war and the um the black folks had settled and were thriving and doing well down by the river and the white folks didn't like it so they went down and just torched the place essentially um and uh and that's where those those laws start to come in place so when you're down in that area i'd i'd i'd love at some point uh to get together some sort of healing circle because in that part of town you can just sort of feel that angst and that sadness and that sort of thing yeah but um bob was on earlier and he said that the energy can be stored in the ground like yes sacred uh sites uh for the native americans et cetera like and of course we have a a a historical uh cemetery that's my favorite place in the whole city uh but but yeah i mean depending on where you are in the cemetery there's big like all the yellow fever victims uh are in one part of the cemetery uh wow yeah i mean there's just all kinds of different stuff uh different energies that you can wander through uh in just that one spot isn't it amazing i mean i know it's true but it's just amazing to hear that other people can feel scott have you ever been somewhere where you really felt earth energy maybe you have you just you don't you're like no no when i've traveled um around the world it's a different world um to different worlds no same world different continents whatever wow um literally every place you go has a different i i would feel the different energy of that that land um rome so sad i mean i i'm walking around the room and i'm like oh my gosh this is so heavy it's so sad here um so like ireland had a different ireland had a different feel to northern ireland you know so different and it's literally the land yeah um where else there was significant um oh gosh i'm forgetting and then there's any place that it's called liminal spaces um those are your places like um airports and uh train stations uh bridges anywhere that people pass through the same number but they're never there those places have a different energy uh as well um those those kind of get you to those those are where the veil is thinner yeah different historical imprints that's a good way to put it imprints but literally i've been to like some of the the civil war uh um fields of battle and stuff as well in my youth field trips and that sort of thing you know we're in the south so and then that's again another place where you can even as a kid not understanding what you were feeling but you don't feel something there yeah people in the in the chat saying different places they felt um the earth i don't know how to say it or felt energy like just felt something significant and unexplainable yeah yeah well scott i can't wait to find out when you walk across a certain place and go whoa i feel this what's going on right here you need to pay more attention i guess maybe during our um on one of our uh herald of community uh conventions that we're gonna have and debbie weren't you talking about maybe there's gonna retreat and yeah i wanna do what i wanna yeah so um i think the first thought we can think about actually is taos new mexico i'm thinking would be a good spot what do you guys think i think whatever you do will be awesome just tell us when and where to show up all right so we can work it out with the universe on our end the closer the area 51 the better because that might be one of the outings we go to area 51 have y'all ever seen the movie uh paul do you know this one yeah that's what reminds me of talking about that those are the guys who come over from from england uh to go to uh the alien convention and then go across the country seeing all the alien hot spots in the united states they pick up the alien name paul oh really yeah and it's called paul i have to welcome you it's just called paul yeah it's got a is it uh seth rogen the story did the voice of paul and then it's uh oh shoot i can see his face and i can't think of his name um scotty and the new star trek that's about to say yeah there's scotty i can't think of his name though simon simon pig simon there's a name i do remember and it is susan's crying everyone hi susan hi we are from the future she is day after earth day but she's joyful yeah yeah but it's still working isn't it doesn't matter where we are we're still doing the work it's always earth day it's always a day exactly every day yeah and i'll just wave farewell to a conservationist that she drove out my driveway today so very synchronized when it comes to so she was able to give me all these tips of things to share and i'm sort of full now so cher they're on their way down to um hobart which is the capital city of tasmania and there's um there's a a rally on this this weekend for you know taking care of the environment in in tasmania as well a lot of people think it's political but as she pointed out to me um the political side of it is the tool not so much it's not about politics but politics can be the tool to make the changes and to increase the the awareness and education for people so it was all very interesting so we've got some beautiful forests that need protecting down here because of all the logging yeah it's been a lot lot um taken away but we're still we've still got plenty to work on so have i missed anything great with all you guys today so we've having a wonderful night um raising lots of money and it's going to wild earth allies no when i thought that i thought wow yeah i mean guys yeah and thank you um andrea and i think for sort of getting this happening you know this is what we need happening here in australia as well yeah and and it's amazing how we can all make a difference together yeah this is this feels so good so is there any we were just talking about places on the planet where we may have been and really felt the earth like a magical feeling or vibrations is there somewhere you've been where i'm sure there's probably quite a few places but absolutely well in australia um you know coming back to my country i was many years ago i was invited to spend some