Viral Full Playthrough - JonGetsGames

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welcome to John gates games today I'll be doing the full 3 player playthrough a viral in this game each player takes on the role of a virus who is infecting a very unfortunate person's body and you are vying for control of the various organs trying to infect them the most but while you are fighting with your opponents and attacking each other you also have to consider the fact that the doctors in the outside world are trying to cure you and the better you do the more likely they will actually just wipe you off the board entirely which forces you to start from scratch and start infecting those organs again I'll explain how the game plays while we're actually playing it so let's jump in here we have our 3 player game fully set up out here in the board we see a variety of organs which are attached to a very unfortunate person who are being assaulted by not only us but our two opposing virus players now I have gone ahead and seeded the board with all of these different tokens to get us to the point where we can jump into playing if you look over on the left hand side of the board you'll see there are 6 different chunks which involve these 6 different phases to each turn we'll do 6 of these turns and then whoever has the most points is going to win so without further ado let's jump into the first turn the first symbol right here says that you pass the starting player token but we don't do this on the first turn of the game so we can move on to this which is the first card placement action down here we have our player area we see that we have 4 more viruses that we could deploy out onto the board and you'll see a 1 on this side of our board and a 2 over here this means we'll be doing our first card placement over on the one side and in our hand of cards we have 2 different types of cards first we have these 6 zone cards which have to do with the different sections of the person's body that we are infecting and then we have 5 of these basic mutation cards which are going to be the actions that we evaluate in those specific sounds so now at this moment all players are going to simultaneously choose one zone and one action card in it with those two things they will then reveal them and in player order we will evaluate those actions based on the cards that we picked the first thing I'd like to do is clarify the difference between zones and organs you'll see four zone one there's just one organ which is the brain but now for zone 2 there are in game terms two different organs the heart one which is the left side and heart two which is the right side now in general in this game the goal is to try and control entire zones by having more of your viruses there than your opponents but occasionally you will get points for could individual organs and as you can see an zone 5 there are actually three different organs within this one given zone and when we choose one of these zone cards to pair up with an action we are dictating what some of the actions where some of those actions can't evaluate and it's gonna be within the entire zone so if we picked zone 5 for instance we could do a lot of stuff within these three spots so let's now take a look at the five mutation cards we have each player starts with the same set of these and you'll notice that some of these icons are blue in the background and some are not well the blue background actions are the ones that must be evaluated within the given zone that I just mentioned but these are ones without the border can be done anywhere out on the map and it as a brief overview of the different stuff we can do this little lightning bolt means that we can take a new virus and put it out into a specific spot on the board for instance if we did this one and selected zone five we could put this virus down in any of these three different organs we then have this little arrow symbol this is just the ability to move your organs around the body and when you do that you have to follow the arrows as you can see them around the board so all of these organs actually feed up into hard one animart two actually feeds into all of these different organs so that's an interesting thing to keep in mind and then we have a couple other things like the sword which allows you to remove an opponent's virus from an organ as long as you have a virus of yourself your own in there and then with these shields you'll notice on the backside of these viruses there is this shield side and that means if your virus was ever supposed to be removed from the map you instead and it had the shield side up you instead flip it over as opposed to removing it so now that we know a bunch of the various basic things we can do let's figure out what we want to do on this turn looking at our viruses current positions based on the set up we have two of them in this zone five a large area we have a one down here in the kidneys and one over here in the pancreas and what we're doing is trying to get points for controlling these zones and if you look at these tokens they tell you how many points you get so the top says three points and then down here we have a 3 and then a microscope this is the amount of research that is gonna happen against the player who controls that zone and you kind of bump your token up here and the more research that happens the closer you get to having a cure found for you which will wipe you from the board so you certainly don't like research tokens it's also worth noting that in this area it's so hard to control with three organs that there's also a plus one victory point painted onto the board so that means if we control this on this first turn we would actually get four points although we would also get three research and I think this is probably a decent direction for us to try and go for this first turn of the game but there's one other thing to point out and that is this deck over here now there are six different events in here and this is essentially our game clock we know what the events are going to be and this first one says are you in love the player who controls a zone two is gonna score two points when this gets evaluated and zone two is the heart over here although right now we don't really have a vested interest in the heart because we didn't start with anything over there so it's probably better for us to focus on trying to get some points down here as opposed to chasing that event at this point I've narrowed my options down to thinking about a zone four over here and zone five and I'm looking at this basic resilience which would protect some of our viruses as well as spawn one or this basic migration which would let us spawn a virus and move around now the thing that we need to keep in mind is that there's gonna be wonderful action which we're evaluating now and then we're gonna do this all again immediately after this which means if we're gonna try and come over here in win this zone and get four victory points which is quite a lot it might make sense for us to wait and not do zone five just yet because a lot of things could change with the first full action round and if we have zone five in our hand still then we can do something in that second term because the cards that we picked are actually going to be outside our hand and we're not gonna be able to choose them again so considering that I think we should also save at this migration one because having two moves is a very powerful thing that we might want to do later on in this given turn so let's go ahead and do this well new zone four with these two shields will be able to put somebody down and then protect some of our viruses this feels like a pretty good turn and now we can wait to make sure that both of our opponents have also picked out their two cards now that we've all picked we can flip them over we of course know that we are zone four with basic resilience but now we can see that the green player picked zone two which is the heart and they're going to do a basic reproduction and now the gray player over here they pick the lungs and they're gonna do a basic attack we now evaluate these cards in player order so we will start by doing both of these because we are the star player first things first we pick zone 4 which means this infection because as a blue background must go into zone 4 now this is where another important rule for majority scoring comes into play we are going to put this down up here into the liver because you're only allowed to actually take control and win these points if you have one of your viruses in every single organ within the zone if multiple people do this then it's the player who has the most also based on a tiebreaker so that's why we're going over here so we're now in both of these zones and we're now viable to potentially go ahead and grab this which point at the end of the round and now we have these two shields and so we get to flip over two of our people and while looking out here we we know that this might be a hotly contested area but we also think that this one might be two because down here it says -1 research symbol on that means you actually will be less researched and your viruses will stay out on the board longer so I think maybe let's hedge our bets and do a defensive shield on this one and we'll do a defensive shield on this one over here so with that we are done with our actions and the green player can go they picked zone 2 which is the heart area right here we see that with basic reproduction they're just going to in fact twice both of these have to go into this zone and they've designed to spread it out putting one over there and one over there and lastly we have zone 3 which is the lungs down here we see that the grey player chose a basic attack and it's important to note that you can do these actions in any order you want to but they actually decide they are going to do them in order they're going to infect the lung 2 over here because in order to do an attack they have to have a virus within the organ that has the opposing virus that they want to kick out so this one will now attack this one and that bumps it off the board entirely with all of our first actions done we can now move on and this time we're gonna do the same selection process but we're gonna put it on the right hand side of our player boards indicating the second action phase of the turn unfortunately due to the limitations on screen space with the camera I'm gonna go ahead and take the first turn ones and put them down here for now so that we have access to put our second turn the ones over there so now let's go ahead and choose a pair of cards looking out at the board right now we are currently controlling at this zone 4 over here and I think this is probably a good time to also point out this little track down here this is the tiebreaker track and shows that whoever is higher on this track is going to win times before control so that means I start player we actually are at the top of the tiebreaker track for this first turn although this is going to potentially change at the end of every turn and you'll see how that works relatively soon so we are in a pretty good spot in zone 4 over here and we really do want to win to control over zone 5 right now nobody is really vying for it from us because again in order to control it you have to have a virus in all three of the organs so I think what we should probably do is go with zone 