Vintage Vinny and Scott went Thrifting!

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I don't know why you're sitting around smoking that pipe you got thrifting to do oh look it's the Vintage Vinnie shall we shall we go we shall let's come on you could stop at five or six stores or just one there's an old curiosity everyone in a while I go by there for the fun recollection [Music] okay we are at our second stop for the day uh ooh here are those little Chrome cocktail glasses not glasses but you know what I mean $6 actually that's not bad for a set of oh gosh it's so hard to count I'm not good Vinnie are you good at counting when they're like can't one two three four four I think there's six in there six for six six that's not bad to throw them with a cocktail shaker heck no yeah uh I'm trying to decide if I've got you know what I should probably get those Vin grably and put them with one of my cocktail shakers yeah I know I will have to think about that any good good clocks does anybody know what time it is time to get a watch does anybody really care um I've got a watch but my old my antique watch I need a new watch band for it which is the reason why I we this little Cheapo guy okay uh that's a cool lamp I forget now what I was telling you everyone we went to a Second Avenue Thrift Shop which had its grand opening today and it was very busy so we didn't film in it but we did buy a lot of things right I bought two things Vinnie bought half a dozen I think of [Music] things okay all right how about oh did you pick up this glass here he probably did ooh Vinny ouch here my crack there we go that's an old set that is fantastic ooh did you see those that's $1.99 this is black glass look at it through the bag oh we're going to look at that little car whatever it is it's good these are wow look at that oh those are beautiful this is a sandwich pattern and they're Amber plates now oh my word Vinnie I don't need to start collecting it in Amber I have it in uh Crystal one 2 three four five six plates for $13 uh but I think this might be this is not Hawking it's either Indiana or Duncan and Miller gosh it's pretty and Amber uh well you could mix it with the crystal no get up get up back off walk away nope nope nope nope you could resell it though you hear the conversation I'm having with myself I am not going to start collecting another pattern I mean another color yeah that's I know what that is I'm going to leave that right there H anyway yeah that gosh they were nice and Amber you see those Amber sandwich plates down there yeah I I love it somebody I years ago years ago I don't know how long long ago 2 three years ago on in my eBay on my comments Vinnie somebody left a comment and they said Amber reminds me of poverty I'm like what the heck does that mean what I don't know people are funny I was talking about amber glass and they said Amber reminds me of poverty that was one of their comments I don't know what that means I don't get that I don't get it either oh look here's 1 2 3 4 four 5 six 7 oh and Crystal mhm um Iris and Herring bone okay okay okay this is kind of neat what'd you find a fish H you got a zebra it's a bird yeah oh and you found a Hawking ruby red you want that for Christmas no I've got I've um I have two that I'm holding on to for Christmas okay so I don't want to overdo it right but thanks for asking mhm okay what have I got well I'm happy right now with my black glass cream and sugar show it to you in the car anyway yeah I know I don't know what that means either Amber reminds me of poverty I don't know if the person still subscribes what did you mean were you Jo I guess it was a joke but I didn't get it I didn't get it what kind of glass what yeah oh it's a o is it a is it broken or you were I never remember kidding me you broke it's broken the handle's Broken Oh that [Music] that's yeah that's very sad oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my fry glass and it has its lid you have got let's hope that oh my gosh do you know how hard it is to find this Vinnie with the lid oh I'm clogging up the aisle look at this it's fry oh yeah it's fry it's like 1915 it even has the dates on the bottom let's look at it it says here you read it your eyes are younger than mine so it says what it say oh I have I have to read it from the inside here it says fry oven glass what are the patent dates uh it says let me see if I can read it backwards all right so it says Pat P 58 of 17 patent 527 of 19 so so the latest patent date on this is 1919 wow and it's got its lid I never did look at the price $6 boy you are getting right into that cart get in there oh I am so excited I love fry glass okay love it I I just turned it on I okay we got to start this over okay take two take one go ready on your mark get set go well we're going to get a strike cuz the music is playing so we have to talk don't you just love it when the thrft stores do this it makes zero sense well the thrift store didn't do it well Oh you mean the the yeah whoever this yeah like come on now like does that does that make sense that makes zero sense I guess someone thought it was beautiful yeah well whoever did it I'm sorry it's awful oh I picked that up as well and I'm mad cuz