[Vinesauce] Vinny - Sega Saturn Curioso Pack #1

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more later but now Sega Saturn there's apparently rumors of a possible Sega Saturn Mini so I got a pack here and this pack is you know a series of Sega Saturn games some Japanese that were translated into English and other just weird stuff we're calling this the Sega Saturn curios but this pack was made by and the name is gone well read Jackal vetted it and you know fix it up so thank you for that jackal I'm gonna get the name of a person who made this pack because they they should be credited and it is bizarre or Basil 68k so yeah just a bunch of weird Saturn games I've never seen before I never had the Saturn it was an ill-fated system with some good games on it and apparently these are games so let's take a look here's a game we're gonna start with called three dirty dwarves five-minute twitch crusts so just refresh your page if you're getting some crusts happens to everyone at the same time five minutes into a stream every time it's utterly bizarre bizarre I kind of love this music middle-earth a path in the forest heading north what do you mean by the gate what do you mean middle-earth it's dark they have the Lord of the Rings license is that [Music] climate or go around climate who's gonna climb it hold it I knew I loved up there playing D&D orcs and humans working together in middle-earth my turn there org attack from the bushes oh that's an or okay the the green dude is not wow this is some really crusty compression [Music] it's trying it's very best hey why'd you saw it I love this oh my oh my god did you see to save us they must fight to this world here looks like this where's Doug what am I gonna do what this is really a fascinating video game because I don't know what the [ __ ] is happening anymore and I haven't even played the game yet but this is the gate that we've been looking for now we must pound the earth we must pound the earth everything's so zoomed in and like crapped out well that was gross [ __ ] ripped his insides out [Music] that this game is is already [ __ ] and totally right like I'm struggling to understand the tone [Music] [Music] you're going through there I'm not going through there maybe we should go for are they just like stuck playing the game [Music] [Applause] [Music] what what [Music] I mean is this like a fish out of water story where like these medieval dudes are now stuck in real life look at this place they're not worried they armour smiled upon us weapons there for the taking and you know it's a well-equipped bin Armour ourselves for battles to come helmets clubs all right we will save these children do you think we should freshen up a little bit before we go no no time for that this is a gem [Music] man I don't even have to play I just looked at cutscene rug crust [Applause] do I get to play the game yet [Applause] I think I can now play the game Wow unbelievable just an unbelievable series of events and they know that the kids that are playing we're captured somehow like they know oh my god all right so it's the Bronx everybody yep and already this is a gun store in the Bronx I mean I know the Joker stairs are in the Bronx but I guess some okay instead of fighting just military men you have to actually fight like corks and [ __ ] and I guess trolls move from there from there I'll just keep shooting I'm good yeah this is this is an amazing hybrid of nonsense it's just an amalgamation of so many different things that don't fit with each other totally but yeah I like it weirdly enough I really find this as a beat'em up though is it good I don't really know yet I love that mechanic okay I mean it kind of works it's definitely the Bronx yeah we got like a full five and a half minute cutscene or so just for a generic beat them up with dudes wielding shotguns and clothes you gotta hit your friends to bring them back okay so there are people that are actually aware of this game oh yeah it's right time [Music] what a bunch of junkies there's a yeah my dudes got our dead Vinny stop making fun of Xenoblade it hurts I love the game what what do you mean making fun of it I'm doing literally doing lines from the game I'm just doing the voices from the game as they say the words I know but mocking broseph you're right you new to the streams that's what I do I do the things I do the voices just using me fables yeah I do the voices because I like the game I've been playing it I wanted to share that I've been playing it and enjoying it this guy's a [ __ ] joke alright anyway sorry I just I had to address that I saw that like randomly my brain saw the chat message I had to do it all right I don't want to play this game anymore but I love that intro and the game itself is I'm sure good I'm not good at it I didn't like find a way to play it properly and it froze so that's not good but that was [ __ ] bizarre and one of the most amazing Sunday stream cut scenes I've seen in a long time