5 and then let's do this a basic adaptation it allows us to do an attack or a in fact and then a move or a shield we're not really sure what our points are gonna do and so we want to wait until their cards are revealed and then decide with this nice and versatile card what the best thing for us to do on our turn is alright let's go ahead and see what everybody picked the green player went with zone six with a basic migration that's interesting and then the great player decided on zone four with the pancreas in the liver it looks like they might be coming in and competing with us because yeah they're doing a basic reproduction we can go ahead and evaluate these cards and just like before we are gonna start so we picked a zone five and the first thing we can do is either an effect or an attack and now that I realize it well we can't actually do an attack without having a virus within the given organ so I think let's just go ahead and do the simple thing we will infect to the stomach up here so that we are now controlling zone five because we have one of our viruses in each of the organs and now we can look down here to see our other option we can either infect I'm sorry we can either move anywhere or do a shield anywhere and while shielding is certainly nice but I think I see a more interesting play because if we look at what the great player is doing they have a double infect into this area right here and that means that they are going to have three viruses two are two so even though we win tiebreakers that won't be a tie and that means that we have no hope of controlling this zone for on this turn so I think we should do something else with these viruses and I think that's something else should be a move so let's go ahead and take this virus with the shield and if you'll notice there's this arrow that pops out and then goes this way so the virus can move all the way up here and then pop it into the heart number one but the moment our virus enters heart one we have to evaluate a crisis there are four of these tokens in the game and if you look at this table printed on the board you'll see all of the different player counts and the indicated amount of viruses within an organ that will cause a crisis so this is a three player game which means three viruses will cause the crisis to happen so we'll take the first crisis token and we'll slide it in over there and in a simple way to explain it this is essentially a new competition this time for a given organ as opposed to a full zone and after this crisis has resolved every single virus in that zone is going to get wiped off the board but we sent our one over here with a shield which means instead of getting wiped off it'll just get flipped over so we're not actually winning this organ the green player has more than we do but I think this is still going to be worth it for us in the end with that done our actions are completed so now the green player can go they activated the kidneys down here they have one infection so they're gonna go ahead and put this down over there so that they have the ability to control that zone and now they have two moves with their first move they've decided to take this virus right here and they're gonna move it out of heart two and it could go down this path right here which actually leads to every single organ in the game except for the lungs in the brain but they've decided to do this instead head up into the brain because now they have tied with the gray player and they are actually winning on the tiebreaker track so they've taken over control of the brain and they can look at the great players cards and they know there's no way for great to actually get viruses back up here and take control back so now the green player has one more move and as you can see that you can go back and forth between the two heart valves and they're gonna jump over here to the other side of the organ this does mean that as far as this crisis is concerned we are now winning it because we win the tiebreaker but the green player still thinks it's worthwhile to get into both of these organs within zone 2 so that they can be the one in control of it finally we have the grey player who activated it zone 4 and they simply did two infections so they're gonna put one down here and they have decided that they'll go down here as well they could have gone up here and it would have started a crisis that they would actually have won but they at the moment they are okay with going down here so that more of their viruses are going to survive the round and stay on the board to potentially score in the next turn with that second action done players can now grab any cards that are above their boards which will be zero in this first round and then they take all of the cards they played for the first and second action and move them above their boards so this means that none of the cards that any of us played in this first turn will be playable in the second turn of the game but we'll gain access to them again for the third turn of the game with cleanup done we can now move the phase tracker down to Phase two which is a research this is the part where each one of the zones on the board is going to get evaluated to see who is in control and then some science is gonna happen against those players so let's start up here with zone one we see there is a single green token and a single great Oken in that zone and looking at the tiebreaker track we see that Green is above grey so that means that Green is in control the token up here says that Green will now generate two victory points but they will also generate two research against them you'll notice that there are five ticks up on this track if the token ever reaches the top then a cure has been found and then all of a player's viruses will be wiped off the board later on in the phase turn order but I'm not sure if we're gonna get to that point in this first run of the game all right let's now move on to zone number two we see that Green is the only player who has viruses in all of the organs so they are in control this one as well they are gonna generate one victory point for this and then zero science is gonna happen against them so now we can shift down here to the lungs we see that the grey player is in both of the organs and in fact they have zero competition they're gonna generate three victory points for this zone and then - science is gonna happen against them next up we have zone four we are only in one of the organs and gray really blew this one out there in both and they have the majority so they're gonna generate one victory point which brings them up to four and there is - one research that's gonna happen against them so that goes down now before we can move on you may have noticed up here on the track there is a symbol with a card and a hand and this means that the moment any player hits this part of the score tracker they can now draft a new mutation card into their hand they can either take the top card from this deck or you could choose one of these three face-up cards here and as you can see some of them have at different icons that we're not used to in fact the great player decides this is the card that they want to grab we see down here it says noisy movement and it's interesting to note right here it actually has a one victory point symbol this means at the end of the game they will get one point for grabbing this card if you look out over here this swarm right here has a zero because the game believes that this ability which allows you to put three infections down into that one chosen section is a very powerful one so you don't get any bonus points whereas this one up here actually gives you two victory points before taking that card but anyway coming back at too noisy movement they is this magnet ability which will now allow the gray player to either push a virus out of an organ they're already in or they can pull a virus into an organ that already in and they have the ability to drop a crisis token down into any organ they want to when they actually play this card so they like the flexibility that it's going to give them and if we now draw the next one from the top of the deck we see this one that says fast eater and it has yet another special symbol this is the absorb action and I'll talk about that one pretty soon here with that done next up in zone order is five and we were able to control that we have viruses in all three of the organs so that means we're gonna get three plus one or four victory points so we go from zero all the way to four and that means right now we also get to draft a new mutation card which is nice but we also may as well take care of our three science as well before we forget when it comes to these three options I think it's hard for us to pass up this new one that just popped out it is fast eater it's three victory points at the end of the game we have two movements which could go anywhere and then this absorb action I'll talk about it in more detail soon but the simple explanation for it is you take all viruses within a given organ that you have at least one in two and you put them underneath your organ you stack them up underneath and for the rest of the turn they effectively don't exist but they are released at the end of the turn so this can be a very powerful way to grab control of a specific zone and it being worth three points at the end the game is pretty darn good too let's go ahead and draw the next card from the top of the stack this one says intruder alert and it allows you to put a crisis in the zone picked and has an infection and it also has a shield which is pretty good lastly we now have to evaluate zone 6 we see that the green player was able to control that they have a virus in both of those spots so they are gonna generate two victory points which brings them up to five and then at one science it's gonna happen against them and they now get to draft a new mutation card into their hand as well and they decided to take this light armored one they liked the idea of having a lot of movement and a couple shields as well can't be very nice to have as an option for them let's go ahead and draw the next card from the top of the deck this one is Swift fighter and it has an attack and a couple moves and three victory points which is certainly very nice and this is important because if you look at the scorch we are gonna get to draft one two three more of these cards from the deck before the game is over of course once we get our tokens up to those positions with research done we can now move to the event phase and we already know what this one says it's two points to the person who controls the heart which is probably why the green player moved over there so green is going to immediately get to victory points that brings them up to seven next up we have the crisis phase and we're gonna evaluate them in order although we only have one crisis and if you look at the board again it says that the person who is in control of that organ is gonna get two victory points everyone else who has a virus in that organ is going to get one victory point and then all of the viruses in that spot are gonna get wiped out looking over at the crisis zone we see that it is still a time between us and green we are winning the tiebreaker so that means we are gonna get two victory points bring us to six and the green player gets one richer point which brings them up to eight they can immediately