Vintage boat with seized engine. Will it run?

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a little bit of movement about the tiniest right there that's what we got welcome back to Art of Adventure I'm Mark this is yeah my son Ben he forgot his name for a little bit uh well we had an intro recorded and we lost it I all right so yeah so we're going to be uh finding out today if we can get this engine running and we know that it moves a little bit right but yeah we know it cranks that well quarter inch or so either direction that we found on the way home we're Towing it get a bigger ratchet on there maybe we can turn it over yeah we'll see I know it's pretty rough it's been sitting for quite a while most likely we'll have to pull the engine out at some point I don't know but we're kind of impatient we're gonna see if we can get her started up well we decided no time like the present we're gonna try to get this motor unlocked see what happens I mean the chances of the freeze out plugs and everything like that being okay are just almost non-existent so we'll probably end up pulling the motor eventually here but hey we can't hardly be patient and wait and see if this thing will free up so that's what we're gonna do we pressure washed it down and we can see it again we'll see there it needs some help all right so our alternator is locked up solid so is a carburetor so we're going to try to break the alternator loose instead of doing the right thing and just disconnecting it not well okay not at all not at all the nut came loose that's a plus yeah okay so just pop that nut off and then we'll just pop the pulley off of there there he yeah in theory see what happens instead of trying to get the other bolts loose they're all rusted fast [Music] fins I guess doesn't really matter at this point we're doing this the right way hold on alternator pulley off instead of trying to get those bolts loose so that it's moving yeah that way we can try to crank the engine over by hand of course yeah hey hey there we go it's literally stuck there there we go we're gonna do the alternator no doubt about that now water pump hey actually turned all right okay I mean it'll definitely have to get replaced but hey yeah it turns a little bit of movement about the tiniest right there that's what we got see that I just fell through the floor oh hey this engine will turn yeah I'm gonna unpeel that belt off again I don't have to but Tails we're gonna do one of those hey how is this turning hey your belt's stuck yet yeah what on Earth that is legitimately cranking the whole way around yep okay you know what that means fired up we're gonna put a factory in this bad boy oh I got some carburetors unstuckled stuckled first we gotta do something with carburetor and it won't put a battery in this thing see if the lights on fire and uh the whole thing yeah and then we gotta jump the ignition switch because here's my pile of junk I threw out of the boot earlier yeah can a wd-40. right here let's see what it even works how neat is that wrenches Leatherman should sponsor us well that would really be something the wrong tools for the right gym hey I use Leatherman for almost everything all right oh here you want some of this free WD-40 I'm actually gonna yeah it's freeze ah okay so the wind's blowing this way I guess we'll just soak the area down yep it's like you're spray painting it I would do a lot more than that yeah even down inside inside get those butterflies everything all oh nice and lubricated that's the right way doing it this will get people happy hey I think we're making we're making progress now oh yeah is it turning it is all right look at that we got an accelerator pump it's moving it doesn't do them anything all right accelerated pump is actually quite stuck down in there but it's all right I don't need one of those unless you have one we had one so I guess we'll have to get it yeah love them we don't need it to crank the thing over and spray something down inside the schnozzola so we got some batteries so we're gonna stick in here they're just car batteries for now well that one was out of my son's go-kart Rumble and this one was out of my wife's Expedition so this work so we're getting ready to try to crank this engine over without a key that'll be fun nice thing is the steering wheel actually turns now steering wheel up top on the fly bridge that was locked up and we disconnected the carburetor and our throttle moves let's actually moved back that's amazing and this is the shift it into reverse well that's reverse that's neutral so if I leave it neutral probably I like it I like it a lot now I got to come back here and have a looksie doozer Rooney that is the most massive thing though oh yeah I'm working right at both the wasp nest but I haven't seen a single wasp come out of it so I think we're good there's our back of our ignition switch so we're gonna see what happens there when we start jumping stuff that actually looks like it's pretty well organized yeah that's not bad I've worked on this yeah all right so we checked this out and that's our starter thinking about it but I think our starter is locked up oh hey hey the engine's cranking yeah okay so all right we're gonna try spraying some carb cleaner in there see if she fires we have the muffs hooked up with the water run into it I don't see water pouring out any freeze out plugs it's actually pretty amazing kind of surprising so we're gonna try it yeah all right let's spray some in lost my brows doing that once but hey going back again here we go put the sunglasses on yeah [Music] we have no idea if you have a spark or anything but it cranks but those cranks that's something we're gonna check for spark I mean considering we pressure washed it you know and the distributor cap I have no idea what spark plugs look like yeah oh we'll test that coil and go from there all right so we're checking the coil out um well we're testing the points basically and when we crank it that's supposed to Blink and let me go back to my ignition wires because I don't have a switch and you can watch what happens if you're blinking right there nothing just solid yeah so therefore those points aren't doing a thing which actually I'll be surprised if they were so we gotta pull that cap off so Ben's trying to clean the points up back in here we got the cap off really tough to see I can kind of see if it missed angle but let's even get them cleaned up so we can get that to work properly all right this is what it's supposed to look like we finally got the points cleaned up let's see if we can show you that light it's supposed to Blink when it's breaking yep okay we got blink entry good we're gonna see if she fires ah it's very quite quite a bit in there come on buddy it's raining while we're cracking oh that's fun all right I think it's a try yeah go ahead and spray some happy juice in there happy juice [Music] starter sounds great it's actually it is building oil pressures that's pretty is it yeah I feel like the very weak turniness of it yeah is our battery any good well I mean it was we can hook the other battery up too and hook both and just crank off of both of them yeah all right try it again close this number third try no more than that number fifth try ready yep come on buddy and that thing goes yeah all right well we got our ratchet sticking out of the carburetor now and give us more air here that way it's not hand towards my head foreign spark plugs that's okay okay one