I Found an AWESOME New Comic and Collectible Shop… that Intentionally Prices their Comic Books LOW?!

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hey guys Mike here from lunch money Comics I recently heard about a brand new comic and collectible store near me it has been collectible toys and comics in wilham Massachusetts I was out doing errands had a little bit of time for my uh lunch money lunch break thought i' stop in I already peaked my head in and this place is unbelievable let's go inside and check it out wow this door is a lot to look at very cool oh here we have some comics in a case awesome it's a good price for that book see there wow h for wow how's it going hey welcome to hasb you have good books and a really good prices on them to be honest I uh I try to sell everything at a fair price and everything's priced so you know what you're paying you know how much it is right surprises at the register that's a great philosoph ophy I also have a no haggle guarantee that's why I kind of price things they are y I know some people like that wow you have so much good stuff thank you been open uh two little over two months two months wow I was a toy designer in another life really I was the creative manager for GI Joe and Transformers all right guys I'm here with the owner Rick who I just met and this is a brand new store in my area tell me about it well my name is Rick Alvarez I own a frame shop and my wife said you should split your frame shop in half and have two stores with one rent and I did that so now two months in and uh I couldn't be happier with how it's going this is uh has been toys and collectible the name comes from I used to be somebody I used to be the creative manager at Hasbro for GI Joe and Transformer that to and now I'm a hasbin these toys used to be new wow now now they're hasbin it's all about Nostalgia right yeah I'm a big Transformers and GI Joe collector and I love He-Man and comics and this is just a way for me to get rid of extra stuff that's in the garage and this was on your garage this yeah like 80% of the stock here is just extra stuff I had in the garage now I have all the you know I got all the diamond and NECA and super7 accounts and I'll bring in new stuff uh but I'm I'm starting off low budget all the glass cases were from my basement right too I'm going to show this to my wife so she can't give me a hard time about how my basement looks so we've been living in our house eight years and we have three-car garage my wife has never parked her car in the garage and I told her look I'm going to start store and in a year maybe maybe you can you know take one of the docks wow well if we get more people in here maybe uh we can make that a dream a reality so uh I can't wait I got to look at some of your books I didn't come in here expecting really to buy much but I I've seen like five books already in the first minute that I'm dying to I'm happy to take your money all right I'm happy to give it to you happy to take your money you're going to show people what you buy if you buy any absolutely absolutely I am so uh cool guys let me look around a little bit more it's amazing great to meet you Rick all right Mike thank you first Prowler uh Wasing that that's on my list sold uh first in humanoids the other day first hum the first appearance of The Watcher oh that's a cool one uh yeah this is actually in not bad shape at all it's better than the one I have I mean that's the price if you want to buy it for that price if not then wow tell me if I should up it but I'm hesitant I'll get yelled at by anyone who comes visits the store that's all right if you can I see that Prowler while you're in there actually I got first and second appearance of Prowler I'll think the first is I'm looking at no one need to see that yeah fix it in post drop it'll fix it in post looking at this ASM great gloss on it first appearance of the Kingpin famous story line famous cover it's sort of the Triple Threat there you go Spider-Man no more famous panel that we saw in uh Toby mcgu Spider-Man 2 wow rig this is a nice book man are you kidding me goodness this is a pretty high-grade first Prowler here look at the gloss not really many fine ticks check that cover oh it's got a tear on the back bummer you want to take it out cu first uh first appearance of Jane first Jane Foster second Thor yeah it's got a little bit of a 200 uh yeah I mean we have to open it up I mean if the Staples are good are good um and then oh that's cool but 299 am I Am I Wrong uh you're probably low on this one incredible h is always sought after you go first eternity 20 bucks that's a good price in one day and just help me price it out I would love to yeah that would be fun I got a bunch of golden age Batman and action and uh you know kid Cobalt Two Gun kid a lot of cowboy stff Fant lots of Shazam let's see W see this is dangerous for me because I've decided to try to spend uh less money for a couple months leading up to like trifon and stuff and these aren't the places that help when you're trying to save some money so Rick got a collection in that he hasn't priced out yet he's pulling out just like awesome books out of here