draft a new card into the hand but I'm gonna finish evaluating this first this green token is now going to get removed and ours would be two if it didn't have a shield but we can flip that over and remove the crisis token so we're still in a pretty good spot to vie for control over the heart in the next turn but of course the green player is okay with all this because they cut to draft two these mutation cards in the first turn that's supposed to just one for the other two players and they've decided to grab a swarm it's worth zero points to them but they really like the idea of being able to drop three infections down into the zone that they picked so now let's go ahead and pick a new card this one says the assassin it has oh wow it has one attack in the region picked and then an attack anywhere and a move and two victory points on it as well so a pretty offensive card to pick there so we can now move to Phase five and this is where we would actually wipe out any viruses that are on the board if somebody was fully researched but nobody quite got to that point so we can go ahead and move on and the last phase simply makes us reorient all of these tiebreaking conditions well first of all anybody who is absorbed must be released and now we look over to the score the person who has the least points is now going to be winning the tiebreaker so gray goes up here we are in second and green ISM first so these are gonna slide down here and now gray is in a very good position to jump into a bunch of points because they have the strongest tie breaker position with that we can now take the face tracker and move it all the way back to the beginning for the second turn of the game the first thing we do is pass the start player token over to the green player and now we can all choose our first action cards oops I just realized I missed one thing when we did the event phase in last turn once you evaluate it you actually discard that card is that the next one is revealed and so now that is the second turn we can see what on the event is gonna be it says doctor's appointment all players that slide at once step up on the resource chart so it's gonna get a little bit worse for all of us it's very likely that we're actually gonna have a cure found for us considering how far went up on that last turn so this might not actually matter to us but we'll see how it plays out looking at our handle cards we have definitely less options in the first round but we still have some pretty cool stuff available including this absorbability looking out to the zones we can activate we have one two three and six and I think right from the geico without doing too much thought we should do zone two with this double infect we have two more viruses on our play board I think getting them out into the heart which is associated with so many other zones would be great and then on our second turn we could potentially move our viruses around and maybe even do a big absorb to grab bunch of points out from under some of our opponents so let's go ahead and not think about it too much and go with this for our first turn alright let's go ahead and reveal everybody else's picks Green went with oh oh wow the swarm in zone 5 that's not good for us and the grey player went with the brain with an adaptation so the green player is now going to be evaluating first because they are the star player Green has exactly three viruses to put down they all have to go in this area if they'll go one two and then well the last one is going to start a crisis wherever it happens and they decide to go up here they certainly don't want to put it down here where we're armored up so that'll go right there and that pulls down the first crisis marker for the round next the grey player picked to zone 1 which was the brain and for their top action they have decided they are going to just infect the brain once more and now for the bottom action they can do a move anywhere or a shield anywhere and they decided to shield this one down the heart because they can tell we are about to put a bunch of figures into the heart so they figure a crisis is probably coming so it does now come to us with our zone 2 heart activation we have a basic reproduction which puts our last two viruses out onto the board and I figure it will puts ah maybe just both of them over here this is a hard number two is nice because it goes into so many other locations including potentially letting us go up here and vie for control of the brain this of course causes a crisis having four viruses in that spot but let's go ahead and make that our turn with our first actions complete we now can all simultaneously choose our second action of the round I've actually just realized that crisis number two should be up here in the brain that should have gone down the moment the great player put their 1/3 virus over there so the heart is actually crisis number three sorry for that looking at our hand of options I think that we just want to do this fast eater mostly because I think it's fun I mean it's also a good play I think because we have the to movement in with this absorb we can move into a spot and then absorb everybody up and potentially um probably take control of that spot and get a bunch of points because of it so realistically the question is where do we want to do this absorb because that's the only blue action on this card we have the brain as an option we have the lungs as an option and then finally down here at the kidneys and I think between those three options we totally won't do this in the brain the brain spot is two victory points it is also to science but I'm pretty confident we're just gonna get wiped down that science track anyway I guess this is potentially not gonna allow us to deal with this issue down here I mean there's four points on the line over here in the intestines in the stomach we have three the green player has four but let's see what the green player does maybe we actually do one or both of these movements down here instead to try and take the majority back if we did both of our movements then I suppose the absorb up here in the brain would be useless but we have to kind of play around and choose the thing that is the most dynamic and flexible for us I think this is a pretty good pick all right we have all picked so we can reveal our selections the green player went with the lungs but we see the light armor doesn't actually have any blue icons on there so the lungs doesn't really matter they can do this wherever they want to in it over here with a great player they went with a heart and they did their noisy movement oh they'll be some interesting things happening there but first things first the green player is now gonna activate their cards the first thing they're going to do is activate one of their movements they're gonna send this virus all the way down here and it's going to go into the small intestine the moment it goes there is going to start our fourth crisis of the round in fact you can only have four crisis's in a round which is unfortunate for the great player they have a card that starts crises but maybe they waited a little bit too long to actually play that one down and now the green player they're going to skip their next move and do two shields and they're gonna do one right here and they're gonna do another one right there they have one more move available to themselves but after looking around at all the various options they like where their viruses are so they are done with our action the great player chose the heart as their location and well we know that are not unfortunately not gonna be able play a crisis down because they're all in play already they're gonna start with their to act move actions actually they're gonna take this one right here it's gonna go all the way over into the heart right there and with their second move action they're gonna take this one which goes down here and again does not cause a crisis because we cannot bring any out and now they have this magnet ability we know that this magnetism ability has to happen in the heart zone because that's the one that they picked and it's gonna allow them to either repel something out or pull something in as long as they have a virus in that spot and they have decided they are actually going to grab this virus way over here in the kidneys and suck it all the way up here into this heart one it there is no crisis over here and by doing that the green player is not going to be scoring down here because they do not have viruses in both of these different zones and with that the grey player is done because once again they cannot actually evaluate a crisis unfortunately for them lastly it is our turn to act we know that we have the ability to do an absorb action in the brain but we need to have a virus up there in order to do that and we have several options that have opened up some things happened that we were not expecting obviously we are still really not controlling the intestines and the stomach over here now but the grey player kicked out the green player down here which means it would be very easy for us to take this over I guess realistically we could have done that anyway because we were winning the tiebreaker it's just not something that was necessarily on my mind another option to us is over here in the liver and the pancreas if we moved these two people out of the heart and over here we would actually take control of this zone get a point in our science would go down which is certainly a really nice thing but again if we don't send anyone is up into the brain then we are not going to be able to do there's really cool absorption power in the brain that does give two points it also gives two signs and if we get even just one science considering this event that means that that the cure is going to be found and everything is going to get wiped off the board that does not have these little shield symbols and that's not the end of the world like this is obviously gonna happen several times throughout the game we get a lot of victory points for that we realistically just have to think doesn't make sense for us to maybe try and hunker down because right now we don't actually control any of these zones and if the green player gets wiped off then perhaps that next turn we could easily come in and get even more points in their absence but I suppose when we look back to this track we see that the grey player is also fully deployed out on the map and they well I guess it's very possible that they might also get a cure this round they are currently controlling this spot and that's fine and that's why I like these do add up and we need to consider all these options but I think let's go ahead and do the fun thing let's do an absorption so let's send at least one of our viruses up into the brain and if we figure we're gonna get cured anyway let's go ahead and take the other one and send it all the way down here into the kidneys so we're gonna get lots of science but quite a few victory points on this turn we of course said no to some points by leaving heart number two because we were controlling at this organ that has this crisis but the one that went up here it also went into a crisis so I guess we went from the two points for this one right here to getting one point for that and then also controlling this and getting two points so I think it Nets out in our favor and now let's go ahead and absorb in the brain this means we take