strange thing this is a 1979 boat we have the refrigerator running right now and it's cold like this is a little freezer it's frosty in there how is that even possible it's 12 volts I'm sitting for that long and it works this is amazing just in case anyone's wondering the tool set we're using is Harbor Freight my the biggest tool set to Harbor Freight sells it's actually a pretty sweet set it's not great I mean the wrenches aren't amazing screwdrivers are amazing but it has about every socket you can possibly think of in it and has a spot for everything so I really like it just make sure we put everything back when we're done it's very mobile I like them you get it for 200 and they're on sale 230 240 normally okay all right round 15. so how about we check and make sure our coil is still grounding oh you're right about the one shot thing [Music] that's working as it should more yeah probably a lot of them I think it's got plenty foreign all right I'm gonna hold down the cat here in those little flopping around maybe our ratchet isn't angled right yeah like that was it so we found out our ignition coil is shot I think it's way too weak not putting not near enough spark yeah the Ty's trying it's not just not doing well well here's my other son Arthur he's uh joining just to check out things what do you think Arthur um yeah I'm not really sure what I think at the moment it's a little bit like okay go ahead and crank her over Ben mm-hmm give her a little dildo juice okay go ahead you're gone okay I mean he's still close to tries yeah I wonder if those points are still acting up that was the best we had so far it was pretty good okay crank it over it's definitely thinking about it once in a while okay try it again I lost both my eyebrows doing this one time that was pretty neat so I don't advise people to actually do it this way you know we know what sputters once in a while I think we're gonna have to get new points and condenser we put a coil in here from Ben's Volkswagen Beetle kind of just hanging out in there so try it one more time all right come on hole girl I know you've been sleeping for very long time and you're like no we just what's going on in here Ben why are the cranking so weird well look at this all right so we gotta hold these two together with their fingers and then you take this one you attach it from there so hence the reason it's this wire fell out we don't need that so what's your opinion Arthur thing the uh fridge works so you can keep your beers cold while you're broken down but we don't drink beer well Mountain Dew [Music] probably worse for them beer Arthur is just a reference Arthur is six foot six so that's that's the reason he can't stand up in here what do you think of our bathroom [Laughter] this is my son-in-law David he's helping with the boat as well he helped on the other boat project too yeah he came along on our journey what do you thinking about this so far it looks like a a mess but I think we can I'm I mean I've seen what you can do and uh guys just keep on watching because this is going to be a cool boat I tell you what we're gonna make it really cool so what are you sitting next to yeah you wouldn't think that I would do this but uh not in normal circumstance would I do this but I'm sitting right beside a uh I guess as a wasp nest so yeah in uh in real life no just kidding I wouldn't do this but I guess they're out of here so there's a bunch of wasps nests or wasps that are all over the place dead so I don't know something happened to them so it's just a nest now so now we're gonna get this thing out of here so there are a few fascinating things about this boat that actually work like the horn I don't know how the wipers okay um well they move let's not use them right now there's nothing in them nothing in them and they're no no wiper refilling no uh okay the I don't know about the tack we weren't watching that very close I know the oil pressure was working who knows about temp fuel gauge was was moving the volt meter was working I mean I can't hardly believe that most of this stuff is working we turned the pump switch on over here and you can't hear that probably but there's a sump pump that kicks on and all the navigation lights the in the the lights inside of here they come on and off sometimes what's that that's pretty neat I don't know about the outside ones and the refrigerator and there are certain things like these little guys pow how I mean this shouldn't work but they do and even this one over here that was next to a open window for how long that thing works we don't know so it's a new day kind of several days later and we got some parts see if we can get this thing going we put a new ignition coil in there and uh we got incredibly sick and tired of doing this so we did that we got ignition switch with a key all right so it works now it's amazing what happens you hook it up right that's good all right that's a lot but go ahead okay all right hey folks don't do this at home we have spark we checked that so we don't have enough fuel that carb cleaner wasn't quite cutting it I don't recommend doing this but we're gonna dump some gasoline down at schnozzola it is two cycle so hopefully lubricate things up and not be quite as explosive okay that's that's probably plenty and it's everywhere I'm Gonna Stand Inside the boat in case this thing blows up so that's what we're doing we have the spare carburetors off of a pickup truck not quite the same setup Lots extra vacuum ports which we don't need so we're going to transfer the top over with the throttle pump is all locked up onto this one I know it's not great we're definitely have to rebuild it at some point but at least we'll get everything moving This way everything down inside of that one does move now got it freed up and even that it all works again but we don't have a new gaskets with us or anything we just really like to get this thing to fire yep all right whoa wow okay try again that's the most excessive had all day drop the throttle down some keep going wow not that again [Music] all right keep the Throttle Down she's alive okay let's do that again because I like to hear it and give it some throat I don't know if it might not actually do anything with the throttle but whoa whoa hey we got gasoline going everywhere trying to get down the filler hole I don't know how a guy from my script garage does that okay go ahead [Music] that's amazing all right what are you feeling Ben wow wow it wasn't even misfired I think uh we got a new carburetor on there what will be okay yeah we don't dump a little less fuel down next time yeah definitely new carburetor I know there's lots of fuel laying down in there it wasn't the greatest idea in the world um don't don't do that you got your fuel in your engine not on your engine yeah well hey in this case leverage yeah right full coverage of the intake yes okay we're using two-cycle oil yeah well we wanted a little lubrication in there but yeah anyway it runs I'm Tickle Pink with it I was getting all kinds of stuff flung at me from that crank pulley down there so much rust it was fascinating but you heard it a miracle just happened it runs and it doesn't even knock actually sounds really good it sounds fine okay [Music] [Music] she's alive
Channel: Rugged Wrench
Views: 52,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: will it run?
Id: s25U8t9h_SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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