time in an indigenous community in far north queensland just off you would have all heard of the barrier reef up there and the great barrier reef is sort of you know it's in need of help at the moment too but on the land i was invited up to this um community where it was an alcohol and drug-free community that was being established for the indigenous and i was so lucky when i published the wildlife wisdom um i got invited up there so things that i remember you know it was just like the magic i've got photos i took that got orbs you know in the trees and forest and just amazing stuff and you could they would talk about the um just try to get the name the spirits of the land you know i had to be smoked and and they'd use the the the leaf matter from that area and he said he's doing that and then they something they do they rub their own skin and then they rub that on on your skin and and the belief is that um you know you'll be recognized by the spirit of the land and you'll be welcome so many hours spent you know sitting on the earth up there being painted by you know and then the zelda was magic um sitting around fire a fire you know and being able to heal in many ways you know there was a fair bit going on for me at that time and being able to sit around the fire and and talk and and he would say throw that in the fire throw that in the fire and it would be you know it was an amazing experience so yeah sacred land in north queensland in australia that's one one i could tell you about now yeah anything yes any questions out of that awesome i've been there so many places in australia where you where there's special feelings but to be able to experience how long were you there susan i missed that part how long was i up there i've been up two or three times now but yeah that first experience was for two weeks i think two weeks where i sat there wow well that's a beautiful experience that's uh wow he talked about you know the sacredness of the land for the australian indigenous people they you know they understand that they uh he he would say you know land is the boss land is the boss and and then he would you know if he went down to take you know fish from the from the rivers or from the ocean or you know spear anything or hunt for anything it was always about the the level the hierarchy you know so you and you only took what you needed you didn't you know because then there would be a boss over something else so land was always the boss to him so you took care of that and that was you know that was a big learning curve that of course the indigenous of also you know they've um get got caught up in materialism as well so so they have to practice their culture too you know to keep pulling themselves back to that awareness and to keep teaching you know white fella about it as well you know it's um we're we all get pulled by that gratification don't we of the material world which is what's probably creating the importance on our land susan were you able to take your family with you no no i did afterwards but my first trip was on my own because what a great experience for the for your family to experience your kids yes yeah i think in my early days i went to india too there was many um sacred places that i spent there and i can remember my first trip over there i had four i had four sons in australia and when i was over there they were right at the age where you know computer games and all sorts of things were so more important to them than anything else and i remember thinking if i could just pick them all up and plonk them here for a month and and come back and get them after a month they probably would appreciate their life in australia that's true true i never got that opportunity to but i threatened them at times for sure thank you princess for the donation scott have you ever um channeled mother earth or any have you ever channeled anything like a never tried animal or mother earth anything you know a little different other than aliens or people no never tried it actually yeah you should try those uh those big sequoia trees yeah i wonder if you might get when i was talking about the redwoods earlier you know yeah there's something in there there is some try that yeah it's so beautiful yeah i know i felt more comfortable and connected when i was laying on the grass there you go never thought of that though interesting yeah love to hear what comes from that so what are you what are you guys doing to you know to change things in your area you know is there something that you're taking on like this has changed what you're doing you know bringing donations in for the the experts that can you know make a difference but is there any sort of personal changes going on you know i know for me you know everything i'm thinking about now from you know when we go shopping the bat you know recycling the bags and the plastics and you know just um picking up rubbish if we see it yeah i'm mentioning those things earlier what are the small things that you can do so you don't feel hopeless or you know recycle and and clean up and if you notice someone lit her say something like hey what are you doing at the moment it just has just left um you know she was saying often people get overwhelmed because it's such a big it's such so big now globally that um you know there's a um a feeling of like i just can't do anything so i won't do anything but you know she was sort of really encouraging me to sort of say you know doing something is better than doing nothing you know yeah and collectively we're going to make a change with all of them and we're not oh you know this doesn't this isn't happening overnight by any stretch of the imagination so as long as we try to do better tomorrow than we did today then you know keep moving in a forward direction uh with with our efforts i think that that's going to it goes back to what we've been talking about the ripple effect and uh and how each individual one of us can can create a ripple that impacts uh the greater um yeah