every single other virus stack them up and put ourselves on top so actually moving on this up to the spot actually means that we win this crisis instead of winning that one so I think this definitely was a good move for us with that done we can now do clean up so we're all going to take the cards that are above our boards I'm gonna add them back into our hands and then of course add all the cards we played on this turn up to the top of our boards we're done with card playing so let's now do the research phase we start up here with the brain we are the only ones in the brain effectively because we absorbed everybody else so that means that we are gonna get two points right now which brings us up to eight points which means we also get to grab a new card and that also means that we're gonna get two science points so we're now out on that track when we look at all these options to grab I think that the assassin sounds really great I mean having the ability to do an attack anywhere on the map and then also do one where you picked is a very potent way of resting control away from somebody or at least stopping them from getting points also it's worth 2 points at the end of the game so let's add this one to our hand and then we of course draw a new one this one is the armored membrane Wow you get to drop one down into the zone picked and then put three shields on the board it's no wonder that's a zero point guard next up we have a zone two which is the heart the gray player is the only one with viruses in both spots so they're gonna grab one victory point and of course no science for that spots now we come down to the lungs where nothing really happened this round gray just kind of hung out here and just had it these three points in the bank so that worked out really well for them we all kind of ignored it so that means gray is gonna go from five and they go to eight they now get to grab a new card of course to science are gonna happen to them once this gets evaluated Cray decides they like the idea of crazy armor so they're gonna grab this card right here and a new one comes out this one says a deadly invasion you get to put infection down into one spot and then do a crisis in that location and it's a two-point card moving down the body we now have it zone for where gray is gonna win this one they are going to get one victory point for doing that and their science track is gonna go down by one so maybe they are going to end up surviving this round of me the only one who's still out here on the board after we both get cured or us and the green player anyway so now we go over to this monstrosity of the intestines we are in all three zones as is the green player but we have one two three and green as one two three four five so Green is in control they're gonna get these four victory points which brings them from eight up to twelve which means they get to draft another card there is also three signs associated with us so they are gonna peg out on the track as well green looks at all these cards and considered going random from the top but they end up taking the Swift fighter having extra movement is nice and it is worth three points at the end of the game so now the next card here is the sneaky virus it's got a magnet and then oh wow you can infect anywhere with this card that is a very good card lastly we have zone six which is the kidneys we are in control that because we're the only ones in both those spots so we are gonna grab two points bringing us up to ten and one more sign but that's okay we're pegged out were already curious so with that we are done with all of the research we can move to the event phase the doctor's appointment happens which means everybody's science track goes up by one it doesn't really affect myself or the green player because well we saw it coming and decided to just go for broke so now we can go ahead and discard this card this is the time we do it we can see that for the next round the event is going to be no smoking it says you place the lowered number crisis tile available in lung one and in lung two if there are no tile present already in that spot that's a pretty interesting thing to consider speaking of crises let's now move over to phase four we're gonna do them in order and crisis number one is over here the green player has the majority in the spot so they're gonna grab two points we are also here so we're gonna get one point and now both of these tiles are gonna get taken out of that zone and the green player gets flipped over there we can now do crisis number two which is way up here in the brain so an interesting thing happens here we're the only ones at there so we are gonna get two points which takes us over another mutation card threshold so I'll grab that in just a second but when we've removed this it actually means that the rest of these are now going to be re-released into that location but I don't believe that they are removed because you remove these viruses from the crisis at the end of evaluating the crisis so those two are just going to hang out back over there next we have crisis number three which is here in the heart the grey player is the only one there so they get two points for that the crisis goes back and we flip over their armored virus and now we have crisis number four down here green is once again in charge of that one they did very well with these crises that's turned they are gonna go up to 16 points and I just realized we have not actually drafted a card yet so we'll draft a card and then the green player will sorry for that and then these will all get removed and this one gets flipped over so with that the crisis phase is done when it comes to grabbing cards from over here I don't see how we can resist taking this sneaky virus being able to infect anywhere on the board with this action placement seems really good and it has a magnet as well so we're gonna grab this card a new one comes out and now the green player gets to choose this new one is a bully oh wow it has a crisis a sword and two movement quite a bit of stuff going on on all three of these cards really they decide they like the idea of intruder alert this is the card they're gonna grab and a new one comes out this is a cocoon virus so that's an absorb and then to armours that's pretty cool and at this point it's worth noting that the green player is not going to be able to draft any more cards they've gotten all four so they now have all the actions that they are going to have for the rest of the game but gray has two more to grab and we have one with crises done we can now go over to the cure phase so we look up here we see that we have been cured that means that every one of our non armored viruses out on the map is going to get pulled off and this one down here is going to get flipped over to its unarmored side it also means we reset this token down here but for now we only have one virus on the map I can bet what we can do on the third turn is trying to do lots of infecting on now we can do the green player so we can bring them all the way back down here and these are all going to get wiped out and in fact they don't have any viruses left on the board they had a couple that were armored but the armor was worn off by the crises first so the armored actions that the green player took ended up not being very effective for them but they're in the lead so I don't think they're complaining too much with that done we can go to Phase six there are no absorptions to go back out again because our virus got killed and now we can reevaluate the tiebreaker track but there is no change gray is still behind although it's a little bit tighter of a game between us and the gray player all of us honestly are only within it appears five victory points so it's a pretty close game and being behind it especially when it's closed is not a bad thing because winning the tiebreakers is pretty important so with that the second turn is done we can move the token up to the top and we can move the start player over to the gray player now and pick our cards at the start of the third turn of the game when we look at our hand of cards and our options we have out here we are kind of regretting not using our basic reproduction they double in fact in the first round of the game because right now we don't have access to it and we only have this one token out here in fact the grey player is in a really down two position they're probably gonna get a ton of points on this round and also most likely get cured and wiped off but when we look to our actual options I kind of feel like we need to just look at the infect options like we have some cool cards in our hand but we need to get viruses out on the board which means getting rid of these three options and just analyzing if these well one person out on the map is in this large intestine right here and I think that it probably makes sense to use that to our advantage and try to get some more points and keep plunking around with this track even though it does give three science this seems like a pretty decent foothold to start so maybe what we should do is go ahead and play this one with the armor and then do that into zone five that way we can put one down into one of these or more both of them up so that they are a little bit more resilient and try to with the second action of the round maybe I bring out an infection somewhere and then move it over here so that we can take control I don't think anyone's gonna be taking control of this away from us on this turn be considering how empty this part of the board is so let's go ahead and pick this and see how it goes for us now that we have all picked we can reveal all of our actions the green player is going into the kidneys with a double infect and the grey player is going into oh the intestines with an infect and two shields it's worth noting that the great player is fully deployed but with an infection you can actually pull one from one place and bring it to another spot if you have no more tokens to actually play so the gray player is actually gonna be the ones to take the pressure so with that in fact they're gonna grab this virus right here essentially I guess somatically killing the virus and then bringing it back out because if it had a shield the shield would go away and they're gonna bring it into well they go the small intestines and now they have two shields of l2 themselves and they're gonna flip over both of these in the pancreas and the liver it's now our turn and we picked zone five so let's go ahead and we'll put it over here to compete with the gray player I think we have a couple swords in our hand so maybe we can actually get to this gray token out of here and now we have two shields and we have only two viruses so we can go ahead and armor up both of those lastly the green player picked the kidneys and they're gonna do two infections so they'll just spread them out like that and with that the first actions are done so now let's figure out we're gonna do for our second card play our location options for the second action are three four and six so three is the lungs four is over here and six is down here at the kidneys and I think well we should just you to get these viruses out in the map and I think we should try to vie and get these four points on this turn it's still just a big chunk of point so we want to work towards and especially what allow us to grab our last mutation card so let's go ahead and I