I loved it people are saying to watch the ending all right well there's a lot of games in this pack so I'm gonna be moving quickly chat don't don't expect for me to spend a ton of time per game I will watch the ending though three dirty dwarves ending I mean spoilers this video quality is probably not going to be great but then again it wasn't to begin with so okay here we go Tuscany so I'm gonna skip around because there's a lot of it gonna be so they buggins each time [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty I think they just beat the [ __ ] out of the general after he shows them weapons and it's it's wonderful okay let's let's uh let's check out a game called brain-dead which some of you may know is a direct reference to me but yeah that that intro cutscene was pretty [ __ ] amazing I don't think we're gonna have an easy time topping that topple brain-dead 13 wait wait maybe we can't top it [Music] yo what [Music] [Applause] okay so there's extreme violence in this one too you only need to use directional buttons for this okay it's like Dragon's Lair hang on a minute okay okay okay this is the game this is the game run you have to just press directions that you think you could go in it's a good thing he can't die wow it's 90s dude no no good okay at least I can skip through some of it run-run [ __ ] then you go a different way I'm pressing I have to go back the way go go go go right yes it's just guessed the direction otherwise you die idiot no nope nope nope nope nope nope nope oh my god [Applause] [Music] that was my worst nightmare no it's time to leave shaggy Rogers please leave I'm trying to press the buttons press it mashing the buttons will will take away your input [Applause] [Applause] I'm actually trying to press the buttons now I'm really really trying I can't go left I pressed left several times can't do it oh there's an action button - it's not just the it's not just the arrows you have to like jump to some - okok yep you just have to get lucky and press the right thing Vivi's oh [ __ ] this is where VV from Final Fantasy 9 hangs out okay [Music] that's not VP she could only eat soup I really don't need I know exactly Sega Saturn really Sega Saturn she says bite and that's it what an ass shot it's time to leave it's time to leave I hate this game please how do I leave I need to leave leave leave it's time to leave oh my god [Music] again just guessed the direction someone said this is the hardest part of the game oh my god rewinds no no rewind I hate it please there's no indication of what button I should be pressing when let me try a different rewind yeah even I can't do rewinds for some reason weirdly enough watch her fingers they are the huh continue continue long button again okay so it's up what's up left [Music] dead hey hey oh I hate it really it's it's just fitting people are saying watch the fingers I don't know what they're trying to tell me just pressing buttons [ __ ] you I got it right accidentally a couple times but I don't know if I can keep doing this chat one more time [Music] [Applause] okay I got it [Music] this is the worst how do I not die [Applause] I will spend another minute okay now I [Music] heard there was a correct button there somewhere I got it accidentally right not that way [Music] I don't know when to press it I don't know accidentally got it facial [Music] it's Final Fantasy 7 remake all over again [Music] [Music] he's dead oh my god if you fail this one you have to go back yeah very far [Music] I sort of watch the cartoon god dammit I heard the right like I press the right thing by accident I'm now just pressing buttons failed if you press write don't keep pressing yet it's hard to know sometimes what your what was the you know correct button price got it it's also hard to know exactly when oh no oh no oh no [Music] I'm done no more of that I had no idea I even had to press something next one's called bulk / and I think that actually managed to beat the previous game I thought that we weren't gonna top three dirty dwarves in terms of cutscene that definitely definitely topped that I'd recommend looking up the rest of that game on youtube if you want to see more of it but welcome to bulk / no relation to bulk bogan maybe apparently this is a very good game stop ready Oh weird that was jarring [Music] I yeah Sugoi it's look how Sugoi that was that was [ __ ] really Sugoi cool some interesting controls you have to turn with the R and L buttons and then you strafe with the directional this seems kind of like your standard whoa [Music] then I press the wrong input oh no oh oh dear oh dear [Music] [Applause] this is otherwise a very chill game so far it's I don't even really think that's the right word for it [Music] the Saturn had a very distinct visual style that even set it apart from the PlayStation and I feel like this is a good indication of what the system is capable of [Music] yeah I never had a Saturn I never played one until I started