Golden Age golden ede golden Ed golden Ed and I've noticed you almost exclusively golden and silver and only a little bit of bronze there's no modern really in here so to speak super uh silver so a few moments ago you heard Rick ask me if I'd be willing to come back sometime and help him price out some Comics he hadn't had a chance to go through yet to which I replied hey there's no time like the presentent I'm here now let me take a look I was not prepared for what I was signing up for he started pulling out box after box of comic books all different Publishers and eras most were not bagged and boarded and as you're about to see we found a ton of amazing comic books you 10-cent Batman in here yep okay wow man I'm so pissed I can't find maybe it's in here really wish I had my camera mount I was not counting on this this is just a quick random stop so I'm going through all these for Rick here we found a ton of old not only 12 cent but 10cent DC and look at this whole box I haven't even gone through it all it's pretty nuts so yeah this is the first appearance of the bizarre turrible Trio the fox shark and vulture I've never seen this before cool key issue blocks out the door there you go all right this one's definitely a key issue with 10-cent Action Comics pretty awesome all right we just found this one this is the first time Barry Allen appears in the Flash title also first appearance of a mirror Master here uh that's a big book Rick with the others just throw it in the box of the others wow that's pretty cool this is a first Flash in Kid Flash team up right there that's a pretty cool book all right guys we even have early Justice League here like really early uh low numbers and we got super boy we got suspense stories barely scratch the surface here Jimmy Olsson yeah I barely touched this pile this is I might be here for a while Secrets oh that's first uh Bizarro world I saw this recently yeah first Bizarro world yeah it's a cool book first uh streaky the Super Cat Super Girls cat there you go you know what are the chances of that being in the movie with James G it uh it could be who knows I've never seen this before Mr District attorney number 66 I think the fact that they got the 66 at least I know and I don't even understand I don't want to know what's going on to this at all anthropomorphic masks on of course oh they're masks they're mask they masne The Mask it's a bird right exactly it's just they furry attorneys I guess I'm just a unfrozen C Man Bo so we found it here's the uh first Fortress of Solitude some uh water staining but uh that's not water no okay cool that's neat 10 cent that's cool all right so we have a tals vonish 43 some early Ant-Man I thought it was in great shape we got a piece of tape on it but it's still pretty nice it's not bad to boarded oh that's that's why I didn't yeah at least has to be in a oh that's cool oh man that's amazing yeah so this is a bummer because this is a pretty cool comic book with Archie and Frankenstein except it's just the C cover so uh he's got a lot of cover l in here I'm sure you'll find it you can frame it it's cool looking yeah I frame stuff too I have a frame yeah you have a frame shop over there yeah spend money there too there you go that's pretty cool The Wolf Man in Frankenstein this is too bad this is drawn on someone drew the scars on he wasn't uh he wasn't dead enough looking so some kid you know first Magnus robot fighter 4000 AD cool all right so we have I feel like you're mad at me no I I feel somehow like like I didn't realize there was an Iron Man first appearance in there now like I'm kind of like you you got to be kidding me yeah so you got some he got some pretty insane stuff out of this collection besides this that we haven't seen right this is one of the most famous homage covers ever right here wow cool all right so I helped Rick go through that whole new collection and price some stuff out for him so uh that's just a tip of the iceberg what you have in this store man real and you're getting stuff in all the time right I'm always looking for stuff always looking to trade in buy stuff yeah right when I thought I was leaving I found one of my uh favorite covers of all time Mysterio there drawers down here casual first uh Adam Warlock down here nothing no no price for anything this is crazy this is crazy wow come on I just thought these were cool and you actually frame not issues no but but I just you know a piece of art that you put on your wall Y and Rick was just telling me someone came in and had him frame a Hulk number one in like really high grade nuts closer this is the stuff I'm interested in here are I get a pretty good deal from Rick not any uh $31.99 3.99 all right wow what an amazing store what a great guy Rick he's a riot uh we had a great time hanging out I helped him price out a whole bunch of new books that he got in uh and honestly guys most of the books he had there he priced really really low an awesome place I can't wait to come back absolutely and uh the books I got and the price he gave them to me for pretty special let's go home I'll show you guys exactly what I got yep Mike is going to give away another