think do the lungs and they'll do a basic migration this way we can appear in the lungs and then go one two moving over here and taking control of the spot so I think that's pretty good turned now that we've all made our decisions we can reveal it looks like the green player is going to the heart with some basic resilience and the great player is going to the kidneys ooh and they're using their armored membrane and they are the first ones to take their turn when it comes to this infection that they don't really care they're like where everything is they're going to ignore it but then they do have these three shields so they have decided to go ahead and shield this one in the heart this other one in the heart and lastly this one up in the brain so now they are very well armored for the inevitable cure that is coming their way very soon it's now our turn and we picked the lungs so I figured let's go with the game plan that we already had we'll put this one down right there and then move it once goes up to here and the other one goes down here I did have a slight thought of maybe sending it over here which would cause a crisis and that would potentially kill this opponent right there but it would wipe us off and it means we wouldn't get these four points so it was a bad thought and let's go ahead and stick with the original plan there lastly the green player chosen is owned - which is the heart they're going to put this down over there and now they're going to go ahead and just armor up both of their viruses in the kidneys and with that the second action is done we now do our cleanup so we get to add all of our timeout cards into our hands and then we can put all these rest of ones above our boards so that we can use them again in two turns all right it's now time to start the research phase we start up here with the brain and the great players gonna do very well here that you're gonna get two points right now which is gonna bring them up to 13 points so they get to grab another card and it's gonna bring their cure threshold all the way up to the maximum gray now gets to drafted their third card of the game and they're gonna grab the bully and we can now reveal the next card this is spike armor has a sword and armor anywhere and a move that's pretty good also three points that's definitely nice next we move to Zone two where gray is once again in control they're gonna get one victory point for that and no science and now we have zone three they are gonna get three points for this so they go all the way up to 17 they get to draft another card they're Sciences already capped out so they don't care about that great looks over here and sees all their options and they decide even though they have tons of armor already they like the idea of having an absorb of their own so they're gonna take this cocoon virus here and let's go ahead and reveal the top card and this one is reinforced ooh that's really nice too infects and then a shield moving on we now have zone 4 where gray is once again in control they're gonna get one point and this is actually going to move them back down on the research track which means it doesn't look like it they are going to be cured on this turn despite all of those points that they want to rack up and despite the fact that they have all of their tokens out in the board so I think it's now becoming very obvious to ourselves as well as the green player that we should not be allowing the green player to be sitting here all game long we've been doing other shiny things but I think we've got to put an end to this so that might be one of the focuses that we have for our next turn but anyway let's move on over here where we are in control of this this was our entire turn realistically making this happen so we are gonna get four points bringing us from 13 all the way up to 17 so that we can now take our final card and I think let's just go ahead and take this reinforce we are already in a position where we need to put out more viruses because we got wiped off and getting an extra armor is nice too and at this point there really isn't even any reason to pull out more cards from these decks because we have now all drafted all four of the mutations so our actions are what they will be for the rest of the game of course over here in zone five there is three science so again were already way back up here lastly we have zone 6 where Green is gonna be able to score that they will get two points tying them with a great player and then one science on the track and with that we aren't done with research so let's go ahead and go to the event section if you remember this one is called no smoking and it says you place the lowest numbered tri-c styles available on to lung one and lung two so that means we're gonna take this one and go there and this one and go there this is gonna be pretty good for the great player but it also means it's gonna be wiping them off and we can now discard this event and see the next one this one says number two remove all viruses in the large intestine each virus removed scores at one point so this down here is the large intestine that'll be one thing to keep in mind on the next round so let's go ahead and move on to the crisis phase there are only two of them because of that event that just came out they're both over here in the lungs and I think we can evaluate both of these very quickly this one over here is going to give grey two points which takes them from 18 up to 20 and of course eliminates this one from the board and now this one over here is gonna give grey two more points bringing them up to twenty two eliminating this one from the board as well and if you notice down here we've passed one more icon on the score track if you look closely this symbol matches up with these scoring tokens that are associated with each one of the zones this means that the moment any player crosses over to 21 points we flip over all of these on the board and you'll notice that it went from three points and three research to four points and three research so in general when we flip these over they will get better for everyone either by generating more points or generating less research so will be a little bit stickier out in the board I guess we are adapting it to the science that is trying to stop us so let's briefly look at the rest of the changes the brain was two points and to research it's now three points and to research the heart was at one point and zero research it's now one point and minus one research ok so there's another one of those out in the board the lungs go from three points and to research to three points and one research over here we have at one point and minus one to two points and minus one okay that is probably the best spot on the board now I guess to a certain degree this zone five is five victory points which is Jackie but wow there's two different spots where we can slow down the scientific progress which is nice and the last one is two points and a research turns into two points and zero research that's great for the green player who is already pretty entrenched down here in the kidneys with that done we can go to the cure phase but we look it up at the top of the tracks nobody is actually cured because the grey player got saved at the last minute by this token down here so we can now go to the sixth round nobody is absorbed and now the tiebreaker track is gonna change looks like the only changes that gray is now in the lead and we are now at the back of the pack although this is the way to do it being only one point behind and now being in control of the tiebreaker is certainly a good situation especially with us now having a couple cards they can really infect on the board we will be able to come out to in a big way hopefully in the fourth turn of the game speaking of which let's go ahead and start it by putting the phase marker all the way up to the top first player marker goes from the grey player over to us so we are now the starting player and now everybody gets to decide their cards for the first action of the turn when we look to our hand of cards we see it's gotten quite big because of all of the mutation card drafting we've done but this is now the options that we have available to us for the rest of the game of course not including the ones that are out from the last round and when it comes to the locations we have one two four and six so that is gonna be the brain the heart over here in the pancreas and then the kidneys and I think that considering we went so far up on the last turn by dominating this area we should probably try to wrest control of at least one of these negative one spots and maybe even not trying to control the spot on this turn even though it is worth five points we don't want to be wiped off the board again and then have to spend an entire another turn trying to build back up I don't think that is the right way for us to be going right now because we did not get enough shields to realistically defend from those cures as well as we'd want to so I think what we should probably do is let's start by going to zone four and let's just begin things off somewhat simply by doing this reinforce so that we can put one down in both of those spots we're winning the tiebreaker so that automatically puts us in a commanding role and the potentially for our second move we can do one of the moves or maybe even a move and absorb to get some of these out of the intestines where it's gonna doing way more science than we want and get it over somewhere else where it could do something much more acted for us but anyway that's for the second turn for now let's go ahead and choose this one and then see what our ponents decide to do let's go ahead and flip over the action cards it looks like the green player decided to go to the lungs with a swarm Wow and then the gray player is going to the heart with a basic reproduction so it looks like everybody is just trying to get a bunch of viruses out onto the table this round so let's go ahead and start things off with our action we picked a zone 4 so I think let's go 1 and 1 so that we're now controlling that zone and we can now armor up one and I figure let's go ahead and do one of these this seems to be a very important spot especially with the -1 to research and between the two there's realistically no difference at the moment so we'll armor up on that one and now the green player gets to take their action with them swarming the lungs they're just gonna go ahead and put two over here and one over there lastly gray picked Zone two which is the heart they're doing a basic reproduction and they're gonna put two down over here which easily puts it over the crisis threshold it's now time to select our second action cards and I think we have a really good potential move for us our locations are 1 2 & 6 and over here in the heart things are definitely getting pretty interesting and it's important to note that this just like a zone number 4 now gives a minus 1 to the overall cure status and we got pretty far up there on the last turn I think we should go ahead and use this fast eater on this turn and we'll do it in the second zone this is gonna allow us to pull one of these viruses out from this zone so that we no longer control it and we don't get a bunch of science and we can send it all the way over here and then absorb all of this stuff we will control the heart and then we will actually get a couple points for being in