ROLEX SO UGLY ITS BEAUTIFUL. First AIRKING model 1940s restoration. How to service tutorial ASMR

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greetings my fellow terrans welcome to the channel i hope you guys are all safe and well and thank you for joining me on this episode where we have a roller on our bench which looks like it's been up christopher walken's where the sun don't shine and here's what's coming up in this episode [Music] now butch this was your daddy's watch he died of dysentery so son i hid this hunk of middle up my for four years now butch i give this watch to you so today we have this rolex reference 4499 from the world war ii era believed to be one of the first air king models released by rolex now rolex was still a relatively young company at this stage as it was only founded in 1905 by hans wilsdorf in london so it houses this borrowed movement called the 10.5 hunter which has its origins in the 1920s and related to companies such as iglia gruen and even alpina i think this movement was developed by hermann aglia in the 20s from the hunter pocket watch movement now when rolex was founded back in 1905 by hans wilsdorf and alfred davis all they did was import movements from aeglia in switzerland to london they then has these movements in cases produced by companies such as denison and others and then they sold these watches to jewelers who put their own names on the dials and even their own watches were branded with w and d for wolsdorf and davies so it makes sense that rolex would eventually own this movement and use it in their watches in the 40s and eventually they would come up with the word rolex which was a made-up word and all words are made up like never delia de velia and so back to this piece in front of us which has a few issues as you can see the movement is quite dirty and not currently functioning the crown pendant tube has also snapped in half and the threaded part is stuck inside the case the crystal is cracked and the case is showing its previous battle scars but most notably is this dial it looks like a speckled duck's egg now restoring rolex can be a very polarizing subject especially when it comes to restoring the dial rolex watches seem to be more valuable and more prized by collectors the more battered they are as long as everything is still original so i have to be quite careful on how i approach this restoration but on this watch i can see that the case has already previously been polished the crystal is obviously cracked and will need replacing the movement will require good servicing and oiling and the dial looks like it has been releamed previously but i think we can all agree the dial is quite ugly in its current state i mean it's had a very tough journey very dark now there are some people who like to put things away as family heirlooms as collectibles and i totally get that just as butch's great granddaddy passed you unto his granddad who passed it unto his dad who passed it unto him but there are others who like to enjoy these items on a regular basis and so what i've decided to do in this case is to source an alternative dial and then keep the original dial as it is and so the watch can be enjoyed with a nice clean dial and the original dial can be reinstalled at any time for collecting purposes and the way christopher walken looked at it this was somebody's birth right it'd be damn did somebody put the greasy hands on this original dab okay i think you need to stop that now as i mentioned earlier rolex was still a relatively young company at this stage and so everything was still done a little bit ad hoc which is quite evident on this movement this movement would have had an original eglia serial number and all rolex did was cross it out and put their own serial number on there i did post this question in one of my community posts and some of my very clever subscribers pointed this fact out to me that it may have just been crossed out by rolex so that they can put their own serial number on there so i'll just disassemble the movement inspect all the parts give it a good clean and then reassemble it with some lubrication as you can see the movement is absolutely filthy now the canon pinion is attached directly to the center wheel so i'll just remove this first so it will be easier for the center wheel to come out later on so as you can see on the ratchet wheel it says 15 rubies which means that this is a 15 joule version and a lot of you have asked me in my previous videos what the exact function of these jewels are so if you try and imagine all the moving parts the wheels and pinions they all sit on pivots and these pivots have to rest inside the top and bottom plates now before the use of rubies it just used to be metal against metal and as you can appreciate metal against metal causes a lot of friction and a lot of wear and so these jewels which are actually synthetic rubies act as bearings and so these jewels are very smooth they cause less friction and less wear on the metal parts and they also act as small oil wells for the lubrication to sit and the use of these jewels has enabled watches to become more accurate and more durable so now we can see why the watch wasn't working correctly the hook on the end of the spring has broken off i can also hazard a guess by looking at the excessive wear on the mainspring barrel that the previous mainspring may have been the incorrect width and after measuring the width of this mainspring it measured at 1.55 millimeters and all the parts and parts catalogues do not have this particular mainspring listed for this movement and for those of you who are interested there is a formula in the best fig catalog which you can also find online which has a formula for working out the correct mainspring for your particular barrel size so here all the parts are laid out ready to go in the wash so the pendant tube for the screw down crown has snapped off and the threaded part is stuck inside the case so i'm just gently shaving it out using my ball drill will heal you [Music] so after the parts have come out of the cleaning machine you can see that some of the parts look almost moldy some of the other parts have a lot of wear which i'm not too fussed about and i'm not going to try and restore that but it's just the parts that look like they have some sort of mold or staining on them that i want to address and here you can see the excessive wear to the rhodium plating on the mainspring barrel due to the mainspring being too wide and rubbing against it there seems to be an inscription on this bridge which says 1534. i wonder if that was rolex or if that was the previous watchmaker who serviced this watch so i've borrowed somebody's electric toothbrush i'm not going to say who's it is they may be watching this video i'm only kidding this is a spare old toothbrush it doesn't belong to the