streaming so for me the system was always just like videos and screenshots and what I would read in the magazines about how no one was buying it which is a shame you know because Sega tried to do way too many add-ons it's like this like how the Saturn came out and started competing with the 32x but yeah this is pretty good I'm gonna say that you know for a mech game I'm not really the biggest mech game dude but I played a couple why you just keep talking huh it's like xenoblade levels of talking oh I'm going the wrong way I think that's why [Music] what ish yes Z Z no Z knows I know potato potato I know what the word Nani means [Music] get the shoot missiles mihawk oh this that is gonna be burned into my [ __ ] retina [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just trying to figure out all the controls there are many controls let me let me get in there and light saber these what mech game would be complete without a giant laser sword I like this though I mean I could see if I had this like and I had Sega Saturn when I was a kid I would have I would have liked out of like this it plays pretty well from what I can tell and I like the visual style sure my mech is a sprite but it works I just don't know if I'm winning son hard to tell also the Saturn had six face buttons and I had to bind them to this controller and it's kind of not good like some of the face buttons are now shoulder buttons [Music] elevator action returns is next Mihoko desk yeah the Xbox had six the n64 had six if you count the C buttons as buttons and that you should they were just like a proto control stick but bad well that face you [Music] no music can't tell if glitched or just no music thing I made this 1997 so later on this dude looks like he's from un squadron [Music] glogg eighteen beretta m92 f I didn't even it just chose the character for me because arcade game [Music] point oh it's this point enough point banana is impressive really good someone's got a really good tag I know that moment the Goldeneye noise the [ __ ] yeah it's Hotel Mario but shoot Donkey Kong yeah I don't really um oh you got a double tap - oh my god oh my god I don't really like the way the game controls but I can see this being fun in the arcades you you really can't take any chances with those goddamn elevators can you [Music] Oh [Music] priya priya pritiiata new society so it's a really weird Arkady game that feels like it belongs in a different generation but it's kind of cool and there's big grenades too of course and you can flip I don't know how to get over I guess I have to go top floor I screwed up I'm stuck down here oh yeah it's very it feels like an easy game in the 90s but that's not necessarily a bad thing it's it's just a little sluggish I don't know if I love the controls but I'm also playing like [ __ ] really interesting interesting game I mean this is called the Sega Saturn curios pact cheerio so and this is definitely a curiosity an anomaly and I'm getting crushed again game tengoku [Music] then he please look up elevator action that is the original okay Hunter Dominici potatoes access to mosquito the [ __ ] that was captain of the enterprise for a short time you and me I guarantee she didn't say hentai chat I guarantee it I don't know for sure if she didn't nevermind eyes are so far apart yeah I'm gonna have to read the readme on this one holy [ __ ] [Music] no I'm gonna mode though and then you choose a [ __ ] okay well I got to choose this is this like per odious hog it's got like a per odious vibe to it Wow yeah it's a shmup in an arcade and [Music] I bet there are better games being played down there [Music] Vinny this is a to who I thought to who had the witch Marissa in it I don't know what that I don't I don't know is Annamayya Chandra I every time I say that I have like seven people contact me and they're like then I'm very disappointed in you for not knowing that enemy is not a genre is anime and eggplant I don't know [Music] [Music] but yeah I don't know is this is shmup or or wood what makes this a to whose bullet-hell shoot okay I thought - who was a series that included the same characters that showed up regularly it's it's hog Ikaruga [Music] to who is a bullet-hell shmup series - who isn't a game I'm getting very conflicting information in chat to who is a franchisee - who is a genre okay well I've given up I've officially given up and no longer care [Music] [Music] - who is a way of life it says another chat member how good cloud music oh [Music] we're leaving the arcade no we're not speaking of arcades the coin game got a survival update dakatoka is it like a machine gun noise like is that supposed to be a thing it's doing a thing [Music] Oh [Music] it's not a bad game I mean again it's got that peroneus feel to it which is a good game and it's there we go now I can just hold the button and shoot that's that's good I don't know how many times I want to hear yoga but yeah that's fine [Music] I do like that I'm fighting