charge of the crisis with that token as well so I think this is gonna be a pretty good turn for us alright we've now all picked so we can reveal and it looks like the green player is going to the brain with the Swift fighter and the gray player is going to with the liver and the pancreas with the bully well see how that actually pans out we get to take our action first I don't think anything has strategically changed since we chose these cards in fact I think we want to do this even more based on what the grey player might be trying to do so let's start off with one move from this spot over here it's gonna go all the way over to heart 1 and with our second move we'll go into heart 2 and now let's go ahead and do our absorb in at the heart so we're gonna go ahead and stack up all of our opponent's pieces and then we're gonna put our piece on top and now we are effectively the only ones in that specific organ we're now taking control of that area and it means that the great player cannot move some of those fires tokens into other locations and be a bully like it was looking they were probably going to do next up we have the green player they have activated the brain but with their a swift fighter they get two moves first and they're gonna take one of these viruses and go one two going all the way up to the brain and once they're there they are going to attack and kill off this gray virus up there and now it's grace turn and it looks like they really are gonna be a bully even though we did that big absorb up there they have some tricks up their sleeve the first thing they're gonna do is activate the top thing which allows them to take the top crisis token and they're gonna put it down here in the pancreas next up they're gonna take this virus and move it into the pancreas as well nothing happens with the crisis because there already is one there and of course now they have this sword right here and they've decided they're gonna use one of these viruses here to kill off mine so we no longer have control of this one I guess we really don't considering the great player has a three in that spot now and lastly they have one movement left they're going to take this virus and move it into lung number one with the actions done we can now do cleanup so we're all gonna get our cards back and then discard all the cards that we used on this turn all right let's now move into the research phase and let's start up at the top the green player is alone in the brain so they're gonna get three points for that one two three that's definitely a pretty good deal for them although there is gonna be to science and now we go into the heart and it looks like we have made a massive strategic mistake I got so excited by the move to go over here and absorb all the stuff in hard number two then I failed to realize that we don't have anything in heart number one and that means that we don't actually control this and that means this was actually a bit of a disaster turn for us because we lost control of zone four as well from the grey player but I guess we're just going to play this one on and so that means that nobody is going to control the heart we now move to the lungs and the green player controls that they're gonna get three points which brings them up to 24 and one science happens to them there and now in the pancreas over here the grey player once again controls this I was not able to wrest control away from them like I really thought we'd be able to this means that their science it's gonna go down by one they're gonna gain two points tying the green player for 24 and we moved out of this area so nobody is going to be gaining any points for this although I guess we're still well situated to grab a bunch of points if we decide to maybe go back in there on the next turn and finally down here in zone six the green player is gonna get two points and that is how the research phase ends unfortunately for us wow that was a really big slide but it's important to keep track of being in both different sides of the sound I just got caught up with some of these cool ideas so with that the research is done we now move over to the event and if you remember this correctly it is then number two and it says we would remove all of the viruses in the large intestine and for everyone removed those players would get one point but well I vacated it so nothing is actually happening with that we can go ahead and discard to the events we see the event for next turn is indigestion all viruses in zone 5 gain a shield oh wow so this is zone 5 right here we already have one in here with a shield but that will be nice knowing hoops kind of peaked in the next event but we're not supposed to know what that is just yet so let's go ahead and move down here to the crisis phase crisis number one is located up here we are the only ones there so we do get to points afford doing that and the moment that happens we go ahead and flip this over everybody else is still kind of hiding inside here so our opponents don't get points for this which is good for us we can bring the crisis back over there and crisis number two is down here this is going to give two points to the gray player so they tie green at 26 they're gonna flip over this one here and this one gets removed from the board next we have phase 5 which is the cure phase but once again that nobody is quite up to the top to actually get wiped off the board so we go to phase 6 we now have to release our absorption up here so we kind of go over here and suddenly the heart is full of viruses again in fact the moment this happens we put a crisis token over here it won't get a resolved until the next round but that does go down and we can now look at the turn order track technically the tiebreaker track and we see that we are still way far behind now we have 19 points to the 26 of both of our opponents but right now they are currently tied when ties happen out here that just means we keep the relative order between the players so it's a bit unfortunate for the grey player we're not going to modify any of the tokens on this track and we could take these status marker go all the way back up here and start off the fifth round of the game by passing the start player marker over to the green player and now let's figure out what we're gonna do let's go ahead and look at the options in our hand we have locations one three five and six so that is brain lungs the intestinal area and the kidneys and we have quite a few interesting tools up our sleeve but I think at this moment considering we have four of our viruses not on our board and considering the event right now is indigestion which will put shields on everything in the zone five I think that it probably makes sense for us to do a somewhat basic first action by doing this basic product reproduction so we'll put two down into this zone and using zone five to do that we can potentially do some more interesting things maybe with the sneaky virus also maybe with this assassin to try and kill off this virus in particular on our second action of the game but I think it makes sense for us to just get some more viruses down in here into zone five and then see what happens with both our opponents before we pick the next set of cards alright let's go ahead and reveal what everybody picked Green went into zone four with the intruder alert of that maybe interesting and then gray they decided to go into the kidneys oh they're going after green and they're doing it with noisy movement so anyway we can now start with the green player since they are the start player first things first the green player decides they are going to infect the pancreas and next they are gonna take the lowest crisis number it has to go here into zone four and they decide to put it right down here and lastly they can now do an armored up and they decided they're actually gonna be armoring up at this one all the way over here and the lungs we now have the great players turn they chose noisy movements into the kidneys although that only applies to the magnet ability on top they're gonna begin with these two movements and they're gonna take this armored virus and bring it over here and this on the armored one is it gonna come down into the other side of the kidneys and now they're gonna use this magnet to kick out this green virus here which the green player doesn't mind that much because this is gonna go up a flow all the way to heart number one and the green is in both organs in the heart right now so that means they're actually doing pretty well up there but maybe the grey player has some other tricks up their sleeve for the second round and after all that is done there is the one last thing and that is placing a crisis down anywhere on the body and they've decided to put it right down here where they're in control with their armored virus lastly it comes to us with our simple turn we activated zone 5 and I think let's put one there and one of their in the stomach let's now figure out our second turn looking at the options in our hand we can activate in the brain and the lungs and down here in the kidneys now of course that's just for the blue actions and realistically what we want to do on this turn is get points we really want to catch up to our opponents and we also know that we are most likely well I mean it's none we're gonna be cured of this round we are we have control over the intestines in the stomach which is going to get us five points which is great but it's also three science which definitely is gonna peg us out so I figure let's go ahead and get even more science and not worry about it and one great spot for victory points right now is the brain there's only one person up there right now and we could easily jump up there and win it because we are at the top of the tiebreaker chain it has to science but that's fine so I think what we probably want to do is use zone 1 for the brain and then I think let's go and use the assassin it's gonna allow us to move this person up in the heart into the brain we can kill off that green person and with this sword here I think maybe just for vengeance or something like that we can kill off this one so the gray player does not continue to give this -1 discount that they had pretty much all game long but we'll see how that actually plays out because we are gonna be the last one to take an action and I think this gives us some ok options to get a bunch of victory points this turn because we got so little on the last turn we've all picked our actions so we can go ahead and reveal them it looks like green is going into the intestines but they're not actually they pick to the light armor that has no blue icons on it and then gray over here is looking at the lungs and they are just armoring up again so we are gonna start off with the green player since green's location didn't matter they're just gonna go ahead and do their movement they're gonna take this virus and move across to the other kidney where they are now actually winning this crisis because they are on top of the tiebreaker track and they will now armor up twice they like the idea of armoring up over here and over here and well they're looking around and they see that we picked Zone one with some little attackee swords so they figure there is no reason for them to be up here in the brain so with their last movement there's gonna come down here next we have gray who picked the lungs they are going to infect the left