Vinland Saga's Most Disturbing Episode (So Far)

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all right let's get this over with sorry if I don't seem like I'm in the best mood about this but I already know what's gonna happen so I am not looking forward to this at all today we're talking about episode 18 season 2 of Inland Saga titled the first method and with a Crunchyroll description like that I'd have to say the foreshadowing is on point so the great king Canute is on his way to steal kettle's Farm because he's really feeling himself after this whole royal glow up he's been going through recently I mean he's already committed fratricide and patricide what's stealing somebody's land at this point killing a couple hundred villagers [ __ ] it let's just do this thing cattle arrives back in the farm still shell-shocked over the situation realizing that he's basically been evicted from his land for something that he didn't do and he's rightfully well traumatized now of course thorgil hears that you want to evict him and he's going to want the smoke this man lives and breathes smoke he hasn't tasted air day in his life I'm pretty sure he goes to sleep with black Air Forces on and so as thorgil rallies the troops for what is sure to be the fastest suicide run in history Kettle walks off and attempts to find arnhide his comfort woman his only source of peace in this troubling time a slave woman a slave woman huh I pronounced that weird I probably should have taken it out it's almost like I wanted to put emphasis on the word slave anyway leaf and his crew of merchants are desperately trying to get Kettle to not only pay them for the cargo but also Point them in the way of thorfin so that they can get the [ __ ] out of Dodge before the king shows up but Kettle is in full zombie State looking for arnahide speaking of arnheide dolphin and niner are tied up from having tried to help her escape and they're wondering whether or not she's going to get any really brutal punishment but considering the fact that arnheide is kettle's mistress is you know hopeful to believe that she won't have to suffer nearly as bad as anybody else would you would hope however given the gravity of the situation I mean a lot of people have died as a result of this whole Escapade yeah let's call it that it's kind of up in the air what's actually going to happen to Ironhide when Kettle finds out and if that didn't make things messy enough she's also pregnant with his child I wonder how he's gonna take the news Well we don't have to wait long to find out because cattle's going around haunting the farm trying to find arnhide when he suddenly runs into his wife and she gives him the whole story about Garda showing up and aren't High trying to escape and let's just say oh Kettle snaps that boy snaps hard so before we get into the moment that for me really makes this episode what it is let's review the situation real quick on kettle's behalf so here we have a man who essentially got cucked earlier in life by his neighboring Village's leader uh went through the trouble of building up his father's Farm uh gave slaves a way to free themselves lied about his past as a warrior so that he could continue to be soft-hearted without scrutiny uh built up political alliances to protect himself and his farm from Invaders and got framed and had all of that taken away from him in pretty much what was a weekend and now his mistress trying to escape I'm mentioning all of this and I want you to remember all of this for what comes next I want you to remember all of this because I'm trying to give this man the benefit of the doubt let's go so Leaf at least wants to verify that the dorphin that he's here to get is the real thorphin but snake's not letting him in without permission from Kettle so snake other dorphin and leaf all go in search of kettle this brings us to the next scene where arnheit is getting sexually harassed and threatened by the mercenary who's supposed to be guarding her and then Kettle shows up and I would just like to say that I've seen some very very violent things happen in this show but this is personally the most disturbing thing that I have seen in all of Inland Saga thus far and I say all that to say trigger warning shit's about to get real if domestic violence or violence against women or specifically violence against pregnant women disturbs you or triggers anything I want you to skip to this time stamp that is on the screen right now because is it's a doozy and so Kettle comes in on [ __ ] demon time he tells the garden to leave now I need to talk to her alone you know what that means and so arnheide Bowser head and closes her eyes she's expecting a big Angry tongue lashing and then out of nowhere this man hits her so hard that Sean Connery would blush Jesus Christ he Molly wops the ever living [ __ ] out of her God damn I can't tell if that shock or if her life just flashed before her eyes you see that look in his eyes there is no mercy behind those eyes there is no peace only problems and then he stabs her in the [ __ ] stomach bro I'm gonna be completely honest this was the moment I had to pause that episode in fact I'm pausing it right now because every time I see that yeesh yeesh so Arnold starts pleading with him that she's pregnant and that you know please don't aim for the stomach but this man ain't having it he doesn't believe a word she has to say anymore he is done trusting her he just starts going in and I really Gotta Give It to the sound design of Finland Saga whoever does the sound effects because holy [ __ ] it sounded like her body turned into straight jelly with those Club Hits foreign this man was channeling the spirit of the Joker beating Down Jason Todd and you know what the part is about the scene that really makes it the most disturbing well I mean except for the fact he's beating up a pregnant woman is the fact that this is the scene where you finally realize how enslaved arnhide is compared to all the other slaves on the farm everybody else has a way to make it out and become free except for arnheim because she is kettle's pride and joy and he's never going to let that go key word here is pride nobody's going to take his pride from him not even her and because she is his slave and his property he can do whatever he wants to with her in his mind including beat the ever living [ __ ] out of her for stress relief and it takes snake coming in and stomping him and reminding him that while she is his property if you continue to beat her she will be dead he decides to stop because he doesn't want to let her go not even into death and so you remember all that stuff I brought up earlier about you know how kettle's really going through it and how you know he's been through all of this stuff up until now and then this scene happens I want you to ask yourself do you feel sympathy Forum at all after all this do you feel even the slightest inclination to give him the benefit of the doubt because I sure as hell don't [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] him holy [ __ ] in one scene for me Kettle became the absolute worst character in all of Inland Saga the worst human being in this show holy [ __ ] bar none Bar None [ __ ] I ain't got no love for slavers so yeah for me this was the most disturbing episode of Inland Saga today I just there were so many moments around that beating where I just had to pause and just take a moment and walk around my room call my friends and just decompress about what I just witnessed because I have not seen an ass whooping that brutal into a more undeserving character than arnhide and probably I can't remember when it's really crazy how a single scene can just completely change your opinion on a character up until this I was like wow kettle's really cool free enslaves and allowing them to have land and even been giving them an opportunity once they're free to you know just join a farm and be a normal citizen but now woo worst character easily worst character what do you guys think uh this Kettle the worst character in your book after this uh how did you feel the first time you saw this scene uh did you cringe did you have to take a break did it not even bother you let me know in the comments section what you thought anyway I'll talk to you guys later see ya foreign [Music]
Channel: Hazy Town
Views: 17,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0ZlF-zEE0b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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