there's only one Vinnie I want two yeah yeah there's part of a a table uh what do you call it a table set table setting so the Spooner creamer probably a covered butter dish and a Sugar Bowl but that's just those two pieces right there let's see if there's anything else oh my word that is ooh uh how we doing how we doing oh there's some deloia let's get it out of there that's pretty with the uh fruit in it think I'll put that back down and serious years [Applause] okay is 100% fatal if it is left untreated with an average credit card balance of nearly $88,000 older new jerseyans have the 11th highest credit card debt in the nation according to lyen tree the news is not good for those 65 and older most of them retired fixed income says Chief credit analyst Matt sches what is this thing I don't know maybe Vinnie wants it maybe Vinnie knows what it is he's in another aisle it's pretty I don't know how old it is um oh there's ragged and Tammy we're thinking about you and David I'm not ready to start I'm going to well we'll talk about that we will talk about it there's plenty of time anyway we'll talk okay let's see let me see no that's like that Brazil Dollar Store stuff um you know me I'm looking for some good old 1920s 30s 40s 50s mhm and nothing is jumping off school days school days dear old Golden Rule days arithmetic talk to the tune of a Hickory Stick I used remember that little song I think I had a little record as a boy a little 45 you know that we would sing that song play that song and sing it hello look I've already looked at these and they're Charming I was hoping that they would be original oil paintings and they're not it's the you know just the inexpensive cardboard print so they're still pretty you know it's two of them but uh it's they're not original oils they're pretty I just don't need you know I've got enough artwork hopefully that stays right where it is I like that scene uh okay so we'll leave those on the shelf and we will keep shopping see this thing I was looking at it too and I have no clue I have no idea Vinnie what you think I don't know I don't know if that's necessarily what it's for but I said Sushi put the Wasabi here and put your rolls right here just creative I guess okay is it amberina I don't think so I don't have my black light on me I couldn't tell I don't um there's fake uh fake uh maica is that frit and Frey I don't know they got the label over but so you can just look at it and tell that it's not not an old not an old melica I don't know Fitz fit I always say Fitz or Fritz I don't know it's Fitz and play but I like to call it Fritz and fre just for fun so bad when are here oh yeah religious items yeah I'm not even religious but I like um this is attractive but I didn't know what it was maybe you will this blue thing look at the bunny somebody might have made that in a cam uh class I don't know here's another Yankee Candle do you want one then likes Yankee Candles oh there's a pretty depression there's a nice elegant it's Crystal but it's still [Music] pretty $6 in uh clear glass it's not oh my word okay all right oh look we are 5 miles away from Mana five miles away from where Mana m n t UA Mana [Music] yeah that's manua manua okay like Gargantua all right oh Vinnie where did he go now's my chance I can be uh corap [Music] Pandit all right let's see uh I don't know was anybody decapitated it looks like Liberace and that looks like um oh drat what was that woman in um Murder She Wrote that looks like Angela Lansbury and uh it's a Liberace I'm stretching it a little bit I don't know though just some little 1950s thing $8 uh I could probably not do much more than about 15 or 16 on it I'm not sure I'll see if I think I'll pass but maybe ooh what on the earth is that oh get away um many might want this see if I can find him very 50s she's saying give me them grapes let's go see if any wants it uh where is he I think he's way down here oh there he is uh hey Vinnie yes you have any interest in that thing not really what do you think's going on I don't know I said it looks like Angela Lansbury and uh Liberace yeah that that's about right it's I mean $8 I was looking at it it's not there's no problems with it but something like that I mean I what would it sell for $16 $18 so the right person probably you're not really I'm not feeling it personally cuz I see those a lot it's not enough profit in it right to mess with it I mean what how much is it again what are these what is this in these old boxes they're it's underwear and underwear that can be valuable underwear pen h underwear and panty hose well I don't know about that I don't want to get too involved with that underwear and panty hose you don't know who wore it right oh that look 60s though oh my that could be valuable any that those old hoes I mean what oh you know what I'm we are going to get kicked out out we're going to get now stand up cuz they're looking at your rear end I don't care that was funny I heard enough from you last night to last me a lifetime I'm about to walk out that door um it is old hose that could be worth money cotton balls there's a receipt in here so I wonder if it'll tell us when they bought them this looks very 60s just says 297 that's a library Cardy