local honey hole that was has been collectible toys in comic books in wilham Massachusetts and as you heard in the footage it's pretty much brand new it's only a couple months old I saw it advertised on Facebook it had a couple of pictures of yes of course toys but a little bit of comic books not even like really great comic books but a pretty interesting wall of them and my first thought was where is this door I drive down this road all the time I've never noticed a collectible in toy store um never mind comic books so I happen to be in the area doing some errands decided to drop in and I was a little confused because it looked like a frame store as you saw half of the place is a frame store I walked in it was pretty quiet I started filming and I was amazed by The Eye Candy of vintage toys in there and then I was even more amazed by all the Silver age books and then finally I was shocked to see how low and competitively priced these books were so I was filming I hear a voice call out from the frame side of the store and that's when I put down my phone and I met Rick and uh we started talking he told me about the store he started telling me his story about how he worked at Hasbro and it was at that point I introduced myself and I said listen you know I do a show called lunch money Comics you have a fantastic story in a beautiful store do you want to do an interview and he said absolutely yes so I wanted you all to hear his great story he was an incredibly nice personal guy super funny I actually feel bad I mentioned I got a new phone recently I've been having issues uh filming so I actually lost a lot of footage including some of him being an absolute Riot um but guys uh he was just a really great guy we had a really fun time just talking you know there's no one else in the store for most of the time I was there but then we started talking about all the amazing comic books because uh he had an incredible collection of at first blush mostly Silver age Marvel books uh and he told me he's like honestly I got in all this stuff I haven't had time to price it all I haven't priced any of the DC stuff uh and I just went on eBay sold prices and pick the lowest numbers that's what he pretty much did uh and he does know his comic books I want to be clear it's not like he doesn't know what he's doing he's just trying to be competitive and get some excitement and get some people in there but he did say he had a ton of books he didn't have time to price and you know maybe would I be willing to come back and help him sometime since evidently I know what I'm talking about in some cases and I said uh sure how about right now he said if I helped him price those books he'd actually give me a discount on anything I got in this day and he's not a guy who's into haggling he priced them low for a reason but he said he'd give me a discount how can I say no guys and then he started pulling up these boxes of mostly DC books uh 10 cent and 12 centers I was amazed some of them were loose a lot of them did not have boards the ones that were in bags they were sticky and you saw how many amazing books I got guys this is difficult I didn't expect to do this this was impromptu I didn't have my uh you know phone harness so I had to like kind of film the books that were good put my phone down look them up and I kept finding amazing books that I wanted to show you guys and you saw I was in there first you know Bizarro world first Superman's you know Fortress of Solitude first Barry Allen in the flash title big books guys I couldn't believe what I was Finding and that's just the footage I showed you there was so much more that I didn't have a chance to go through even when I was kind of pricing the amount giving him a range of like $50 to $100 he always put the lowest price it was unbelievable uh so we had a great time hour and a half two hours I spent with him going through all these books and uh I got to tell you guys I have some plans to meet up with him in the future to do a little bit more pricing I'll talk about that at the end but of course I had to get some books myself again not being in this to make a buck guys I didn't want to get a lot I wanted to leave a lot of books for of his hopefully new customers so let me show you what I got before I do you know the drill if you like this sort of stuff and you want to support the channel head on down hit that like button follow me on Instagram at a lunch money Comics IG let me show you what I got the first two books are actually not from me at all and they're strange ones we have the adventures of Bob Hope number 60 and number 62 now I got these because I know someone who loves the this series because of the artist who worked on them an artist named Owen Fitzgerald now Not only was he an acclaimed comic book and comic strip artist he actually got his start at Disney Studios uh doing Disney Animation moved on to comic books and he worked on a lot of comic titles that featured real life people like Bob Hope Jerry Lewis and some not real people like Dennis the Menace uh and he had a very very long highly acclaimed career and I know someone who loves him and that person is another comic book