VIRAL Carnivore Mashed "Potatoes" 🥔 NO CAULIFLOWER Keto Faux-tato Recipe!

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y'all we're finally making those viral carnivore mashed potatoes come on welcome to highfalutin low carb the almost weekly web series where we find and test the best low carb recipes this crazy internet has to offer today we're finally doing it we're testing that Viral carnivore mashed potato recipe stay tuned trick everybody in the whole house into thinking you're eating mashed potatoes we're gonna find out all right I cannot I don't know why I don't know what sorcery or magic calls that shut up all right guys by now you know that the majority of content on my channel for the past six or seven years has been low carb recipe battles where we take a couple of recipes in any given category make both of them put them against one another and tell you what we think about them but every so often comes a recipe so viral so recommended so interesting or odd that it requires its own video and today we're finally doing it we're tackling the carnivore mashed potatoes by the YouTube channel Chris cooking Nashville so I want you to go to his channel below after this video Chris cooking Nashville he's right here on YouTube uh this thing has blown up and everybody who has tasted it has gone Hog Wild over it and even his mama uh who's in the video with him she got her approval and and they talk just like I do so I know they're from the south into a good mashed potato so this is very interesting and I'm curious to see if it's as good as everybody says it is now before we begin I need to give a huge thank you to the sponsor of this video Factor factor is an online meal delivery service that makes meeting your nutritional goals easier than ever by delivering fresh never frozen meals directly to your door that are dietitian approved and Chef created now I've got to be honest Factor has reached out in the past to sponsor some videos but I never really bit on that because looking at the packaging and seeing other people's ads for some reason I thought these were frozen meals they are not and I think we all are familiar over the past Decades of going to the freezer section at your grocery store and picking out pre-made frozen meals and they're just mushy and salty and full of cheap filler ingredients and they're just as bad today as they were 30 years ago when I thought I was doing the right thing by getting frozen meals these are not frozen this is fresh delicious meals that live in your refrigerator they don't go in the freezer and they are quality ingredients like truffle butter broccolini leeks parmesan real parmesan cheese now you know that I've in the past have been sponsored by Green Chef well green chef and Factor are both owned by hellofresh so while I still do my green Chef boxes it's nice to do include factor in that as well because some days like right now it's the heat of Summer it doesn't get dark until 8 30 or 9. everybody's out riding bikes doing fun stuff and the last thing I really want to do is come in and chop a bunch of stuff and make a meal and this makes putting a delicious meal in my belly very very easy and very fast and it does not tastes like a frozen meal so right now if you want to find out more about these delicious and easy meals that are fantastic when you're on the run or on the go or working from home you can go visit or use the link in the video description below and enter code highfalutin 50 and you will get 50 off your first Factor box again that's use the link below and use code highfalutin 50 and you'll get 50 off of your first Factor box so Factor thank you for sponsoring this video with sponsorships like yours that keep channels like mine on the air and for that I am truly appreciative and I need to apologize that this entire time for the last several years I have thought your product was frozen and it is not it is so fresh and so delicious so guys go check it out all right let's go make these mashed potatoes come on all right guys so let's get started on this viral recipe for mashed potatoes again this is by Chris cooking Nashville he's one of the new creators in the keto carnivore low carb space carnivore mostly and he is taking the World by storm and if this is as good as it says I see why shouldn't take long to do this what we're going to do is start out with eggs and that's the secret ingredient this is made with egg whites so I'm going to put my heat Skillet over medium low heat we don't want to burn them we're going to start with some butter first though this needs to melt in the pan and then once this is melted we're going to add in a lot of egg whites like a whole whole bunch so it says 25 to 30 egg whites or you can just use a 32 ounce carton of egg whites it can't be an egg substitute it does need to be egg whites and you also don't want to burn them so this is a whole stick of butter [Music] okay this is going to continue to melt in there so now we're just going to pour our egg whites right in the skillet and then we're going to scramble these breaking them up as we go and these need to you want to small pieces and this is going to take this is going to take a while apparently um oh Lord that's a lot of egg whites you want to cook these until until there's no moisture left and they're just little small granules of I mean little small tidbits of egg whites that are white and you have some of the butter fat left so I'm going to do that now I'm going to speed up I don't know how long it's going to take me but I'll let you know as soon as I come back how long that was and I'll meet you back here in just a few minutes oh I also meant to mention I'm going to add two egg whites this is a little bit of salt and a little bit of garlic powder the garlic powder really apparently helps take some of the eggy eggy taste away and that needs to go in with the egg whites while we're cooking them so foreign guys so we are back that took me almost exactly 30 minutes there is a little bit of moisture left in the pan but as you can see most of that is butter fat so um this would have gone a little quicker if I had used a wider non-stick skillet because you have some space for the you know for the moisture to draw to drive the moisture off more surface area but this is great so this is hot and we need it to stay hot and now we're going to work on the other ingredients in our blender okay so the blender uh portion everything's gonna go in here and this is where the magic happens uh to this we're going to add fresh mozzarella cheese and if you want to know how much go to Chris cooking Nashville on YouTube he has a full written description a full written recipe in the description but this is fresh mozzarella and if you're used to Fat Head though you know you usually use the shredded you can't use fresh because it's too much moisture this is the opposite it has to be fresh and it cannot be the bagged pre-shredded to this we're going to add a little bit of cream cheese and sour cream it's just a small amount of each but these are the Magic ingredients that make this supposedly trick everybody in the whole house into thinking you're eating mashed potatoes we're gonna find out all right also need two teaspoons how many no just one teaspoon of Parmesan cheese and yes I know this is pre-graded and I know it um has sawdust or whatever cellulose in it um I'm trying to follow the Russian directions