hosery from oh look it's local the hosery club of Cherry Hill we're in um the hosery club no I'm serious the this could be worth money e oh hold on to them it's it's only $3.99 for the bundle oh I think we can do I think yeah let's let's go in together on it or something just for the fun of it I think that there might be something to that to look them up and see okay come on let's go cuz they're closing in a few minutes we yeah oh I for I didn't see these are these any good oh they might be well hello good friends of the thrifting World Scott and Benny on our way across the Ben Franklin Bridge leaving beautiful New Jersey entering beautiful Philadelphia Vinnie hello what he's not speaking we're on our way he's tired we're on our way to meet the reviv it sisters I got it right did uh for luncheon at a wonderful Diner in South Philadelphia and then we're going thrifting and so let's enjoy ourselves torrential rains here in new jerse here in New Jersey today what am I doing oh these people that stand in the aisle oh my gosh look who it is it's Shane and Heather the revive it sisters hi who would have thought and look look I think I better go in the other direction this place is filled with thrifters I'm never going to find any oh my gosh what am I going to do what am I going you're surrounding all the competition it is so much fun oh that is wonderful it's a three light okay wish us luck today everyone look at these I found two of them are they get out of the so two of them very uh you know 40s 50s Fiesta colors trays for the kitchen so and then I know Vinnie has some things in his cart but I guess we'll take a look at them when we get outside look at those I know they're not old but they're not TJ yeah pretty color TJX what you what do you say live from New Jersey it's dominski and more on New Jersey 101.5 well yeah we're trying but you have now been promoted you are one of my Elite employees well good folk I know a lot of you enjoy watching and saying boy sooner you than me Scott I don't want to deal with that kind of traffic in city life but you know what this is where I'm born and raised here in the east coast and this is what I know and doesn't bother me at all I love it I know that many of you enjoy your rural settings and I love my Urban setting Vinnie were uh hugging the SKU river which is to our right West Philadelphia is to the left which you can't see at the moment uh the reviv it sisters are right behind us and we're headed to a Goodwill in um near Fairmount Park here we go which kind of thing did you get oh he's stocking up Panini you got a panini mhm oh they're making it up there yeah they're making it at the ooh I might have a sizzly look there's pepperoni and provolone there's a pork pork roll sizzly I don't know maybe a Tasty Cake is your mouth watering Jeffy Reed look lemon blueberry banana split is that new orange cream oh my goodness now of course my old favorite is the butterscotch crimps when I was a kid everybody had these in their lunch box box at school everybody okay yum well as we exit this Goodwill you can see everyone has found some things yeah the got some chairs I'm excited I found a Brunswick recording of Earl Hines in his orchestra look at that that's an old Brunswick from the 1930s go under so there it is over there the um Goodwill store [Applause] uh in uh West Philadelphia you want to and it's a cloudy day I'm going to leave this right here for a minute I could help you guys but I'm standing here making an announcing instead y this one like that good Heavens it glows it glows Vinnie flash your black light on it all right let's just look at some things on the shelves here uh ooh look at the here's some little uh airdale looking Scotty dog things salt and peppers are they $4 each or is it $4 so it's $8 what do you think Benny should you should do $8 on a pair of salt and pepper shakers that are little 30 Scotty heads they're cute what did I say uh so it's eight bucks see I don't know I mean you could probably get what would they sell for I'm not good at it salt and peppers on this that's cool look at that little ceiling ceiling fixture that'd be half off we wanted it U oh blue is half off yes blue is half off today I uh what are those I don't need any light fixtures look at that that's $6 yeah I wanted to look down in here too I didn't see is this War era I don't know what it is it says read the Bible oh read the Bible oh the American Bible Association like a stamp of some sort oh there's a neat old neat old lock it's an antique oh look at these kitchen things my kitchen people love that oh I bet there's some green stamps in here help oh my gosh this is old language help crippled children does it make you cringe when now that that is cringe worthy today that well it's you know they didn't mean anything by it but of course time passes and we language changes yep good grief this is really cool this is 1948 15th annual to Children seal 1948 where did you get a doll no vaculator is it syx oh we'll have to look at that sorry are we blocking thee uh blocking the let's see who this Sergeant is is billco or whatever his name was I don't know let me see if we can find something from the World's Fair or Christmas time yes oh I know now