the greater being i am i often think what will my grandchildren be saying to me when i'm at the end of my life you know what what did you do when you saw the planet you know yeah what did you do and what what what were you thinking about things that sort of spurs me on unfortunately yeah unfortunately like around here i don't know about other places but since clovid hit and it started getting pretty big taking your own bags in for groceries so now you can't take those bags inside right so now we have to be taking plastic or paper you know for the groceries wisconsin anyway so what about recycling there for you scott how do they manage that in your life everyone yeah you pay for it but the garbage trucks come for recycling and take it out and then it's sorted yeah so that's that's it's not bad but you still got your plastics you know it's like even you know our candles you know what are we supposed to do with our handle glass after it's done yeah there'll be ideas next time yeah there will be people coming up with ideas right as we speak i'm sure and you know ideas and i guess it's back to what you know um this lovely lady said this morning it's just if you can't do the you know take your bag shopping but you might be able to do something in the house you know some little things yeah that might make all the difference exactly and greta then thunder or whatever greta's not going to let us get away with anything she's going to keep us in line i love her yeah i love it i was just thinking about the youth i think they're gonna you know they're really going to make a huge difference than what we did well because i think that they finally are the first generation that understands that just because it's always been done this way doesn't mean it has to continue this way yes the whole notion that that we can't convert to uh you know electric or hydro whatever it is all this you know the turbines and whatever the case may be you know we've been drilled into this and thought over the years that no no we have to be reliant on the oil and i think this is the first generation that's like yeah no we don't you know i i chuckle sometimes i remember god it was probably 15 years ago when sun chips uh was was going to be on the cutting edge recyclable of packaging and they took it back off the market because people complained that the bags the the recyclable that biodegradable bags were too loud that's why we didn't have biodegradable chip bags 15 years ago because they were too loud what are you kidding me i think this younger generation too is going to be the ones who really feel the impact of what's and of course they are yeah they're getting they're getting all the the pollution the yeah the water the climate change uh it's gonna affect them a lot harder than it did us growing up right yeah and and the animals the animals you know we've got so many becoming extinct and yeah i'll be just researching them and looking and saying what happened you know and making changes so that they don't lose any more i think um the new ones that the children that are being born now they're already quite awakened you know they're quite conscious and um yeah they'll have the they'll have the natural um tools you know it's it's part of us letting them letting them run run it now too you know as they as they have those amazing insights come through they'll have some great ideas i think for for you know that for us that have traveled through this you know to this stage and i mean i think i'm the oldest out of all you guys they're all young youngins there but you know looking at it now a lot of it's to do with how we we grow as well every the decisions that are made you know unconscious decisions that have been made we've been conditioned to believe that you know there's um plenty to go around and and there probably is but in terms of you know we think we own the earth rather than the other way around you know the earth and and if you look at it in an ownership sort of way or a ego sort of way then you know we we need to we need to bow down to earth and say what you need from us you know i think this next generation is going to just know that you know just going to be born knowing that in some way you know if you're feeling like there's nothing you can do um it's really just kind of changing you can just change like one little one little thing um you know one personal thing that um that you can wrap your mind around um it doesn't have to be a big global thing and i know that we keep saying that tonight uh but it's the message is still coming through just step step your intention towards towards anything whether uh again like it's just taking an extra bag with you if you're going on a walk to pick up some trash um it can be just a little thing it doesn't matter if you step towards it all of a sudden things are going to just start opening up for other opportunities that are doable for you it doesn't have to be overwhelming like susan was saying that like susan was saying it doesn't have to be overwhelming and that's true it's a personal change it's an inward change and um yeah creating that nine of cups opening that up to hope for the future right i wrote i wrote this down on here because it came through on a message this morning no one can do everything but everyone can do something exactly good one yeah and i thought what am i doing you know and i looked at my cat that was sleeping stretched out on the bed and i said what am i doing and he says well you don't let me outside to eat the birds or cats so yeah i thought yeah that's that's you know that's something some people consider doing if they if they keep their um their pets they can do a lot of damage um domestic cats to the environment in australia anyway yeah he was talking to me that's cute what a lovely day earth day um you we all can make a difference individually and together and it's how we think and how we act and how we uh lead by example right especially in front of kids because kids are always watching if they