accountant and you may be asking why i'm using toothpaste and charcoal your guess is good as mine but some do say that you can see my teeth glowing from the dark side of the moon seems much better the stains have gone and it's only the wear and fading that remains and yes this is a ferrero rocher chocolate tray i miss you with this ferrero rocher you are really spoiling us it's the ambassador's choice and once i've finished with this brushing process the parts will go in an ultrasonic machine then i will do some pegging and then they will go back into the watch cleaning machine [Music] [Music] love [Music] so these are the results after the first and second cutting stage and all that remains is for me to give it a final buff to get rid of any fine scratches or minor swells so i've managed to source another mainspring which according to my calculations should fit our barrel [Music] for those of you who are interested in servicing and oiling this movement you can see that this is a manual wind mainspring and therefore we do not need to oil the inner part of the barrel wall on an automatic mainspring you would apply some breaking grease to the inner part of the barrel wall to allow the mainspring to slip as it constantly winds in an automatic watch i was unable to find an oil chart for this particular movement and in my previous jaja lakota video i have provided a basic outline on what oils to use and where to use them if you don't have an oil chart for a particular vintage movement so please refer back to that if you need a guide on how to oil this particular movement and i'll leave the rest of the segment in silence so you can enjoy the asmr uh so so so right so this is the bit you've all been waiting for i have some very special dials in here for a breitling [Music] okay guys so you can see amongst all these special dials i have these really really look at that patek philippe and within that patek philippe i have this very very rare tiles so i'm gonna use one of these dials yeah i think i'll use this one i did say they were rare i mean where else are you gonna get one of these dials from these dials were hand crafted by our resident watchmakers apprentice aka trouble gerard genta eat your heart out now these special dials are so special they don't have any dial feet so i'll just be using these dial dots to secure the special dial to the movement are you gonna use one of my tails voila looks fabulous i know what you're all thinking while you're sitting there with your hand over your mouth what a brilliant idea and what an amazing dial however on those days where you're not feeling very funky and very adventurous and you want to go for something a bit more conservative i also have this alternative so as for this vintage dial i don't have much information on this style which era it's from which model it's for but i ordered it because it was the correct diameter and the dial feet were also in the correct place and now i'm putting away the original dial in a very dark place now i have managed to source two tubes for this case and the standard sizes seem to be 2.5 millimeters and three millimeters there doesn't seem to be anything else in between so the 2.5 millimeter tube is too small for the case and the three millimeter tube is too big so i'm having to re-tap the thread on the case and hopefully the three millimeter tube should fit i'm nearly done here folks and while i finish off some of you have been trying to message me through instagram i opened up my instagram page many years ago but i stopped using it and don't go on it that often as it scares the life out of me every time i go on there i see young people or more like young kids shaking their bodies uncontrollably as if they're having some sort of epileptic fit i thought we had advanced medication for this type of condition and they're all wearing leggings they're all wearing bloody leggings my kid used to wear leggings over their nappies don't they make normal clothes anymore but if you do want to follow me on instagram then i'll try and get a bit more active on there and i hope you don't mind me sharing my thoughts with you and the reason for me sharing my thoughts is because i also have a young daughter who's on the cusp of becoming a teenager so she's still a tweeny i think it's the natural instinct of every father who has a little girl to try and not only protect his own little girl but everybody else's when he sees them in danger and personally i see this current fad as a bigger danger and a bigger threat than the pandemic that we are facing and so there you have it folks i hope you've enjoyed this video and i hope i've managed to provide you with a bit of escapement and some light entertainment during these forever crazy times i also hope i've managed to provide an alternative solution for those of you who love to collect things but would like to enjoy them at the same time without the fear of ruining them or ruin their originality so thank you everyone for watching thank you for your support thank you for all the lovely comments that you leave and if you would like to show your support then why not become part of the naked watchmaker family by subscribing and liking the videos and sharing it with your friends and family i also have a patreon page if you would like to support the channel and i also have an instagram page and so my message is for any of you young people that may be watching today you don't need to seek approval from the whole world you don't need to show all your beauties to complete strangers that you never met before in your life and stop wearing leggings please buy some proper clothes now to some of you the original dial on this rolex may have been beautiful and to others this current dial may be beautiful it's all subjective but true beauty never requires any attention so what i'm trying to say is everyone is beautiful in their own ways to the ones that are near and dear to them so you don't need approval from the whole planet and from complete strangers on instagram and tick tock and anything else stay safe folks look after yourselves and look after one another and if the almighty wills i'll see you on the next one tara [Music] you
Channel: Nekkid Watchmaker
Views: 824,802
Rating: 4.878716 out of 5
Keywords: Watch restoration, Rolex restoration, vintage Rolex repair, Rolex service, Rolex repair tutorial, Rolex 4499, world war 2 watches, military watch restoration, rolex airking restoration, watch repair tutorial, asmr, mechanical asmr, old watch restorations, watch repair channel, asmr channel, fake rolex, best restoration videos, online learning, online education, make money selling watch, how to make money, start business selling watch, learn english, learn british english
Id: uzSFEsxR5N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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