this might be cool that Christmas yeah no home is safe from tuberculosis until all homes are safe this is 1955 what do they want for it 350 350 how many other on I mean I don't know what would people would anybody want these all right well go ahead and look through them well here uh let me see here let me let's see the Easter Carol the Easter the Easter Carol Yeah Christmas Carol that's a smiley little thing looks like he's got a toue on is that a t did they wear T Uncle Sam Eisen Gitch Uncle Sam who uncle Sam excuse me I got a frog in me throat let's see who else is in here oh there's old there's old olly wonder who she is and there's the baby oh look at the baby ouch I'm getting spiked now look 30s come here to me baby who is oh Jersey City new jisy now I always say we don't say joisy and then I always say joisy look look at the baby I like the Bonnet that's a little joyy baby I was a joisy be sorry let's see if we can find some Gothic Cuts do you want to film these real quick okay these are new because um them and show them um I've moved on yeah I got excited down here Vinnie look all the prisms and I was hoping for some good old Gothic Cuts right I don't need any these are but these look like they have new let's see one two three four is it just four of them fudge I need more than I don't know bar keys all right now that I'm down on this floor let's see if we can get up without making sound effects I forced myself not to make a sound effect I'm debate I can't decide on these at $8 for the for the two shakers that might be all you might be able to get for them at eight good price though if you wanted them for yourself yeah what are you doing I don't know making everybody mad with my camera action look at these 95 cents each and glass is 35% off I think I think I'm trying to remember if this is an anchor Hawking it looks like forest green and they made some funny little shapes uh so I think that's I think it's a Hawking Farm green tumbler you know from the 40s and 50s early 60s whatever years that they made that stuff I don't remember oh look nice legs uh okay this is another thrift store as you can see Vinnie and I are about to wrap it up and head across the bridge back into Jersey and maybe one or two more before we go home and get ready for tonight's show which by the time you see this video that show will be over and I hope that you will have joined us and had a good time okay let's go check out oo now that's a lampshade that makes you appreciate lampshades that don't collect dust my word want to be alone oh I'm not supposed to sing I'll get it oh is that an clock over there or is a reproduction it might be a reproduction let's see if we can get over there yeah sunflower I think your love would be too much oh no look at that now you know that's got to be chipped 100 bucks I can never find capam without chips on it how about you okay let's see we were going to go and look this is probably reproduction clock and show enough yeah probably something from the 70s okay very good let's scram oh we're going disco now yeah man so there's like two Carnival Glass lamps over here but they're like from the 1970s I'm not sure if they oh oers cool huh yeah it's a matching set how's what is what's the price uh they are $4.99 each I love a good ER but what's wrong turn I can't see it's broken yeah like right here B little chunk out of it ew that's why they call it an ER e okay let's see you want to see these Carnival Glass lamps really they're n really they're just iridescent 19 there they are through there look through there everybody see them right there over there oh yeah go see them I don't know they might I think it's like 1970s um they're pretty though now it's morning time and guess what just to let you see that's what the table looked like last night during our chitchat with Vinnie and Scott look at what a mess there is the television screen with d mouth open I didn't plan it that way look at her look at her look at her Vinnie isn't that great yes um that's all set up so that we can actually see ourselves and talk to you while we're doing the broadcast and before we reme the remet before we greet the Shane and Heather Heather Vinnie is helping me put labels these are my eBay boxes there's my lovely state-ofthe-art scale here are my eBay boxes with all of the this is all eBay sales that are going out today folks this is an ongoing 24 hour a day job is it not Vinnie for you yes for all okay so these are going to go this is all the eBay stuff that's going out in the mail today there's my old printer that's stuff I'm listing on eBay later today well maybe and then we have our live sale tonight and I don't know when this will be in a video but okay back to work no rest for the weary hello Vinnie and t uh who is that that's you know who they are [Music]
Channel: Old Curiosity Shop
Views: 3,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antiques, retro, vintage, 1920's, 1930's, 1940's, 1950's, 1960's, Art Deco, Depression Glass, Thrift haul, Thrift shopping, Ebay haul, Vintage haul, retro haul, Mid century modern, collecting glass, Goodwill haul
Id: PtZt9Xg9PvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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