teddy bears as a little hog I think that's cute and I think good for you game for you know doing something different good on you that's weird [Music] a stray cat curl appears in your [ __ ] to lose I cannot destroy Vinnie this game is on Steam oh really [Music] do I want to try to kill ya alright fine [Music] people just wanted to see this Vinny the next boss is fantastic what do you mean the next class is fantastic what do you mean you can't just say that now I have to know I have to see it [Music] I have to at least find out with his next bosses even if the game is now getting a little bit difficult for me [Music] yo [Music] [ __ ] hog noises [Music] oh that was I saw that happening and I just what had happened [Music] we are we sure the boss isn't just gonna be like a Gundam well it's this game so probably not please many lives do I have left or continues around there I don't know here we go boss boss boss boss this better be amazing it's a Gundam what the [ __ ] this wasn't this wasn't worth [ __ ] Voltron it's a girl like Voltron wasn't necessarily funny then he not a Gundam is an anime Gundam he does have feet hands though kayo flying squadron [Music] you you Vidia was the next boss oh I'm sure it was I wouldn't even be surprised if the boss after that was actually really good I wouldn't be but let's just keep going I'm hungry Oh No Oh is this stuff going to be amazing the Dragon Ball I didn't mean to disturb your dinner but I need this but I just destroy their [ __ ] house why don't you what the [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey stars give it back to me you can have it instead I'll give you something much better feeling Merry Christmas did he say Christmas he didn't say Christmas did he know the top note could just say Christmas [Music] just checking okay together will bring us incredible wealth go Rami find all of the orbs and bring them back hmm look at her hands okay tell me what just kidding Keio flying squadron to this dub is [ __ ] hilarious I have not taken a moment to breathe since this started I thought this is gonna be another like shooter very loud lowering yeah the face we're gonna have face it's a very sluggish platformer is that oh my god well there it is [Music] right and full view of everyone this is like every trope it's just all here everything is here Kappas tanukis tanukis balls very nice very good bunny girls Oh bad dub I mean you would think they would spread this out a little bit so like you get the Casa in level 2 and the tanuki in level 3 or something but nope we're getting we're getting it all no checkpoint um yeah I don't know if I want to continue playing this because again it is a very very sluggish platformer and in order to run it like your character has to take a full second and a half sprint so not the biggest band so far [Music] [Music] oh no this one's called rabbit [Music] how about that [Music] eek mighty Amos [Music] [Music] but why [Music] I finally understand that yet you know when people give me [ __ ] for not liking anime or for liking anime too much which I have no experience with it almost so it's just a funny dichotomy but when people give me [ __ ] for not understanding anime and and like you know having like in my mind a weird image of what it is everything we've seen tonight is what it is in my mind and I know that's not true but it's the first thing my mind goes to when I hear the word that and an eggplant yes [Music] you yep so it's a fighting game why do we have like them what are they called persona animus stands personas okay I thought they were called animus they're not yeah now this is a it's a stand I get it now I know what everyone's talking about when they say that word finally isn't that something you can hear the enthusiasm of my voice I hate it I don't like it very much very much at all no no sir [Music] beast force it's cold [Laughter] [Music] my character is just unbelievable I'm assuming it's a baby assuming it's a baby but I've been wrong before [Music] let's let's call let's call it a grown baby [Music] there are just some things I didn't need to know that existed you know like I'm fine with the knowledge that I I don't know if that sentence doesn't really make any sense [Music] you [Music] you so once it Vinnie why are you so disdainful of Japanese culture Vinnie you're American is showing I get similar comments Vinnie why do you play so much weep stuff so which one is it okay so let me just explain on Sunday stream people make packs for me and I play them from my perspective of just what is this is this Japanese culture though what I'm looking at right now I'm sure Japanese culture has more to offer than just whatever the [ __ ] is on the screen right now though so anyway hope that helps as an answer because Vinnie this is pretty much it okay well consider me absolutely completely confused [Music] someone said it's like calling Star Trek American culture I think I've had enough of this thank you for that chat message