lung they are tied with a green player but they're still losing on that tiebreaker and now they have three different armoring that they can do they're gonna flip over this one this one and the other one well they'll go with this one ah this one up here yeah lastly it's our turn and nothing too crazy happened that will change our overall idea here I suppose there's nothing for us to kill in the brain anymore but it's kind of would have happened anyway the green player saw it happening in ran so let's go ahead and do our one move so that we will take control of the brain and now with our one sword we will indeed kill this off I'm not sure if it's actually the correct move for me to do but I'm just so sick of green gray getting all these discounts I don't want them to get it again with that we're done with the card place so we can do cleanup by bringing in the old cards back into our area and then discarding that once we let's now shift into the research phase we start off with the brain and we are their uncontested so we have control over it that's going to get us three points bringing us up to twenty two and it gives us to science which is gonna pay us out now we have the heart the green player is definitely in control of that one so they go down one science and they gain one victory point now we have the lungs the green player and the great player are tied but Green is actually winning on the tiebreaker down there I've shown it a couple times so this means that Green is gonna get three more points bringing them from 27 all the way to 30 points and then they're gonna get a another science now we have a zone four where nobody controls it finally because we killed that one off so we can move on to zone 5 where we definitely control it so we're gonna get five entry points bringing us from 22 all the way to 27 that of course continues to pegasi on the research track and now we can go down to zone 6 where grey is in control and they are gonna get to three victory points because well they don't actually get any science for that so once again even though grey did not control this they did not hit the top of their science track on this turn it's not time to go into phase three where we can evaluate to the event we know that this indigestion causes all viruses in zone 5 to be shielded so we can flip over all of these which is definitely very nice and now we can discard this and see what the final event of the game will be for the next turn it is sneeze for each controlled zone hit one point okay what's very global pretty nice for the last turn two so we can slide that over there and now evaluate our crises there are three of them so it looks like crisis number one is over here in heart - there's just one green and one gray green is winning the tiebreaker so green is gonna get two points bringing them to the 32 grey is gonna get one point and then both of them are going to flip over when the crisis fully resolves itself now we have a crisis - it's over in the pancreas Green is the only one there so they're gonna get two more points and it is going to kill off this virus from the board and lastly we have crisis number three it's down here in the kidneys Green jumped back over here to take control of this one so this brings them to 36 points great it's gonna get one point for being there both of these it will be flipped over and you know what we try to get a whole bunch of victory points this round and we are still pretty far behind I guess we caught up to gray to a certain degree but green is really running ahead so now let's go to phase 5 where unfortunately the Cure happens just for us even though we are in the back of the pack right now so that means we look out to the board and we remove all unarmored a purple viruses but fortunately that's just this one right here the rest of them are gonna get flipped over so they were able to defend themselves from that so we're still in a pretty good spot on the next turn especially to once again hit zone number 5 because we've reset this back down and hopefully this points cash counter right here will get us a back into contention I think we probably need to do a little bit better job of getting points from these crises we now move into Phase six there's nobody absorbed so there's nothing to put back out and when it comes to the tiebreaker track we are still at the top but gray is now behind the green player over here so these are going to switch around that finishes off the fifth turn of the game we can bring this all the way back up to the top and begin the sixth and final turn of the game by figuring out what cards we're going to choose of course after we pass the first player token over to the grey player let's go ahead and look at our hand options the locations we have available are two which is the heart then we have the lungs the pancreas area and the kidneys available to us and this is the first of our two actions and when I look at the various options there's certainly some cute things we could do with this sneaky virus where we could try to activate the sneaky virus over here punt out this grey person here and then use this infect anywhere to go down into the brain and as you could see we went to the brain last turn which means it might be a little bit harder to actually go over into the brain and since we're winning tiebreakers we'd really like to do that to try and gather those somewhat easy three victory points because realistically these are the last two actions of the game we've really got to try and make up this gap right here we also to keep in mind that there's an extra bonus point for controlling each zone so taking over the brain is certainly nice and also maybe taking over the pancreas right here to get all of zone 4 would be an extra bonus point now that we particularly care anymore about this -1 science it mattered a lot a lot earlier but doesn't seem to matter that much now I think all these things when you combine them together it means should actually do a somewhat boring first turn I guess it's not boring but it's a basic action it seems like we want to use these fancy actions but I think it's likely we'll do this one for our second action this one sets us up well I think if we do this one to start and let's see our zones our heart lungs and pancreas and the kidneys we essentially want to be able to spawn into a spot and then have some flexibility moving around and I think that the heart is certainly a good spot for flexibility so let's go ahead and do that will select this card right here and we'll do it into the heart and see how this pans out for us everybody's now chosen so we can go ahead and reveal looks like Greene is doing a basic attack in the lungs and gray is going for a basic reproduction in the heart so it looks like all of us are going for basic actions for this first action on the turn so we can now start with the grey player they've decided to put both of them into heart one oopsy-daisy that is going to cause a crisis to happen over here and that finishes out to all of their actions on those cards we also chose a heart so we are going to go ahead and infect one of these two sides and realistically we want to think about what we want to do with this token and it's probably gonna want to be flexible so I think let's go to heart two which does cause a crisis over there and now we have to movement and realistically the virus that is doing the least is probably this guy right here we're doubled up here in the stomach and nobody appears to be fighting for zone five from us so for two movement we could get all the way over to heart one and then go to heart - but unfortunately that doesn't get us into the brain so we really want to get into the brain on this turn so we don't have to worry about it next turn and I think that well I guess this one's in the same exact boat that means that this guy that we just placed down is realistically probably our best bet to go up here so we'll go ahead and do that for one and then take this other one and we'll travel all the way around here and get into this really crowded heart number one and see how that potentially pans out for us I guess worst case scenario it could be a point when the crisis resolves lastly we have the green player who went to the lungs they are going to infect one of these and they've decided they'll put it over here it's functionally the same at this point is gonna cause another crisis so lots of crises in this final round and now they have an attack they can attack either one of these and they figure they may as well attack this one so they could potentially kill it off based on their second action before the crisis actually evaluates and gets that great player a point but we'll see how that plays out in the second set of actions in the turn well here we are the last car selection of the game the location options for us are three four and six and when we look out to all the cards in our hand realistically two are jumping out to me as good options we have the sneaky virus which will let us put down an infection anywhere on the map which is certainly a powerful thing also maybe lets us bump something away and then there is of course the absorb action which can do some pretty big swings based on what's going on out on the map so when we consider our locations we have a three and four well that is lungs and the pancreas and then of course six down here is the kidneys but I don't think it really makes sense for us to really consider that too much it's not going to be about much of a player for us at this point so we can just get rid of that from our hand and now think about our options with the sneaky we could go to four and this would allow us to kick out this one right here and then we could use this ability to spawn another infection over here and we would then control the zone although that would just be kicking this fire sound into heart number one where grey is already doing well and we don't really need to kick this out because we win tiebreakers so I'm not sure if that makes sense I've keep wanting sneaky to work out for us it's a very neat card it just hasn't worked for the situations that we've had another options is another option is the fast eater right here we could potentially do a big absorb potentially here in the lungs where we would deny a bunch of points from one of our two opponents both of whom have more points than us so it's pretty good and if we did get an absorb to happen here in lung number two then we would be the one to win this crisis and our opponents would not get points so there will be two points on both of our opponents which is definitely a good swing it means that we are not going to be taking control of another zone we would essentially be resting on hopefully keeping the brain as well as the zone 5 over here but I think that this is probably the best swing of points that we have available to ourselves we are taking the second to last turn the green gets to act after us so let's go ahead and do an absorption and I think we should do it in the lungs all of us have now picked so we can go ahead and flip over and we see that green is going to the kidneys with a swift fighter and the gray player is going to the pancreas and liver area with the bully oh that's not good for us and actually the great player is the one to go so they could to now take the turn first things first over here in zone four they decide to activate this which is going to cause the fourth