Louisiana Blues - The Best Louisiana Sounds
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Brian G. Loza
Views: 4,365,289
Rating: 4.8988695 out of 5
Keywords: Blues, The, Best, Louisiana, Sounds, Delta, Mississippi, Muddy, Waters, piano, funk, New, Orleans, south, soul, bayou, music, Tennessee, hits, Jazz, Jazz music, Blues music, jazz classics, blues classics, jazz n blues, all that jazz, jazz guitar, jazz piano, jazz bass, miles davis, instrumental, chicago, chicago blues, jazz solos, saxophone, louis armstrong, jazz flute, new orleans jazz, jazz solo, trumpet, hot jazz, ella, ella fitzgerald, john coltrane, dixie, charlie parker, duke ellington
Id: BuJTn1RQ2us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 59sec (7199 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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