one guy you you amused me very great let's continue this one's called road rash you probably have heard of this [Music] Wow another EA game it's in your ass rusty cage really I was literally [ __ ] listening to Soundgarden today I was a.cian to Badmotorfinger while I was doing my emails I also cannot sadly listen listen to the I would love to but that's going to be a Vaud moot like a big one Wow it's also probably Avadh muted right you know I won't we played road rash for you to go into thrash mode you know to mean you man why do I hate American culture so much by playing this road rash game and being confused by it and having disdain for it that's so weird when are we getting Middies now after hearing [ __ ] rusty cage in the beginning [Music] so I know what Road Rash is I've never actually played one maybe I have on a Sunday stream that just goes to show you how much are a member of Sunday streams especially when I play you know eight games in one night for one system or more than eight but you played the 3do version okay well the game sounds like [ __ ] and it started so promising kind of looks like [ __ ] to a little bit but again it's the Saturn and it's trying it's trying its very best [Music] is it trying it's very very best though I wonder where's my bike Oh No Oh No wow that was really awkward how do I recover from this there's no way [Music] well it's not even a race what is it then do I have to beat the [ __ ] out of people and that's it isn't there a road rash with weapons where you can like hit people while someone just died holy [ __ ] someone just got ran over by a car [Music] I want to like hit someone with a chain if possible [Music] [Music] well it's kind of mindless really just boring more than anything I want to like it because the concept of beating the [ __ ] out of people on motorcycles I guess is kind of entertaining but oh god this is a really bad version of Road Rash don't let it color your perception fair enough I as spider-man I'm here to beat this [ __ ] of other motorcyclists in the big city of what is what city is this mega city turned francisco because there is not a single straight road in this entire [ __ ] game again they got the license too rusty cage and then they play a bunch of farty midis that's just obscene yeah this game is called shinobi X so you know expect expect exactly what you think it is mmm-hmm yep [Music] yes yes it's real actors I love the camera zooms [Music] yes that particular sound effect [ __ ] yeah [Music] we must now fire for I must kill me you have disgraced my offer how should I do that [Music] what these aren't the droids you're looking for [Music] [Music] well that's a bunch of confusing cuts only a man with true power can ever rule this world none can match my evil power [Music] but I still need one and that is the ultimate power it will scribe the scroll of the ninjutsu I got the worst image on the show you are the only obstacle cutting what I want [Music] Wow if that doesn't get you all hyped up for the rest of the game I don't know what would and yes that sounded like the Metal Gear Solid Snake sound effect very much too much snake snake snake [Music] all right so they took the MORTAL KOMBAT approach keep in mind this is also not that long after Mortal Kombat became pretty popular for employing the real actor technique trying to get a feel for the oh [ __ ] someone who leave behind cartoon bombs like Looney Tunes [ __ ] Roadrunner bombs [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know controls are a little stiff but you know they're going for the realism with the with the actors wrong button I guess it's solid enough I could see people enjoying this seems to function there a Run button yeah there is it's just your characters are so big that by the time you get to the you know they're already throwing [ __ ] at you by the time you get there someone said this does not look fun to play I would not classify this as fun necessarily so far but maybe someone else would agree that maybe someone else would have fun I got some nice Yoshimitsu Eska moves [Music] that's alright it's not bad by any means looks nice too even though with the cheesy actors being you know filmed and turned into sprites it's still kind of cool [Music] [Music] you like a different sword move if you're running you could like lunge at enemies I mean there's definitely effort that was put into this this is not a bad video game I just don't know if I love the way it plays but I absolutely adore the opening movie that was I mean this has been a hell of a [ __ ] game collection I just when you thought the previous game could not be topped or any of the previous games another one comes along and is like nope but you see that move how the [ __ ] do I do that again [Music] Krusty met oh [ __ ] 3d [Music] [Applause] three D 343 d3 it's got like almost a castlevania paste to it [Music] [Applause] and you're rewarded with a cutscene I never walk Sudan you audit a logical system