and final crisis to happen in that spot and then they're going to use the sword to kill off my virus unfortunately and now they have to movement available to themselves from anywhere and when they consider I am targeting and absorb on the lungs they decide it's time to get out of there so they're gonna move this one into heart number two and this one into heart number two as well all right it is now our turn and I don't see a reason to change up the plan that we already have maybe there's something slightly better but I'm looking around and I think that green is the target we're only a couple points behind gray but Green has a whole bunch of points so let's go ahead and take this virus and we are gonna move this around into here that's one move and then we are gonna do an absorb here in this lung which is going to make it both of these go away and we are now controlling that organ which is going to get us two points here and it's gonna deny three points to the green player at least for the moment the green does have some actions of their own with which they could change things around and we do have one more movement available to us and unfortunately when I look out here I just don't see any good moves with this last move action we have all three of these viruses on our player board not able to get out into the mix on this last turn which means as well we have less things that make us flexible we want to keep all of these over here to try and get these five points we also want to keep the one up in the brain because that is gonna be right the moment were three points to us realistically we could try to move this around it and when we do it moves with all of the absorbed viruses underneath it well I don't see a particular gain for that we could only move into here where the gray player is already dominating this crisis so I figure we'll just stay here and not use our last move it's not that big of and now the green player can take it the last card action of the game we can see that they chose location six in the kidneys and first things first they are gonna use this one to kill off there's a gray one so gray is no longer controlling the kidneys they do still have two of these move actions that they can do anywhere and were the first one they're gonna take this and move it down here into lung number two so unfortunately our absorbed gambit did not end up working too well for us I think we were very restricted by the location options that we had maybe we weren't thinking far enough ahead when we were doing those on the previous turn anyway with the second action the green player is gonna take this one right here they're vacating the heart they're gonna go all the way down here to kidney number two where they can once again control that area with the actions done we can now go to the research phase because there's no reason to do cleanup and we'll start up here at the brain we were able to control that so that's gonna get us three points it's bringing us up to 30 but it does give us to science next we have the heart over here it looks like the great player was able to control that one so they're gonna go down one science and they're gonna gain one point bringing them up to 31 and now in the lungs the green player was able to wrest control back so that's gonna give them three points getting them up to 39 and that is also gonna get them one science which brings them up to the top of the cure track next up we have the zone four over here which for the I think first time in the game and nobody is able to control and now let's go to zone 5 we were able to control this once again that's five points for us bringing us up to 35 but the unfortunate thing is there's three science on here and that brings us exactly up to the top so we are gonna get cured again and the reason that's unfortunate is because I haven't mentioned this before but you get one point for zone that you are just in at the end of the game and that means we're gonna get wiped out and we're currently in all three of these zones so that is three points lost so at the end of the day maybe making that gambit for the three points in the brain was not actually worth it but I think we're just gonna have to live with these strategic mistakes that I have already made and let's move into the final one which is zone 6 and the kidneys Green's gonna control that giving themselves two more points which brings them all the way up to 41 next up we have the event phase which was sneeze this gives one point to each player for each zone that they control we are currently controlling two different zones so that gives us two points going to 37 the green player is currently controlling let's see one two yeah just two there so they go to 43 and now the gray player they're controlling the heart and that is it so gray only gets one of bringing them to 32 by discarding this card we have further proof that the game is about to end because there are no further cards down here so let's now go to the crisis phase the first one of these is over in the heart we can see that gray is winning this one so gray is going to get two points and green is going to get one and then all of these are removed so greens now at 44 and gray is at 34 next we have crisis two and gray is the only one here so these are both going to get kicked out this flips over and gray is gonna get two points which brings them up to 36 crisis number three is here we are tying with the green player and we are definitely winning the tiebreaker so we're gonna get two points Green is going to get one this flips over we will be removed so I guess this was going away anyway and then all of these are gonna spill out this brings green to 45 and we go to 39 and finally let's go to Phase six we have no of absorptions to disperse out on the board and we can update this one last time we are actually ahead of the grey player now so this will toggle down like that and instead of going up to the top for the next round this is gonna shift over here to our end game scoring you'll see that it's actually quite simple we'll add up the number of victory points we have in our mutation cards and then we get 1 point per zone that we have at least one virus in and then we'll see who has the most points when we look through all of our cards we can add all this up and see that we are gonna get eight bonus points here and since we were wiped completely off the board by that cure that means that there are no bonus points out here for us so that means we have 39 plus 8 or 47 points for our final score of the game and it's not looking too good considering we just barely got over the green player with that speaking of green when we look at all of the cards they pulled we see that they're gonna get a total of 6 victory points and they do still exist in one of the zones so that is 7 bonus points they were at 45 and that is going to bring them up to 52 points lastly we have the grey player they had a total of 5 victory points into their hand so that brings them from 38 up to 43 and now when we look out to the map they are in zone 2 zone 4 and zone 6 so that is 3 extra bonus points bringing them from 43 up to 46 and they almost caught up to us and with that we've completed a full three player game of viral with the green player winning with a score of 52 we came in second with 47 and grey with 46 well I hope you enjoyed this playthrough I have to admit that I really liked that over the course of this game the grey player never actually got cured throughout the whole game they kept getting a little bit of science and then going back down a bit and at the very end of the game the scores were actually pretty close I suppose the grey player did come in last but it was only six points behind the leader and we got wiped off a couple times and the great player the green player got wiped off a couple times and it was kind of neat to see that it was somewhat viable to just kind of stay on the board and be a little bit less infectious and take the notice of the doctors a little bit less and I do think that the grey player probably took advantage of the crisis tokens the best out of all three of us which is probably why they were so far in contention and were you know only six points behind the leader I do think that as far as how we were playing the game we were a little attracted to shiny objects and not really thinking long-term as much as I would have liked specifically when it comes to how we drafted those cards into our hands there are some really cool-looking cards out there and in particular that sneaky virus the one that lets you actually in fact anywhere on the board that seems super powerful and it is but it might not have been like the right card for us to grab at the time because we ended up never actually using that card we probably maybe should have actually drawn blind from the top of the deck when we did that draft even though that card looked so good because we didn't quite realize our weakness at that moment seemed to be actually just getting viruses out onto the board but of course you know hindsight is 20/20 I think in the moment it felt like a really good thing to do and I can't fault myself too much for that because there's a lot of the things going on in this game you know everybody's simultaneously selecting all their actions and then evaluating them in turn order so you're trying to think about what people might do and then also playing off the cards that they've actually chosen and as I mentioned inside the playthrough I think the big issue that we had as the purple player is we do not take advantage of those crisis tokens well enough and those are really great victory points because you don't get science you don't get those doctors trying to cure you when you're getting points for crises and especially if you are able to armored up where the crisis is gonna happen you don't even get wiped off the board so I think talking about shiny things that he kind of concentrated too much on during the game I think that zone 5 with the intestines in the stomach we went hard on that early and kind of scored that one many times throughout the game got the vast majority of our points from it but it was also our Achilles heel cuz it was three signs and you know that hurt us by three points at the end of the game because that just barely made us get cured and wiped us off the board although we were five points behind so even if we had stayed on the board in that moment we still would not have won the game so I think this was a pretty good play of the game it showed various options of strategies that the players can take and I am quite happy with it so I think that wraps up all my thoughts on this play as always I'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting this channel through patreon including all of these producers level pledges if you too would like to support the channel you could do so and slash John gets games and I'd really appreciate it also if you like to see more full game playthroughs like this one as well as in depth board game reviews and vlogs please subscribe to the channel thanks for watching
Channel: JonGetsGames
Views: 11,242
Rating: 4.8410597 out of 5
Keywords: jongetsgames, johngetsgames, viral board game, viral game, jongetsgames viral
Id: B7WTpu5JIpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 23sec (4703 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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