artist himself Michael Doney a yes real life Teenage mut Ninja Turtles artist I featured him on a couple of my videos in the past he's another guy who lives out here in western Mass he told me he loves fit Gerald I told him last year I would be on the hunt for them I've never found any this early these are from 1959 and 1960 but yeah I got these for Michael Doney when I told Rick who they were for he's like give them to him for free tell them it's from me so Mr Doney uh at some point soon if you're watching this I'll have to meet up with you maybe at his and hers comics in Greenfield uh to give you these books ASAP uh really cool uh on behalf of Rick so that's pretty fun guys uh but the three books I have right here are for me let's start with this one this is a cool book this is Green Lantern number 21 from 1963 written by John broom art by Gil Kane and Murphy Anderson and this is the first origin and appearance of Dr Polaris a character with Magnetic power similar to Magneto and the reason I got this book is because I first laid eyes on it about a year and a half ago at a comic show and immediately fell in love with it I love these older Green Lanterns guys I love the green trade dress I love the orange background it just really pops I really like the magnetic field lines around Hal Jordan the ferris material being sucked up towards him uh I just absolutely love this book and I thought it was almost a steal when I got it a year and a half ago at $80 I end up passing on it but I thought it was a great deal and here we have Rick selling it for $24.99 when you find a store like this guys yeah you're excited for the prices but you also get a little bit of a pit in your stomach when you see how many books you paid three four five times as much for uh I was very happy to get this book for you know $25 you know there is one color break on it that's very light but it's still in excellent condition but I will tell you I paid less for this than that I'll tell you what I paid for everything at the end like I said he gave me a deal for helping him out the last two books are Amazing Spider-Man books you saw what was in that store what was in the case for Amazing Spider-Man you know the original collection he got was because there was early ASM in there there was the first Doc O there was the first lizard and you saw a lot of the other books that he put in that case uh I got to tell you guys that Amazing Spider-Man 50 looked incredible that was a book that really told me hey man you're a little low uh someone could easily go in and grab that book and you know sell it for hundreds of dollars more uh it's okay you know he again he took my advice on some things but mostly these he was happy to leave them low but the Amazing Spider-Man books were awesome guys uh again I'm not made out of money even if I was I wouldn't have bought them all but gosh darn it there's a couple I wanted and this is one of them this has been on my list for a long time this is amazing Spider-Man number 67 from 1968 written by stanlee Art of course by John Rita senior this isn't really a key issue it's just an amazing ramita cover of Spider-Man going up against one of my absolute favorite Rogues galleries of his and that is Mysterio uh Mysterio is my favorite Spider-Man villain this a fantastic cover I've wanted a while of his giant gauntleted hands grabbing Spider-Man you know I don't think they're actually big you know it's an illusion most likely I've wanted this book for a while it's really in great condition and he had it priced at $29.99 guys it's worth more than that it absolutely is so I grabbed this book right at the tail end I saw it had to have it but that has nothing on the last book I got you saw the footage I said recently I've been trying to collect the first appearances of Spider-Man's Rogue Gallery starting with the smaller ones because they're cheaper uh and this is one I've been eyeing for a long time this is The Amazing Spider-Man number 78 from 1969 once again Stanley and John Rita senior and this of course is the first appearance of the prowler now this is the hobby Brown version of the prowler who is a bad guy yeah but ends up being kind of like an anti-hero type hero character most people know who the prowler is now noways because he appeared in the into the spider vers movies in fact he is a major bad guy villain of the Miles Morales Spider-Man because it's actually his uncle Aaron Davis who has appeared in a couple of movies but this is the hobby Brown version it is the first Prowler there's been a lot of characters you know with the prowler moniker and suit now a couple interesting things about the prowler is originally thought up at least the name and the concept by a 13ear old John Rita Jr yeah jrjr actually thought of this and uh Stanley really like the name the prowler but he didn't really like the design that much so John Rita Jr's father senior uh redesigned the character using one of his Concepts I think for a character named the stalker and the prowler was born so I was like that it was kind of a father and son collaboration to make this character fun little footnote in Marvel comic book history guys and you saw