then he was that a controller I don't know [Music] okay well there are people that are enjoying this I won't be the one to play it you know entirely I'm sure there's a full I'm sure there's a full playthrough somewhere but this is a pretty good game I'd recommend checking it out if you can find a way to do so [Music] you know how I feel about this jumping right now vertically but music is great I guess you kinda owe you can hang to yeah now this is this is a good game like some of this stuff I was worried about seems to like be addressed from time to time while these are some tall [ __ ] trees [Music] is that what they built they built fake trees wow that was awesome [Music] [Music] no I haven't played into the other shinobi games someone said um check out the ending I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do that time commando is next but great game so far again a little stiff on the controls but that's kind of what that's supposed to be I mean it's also got that Mortal Kombat vibe I liked it I thought that was the best game of the night so far for me at least but I need to see the ending if you don't want to be spoiled then you know you probably don't want to see this but I'm gonna take a look at some of the stuff because it looks cool if you hear a hiss in the background that's my air conditioner snaky wait this is shinobi legions that's not what I want you I got something I found something Legion is the American title well here this is a complete playthrough this is the end right here so flashing colors of course you have been defeated is this really the ultimate power of the Ancients [Music] are you going to finish me now [Music] you [Music] I guess we just lose sound for a short time let's find oh it's probably vowed muted it could probably get Auto muted on YouTube [Music] yes I wouldn't exactly say I needed to see this without the context of the full game but it's I Walter Haught on wound up in that detail [Music] it's yeah it's just it's dutiful ending oh here we go there we go oh the typical stuff big reverb big bass lines let's continue [Music] Stein who is someone wrote Steinfeld bass it's not it's really not Steinfeld is it it's just a bass that had a little bit of slap on it that's all it's a very top a bass [Music] I'm not gonna say it chat I'm not gonna say it sorry my inner Steinfeld had to come out for a second that is a walk animation and a half holy [ __ ] whoa whoa while they predicted iPads [Music] [Laughter] man I love early computer animation that was like not particularly high budget look at that oh my god that is so ugly Oh No well oh alright see ya dudes playing a video game HTC holy [ __ ] the people who made the vive stinky sausage fingers please you every time a new game is played on this segment something amazing is seamed I don't even know what kind of game this is let me make sure I chose the right stuff even in the notepad that Jaco left it says these models are awful looking it says I'm confused as [ __ ] and I don't know what's going on good luck well you tried I don't think anyone oh my god it's so awful and it's okay there's a monkey I have to select fists in order to punch oh look at that motion FMV Final Fantasy seven would famously use this trick oh my god [Music] jesus what a [ __ ] janky mess it's trying I mean it's such an early 3d game that it you know I'd give it credit for trying someone in chat said welp that was someone's ancestor I have to like punch a tiger is that a saber-toothed tiger what's that stock sound effect little wretched game missus [Music] just kicking a tiger in the face over and over and over again certainly is Sunday stream [Music] imagine if Mario had to do that every time he jumped [Music] sometimes you jump sometimes you don't sometimes you jump sometimes [ __ ] you [Music] [Music] good good I was rooting for the bad guys what a [ __ ] horrible game it's so bad and not at all fun to play and that's why we're gonna do this game called try rush Debbie [Music] [Applause] this game came out about a month after Mario 64 on PC and two years after on Saturn you not this one though the previous one [Music] please set a new york new york plate [Music] yeah I like um probably a good idea to have a beer license plate on your motor vehicle you know the one place where you really shouldn't and can't drink little one [Music] you try rush rally [Music] Oh okay yeah [Music] yep [Music] bars with tits Oz with tits cars with tits taking over they show their bits [Music] vini don't feed into it those cars literally had Robertsons is this supposed to be Buffalo New York wow I didn't realize Buffalo was Manhattan and had bridges and giant buildings the same way New York City does I thought there was gonna be a racing game did not expect a platformer especially you haven't created a license plate oh you start in Manhattan and go to Buffalo oh my bad okay [Music] you need gas really nice animations great visual style it's yeah it's okay place again [Music] but maybe I'm just not getting it yet Mario Brothers star right there it's like you got some Mario you get some Sonic and you get cars right Domino pizza how you doing how can we help you a real New York Pizza Domino pizza data save sure now this is America this game American culture overload me money [Music] yeah I love people that are just spray-painting the word money here in the land of opportunity that can help me let me out car store [Music] welcome hell it's just a weird version of New York through the lens of a different culture right it's it's kind of cool though I gotta say I really dig the animations and and the weird vibe this game has it's unlike anything I've ever seen even though I played a million games similar it just has its own unique thing to it you play as a [ __ ] car and you need gas strange [Music] and then there were the honkers Ricardo [Music] so pretty cool we're pretty much done with this pack there is one more thing I can show you why not it's it's nothing that you haven't seen but I don't think there's really a whole lot I can show you because it's so early in the game but as some of you may know in a minute yes you know did I miss out on some games here because I had another folder but I think I deleted it hang on a second I was gonna play you know I was gonna play this last one then so let's just do it let's just play the last one see if I can even figure out how to load this thing yep so here's the last one that I'll show you and I had to use nut his Hawk for this one so it's Symphony of the Night there's a Saturn version that had some new stuff in it I'm not gonna be able to show it to you so hacked oh but you could play as Maria there was a different area different music Jesus it's trying its best but it just wants to be a car you we're gonna try again does Maria has a totally different play style than the PSP version really yeah we're not again we're not gonna be able to really see a whole lot of the Oh God should I play asthma yeah why not sure considering I've never actually played his Maria and Symphony of the Night this is a first for me also apparently two areas were fully fleshed-out that's where the secret garden would be I think right you got to unlock it that's accessible now you just have to come from the other way it's open around the time you reach the library okay I see so it does open up [Music] oh [ __ ] oh we're not getting the original theme here while we argue with you're getting vampire killer I think we're just it's different for all three characters oh cool sorry about that [Music] some of that sin [Music] [Music] it's trying I don't know what that yellow is look it's really not working out that great is it look yeah I'm using a thing called Chronos to play it and it's the disk is a little muddy Vinny can you fix the seizure line done [Music] [Music] just as I said the disk was muddy someone in chat named muddy says you rang every twitch name is taken [Music] [Music] I mean for me a lot of the fun of symphony of the night is collecting new weapons and armor and all that stuff got symphonies so good soonish order of ecclesia stream just give me a little bit more time before we do that one [Music] Vinny can you run through as Alucard so we can hear deaths voice ah at akkad what brings you to the castle dracula is ready for you [Music] [Applause] I'm under it like this probably yeah there's other like moves and combinations that you can do as Maria I don't know what they are exactly but okay that one's like a Hadouken glorious knuckle or Guardian knuckle yep Guardian dr. Gloria seductive well when it comes down to it there's some cool new stuff but this port is notoriously messy yeah yeah you can just randomly find combinations and even spending five minutes playing Symphony of the Night makes me really want to replay Symphony of the Night I'm not going to but one day there's you know it's just cool to see some different stuff in symphony I don't think I'd ever play the sake of the Saturn version even for the secret garden but doc but I'm awful anyway that is Sega Saturn curios I hope you enjoyed it I've loved so many of those cutscenes and intros and just cheesy voice acting it was just so great it's an era of gaming where they didn't quite figure out a lot of stuff and that includes 3d models as we've seen and as a result you get just a bunch of weird [ __ ] and crusts and like horny vampires absolutely mental
Channel: Vinesauce: The Full Sauce
Views: 99,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Fullsauce, Games, Funny, Sega Saturn, Sega, Three Dirty Dwarves, Brain Dead 13, Bulk Slash, Elevator Action Returns, Game Tengoku, Keio 2 Flying Squadron, RABBIT, Road Rash, Shinobi X, Time Commando, Tryrush Deppy, Castlevania, Symphony of the Night, Saturn Version
Id: Vlj_DjgzYi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 52sec (6532 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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