Vintage Rural Blues - 76 minutes of authentic vintage blues

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Channel: Jazz and Blues Experience
Views: 416,331
Rating: 4.8736162 out of 5
Keywords: Blues, vintage, rural, love, wedding, mailbox, flowers, radio, juke joint, Delta blues, rolling stones, Mick Jagger, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Robert Johnson, country blues, Keith Richards, Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, pop records, chill out, lounge bar, music bar, cocktail bar, piano bar, soul, Martin Scorcese, BB King, John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, Elmore James, Howlin Wolf, south, Jazz, Jazz music, Blues music, jazz classics, hits, blues classics, jazz n blues, all that jazz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 42sec (4602 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 22 2014
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