just as he did this is what he used so that's what I'm going to use also this is a teaspoon measure and people have tried to call me out and say that's too large uh I need a tablespoon that's my tablespoon so yes this is a teaspoon measure and now we're going to add in these are the two ingredients that are special this is beef gelatin not pectin and not collagen this is beef gelatin plain right out of the um container and next is what makes this all possible apparently this is toasted beef gelatin this is just that beef gelatin that I just showed you put in a very dry Skillet and it took me about 15 minutes to get it to this consistency it smells not great he says it's going to stink but this is what gives all of this this wonderful meaty potato flavor he uses it for a lot of different things I think and just makes it ahead of time so we need two teaspoons of this in here it was fairly easy to do he even said uh you know he uses grass-fed beef um gelatin he even said you could use uh just gelatin unflavored gelatin from the grocery store that I believe is pork gelatin so if you don't have access to it or don't want to spend the money on that you apparently can just use regular gelatin now we're going to add our eggs into this and I'm going to try to do this without smelling it on me and you there went one already okay so now let's try the magic here he uses a Vitamix but I saw the keto twins did this as well and they used a regular ninja just like this so hopefully this will work we're going to blend this down if we need we can add a couple one to two tablespoons at a time of heavy whipping cream but he advises just to try to avoid using it you want this to stay as dry as possible let the other ingredients be the filler but you may need to add a wee little bit of liquid so all right here we go [Music] all right [Music] all right so we're there where we're almost smooth and this is where he adds a couple of tablespoons of egg white protein powder and I've noticed in his video he doesn't really measure he just kind of eyeballs it and says about you know so I'm using the written recipe exactly as he lists it he also mentions that if you're going to re-cook this like in a shepherd's pie or part of a casserole top of skip this step this egg white powder sets the eggs you don't want to do that if you're going to cook it over I'm going to run this for 20 seconds [Music] thank you all right we are done the question is now what does this taste like is this as good as everybody claims it is um now this is where you would pour this out in a serving bowl and get it out of your blender I would call the the texture it feels like a potato It Feels Like Potatoes the texture is like I would probably say whipped potatoes instead of mashed potatoes but I mean you're really just that's just semantics this the texture is a unbelievable and really your Macros are going to be you know just the eggs and whatever sugar you use just your eggs and whatever um Dairy you used I'm gonna put some a little bit for me here for me to taste and of course you're going to add you know this is going to go great with like the Mississippi pot roast hopefully from my cookbook or anything with gravy or just a dab of butter on top which is probably what I'm going to do for that thumb y'all look at that I hope it doesn't come across something like ice cream because it looks like mashed potatoes I cannot really smell the eggs the whole house kind of smells like eggs from that earlier and expected this to have a strong odor but it doesn't so down the hatch what does it feel like wow it's consistency of whipped potatoes wow that is the weirdest concoction that makes the most wonderful y'all these taste like mashed potatoes there is a little bit of an egg flavor I'm not gonna lie and apparently the drier you can get your egg whites the less that shut up y'all that was easy I've mashed potatoes I don't know how I don't know why I don't know what sorcery or magic calls that Chris cooking Nashville but I don't know where you got this from but I need to hug you Nick this is fantastic guys please go to Chris cooking Nashville on YouTube I'll link his video right now be sure to go check that out if you want to also check out my um I had a mashed potato battle many years ago mashed potato bottle that's full of cauliflower and some other things that are while I enjoy cauliflower mash I really do it is its own thing it has a wang and a Tang to it that a lot of people who don't like cauliflower detect instantly wow I'm shocked at how good that is so there you go folks uh carnivore mashed potatoes can it be done oh yes yes this is gonna be a regular staple this is going to be a regular staple in my house I cannot believe that and I think you could serve it to somebody who'd never uh who's never tasted it and you didn't tell them it wasn't mashed potatoes that taste like a potato all right guys thank you so much for joining me as I say every time these videos are a way for me to maintain my low carb way of eating and looking in the end of that camera as often as I can helps keep me honest so I appreciate that you guys have come along for the journey if you don't already follow me on Instagram and Facebook please check me out over there I talk a little more frequently a little more freely there it's just highfalutin low carb on both of those platforms and I also want to ask you to please hit the like button below if you hit the like button that lets the YouTube algorithm Gods know that this is a video that other people might like and they'll share it with those um if you are a subscriber be sure you've hit the Bell button if you aren't a subscriber be sure you hit the Subscribe and the bell button just to know just as soon as I release a new video I also need to thank my sponsor Factor again for sponsoring this video uh I say it all the time sponsorships aren't why I do this they're how I do this so guys be sure to go to or use the link in the video description below and enter code highfalutin 50 and you will get 50 off your first box of factor I'm enjoying it and loving it and will definitely continue so thank you so much factor and lastly I need to thank my rock stars my patreon members you're probably already seeing their names scroll here if you don't know what patreon is think of it as the tip jar for the internet it lets people like you who enjoy what people like me do here on YouTube give a dollar to a month just to sort of keep the Train on the tracks as it were so thank you with uh to those guys without them none of this would be possible they are my true rock stars alright guys I'll see you in the next video and remember today is a good day to have a good day [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 505,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low carb mashed potatoes, keto mashed potatoes, carnivore mashed potatoes, mashed potato recipe, highfalutin low carb, wes shoemaker, chris cooking nashville, mashed potato, low carb mashed potato recipe, keto mashed potato recipe, mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes recipe, low carb mashed potatoes recipe, keto mashed potatoes recipe, carnivore mashed potatoes recipe, egg white mashed potatoes, whipped potatoes, keto whipped potatoes, low carb whipped potatoes, carnivore, keto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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