this is in fantastic shape I can't believe the condition of this book uh there is that one little kind of fold on the back cover um I actually was able to unfold it uh it's really only a very small tear you can barely see it now so again you know I'll tell you what I paid in a second but looking at this book I thought you know it was probably like a $100 book in the condition again at the time seeing that tear in the back I wasn't so sure so now let me tell you what I paid for all of these uh the two Bob hopes like I said once I told him the story and who they were for he put them down in the condra and said just give them to Michael dudy then he looked at this book right here he looked at it for a split second and then uh he said this is a thank you for helping me and he put it down on the counter yeah he actually gave that book to me how crazy is that and then he grabbed these two books here he said what do you want to do with these books almost exasperated right uh but like I said you know although I thought this book here was priced maybe a little high this one was conversely priced a little low I thought you know if you average them out they were worth what he had them priced I thought they were worth about $150 and he said well yeah I told you I'd give you a deal though for helping me what would be a good deal on those and I said $100 would be a great deal and he said sure he agreed to $100 for these two books I was blown away I thought that was a fantastic price and then he said cash or charge because if you're using a credit card I have to charge you tax I said oh well then I'll pay you cash so I went to my wallet and I realized I was short yeah I said Rick sorry man I'm a little short uh I don't have enough to to cover you in cash I'll have to pay my card after all he says well how much cash do you have and I took the water cash out of my wallet I said I have $89 he snatched the money out of my hand took the comic books dropped them on the table and he said you're coming back soon right I said Absol absolutely I am yeah Rick sold these three books to me for $89 obviously an incredible deal uh guys he was a really wonderful guy we hit it off immediately uh you know although you know I think he gave me a good deal uh because I'm a nice guy because I helped him I hope it's not because I'm just a YouTuber and mentioning on his channel but guys honestly I watched how we interacted with other people who came in other kids that came in he's just an incredibly nice person you need get a feeling for someone when you meet them I immediately had just the best feeling for this guy he's an awesome person very generous uh I was blown away that he gave me this great deal and here's the thing I've already made plans to go over there and help him price more comic books and as a matter of fact I'm going over tomorrow I'm bringing over a six-pack and I'm going to help him price all of his X-Men books and unlike the DC books guys I don't need my phone to look those up I can price those in my sleep so I'm pretty excited to go over there and help him out and just uh hang out yeah and here's the thing guys I know I know know I'm sort of you know giving away a honey hole and I'm you know saying the prices are too low but here's the thing for me it's not really about the comic books I say it all the time guys for me it's the hobby I am excited about the books I'm more excited to have a new comic book store right down the street for me I'm excited to have a new Conta in Rick and maybe especially a new friend he seems like a great guy I'm sure I'll be there a lot and there's going to be a lot more videos of Rick and the store in future lunch money Comics videos guys that's what it's all about that's why I only got these three books I didn't buy out the place of course not I want some of you to go there and experience it for yourself uh so if you're a New England guys absolutely go check out uh has been uh collectible toys and Comics I keep screwing that name up in Wilbraham massachusett it's a fantastic store guys uh I can't wait to see other people discover this great place and hey let me know down in the comments if you think I did the right thing I'm sure there some new englanders cursing at me right now why did you tell him his prices were too low I don't think he's going to price them up guys trust me he was pricing everything really low uh so that is it guys let me know what you think of everything down in the comments I can't wait to hear what you think about it and that's it in the meantime keep hunting for comic books in strange and unusual places especially your local comic book stores and toy collectible stores guys always support them when you can especially if they're new to the scene they could always use the help getting the word out there hopefully I'm doing that for Rick thank you all so very much for watching and I'll see you all on the next one
Channel: Lunch Money Comics
Views: 15,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AHn5uBBCyf4
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Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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