see someone litter or whatever the case may be um you know they see that now we know that these this younger generation is going to be rock stars but again leading by example even in front of your peers right you know there's people you we all know that's in our age groups and maybe they're not the most caring towards earth and they can watch what we do right right you don't have to ram it down their throat you can just show them how you are yeah i've just had just two inspirational people staying here with me and we're in tasmania here we're fairly free we haven't we're not in the lockdown now we're you know we're moving around not because we're an island so um they've been traveling around they're living a bit of a nomadic lifestyle and a fine example of of um what we can do you know with all their everything they've been saying they planted you know pulled out my garden and got all the weeds out and put some more crops in for um you know cauliflower and broccoli and all of these winter plants that we have through winter down here so i've just been inspired you know that we can we can take care of each other a lot more too in the sharing you know changing that that way of life a little bit too you know we talked we talked into the uh about you know what everyone has like we have a garden everyone has a garden we all have a ride on mower and you know in one street because there's you know a whole hebrew right on those when we could be using just one between you know many of us and all those things would make a difference but sharing the resource in your community yeah so that was just one topic you know there was so many inspirations yeah um you know if our level of consciousness could let us do that but unfortunately ego is still you know people get people they get people and and and they want you know they're afraid they're going to lose something you know when one's not doing enough or you know that's that's the sort of barriers we have to break down with the caring and sharing i think for communities i love that community sharing yeah i think it could be looked at as a bit you know hippie type from the you know from the 70s but i think um people are waking up now you know yeah i think people yeah yeah and i think with all the intelligent people that are here now too you know there could be somebody that could be taking care of the mechanics and another person who's working out the roster or who has the mower and that type of thing you know it's like adding the seeds of ideas of how can we do things different to take care of the earth can we do it differently very very wide words this was a lot of fun tonight i'm so excited we did this and as we said this is like the first one right who knows what we'll do right yeah yeah so how long have you guys been going for i just yeah we are at about two hours and 20 minutes so i think we can probably wrap it up yeah yeah wonderful and i want to thank you guys for joining and everyone else uh scott sorry there is arbor day that's right another earth kind of day i did a quick one too before just before you you we hit the off button i was asking the wildlife wisdom what animal wanted to feature if i did get asked to do a card and i thought i'll have to do this toys because you know kangaroo and the kangaroo that message is about sacrifice and how the how the the mother kangaroo if she's under threat and she's got a joey in her pouch she and she will throw that joey out so that she so that she survives and um can and so the mother is always there to be fertilized again so sometimes we have to sacrifice all the things that we we love to get back to you know what's what's necessary too and maybe mother earth's been sacrificing a few things so she can evolve right yeah i think i think on the whole it's definitely humanity's turn to uh to make some sacrifices that's what that's what kangaroo is saying we've got to make some sacrifices yeah uh ron's wondering how much we've raised so i can't tell yet it it'll take a day or two from goodness i haven't the foggiest idea we're gonna we're gonna work on that we'll get you some numbers in the next few days we will we will let you know how much we raised and we will show you the donation we make to wild earth allies thanks to everyone who joined tonight on the live show thank you thank you thank you my friends right now and those who were on earlier thank you everyone in the chat one hundred percent thank you everyone in this video yes absolutely thank you everyone who made a donation and everyone who's sending out love and good vibes to our home which is earth we have one home together give a big hug to the earth big hug to the air mama anything else you want to say again big shout out to renee who's got this website going and yeah i appreciate everybody's support um that we're we're on the right track uh spread the word the more readers we can and shopkeepers and everything that we can get involved uh the more more people we have to talk to and puts ideas off of so um every little bit helps and um again all the donation uh information will be in the description box uh if you go to the website or the instagram account uh you'll be uh able to find the information through there as well uh if you want to go that direction um really excited about what we've done for the the wild earth allies tonight and excited to see um just excited to see this community coming together in in this kind of way uh just something else yeah it is it is and and it's i i'm i'm honored to be able to put together what i have experienced and and learned in my time to to build this uh space for us so again appreciate everybody for through sure grateful and thankful so have a wonderful night everyone bye thanks everybody do your part
Channel: Lilac Lantern Tarot
Views: 3,312
Rating: 4.9807229 out of 5
Id: ugKv7UBSHdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 32sec (8552 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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